[Irish governance, 1921.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Government of Ireland. By Mrs J. R. Green. Foreword by George Russell (Æ)’.

‘Mrs J. R. Green’ [Alice Stopford Green], author; foreword by George Russell (Æ)
Publication details: 
‘Labour Booklets No. 5’. 1921. The Labour Publishing Co. Ltd., 6 Tavistock Square, London. Printed by The Riverside Press Limited, Edinburgh.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Eight copies on JISC, but now scarce. 16pp, 12mo. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. With heavily-worn remains of front cover, of brittle green paper, carrying the title and publication details. Drophead title ‘THE / GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND’ on p.1. The first part titled ‘Historical’, with subtitle ‘The Rule of a Nation by a Nation’. The second part titled ‘Four Suggested Plans’, with subsections ‘The Home Rule Act of 1914’, ‘The Government of Ireland Act of 1920’, ‘Dominion Status’ and ‘The Republic’.

[Fanny Trollope, novelist and abolitionist.] Autograph Signature ('Frances Trollope')

Fanny Trollope [Frances Milton Trollope; Mrs. Trollope] (1779-1863), novelist whose book on the United States caused great offence, and whose abolitionist writings inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe
Fanny Trollope
Publication details: 
'Carlton Hill [i.e. Carleton Hill, near Penrith, Cumbria] / 3d Feby 1843'.
Fanny Trollope

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Neatly written out on a 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, laid down on a slighty larger piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Frances Trollope / Carlton [sic] Hill / 3d Feby 1843'. Mrs Trollope had the house named Carleton Hill built in 1840, just outside the village of Carleton. The cold climate proved unbearable, and she sold the residence in the year of this autograph. See Image.

[Mrs Humphry Ward, novelist and anti-suffrage campaigner.] Autograph Note Signed ('Mary A. Ward') to 'Mr. Courtney', regarding an advertisement she wishes to have placed in the Daily Telegraph.

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward, née Arnold] (1851-1920), novelist and anti-suffrage campaigner, wife of Thomas Humphry Ward (1845-1926), author and journalist
Publication details: 
3 March 1910; on letterhead of 25 Grosvenor Place, S.W. [London]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, but with traces of grey paper and glue from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Folded once. In her neat controlled hand, with good firm signature, the letter reads: 'Dear Mr. Courtney / I shall be so grateful if you will put this in to the Telegraph, to morrow: / Yours sincerely / Mary A. Ward'.

Mrs. Henry Wood [Ellen Wood, née Price], English author whose best-known work is ‘East Lynne’ (1861).

Mrs. Henry Wood [Ellen Wood, née Price] (1814-1887), English author whose best-known work is ‘East Lynne’ (1861)
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The valediction of a letter, cut away for an autograph collector. On a slip of paper, around 7.5 x 1.5 cm. On lightly discoloured paper, with tear through signature, attached to piece of card with archival tape. Reads: ‘Very sincerely yours / Ellen Wood’.

[‘Mrs. C. W. Earle [Maria Theresa Earle], horticulturalist.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding the publisher Kegan Paul.

‘Mrs. C. W. Earle’ [Maria Theresa Earle, née Villiers] (1836-1925), horticulturalist [Charles Kegan Paul (1828-1902), London publisher]
Publication details: 
5 February 1918; on letterhead of Woodlands, Cobham, Surrey.

See her entry and that of Kegan Paul in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The recipient is not named. Reads: ‘Dear Sir. / Mr. Kegan Paul was a great friend of mine, & when it came out he gave me a book called “Rabbi Jeshua” 1881. published by the firm. I should be so much obliged if you might tell me the name of the writer if I am asking what is never done please forgive me. / Yrs truly / Maria Theresa Earle’. At top right, in her hand: ‘Mrs C. W. Earle’.

[Foyles Literary Luncheon for Sir Angus Wilson, 1980.] Autograph Letter Signed from ‘Dolly’ [Mrs A. G. Dowdeswell] to ‘Philip’ [Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’], with reference to Wilson, Melvyn Bragg, Simon Young of John Murray, Ian Jack.

[Foyles Literary Luncheon for Sir Angus Wilson, 1980] ‘Dolly’ [Mrs A. G. Dowdeswell, Secretary, The Johnson Society of London] [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’; Melvyn Bragg,
Publication details: 
27 August 1980; on letterhead of 26 High Street, Biddenden, Kent.

See the entries for Angus Wilson and Christina Foyle in the Oxford DNB. ‘Dolly’ is clearly the ‘Mrs. A. G. Dowdeswell’ who was secretary of the Johnson Society of London in the 70s and 80s (arranging luncheons) and named as a member of the Johnson Society at least as late as 1992. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018.

[Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley], travel writer, author and society figure.] Three substantial volumes of newspaper cuttings, collected by her, relating to her life, work and travels in Iceland and Mexico.

Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley] (1862–1940), travel writer, author and society figure
Publication details: 
1887-1909. England, Iceland, Mexico, USA. Vol.1: January 1887 to July 1899. Vol. 2: February 1900 to January 1909. Vol. 3: July 1906 to January 1909.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which carries a quotation pointing out her ‘unerring sense of admiration for herself’. What the present collection of well over a thousand cuttings assembled by her from newspapers and magazines appears to indicate is that the admiration was to a certain extent also felt by the general public; and taken as a whole the collection serves as a memorial to a once-celebrated English public figure, a woman making her mark on society in the age of suffrage. The first volume (1887-1899) is 117pp, folio: firm and tight in brown leather half binding.

[Mrs Humphry Ward, author and anti-suffrage campaigner.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Mary A. Ward’) to ‘Miss Parker’, thanking her and her sisters for agreeing to ‘sing in the Anthem’ at her daughter’s wedding. With printed wedding invitation.

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward, née Arnold] (1851-1920), author and anti-suffrage campaigner, wife of Thomas Humphry Ward (1845-1926), author and journalist
Publication details: 
Letter of 11 March 1904; on letterhead of 25 Grosvenor Place, S.W. [London.] Printed invitation to wedding at Manchester College, Oxford, 19 March 1904.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letter and invitation have been repaired with archival tape after being torn in half; otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Letter of 11 March 1904. 2pp, 12mo. She has ‘heard from Mr. Tierny’ that Miss Parker and her sisters ‘have very kindly offered to sing in the Anthem on the occasion of my daughter’s wedding. It is most kind of you to give your time in this way, and we are sure that the music will be a very great addition to the service.’ She hopes that the sisters will see her ‘in the Library after the service’.

[‘Theatre Royal Darwar’, 1858: British amusements during the Indian Mutiny.] Seven items relating to the ‘Corps Dramatique’ of ‘Mrs. Comfit’: four handbills and three manuscript items, incl.2 poems and drawing of castigating Englishwoman. See Image.

‘Theatre Royal Darwar’, ‘Opera Comique d’Arwar’, ‘Mrs. Comfit & Co’ [Dharwar, Bombay Presidency, India [now Dharwad, Karnataka]; Indian Mutiny; the Raj; East India Company; British India]
Publication details: 
Three of the eight items dated to 1858, and with the same date on one of the mounts; all from Dharwar, Bombay Presidency, India [now Dharwad, Karnataka].

An interesting and evocative collection of ephemeral material, casting light on the social activities and entertainments of the British in India in the last months of the Indian Mutiny, also the year of the dissolution of the East India Company. No other record of this amateur ‘Corps Dramatique’, or of its conductor ‘Mrs. Comfit’, has been discovered.

[Marie Belloc Lowndes, novelist, sister of Hilaire Belloc.] Autograph Letter in the third person, declining a dinner invitation on account of ill health.

Marie Belloc Lowndes [Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Rayner Lowndes; Mrs Belloc Lowndes] (1868-1947), novelist, sister of Hilaire Belloc, author of Jack the Ripper novel 'The Lodger', filmed by Hitchcock
Publication details: 
30 May [no year]. On letterhead of 9 Barton Street, Westminster, S.W.

1p, landscape 12mo In good condition, with glue stain to one corner. Folded once. 'Mrs Belloc Lowndes regrets, on the score of ill health, that she cannot have the pleasure of accepting Lord [Treghre?]'s kind invitation.'

[William Leman Rede, playwright.] Original holograph unpublished jeux d'esprit, addressed to and concerning Mrs Keeley. Signed 'Leman Rede/'.

William Leman Rede (1802-1847), playwright who wrote farces and melodramas for the Olympic, Strand and Adelphi theatres in London [Mrs. Keeley]
Publication details: 
Signed and dated 'Leman Rede/ | 31. May 1841'.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge on blank reverse. Folded three times. Signed and dated at foot: 'Leman Rede/ | 31. May 1841'. Addressed at bottom left: 'To | Mrs.

[William Leman Rede, playwright.] Original holograph unpublished jeux d'esprit, addressed to and concerning Mrs Keeley. Signed 'Leman Rede/'.

William Leman Rede (1802-1847), playwright who wrote farces and melodramas for the Olympic, Strand and Adelphi theatres in London [Mrs. Keeley]
Publication details: 
Signed and dated 'Leman Rede/ | 31. May 1841'.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge on blank reverse. Folded three times. Signed and dated at foot: 'Leman Rede/ | 31. May 1841'. Addressed at bottom left: 'To | Mrs.

[Sir Edward Morris [as Lord Morris], Prime Minister of Newfoundland.] Typed Letter Signed ('Morris') to Mrs Eustace Hills, accepting her invitation to 'say a few words in connection with the work ahead for women in Empire Citizenship'.

Sir Edward Morris [Edward Patrick Morris, 1st Baron Morris] (1859-1935), Prime Minister of Newfoundland, 1909-1917 [Mrs Eustace Hills, Vice President, Lend-a-Hand Club, London]
Publication details: 
17 October 1924; 3 Heath Drive, Hampstead, N.W.3 [London].

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Bold signature in light-blue ink. He has not forgotten the 'very pleasant meeting' he had with Hills and her husband when she was on a trip to Newfoundland, and will be 'very pleased to accept your kind invitation for luncheon on the 5th November, and say a few words in connection with the work ahead for women in Empire Citizenship'. He assumes that the invitation extends to his wife.

[John Maddison Morton, playwright.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (one 'J. M. Morton', the other 'John M Morton') to comic actor John Pritt Harley, in one discussing a piece he has written for Mrs Humby, in the other complaining of 'disappointments'.

John Maddison Morton (1811-1891), playwright noted for his farces, in particular 'Box and Cox' [John Pritt Harley (1786-1858), comic actor and singer; 'Mrs Humby' [Anne Humby (1817-1863), actress and
Publication details: 
Neither dated. One from 13 North Crescent [Bedford Square, London]; the other from Briar Lodge, New Road, Hammersmith.

The two letters in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both with contemporary annotation at head of first page. ONE: From 13 North Crescent, and signed 'John M Morton'. 2pp, 12mo. Addressed, with a second signature, to 'J. P. Harley Esq'. Begins: 'Tho' not quite finished, you will see enough of the drift of the piece, to enable you to say whether you fancy it or not. I have written it out without amendments, which are rarely made, if you approve - I began Dainty (you remember the name?) for Mr. [Humby?], but broke down'.

['Mrs. Oliphant' (Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant), Scottish author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. O. W. Oliphant') to 'Mr. Payn', i.e. James Payn, editor of the Cornhill Magazine, submitting for publication her son's story 'The Grateful Ghosts'.

'Mrs. Oliphant' [Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist and historical writer [James Payn (1830-1898), editor of the Cornhill Magazine]
Publication details: 
12 December [circa 1885]; on 'Windsor' letterhead.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Referring to her son Francis Romano ('Cecco') Oliphant (1859-1894), she writes: 'Dear Mr. Payn | I send you with this in a registered packet by book post a story written by my youngest son, called "The Grateful Ghosts" which he wishes me to submit to you.' Her opinion is that the story 'would bear compression but that is usual to youthful productions'. She will be 'much gratified' if Payn likes it 'and can use it', and feels sure he will give it his consideration.

[Thomas Humphry Ward, author and journalist.] Autograph Card Signed ('Humphry Ward') to unnamed recipient, suggesting arrangements for an inspection of a portrait of 'H. [Sandwith?]'.

Humphry Ward [Thomas Humphry Ward] (1845-1926), author and journalist, husband of Mary Augusta Ward [née Arnold], who wrote under the name Mrs. Humphry Ward
Publication details: 
9 June 1910. Letterhead of 25 Grosvenor Square, S.W. [London]

On both sides of the card. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is not named. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I should like to see the [Sandwith?] portrait, & will take an early opportunity of calling at the Club. Perhaps, in case you are not there, you will kindly instruct the poert to shew it me when I call. The signature looks like H. [Sandwiths?] writing – but he certainly wore moustache & whiskers from 1850 onwards.'

[Mrs Gascoigne [Caroline Leigh Gascoigne], Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter in the third person, asking Frederic Shoberl for advice regarding the publication of her juvenile novel 'Spencer's Cross; or, The Manor House'.

Mrs Gascoigne [Caroline Leigh Gascoigne, née Smith; Mrs C. L. Gascoigne] (1813-1883), Victorian novelist and author [Frederic Shoberl [Schoberl] (1775-1853), journalist and writer]
Publication details: 
York House, Bognor. 5 November 1851.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight traces of glue from mount adhering to edge on reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. An interesting letter, casting light on publication practices in Victorian London, with reference to a successful female author. Mrs Gascoigne asks Schoberl advice regarding the publication of her book 'Spencer's Cross; or, The Manor House. A Tale for Young People. By the author of "Belgravia"', which would be published by Charles Westerton in 1854. The letter begins: 'Mrs. Gascoigne presents her compliments to Mr.

[Dinah Maria Craik ['Mrs. Craik'], novelist and poet, author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman'.] Autograph Note Signed ('D M Mulock') to 'Mrs. Suckling', suggesting a meeting.

Dinah Maria Craik [Dinah Maria Mulock; Miss Mulock; Mrs. Craik] (1826-1887), novelist and poet, author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman'
Publication details: 
Wildwood, North End, Hampstead. 14 August 1856.

1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight damage to blank reverse caused by removal from mount. Reads: 'Dear Mrs. Suckling – if it be you that is C. S. - I can't come into Town – but shall always be glad to see you here.'

[Mrs Humphry Ward, novelist.] Autograph Signature ('Mary A. Ward'), on letter in a secretarial hand, to 'Mrs. Story', suggesting - with 'a considerable hesitation' - a meeting when she and her family reach Rome.

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward] (1851-1920), novelist, author, educationalist and founding President of the Women's National Anti-Suffrage League
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Hotel Timeo, Taormina. 3 April 1903.

2pp, 12mo. Creased and worn. Folded once. She explains that she and her husband and daughter are on the way to Rome, where they will stay at the Hotel Molaro for six days, and expresses the hope that 'we may have the pleasure of seeing you & Mr. Story during that time, if you are at home'. She admits that she feels 'a considerable hesitation about letting any of our friends in Rome know of our coming', as they are 'so overdone with “forestieri” at this time of year'.

[Sir Francis Cowley Burnand, editor of Punch.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C. Burnand') to the playwright and author Mrs Craigie ('John Oliver Hobbes'), regarding publication of her latest 'story'.

F. C. Burnand [Sir Francis Cowley Burnand] (1836-1917), comic author and playwright, editor of Punch magazine ['John Oliver Hobbes', pen-name of dramatist Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie (1867-1906)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the publishers of Punch: Whitefriars, E.C. ('Telegrams: | CHARIVARI, LONDON.') 28 October 1899.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin vertical strip of paper from mount adhering along top of first page. Begins: 'My dear Mrs Craigie | Mr Arthur à Beckett tells me that your story will soon be ready. When? I want if possible to commence with it [?] within the next fortnight. I shall have to definitely settle the matter. I hope you will let me have it very soon as I will then have it set up for you at once [last two words underlined]'.

[Mrs Sarah Ellis (Sarah Stickney Ellis), Victorian author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sarah S. Ellis') to the female editor of a magazine, apologising for delay in article on 'Java Sparrows' and announcing 'a better story in the Child's department'.

Mrs Sarah Ellis [Sarah Stickney Ellis, born Sarah Stickney] (1799-1872), Quaker (later Congregationalist) author of numerous books, several on woman's place in society
Publication details: 
Rose Hill [Lord Street, Hoddesdon]. 4 April [no year].

2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The female recipient is unidentified, but would appear to be the editor of a magazine, enquiring after the progress of a 'paper' Ellis has agreed to write on 'Java Sparrows'. Ellis explains that she has 'begun a better story in the Child's department which it is consequently necessary to finish first', to appear 'in the number for June', but that 'your paper shall certainly come next'. The handwriting is not altogether straightforward, but Ellis appears to say here that 'stories will not always [write?] up when [necessary?]'.

[Caroline Norton, social reformer, George Meredith's 'Diana of the Crossways'.] Autograph Letter Signed, requesting permission to attend 'some curious experiments of animal magnetism'.

Caroline Norton [Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton] (1808-1877), author and social reformer, heroine of the novel 'Diana of hte Crossways' by her friend George Gissing
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., 16mo. With mourning border. Aged and worn, with tear to one corner and glue stains on reverse. Signed 'Caroline Norton'. The recipient is not identified. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | The Prince Schomberg having told me of some curious experiments in animal magnetism which you would make this evg. I called to ask permission to witness them -'. She will 'retract' her 'petition' if he has 'no other ladies present – or if the persons on whom the experiments are made, only speak German', as she 'will not be able to understand enough of what passes'.

[Hester Lynch Piozzi, 'Dr. Johnson's Mrs. Thrale'.] Autograph Note in the third person to Dr. Perney, inviting him to visit 'to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh [i.e. Felix Janewicz] play on the Violin'.

Mrs Piozzi (born Hester Lynch Salusbury, then Hester Lynch Thrale, then Hester Lynch Piozzi] (1741-1821), diarist and friend of Dr Samuel Johnson [Rev. Dr John Anthony Perney (1781-1827)]
Publication details: 
'Steatham Park | Fryday [sic] 24.' [No year.]

Autograph Note in the third person. On one of 11 x 20 cm slip of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to reverse. Reads: 'Mrs. Piozzi's Coms. And if Dr. Perney is disengaged this Eveng & would like to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh play on the Violin She should be happy in his Company to Tea - - - and it would be very obliging in him to bring the Viol D'Amore with him. | Streatham Park | Friday 24.' Perney was domestic chaplain to the Earl of Coventry.

[ 'Mrs. George Wrottesley' [ Margaret Anne Wrottesley ], journalist and daughter of Sir John Fox Burgoyne. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr Lacy' [ theatrical bookseller Thomas Hailes Lacy ], regarding copies of two plays.

'Mrs George Wrottesley' [ Margaret Anne Wrottesley, nee Margaret Anne Burgoyne ] (c.1832-1883), journalist ('M. A. B.'), daughter of Sir John Fox Burgoyne [ Thomas Hailes Lacy, theatrical bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Wrottesley, Wolverhampton. 10 February 1864.

See Mrs George Wrottesley's obituary in The Times, 10 May 1883, in which she is praised for 'her undaunted courage and unshaken endurance of difficulties displayed repeatedly during her father's mission to the East' in 1854. 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. The main body of the letter reads: 'Mrs. George Wrottesley will feel much obliged to Mr Lacy if he will send her a copy of the play of | "The Wonder" - | The address is to | The Honble. | Mrs. George Wrottesley | Wrottesley | Wolverhampton'. At the head of the letter she adds a query concerning 'the play of Donna Diana'.

[ Mrs Molesworth, children's writer. ] Autograph Signature ('Louisa Molesworth') on valediction to letter.

Mrs Molesworth [ Mary Louisa Molesworth, née Stewart; M. L. S. Molesworth; 'Ennis Graham' ] (1839-1921), English children's writer
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On one side of a 2.5 x 11 cm slip of paper, cut from the end of a letter. Reads 'Yours very sincerely | Louisa Molesworth'.

[ 'Arthur Sketchley' (i.e. George Rose), 'Mrs Brown' and the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. ] Autograph Note Signed ('A. Sketchley') to 'Jno. Kinloch Esq', requesting 'A Box for this evening'.

'Arthur Sketchley', pseudonym of George Rose (1817-1882), dramatist, creator of the once-celebrated 'Mrs Brown' [ The Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London. 5 November 1864.

Having left the Church of England for Roman Catholicism, Rose had had a number of well-received plays produced on the London stage before the huge success of his creation 'Mrs Brown'. 'Mrs Brown at Home and Abroad' was performed at the Egyptian Hall in 1864, and the 'Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance' refers to 'Mr. Arthur Sketchley's snug little auditorium at the Egyptian Hall' for a performance of 'Mrs Brown at the Play'.

[ Mrs Oliphant to her editor, Mrs. S. C. Hall. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M O W Oliphant.') to 'Mrs. Hall', regarding the publication by her of a 'bit of a story', and the acquiring of postage stamps in 'primitive' Rosneath.

Mrs Oliphant [ Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant ] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist [ Anna Maria Hall [ née Fielding ] (1800-1881), author, wife of Samuel Carter Hall (1800-1889), journalist ]
Publication details: 
Willow-burn, Rosneath, Helensburgh. 25 June [1861?].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. On lightly aged and ruckled paper, with slight damage at head of gutter. The letter would appear to concern a contribution intended for 'The Juvenile Forget Me Not', the annual Mrs S. C. Hall began editing in the late 1820s. begins: 'My dear Mrs. Hall | I sent you the story or rather the bit of a story you have - because you asked for it. Therefore if you like it, the pay is not to be considered - But at the same time if you dont like it, pray dont think of using it out of courtesy.

[ Mrs Oliphant, Scottish novelist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. O. W. Oliphant') to Miss <Lansbury?>, regarding an invitation to visit Mrs Hargreaves at Silwood Park.

Mrs Oliphant [ Margaret Wilson Oliphant Wilson ] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist [ John Hargreaves of Silwood Park ]
Publication details: 
On 'Windsor' letterhead. 'Monday' [ no date ].

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with the second leaf neatly placed in a windowpane mount. The letter begins: 'I am delighted to see your handwriting again - It will give me the greatest pleasure to avail myself of Mrs Hargreaves kind invitation.' She explains why the following Wednesday will suit her best, and proposes to 'drive over arriving at Silwood about one o'Clock and if it is quite convenient for Mrs. Hargreaves to send me back in the afternoon, that will be very kind of her'.

[ Printed item. ] Tales from "Bentley." Vol. I. [ Including contributions by Thomas Love Peacock; William Macginn; Mrs Trollope; Edward Mayhew ]

Richard Bentley, London bookseller [ Thomas Love Peacock; William Macginn; Mrs Trollope; Edward Mayhew ]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. 1859. [ Winchester: Printed by Hugh Barclay, High Street. ]

[4] + [288]pp. [paginated 1-96 three times]. In original brown cloth binding, with decorative design in black on front board. A fair copy, internally tight, on aged paper, in worn and faded binding. An initial 'Advertisement' reads: 'It is well known that stories by some of the most eminent writers have appeared from time to time in "Bentley's Miscellany." It is here proposed to republish the best of them in a collected form. | London, August, 1859.' Thirteen contributions in prose and verse, from, first, the named authors W. H. Maxwell (2), 'T. C.

[ Travel book ] A student in Sicily

Mrs Nevill Jackson [Emily Nevill Jackson]
Publication details: 
London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd., 1926

Small octavo. Pages: xx + 257. Original black cloth decorated in orange. Orange dustwrapper. Eight illustrations in colour, sixty-five in half-tone, and map. Good copy, though foxed throughout, in good binding lightly worn at head and tale of spine and with a little spotting. Dustwrapper discoloured and with wear and loss at corners and head and tail of spine.

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