[‘I used it because I meant it’: Nicolas Bentley, writer, illustrator and cartoonist.] Typed Letter Signed to V. H. Collins, defending his use of the phrase ‘I am afraid’.

Nicolas Bentley [born Nicholas Clerihew Bentley] (1907-1978), writer, illustrator and cartoonist [Vere Henry Collins]
Publication details: 
10 October 1955. On letterhead of Andre Deutsch Limited, Publishers, 12-14 Carlisle Street, Soho Square, London W1.

See his entry by Ruari Maclean in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Vere Henry Collins (1872-1966), was an author and grammatical stickler. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. With Bentley’s distinctive stylized signature ‘Nicolas Bentley’. After thanking him for his letter he writes (apparently with reference to a newspaper article): ‘I am sorry if in using the phrase “I am afraid” I ruffled your grammatical sensibilities. I used it because I meant it.

['I write it as rapidly as I can, with my head full of Marcel': Pamela Hansford Johnson, writer and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to V. H. Collins, discussing her Proust-inspired BBC radio play 'Madame de Charlus'.

Pamela Hansford Johnson [married name Pamela Helen Hansford Snow, Lady Snow] (1912-1981), writer and playwright, wife of the novelist C. P. Snow [Vere Henry Collins, author]
Publication details: 
31 December 1954. On letterhead of Nethergate House, Clare, Suffolk.

An interesting letter, in which Johnson discusses her writing practice. See her entry and that of her husband in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Vere Henry Collins (1872-1966), was an author and grammatical stickler. 2pp, 12mo. 27 lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight rust spotting from a paperclip. Folded twice for postage. On the topic of ‘Madame de Charlus’, one of the ‘Six Proust Reconstructions’ - plays by Johnson inspired by the work of Marcel Proust - just broadcast on the BBC Third Programme, she thanks him for his ‘most kind & pleasing letter’.

[Randolph Churchill [Major Randolph Spencer-Churchill], only son of Winston Churchill.] Typed Letter Signed to V. H. Collins, invoking his father’s name in support of his use of the word ‘EGALITARIAN’.

Randolph Churchill, only son of Winston Churchill [Major Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer-Churchill] (1911-1968), writer, soldier, and Conservative Member of Parliament [Vere Henry Collins, author]
Publication details: 
7 July 1953. Oving House, Oving, Nr. Aylesbury, Bucks, on cancelled letterhead of 12 Catherine Place, London SW1.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘Randoph S. Churchill. The recipient Vere Henry Collins (1872-1966), was an author and grammatical stickler. After apologising for the delayed response he administers an effective put-down: ‘I do not pretend to be an expert in these mattes, but I have never heard the word EQUALITARIAN used in ordinary talk. EGALITARIAN, on the other hand, I have heard used by a wide variety of people who speak good English, including Sir Winston Churchill.

[Michael Sadleir, novelist, biographer and bibliographer.] Typed Letter Signed to V. H. Collins, apologising for a grammatical error, and informing him that he is ordering a copy of his book ‘The Choice of Words’.

Michael Sadleir [Michael Thomas Harvey Sadleir, formerly Sadler] (1888-1957), novelist, biographer and bibliographer [Vere Henry Collins (1872-1966), author and literary stylist]
Publication details: 
12 August 1953. On letterhead of [Constable & Co.,] 10 Orange Street, London WC2.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a crease, dogeared corner and small nick. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘Michael Sadleir’. He is grateful to Collins ‘for pointing out the careless grammatical mistake of mine in the SUNDAY TIMES review. It is only too easy to slip into a conversational style (for I think that what I meant was perfectly clear) when writing rapid condensations for a newspaper.

[‘the lover of words (as I am)’: Lord Birkett, judge, British representative at the Nuremberg Trials.] Two Typed Letters Signed, one with long Autograph Postscript, and Typed Note Signed, all to V. H. Collins, defending his use of language.

Lord Birkett [William Norman Birkett, 1st Baron Birkett] (1883-1962), judge, a British representative at the Nuremberg Trials, Lord Justice of Appeal, Liberal Member of Parliament [Vere Henry Collins]
Publication details: 
LETTERS: 9 July 1953 and 11 May 1954. NOTE: 14 July 1953. All three items on letterheads of the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2.

The third letter gives an excellent indication of Birkett’s pride in his use of language. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Vere Henry Collins (1872-1966), was an author and grammatical stickler. All three signed ‘Norman Birkett’. In fair condition, lightly aged and little grubby. The first letter with a small hole to one corner, and the two leaves of the last letter held together with a pin. ONE: ALS, 9 July 1953. 1pp, 4to. He is adding Collins’s book to his ‘select library on “words”’.

[Norman Collins, author of ‘London Belongs to Me’.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’, regarding a review he has written, and a party in his honour held by the English Centre of P.E.N.

Norman Collins [Norman Richard Collins] (1907-1982), author of ‘London Belongs to Me’ and TV executive [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
2 March 1977; on letterhead of ATV House, 17 Great Cumberland Place, London W1.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The present item is 1p, 4to. Signed ‘Norman Collins’. In good condition, lightly aged. He is submitting a review of J. B. Priestley’s ‘Instead of the Trees’, in the hope that it is ‘the kind of thing that you had in mind’.

[Romilly and Roget families.] Offprint of ?The Life and Work of Sir Samuel Romilly by Sir William J. Collins, M.P.? With ownership inscription of John Romilly Roget.

Sir William J. Collins [Sir Samuel Romilly; Peter Mark Roget; John Romilly Roget]
Publication details: 
?Reprinted [by Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd, London] from the ?Transactions of the Huguenot Society,? 1908'.

Sir Samuel Romilly?s sister was mother of Peter Mark Roget, compiler of the Thesaurus. The present item is from the Roget family archive (other items from which are also offered for sale.) 32pp, 8vo. Sewn into grey printed wraps. Ownership inscription, at top right of title-page: ?John Romilly Roget?. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn.

[Eleven British authors of the 1920s and 1930s.] Autograph Signatures of Hugh Walpole, J. B. Priestley, C. S. Forester, V. S. Pritchett, Lord Dunsany, Alec Waugh, Norman Collins, A. G. Macdonell, Ivor Brown, Philip Jordan and Lionel Hale.

Hugh Walpole, J. B. Priestley, C. S. Forester, V. S. Pritchett, Lord Dunsany, Alec Waugh, Norman Collins, A. G. Macdonell, Ivor Brown, Philip Jordan, Lionel Hale, Pauline Donalda, H. Lane Wilson
Publication details: 
Without date or place [London? Late 1920s? 1930s?]

The signatures feature with no other text on a single page, on one side of a 15 x 18 cm leaf of thickish cream paper removed from an album. In fair condition, aged, and dusty, with slight pinkish-red staining on edges, and not near any of the signatures. The signatories are: 'Hugh Walpole', 'Dunsany' [Lord Dunsany], 'Alec Waugh/', 'V S Pritchett', 'Lionel Hale.', 'Norman Collins', 'Philip Jordan' [Philip Furneaux Jordan (1902-1951), journalist and author], 'A. G. Macdonell.', 'Ivor Brown', 'J. B. Priestley', 'C. S. Forester'.

[Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('B C Brodie')

Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862), distinguished surgeon and physiologist, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria, first President of the General Medical Council
Publication details: 
14 Savile Row [London]; 5 December 1836.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse. The recipient is not identified. Reads: 'My Dear Sir | I hope that I shall not put you to inconvenience by making my visit to your patient today as late as half past five o clock. A particular circumstance has occurred which will prevent my being in your part of the town at the time originally proposed.'

[Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, distinguished surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed ('B C Brodie') to Mrs Hewitt of Nantwich, giving advice on what action to take regarding her indisposition.

Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862), distinguished surgeon and physiologist, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria, first President of the General Medical Council
Publication details: 
Zurich; 8 September 1853.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Tipped-in below the signature is the letter's envelope, addressed, with postmarks, to 'Mrs Hewitt | Wrenbury Hall | Nantwich', amended to 'Chislehurst | Kent'. He begins by explaining that he has 'been for the last few weeks on the continent, & in consequence of the gross neglect of the Geneva post office' her letter has only just reached him. He is sorry that he should have been 'made to appear so negligent'.

[Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria.] Autograph Prescription Signed ('B C Brodie') in case of 'Miss Smedley'.

Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862), distinguished surgeon and physiologist, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria, first President of the General Medical Council
Publication details: 
No place; 1 May 1845.

1p, 4to. On grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse. Folded three times. A typical prescription, in Latin, beneath the heading 'Miss Smedley. April [last word deleted] May 1 1845'. The prescription begins with the usual 'Rx'; the last of the fourteen lines that follow ending with Brodie's signature ('B C Brodie').

[Sir Henry W. Acland, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry W: Acland'), regarding arrangements made by Benjamin Jowett for recipient and Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie to stay at Balliol while in Oxford for a meeting.

Sir Henry W. Acland [Sir Henry Wentworth Dyke Acland] (1815-1900), Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford [Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol; Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, celebrated surgeon]
Publication details: 
Oxford; 17 June [1847].

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. The year has been noted in another hand. The recipient is not identified. The letter begins: 'My dear sir, | I have made arrangements with my excellent friend Mr. Jowett of Baliol Coll. that he should offer to you rooms in Balliol. You will be there with our common friend Brodie, and will I am quite sure find nothing that will not add to your comfort and enjoyment in the Meeting'.

[Bryan Waller Procter (the poet 'Barry Cornwall'), as Commissioner in Lunacy.] Autograph Letter Signed ('B. W. Procter'), asking a colleague (Harris?] for information about the 'Conduct' of 'some patients', 'particularly about Miss Anne [Lealer?].

Bryan Waller Procter (1787-1874), poet under pseudonym 'Barry Cornwall' and Commissioner in Lunacy, 1832-1861, member of London Magazine circle, friend of Charles Lamb, Thackeray and Wilkie Collins
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Office of Commissioners in Lunacy, 19 New Street, Spring Gardens [London]. 12 August 1847.

Proctor was a much loved individual in literary circles, from the days of the London Magazine to the mid-Victorian period, in which he was the dedicatee of both Thackeray's 'Vanity Fair' and Wilkie Collins's 'Woman in White'. His reputation as a poet was international: he was thought highly of by Pushkin. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse. The letter reads: 'Dear [Harris?] | Pray tell me where [?] I can have some conversation with you about some patients of the name of [Lealer? Lester?], whom you know.

[ Catherine Gaskin, Irish-Australian author of romantic fiction. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Catherine Gaskin Cornberg') to 'Miss Cord [sic]' [ i.e. Eileen M. Cond ], discussing her former publisher William Hope Collins and his family.

Catherine Gaskin [ Catherine Gaskin Cornberg ] (1929-2009), best-selling Irish-Australian novelist in the field of romantic fiction [ William Hope Collins (1903-1967), Glasgow publisher ]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead, Ballymacahara, Wicklow, County Wicklow, Ireland. 14 June 1970.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. She begins by agreeing to inscribe Cond's bookplate, before continuing: 'Ye, I did know Hope Collins – not particularly well, since he was based in Glasgow, and I lived in New York and the West Indies from 1955 to 1967 and so our visits to London rarely co-incided.' She remembers Collins as 'a most kindly and courteous man', and he is 'greatly missed.

[ Sir William Job Collins, ophthalmic surgeon and Liberal politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W J Collins') to 'Sir Henry', i.e. Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, explaining why he has no lecture ready for the Society.

Sir William Job Collins (1859-1946), English ophthalmic surgeon and Liberal politician [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Meads End, Eastbourne. 8 October 1915.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, with the Society's oval date stamp. He thanks him for the 'kindly renewed invitation to lecture at the R.S.A. As you surmise, I am too much engaged at present to put together anything worthy of so august a body.' He is 'collecting material & perhaps at that indefinite date - "after the war" - I may be able to put it into shape'. He concludes: 'We miss you at the Chadwick'.

[ William Guy, Williakm Hayley and William Collins. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Guy') from the Chichester surgeon William Guy to the poet William Hayley, giving the account for John Flaxman's memorial to William Collins in Chichester Cathedral.

William Guy, Chichester surgeon [ William Hayley, poet and patron of William Blake; William Collins (1721-1759), poet; John Flaxman, sculptor ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Chichester, circa 1795. ]

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Aged and worn. Addressed on second leaf to 'Wm. Hayley Esqr | Eartham, which also carries calculations, presumably in Hayley's hand. Guy gives a breakdown of '[t]he whole sum subscribed for Collins's Monument', £94 13s 8d, giving the amount spent 'for advertising &c.', 'conveying it to Chichester' and 'Mr West's Bill'. 'When these sums have been paid the balance in Mr.

[Robert Grosvenor, 1st Marquess of Westminster.] Autograph Signature ('Westminster') and seal in red wax on piece of vellum cut from document, with his engraved portrait by W. H. Mote.

Robert Grosvenor (1767-1845), 1st Marquess of Westminster [W. H. Mote; Thomas Collins; Reform Club, London]
Publication details: 
The vellum document dated 1841. The engraving from 'London, Thomas Collins, 170, Piccadilly, Jany. 23 1842'.

The piece of vellum an irregular rectangle of about 4 x 17 cm. Smudged signature, with crumbling red wax seal to its right, beneath fragment of Latin text ending with date 1841. The engraving, with facsimile of signature, 'From a picture in his Lordship's possession | This plate, 28 x 19 cm on 4to leaf, is by express permission dedicated most respectfully to the Members of the Reform Club by their faithful Servant Thomas Collins'. It is in fair condition, aged and with strip of discoloration in margin at head.

[Children's book with coloured illustrations.] The Pucksy Man. ['A Collins Picture Book'.]

Agnes Grozier Herbertson [A Collins Picture Book, Collins' Clear-Type Press]
Publication details: 
London and Glasgow: Collins' Clear-Type Press. [1920s.]

20pp., small 4to (16.5 x 13 cm). Sewn in card wraps, illustrated in colours. In fair condition, lightly and spotted, in worn wraps, with two uncoloured illustrations on the inside wraps coloured in. With ownership inscription on half-title, dated 18 September 1927. Eight attractive full-page colour illustrations (two out of register) in text, in a range of styles, suggesting stock images by different illustrators, and two uncoloured illustrations on the inside wraps, coloured in (by a child?), with another two illustrations on the front and back covers. This item is something of a mystery.

Two press photograph of racing driver Mike Hawthorn, one showing him cutting a ribbon, and the other posing indoors astride a motorcycle, as delighted spectators including five schoolboys, look on.

Mike Hawthorn [John Michael Hawthorn] (1929-1959), English racing driver with the Ferrari Team, friend of Peter Collins and rival of Luigi Musso [Le Mans 24 Hour Race]
Publication details: 
Both stamped on the reverse: '"CHESTER CHRONICLE" | COPYRIGHT | PHOTOGRAPH'. [1950s.]

Both photographs in black and white, and both 25.5 x 20.5 cm. One landscape and the other portrait. The two in good condition, showing light signs of age and wear. Both clearly taken at the same event, as in both Hawthorn wears the same suit. Both taken indoors. In the first (portrait) he is seen cutting a ribbon, while a group of smartly-dressed men and women look on approvingly behind him. Signs for 'Silver Exide' and 'Mobilgas Special' are mounted on a wall.

Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Note from the novelist and biographer Ralph Straus to Mrs. Roscoe [Secretary, Society of Women Journalists], the former discussing the newly-formed Collins Crime Club, 'J. J. Connington' and M. R. K. Burge.

Ralph Straus (1882-1950), Manchester-born writer, educated at Harrow and Pembroke College, Cambridge [Mrs Roscoe; Collins Crime Club; Sir Godfrey Collins; 'J. J. Connington' [Alfred Walter Stewart]]
Publication details: 
Autograph Letter Signed: From Exeter, but on his letterhead, 8E Hyde Park Mansions, NW1 [London]; 14 May 1930. Typed Note: On his letterhead, The Tanyard, Shorne, near Gravesend; 26 August 1945.

Both items in poor condition, with burn marks and damp damage [fire damaged much of the Society's archive]. Some of the text of the autograph letter has faded, and it may be that the signature to the typed note has washed away. Autograph Letter Signed: 2pp., 4to. He begins by offering to 'oppose anybody' in a debate that Mrs Roscoe is organising (at the Society of Women Journalists).

Manuscript Memorandum and Manuscript Receipt, both signed ('Mortimer Collins') by the poet and novelist Edward James Mortimer Collins, assigning copyrights of his works to the London publishers Henry S. King & Co.

Mortimer Collins [Edward James Mortimer Collins] (1827-1876), English poet and novelist [Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Both dated from Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks. 19 March 1872 and 14 December 1872.

ONE (memorandum): Headed: 'Memorandum of an Agreement between Messrs: Henry S. King & Co: of 65 Cornhill London of the one part and Mortimer Collins Esqre. of Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks of the other part.' 19 March 1872. 1p., folio. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Pencil annotations. Five stamps at head (four embossed and one ink).

Appointments |Diary { T.J. & J. Smith's - Datada Diary 1949)

Mark Bonham-Carter, tiro publisher (House of Collins)(DNB).
Publication details: 

Printed beige boards, hinge strain at front cover, condition mainly good., 3 or 4 days to the pages, additional space for notes not used. Mainly a record of times, dates, people involved in a busy life of professional and social engagements, and expenditure, at the beginning of Bonham-Carter's years with The House of Collins. He records the occasional "Edit. Meting" (3 Jan. possibly his first?). Information also includes phone numbers and addresses. His background obviously gave him access to many circles.

Typed Letter Signed ('David') from Sir David Russell to his cousin Frank Carr Nicholson, discussing Rodney Collins's book on Ouspensky, Alexis Aladin, and 'books we have read'. With copy of his anonymous pamphlet 'Iona. A Short Chronological Table'.

Sir David Russell (1872-1956) of Silverburn, Leven, Fife [Frank Carr Nicholson (1875-1962), Librarian, Edinburgh University Library; Alexis Aladin (d.1927); Rodney Collins; Gurdieff; Ouspensky]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of Silverburn, Leven, Fife; 4 April 1956. Pamphlet printed by McLagan & Cumming, Edinburgh;1932.

Both letter and pamphlet in very good condition. Letter: 8pp., 4to. Written a few days before Russell's death on 12 March 1956. On the first page he describes how the London esoteric bookseller J. M.

Printed 'Property Plot' for a production of Ralph Lumley's 'Throrough-Bred' by 'Mr. J. L. Toole's Company', with stage manager's 'Call' sheet for 'Thoroughbred' by 'Mr. Edward A. Coventry & Mr. John R. Collins' Company'.

Publication details: 
Neither item with date or place. [First item: London: Toole's Theatre, 1893.]

The production to which the first item relates was Toole's last before being forced by gout to retire from the London stage. Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper; the first with short closed tear at head. Both printed on one side only. Item One: 33 x 21 cm. Headed 'Mr. J. L. Toole's Company. | THOROUGH-BRED. | PROPERTY PLOT.' Listing, under 'Stage' and 'Hand', all the props needed for the three acts, the last (and shortest) entry reading '[ACT III.] HAND. | Field glasses, cases. Race cards for all. Letter (WILHELMINA). Set of bones (TOSH). Coins (all). 2 tambourines.

Nine Typed Letters Signed, one Typed Note Signed and one Autograph Card Signed (all eleven 'Nicolette') from the author and artist Nicolette Devas to the military historian Antony Brett-James.

Nicolette Devas [née Macnamara; other married name Shephard] (1911-1987), author and artist [Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), military historian and Sandhurst lecturer]
Nicolette Devas
Publication details: 
[1960-74?] All from West London. Card postmarked 11 October 1960, on cancelled letterhead of Anthony Devas, 12 Carlisle Square. Three items (none with year) on letterhead 18 Wetherby Gardens; seven (two from 1974) on letterhead 68 Limerston Street.
Nicolette Devas

Apart from the card (12mo, 1 p), totalling 4to, 10 pp; 12mo, 2 pp. All items in good condition, with text clear and complete, on lightly-aged paper. All post-1960. Two of the eleven (20 January and 13 June 1974) are fully dated by Devas; another four have day and month. The card from 1960 is the earliest item; the three from Wetherby Gardens date from between this point and Devas's second marriage to Rupert Shephard in 1965, and the seven from Limerston Street from after the marriage. A good-natured correspondence, written in a chatty style.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mortimer Collins') to [Edward] Draper; together with a printed poem produced on the occasion of Collins's death.

Edward James Mortimer Collins (1827-1876), English nineteenth-century novelist, journalist and poet
Publication details: 
The letter: undated, 'Knowsley, <?> of L. Derby'

Letter: 12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and entire, but with the outer pages grubby. He has 'no wish to annoy other members of the Court family', so it will 'go no further'. 'It is cool of Miss Court to talk thhe confidence of her own home, when she made the statement to Mrs Bulkeley in her own drawing-room.' Suggests that Draper send 'the Postmistress' a 'reminder'. 'She is so accustomed to threatening letters from her creditors' lawyers that she possibly may disregard this.' Asks him to 'make her understand that withholding an apology may have sharp consequences'.

A Plain Tale.

[Eimar Ultan O'Duffy (1893-1935), Irish satirical writer]
Publication details: 
Undated; place and printer not stated.

One page, in two 62-line columns. Octavo leaf with blank reverse. Good, on lightly aged paper with slight nicking and creasing to edges. Satirical account of 'simple soul' Michael James's dealings with his hypocritical neighbour Susan Elizabeth, who hands him a white feather when he refuses to enlist in the British Army during the Great War. On 'the Day' of the Easter Rising James fights and is wounded and 'thrown into the interment camp at Frongoch'. Susan Elizabeth then becomes 'a great Sinn Feiner.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Card Signed (all 'W J Collins') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, with offprint of lecture to Royal Sanitary Institute: 'The Chadwick School of Thought. (An appeal from the New Sanitarians to the Old.)'

Sir William Job Collins (1859-1946), English ophthalmic surgeon and Liberal politician
Publication details: 
The letters and cards, 1914, 1915 and 1916; the offprint, 'Excerpt from Vol. XXXIV., No. 7 (1913) of the Journal of The Royal Sanitary Institute.'

The collection is in good condition. Three of the communications bear the stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, of which the recipient Wood was the Secretary.

Autograph Note Signed to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie the younger.

John Romilly, 1st Baron Romilly
Publication details: 
6 February 1862; 6 Hyde Park Terrace, W.

English lawyer (1802-74) and Master of the Rolls, 1851-73. The recipient (1817-80) was a noted chemist. Two pages, 16mo. Very good, but sumwhat dusty and grubby. Reads 'My dear Sir Benjamin | I am much oblig'd to you for your kind. [sic] I am not aware of the circumstance, or rather the rule you mention or I should not have committed thte 'indiscretion' of asking you to sign my sons recommendation'. Signed 'John Romilly'.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of document.

James Ward, William Collins, Edward Francis Finden, George Hyde and Philip Hill
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Collins (1788-1847) and Ward (1769-1859) were all artists. Finden (1791-1857) was an engraver. Paper dimensions roughly five inches by four and a half inches. Folded once and with slight discoloration, but in good condition overall. Reads 'James Ward RA. | Edwd. F. Finden | William Collins. | Geo Hyde | Upper Norton St | Philip Hill | 6. Greek Street'.

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