[Stewart Macpherson, musicologist and Dean of the Faculty of Music, University of London.] Autograph Letter Signed, requesting the revise of his 'biography for Modern Makers of Music' from publishers T. Seely, Clarke & Co.

Stewart Macpherson [Charles Stewart Macpherson] (1865-1941), Anglo-Scottish musicologist, Dean of the Faculty of Music in the University of London
Publication details: 
12 September 1908. On letterhead of 23 Chepstow Villas, Bayswater, W. [London]

See his entry in Grove’s, and Percy A. Scholes’s obituary in the Musical Times, June 1941. 2pp, 12mo. Addressed to ‘Messrs. T. Seeley Clark & Co:’ and signed ‘Stewart Macpherson’. On bifolium of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. They have led him to understand that he would have a revised proof of his ‘biography for Modern Makers of Music’ in time for the publication of the work in the autumn would be published that autumn, and is writing to remind them that he has ‘not yet received the revise’.

'[Robin Humphrey Legge (pen-name ‘Musicus’), chief music critic of the Daily Telegraph.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Richards’, declaring a desire to meet Hornung (author of the ‘Raffles’ books), discussing his brother’s ‘cruel death’.

Robin Humphrey Legge (pen-name ‘Musicus’) (1862-1933), chief music critic of Daily Telegraph, early champion of Elgar and Puccini [Ernest William Hornung (1866-1921), author of the 'Raffles' books]
Publication details: 
5 January or 1 May 1901.

See his obituary in The Times, 7 April 1933, and Hornung's entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition on discoloured paper. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Richards, / Greetings! / I should like very much to meet Hornung - practically any day would suit me. I admire his book immensely, not only for the excellence of its workmanship but the remarkable manner of the characterization. It struck me as being intensely sincere.’ He hopes that the Richards clan are well (‘all of you’): ‘We are molto moderato so to speak - My brother’s cruel death in S.

[J. A. Fuller Maitland [John Alexander Fuller Maitland], music critic and musicologist.] Autograph Letter Signed, regarding a lecture the recipient is about to give on 'a subject which is especially dear' to him.

J. A. Fuller Maitland [John Alexander Fuller Maitland] (1856-1936), influential music critic and musicologist, who championed the work of Purcell, Stanford and Parry
Publication details: 
21 November [1899]. On letterhead of 39 Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, landscape 12mo. On bifolium of grey paper. The letter is complete, on what appears to be the upper half of a 4to bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with stamp, postmark and remains of autograph address on reverse of second leaf, with traces of mount. Signed ‘J A Fuller Maitland’. Begins: ‘Dear Sir / Very many thanks for your book, the second copy of which has just come. I shall hope to be able to come & hear your lecture on a subject which is especially dear to me.

[C. B. Oldman [Cecil Bernard Oldman], bibliographer and musicologist, Principal Keeper of Printed Books at the British Museum.] Autograph Letter Signed to the music bookseller Leonard Hyman, regarding his promotion and Hyman’s latest catalogue.

C. B. Oldman [Cecil Bernard Oldman] (1894-1969), bibliographer and musicologist, Principal Keeper of Printed Books at the British Museum from 1948 to 1959 [Leonard Hyman, music bookseller]
Publication details: 
30 December 1947; on letterhead of 3 Cromwell Road, Kensington, S.W.7 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Dear Hyman’ and signed ‘C. B. Oldman.’ He begins by thanking him for his ‘kind congratulations’ (on his promotion to at the British Museum, following the retirement of Sir Henry Thomas): ‘I have been laid up with a bad cold over Christmas otherwise I should have written before’. Hyman’s latest catalogue interested him very much, and he hopes that ‘the fact that I don’t buy much nowadays will not deter you from sending me future issues.

[Ebenezer Prout, English musicologist and music theorist.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding activities [of the Hackney Choral Association].

Ebenezer Prout (1835-1909), English musicologist, music theorist and critic [The Hackney Choral Association; Shoreditch Town Hall]
Publication details: 
10 January 1878. 12 Greenwood Road, Dalston. E. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times for postage. The letter concerns the Hackney Choral Association. Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / I am much obliged by the kind note just received, though I am sorry we shall not have the pleasure of your company on Monday.

[Ebenezer Prout, English musicologist and music theorist.] Signed conclusion of Autograph Letter to Dr William Hayman Cumming appealing for assistance on behalf of a 'most deserving young man'.

Ebenezer Prout (1835-1909), English musicologist, music theorist and critic [William Hayman Cummings (1831-1915), singer and musicologist]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the entries for Prout and Cummings in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The second leaf of a bifolum, the first presumably carrying the commencement of the letter. The present fragment, in a good firm hand, reads: 'in the way he desires but if you can do so, you will not only be assisting a most deserving young man, but I shall regard it as a personal kindness. / I am, my dear Cummings, / Yours very cordially, / Ebenezer Prout. / Dr. W. H. Cummings.'

[Ebenezer Prout, composer, musicologist, music critic of the Athenaeum.] Autograph Letter Signed explaining his inability to get the piece 'Christophorus' performed.

Ebenezer Prout (1835-1909), composer, musicologist, music critic of the Athenaeum, London
Publication details: 
‘12 Greenwood Road, / Dalston. E. [London] / 4 Sept. 1885.’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Forty-nine lines. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper, with the reverse of the second leaf laid down on cut-down remains of leaf of autograph album, with a number of autographs on slips laid down on the reverse, including that of Charles Hallé, cut from a letter. Prout’s letter is signed ‘Ebenezer Prout’, but the recipient is not named.

[Sir Frederick Ouseley, Professor of Music, Oxford University.] Autograph Letter Signed concerning requirements for an Oxford degree in music, appended to printed notice by him: ‘University of Oxford. Directions for Candidates for Degrees in Music.'

Sir Frederick Ouseley [Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley] (1825-1889), Anglican composer, church musician and musicologist, Professor of Music at Oxford University
Publication details: 
Notice dated 'OXFORD, / March, 1878.' Autograph Letter undated, but from around the same time.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ALS, whose recipient is not identified, is appended on the last page of the printed notice, which is 4pp, foolscap 8vo, on a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The notice is headed 'University of Oxford. / Directions for Candidates for Degrees in Music.' and signed in type at the end 'Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley, / Professor of Music. / Oxford, / March, 1878.' Divided into sections concerning a bachelor's and doctor's degree. The ALS, on the last page, reads: 'Dear Sir / You will see by this paper that your Dublin B.A.

[Keith Falkner, English bass-baritone, Director of the Royal College of Music, London.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Miss Scott’ [the musicologist Marion Scott], the first agreeing to sing at an 'At Home', the second while at work for the RAF.

Keith Falkner [Sir Donald Keith Falkner] (1900-1994), distinguished English bass-baritone, Director of the Royal College of Music, London [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), musicologist]
Publication details: 
ONE: 10 June 1928, from 60 Mayfield Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. TWO: 18 August 1941, ‘as from R.A.F. Middle Wallop. / Nr. Stockbridge. Hants.’, on cancelled letterhead of the Officers Mess, RAF ‘Woodlands’, Clamp Hill, Stanmore, Middlesex.

See his entry and hers in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged, and each folded once for postage. Neatly and firmly written. Both addressed to ‘Dear Miss Scott’ and signed ‘Keith Falkner’. ONE: 2pp, 12mo. Eleven lines. He will be ‘pleased to sing in the “Peasant Cantata” at the Union “At Home” on June 28th’ and asks to know ‘which version you will be doing as soon as you decide?’ He ends with thanks for her ‘kind sympathy - I do appreciate it very much’. TWO: 2pp, 8vo. Twenty-three lines of text.

[Lionel Tertis, viola player, Professor of Viola at the Royal Academy of Music.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking ‘Miss Scott’ [the musicoloigst Marion Scott] for ‘such a nice tea-party’ and urging her to come to lunch.

Lionel Tertis (1876-1975), viola player, Professor of Viola at the Royal Academy of Music [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), musicologist]
Publication details: 
8 December 1929. On letterhead of Smalldown, Belmont, Surrey.

See his entry and hers in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘Lionel Tetris.’ Begins ‘Dear Miss Scott / It was so kind of you to give us such a nice tea-party yesterday[.] We thoroughly enjoyed it and thank you very much indeed. / We hope you will come & see us soon[.] Won’t you come to Lunch one day?’

[Marjory Kennedy-Fraser, Scottish singer and folk song collector.] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Card Signed to ‘Miss Scott’ [Marion Scott], arranging an interview and sending the third volume of her ‘Songs of the Hebrides’ for review.

Marjory Kennedy-Fraser (1857-1930), Scottish singer, collector of Hebridean folk songs [her daughter the harpist Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser (1889-1967); Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), musicologist]
Publication details: 
Neither item dated, but both apparently sent together in 1921. ONE: ALS, on letterhead of her ‘Permanent address’ 6 Castle Street, Edinburgh. TWO: ACS without place or date, but on card advertising the vol. 3 of her ‘Songs of the Hebrides’ (1921).

See her entry and the recipient's in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter is lightly creased and the card has a central vertical fold. ONE: ALS. 1p, 12mp. Signed ‘Marjory Kennedy-Fraser’. Once the recipient has ‘got what you want out of the Vol III herewith’, she asks her to ‘kindly return it to Mrs. Matthay at 96, Wimpole St’. TWO: ACS.

[H. R. Haweis [Hugh Reginald Haweis], cleric and musicologist, editor of Cassell’s Magazine.] Autograph Card Signed to John Bacon of Blackburn, regarding his next work, and the provision of photographic portraits of him.

H. R. Haweis [Hugh Reginald Haweis] (1838-1901), Church of England cleric and musicologist, editor of Cassell’s Magazine, husband of the illustrator Mary Haweis (1848-1898)
Publication details: 
‘Amber House July 11’ [with St John’s Wood postmark of 11 July 1882].

See his entry, and that of his wife, in the Oxford DNB. Plain postcard addressed by Haweis to ‘John Bacon Esqr / 48 Griffin St / Wilton / Blackburn’. In fair condition, discoloured and worn. Reads: ‘Dear Sir. / My next work will be duly advertised. My photographs can be got from Fry & Co. 68 East St. Brighton (& my wife’s also). Thanks for all kind words. / H R Haweis. / Amber House July 11’.

[Arthur Henry Fox Strangeways, English musicologist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A. H. Fox Strangeways') to an unnamed recipient, declining to print an article in 'Music and Letters', and providing information about the composer Rauzzini.

A. H. Fox Strangeways [Arthur Henry Fox Strangeways] (1859-1948), English musicologist, music critic of the 'Observer' and founder of the magazine 'Music and Letters'
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of 'Music and Letters', 38 Lansdowne Cresent, W11 [London]. 13 January and 3 February 1934.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE (13 January 1934): 1p., landscape 12mo. The 'proposed article sounds the sort of thing', but Strangeways cannot accept it until he sees it. TWO (3 February 1934): 2pp., landscape 12mo. He thanks him for sending the article, regarding which he writes: 'if the musicians mentioned in it had been more important or there had been more about them, it wd. have been worth printing; but as it is I am afraid it is not of sufficient interest.' The writer's reference to 'Ranzini' is, Strangeways points out, 'almost certainly' a mistake for 'V.

[ William Hayman Cummings, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music, to musicologist R. A. Streatfield. ] Six Autograph Letters Signed (all 'William H. Cummings') regarding Handel and a controversy in the Morning Post on 'Cannons' and Duke of Chandos.

William Hayman Cummings (1831-1915), Professor at the Royal Academy of Music, tenor, organist at Waltham Abbey [ Richard Alexander Streatfeild (1866-1919) of the British Museum, musicologist ]
Publication details: 
All from Sydcote, Dulwich, S.E. [ London ] Between 25 September 1913 and 20 February 1914.

The six letters in good condition, lightly aged and worn. The first five on grey paper, the sixth on white paper with mourning border. The first letter (25 September 1913) reads: 'Your letter in yesterday's "Morning Post" reminded me of your fine book on Handel. I read it on its publication, and it is always close at hand as I write in my study. But, alas, I am in my 83rd year and my memory is not what it was. I ought to have looked at what you said before writing to the M. P. In any case, I thank you for taking part in the fray, which I think is not being quite fairly fought.

[ Francis Collinson, musicologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis M. Collinson'), a letter of condolence to the widow of composer Herman Finck, conveying the 'tributes' to his memory made at a meeting of the Musical Conductors' Association.

Francis M. Collinson [ Francis James Montgomery Collinson ] (1898-1984), musical director and musicologist [ Herman Finck [born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer and conductor]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Musical Conductors' Association [ London ]. 5 May 1939.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Collinson is named as Honorary Secretary of the Association on the letterhead. He begins by explaining that he has waited until after the previous day's meeting of the Association to write to her, so that he can convey 'the tributes to your late husband's memory which I felt sure would be shown at this gathering of his friends and colleagues'. 'Mr Frederick Austin as chairman referred to the great loss which we all felt in the passing of Herman Finck, and spoke of his great qualities both as a friend and as a musician.

[ Rev. Francis William Galpin, musicologist. ] Autograph Card Signed and Autograph Letter Signed (both 'F. W. Galpin') to the author Austin Dobson, regarding the Broad Oak in Hatfield Forest.

Francis William Galpin (1858-1945), Church of England cleric and musicologist and collector of musical instruments [ Henry Austin Dobson (1840-1921), English author ]
Publication details: 
The card dated 30 August 1904 [ no place ]. The letter addressed from Hatfield Vicarage, Harlow [ Essex ]; 7 May 1906.

Both items in good condition, with light signs of age. The card, with postmarks, is addressed to 'Austin Dobson Esq | 75 Eaton Rise | Ealing | W.' The letter is also to Dobson, but is only addressed 'Dear Sir'. In the card he reports that 'The old oak in the forest is now in ruins and quite dead. It has been surrounded with a railing and a young tree planted by its side.' He offers to send a photograph, and asks for 'anthing about my parish which you may publish'.

[ Sir George Alexander Macfarren, composer and musicologist. ] Autograph Note Signed ('G A Macfarren') to 'Miss Macerone', apologising for not being able to attend her concert.

Sir George Alexander Macfarren (1813-1887), English composer and musicologist [ Miss Macerone, pianist and composer ]
Publication details: 
11 Alpha Road, NW [London]. 18 May 1862.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads 'Dear Madam, | I am sorry I cannot have the pleasure of attending your Concert, but wish you every success. | Yours very truly | G A Macfarren'. Little is known of Miss Macerone, but on 26 October 1846 the Boston 'Musical Gazette' reported: 'A young lady, Miss Macerone, who excels as a pianist and composer ! recently gave her first concert in London. She performed Mendelssohn's trio in D, ( in which Messrs.

[Ernest Walker, musicologist and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed, written while assistant organist at Balliol College, Oxford, advising 'Miss White' [Maude Valérie White?] on her musical compositions.

Ernest Walker (1870-1949), English musicologist and composer, born in India, Assistant Organist at Balliol College, Oxford, 1891-1901 [to 'Miss White' [Maude Valérie White (1855-1937), composer]
Publication details: 
15 Ship Street, Oxford. 18 November 1898.

4pp., 12mo. 65 lines of text. Bifolium. In fair condition: on aged paper with one dogeared corner. He begins by apologising for not returning her manuscript sooner: 'what with my Doctorate exam: and other things, I have been specially busy'. Having been 'completely through the MSS' he lists those he likes best: 'the Rhapsodies (especially No. 1 - also No. 5 and No. 3 - especially the opening subject of No. 5).

Manuscript and Typescript sections of an apparently unpublished work on 'British music and its present state'; 2 Typed Letters Signed, 3 Autograph Cards Signed, 1 Typed Card Signed to Mary Eversley, Covent Garden Opera, with copies of two replies.

Scott Goddard (c.1895-1965), British musicologist
Publication details: 

The collection as a whole is in good condition on aged paper. ITEM ONE: 90-page typescript headed 'II | ANTECEDENT', beginnning 'It has become a commonplace of musicology, at least in this country, that the first two decades of the Twentieth Century show an immense increase of creative activity in the composition of works of music by an astonishingly rich group of their [sic] young composers.

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