[Mary Anne Clarke; Duke of York] Handbill satire on the Duke of York, entitled 'Love a-la-mode, or, My Darling; A Duett, As Sung by An Overseer of the United Parishes of John Bull and St. George's, and Mrs. Clarke, late of Gloucester Place Theatre.'

[Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany; Mary Anne Clarke (1776-1852)]
Mary Anne Clarke
Publication details: 
[circa 1809] 'Printed and Published by J. Lowe, No 27, Bakers Row, Whitehcapel Road.'
Mary Anne Clarke

Printed on one side of a piece of laid paper, watermarked with date 1808, roughly 34.5 x 21 cm. Very good. Illustration at head, coloured in red and green, roughly 6.5 x 10 cm.

[Anatomical plates by Carlo Cesio, published by Luis Fabri.] ‘Cognizione de Muscoli del Corpo Umano / Per uso di disegno / Opera / di Carlo Cesio’.

Carlo Cesio [Carlo Cesi] (1622-1682), Baroque painter and engraver of the Roman school; Luigi Fabri [Aloisio Fabri; Luis Fabri] (1777-1835), Roman engraver and publisher
Publication details: 
[Early nineteenth century.] ‘In Roma presso Luigi Fabri, Via del Bufalo No. 141.’

First published in Rome in 1679 as ‘Cognitione [sic] de muscoli del corpo humano per il disegno’. The present edition is scarce. JISC LHD suggests that there is no copy in the United Kingdom (not even at the Wellcome), and WorldCat lists only four: at Harvard, Boston Athenaeum, Michigan and Padua University. 18pp, folio, on the rectos of eighteen leaves, of which the first is a new title-page and the second carries the text ‘A chi studio il disegno’ by ‘Carlo Cesio’. Dimensions of plate 21 x 34 cm; dimensions of leaf 33 x 44 cm.

[George Cruikshank, ‘the modern Hogarth’, nineteenth-century caricaturist and illustrator, associated with Charles Dickens.] Six original engravings, including illustrations of raucous scenes of life in London.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), 'the modern Hogarth', nineteenth-century British caricaturist and illustrator, associated with Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
All six from Cruikshank’s ‘Comic Almanac’, 1845.

The six items - all from Cruikshank’s ‘Comic Almanac’ for 1845 - are in fair condition, lightly aged, and have all been trimmed, with diagonals cut from the corners resulting in minor loss. The last has a small amount of loss to the bottom left-hand corner from removal from a mount. All six are signed in type by Cruikshank at bottom left. They are captioned: ‘Flying Artillery’ (gentlemen on bended knee, declaring their love to ladies, while Cupids shoot arrows from overhead), ‘The Day After - “St.

[Oriental Customs and Manners, as viewed in Georgian England.] Two original hand-coloured copperplate engravings, both published in London by John Joseph Stockdale, and both ‘A Freschi sculpsit’: ‘INDIAN INK’ and ‘MONKEYS GATHERING TEA.’

Andrea Freschi (1774-1815), Italian engraver active in London [John Joseph Stockdale (c.1770-1847), London publisher and pornographer [Oriental customs and manners]
Publication details: 
One of the two ‘Pubd. 25 April 1812 by I. I. Stockdale [i.e. John Joseph Stockdale], 41 Pall Mall’. The other from same period.

Two attractive small original hand-coloured copperplate engravings. Both in good condition, lightly aged, and each with slight traces of previous mount on blank reverse. ONE: Captioned at foot ‘A Freschi sculpsit | MONKEYS GATHERING TEA. | Pubd. 25 April 1812 by H. Stockdale, 41 Pall Mall’. Portrait: 10.5 x 17.5 cm. Depicts a Chinese man beneath a tree taking leaves from a monkey on the ground, whilst three other monkeys in the tree collect more leaves. TWO: Captioned at foot ‘A Freschi sculpsit | INDIAN INK.’ No place or date. Landscape: 17.5 x 10.5 cm. Depicts three men preparing the ink.

[Engraving by John Pye, from drawing by Robert Balmanno, printed by John Johnson (of the Lee Priory Press).] Engraving of 'Cenotaph erected at Stoke Park, to the Memory of the Poet Gray.' With text including the 'Inscriptions on the Cenotaph'.

John Johnson (1777-1848), typographer and printer (at the Lee Priory Press of Sir Egerton Brydges); Robert Balmanno (1780-1861), connoisseur; John Pye (1782-1874), engraver; Thomas Gray
Publication details: 
'Johnson, Typ.' 1818.

On 34 x 27 cm unwatermarked laid paper. Dimensions of plate 34 x 23 cm. Dimensions of print 5.1 x 7.4 cm. Dimensions of print and text 15 x 7.4 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged, spotted and creased, with stub from album adhering to one margin. This is an early state of a print of which the British Library has a copy (acquired in 1867) of the undated third state, dated to 1820, carrying only four lines of text rather than the substantial amount present here. The present copy has, engraved in small letters immediately beneath the print: 'Robt. Balmanno delt. 1818. Jno.

[ Nineteenth-century Boston children's book with hand-coloured illustrations by Chandler and Duran. ] The Delectable Historie of the Cat and the Rabbits.

'G. W. Cottrell, Publisher, Bookseller, Stationer, and Valentine Dealer, No. 36 Cornhill, Boston' [ Chandler and Duran, Massachussetts ]
Publication details: 
Boston: G. W. Cottrell, Publisher. ('Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by CHANDLER & DURAN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachussetts.')

29pp., small 4to. Stitched into card covers. Internally in fair condition, in aged and worn covers repaired along the spine with brown tape. There are eleven hand-coloured engravings: one on the cover, a frontispiece, two vignettes (at the beginning and end of the poem) and seven full-page illustrations in the body of the poem (six of them with blank reverses). The cover illustration, frontispiece, and all but two of the full-page engravings are attributed to Chandler and Duran.

[ Captain Edward Pelham Brenton, Royal Navy officer and naval historian. ] Autograph Signature ('Edwd P Brenton') to list of nine 'Plates not returned'.

Captain Edward Pelham Brenton (1774-1839), Royal Navy officer involved in the 1809 capture of Martinique, controversial naval historian and charity worker
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with dog-eared corners at foot. Brenton's florid signature is placed at the foot of a numbered list headed 'Plates not returned'. The plates are all on maritime themes, and may be connected with his 'Naval History of Great Britain from the Year 1783 to 1822' (1823) or his 'Life and Correspondence of John, Earl of St. Vincent ' (1838): 'St. Vincent By Beechey | Howe | Battle of Trafalgar | St Johns New Fd Land | Scheldt | Algiers | Sir Charles Pole | Lord Duncan | Copenhagen'.

[ Thomas Fisher, artist and antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Fisher') to <J. T. Home?>, regarding 'plates of [Chinese?] symbols'

Thomas Fisher (1772-1836), artist and antiquary
Publication details: 
19 September 1825. Place not stated [ London? ].

1p., 4to. In fair condition, somewhat aged and worn. The letter reads: 'My dear friend | On examining your plates of symbols I find no perceptible [corrected from 'practicable'] difference between Nos 154 & 155; although the former is described as a dog and the latter as a hairy shaggy dog. Is the fact so? Excuse the freedom of yours | very sincerely | Thos. Fisher'. Fisher's letter may be connected with Robert Morrison's 'Dictionary of the Chinese Language' (1815-1823), which has a symbol for 'A hairy, shaggy dog.'

[ From the stock of Henry Grey of Acton?] Collection of 114 genealogical and heraldic items, relating to British families, including manuscript and printed pedigrees, engraved coats of arms (including proofs) and armorial bookplates.

[ Henry Grey of Acton, genealogical bookseller; genealogy; heraldry; heraldic; bookplates ]
Publication details: 
[ Henry Grey, 1 Churchfield Road East, Acton, London? ] Ranging in date from the eighteenth century to the early twentieth century.

114 items, ranging in size and format. Many are extracted from eighteenth and nineteenth century English and French volumes. In fair condition, with signs of age and wear. Containing a few duplicates. Perhaps indicating provence is the presence, with two other items in a folder titled 'Hunt Family of Ireland', of a TLS to Grey from W. H. Hunt of Selkirk, 25 February 1923, asking him to supply genealogical 'extracts'. Of the present collection, the pedigrees, variously in manuscript, printed and engraved, are 24 in number.

[ Alfred Benjamin Wyon, medallist. ] Pencil drawing of crown, captioned in ink 'Scottish Crown.'

Alfred Benjamin Wyon (1837-1884), sculptor and medallist, with shop at 287 Regent St, London
Publication details: 
With stamp of 'WYON | REGENT ST' [ Alfred Benjamin Wyon, 287 Regent St, London ].Undated.

On one side of a 12 x 13 cm piece of paper. On aged paper with four folds. The crown is drawn in pencil, and is 2.5 x 2.75 cm. The caption, in ink, is below, and reads: 'Scottish crown. | Drawing to be returned.' Between the two lines of text is the firm's stamp, made up of perforated lettering. Presumably a design for a letterhead, or other engraving.

[ Louis Haghe, lithographer and watercolourist. ] Autograph Signature.

Louis Haghe (1806-1865), Belgian lithographer and watercolour artist, based in England
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

The signature 'Louis Haghe' on 0.8 x 5 cm. piece of grey paper, evidently cut from a letter. In good condition, close cropped and lightly aged.

[ Emilio Marolda, ] Elegant engraved ticket of invitation, illustrated with six cherubs, inviting 'Mr. George Bodleys' [ Gothic Revival architect George Frederick Bodley ] to the 'Fête d'Ouverture' of his 'nouvel [sic] atelier' in London.

Emilio Marolda, Sicilian interior designer, artist and decorator [ George Frederick Bodley (1827-1907), Gothic revival architect ]
Publication details: 
74a Margaret Street, Cavendish Square [London]. Thursday 1 July [c.1881?].

Printed in black on one side of 13.5 x 18.5 cm card. Plate dimensions 11.5 x 16 cm. Aged and spotted. An attractive and elegant production with both illustration and text engraved. The illustration, with engraved signature of 'E Marolda' shows six putti playing with a string of foliage, with one in the bottom left-hand corner swathed in ribbon and standing beside an architectural feature. The text reads: 'Les Muses réunies prient ['Mr. George Bodleys' inserted in mansucript] de vouloir bien honorer de ['sa' inserted] presence le nouvel atelier de Sigr.

[ Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Co., London printsellers. ] Itemised manuscript invoice to 'John Edward Taylor Esq', signed by 'J. W. Wood', including commission on 42 lots purchased for him at the 'Percy Sale'.

Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Company, Printsellers by Appointment to her Majesty, London [ John Edward Taylor (1830-1905), owner of the Manchester Guardian and notable art collector ]
Publication details: 
Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Company, 14 Pall Mall East, 'S.W. next the College of Physicians', London. On the firm's engraved billhead. 'Midsr. [i.e. Midsummer] 1890'.

Taylor's collecting activities are described in his entry in the Oxford DNB. His collection was sold by his widow in 1912 for the massive sum of £358,500.3pp., folio. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Tastefully-printed billhead, as one might expect, in black and red, with royal crests, boasting that the firm are 'Printsellers by Appointment to her Majesty, | Their Royal Highnesses The Prince Consort, The Prince of Wales, and the Duchess of Kent'. Also the text: 'Established 1760. | Half price allowed for packing cases if returned immediately'.

[British Army in India (a supplies scandal?)] Eight highly-finished, capable caricatures by 'C', involving a Raj (army supplies?) scandal, 'Bilk', 'Jemadar Amwalla and the Old Atasi Troupe', 'Mahomed Arif & Co', 'the G. C. M.', and the Madras Times.

'C'. [British Army in the Raj, 1913; British India; Cannanore [Kannur], Kerala; Mahomed Arif & Co.; Jemadar Amwalla ]
Publication details: 
Two dated from Cannanore [Kannur, Kerala, India], one to December 1913 and the other simply to 1913.

Eight witty and attractive caricatures, in a sub-Punch style. All eight in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Each in black ink on a separate piece of paper, five of them 33.5 x 21.5 cm, and three of them 21 x 17 cm. The context of the caricatures is at present obscure, but would undoubtedly make itself clear with specialist research. The five largest illustrations are: ONE: Caption: 'Please to remember | The twenty-seventh of November | The "Bilk-Powder" treason and plot'.

'The Chinese Bridge & Pagoda, | Erected in the Park, in commemoration of the Glorious Peace of 1814.' [Handcoloured engraving by John Heaviside Clark from Matthew Dubourg.]

Matthew Dubourg (fl.1786-1838), artist; John Heaviside Clark (c.1771-1836), Scottish engraver; Edward Orme (1775-1848), London printseller [Chinese bridge and pagoda, St James's Park, London, 1814]
Publication details: 
'Published and Sold Augt. 12th. 1814, by EDWD. ORME, Publisher to his Majesty and H.R.H. the Prince Regent, Bond Street (corner of Brook Str.) London.'

In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with discoloration to the reverse showing through slightly at corners. Dimensions: paper 23 x 32 cm; plate 20 x 30 cm; image 15 x 23 cm.

[Sir Thomas Dalrymple Hesketh.] Signed Autograph Address ('Thos. D. Hesketh' )'To the Gentlemen, Clergy and Freeholders of the County Palatine of Lancaster'. With two engravings by W. Le Petit of the Old Hall, Rufford, from drawings by G. Pickering.

Sir Thomas Dalrymple Hesketh, 3rd Baronet (1777-1842) of Rufford, Lancashire [Rufford Old Hall; William Alexander Le Petit, engraver; George Pickering, artist]
Publication details: 
Letter from Rufford Hall [Lancashire]. 17 November 1829.

The three items are attached to leaves removed from an album. All three are in good condition, on lightly aged paper. The address is 2pp., 4to. 30 lines of text. It begins: 'Gentlemen, | I should be wanting in every proper feeling of duty and respect to you and to the County of Lancaster at large, after what passed at the last General Election I were not to avail myself of the opportunity afforded me by Mr. Blackburne's address, of relieving the County from all suspence as to the part I amy be expected to take, whenever He (Mr.

Engravings of Hawaii, Tahiti, Tonga, New Guinea, Fiji, Pitcairn Islands, etc., from De Sainson, and map of Tonga, in Vol.2 [Tomo II] of the Spanish edition of Dumont D'Urville's 'Voyage Pittoresque' ('Viaje Pintoresco al Rededor del Mundo').

M. Dumont D'Urville, Capitan de Navio [Louis Auguste de Sainson (1801-1887), official artist on board Dumont D'Urville's L'Astrolabe, during its three months' tour of New Zealand in 1827]
Publication details: 
Barcelona. Imprenta y Libreria de Juan Oliveres, Calle de Escudellers, Núm. 53. 1841.

The 90 plates (uncoloured steel engravings) are in 4to format, in good condition, with some having creasing to corners (not affecting the illustrations themselves), on lightly-aged paper, in the second volume of the work ([6] + 382pp., 4to), which is in a worn contemporary brown leather half-binding with marbled paper covers. These show views, fauna, inhabitants, atrefacts, and incidents on D'Urville's voyage. Also present is a fold-out map (Gravé par Ambroise Tardieu') titled 'Carte des Iles Tonga pour servir au Voyage pittoresque autour du Monde par M. D'Urville.

Engravings of New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania, etc., from De Sainson, and two maps, in Vol.3 [Tomo III] of the Spanish edition of Dumont D'Urville's 'Voyage Pittoresque' ('Viaje Pintoresco al Rededor del Mundo').

M. Dumont D'Urville, Capitan de Navio [Louis Auguste de Sainson (1801-1887), official artist on board Dumont D'Urville's L'Astrolabe, during its three months' tour of New Zealand in 1827]
Publication details: 
Barcelona. Imprenta y Libreria de Juan Oliveres, Calle de Escudellers, Núm. 53. 1841.

The 77 plates (uncoloured steel engravings) are in 4to format, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in the third volume of the work ([4] + 318 + [1]pp., 4to), which is in a worn contemporary brown leather half-binding with marbled paper covers. Most of the plates carry two half-page illustrations. 28 of the plates (between pp.66 and 167; and carrying 52 illustrations, 48 of them half-page and 4 full-page) concern New Zealand, Australia and Tasmania, with the majority relating to New Zealand. These show views, fauna, inhabitants, atrefacts, and incidents on D'Urville's voyage.

[William Monk, engraver.] Proof on large paper of his own self-designed bookplate ('W. MONK | HOGARTH STVDIOS'), depicting a peacock looking out onto a country sunrise from a wooden balcony. With five-line quotation from Chaucer.

William Monk (1863-1937), engraver, based at Hogarth Studios, Charlotte Street, London, best-known for his 'Calendarium Londinense'
Publication details: 
'W. MONK | HOGARTH STVDIOS' [Hogarth Studios, Charlotte Street, London.] Undated [1890s?].

Dimensions of etching 13 x 9 cm. Dimensions of plate 14.5 x 10.5 cm. Dimensions of page 32 x 25.5 cm. The image itself in excellent condition, the borders aged, with wear and closed tears to extremities.

[Charles Dickens.] Proof before the letters on India paper of steel engraving by Robert Graves of portrait of Dickens by Daniel Maclise. From the collection of Lumb Stocks, RA.

[Robert Graves (1798-1873), ARA, engraver; Daniel Maclise (1806-1870), RA, artist; Charles Dickens; Lumb Stocks (1812-1892), RA, steel engraver]
Publication details: 
[London. 1839.]

Dimensions of engraving 12 x 10cm. Paper size 24 x 16cm. Mount size 50 x 34cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with no foxing. Card mount with light spotting and wear to extremities. No engraved text whatsoever. Stocks has written in light pencil at the foot of the paper: 'Chas. Dickens | Painted by D. Maclise R.A Engd. by Robt. Graves ARA'. Surprisingly scarce.

[Original drawings for Punch cartoons; women] Four original ink drawings, later engraved and published Punch, on the subjects: women on bicycles, ice skating, women in the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, punting.

'F. C.' [original drawings for cartoons in Punch, or the London Charivari]
Publication details: 
The cartoons were published in Punch (London): 26 August 1865; 18 May and 2 June 1866; 18 May 1869.

Four charming and amusing cartoons from Punch's golden age. All four are executed in a similar style, but the identity of the cartoonist or cartoonists is unknown. (The first of the two cartoons in Item Two below, as published by Punch, has the monogram signature 'F C' engraved in the bottom right-hand corner. No Punch cartoonist with these initials is apparent.) ONE: Captioned: 'Another Brilliant Idea, Only Brillianter!' 21 x 13.5cm. In good condition, on leaf of browned high-acidity paper torn from a notebook. Two men idle in a punt while two women hold up sheets.

[Joseph Simpson, English artist and cartoonist.] Signed proofs of six prints, caricaturing George Bernard Shaw; Maxim Gorky; Hall Caine; Thomas Hardy; Algernon Charles Swinburne and J. Pierpont Morgan' ['London Opinion' and 'Lions'].

Joseph Simpson (1879-1939), English artist, engraver and cartoonist [George Bernard Shaw; Maxim Gorky; Gabriele D'Annunzio; Thomas Hardy; Algernon Charles Swinburne]
Publication details: 
[First published in the weekly magazine 'London Opinion'. Reprinted in the book 'Lions', published in New York and San Francisco by Morgan Shepard Co., [1906].]

Simpson was a native of Carlisle in Cumbria, and came to London in the early years of the twentieth century, where he was encouraged by Frank Brangwyn to take up etching. In 1918 he was made official artist with the new Royal Air Force. The National Portrait Gallery has eight of Simpson's works, but none of the present six, which are all in the style of the artist's portrait ('ink, irregular') of the Earl of Halsbury, present in the Gallery's collection.Each of the six caricatures is printed in black within a 17 x 12 cm border.

[Printed Paris art magazine.] Copy of 'L'Estampe et l'Affiche' [The Print and the Poster], with illustrated article by Michel-Hilaire Clément-Janin on Alphonse Legros, and short obituary of Aubrey Beardsley by 'E. de C.' [E. de Crauzat]

Michel-Hilaire Clément-Janin and André Mellerio, editors of the Paris art magazine 'L'Estampe et l'Affiche'. [Alphonse Legros; E. de Crauzat]
Publication details: 
50 Rue St. Anne, Paris. 15 Janvier [January] 1899.

24pp., 4to, paginated 71-94. In brown wraps, printed in black and brown, with illustration by P. Ruty on the cover. Bifolium of advertisements (4pp., 4to) loosely inserted between cover and first leaf. In fair condition, with the first page browned by the loosely inserted advertisements. Wraps (stamped 'Spécimen') chipped and worn. The article on Legros covers pp.71-79; and the Beardsley obituary is on p.90. Also present is a seven-page article (83-89) on 'Murailles'by E. de Crauzat.

[Robert Walton, London printer and printseller.] Two engravings: 'IULIUS CESAR. I' and 'AUGUSTUS II', with their reverses carrying manuscript accounts relating to farm rents [in Polmear, Cornwall, and owned by the Rashleigh family?].

Robert Walton, seventeenth-century printer and printseller, at the Sign of the Globe, St Paul's Churchyard [Rashleigh family of Polmear, Cornwall?]
Publication details: 
'<P>rinted and Sold by Rob: Walton at the Globe <...> the West end of St. Pauls Church [...] Ludgate | <N>ow sold in Bow-Church-Yard.' Seventeenth century. Manuscript accounts on reverses with entries dating from 1775 to 1802 [Polmear, Cornwall?]

BBTI has Walton trading between 1647 and 1688. Both prints roughly 17.5 x 12 cm. Both in fair condition, on aged paper. The first - 'IULIUS CESAR I' - has a rough edge on the right and a trimmed edge on the left. It shows Caesar in martial dress on horseback, beneath which: '

rinted and Sold by Rob: Walton at the Globe <...> the West end of St. Pauls Church turning to Ludgate | ow sold in Bow-Church-Yard.' At the foot of the engraving is a six line poem, beginning 'By ciuill wars unto the Empire came'. '151' in bottom right-hand corner.

[Edward Smith, engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd. Smith') to the London book and print seller John Martin, stating his terms for engraving 'the Game Keeper after W. Hunt'.

Edward Smith (c.1780-c.1849), Scottish engraver, based in London [John Martin, bookseller, and printseller, of the London firm of Rodwell & Martin]
Publication details: 
3 College Street, Camden Town. 28 March 1831.

1p., 4to. In very good condition, neatly placed within a windowpane mount. Addressed at head to 'Mr. John Martin'. Laying out, in detail, the 'Terms on which I agree to engrave the Game Keeper after W. Hunt'. The terms are described over twelve lines, beginning: 'The Engraving to be 7 by 5 inches in my best manner, the charge to be seventy Guineas, one third to be paid on the Etching, the remainder on delivery of the work, which I undertake to do in about four months.'

[Peltro William Tomkins, drawing master to the royal family.] Autograph Letter Signed ('P W Tomkins') to 'Gentlemen' [booksellers] regarding 'Dr Clarkes Plates' and the desire of the bearer of the letter to be employed as an engraver.d

Peltro William Tomkins (1759-1840), engraver and draughtsman, drawing master to the family of King George III
Publication details: 
53 New Bond Street [London]. 14 March 1809.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper, laid down on a grey-paper mount. The letter is addressed 'Gentlemen'. In the first paragraph he explains that having received their letter, he sent 'Dr Clarkes Plates [...] to the Writing Engravers but have not as yet received them back'. He has sent the bearer of the present letter to find out when they will be done, and he has been told to tell them the answer he receives. The second paragraph reveals that the bearer of the letter is himself an engraver: 'I understand that he applied to you for the engraving of one of your Portrait Plates.

[John Hassell, artist and engraver.] Autograph Note Signed ('J Hassell'), arranging to offer 'something interesting' to an unnamed employee of the London printseller 'Mr Boydell' [either John Boydell or his nephew Josiah Boydell].

John Hassell (1767-1825), watercolour painter and engraver [John Boydell (1720-1804), artist and London printseller; his nephew Josiah Boydell (1752-1817)]
Publication details: 
'Thursday Morng [no date] | 11 Clements Inn'.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-stained paper. The note reads: 'Dr Sir, | I shall do myself the pleasure of waiting upon you the beginning of the week, when I hope to have something interesting to shew you for Mr Boydell - believe me | Dr Sir | Yrs truly | J Hassell'.

[Peltro William Tomkins, drawing master to the royal family.] Autograph Letter Signed ('P W Tomkins') to 'Gentlemen' [booksellers] regarding 'Dr Clarkes Plates' and the desire of the bearer of the letter to be employed as an engraver.d

Peltro William Tomkins (1759-1840), engraver and draughtsman, drawing master to the family of King George III
Publication details: 
53 New Bond Street [London]. 14 March 1809.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper, laid down on a grey-paper mount. The letter is addressed 'Gentlemen'. In the first paragraph he explains that having received their letter, he sent 'Dr Clarkes Plates [...] to the Writing Engravers but have not as yet received them back'. He has sent the bearer of the present letter to find out when they will be done, and he has been told to tell them the answer he receives. The second paragraph reveals that the bearer of the letter is himself an engraver: 'I understand that he applied to you for the engraving of one of your Portrait Plates.

[John Hassell, artist and engraver.] Autograph Note Signed ('J Hassell'), arranging to offer 'something interesting' to an unnamed employee of the London printseller 'Mr Boydell' [either John Boydell or his nephew Josiah Boydell].

John Hassell (1767-1825), watercolour painter and engraver [John Boydell (1720-1804), artist and London printseller; his nephew Josiah Boydell (1752-1817)]
Publication details: 
'Thursday Morng [no date] | 11 Clements Inn'.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-stained paper. The note reads: 'Dr Sir, | I shall do myself the pleasure of waiting upon you the beginning of the week, when I hope to have something interesting to shew you for Mr Boydell - believe me | Dr Sir | Yrs truly | J Hassell'.

[George J. Stodart, engraver.] Signed engraving, from a photograph, of Dr Evan Buchanan Baxter, Professor of Materia Medica at King's College, London.

George J. Stodard, British engraver [Dr Evan Buchanan Baxter (1844-1885), Dr. Evan Buchanan Baxter, Professor of Materia Medica at King's College, London]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [1880s.]

On piece of 21 x 13 cm India paper, laid down on a piece of thick paper, 33 x 24cm. The engraving is small in comparison, measuring around 8 x 6 cm, and showing a formally dressed and bearded Baxter's head and shoulders, facing to his right. Aged and dusty, with crease line to the mount at the foot. Stodart has signed in pencil in the bottom right-hand corner of the engraving paper, and the crease line bissects the signature and its underlining. At bottom right of mount, in pencil: 'Dr Baxter | Kings College'.

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