[Postal history: Sir Matthew John Tierney, surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Francis Freeling, Secretary of the General Post Office, complaining of a misdirected letter, with annotation by Freeling and postal inspector Benjamin Critchett.

Sir Matthew John Tierney (1776-1845), Anglo-Irish surgeon [Sir Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office; Benjamin Critchett, Inspector of Letter Carriers]
Publication details: 
5 February 1835. Brighton.

See the entries on Tierney (Physician-in-Ordinary to George IV and William IV) and Freeling (also a noted bibliophile) in the Oxford DNB. The letter is 3pp, 12mo, with underlinings in red pencil (probably by Freeling), and the reverse of the second leaf carrying the address and annotations by Freeling and Critchett. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with folds for postage and strip of tape from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which also has a strip of paper with an ANS by Critchett laid down lengthwise along the outer edge.

[Ernest Hart, medical journalist, editor of the British Medical Journal and collector of Japanese art.] Autogaph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley, describing the meetings by his club, with reference to Tenniel, Lister, Du Maurier, Sambourne and others

Ernest Hart [Ernest Abraham Hart] (1835-1898), editor of the British Medical Journal, ophthalmic surgeon and collector of Japanese art [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
No date [1880s?]. On letterhead of 38 Wimpole Street, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB (from which the scandalous Broadley is unaccountably absent). 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium of grey paper. Tears to the second leaf (not affecting signature) have been unobtrusively repaired with archival tape, and its blank reverse carries a thin remnant of the mount. One postage fold. Addressed to ‘My Dear Broadley’ and signed ‘Ernest Hart’.

[Samuel Cooper, FRS, surgeon and author of medical dictionary.] Autograph Signature on part of form signed as Professor of Surgery at University College Hospital, London.

Samuel Cooper (1780-1848), FRS, Professor of Surgery at University College Hospital, London, surgeon and author of a celebrated medical dictionary
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Slip of paper, roughly 15 x 2.5 cm, cut from form. Somewhat discoloured by the glue with which it is laid down on irregularly-cut backing card. Good firm signature ‘Samuel Cooper’, followed by the lithographed word ‘Professor.’ in gothic script. See IMage.

[James Copland, Scottish physician and medical writer, President of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society..] Autograph Signature on part of form signed as Professor (‘pro temp.’) of Surgery at University College Hospital, London.

James Copland (1791-1870), Scottish physician and prolific medical writer, editor of the ‘London Medical Repository’, President of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Slip of paper, roughly 18 x 2.5 cm, cut from form. Somewhat discoloured by the glue with which it is laid down on irregularly-cut backing card. Good firm signature ‘James Copland’, followed by the lithographed word ‘Professor.’ in gothic script, which is followed by ‘pro temp.’ in Copland’s autograph. See Image.

[Samuel Cooper, surgeon and medical author.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'the Board of Curators', asking for a library ticket for Michael Foster of Holywell.

Samuel Cooper (1780-1848), surgeon and medical author whose ?Surgical Dictionary? was a standard textbook [Michael Foster (1810-1880), surgeon]
Publication details: 
?June 14 1833. / 7, Woburn Place? [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ?Mr S Cooper?s compts to the Board of Curators and will be obliged if they will favour him with a ticket for the Library for his friend Mr M. Foster for 6 months / For Mr Michael Foster / of Holywell Bedfordshire / June 14 1833. / 7, Woburn Place?. A pencil note in a contemporary hand at the head of the page gives a list of works by ?Prof. Samuel Cooper F.R.S.?

[Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper], distinguished surgeon and anatomist.] Autograph Note Signed, requesting that the botanist and antiquary Dawson Turner vote for his nephew's membership of the Athenaeum club.

Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper] (1768-1841), distinguished surgeon and anatomist [Dawson Turner (1775-1858), botanist and antiquary]
Astley Cooper
Publication details: 
‘Conduit St [London] / June 23rd / 1830.’
Astley Cooper

The two men were both from Norfolk: see their entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo, on the recto of the first leaf a bifolium, the verso of the second leaf being addressed by Cooper to ‘Dawson Turner Esq / Yarmouth / Norfolk’, with postmark and ‘More to Pay 1d’ and ‘Post Paid’, and small seal with impression in red wax. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage, and minor traces of stub adhering to one edge. Reads: ‘Dear Sir, / You will greatly oblige me y voting for my Nephew Mr. Astley Cooper for the Athenaeum - / Yours very truly / Astley Cooper’. See Image.

[Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper], distinguished anatomist.] Correspondence with fellow-surgeon Nicholas Birch, comprising two Autograph Letters Signed and six Autograph Notes Signed.

Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper] (1768-1841), distinguished surgeon and anatomist
Publication details: 
One dated 23 March 1827, two with 1824 postmarks; the rest undated.

Giving an insight into the nuts and bolts of Georgian medical practice. See Cooper's entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient was the son-in-law of the apothecary William Complin (1729-1808), and lived in Mansell Street from the latter’s death until his own, and was possibly succeeded at the address by his son George, also a surgeon. The material is in good condition, lightly worn, on aged paper. All items 1p, 12mo, and four on bifoliums addressed on second leaf. All six signed ‘Astley Cooper’. ONE: ALS. ‘Tuesday’.

[‘A Classic Bush Doctor’: Felix Paul Bartlett, Australian surgeon at Cowra, New South Wales.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Mr D’Eath’, one giving news of his surgery and mutual friends, the other describing ‘poor Walkers sudden death’.

Felix Paul Bartlett (1855-1944), Australian ‘Bush Doctor’ at Cowra, New South Wales
Publication details: 
23 March and 11 May 1890. Both from Cowra, New South Wales, Australia.

Interesting items, casting light on the life of an Australian rural doctor of the Victorian period. A selection of Bartlett’s memoirs was published under the title ‘Bush Doctor’, edited by Jane Caiger-Smith and Michael C Bartlett, in 2011. There is an good illustrated article on him and his family (‘A Classic Bush Doctor’) in ‘Australian Rural Doctor’, June 2013. Both letters are addressed to ‘Dear Mr. D’Eath’ and signed ‘Felix P. Bartlett’.

[‘The Sicilians are not quite so well disposed towards us’: Edward Foord Bromley, Royal Navy surgeon and source of Tasmanian scandal.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Sidney Smith, from HMS America at Palermo, describing the unsettled state of Sicily.

Edward Foord Bromley (1776-1836), Royal Navy surgeon and Naval Officer at Hobart Town, Tasmania, putative embezzler [Sir Sidney Smith; HMS America; Sicily; Sicilians]
Publication details: 
‘H M Ship America Palermo. / Septr 11. 1813.’

An excellent letter, describing the state of affairs in Sicily during the period of British occupation, 1806-1814. The recipient Sir Sidney Smith (see Oxford DNB) was second in command to Sir Edward Pellew, head of the Mediterranean squadron which included Bromley’s ship HMS America, a 76-gun third-rater, launched only three years before, in 1810. The present letter is written with the ship on the verge of a notable engagement (described in the European Magazine, March 1814, pp.245-247, quoting from the London Gazette). From Bromley’s entry by P. R.

[Sir James Paget, founder of scientific medical pathology.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Klugh on receiving his baronetcy, with printed card on his wife’s death, and newspaper cutting from The Times on his funeral.

Sir James Paget (1814-1899), 1st Baronet, prominent English surgeon, considered with Virchow as one of the founders of scientific medical pathology [Charles Klugh]
Publication details: 
Letter: 27 September 1871; on letterhead of 1 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, W. Card: April 1895; 5 Park Square West. Newspaper cutting from The Times, 5 January 1900.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The three items are laid down on a leaf from an album, the letter on one side and the other two items on the other. The material is in good condition, lightly aged, with the letter slightly ruckled. LETTER: 1p, 12mo. Letterhead printed in red. Beneath the letter, on the album leaf, in a contemporary hand: ‘In reply to my congratulatory note upon his being made a baronet.’ Addressed to ‘Charles Klugh Esqr’ and signed ‘James Paget’. Reads: ‘My dear Mr. Klugh / By mistake, your note was not sent to me at Lucerne, and I have only lately received it.

[Frederic Carpenter Skey, President of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society.] Offprint of the obituary of ‘Frederic Carpenter Skey, C.B., F.R.S.’

Frederic Carpenter Skey (1798-1872), distinguished English surgeon, President of Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society; Hunterian Orator, Royal College of Surgeons [St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London]
Publication details: 
[1873.] ‘Reprinted from St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Reports, Vol. IX.’ London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-street Square and Parliament Street.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 12mo, 8vo, paginated 1-19 (originally pp.xxi-xxxix). Stitched into light-grey printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. This offprint is scarce: the only copy on WorldCat and JISC is at the Wellcome.

[Thomas Wakley, surgeon & reformer; The Lancet] Autograph Letter Signed Thomas Wakley concerning a patient (a young boy), who died a violent death.

Thomas Wakley [(1795 – 1862), surgeon, gained fame as a social reformer who campaigned against incompetence, privilege and nepotism, founding editor of The Lancet]
Publication details: 
Bedford Street, Strand, [London], 5 March [no year given].

Four pages, bifolium, with thin neat strip of windowpane mount at edges, good condition, large handwriting. The 'notice' of the death of George [Miles?] was sent to this office by the parish Constable, as is usual on such occasions. It also appeared that the Registrar had declined to register the death. The inquest was held because the child had died from a violent cause. About three months since the poor little fellow fell into a basion of boiling water.

[Sir Henry Wade, urologist, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.] Five Typed Letters Signed: four to Waterston and one to his doctor (regarding treatment for suspected bowel cancer), with reminiscences and discussing homeopathy.

Sir Henry Wade, urologist, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh [David Waterston (1871-1942), Bute Professor of Anatomy, University of St Andrews, debunker of Piltdown Man hoax]
Publication details: 
The five letters from 1940, and all on letterhead of 6 Manor Place Edinburgh.

Wade donated his extensive collection of anatomical specimens to Surgeon's Hall in Edinburgh, where it is now known as the Henry Wade Collection. In 1913 Waterston had attained prominence as the first authority to discredit the Piltdown Man hoax. A total of 6pp, 8vo. The first addressed to Waterston’s doctor at St Andrews, Orr, the others to Waterston himself. None of the letters is short, and all but the second are single-spaced. The first (to Waterston’s doctor, Orr) is 2pp, the others (all four to Waterston himself) 1p. In fair condition, lightly aged and ruckled.

[John William Struthers, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.] Autograph Letter Signed and two Typed Letters Signed to Professor David Waterston of St Andrews, discussing golf and other matters in a lightly-humorous style.

John William Struthers (1874-1953), Scottish surgeon, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh [Professor David Waterston (1871-1942) of St Andrews]
Publication details: 
The two TLsS, 20 March and 5 April 1941. The ALS, 10 August 1941. All on letterhead of Sandy-Knowe, Gullane [Scotland],

Struthers served as a major in the Royal Army Medical Corps during the Great War. He was a pioneer in the use of local anaesthetic, and wrote a well-regarded work on the topic. He was President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh from 1941 to 1943. Waterston was Bute Professor of Anatomy at the University of St Andrews from 1914 to 1942. In 1913, while Professor of Anatomy at King's College, London, he was the first authority to debunk the Piltdown Man hoax. The three items are in fair condition, lightly aged, with slight ruckling and aging. All three are folded for postage.

[Marshall Hall Higginbottom, Nottingham surgeon, nephew of eminent neurophysiologist Marshall Hall.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Rev. Samuel Walker], recommending the ear-surgeon Joseph Toynbee.

Marshall Hall Higginbottom (1822-1895), Nottingham surgeon, nephew of Marshall Hall, eminent physician and neurophysiologist, vivisectionist and abolitionist [Rev. Samuel Walker; Joseph Toynbee]
Publication details: 
7 April 1856. Nottingham.

A nice item, casting light on the practice of the provincial medical profession in Victorian England. See Higginbottom’s obituary in the British Medical Journal, 16 March 1895. There are a number of references to Higginbottom in the memoir of 1861 memoir of Marshall Hall (1790-1857) by his widow. For information about Hall, who died the following year, see his entry in the Oxford DNB, together with that of the otologist Joseph Toynbee (1815-1866). The item is from the papers of Rev. Samuel Walker, successively of Nottingham and Liverpool.

[Lord Albemarle, Whig politician.] Autograph Signature (‘Albemarle’) to a long secretarial letter to the surgeon William Barnard Boddy, describing in detail the state of his cataracts, and discussing possible treatment.

Lord Albemarle [William Charles Keppel, 4th Earl of Albemarle] (1772-1849), Whig politician, Master of the Horse who travelled with Queen Victoria to coronation [William Barnard Boddy (1796-1884)]
Publication details: 
24 October 1845; Quidenham, near Kenninghall, Norfolk.

An interesting item from a medical point of view, with a well-informed patient describing and discussing his condition, symptoms and treatment options. Three years after the writing of this letter the appropriately-named Boddy, who is addressed here as ‘W. Barnard Boddy Esqr / 3. Saville Row. Walworth’, published ‘Diet and Cholera’ (London, 1848). 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Fifty-five lines of closely-written text. The signature is large and shaky, and the use of an amanuensis is understandable in the light of the content of the letter.

[Sir Walter Mercer, Scottish orthopaedic surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Walter Mercer’), thanking ‘Dr Goodwin’ for ‘War Effort Canadian stamps’, praising the surgery of Goodwin’s colleagues, and finding things ‘pretty hectic’.

Sir Walter Mercer (1890-1971), Scottish orthopaedic surgeon, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh who donated his collection of anatomical specimens to Surgeon's Hall in Edinburgh
Publication details: 
19 July 1945; on his letterhead (‘Consultations by Appointment’) of 'MR. WALTER MERCER', 12 Rothesay Terrace, Edinburgh 3.

See Mercer’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 20 lines on both sides of a 12mo landscape letterhead. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Mercer has the proverbial handwriting of a doctor, rendering the present item somewhat difficult to read. He begins by thanking Goodwin for the ‘lovely surprise’ of ‘a packet of the War Effort Canadian stamps in mint condition’, which (illegible name) ‘didn’t get the length of Edinburgh as he has been called to the Pacific’.

[Surgeon who treated Napoleon’s hemorrhoids: Guillaume Dupuytren, French anatomist.] Autograph Signature (‘B Gull Dupuytren’), as ‘premier Chirurgien du Roi’, to deposition on behalf of his pupil William Edmund Image; attested by Barthélémy Guiton.

Guillaume Dupuytren (1777-1835), anatomist, ‘premier Chirurgien du Roi’ who treated Napoleon Bonaparte's hemorrhoids; Barthélémy Guiton (1764-1833) [William Edmund Image (1807-1903), philatelist]
Publication details: 
4 July 1829; Paris.

1p, 4o. On watermarked laid paper. In fair condition, with slight wear and chipping; folded twice. Two manuscript endorsements on reverse, which also carries minor traces of previous mounting. In fairness to Dupuytren, his finest achievement is not operating on Napoleon’s hemorrhoids, but the description and first successful operation on what is now known as Dupuytren's contracture. Image lived with Dupuytren while studying medicine in Paris. Signed in untidy medical hand: ‘Paris le 4 juil: 1829 | B Gull Dupuytren’.

[George Whitley, surgeon.] Autograph syllabus of lectures (by J. H. Green of St Thomas's Hospital?), 'Observations' by anatomist Edward Grainger, extracts from 'Pharmacopoeia Nosocomii Regalis Sancti Thomae. Londinensis' and 'Guy's Pharmacopoeia'.

George Whitley, surgeon, of Halton, Cheshire [Joseph Henry Green (1791-1863), surgeon and lecturer at St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, London; Edward Grainger (1797-1824), teacher of anatomy]
Publication details: 
St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, London: 1819 and thereabouts. Halton, Cheshire: 1820.

Two items in the hand of George Whitley, surgeon, of Halton, Cheshire (not to be confused with his namesake the epidemiologist George Whitley (1816-1881), for whose career see Fraser Brockington, 'Public Health in the Nineteenth Century', 1965). The two items are accompanied by the front board of a volume, with the following ownership inscription and note on the pastedown: 'George Whitley, Surgeon, | St. Thomas' Hospital. | London. | Novr. 22. 1819. | NB. See in this Book a Copy of a Letter to Lady Cunliffe pr. Mr. [?] Surgeon, about an Ulcerated Leg of her House Keeper, Mrs.

[Royal Navy Ophthalmic Department, Second World War.] Letterbook of Surgeon-Commander Edward John Littledale, Ophthalmic Specialist, of HMHS [Hospital Ship] Maine, containing two hundred AFOs [Admiralty Fleet Orders], circulars, correspondence.

[Royal Navy Ophthalmic Department, Second World War] Surgeon-Commander Edward John Littledale (1906-2001), Ophthalmic Specialist, of HMHS [Hospital Ship] Maine
Publication details: 
[Admiralty, Whitehall, London.] Dating from between 1924 and 1946, with the greater number issued during the Second World War.

Laid down on 138pp of a quarto volume. The contents are in good overall condition, lightly aged and worn, but the binding of the volume is in poor condition, heavily worn, with the leather spine split and damaged and the front board becoming detached. Meticulously arranged, with autograph thumb-index and list of AFOs at front, and autograph emendations in red ink to various orders, many of which are marked 'Cancelled'. Ownership signature and title on flyleaf: 'E. J. Littledale. | A. F. Os etc dealing with Ophthalmic Department'.

[Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke, obstetric surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Cullum, describing in moving terms his wife's last illness and subsequent events.

Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke (1782-1857), accoucheur, obstetric surgeon and physician to Queen Adelaide [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), widow of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
24 July 1856; Caston Rectory, Attleborough [Norfolk].

See Clarke's entry in the Oxford DNB. The present letter, signed 'Charles Mansfield Clarke', was written (from Caston, where Clarke's son-in-law Walter Patridge was rector) a few weeks after the death on 3 July 1856 of Clarke's wife of fifty years, Mary Anna (née Squire), by whom he had two sons and five daughters. Lady Clarke's own husband had died a year and a half before, on 26 January 1855. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount on reverse of second leaf. Folded once.

[James Johnson, Physician Extraordinary to King William IV.] Autograph Testimonial Signed ('James Johnson, M. D | Physician Extry to the King.') for Horatio Goodday.

James Johnson [James Johnstone] (1777-1845), Irish physician, surgeon and author, Physician Extraordinary to King William IV [George Fincham, London surgeon; Horatio Goodday]
Publication details: 
Suffolk Place, Pall Mall [London]. 18 December 1835.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, aged and creased, on thin Whatman wove paper, with wear to edges. Reads: 'I was acquainted, for some years, with Mr. Horatio Goodday, while he was residing as a pupil, with my friend Mr. Fincham, of Spring-Gardens, [i.e. the surgeon George Fincham] and had many opportunities of observing his excellent moral qualities and professional acquirements. Mr. Fincham has always expressed himself as highly pleased with the excellent conduct of his pupil.'

[Sir James Jenkins, Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jas Jenkins') to J. A. Smith, regretting that he will not be able to join his party.

Sir James Jenkins (1818-1912), Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets, Hon. Surgeon to King Edward VII
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'London, E.C.' 19 July 1872.

Jenkins's impressive list of appointments is in Who Was Who, and includes service 'in charge of Naval Brigade before Sebastopol, 1854-1855 (medal with clasp, Turkish medal, and Legion of Honour); Staff-Surgeon of hospital ships “Belleisle” and “Simoon” in China, 1857-61 (medal with two clasps)'. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium, with the leaves separated, and reattached with small paper labels. Otherwise in fair condition, aged, and with wear along one edge. He regrets that his business engagements 'will not allow of my joining your party tomorrow'.

[Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, distinguished surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed ('B C Brodie') to Mrs Hewitt of Nantwich, giving advice on what action to take regarding her indisposition.

Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862), distinguished surgeon and physiologist, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria, first President of the General Medical Council
Publication details: 
Zurich; 8 September 1853.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Tipped-in below the signature is the letter's envelope, addressed, with postmarks, to 'Mrs Hewitt | Wrenbury Hall | Nantwich', amended to 'Chislehurst | Kent'. He begins by explaining that he has 'been for the last few weeks on the continent, & in consequence of the gross neglect of the Geneva post office' her letter has only just reached him. He is sorry that he should have been 'made to appear so negligent'.

[Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria.] Autograph Prescription Signed ('B C Brodie') in case of 'Miss Smedley'.

Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862), distinguished surgeon and physiologist, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria, first President of the General Medical Council
Publication details: 
No place; 1 May 1845.

1p, 4to. On grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse. Folded three times. A typical prescription, in Latin, beneath the heading 'Miss Smedley. April [last word deleted] May 1 1845'. The prescription begins with the usual 'Rx'; the last of the fourteen lines that follow ending with Brodie's signature ('B C Brodie').

[Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('B C Brodie')

Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862), distinguished surgeon and physiologist, Serjeant Surgeon to William IV and Victoria, first President of the General Medical Council
Publication details: 
14 Savile Row [London]; 5 December 1836.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse. The recipient is not identified. Reads: 'My Dear Sir | I hope that I shall not put you to inconvenience by making my visit to your patient today as late as half past five o clock. A particular circumstance has occurred which will prevent my being in your part of the town at the time originally proposed.'

[Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, Professor of Surgery and Pathology at the Royal College of Surgeons.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jonathan Hutchinson') to the physician W. F. Cleveland, regarding the forthcoming British Medical Association general meeting.

Sir Jonathan Hutchinson (1828-1913), surgeon and ophthalmologist, Professor of Surgery and Pathology at the Royal College of Surgeons [William Frederick Cleveland, physician]
Publication details: 
Finsbury Circus, E.C. [London]; 26 July 1859.

For information on the recipient the physician William Frederick Cleveland (1823-1898), see his obituary, BMJ, 3 December 1898. The letter concerns the twenty-seventh annual meeting of the British Medical. Association, held at Liverpool, 27 to 29 July 1859.. 2pp, 12mo. Lightly aged and worn, with small square of paper cut from head, slightly affecting the address, and thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir, | The balloting list is of no use excepting to those who attend the Genl Meeting at Liverpool'.

[Sir Thomas Spencer Wells, surgeon to Queen Victoria and President of Royal College of Surgeons.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Spencer Wells') to W. F. Cleveland, arranging a joint consultation, and inviting him to 'see me do ovariotomy'.

Sir Thomas Spencer Wells (1818-1897), surgeon to Queen Victoria and President of the Royal College of Surgeons [William Frederick Cleveland (1823-1898), surgeon]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 3 Upper Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor Square, London W.; 13 May [no year].

For information on the recipient William Frederick Cleveland, see his obituary, BMJ, 3 December 1898. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper adhering to the reverse of the blank second leaf. Folded twice. He begins by explaining that he has been that day asked 'to see a patient of your with a large abdominal tumour – (named Conlon, I think) living somewhere near you – I said I had better see her with you & she asked me to arrange with you to see her on Thursday afternoon'.

[Sir Erasmus Wilson, eminent surgeon and dermatologist who paid for the transportation of Cleopatra's Needle.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Erasmus Wilson') to 'Miss Acton', diagnosing her 'local malady' as eczema, and giving cause, remedy and prognosis

Sir Erasmus Wilson [Sir William James Erasmus Wilson] (1809-1884), eminent surgeon and dermatologist who paid for the transportation of Cleopatra's Needle
Publication details: 
17 Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square [London]; 8 October 1849.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, on browned paper, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. He begins by explaining that the delay in replying is due to 'having been suddenly called into the country on Saturday and not returning until this morning'.

[Sir Erasmus Wilson, eminent surgeon and dermatologist who paid for the transportation of Cleopatra's Needle.] Autograph Note Signed ('Erasmus Wilson'), asking Hawley Bartley for 'notes on filaria' for his 'new Edition of my Diseases of the Skin'.

Sir Erasmus Wilson [Sir William James Erasmus Wilson] (1809-1884), eminent surgeon and dermatologist who paid for the transportation of Cleopatra's Needle [Robert Trout Hawley Bartley (1819-1882)]
Publication details: 
17 Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square [London]; 16 July 1856.

1p, 16mo. Bifolium. Aged and worn, with damage to blank second leaf from removal from mount. Reads: 'My Dear Sir / | I am in the press with a new Edition of My Diseases of the Skin. Could you favour me with any notes on the filaria: - | Yours very faithfully | Erasmus Wilson'. From the distinguished autograph collection of the psychiatrist Richard Alfred Hunter (1923-1981), whose collection of 7000 works relating to psychiatry is now in Cambridge University Library.

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