[Maurice Chevalier, celebrated French singer, actor and entertainer.] Signed Autograph Inscription (‘Maurice’) to publicity postcard with photographic portrait of him, by Studio Virgine, Paris.

Maurice Chevalier (1888-1972), French singer, entertainer and actor [Studio Virgine, photographers, Paris]
Publication details: 
No date. Image by Studio Virgine, Paris.

14 x 10.5 postcard with 7 x 10 cm matte black and white metallic photographic portrait print by Studio Virgine of Paris to the right, and blank space to the left, in which Chevalier has written in blue ink, ‘Thanks to you both. Everything went fine. / Maurice’. The phtograph shows an urbane Chevalier in evening dress, hands in pockets, smiling. Somewhat aged and worn, with crease to top right corner going through Chevalier's head. See IMage.

[Erminia Rudersdorff [Hermine Küchenmeister-Rudersdorf], German soprano and teacher.] Autograph Letter Signed, in English, to ‘Mrs. Sprague’.

Erminia Rudersdorff [Hermine Küchenmeister-Rudersdorf] (1822-1882), German soprano and teacher, born in the Ukraine, who perrformed in England and settled in America [Sir William MItchell (1811-1878)]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [London, 1868.]

See her entry in Grove. The letter can be dated by the reference to Sir William Mitchell (see Oxford DNB) and the operetta 'The Rival Beauties', which he produced in London and then Plymouth. The letter is on one side of the paper, has been cut down to 11 x 9 cm, and laid down on a piece of card. Aged and worn, with slight loss at top right, affecting one word of text. Thirteen lines of close and neatly-written text, addressed to ‘Dearest Mrs. Sprague’ and signed ‘Yours affectionately, / Erminia Rudersdorff’, with a little of the flourish beneath the signature cut away.

[Mary Ellis [Mary Belle Elsas], American actress on Broadway and in film, who later found fame in England.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph.

Mary Ellis [born May Belle Elsas] (1897-2003), American Broadway and screen actress and singer, particularly associated with Ivor Novello
Publication details: 
February 1944. No place.

A black and white publicity photograph on an 11 x 15 cm collotype print. Signed at bottom right: ‘Yours sincere / Mary Ellis / Feb. 1844’. A head and shoulders portrait of a dreamy-looking Ellis in front of netting, staring downwards to her right, with her head cradled in her right hand, which is clasped by her left. In good condition, lightly aged. Scan on application

[Paul Robeson, black American singer and actor of international repute, prominent in the Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights Movement.] Autograph Signature from album.

Paul Robeson [Paul Leroy Robeson] (1898-1976), black American baritone singer and actor of international repute, prominent in the Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights Movement
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On piece of pink paper roughly 13.5 x 9.5 cm. Reads: ‘Every good wish / Paul Robeson.’ No other writing, and the good firm signature with plenty of space around it. In good condition lightly aged, with thin strip of discoloration running through the ‘E’ of ‘Every’. Scan on application.

[Richard Tauber, Austrian tenor singer and film actor.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph of ‘Richad Tauber / als Schubert / im “Dreimädlhaus”’.

Richard Tauber (1891-1948), Austrian tenor singer and film actor [Atelier Schneider, Berlin photographers]
Publication details: 
Inscribed by Tauber ‘1931 / London’. Printed at foot: ‘Atelier Schneider, Berlin phot.’

8 x 11 cm collotype print on 9 x 14 cm postcard, with caption (‘Richard Tauber / als Schubert / im “Dreimädlhaus”’) and publication details in blank space at foot. Tauber has signed emphatically, between two lines, at the foot of the card: ‘Richard Tauber / 1931 / London’. In good condition, lightly aged, but with dink to bottom-left corner, affecting neither image nor signature. Depicts Tauber, in the character of a bespectacled Franz Schubert, seated before a dark background. Scan on application.

[‘Scotland’s greatest ambassador’: Sir Harry Lauder, music hall singer and comedian.] Autograph Inscription and Signature.

[Harry Lauder] Sir Henry Lauder (1870-1950), hugely-popular Scottish music hall singer and comedian popular, described by Sir Winston Churchill as ‘Scotland’s greatest ambassador’
Publication details: 
On stamped postcard with Tooting postmark of 13 January 1905.

Lauder was the highest-paid entertainer in the world in 1911, and the first British artist to sell a million records (by 1928 he had sold two million). See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 14 x 9 cm plain postcard, addressed (by the recipient) to ‘Norman Wetton / 7 Claremont Road / Forrest Gate.’ On the blank reverse Lauder has written: ‘ “D’you Know this ” / Yours very truly / Harry Lauder’. A little grubby and discoloured, but in fair condition. Scan on application.

[Jessie Matthews, ‘The Dancing Divinity’, English actress, dancer and singer, star of stage and screen.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph for Gaumont-British by Raphael Tuck and Sons.

Jessie Matthews [Jessie Margaret Matthews] (1907-1981), British actress, singer and dancer, star of stage and screen, dubbed ‘The Dancing Divinity’ [Gaumont-British; Raphael Tuck and Sons]
Publication details: 
No date. [1920s?] ‘A Gaumont-British Star / Raphael Tuck and Sons’ “Real Photograph” Postcard No. 66’, Printed in England.

9 x 14.5 cm glossy publicity photograph. On reverse: “A Gaumont-British Star / Raphael Tuck and Sons’ “Real Photograph” Postcard No. 66”. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a couple of indentations. Inscribed at bottom right: ‘Best Wishes / Jessie Matthews’. A black and white head-and-shoulders shot of a wide-eyed Matthews staring at the viewer over her left shoulder, with short hair, in a white feather hat and white fur coat, against a black background. Scan on application.

[Ivor Novello, hugely-popular Welsh stage and screen actor, dramatist, singer and composer.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph.

Ivor Novello [David Ivor Davies] (1893-1951), Welsh stage and screen actor, dramatist, singer and composer, one of the most popular British entertainers of the first half of the 20th century
Publication details: 
No date or place [1930s?].

Novello’s three decades of unprecedented success began with the First World War song ‘Keep the home fires burning’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 8.5 x 13.5 cm publicity photograph on postcard, printed in sepia. In good condition, with tiny dink at top left. Captioned at foot ‘MR. IVOR NOVELLO’. Prim-looking with side-parting in white shirt, tie, and dark double breasted suit, the darkness of which makes the signature ‘Ivor Novello’ rather difficult to make out. Scan on application

[‘Our Gracie’, ‘The Lancashire Lass’: Gracie Fields, much-loved English singer, actress and comedienne, star of music hall and screen.] Autograph Signature.

Gracie Fields [born Grace Stansfield] (1898-1979), much-loved English singer, actress and comedienne, star of music hall and screen, known as ‘Our Gracie’ and ‘the Lancashire Lass’
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Good bold signature ‘Gracie Fields’, underlined and rising upwards. On 11.5 x 9 cm piece of thin light-grey card. In good condition, lightly aged, but with border of discoloration created by tape, a tiny part of which has encroached on the initial ‘G’ of the signature.

[Howard Keel, American actor, star of stage, screen and television.] Publicity photograph from the 1947 London production of ‘Oklahoma’, with inscription to ‘Mary’ signed with his real name ‘Harold Keel’.

Howard Keel [stage name of Harold Clifford Keel] (1919-2004), American actor, star of stage, screen and television, and singer noted for his rich baritone voice
Publication details: 
No date, but for the 1947 London production of Oklahamo. Stamped on back by the Perfect Photo Repro Co, 24 William IVth Street, London WC2.

A brown-tinged print (not sepia), on 16 x 21 cm matt card, with 0.75 cm border. In fair condition, very lightly creased and worn. A full length shot of a smiling and clean-shaven Keel, in cowboy getup with ponyskin chaps and his cowboy hat in his left hand, opening what is clearly a stage-prop wicket gate, with backdrop of farm behind him. In Keel's autograph in light blue ink to the left of his torso: 'To Mary, / Best of Everything / Sincerely / Harold Keel'. See Image.

[John Goss, Communist baritone.] Autograph Signature on part of printed page from programme.

John Goss (1894-1953), Communist baritone singer associated with Peter Warlock and Frederick Delius
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in Grove’s. A good large firm signature, 'John Goss'. On irregularly-shaped piece of laid paper cut from a printed programme, a 9.5 x 8 cm rectangle with one large triangle cut from a corner. Written over part of the words to the song 'I am a brisk and sprightly lad'. The printing on the back headed ' Once I loved a maiden fair Anon., 1600 / I am a brisk and sprightly lad Anon., 1750 / MR. JOHN GOSS.'

[Liverpool concerts for ‘Spain Relief’, 1939: John Goss, Communist baritone.] Two Typed Letters Signed to ‘Mr. Cameron’ and one Typed Card Signed to ‘Miss Cameron’, on behalf of the Musician’s Group of the Left Book Club.

John Goss (1894-1953), Communist baritone associated with Peter Warlock and Frederick Delius [Spanish Civil War; Left Book Club; Liverpool]
Publication details: 
The letters to ‘Mr. Cameron’ dated 21 December 1938 and 9 January 1939; both from 35a Woburn Square, WC1 [London]. The card undated [early 1939], with London postmark.

See his entry in Grove’s. Each with his firm signature 'John Goss'. The two letters in fair condition, on aged and creased paper, folded for postage, the first of the two with a short closed tear to one edge. The card in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS to ‘Mr. Cameron’, 21 December 1938. 1p, 4to. Cameron’s letter ‘to the convener of the Musician’s Group of the Left Book Club’ has been passed to him.

[Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye], celebrated Canadian operatic soprano.] Autograph Inscription to 'J. Bennett Esq', on calling card of 'Mlle. Emma Albani'.

Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye; Madame Albani; born Marie-Louise-Emma-Cécile Lajeunesse] (1847-1930), celebrated Canadian operatic soprano
Madame Albani
Publication details: 
1876. No place.
Madame Albani

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 9 x 6 cm calling card, with 'Mlle. Emma Albani' printed in copperplate in the centre. Above this, at the head of the card, she has written 'J. Bennett Esq.' And around the printed signature she has written the unsigned inscription: 'With [Mlle. Emma Albani]'s compliments & heartfelt thanks -'. Date by her at bottom left: '1876'. See IMage.

[Harry Plunket Greene, Anglo-Irish baritone associated with Elgar and Vaughan Williams.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding an engagement.

Harry Plunket Greene (1865-1936), Anglo-Irish baritone associated with Elgar and Vaughan Williams
Publication details: 
11 October 1927. On letterhead of 65 Holland Park Road, Kensington W14 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘H. P. Greene’. Truly atrocious handwriting. Apparently addressed to ‘Dear Miss Salt’, and beginning: ‘I’ll be proud.’ He gives a date which will ‘suit me best’, and asks to be informed ‘if there is anything special [?] like [?]’.

[‘the greatest theatrical comic of his age’: Ken Dodd, Liverpool comedian and singer.] Typed Letter Signed with biographical details, and signed publicity postcard with photographic portrait.

Ken Dodd [Sir Kenneth Arthur Dodd] (1927-2018), Liverpool comedian and singer, ‘the greatest theatrical comic of his age’
Ken Dodd
Publication details: 
Letter dated ‘C/o B.B.C. Manchester. / October 9th 1957.’
Ken Dodd

Dodd’s entry in the Oxford DNB by Michael Billington concludes with the assessment that he was ‘the greatest theatrical comic of his age and the last link with the hallowed days of music hall’. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS, 9 October 1957. 1p, 4to. Good large signature ‘Ken Dodd’. The male recipient is not named. He apologises for the late reply to the recipient’s letter. ‘May I also thank you for the compliments paid to my performance on Television. / I am a Liverpudlian, residing in Knotty Ash Liverpool.

[Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara.] Typed Letters Signed from the two women to ‘Bonnie and John’, each thanking them for the Christmas gift of a ‘peppered ham’.

Dolores Hope [née DeFina] (1909-2011), American singer, wife of Hollywood comedian Bob Hope; Barbara Sinatra [née Blakeley] (1927-2017), wife of singer and actor Frank Sinatra
Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara
Publication details: 
Dolores Hope's letter: 26 January 1993; on letterhead of 'Dolores and Bob Hope'. Barbara Sinatra's letter: undated; embossed 'Barbara Sinatra'.
Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara

Both letters are addressed to ‘Dear Bonnie and John’. Both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS from Dolores Hope. Signed ‘Dolores’ in red ink (the letterhead is also red). 1p, 12mo. Reads: ‘The black peppered ham was a big hit at our house and Bob and I can’t thank you enough. We really enjoyed this tasty ham and your thoughtfulness in remembering us at Chistmastime. / Have a healthy and happy New Year!’ TWO: TLS from Barbara Sinatra. Signed ‘Barbara’. 1p, landscape 12mo. On the lower half of an 8vo leaf, which has been converted into a bifolium by a central horizonal fold.

[‘Rod the Mod’: Rod Stewart [Sir Roderick David Stewart], popular singer.] Good bold Autograph Signature.

‘Rod the Mod’: Rod Stewart [Sir Roderick David Stewart] (b.1945), popular singer, born in London of Scottish extraction, who gained fame with his band The Faces, having previously sung with Jeff Beck
‘Rod the Mod’
Publication details: 
No place or date.
‘Rod the Mod’

On 9.5 x 8.5 piece of vertically ruled paper, laid down on slightly larger leaf from an autograph album. A good strong signature, taking up most of the paper. No other writing, apart from a small ‘ROD STEWART’ in another hand at bottom right. In good condition, but with squares of discolouration at the corners showing through from the adhesive mounts on the reverse. See Image.

['The Rockville Rocket': Gene Pitney, American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s.] Signed Autograph Inscription.

Gene Pitney [Gene Francis Alan Pitney] (1940-2006), 'The Rockville Rocket', American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his obituary in the Guardian, 5 April 2006. On irregularly-shaped trapezoid of ruled paper, roughly 8 cm wide at top, with one vertical side also 8cm, and the other 4cm, giving it a guillotine shape. Lightly aged and ruckled. Blank on the reverse. Reads: ?Best / always / Gene Pitney?.

[Sir Cliff Richard, popular British singer and film actor.] Autograph Signature to black and white print of publicity photograph of him in swimming trunks, seated on a beach between two girls in bikinis.

Sir Cliff Richard (born 1940 as Harry Rodger Webb), popular British singer and film actor, the top-selling artist in the English singles chart, behind the Beatles and Elvis Presley
Cliff Richard
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Early 1960s.]
Cliff Richard

Lightly-written signature (?Cliff Richard?) in blue ink at bottom left of 21 x 16 cm photographic print on glossy paper of black and white publicity photograph of a tanned Richard sitting in swimming trunks with his hands on his knees, looking at the viewer between two rather plain brunettes in bikinis. The print is somewhat creased and worn, with minor discoloration to white border at the top edge. See Image.

[Sir George Henschel, baritone and conductor.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Dickens’, agreeing to sing ‘one number’ at her ‘Hospital Matinée’.

Sir George Henschel [Isidor Georg Henschel] (1850-1934), German baritone, conductor, pianist and composer, who settled in England, a close friend of Johannes Brahms
Publication details: 
6 May 1901; on letterhead of 46 Bedford Gardens, Campden Hill, Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper, with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, folded for postage. With good large firm signature. The main body of the letter reads: ‘Dear Mrs Dickens / I shall be very glad to sing one number, my “Young Dietrich” at your Hospital Matinée on June 14th. With love from house to house / Sincerely / Yours / Geo. Henschel’.

[Sir George Henschel, baritone and conductor.] Two items: Autograph Letter Signed, thanking the London Correspondent of the Birmingham Daily Post for a complimentary review; and printed circular, signed and addressed to the musicologist Marion Scott.

Sir George Henschel [Isidor Georg Henschel] (1850-1934), German baritone, conductor, pianist and composer, who settled in England, a close friend of Johannes Brahms [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953),
Publication details: 
LETTER: 30 April 1913; on embossed letterhead of The Athenaeum, Pall Mall, S.W. [London] PRINTED CIRCULAR from 6 Sutherland House, Marloes Road, W.8 [London] Dated by Henschel 27 February 1930.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The items are unrelated. Both are in good condition, lightly aged, and each folded once for postage. LETTER: 2pp, 12mo. On grey paper. Addressed to ‘The London Correspondent of the Birmingham Daily Post’ and signed ‘George Henschel’.

[Keith Falkner, English bass-baritone, Director of the Royal College of Music, London.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Miss Scott’ [the musicologist Marion Scott], the first agreeing to sing at an 'At Home', the second while at work for the RAF.

Keith Falkner [Sir Donald Keith Falkner] (1900-1994), distinguished English bass-baritone, Director of the Royal College of Music, London [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), musicologist]
Publication details: 
ONE: 10 June 1928, from 60 Mayfield Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. TWO: 18 August 1941, ‘as from R.A.F. Middle Wallop. / Nr. Stockbridge. Hants.’, on cancelled letterhead of the Officers Mess, RAF ‘Woodlands’, Clamp Hill, Stanmore, Middlesex.

See his entry and hers in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged, and each folded once for postage. Neatly and firmly written. Both addressed to ‘Dear Miss Scott’ and signed ‘Keith Falkner’. ONE: 2pp, 12mo. Eleven lines. He will be ‘pleased to sing in the “Peasant Cantata” at the Union “At Home” on June 28th’ and asks to know ‘which version you will be doing as soon as you decide?’ He ends with thanks for her ‘kind sympathy - I do appreciate it very much’. TWO: 2pp, 8vo. Twenty-three lines of text.

[Marjory Kennedy-Fraser, Scottish singer and folk song collector.] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Card Signed to ‘Miss Scott’ [Marion Scott], arranging an interview and sending the third volume of her ‘Songs of the Hebrides’ for review.

Marjory Kennedy-Fraser (1857-1930), Scottish singer, collector of Hebridean folk songs [her daughter the harpist Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser (1889-1967); Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), musicologist]
Publication details: 
Neither item dated, but both apparently sent together in 1921. ONE: ALS, on letterhead of her ‘Permanent address’ 6 Castle Street, Edinburgh. TWO: ACS without place or date, but on card advertising the vol. 3 of her ‘Songs of the Hebrides’ (1921).

See her entry and the recipient's in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter is lightly creased and the card has a central vertical fold. ONE: ALS. 1p, 12mp. Signed ‘Marjory Kennedy-Fraser’. Once the recipient has ‘got what you want out of the Vol III herewith’, she asks her to ‘kindly return it to Mrs. Matthay at 96, Wimpole St’. TWO: ACS.

['The Rockville Rocket': Gene Pitney, American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s.] Signed Autograph Inscription.

Gene Pitney [Gene Francis Alan Pitney] (1940-2006), 'The Rockville Rocket', American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Upon request

See his obituary in the Guardian, 5 April 2006. On irregularly-shaped trapezoid of ruled paper, roughly 8 cm wide at top, with one vertical side also 8cm, and the other 4cm, giving it a guillotine shape. Lightly aged and ruckled. Blank on the reverse. Reads: ‘Best / always / Gene Pitney’.

[‘Kate Carney’, stage name of music hall artiste Catherine Mary Shea, ‘The Coster Comedienne’.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope for the ‘nice write up’, and asking for help in finding an editor for her memoirs.

‘Kate Carney’ [stage name of Catherine Mary Shea, née Pattinson] (1869-1950), English music hall artiste, known as ‘The Cockney Queen’ and ‘Coster Comedienne' [W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
14 March 1949; 60 Christchurch Road, Streatham Hill, SW2 [London].

From the Macqueen-Pope papers (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). 2pp, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, and folded three times for postage. She asks him to send ‘3 or 4 more copies’ of his ‘nice write up in the “Sunday Chronicle” March 13th.’, as she would like to send ‘a copy to Australia, Canada & America, as there is some talk about my going to America in the near future’. She has ‘tried all over Streatham and Brixton and it seems impossible to get a copy anywhere’, and will be happy to pay the cost.

[Sir George Power, operatic D’Oyly Carte tenor in Gilbert and Sullivan productions.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Lane’, inviting her to join a ‘small orchestra’ which his friend Rev. Eric O. Norman is forming.

Sir George Power (1846-1928), tenor in early D'Oyly Carte productions of Gilbert and Sullivan operas, including Ralph Rackstraw in H.M.S. Pinafore, and Frederic in The Pirates of Penzance
Publication details: 
16 April [1920]; on letterhead of 31 Addison Road, Kensington, W.14 [London].

2pp, 12mo. Seventeen lines of text, with a few lines and the signature written lengthwise on the second page. On bifolium. Accompanied by the letter’s stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed by Power to ‘Mrs Lane / 67 Addison Road / W14’. (Note that she lives in the same street.) Both letter and envelope in good condition, lightly aged. Letter folded once. Signed ‘Geo. Power’. He explains that a friend of his, Rev. Eric O. Norman’, ‘who is a fine musician & pianist is trying to get together a small orchestra for a concert on the 24th. May’ and he wonders whether she would ‘care to join’.

[Joan Sutherland, one of the greatest opera singers of the twentieth century.] Autograph Signature.

Joan Sutherland [Dame Joan Alston Sutherland] (1926-2010), Australian coloratura soprano, one of the greatest opera singers of the twentieth century
Publication details: 
No date or place.

Underlined signature on 9 x 1.5 cm piece of wove paper, apparently cut from letter. In good condition. Reads ‘Joan Sutherland.’ Reverse blank. See image

[Oda Slobodskaya, Russian soprano and Professor at the Royal College of Music.] Signed Autograph Inscription.

Oda Slobodskaya (1888-1970), Russian soprano who became a British citizen, Professor of Singing at the Royal College of Music and Guildhall
Publication details: 
No date or place.

On 17.5 x 11.5 cm leaf of pink paper, with rounded edges, removed from autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged. Written in a large, expansive hand, diagonally and upwards. Reads: ‘With all / good wishes / Oda Slobodskaya’. See image.

[Mary Jarred, English opera singer and Professor at the Royal Academy of Music.] Autograph Signature on photographic portrait of her.

Mary Jarred (1899-1993), English mezzo-soprano and contralto opera singer at Covent Garden and Sadler's Wells, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
1935. No place.

On 9 x 13.5 cm newspaper cutting of photographic portrait of Jarred. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ‘Mary Jarred / 1935.’ The photograph shows Jarred posing in a black dress and pearls, with left hand arranging her white fur coat to tastefully emphasize her bust. See image.

[Sims Reeves, English operatic tenor.] Autograph Note Signed (‘J. Sims Reeves’) in response to a request for an autograph.

Sims Reeves [John Sims Reeves] (1821-1900), English operatic tenor
Publication details: 
June 1872. On letterhead with monogram of his initials, and address Grange Mount, Upper Norwood.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Even towards the end of his life Bernard Shaw could remark that ‘he can still leave the next best tenor in England an immeasurable distance behind’. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount to inner margin. Folded once. Very nice embossed letterhead, printed in gold, brown, green and red, with bird perched on top of a treble clef, entwined with foliage and a twisted branch in the shape of the ‘R’ of ‘Reeves’. Reads: ‘Sir / This autograph with pleasure, according to your request / Yours faithfully / June 1872 / J. Sims Reeves’.

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