[Bill Johnson, Hollywood and Broadway actor and singer.] Autograph Signature on publicity photo James J. Kriegsmann of New Jersey.

Bill Johnson [William Thomas Johnson] (1916-1957), Hollywood and Broadway actor and singer [James J. Kriegsmann of New Jersey]
Publication details: 
No date (1940s?). By James J. Kriegsmann of New Jersey.

Johnson’s career began with a job singing on an NBC radio show. His 1940s Hollywood films included “Keep Your Powder Dry”. He later returned to Broadway, where in 1956 he received a Tony nomination for his performance as ‘Doc’ in Rodgers and Hammerstein's last musical ‘Pipe Dream’. He died of a heart attack in 1957. 10.5 x 10 cm black and white glossy photographic print on shiny art paper. In good condition. Stylish signature 'Bill Johnson' in white at bottom left.

['I write it as rapidly as I can, with my head full of Marcel': Pamela Hansford Johnson, writer and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to V. H. Collins, discussing her Proust-inspired BBC radio play 'Madame de Charlus'.

Pamela Hansford Johnson [married name Pamela Helen Hansford Snow, Lady Snow] (1912-1981), writer and playwright, wife of the novelist C. P. Snow [Vere Henry Collins, author]
Publication details: 
31 December 1954. On letterhead of Nethergate House, Clare, Suffolk.

An interesting letter, in which Johnson discusses her writing practice. See her entry and that of her husband in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Vere Henry Collins (1872-1966), was an author and grammatical stickler. 2pp, 12mo. 27 lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight rust spotting from a paperclip. Folded twice for postage. On the topic of ‘Madame de Charlus’, one of the ‘Six Proust Reconstructions’ - plays by Johnson inspired by the work of Marcel Proust - just broadcast on the BBC Third Programme, she thanks him for his ‘most kind & pleasing letter’.

[Pocahontas; Lyndon B. Johnson [Lyndon Baines Johnson; 'LBJ'], 36th President] Typed Letter Signed, as a senator, regarding a visit to America by 'the rector of St. George's Church at Gravesend' (in England, where Pocahontas is buried).

Lyndon B. Johnson [Lyndon Baines Johnson, known as ‘LBJ’] (1908-1973), 36th President of the United States of America; a Democrat who succeeded John F. Kennedy, to whom he had served as Vice-President
Publication details: 
24 September 1951. On letterhead of the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services [Washington, D.C.].

The present item is a genuine signature. It has been compared with a number of examples from the 1950s, including one from the same year of 1951, all of which differ, and Johnson is not known to have used an autopen until he became president (in 1968 it was dubbed ‘The Robot That Sits In For The President’ by the National Enquirer). 1p, 4to. On a leaf of wove paper, with US government American eagle watermark. In fair condition, lightly aged, and folded twice for postage. There is some light wear to the left of the signature, having a negligible effect on its final uptick.

[Sir Arthur Bryant, historian and biographer of Samuel Pepys.] Signed Autograph Inscription to Philip Dosse, publisher of 'Books and Bookmen', on the half-title of his book 'A Thousand Years of British Monarchy'.

Sir Arthur Bryant [Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant] (1899-1985), historian and biographer of Samuel Pepys [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of arts magazines including ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
No date or place, but the book published in London in 1975.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, the revised version of which describes his pre-war Nazi sympathies. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. 1p, 8vo.

[Sir Arthur Bryant, historian and biographer of Samuel Pepys.] Seven Autograph Letters Signed and four Typed Letters Signed to publisher Philip Dosse, regarding reviews in ‘Books and Bookmen’, and his writing a multi-volume biography of Dr Johnson.

Sir Arthur Bryant [Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant] (1899-1985), historian and biographer of Samuel Pepys [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of arts magazines including ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
Between 12 May 1974 and 22 January 1976. On either of two of his letterheads: from 18 Rutland Gate, London SW7, or Myles Place, The Close, Salisbury.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, the revised version of which describes his pre-war Nazi sympathies. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The present collection of eleven items totals 17pp (fourteen pages in autograph and four typed), in various sizes from 4to to 12mo.

[Foyles Literary Luncheon for Sir Angus Wilson, 1980.] Autograph Letter Signed from ‘Dolly’ [Mrs A. G. Dowdeswell] to ‘Philip’ [Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’], with reference to Wilson, Melvyn Bragg, Simon Young of John Murray, Ian Jack.

[Foyles Literary Luncheon for Sir Angus Wilson, 1980] ‘Dolly’ [Mrs A. G. Dowdeswell, Secretary, The Johnson Society of London] [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’; Melvyn Bragg,
Publication details: 
27 August 1980; on letterhead of 26 High Street, Biddenden, Kent.

See the entries for Angus Wilson and Christina Foyle in the Oxford DNB. ‘Dolly’ is clearly the ‘Mrs. A. G. Dowdeswell’ who was secretary of the Johnson Society of London in the 70s and 80s (arranging luncheons) and named as a member of the Johnson Society at least as late as 1992. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018.

[Percival Stockdale, author, editor of the Critical Review and radical abolitionist.] Stipple engraving by James Fittler from portait of Stockdale by John Downman.

Percival Stockdale (1736-1811), author, editor of the Critical Review and Universal Magazine, and radical abolitionist [James Fittler (1758-1835), engraver; John Downman (1749-1824), portrait painter]
Publication details: 
[London, 1809.]

Sitter, artist and engraver all have entries in the Oxford DNB. No copy in the National Portrait Gallery. In good condition, lightly aged, on good paper with small embossment of castle. Dimensions of paper, 14.25 x 22.5cm. Dimensions of print, 12.5 x 17.75cm. Oval portrait, 10 cm wide and 13 cm high. Without date or place, but produced as the frontispiece to Stockdale’s 1809 memoirs. A half-length portrait of Stockdale, his face turned to the left, with white cravat and powdered hair, loosely wrapped in a coat.

[St James’s Theatre, London: 1936 centenary production of ‘Pride and Prejudice’, designed by Rex Whistler, and starring Celia Johnson and Hugh Williams.] Manuscript ‘Treasury Sheets’ of itemized accounts for 9 weeks of performances.

St James’s Theatre, London: 1936 centenary production of ‘Pride and Prejudice’, designed by Rex Whistler (1905-1944) and starring Celia Johnson (1908-1982) and Hugh Williams (1904-1969) [Jane Austen]
Publication details: 
On nine weekly sheets, each with eight performances. Weeks ending 12 September 1936, and 26 September to 14 November 1936. St James's Theatre, London.

The Gilbert Miller production of ‘Pride and Prejudice’, designed by Rex Whistler, and starring Celia Johnson as Elizabeth Bennet and Hugh Williams as Mr Darcy, was a great success. It opened at the St James's Theatre, London, on 27 February 1936, and closed on 21 November 1936; with a Christmas revival between 26 December 1936 and 16 January 1937. There was a royal performance before Queen Mary on 15 February 1937, and the production went on tour for the rest of the year.

[Oxford degrees to J. M. Barrie, Ethel Smyth, Sir Henry Newbolt, Lord Dawson of Penn.] Material printed by the Clarendon Press relating to ‘Convocation / Encaenia, June 23, 1926 / The Right Hon. George, Viscount Cave, Chancellor / Presiding’.

[Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press; John Johnson, Printer to the University; J. M. Barrie; Ethel Smyth; Sir Henry Newbolt; Lord Dawson of Penn]
Publication details: 
The University of Oxford, 1926. Oxford: John Johnson / Printer to the University.

Material which, by its very nature, is extremely uncommon. Five items, three of them beautifully printed with the Fell Types. From the papers of King George V’s doctor Lord Dawson of Penn (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). Among those to whom degrees are conferred (all of whom receive the customary praise in florid Latin) are J. M. Barrie, Sir Henry Newbold, Dame Ethel Smity, Sir Austen Chamberlain and the Speaker of the Commons John Henry Whitley. The first three are printed with the Fell Types, and the first two and the fifth carry Johnson’s slug.

[Oxford degrees to J. M. Barrie, Ethel Smyth, Sir Henry Newbolt, Lord Dawson of Penn.] Material printed by the Clarendon Press relating to ‘Convocation / Encaenia, June 23, 1926 / The Right Hon. George, Viscount Cave, Chancellor / Presiding’.

[Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press; John Johnson, Printer to the University; J. M. Barrie; Ethel Smyth; Sir Henry Newbolt; Lord Dawson of Penn]
Publication details: 
The University of Oxford, 1926. Oxford: John Johnson / Printer to the University.

Material which, by its very nature, is extremely uncommon. Three items, two of which are beautifully printed with the Fell Types. Duplicates from the papers of King George V’s doctor Lord Dawson of Penn (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). Among those to whom degrees are conferred (all of whom receive the customary praise in florid Latin) are J. M. Barrie, Sir Henry Newbold, Dame Ethel Smythe, Sir Austen Chamberlain and the Speaker of the Commons John Henry Whitley. The first three are printed with the Fell Types, and the first two and the fifth carry Johnson’s slug.

[H. F. Maltby [Henry Francis Maltby], playwright and actor on stage and screen.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, giving reminiscences of his visit to the tomb of ‘Maggoty’ Johnson, and visits to London theatre productions.

H. F. Maltby [Henry Francis Maltby] (1880-1963), playwright and actor on stage and screen [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
8 December 1948; on his letterhead, 62 Langdale Gardens, Hove, Sussex.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. Sixty lines of text. Aged and worn, but entirely legible. Signed ‘H. F. Maltby’ and addressed to ‘My dear Pope’. Most of the letter concerns the tomb of ‘Maggoty’ Johnson: ‘I first met that interesting old gentleman over forty years ago, when I was playing at the Theatre Royal Macclesfield with the late Mrs Bandman-Palmer. It was my landlady who advised me to visit the tomb as one of the objects of interest in the place.

[Thomas Davies, bookseller; Boswell & Johnson; Thomas Cadell] Autograph Letter Signed Thos Davies to Unnamed correspondent (Thomas Cadell, publisher? see below), unwilling to participate in an auction including books in quires.

Thomas Davies, bookseller (1713-1785}
Publication details: 

One page, 12mo, laid down on l. larger stiff paper, some staining but text clear and complete. I would willingly be of service to Mrs Evans & attend the sale; but I wish not to buy books in quires - I am besides so very deaf that it is a pain to me to be in company - | Mrs Evans & you may depend upon my doing what little service is in my power when y[ou]r bound stock is sold [...] | P.S. I am delighted greatly with y[ou]r Travels ['Voyages' excised] of Mr. Coxe - He is a most accomplished Gentleman & I am sure has a most excellent heart..

[‘The Whig Dr Johnson’: Samuel Parr, author, divine and pedagogue.] Autograph Card in the third person to the Mayor of Warwick, ‘Keeling Greenway’ [Kelynge Greenway]. In envelope with red wax seal.

Samuel Parr (1747-1825), author, divine and pedagogue, known as ‘the Whig Dr Johnson’ [Kelynge Greenway, Mayor of Warwick]
Publication details: 
29 November 1820. Hatton [near Warwick].

An almost miraculously legible example of Parr’s normally atrocious hand. (His entry in the Oxford DNB states that ‘Parr was flogged only once at Harrow, for bad handwriting, and to no effect. His writing remained atrocious all his life, so much so that on an occasion when he wrote to ask for 'two lobsters' his friend read the words as “two eggs”.’) On one side of blank card. In envelope with indistinguishable seal in red wax, addressed by Parr to ‘Keeling Greenway Esqr / Mayor of Warwick’.

[Harry Harkness Flagler, fabulously-wealthy son of the founder of Miami and Palm Beach, Florida.] Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Helen Lossing Johnson, explaining why he declines to buy the New York diaries and other material she has sent him.

Harry Harkness Flagler (1870-1952), President of Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York, son of Henry Morrison Flagler (1830-1913), founder of Standard Oil and of Miami and Palm Beach, Floriida
Publication details: 
5 January 1933; on letterheads of 32 Park Avenue [New York].

Harry Harkness Flagler was son and heir to one of America’s greatest fortunes, inheriting the sumptuous Whitehall estate in Florida (now the Flagler Museum). The recipient was the wife of Frank Edgar Johnson, whose obituary is in New York Times, 5 December 1932 (‘Yonkers life insurance man was an authority on birds’). 6pp, four of which in 12mo and two in 8vo. On two bifoliums, each with the final page of text written lengthwise across the central opening. In envelope, with post mark and stamp, addressed by Flagler to ‘Mrs.

[Jim Mollison, aviator] Signature Only J A Mollison.

J.A. Mollison [Jim Mollison], James Allan Mollison (1905 – 1959), Scottish pioneer aviator, married to Amy Johnson.
Publication details: 
No place or date given [c.1938?].

Signature only on scrap of paper, uneven edges,c.12 x 7.5 cm, tipped on to sl. larger page from an autograph album, sl. faded as if ink in pen running out. See image. The signature of Arthur J, Cummings, journalist and author is on the reverse, dated 20 Sept. 1938.

[ Arthur Murphy, Irish writer ] Autograph Instruction Signed to Cadell Esq [publishers].

Arthur Murphy, Barrister and Author [(1727–1805), Irish writer.
Publication details: 
Lincoln's Inn, 21 July 1788.

Paper, 15 x 9cm, trimmed with minimal loss of text, some staining, text clear and legible. Pay to Lady Montfort's Bearer the sum of Eighy seven Shillings & charge the same to | Your Humble Servt. | Arthur Murphy. A bold and impressive signature. Note: A, He studied at Jesuit run Saint-Omer, France, and was a gifted student of the Latin and Greek classics. He worked as an actor in the theatre, became a barrister, a journalist and finally a (not very original) playwright. He edited Gray's Inn Journal between 1752 and 1754.

[Catharine Tait, philanthropist.] Printed facsimile of Autograph Letter Signed ('Catharine Tait'), with one addition in her genuine autograph: a circular regarding 'the election of Harriet Amelia Johnson to St Ann's School Brixton'.

Catharine Tait (1819-1878), philanthropist [St Ann's School, Brixton; Harriet Amelia Johnson]
Publication details: 
June 1864. Fulham Palace S.W. [London].

For information on Tait, see her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Aged, worn and lightly stained. The fact that Tait was able to produce a lithographed circular for such a minor purpose indicates her resources. The only words in the document in Tait's genuine autograph are the interpolated 'now & in Jan'. The circular reads: 'My dear Sir | I am very anxious to secure the election of Harriet Amelia Johnson to St Ann's School Brixton. Her father who was well known to us died this year leaving a widow and three children unprovided for.

[Henry Perlee Parker of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. P. Parker') to 'Mr Johnson' [E. A. Johnson], regarding his departure for Newcastle, the artist J. C. Zeitter, Emmerson, the Newcastle Exhibition.

Henry Perlee Parker (1785-1873) of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, genre and portrait painter [E. A. Johnson of the Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, entomologist; John [Johann Christian] Zeitter (1798-1862)]
Publication details: 
'Sunday Evening | June 2nd –' [1833]. 27 Newcastle Street, Strand [London].

3pp, 4to. Bifolium, addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, 'to | Mr Johnson | Zoological Gardens | Regents Park | or Wellington Cottage | Wellington Place | Camden Town'. In good condition, lightly aged, with paper repairs last leaf. Folded several times.

[James Johnson, Physician Extraordinary to King William IV.] Autograph Testimonial Signed ('James Johnson, M. D | Physician Extry to the King.') for Horatio Goodday.

James Johnson [James Johnstone] (1777-1845), Irish physician, surgeon and author, Physician Extraordinary to King William IV [George Fincham, London surgeon; Horatio Goodday]
Publication details: 
Suffolk Place, Pall Mall [London]. 18 December 1835.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, aged and creased, on thin Whatman wove paper, with wear to edges. Reads: 'I was acquainted, for some years, with Mr. Horatio Goodday, while he was residing as a pupil, with my friend Mr. Fincham, of Spring-Gardens, [i.e. the surgeon George Fincham] and had many opportunities of observing his excellent moral qualities and professional acquirements. Mr. Fincham has always expressed himself as highly pleased with the excellent conduct of his pupil.'

[ Cork & Orrery ] Autograph Signature only, with place "Orrery. Leicester Fields. May 1st 17[57?]

Orrery [John Boyle, 5th Earl of Cork and 5th Earl of Orrery, FRS (1707-1762), writer and a friend of Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope and Samuel Johnson
Publication details: 
Leicester Fields. May 1st 17[57?]

Piece of paper, 14 x 7.5cm, signature on reverse of marbled paper, perhaps endpaper of book, and an ownership signature. Good condition.

[Engraving by John Pye, from drawing by Robert Balmanno, printed by John Johnson (of the Lee Priory Press).] Engraving of 'Cenotaph erected at Stoke Park, to the Memory of the Poet Gray.' With text including the 'Inscriptions on the Cenotaph'.

John Johnson (1777-1848), typographer and printer (at the Lee Priory Press of Sir Egerton Brydges); Robert Balmanno (1780-1861), connoisseur; John Pye (1782-1874), engraver; Thomas Gray
Publication details: 
'Johnson, Typ.' 1818.

On 34 x 27 cm unwatermarked laid paper. Dimensions of plate 34 x 23 cm. Dimensions of print 5.1 x 7.4 cm. Dimensions of print and text 15 x 7.4 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged, spotted and creased, with stub from album adhering to one margin. This is an early state of a print of which the British Library has a copy (acquired in 1867) of the undated third state, dated to 1820, carrying only four lines of text rather than the substantial amount present here. The present copy has, engraved in small letters immediately beneath the print: 'Robt. Balmanno delt. 1818. Jno.

[Hester Lynch Piozzi, 'Dr. Johnson's Mrs. Thrale'.] Autograph Note in the third person to Dr. Perney, inviting him to visit 'to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh [i.e. Felix Janewicz] play on the Violin'.

Mrs Piozzi (born Hester Lynch Salusbury, then Hester Lynch Thrale, then Hester Lynch Piozzi] (1741-1821), diarist and friend of Dr Samuel Johnson [Rev. Dr John Anthony Perney (1781-1827)]
Publication details: 
'Steatham Park | Fryday [sic] 24.' [No year.]

Autograph Note in the third person. On one of 11 x 20 cm slip of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to reverse. Reads: 'Mrs. Piozzi's Coms. And if Dr. Perney is disengaged this Eveng & would like to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh play on the Violin She should be happy in his Company to Tea - - - and it would be very obliging in him to bring the Viol D'Amore with him. | Streatham Park | Friday 24.' Perney was domestic chaplain to the Earl of Coventry.

[ R.W. Chapman, scholar ] Autograph Note Signed to "Harmsworth" [Cecil Harmsworth, 1st Baron Harmsworth, a Johnsonian], about Mrs Piozzi's Love Letters.

R.W. Chapman, scholar, book collector and editor of the works of Samuel Johnson and Jane Austen
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] 9 Park Town, Oxford, 31 Jan. 1930.

One page, 12mo, sl rumpled, mainly good, written in haste. "I find I have a second copy of [Percival] Merritt's Piozzi Love Letters which you may care to have. See p.42. My accidental discovery of 'Exalt thy love - dejected heart in Parnell's poem clinched the matter."

[ 'Engineering', London journal. ] Autograph register of contributions compiled by editor Thomas Walley, in form of table of articles and authors, with meticulous printing and publication details.

Thomas Walley (1872-1947), editor of 'Engineering', London journal founded in 1866 [ Lieut-Col. Percy John Cowan (1876-1954) and Herbert Henry Johnson (c.1875-1957), joint editors ]
Publication details: 
[ London: Engineering. ] Entries dating from 27 November 1925 to 17 January 1934.

Walley has converted one volume of a printed diary ('The Business Year Book' for 1923, by the R. C. Maxwell Co., Trenton, New Jersey) into a continuous table listing all the articles contributed between 27 November 1925 and 17 January 1934. Entries are compiled with the meticulous attention to detail one would expect from an engineer, giving a range of information including the times of receipt of material to the minute, and even the typeface in which an article was printed.

[ Thomas Pennant, naturalist, traveller, and writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho. Pennant') to London solicitor 'Mr Shepherd', regarding 'the matter respecting Major Hughes'.

Thomas Pennant (1726-1798), naturalist, traveller, and writer, admired by Samuel Johnson
Publication details: 
Downing. 9 December 1781.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Mr Shepherd, Sollictor [sic] | Boswell court | near Lincolns inn | London.' In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The letter reads: 'Sir | I am obliged to Mr Middleton for recommending a Gentleman of yr worth & abilities; but yesterday the matter respecting Major Hughes is transferred to other hands for which I am thankful as it will be equally well pursued. I am Sir | Yr obedt Servt | Tho. Pennant. | Downing Decr 9th 1781 | I shall pay chearfully [sic] all past Charges'.

[Printed periodical.] 'Special Norway Number' of 'Social Credit | A Journal of Economic Democracy | The Official Organ of the Social Credit Secretariat', with articles by Major C. H. Douglas, Maurice Colbourne and Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury.

The Social Credit Secretariat, London [ Major C. H. Douglas [ Major Clifford Hugh Douglas ] (1879-1952); Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury; Maurice Colbourne ]
Publication details: 
17 May 1935 (Vol. 2. No. 14.). The Social Credit Secretariat, 8-9 Essex Street, London, W.C.2. Printed by The Blackfriars Press, Ltd.

16pp., folio, paginated 217-232. In fair condition, on aged and lightly creased paper. The front page is devoted to the article National Dividends are Necessary Says The Very Rev. Dr. Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury'. Pp.221-222 carry the article (with photograph of author and graph) 'The Causes of War | Is Our Money System to Blame? | By Major C. H. Douglas; and the back page carries 'Kings and Kingship | By Maurice Colbourne | (Author of "Economic Nationalism.")'. There are several items of Scandinavian interest: 'A Norwegian Pioneer - By Eric S.

[ Privately-printed keepsake playlet by Mary Hyde about Colonel Ralph Isham and the purchase of the Malahide Papers of James Boswell, with signed inscription by the author. ] Levée at Fifty-Third Street.

Mary Hyde [ Viscountess Eccles (1912-2003), book collector and philanthropist ]; Brooke Crutchley, Printer to the University of Cambridge [ Colonel Ralph Isham; James Boswell; Samuel Johnson ]
Publication details: 
Printed in Great Britain at the University Printing House, Cambridge (Brooke Crutchley, University Printer). 1972 [ inscription dated 1971 ].

19 + [1]pp., 4to. Nicely-printed, and saddle-stitched and placed in grey paper wraps with tasteful white label on cover with title printed in red. Inscribed inside front cover 'For Desmond + Dorothy - | with love from | the Playwright | Christmas | 1971'. The playlet is an amusing representation of a single night at the 1946-1949 high point of excitement over the discovery of the Malahide Papers ('During three years the incidents described here were repeated several times a week.'), and features among others Isham himself, his cleaner 'Mrs.

[ Double Crown Club keepsake. ] 'Bill of Fare' for dinner at the Cafe Royal (chaired by John Johnson with a paper by James Guthrie), featuring a facsimile score for 'Grace after Meat | A new round' by Daniel George and Hubert Foss.

The Double Crown Club; John de Monins Johnson (1882-1956), Oxford University Press printer; James Guthrie; Duncan Williams; Daniel George; Hubert Foss
Publication details: 
Pencil note stating that the item is for a dinner at the Café Royal, 7 March 1934.

16 x 20 cm booklet, consisting of a bifolium stitched with black green thread into covers of thicker paper. In fair condition, aged and worn, with remains of clear plastic front covering. On the front cover is a heavily-inked art photograph superimposing an image of a musical score over the edges of an fanned-out signature. On the inside of the back cover is a facsimile of a calligraphic inscription in Latin, in Renaissance style. The inner contents consists of two facsimiles.

[Printed item.] A Catalogue of Books by or relating to Dr Johnson & Members of his Circle offered for Sale by Elkin Mathews, Ltd. With an Introduction by John Drinkwater.

John Drinkwater; Elkin Mathews, Ltd., London booksellers [A. W. Evans; Edward Gathorne-Hardy (1901-1978); Dr Samuel Johnson; Johnsoniana]
Publication details: 
London: Elkin Mathews, Ltd. 4a Cork Street, W.1. 1925. [Cambridge: Printed in Great Britain by Walter Lewis at the University Press.]

vi + 110 + [1]pp., 8vo. Frontispiece. In grey printed wraps. Nicely printed. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with minor damp staining to corners. The firm's fifth catalogue, compiled by partners Evans and Gathorne-Hardy.

[Privately printed item.] Oxford. A Satire.

[Sir Andrew Caldecott (1884-1951) of Exeter College, Oxford, Governor of Ceylon and Hong Kong]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: Printed by Morrison & Gibb Limited. [1907.]

15 + [1]pp., 8vo. In grey printed card wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged, with rusted staples. The author describes his work in an introductory note as 'an elegant and ingenious poem in heroic verse; suggested by the third Satire of Juvenal; wherein the foolishness of the institutions of this University, and the dullness and dishonesty of its inhabitants are for the first time properly exposed'. The influence of Samuel Johnson (another adapter of Juvenal and also an Oxford man) is strong, as the opening indicates: 'Though on my brow there rose an angry frown | When B - ll - l's [i.e.

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