[Linley Sambourne (1844-1910)], ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch, artist and illustrator.] Three Autograph Letters Signed, one to 'Griffiths' and the others to different recipients.

Linley Sambourne [Edward Linley Sambourne] (1844-1910), ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch magazine, artist and illustrator [Harry Furniss (1854-1925), illustrator]
Publication details: 
ONE: 10 April 1889; on letterhead of Whitefriars, London. TWO (to 'Griffiths'): 14 October 1889; on embossed letterhead of 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington W. [London] THREE: 19 May 1890; 18 tafford Road, Kensington W [London]. THREE:

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. All three items signed 'Linley Sambourne'. All three in good condition, lightly aged and worn, and all folded for postage. ONE: 10 April 1889. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Begins 'Dear Sir / Mr Furniss [Harry Furniss, Punch illustrator] has kindly written enclosed & I am sending a boy to you at / 5, Clarendon Place / Hyde Park'.

[George Cruikshank, illustrator and engraver associated with Dickens.] Five original loose engravings from Cruikshank’s ‘Comic Alphabet’, and four steel engravings from ‘The Comic Almanac’.

George Cruikshank, illustrator and engraver associated with Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
The five ‘Comic Alphabet’ engravings from a work published in London in 1836. The four ‘Comic Almanac’ engravings among those published in London in that journal, in the 1830s and 1840s.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. ONE: Five engravings from the ‘Comic Alphabet’. All about 8 x 12 cm. Uncoloured. Originally part of a long single piece of paper, fan-folded. In good condition, lightly aged. Two laid down on pieces of grey paper (cut from an album).

[Wife of George Cruikshank] Autograph Letter Signed from 'E. Cruikshank' to Wright with autograph initials of George.

Eliza Cruikshank (wife of the English caricaturist George Cruikshank, 1792-1878); William Henry Kearley Wright (1844-1915), Plymouth antiquary and librarian and editor of the Ex Libris Society journal
Publication details: 
26 July 1877; 263 Hampstead Road.

One page, on paper roughly four and a half inches by seven wide. Very good on lightly aged paper. She is enclosing her husband's signature. '[H]e desires me to thank you for your clever and truthful verses of An appeal to the Protestants of England [Plymouth, 1873]; which he has seen before; and which we both most highly approve of.' The Cruikshanks are glad to hear that the Wrights have 'arrived Home safely'. George Cruikshank has written G.C. | born | Sep 27th 79. See Image

[John Leech, Victorian artist and caricaturist who illustrated the ‘Christmas Carol’ of Charles Dickens.] Conclusion of Autograph Letter to the poet Martin Farquhar Tupper, with Signature.

John Leech (1817-1864), Victorian artist and caricaturist who illustrated the ‘Christmas Carol’ of Charles Dickens [Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889), popular and much-lampooned Victorian poet]
John Leech (
Publication details: 
No place or date.
John Leech (

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The present item, is on one side of an 11 x 6.5 cm slip of paper, cut from a letter and laid down on a 12.5 x 8 cm piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Very slightly smudged by Leech. Reads: ‘[...] very low. until I see / you Believe me / Yours Ever Faithfully / John Leech. / Martin . F. Tupper Esq / &c. &c. &c.’ See Image. Leech illustrated at least one book by Tupper (The Crock of Gold).

[George Cruikshank, ‘the modern Hogarth’, nineteenth-century caricaturist and illustrator, associated with Charles Dickens.] Six original engravings, including illustrations of raucous scenes of life in London.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), 'the modern Hogarth', nineteenth-century British caricaturist and illustrator, associated with Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
All six from Cruikshank’s ‘Comic Almanac’, 1845.

The six items - all from Cruikshank’s ‘Comic Almanac’ for 1845 - are in fair condition, lightly aged, and have all been trimmed, with diagonals cut from the corners resulting in minor loss. The last has a small amount of loss to the bottom left-hand corner from removal from a mount. All six are signed in type by Cruikshank at bottom left. They are captioned: ‘Flying Artillery’ (gentlemen on bended knee, declaring their love to ladies, while Cupids shoot arrows from overhead), ‘The Day After - “St.

['Bert Thomas', British political cartoonist.] Copy of his book 'Close-ups Through a childs eyes / by Bert Thomas', with label bearing autograph inscription.

‘Bert Thomas’ [Herbert Samuel Thomas MBE (1883-1966)], British political cartoonist who contributed to Punch magazine and created British propaganda posters during the two world wars
'Bert Thomas'
Publication details: 
No date (circa 1943). 'A Tuck Book / Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd / Copyright Printed in England'.
'Bert Thomas'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A scarce item: no copy in the British Library and the only copies on COPAC at Cambridge and the V & A. In fair condition, lightly aged and with slight creasing to outer edge of front cover, on which a label has been laid down, carrying an inscription (repaired at one corner with archival tape) by Thomas: ‘From one child to another - Love and I cant thank you enough for everything - I’ll look forward to Janiuary - Muh love I’ll writer later’. A stapled pamphlet in brown card wraps. 16pp, landscape 8vo.

[F. Carruthers Gould [‘FCG’, Sir Francis Carruthers Gould], British caricaturist and cartoonist.] Eleven Autograph Letters Signed, each to a different correspondent (Sir George Newnes; Macleod Yearsley; Charles Hobhouse and others).

F. Carruthers Gould [Sir Francis Carruthers Gould; 'FCG'] (1844-1925), British caricaturist and cartoonist [Sir Charles Hobhouse; Sir George Newnes; Macleod Yearsley; Westminster Gazette]
Publication details: 
The eleven items dating between 1902 and 1910: seven of them on letterheads of 3 Endsleigh Street, Tavistock Square; the other four on letterheads of the Westminster Gazette, Tudor Street.

See Gould's entry in the Oxford DNB, with those of Newnes and Hobhouse. All eleven items are 12mo and signed ‘F Carruthers Gould’. Some show evidence of previous mounting. The collection is in good overall condition. As assistant editor of the Westminster Gazette he thanks Mrs Elizabeth Lee for her ‘suggestion about an article on the German Theatre’; and Macleod Yearsley for his ‘sketch of Macrurus’ (‘I already had the creature in my mind as the likeness is certainly a striking one’).

[Edmond Xavier Kapp, artist and caricaturist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Holbrook Jackson, complaining about payment for work for the magazine 'To-day', and 'contributor's copies'. With carbon copies of Jackson's forthright replies.

Edmond X. Kapp [Edmond Xavier Kapp] (1890-1978), British artist and caricaturist, of German-Jewish extraction [George Holbrook Jackson (1874-1948), author, journalists, publisher and bibliophile]
Publication details: 
Kapp's two letters: 20 and 25 January 1920; each on letterhead of The Studio, 32A Queen's Road, St. John's Wood, N.W.8 [London]. Holbrook Jackson's replies: 22 and 28 January 1920; neither with place.

A splendidly intemperate correspondent between contributor and publisher, almost worthy of one of Jackson's own bibliophile volumes. The four items are in fair condition, on aged and worn paper, one with paperclip stain, another with brass stud, and a third with staple holes; creasing to carbon copies. Kapp's handwriting is 'artistic', and his letterheads are unusually long 8vos. ONE: Kapp to Jackson, 20 January 1920. Signed 'E X Kapp'. 1p, 8vo. Begins: 'My dear Holbrook-Jackson, | Don't you feel you'd like to send me a copy or two of "To-Day" each time? I buy one or two as well, you know!

[Oxford Circuit in the 1880s.] 27 sketches and caricatures by Lauriston Leonard Batten of barristers (including Lord Loveburn; C. J. Darling), judges and others, including several court scenes; for fellow barrister the future Sir Richard Harington.

Lauriston Leonard Batten (1863-1934) [the Oxford Circuit in the late nineteenth century; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal]
Legal sketches
Publication details: 
The Oxford Circuit [Gloucester, Reading, Shrewsbury Assizes; Birmingham Assizes]. A few items dated to 1887, 1888, 1891, 1894.
Legal sketches

Lauriston Leonard Batten studied at Trinity College, Cambridge (see his entry in Alum. Cantab.). He was admitted at the Inner Temple in 1882 and called to the bar four years later. KC, 1905. Bencher, 1914. The present collection is from the papers of his colleague on the Oxford Circuit, Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), 12th baronet, who was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. Called to the Bar in 1886, he practised on the Oxford Circuit before taking up an appointment as a Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal in 1899.

[George Cruikshank, Victorian caricaturist, friend and illustrator of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Signature ('Geo Cruikshank').

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), Victorian caricaturist and book illustrator ('the modern Hogarth'), friend and illustrator of Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 2 x 8 cm slip of paper, cut from document. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on larger piece of white paper cut from leaf of an album. A distinctive, strong signature, reading 'Geo Cruikshank'. No other text. From the distinguished autograph collection of Richard Hunter, son of Ida Macalpine, whose collection of 7000 books relating to psychiatry is in Cambridge University Library.

Sir Francis Carruthers Gould ('FCG'), caricaturist and political cartoonist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould'), declining (as assistant editor of the Westminster Gazette), with much regret, an article by F. W. Sherwood.

F. Carruthers Gould [Sir Francis Carruthers Gould] (1844-1925), caricaturist and political cartoonist, who signed his work 'FCG'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Westminster Gazette, Tudor Street, Blackfriars, E.C. [London] 22 September 1896.

1p, 12mo. Aged and worn. Reads: 'I should very much like to use your article, but we are so crowded with matter that I am afraid there is little chance of finding space for a considerable time and I therefore return the MS with much regret.'

[C. J. Traviès, Swiss-born French artist and engraver.] Hand-coloured proof of his lithograph 'Club jesuitique'.

C. J. Traviès [Charles Joseph Traviès de Villers] (1804-1859), Swiss-born French artist, lithographer and caricaturist
Publication details: 
[Paris, 1830.] Only the title beneath the engraving; no publication details.

On one side of a 38 x 24 cm piece of wove paper with watermarked date 1828. In fair condition, lightly worn and creased. The engraving is roughly 21 cm square, and shows three figures gathered around a table, their arms tangled as they reach forward to sign a document.

['George' Strube, Daily Express political cartoonist.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both '”George” STRUBE') to journalist Collin Brooks, regarding the the photographic reproduction of a picture. With copy of a letter from Brooks.

'George' Strube [Sidney Conrad Strube] (1891-1956), Daily Express political cartoonist, receiving the highest salary in Fleet Street Collin Brooks (1893-1959), journalist, editor of Sunday Dispatch]
Publication details: 
On (different) letterheads of the Daily Express, Fleet Street, London. 18 April and 9 May 1947.

Both 1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with paperclip stain to first letter. Unusual signature, in block capitals. Both addressed to Brooks at the Savage Club, with both salutations to 'Collin'. ONE: 18 April 1947. Begins: 'My dear Collin, | I consulted my firend in the Process Department here and he said that a half-tone block would not be very successful, as there is a dash of colour in the picture and the half-tone would not bring it out very well. He thought that a photograph on a piece of Matt bromide paper would look much better and not spoil the detail of the drawing.

[ E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and caricaturist. ] Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart' of a page of portraits of seven legal figures from the Midland Circuit

E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and cartoonist [ The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet; the Midland Circuit; Assize Courts ]
Publication details: 
Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart': lithographed illustrations by E. C. Osborne & Son, New Street, Birmingham; theh page dated 19 March 1897. Facing page dated 16 March 1897.

2pp., 4to. Printed in black on the inner two pages of a bifolium. The left-hand page (i.e. verso of the first leaf) carries text, in two columns of small print, of a prospectus for a share flotation for 'Hanman's Cycle and Needle Co.', dated 16 March 1897. The facing right-hand page (i.e. the recto of the second leaf) is headed 'Twenty-first Year | No. 1,065.] The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart. [Friday, March 19th, 1897'. It carries Mountfort's lithographed illustrations, with a facsimile of his signature at bottom right, printed by 'E. C. OSBORNE & SON. LITHO. NEW ST.

[ George Cruikshank, English caricaturist. ] Albumen Carte-de-Visite portrait photograph and autograph signature.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English caricaturist ['the modern Hogarth'], friend and illustrator of Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
The London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company, 110 & 108 Regent Street, London. [1870 ]

The image is 8.7 x 6.2 cm, on part of printed London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company mount. In good condition, lightly-aged. The lower part of the mount has been cut away, and laid down over the lower part of the photograph is a 1 x 6.5 cm strip of paper, carrying Cruikshank's autograph signature ('Geoe Cruikshank'). The National Portrait Gallery copy of this image is NPG Ax17862.

[ Companion volumes illustrated by John Leech. ] 'The Comic Latin Grammar; A new and fracetious Introduction to the Latin Tongue' and 'The Comic English Grammar; A new and facetious Introduction to the English Tongue.'

[ Percival Leigh (1813-1889), satirist and humorist, contributor to 'Punch' [ John Leech (1817-1864), illustrator and caricaturist; Charles Tilt and Richard Bentley, London booksellers ]
Publication details: 
'Latin Grammar': London: Charles Tilt, Fleet Street. 1840. [ Printed by T. H. Coe, Old Change, St. Paul's. ] 'English Grammar': London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. 1840. [ Printed by Samuel Bentley, Bangor House, Shoe Lane. ]

Two good tight copies, on lightly aged paper, in worn original bindings with gilt decorations on front covers, with engravings on browning paper because of high acidity content. Both volumes with bookplate of Alan Angele and manuscript library shelf label. ONE: 'The Comic Latin Grammar'. 163 + [3]pp., 8vo. Eight engravings and numerous illustrations in text (the first engraving is positioned as frontispiece rather than at p.23 as specified).

[ Robert Scott Moncrieff of Fossaway, Perth, advocate, illustrator and caricaturist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R S M') to his mother, announcing in high-spirited terms the birth of his daughter Joanna.

Robert Scott Moncrieff (1793-1869) of Fossaway, Perth, advocate, illustrator and caricaturist, grandfather of General John Archibald Ballard (1829-1880)
Publication details: 
'Dalkeith | Saty Morning 27 July [ 1833 ].

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damage to second leaf from breaking of wafer. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mrs. Scott Moncrieff | 7 Fores Stt. | Edinb.' Docketted on same page: '27 July 1833 | R S M | announcing Joanna's birth'. The letter begins: 'My dearest Mother | I beg that you wd.

[ George Cruikshank, English caricaturist. ] Cabinet card photographic portrait of 'Mr George Cruikshank' by the London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English caricaturist and illustrator [ The London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company ]
Publication details: 
The London Stereoscopic Company, 110 & 108 Regent Street and 54 Cheapside [ London ]. Undated [ circa 1873? ].

Albumen print photograph, dimensions 15 x 10 cm. Mounted on 16.5 x 10.5 cm card. Printed in red ink on the reverse of the card are the firm's illustrated details ('Photoraphers to the Queen the Prince of Wales and other members of the Royal Family' and 'Prize Medal For Portraiture Vienna Exibitiion 1873.' In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The National Portrait Gallery lists four versions of this image, but not within an oval, as here.

[ Charles Cole, cartoonist. ] Signed photograph, accompanied by Typed Note Signed to 'Mr. Wakefield'.

Charles Cole, British cartoonist
Publication details: 
Note on letterhead of 'Charles Cole | Cartoonist', 1 Montrose Court NW11 [ London ]; 28 September 1945. Cole's inscription on photograph dated 1945.

ONE: TNS. 1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged with nick to corner. Letterhead features two small cartoons: a caricature of himself and a lion. Covering letter sending 'herewith my autograph for your collection'. TWO: Signed black and white portrait photograph of Cole. 8 x 5.5 cm. In good condition. Signed at bottom right: 'Sincerely | Charles Cole | 1945'. Cole has rather disappeared under the radar.

[ Linley Sambourne. ] Large printed 'Memorial Card', carrying engraving of 'the Liberal Monument to Mr. Gladstone erected within the Palace of Westminster'.

Linley Sambourne [ Edward Linley Sambourne ] (1844-1910), English cartoonist and illustrator who worked with Punch [ William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. 'Linley Sambourne invt et delt V & C'.

Printed in black on one side of a 19 x 29 cm piece of stiff card, with rounded corners. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with 4cm vertical closed tear at head. The memorial to a stern-faced Gladstone is depicted - a setting sun blazing behind it - between two mythical seated women, Justice on the right, and a hooded woman with a hand mirror on the left. In the background are the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. The card is made out in manuscript to 'Edward C Young' (with '186357' at foot), and the caption at the foot reads: 'This Memorial Card was issued to [ Edward C Young.

[ George Cruikshank, artist and illustrator. ] Contemporary manuscript catalogue of 264 books with illustrations by Cruikshank, and newspaper cuttinng of long obituary ('Death of George Cruikshank') from the Daily News, and two other cuttings.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English artist and illustrator [ Charles Dickens ]
Publication details: 
The catalogue without place or date. [London, 1860s?]

12pp., 4to. On the twelve leaves of a ruled notebook, stitched into buff wraps. Internally in good condition, in heavily-worn wraps, with 'G Cruikshank' in the same hand on the front cover. The entries are arranged in eight sections: 1811-1821 (61 items); 'No Date' (36 items); 1826-1830 (23 items); 1831-1840 (51 items); 1841-1850 (45 items); 1851-1861 (33 items); 1862-[1867] (7 items); and a final section of eight items from between 1811 and 1824. The penultimate section is headed '1862 to [blank]', indicating that the catalogue was a work in progress, and the latest items are dated 1867.

[ 'Low' (David Low), cartoonist. ] Caricature of 'Lord Moynihan, Incisor', laying a wreath before the Venus de Milo, printed on cover of a 'Ladies' Night' menu for 'The 506th Meeting of Ye Sette of Odd Volumes'.

'Low' [ Sir David Alexander Cecil Low (1891-1963) ], British cartoonist of New Zealand extraction [ Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, London literary dining club; Lord Moynihan [Berkeley Moynihan, 1st Baron] ]
Publication details: 
[Menu for Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, 506th Meeting ('Ladies' Night'), 23 June 1936. ] Printed at the Pelican Press, 2 Carmelite Street, London, E.C.4.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium on card. In good condition, lightly-aged. A bold and characteristic cartoon by Low, depicting the evening's chairman. The central two pages, under the heading 'LADIES' NIGHT', give a humorous description of the planned celebrations, beginning: 'The June Meeting of the Sette is nominally dedicated to the graces of feminine society. Actually, it is an overt act of self glorification on the part of the individual members of the Sette.' Among those referred to are: 'the Master of Ceremonies, Bro. S. K. Glanville (Ushabti)', 'Bro. Vyvyan Holland (Idler)', 'Bro J. G.

[David Low (1891-1963), cartoonist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Anglo-Irish poet Sylvia Lynd, a letter of condolence on the death of her husband Robert Lynd.

David Low [Sir David Alexander Cecil Low] (1891-1963), New Zealand-born British cartoonist [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of the essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 3 Rodborough Road, Golders Green. 9 October 1949

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. On behalf of himself and his wife Madeline he writes: 'Like everybody that knew Robert we shall miss him keenly - For me the world will be a poorer place. Words don't come easily to me to express my sorrow.'

[Joseph Simpson, English artist and cartoonist.] Signed proofs of six prints, caricaturing George Bernard Shaw; Maxim Gorky; Hall Caine; Thomas Hardy; Algernon Charles Swinburne and J. Pierpont Morgan' ['London Opinion' and 'Lions'].

Joseph Simpson (1879-1939), English artist, engraver and cartoonist [George Bernard Shaw; Maxim Gorky; Gabriele D'Annunzio; Thomas Hardy; Algernon Charles Swinburne]
Publication details: 
[First published in the weekly magazine 'London Opinion'. Reprinted in the book 'Lions', published in New York and San Francisco by Morgan Shepard Co., [1906].]

Simpson was a native of Carlisle in Cumbria, and came to London in the early years of the twentieth century, where he was encouraged by Frank Brangwyn to take up etching. In 1918 he was made official artist with the new Royal Air Force. The National Portrait Gallery has eight of Simpson's works, but none of the present six, which are all in the style of the artist's portrait ('ink, irregular') of the Earl of Halsbury, present in the Gallery's collection.Each of the six caricatures is printed in black within a 17 x 12 cm border.

[E. J. Sullivan, English book illustrator.] Page of pencil sketches of girls dancing, captioned 'The poppy', 'Sheperdess' and 'Mamma's [sic] little Alabama Coon'.

E. J. Sullivan [Edmund Joseph Sullivan] (1869-1933), English book illustrator
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Circa 1894?]

1p., 4to (22.5 x 18cm). On laid paper. In fair condition, aged and with slight chipping. The sketches are crude but attractive, headed with a line of three girls in black stockings and petticoats shaking a leg, with the phrase 'The poppy' in the top left-hand corner, and a line of girls at the foot, with an oriental male figure with cane in the background, captioned 'Mamma's Alabama Coon'. Two sketches of the 'Shepherdess' at bottom right, with usual broad-brimmed hat and crook. Hattie Starr's 'Little Alabama Coon' took London by storm in 1894.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Sybil Mc.Donnell') from Lady Sybil Mary McDonnell, daughter of the 6th Earl of Antrim, to Cecily Parker of Chester, discussing their autograph collections, and enclosing a caricature of her French teacher 'Tottie'.

Lady Sybil Mary McDonnell (1876-1959), daughter of William Randall McDonnell (1851-1918), 6th Earl of Antrim, and from 1897 wife of Vivian Hugh Smith, 1st Baron Bicester
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Glenarm Castle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. 'Friday' and 'Sunday' [both in envelope postmarked 29 May 1891].

Entertaining letters reflecting the privileged childhood of a member of the Irish nobility in the late Victorian period. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in aged envelope, with stamps and postmarks, addressed to 'Miss C. Parker | The Paddocks | Eccleston | Chester'. Letter One: 'Friday'. 1p., 12mo. She is sending 'some autographs which Mother gave me' (not present), and has 'put whoose [sic] they are on their backs in pencil'. She has 'no time to write now' as she is 'going out riding'.

Leaf from the notebook of the Victorian artist George Cruikshank, carrying two pages of serious sketches, each signed by him 'Geo Cruikshank'.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English caricaturist and illustrator
Leaf from the notebook of the Victorian artist George Cruikshank
Publication details: 
Undated, but on paper with watermarked date 1824.
Leaf from the notebook of the Victorian artist George Cruikshank

In ink on both sides of a 4to leaf of wove paper, watermarked 'J GREEN & SON / 1824'. None of Cruikshank's drawing or writing is affected, but one corner of the leaf has been cut away, and there is another thin strip cut from another. Fair, on aged paper. One page carries a full-length drawing of a bearded athletic man in shorts and sandals, making a sweeping theatrical gesture with his right hand, and holding a spear in his left. Beneath the drawing is Cruikshank's signature, and a study of the left foot.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould') from the cartoonist Francis Carruthers Gould to Eliot P. J. Reed.

Francis Carruthers Gould [F. Carruthers Gould] (1844-1925), British caricaturist and political cartoonist [Pall Mall Gazette; Westminster Gazette]
Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould')
Publication details: 
12 May 1902; on letterhead of the Westminster Gazette, Tudor Street, Whitefriars, EC.
Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould')

12mo, 2 pp. Eighteen lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Reed'. He thanks him for his note and is glad he likes the cartoon on 'the Educational Model'. He had 'been hoping the Tories would tread on the Nonconformists' toes to shut them up and now they have done it.' He doubts whether his agent has sold the original drawing, and is writing to him 'to let you have an offer if possible'.

Coloured engraving: 'Copy of the Transparency exhibited at Ackermann's Repository of Arts, During the Illuminations of the 5th and 6th of November, 1813, In Honour of the Splendid Victories obtained by The Allies over the Armies of France, at Leipsic

Thomas Rowlandson [Rudolph Ackermann, Repository of Arts, Strand, London; Napoleon Bonaparte; Regency caricature]
Publication details: 
Date, place and publisher not stated. [London: R. Ackermann, 1813.]

On a piece of good wove paper, roughly 415 x 260 mm. Dimensions of engraving 180 x 220 mm. On aged paper and with the margins of the leaf trimmed. Laid down along the right hand margin runs a strip of blue paper, 30 x 410 mm, which it may be possible for a professional restorer to remove. This edges the border of the print (which is clear and entire) and overlaps a few letters of the text. Neatly coloured in sombre tones.

Allegorical coloured engraved portrait of 'Bernadotte', with explanation, 'Drawn & Etchd by W Heath'.

William Heath ('Paul Pry'); Rudolph Ackermann, publisher, 'The Repository of the Arts', Strand [Napoleon Bonaparte; Battle of Leipzig, 1814; Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte; Charles XIV John, King of Sweden]
Publication details: 
Pub March 4th 1814 R Akermann Strand'.

BM 13489. Landscape. On a piece of wove paper, roughly 215 x 305 mm. Good, on heavily-aged paper and with strip of blue paper mount adhering to the blank reverse. The title 'BERNADOTTE' is at the head, and the publication details and caption at the foot. Shows Bernadotte in martial pose and uniform, riding his white horse over a fearsome serpent. He wears a sash on which are written the words 'Leipsic' and 'Victory'.

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