[Ted Noffs [Theodore Delwin Noffs], ‘Uniting Church’ minister and social activist.] Typed Letter Signed, informing the editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ Sally Emerson that the Charles Prince of Wales described it as ‘the best magazine in the world’.

Ted Noffs [Theodore Delwin Noffs] (1926-1995), Christian minister, laterly with the ‘Uniting Church’, founder of the Wayside Chapel in Kings Cross, Sydney, and campaigner for aboriginal rights
Publication details: 
29 March 1979. On letterhead of The Wayside Chapel, Kings Cross [Sydney, Australia].

See his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography. Despite the Prince of Wales’s endorsement, the novelist Sally Emerson (b. 1954) proved to be the last editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, which followed the suicide of the proprietor Philip Dosse of Hansom Books. (See her article ‘Death of a Bookman’, in Standpoint magazine, October 2018.) 2pp, 4to. On two leaves stapled together, the first with letterhead in blue ink with biblical quotation and illustration of a cross and a crown of thorns. Signed ‘T Noffs’.

[‘Mr Flotsam and Mr Jetsam’ (musical duo B. C. Collingwood and Malcom McEachern).] Autograph Signature, with stylized self-portrait, of ‘Flotsam’ (Bentley Collingwood Hilliam), tenor, pianist and songwriter.

‘Mr Flotsam and Mr Jetsam’ [Bentley Collingwood Hilliam [born Smailes] (1890-1968), English tenor, pianist and songwriter, and Malcolm McEachern (1883-1945), Australian bass]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

‘Mr Flotsam and Mr Jetsam’ are regarded as precursors of Flanders and Swan. The present item is on a 14 x 13 cm leaf torn from an album. The high-acidity paper is discoloured, otherwise in good condition, with no chipping or wear. Entirely blank on both sides apart from the autograph ‘Flotsam’, with diagonal flourish, beneath a highly stylized and simplified portrait of flotsam seated at his piano. A nice and unusual item. See Image

[Sir Arthur Hodgson, Australian squatter and politician.] Autograph Letter in the third person, thanking ‘Marcian’ [Evan Marlett Boddy?] for his ‘brochure’ ‘Relics of the late William Shakespeare’.

Sir Arthur Hodgson (1818-1902), Australian squatter and politician involved in the deaths of hundreds of aborigines, and later Mayor of Stratford-upon-Avon [Evan Marlett Boddy (c.1847-1934)]
Publication details: 
1 September [1901]. On embossed letterhead of Clopton House, Stratford-on-Avon.

Hodgson’s entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography omits to mention the fact that the territory named Eton Vale which he squatted with his brother Christopher Pemberton Hodgson (1821-1865), was taken by force from the Barunggam people, and that, as the brother recalled in 1848, ‘so many hundreds of these poor creatures’ were ‘sacrificed’ in the struggle over the territory. From the papers of Evan Marlett Boddy (c.1847-1934), who is presumably the recipient ‘Marcian’, author of the named ‘brochure’, published in Birmingham in 1901. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, folded once.

[Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922.] Autographs of the eleven, including future England Captain Greville Stevens, the Australian R. H. Bettington, R. C. Robertson-Glasgow and R. L. Holdsworth.

Greville Stevens [Greville Thomas Scott Stevens; G. T. S. Stevens] (1901-1970), Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922; England captain [R. H. Bettington; R. L. Holdsworth; R. C. Robertson-Glasgow]
Publication details: 
No date or place, but the same eleven that played at Oxford in May 1922.

On a 16.5 x 20 cm piece of faded and lightly-worn light-green paper, with small diagonal cuts at corners where the item was mounted in an album. The players’ names are neatly presented in a column (there is no other text on either side): ‘OUCC | Greville Stevens | R. L. H. Holdsworth | J. D. Percival | V. R. Price | R C Robertson Glasgow | P E Lawrie | M Patten | R H Bettington | T B Raikes | L. P. Hedges | R R P Barbour’. This is the same eleven which won a match at Oxford against the Free Foresters on 20 May 1922.

[George IV as Prince Regent, and former Prime Minister Lord Sidmouth as Home Secretary.] Warrant Signed by 'George P R.' and 'Sidmouth', directing that Matthias Maher be removed from the Lunatic Asylum in St George's Fields to Newgate Prison.

George IV as Prince Regent; Lord Sidmouth [Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth] (1757-1844), Prime Minister; William Erasmus Hardy of Newgate Prison; Matthias Maher [Transportation; Australia]
George IV as Prince Regent
Publication details: 
'Given at Our Court at Carlton House the Thirty first day of July 1819, in the Fifty ninth Year of Our Reign.'
George IV as Prince Regent

This document, signed by George IV as Prince Regent, and by the former Prime Minister Lord Sidmouth as Home Secretary, relates to Matthias Maher (1798-1865), a Royal Navy officer who was twice tried at the Old Bailey on a charge of forgery. On the first occasion, 6 May 1818, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity; and removed to the criminal asylum in St George's Fields. Maher was found sound of mind – as the present document reveals by Sir George Leman Tuthill (1772–1835) and Edward Wright (c.1788-1859), the latter to die of disgrace in Australia.

Samuell's Guide: How to know Sydney. Illustrated. Maps of Sydney, the harbour, the suburbs. Fishing resorts, masonic, shooting information, carriage drives, telegraphic code, &c. &c.

H. J. Samuell's Guide to Sydney, 1897.
Publication details: 
Printed by McCarron, Stewart & Co., for the Samuell Publishing Company, Sydney, N.S.W. [New South Wales], 1897.

16mo (13.5 x 10.5 cm), 288 pp. In original black and red printed wraps, illustrated on front with illustrations relating to the city. Fold-out 'Map of Sydney' (26 x 38 cm) in black and grey, with advertisements on reverse. Lacking the fold-out map which should be present on a stub between pp 124 and 125. Good, a little aged with slight staining at foot of first leaf. In worn and stained wraps, becoming detached from book at front. Ownership inscription of 'U Reynell 1895' in pencil on front wrap. Advertisements throughout. Numerous photographic illustrations.

[‘A Classic Bush Doctor’: Felix Paul Bartlett, Australian surgeon at Cowra, New South Wales.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Mr D’Eath’, one giving news of his surgery and mutual friends, the other describing ‘poor Walkers sudden death’.

Felix Paul Bartlett (1855-1944), Australian ‘Bush Doctor’ at Cowra, New South Wales
Publication details: 
23 March and 11 May 1890. Both from Cowra, New South Wales, Australia.

Interesting items, casting light on the life of an Australian rural doctor of the Victorian period. A selection of Bartlett’s memoirs was published under the title ‘Bush Doctor’, edited by Jane Caiger-Smith and Michael C Bartlett, in 2011. There is an good illustrated article on him and his family (‘A Classic Bush Doctor’) in ‘Australian Rural Doctor’, June 2013. Both letters are addressed to ‘Dear Mr. D’Eath’ and signed ‘Felix P. Bartlett’.

[‘The Sicilians are not quite so well disposed towards us’: Edward Foord Bromley, Royal Navy surgeon and source of Tasmanian scandal.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Sidney Smith, from HMS America at Palermo, describing the unsettled state of Sicily.

Edward Foord Bromley (1776-1836), Royal Navy surgeon and Naval Officer at Hobart Town, Tasmania, putative embezzler [Sir Sidney Smith; HMS America; Sicily; Sicilians]
Publication details: 
‘H M Ship America Palermo. / Septr 11. 1813.’

An excellent letter, describing the state of affairs in Sicily during the period of British occupation, 1806-1814. The recipient Sir Sidney Smith (see Oxford DNB) was second in command to Sir Edward Pellew, head of the Mediterranean squadron which included Bromley’s ship HMS America, a 76-gun third-rater, launched only three years before, in 1810. The present letter is written with the ship on the verge of a notable engagement (described in the European Magazine, March 1814, pp.245-247, quoting from the London Gazette). From Bromley’s entry by P. R.

[Walter Rosenhain, distinguished metallurgist of German-Jewish extraction, grew up in Australia, lived in England.] Six Typed Letters Signed, Two Autograph Letters Signed, and one Typed Note Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Walter Rosenhain (1875-1934), distinguished metallurgist born in Germany of Jewish extraction, who grew up in Australia and moved to England in 1897 [Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1915, 1924 (3), 1925 (3) and 1926 (2). The nine items on letterheads of the metallurgy department of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex.

See his entries in the Oxford DNB and Australian Dictionary of Biography. The recipient George Kenneth Menzies (1869-1954) was Secretary to the Royal Society of Arts between 1917 and 1935. The nine items are in good condition, lightly aged, and are folded for postage. Each bears the stamp of the RSA, some with manuscript docketting. Letters of 4 April and 18 September 1925 are in autograph, the rest typed; all nine are signed ‘Walter Rosesnhain’.

[Australia: kangaroo hunting and numismatics.] Autograph Letter Signed from Robert Barton, Assayer, Royal Mint in Melbourne, to ‘Grubbe’, giving advice on hunting kangaroo and duck.

[Australia: kangaroo hunting and numismatics] Robert Barton (1839-1930), assayer, Deputy Master of the Royal Mint in Melbourne, Australia
Publication details: 
'Royal Mint [Melbourne, Australia] / 21 May 1875'.

Barton, who was born in London, joined the Royal Mint’s Melbourne branch as one of two assayers on its opening in 1869; in 1887 he was promoted to Superintendent, and in 1895 to Deputy Master, holding that position until his reitrement in 1904. See his entry in the Encyclopaedia of Australian Science and Innovation. In case Barton has misspelled the name, the recipient may be William Dawson Grubb (1817-1879) or his son Frederick William Grubb (1844-1923), who have a joint-entry in the Australian Dictionary of National Biography. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Signed ‘Robert Barton’.

[Sir Robert Herbert, first premier of Queensland, Australia.] Typed Letter Signed to S. H. Gatty, marked as ?Confidential?, asking whether Mr. Justice Cook, Puisne Judge in Trinidad is to your knowledge in the habit of drinking to excess?.

Sir Robert Herbert [Sir Robert George Wyndham Herbert] (1831-1905), the first and youngest-ever Premier of the Australian state of Queensland [Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922)]
Publication details: 
15 May 1891. From Downing Street, on embossed letterhead of the Colonial Office [Whitehall].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The item is from the Gatty papers. (Herbert is writing to Gatty in Trinidad, and it is Gatty who will be appointed in place of the subject of the letter.) 1p, 8vo, on good laid paper. In good condition, but with creases from having been folded into packet (not through signature). A good looking item, with ?Confidential? in left-hand margin. Reads: ?Sir, / I am directed by Lord Knutsford to ask you to be so good as to inform him confidentially whether Mr. Justice Cook, Puisne Judge in Trinidad is to your knowledge in the habit of drinking to excess.

[William Westall, artist and engraver.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Miss Macirone’ [the composer Clara Angela Macirone], anticipating ‘the greatest pleasure’ in attending her morning concert.

William Westall (1781-1850), ARA, artist and engraver, who in his youth travelled to Australia as artist on Matthew Flinders’ HMS Investigator [Clara Angela Macirone (1821-1895), pianist and composer]
Publication details: 
7 June 1847; 7 Pavilion Place, Battersea.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice for postage. Begins: ‘Mr. Westall presents his compliments to Miss Macirone & begs to assure her how very much obliged to her he feels for the honor she has done him in sending him two tickets for her morning concert’. He will have ‘the greatest pleasure in attending’ the concert, and is ‘quite sure he shall be very much delighted’.

[Ernest Lauri, Australian actor and singer, ‘The Singing Anzac’.] Autograph Letter Signed [to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope], requesting tickets, as an Australian theatre correspondent, to the London production of South Pacific.

Ernest Lauri (1891-1977), Australian actor and singer, ‘The Singing Anzac’ [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, English theatre historian]
Publication details: 
2 April 1952; from an hotel in Paris, on letterhead of ‘Ernest Lauri / (The Singing Anzac)’.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) 1p, 4to. Aged and creased, on discoloured high-acidity paper. Folded twice for postage, and with closed tear at head of vertical fold. Slight damage and rust staining from removal of staple. The letterhead incorporates two photographic portraits of Lauri, with press comment from ‘Everyone’s Magazine’ and career resume beginning: ‘Ernest Lauri / (The Singing Anzac) / STARRED IN AUSTRALIAN PICTURES / Versatile Vocalist and Monologist’. Macqueen-Pope is not named, but is presumably the recipient.

[Joan Sutherland, one of the greatest opera singers of the twentieth century.] Autograph Signature.

Joan Sutherland [Dame Joan Alston Sutherland] (1926-2010), Australian coloratura soprano, one of the greatest opera singers of the twentieth century
Publication details: 
No date or place.

Underlined signature on 9 x 1.5 cm piece of wove paper, apparently cut from letter. In good condition. Reads ‘Joan Sutherland.’ Reverse blank. See image

[‘The most barefaced case of pretended centenarianism’: Frederick Lahrbush, confidence-trickster and pretended centenarian.] Signed Autograph Inscription claiming that he was ‘born March 9th. 1766.’

‘Capt. Lahrbush’ [Frederick Lahrbush] (d. 1877), English fraudster, Australian convict, New York confidence-trickster and pretended centenarian
Publication details: 
In another hand: ‘Written Oct 7. 1870.’ [New York.]

During Lahrbush’s lifetime William John Thoms, in his ‘Human Longevity’ (1873), described his claim to have been born in 1766 as ‘the most barefaced case of pretended centenarianism which has ever come under my notice’. ‘Capt. Lahrbush’, who claimed to have been born in 1766, ended his days in New York. He also claimed to have guarded Napoleon in St Helena, and to have obbained a lock of Bonaparte’s hair there. In fact he was court-martialled for fraud in 1818, and sent as a convict to Australia.

[Ronald Craufurd Munro Ferguson, 1st Viscount Novar, 6th Governor-General of Australia; Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray, Duchess of Atholl, the first woman elected to a Scottish seat at Westminster.] Autograph Signatures from album.

Ronald Craufurd Munro Ferguson, 1st Viscount Novar (1860-1934), 6th Governor-General of Australia, 1914 to 1920; Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray (1874-1960), Duchess of Atholl
Publication details: 
Novar's signature dated by him from Stirling, 14 October 1922.

See their entries in the Oxford DNB. Two Autograph Signatures, on an 11 x 5 cm slip cut from a leaf of an album. In good condition, lightly aged. On one side: ‘Novar / G. G. Australia 1914 - 20. / Stirling 14. 10. 22.’ (The date ‘1914’ is slightly smudged. On the other side ‘Katharine Atholl - Jan. [...]’; and above it, in another hand ‘Duchess of Atholl - Under Secretary for Edu’. See image.

[Charles Haddon Chambers, Australian dramatist in England, lover of Dame Nellie Melba.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘B. C.’, on subects including his performance with Herbert Beerbohm Tree before Queen Victoria at Balmoral.

Charles Haddon Chambers [Charles Haddon Spurgeon Chambers] (1860-1921), Australian dramatist who settled in England, where he had an affair with Dame Nellie Melba
Publication details: 
No date [1894]; on letterhead of the Clarendon Hotel, 104 Prince’s Street, Edinburgh.

Chambers is not mentioned in Dame Nellie Melba’s entry in the Oxford DNB. She met him in London in 1895, and their affair ended for unknown reasons in 1904. It is clearly the ‘notorious’ affair in whose fame Chambers ‘rejoiced to the last’, according to Somerset Maugham’s devastating assessment of the man in ‘A Writer’s Notebook’ (1946). Harry de Windt gives a markedly kinder account of Chambers in his ‘My Note-Book at Home and Abroad’ (1923). The recipient would appear to be Chambers’s agent. Regarding the content of this letter, see ‘The Theatre’, 1 November 1894: ‘Mr.

[Charles Haddon Chambers, Australian dramatist in England, lover of Dame Nellie Melba.] Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Allhusen, giving plans for his visit to New York, in explaining why he cannot visit her country house Stoke Court, Buckinghamshire.

Charles Haddon Chambers [Charles Haddon Spurgeon Chambers] (1860-1921), Australian dramatist who settled in England, where he had an affair with Dame Nellie Melba [Allhusen family, Stoke Court, Bucks]
Publication details: 
17 May 1911; on letterhead of 14 Waverton Street, Berkeley Square, W. [London.]

Chambers is not mentioned in Dame Nellie Melba’s entry in the Oxford DNB. She met him in London in 1895, and their affair ended for unknown reasons in 1904. It is clearly the ‘notorious’ affair in whose fame Chambers ‘rejoiced to the last’, according to Somerset Maugham’s devastating assessment of the man in ‘A Writer’s Notebook’ (1946). Harry de Windt gives a markedly kinder account of Chambers in his ‘My Note-Book at Home and Abroad’ (1923).

[Queensland immigration] Printed advertisement, with long descriptive text, issued by the 'Agent-General for Queensland, 409 & 410, Strand, London, W.C.', for emigration from England to 'Queensland Crown Lands'.

The Agent-General for Queensland [emigration to Australia; Australian immigration]
Publication details: 
[Edwardian] The Agent-General for Queensland, 409 and 410, Strand, London, W.C.

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. First page carries the decorative title beneath the Queensland crest.The central two pages carry a long text, in small type, under the headings 'AGRICULTURE SELECTIONS', 'GRAZING SELECTIONS', 'GROUP SETTLEMENT' and 'OTHER MODES', and the subheadings 'AGRICULTURAL FARMS', 'AGRICULTURAL HOMESTEADS', 'GRAZING FARMS' and 'GRAZING HOMESTEADS'. The final page advertises 'FREE PASSAGES [...] TO Female Domestic Servants of Good Health and Character, between 17 and 35 years of age. Plenty of Work!

[Frank A. Nankivell; Australian Artist] Autograph Note Signed FrankANankivell to Mr. [Howes] Norris, autograph collector, jocularly replying with his autograph.

Frank A. Nankivell [Frank Arthur Nankivell (1869–1959) was an Australian artist and political cartoonist, known for his caricatures in publications such as Puck.]
Publication details: 
[Printed Heading] The Autograph Collection of Howes Norris, Jr. Place & date by Nankivell, 50 S. Washington Sq. N.Y. City, 23 Feb. 1909,

One page, 12mo, bottom edge stained but not obscuring a 5 x 3cm pencil sketch of a woman with big hair (see image), mainly good condition. Text: To be convicted for a term at hard labor - viz:- attending to one's correspondence - Terrible! | My intentions are of the best but unfortunately the letters remain unanswered - | So I hope now to be pardoned and remain | Yours very truly [...].

[M.A. (Monty) Noble; Australian cricketer] Autograph Note Signed M A Noble to autograph collector, Louis Frewer of Oxford

M.A. (Monty) Noble, eminent Australian Cricketer
Publication details: 
[Headed Notepaper] M.A. Noble & F.H. Gee | Manufacturers' Agents || 153 Clarence Street, | Ist Floor | Sydney. 19 Sept. 1933

One page, 20 x 17cm, partly spotted and dusted, but text clear and confident: Dear Sir, | Herewith please find said autograph as requested. I feel sure you must be a very keen collector, having sent for it from such a very great distance. However I trust it will prove to be a link in the great chain of mutual goodwill between the Mother Country & Australia.

[ Hubert Wilkins, Australian Polar Explorer ] Newspaper Article by Wilkins, AND signed by him, entitled North Pole Submarine for London

Hubert Wilkins [ Sir George Hubert Wilkins (1888–1958), Australian polar explorer, ornithologist, pilot, soldier, geographer and photographer. ]
Publication details: 
Unknown Newspaper [1930 or 1931]

Substantial Article extracted from a newspaper, 38 x 29cm, good condition, in which Wilkins discusses his project of taking a submarine (the Nautilus of course) under the Arctic. His signature Hubert Wilkins appears top left, probably in pencil.

[Arnold Haskell; dance critic] Autograph Contribution (extracted) to an Album with individuals writing on the subject Happiness, Signed Arnold L. Haskell.

Arnold Haskell [ Arnold Lionel David Haskell (1903–1980), dance critic ].
Publication details: 
No place given, Sept. 1941.

Album Page (extracted), 20.5 x 16cm, very good condition. A full page in his smallish neat hand. He starts by saying some general words about Happiness concluding It is something far more than the immediate reaction to a piece of very good news. He can recall many such moments, including family life, firendship, etc., but one stands out. He goes on to describe in evocative style The most vivid moment of all [...] in the Australian bush. I sat in the shade of a large blue gum tree. The glare of the hot summer sun was broken up by the l;eaves and formed a pattern all around me.

[ Franklin White, Australian artist. ] 24 items from his papers, including drafts and copies of his letters to the feminist Thelma Cazalet-Keir and the artist Harold Copping, and an ALS to him from Louis McCubbin, National Gallery of South Australia.

Franklin White (1892-1975), Australian artist, teacher at the Slade Art School, London; Harold Copping (1863-1932), artist;; Louis McCubbin (1890-1952), Director, National Gallery of South Australia ]
Publication details: 
Several of White's letters on letterheads of The Reedbeds, Shoreham, Nr. Sevenoaks, Kent. Between 1921 and 1968.

Two years after arriving in England from Australia in 1913, Franklin White entered the Slade School. His studies were interrupted by the First World War, during which he worked as a draughtsman at the Admiralty. In 1919 he re-entered the Slade, and was soon invited by Tonks to join the teaching staff. On his retirement in 1957, he devoted his full energies to the Samuel Palmer School of Art, which he had run from his home in Shoreham since 1924, when he first held summer classes in landscape painting for his Slade students.

[A. C. Swinton of Land Nationalisation Society, friend of Alfred Russel Wallace.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to the 'Misses Shore' [poet Louisa Catherine Shore and sister], on their brother in Australia, spiritualism, other topics inc. Wallace

A. C. Swinton (d. c.1905) [Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913), naturalist, co-conceiver with Darwin of Theory of Evolution; Louisa Catherine Shore (1824-1895), poet; her sister Arabella Susanna Shore]
Publication details: 
ONE: 31 December 1891; The Vine, Sevenoaks, Kent. TWO: 14 August 1893; Parkfield, Haslemere.

The context is explained in Wallace's 'Island Life' (1880), in which he discusses 'a fragment of a well-formed stone axe' that his 'friend A. C. Swinton, Esq.' found, 'while working in the then almost unknown gold-field of Maryborough, Victoria, in January, 1855'. Later in the book Wallace refers to the brother of the recipients of the letter, 'Mr. Mackworth Shore', i.e. Mackworth Charles Shore, as 'one of the discoverers of the gold-field, before any rush to it had taken place'. See the Oxford DNB entry on one of the two recipients of the letter, Louisa Catherine Shore.

[Richard Howitt, Quaker poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to the 'Editors of the “Aurora Borealis” | Care of Joseph Watson', in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, including an unpublished poem, and complaining of the treatment of his contributions to the periodical.

Richard Howitt (1799-1869), Quaker poet, who spent four years in Australia with his brother the entomologist Godfrey Howitt (1800-1873), [Joseph Watson and George Atley Brumell of Newcastle-upon-Tyne]
Publication details: 
23 November 1832; Nottingham.

Despite the four years (1840-1844) Howitt spent in the colony with his brother the entomologist Godfrey Howitt (1800-1873), the present letter has nothing to do with Australia. The letter is addressed to the editors of 'The Aurora Borealis: A Literary Annual edited by Members of the Society of Friends'. This periodical was the work of a group of Quakers in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with George Atley Brumell (1800-1877) one of the founding editors. Another of those involved was Joseph Watson (1807-1874), named in the letter's address.

[David Davies ('Dai'r Cantwr'), the Rebecca Riots and Transportation to Australia: Victorian Welsh street ballad.] Printed poem, titled: 'Can Hiraethlon David Davies (Dai'r Cantwr,) Pan yn Garcharor yng Nghaerfyrddin, am y Terfysg yn amser Becca'.

David Davies (c.1812-1874), Welsh poet known as Dai'r Cantwr (David the Singer), transported to Van Diemen's Land after the Rebecca Riots [nineteenth-century Welsh street ballad]
Publication details: 
No place or date. [Welsh, late Victorian.]

The full title reads: 'Can Hiraethlon | David Davies (Dai'r Cantwr,) | Pan yn Garcharor yng Nghaerfyrddin, am y Terfysg yn amser Becca. | Cenir ar y dôn “Roslin Castle.'” The title may be translated as 'A nostalgic song, written when a prisoner in Carmarthen, for the riot in Becca's time. | Sung to the tune of 'Roslin Castle'. 4pp, 12mo (15.5 x 9 cm). Paginated [1]-4. Disbound. A frail survival: aged and worn, with damp-stain along one edge. Beneath the title is a small vignette of a sailing ship, and at the end of the final page is another of a crown. Poem in four sixteen-line stanzas.

[John Mortimer Hunt, partner in Bond Street silversmiths Hunt & Roskell.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Mortimer Hunt'), regarding a 'stone implement' brought by 'Mr Roskell' from Australia, the Society of Antiquaries, and the recipient's health.

John Mortimer Hunt, partner in the firm of Hunt & Roskell [successors to Storr & Mortimer], jewellers and silversmiths, Bond Street, London [Australia; Australian archaeology]
Publication details: 
156 New Bond Street [London]. 31 May 1871.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. For information regarding this renowned firm of silversmiths, which possessed the royal warrant and mounted a sumptuous display at the Great Exhibition, see Norman Mosley Penzer, 'Paul Storr, 1771-1844, Silversmith and Goldsmith' (1954), and John Culme, 'Directory of Gold and Silversmiths' (2000). The nature of the '”Australian” implement' which is the subject of the letter is unclear, but information on Hunt's partner's connection with Australia is to be found in L. W.

[Marie Lohr, Australian film and stage actress.] Autograph Card Signed ('Marie Löhr') to 'Miss Johnson'

Marie Lohr [Marie Löhr] (1890-1875), Australian film and stage actress
Publication details: 
Bexhill-on-Sea postmark; 27 August 1920.

Postcard with printed stamp. In good condition, on aged paper. Address by her to 'Miss Johnson [identified in pencil as Isa Johnson] | 23 Weltje Road | Hammersmith | London - W'. The card reads: 'My thanks for your letter - I am sorry I did not see you to speak to the other day. I hate leaving here in next few days it has done me such a lot of good.'

[ Russell Braddon ] Autograph Note Signed "Russell Braddon" to a "Mr Kwiatowski", about having his photograph taken.

Russell Braddon, Australian author (of "Naked Island" etc.)
Publication details: 
[Headed] 11e Cornwall Gardens, London, SW&, 10 Nov. 1989.

One page, 8vo, very good condition. He thanks his correspondent for his letter and poems, adding: "I dislike being formally photographed, so I have no studio shots to send you, but I enclose the four signed cards for which you asked - even though I doubt that those to Wendy, Mary and Anon will be in the least appreciated."

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