
[Lady Jane Davy, widow of the chemist and inventor Sir Humphry Davy.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Stirling’, regarding her ‘project for Spain’ and the suitability of Stirling’s former courier Jose Medina.

Lady Jane Davy [née Kerr, previously Apreece] (1780-1855), wife of the chemist and inventor Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829)
Publication details: 
‘Abbotsford / Melrose / Augst. 11 [no year]’. [Abbotsford, then or formerly the home of Walter Scott], died 1832]

See her husband’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of mount on blank reverse of second leaf. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Stirling’ and signed ‘Jane Davy’. She begins by asking him if he considers Jose Medina, the courier he had in Spain, ‘intelligent, active, & willing’. She adds: ‘I should now & then like my own way; will he allow me such an indulgence?’ She also wants to know if Medina is ‘fairly honest’, by which she means ‘that he will not allow others to cheat me.

[Lord Carnarvon: Henry Herbert, 3rd Earl of Carnarvon.] Autograph Letter in the Third Person, thanking Mrs Page for papers on the boundaries of Highclere, and commiserating with her on the death of Colonel Page.

Lord Carnarvon [Henry John George Herbert, 3rd Earl of Carnarvon (1800-1849)], English nobleman, Tory politician and traveller, owner of Highclere Castle, Hampshire [Colonel Page]
Publication details: 
‘43. Grosvenor Sq / July 2. 1835.’ [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded four times. Begins: ‘Lord Carnarvon presents his Compliments to Mrs. Page and is extremely obliged by her polite attention in sending him the Papers relating to the boundaries of Highclere - Burghclere, and Woodhay Parishes, which he has no doubt will prove extremely useful to him’. He has ‘many apologies to make for not sooner acknowledging the receipt of the Papers, but he has been for some time past incessantly occupied in attending the Committee on the Gt.

[Sir Robert Ker Porter [‘Reynhold Steinkirk’], historical painter to Tsar of Russia, British consul in Venezuela; botany] Two Autograph Letters Signed to the Hon. Mrs Villiers, regarding the procurement in Venezuela of the ‘rarest seeds’.

Sir Robert Ker Porter [pseudonym ‘Reynhold Steinkirk’] (1777-1842), Anglo-Irish artist, diplomat and author, historical painter to Tsar Alexander I of Russia, British consul in Venezuela [Villiers]
Publication details: 
ONE: 1 April 1830; Esher [England]. TWO: 18 October 1830; Caracas [Venezuela].

Artist, author, diplomat and horseman, present at Sir John Moore’s death in Corunna, knighted by the king of Sweden, historical painter to Tsar Alexander, British consul in Venezuela: see the entry on this renaissance man in the Oxford DNB. Both in good condition, with folds for postage. Both signed ‘R Ker Porter’. The recipient (known to her family as the ‘Queen Bee’) was the widow of the Hon. George Villiers, who resided with her family at Kent House, Knightsbridge, home of her brother the Earl of Morley.

[James Baillie Fraser, Scottish artist and traveller in India.] Autograph Letter in the third person to Lady Theresa Lewis (as ‘Mrs Lister’), regarding ‘the Persian Princes’, Sir Gore Ousely and his future plans.

James Baillie Fraser (1792-1856), Scottish artist and traveller in India [Lady Theresa Lewis (1803-1865), author]
James Baillie Fraser
Publication details: 
‘Athenaeum [London] / July 29th 1837’.
James Baillie Fraser

See his entry and hers in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Lady Theresa Lewis, and written while she was married to her first husband, the novelist Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842). 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once for postage.

[Lady Florence Dixie, Scottish author, traveller, suffragist and war correspondent.] Autograph Signature and conclusion of a letter.

Lady Florence Dixie [Lady Florence Caroline Dixie, nee Douglas] (1855-1905), Scottish author, traveller, suffragist and war correspondent
Lady Florence Dixie
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Lady Florence Dixie

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. On a 9.5 x 3.5 cm slip of paper, cut from a letter and laid down on a slightly larger slip of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads '[...] that we should never think from proclaiming. / Yrs. v. truly / Florence Dixie / (Lady)'. See Image.

[‘The Lion Hunter’: Roualeyn George Gordon-Cumming, Scottish traveller and big game hunter.] Autograph Letter Signed, arranging for a portrait to be sent to the fencing master H. C. Angelo via a ‘pampered menial’.

‘The Lion Hunter’: Roualeyn George Gordon-Cumming (1820-1866), Scottish traveller and big game hunter, whose trophies were exhibited around Britain [Henry Charles Angelo, fencing master]
Publication details: 
'232 Piccadilly [London] / Septem 28. 56' [1856].

At the time of writing Gordon-Cumming’s trophies were being exhibited at this Piccadilly address, having previously formed part of the Great Exhibition. The recipient Henry Charles Angelo (1806-1866) was a member of the celebrated family of fencing masters, and was at this time teaching the art at the Cavalry College, Richmond. 2pp, 12mo. On the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium, with the recipient’s name written lengthwise on the verso of the first leaf: ‘H. C. Angelo Esqr’. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice.

[‘He walked across Africa’: Verney Lovett Cameron, the first European to cross equatorial Africa from coast to coast.] Autograph Signature to conclusion of a letter: ‘V. Lovett Cameron / Commander R. N.’

Verney Lovett Cameron (1844-1894), explorer who ‘walked across Africa’, the first European to cross equatorial Africa from Indian Ocean to Atlantic
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A good large bold signature, with the autograph valediction of a letter. On one side of a 20 x 9 cm piece of wove paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ‘Your’s [sic] very truly / V. Lovett Cameron / Commander R. N.’ See Image.

[John Bowring, sometime Governor of Hong Kong] Autograph Letter Signed John Bowring to dear Friend [Miss Mary A. Humble] about the consequences of a disaster (shipwreck in the Red Sea on his return trip from Hong Kong).

John Bowring [Sir John Bowring or Phraya Siamanukulkij Siammitrmahayot (1792-1872), British political economist, traveller, writer, literary translator, polyglot and the fourth Governor of Hong Kong.]
Publication details: 
Off Sardinia St [Ellera?], 2 July 1859. At foot of first page: Miss Mary A Humble | Vicars Cross | Chester.

Two pages, 8vo, blue paper, fold marks, slight damage at fold not affecting text, mainly good condition. Despite a neat appearance, a difficult hand occasionally. Text: Of our disaster [underlined] you will have heard from others. I know you will not be displeased to hear of our safety from us [underlined]. We have lost nearly everything - Maria everything [see Note B. below] & have been clothed by Christian charity. I think better of human nature & more highly of human virtue after what I have seen. It was a beautiful display of every mortal excellence.

[A trip up the Nile by a gentleman-artist, 1864.] Manuscript agreement between Thomas Kennet Were and Fairman & Co. of Alexandria, to charter a dehabeah for a four-month trip up the Nile, signed by him, certified by the consul's clerk, with receipts.

Thomas Kennet Were (1838-1916) of Sidmouth, traveller and gentleman-artist [Fairman & Co. (latterly Kelson, Hankey & Cie.), Alexandria, Egypt]
Publication details: 
Agreement and certification dated from Alexandria, Egypt, 9 December 1864; receipt for balance dated 17 April 1865. Separate receipt for payment in account, 9 December 1864.

The University of Wyoming American Heritage Center has mounted a ‘traveling exhibit’ of watercolours and diaries from Kennet Were’s 1868-9 journey across the United States, a long account of which he published in the Gazette (‘Nine Months in the United States’) on his return. Were’s obituary in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association, vol. 48, (1916), p. 54, describes him as one of Sidmouth’s ‘most respected inhabitants’ and ‘the prime mover in movements for the improvement of the resort and a supporter of all good causes’, but does not refer to his artistic activities.

[Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley], travel writer, author and society figure.] Three substantial volumes of newspaper cuttings, collected by her, relating to her life, work and travels in Iceland and Mexico.

Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley] (1862–1940), travel writer, author and society figure
Publication details: 
1887-1909. England, Iceland, Mexico, USA. Vol.1: January 1887 to July 1899. Vol. 2: February 1900 to January 1909. Vol. 3: July 1906 to January 1909.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which carries a quotation pointing out her ‘unerring sense of admiration for herself’. What the present collection of well over a thousand cuttings assembled by her from newspapers and magazines appears to indicate is that the admiration was to a certain extent also felt by the general public; and taken as a whole the collection serves as a memorial to a once-celebrated English public figure, a woman making her mark on society in the age of suffrage. The first volume (1887-1899) is 117pp, folio: firm and tight in brown leather half binding.

[Augustus Hare] Autograph Letter Signed Augustus J.C. Hare to My dear James with sociable chit-chat.

Augustus J.C. Hare [Augustus John Cuthbert Hare (1834 – 1903), writer and raconteur.]
Publication details: 
Holmhurst, St Leonards, 8 Feb. 1883.

Three pages, 12mo. bifolium, black-bordered, good condition. He's sorry to have missed him in London but a nasty cough drove him home where it is better. He hopes for reciprocal visits in Gloucestershire. Ernest is at 17 New Inn Hall St[.] I must say I admired his pluck in going back to Oxford as he did, for it was sorely against the grain. I often hear from him and he is tolerably cheery though he cannot like it. In his postscript he expresses pleasure at meeting his correspondent's mother at Mr. Barry's


[Rosita Forbes] Bold Signature only: Rosita Forbes.

Rosita Forbes [(1890 – 1967), travel writer, novelist and explorer].
Publication details: 
No place or date

Piece of paper, 6.5 x 2.5cm, very good condition. Signature only, with no evidence of being a part of a letter. See image.

[Freya Stark; explorer] Signature and Date Only.

Freya Stark [Dame Freya Madeline Stark (1893 – 1993), Anglo-Italian explorer and travel writer.]
Publication details: 
5 May 1949.

Piece of paper, 20 x 2cm, edges unevenly clipped but signature and date complete (at either end of the paper), good condition. Text: Freya Stark May 5th 1949.

[ Julius Beerbohm, traveller and poet, half-brother of Max Beerbohm ] Manuscript Poem Signed J Beerbohm (calligraphically). See image.

Julius Beerbohm [ Julius Beerbohm (1854 – 1906), Victorian travel-writer, engineer, explorer and poet.]
Publication details: 
No place, but dated by him 9 Sept. 90.

32 line poem, cr.8vo, in a frame of an album page (detached), 4to, one ragged edge, celebrating summer, commencing: Is it not well, when the long day is over, | That brimmed with fulness of the summer time-| - Joy of wild bees that roam the the scented clover; [....] See image for full text. Verso: Sentiment by obscure German.

[ Trafford Smith, Lieutenant-Governor, Malta [ Typed Letter Signed Trafford Smith to Miss Felicity Ashbee, apparently giving her influential contacts for her travels.

Trafford Smith, Lieutenant-Governor, Malta
Publication details: 
The Palace, Valletta, 14 August 1958.

One page, 8vo, fold marks, very good condition. Text: I enclose two letters from Maitland, the Malta Area Manager of Shell, whose sway extends over the Shelkl Company in Tripoli, one addressed to yoy and the other to the Tripoli Manager. | I have probably done you wrong in saying that this is the first time you are visiting an Arab country, but anyway your presumed naivete will, I hope, only make them the more helpful. | I hope it all works out, and that you find Libya as rewarding as I did.

[ Henry B. Tristram; Darwin interest ] Autograph Message Signed Hy B. Tristram to a Dr Almond.

Henry B. Tristram [Henry Baker Tristram FRS (1822–1906) clergyman, Bible scholar, traveller and ornithologist, early supporter of Darwin (later opposed)
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Piece of paper, 15 x 11cm, somewhat foxed without obscuring text, laid down on a slightly larger card. Text: Or (if preferred) | Dr. Almond | With the respectful compliments | of the author || Hy B. Tristram |

[Sir Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart, diplomat, author, secret agent.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. H. Bruce Lockhart.') to Lloyd Humberstone, describing his book 'Your England' as a tribute to the 'broad-minded, tolerant, and humane' English.

R. H. Bruce Lockhart [Sir Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart] (1887-1970), diplomat, author and secret agent [Thomas Lloyd Humberstone, Secretary, University of London]
Publication details: 
16 August 1935. On letterhead of 30 Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh, 12.

1p, landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for his letter containing 'kind words about my book, Your England'. He did not expect anyone to agree with all he wrote in it. His aim in writing was 'to pay a tribute to the English who are the most broad-minded, tolerant, and humane of all the numerous peoples among whom I have lived.'

[Sir Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart, diplomat, author, secret agent.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. H. Bruce Lockhart.') to Lloyd Humberstone, describing his book 'Your England' as a tribute to the 'broad-minded, tolerant, and humane' English.

R. H. Bruce Lockhart [Sir Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart] (1887-1970), diplomat, author and secret agent [Thomas Lloyd Humberstone, Secretary, University of London]
Publication details: 
16 August 1935. On letterhead of 30 Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh, 12.

1p, landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for his letter containing 'kind words about my book, Your England'. He did not expect anyone to agree with all he wrote in it. His aim in writing was 'to pay a tribute to the English who are the most broad-minded, tolerant, and humane of all the numerous peoples among whom I have lived.'

[Mayne Reid, Irish novelist on American themes.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'J. Froebel' [Julius Fröbel] regarding arrangements for the translation, editing and publication of his book 'Aus Amerika'.

Mayne Reid [Thomas Mayne Reid] (1818-1883), Irish novelist who lived for long periods in America and wrote on American themes [Julius Fröbel [Froebel] (1805-1893), German geologist and traveller]
Publication details: 
23 November [1858]; Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire.

8pp, 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Signed 'Mayne Reid', and written from the sprawling 'Rancho' which he built at Gerrards Cross, in imitation of a Mexican hacienda. The recipient is named by Reid as 'J. Froebel', i.e. Julius Froebel, and the subject is arrangements for the translation translation of his book 'Aus Amerika' (Leipzig, 1857), which would be published in London by Richard Bentley in 1859 under the title 'Seven Years' Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico, and the Far West of the United States'.

[ Earl Cathcart; William Rae Wilson the "popular traveller" ] Autograph Letter Signed "Cathcart" to W.Rae Wilson, on various matters.

General William Schaw Cathcart, 1st Earl Cathcart (1755–1843), Scottish soldier and diplomatist.
Publication details: 
Woodthorp, nr Wakefield, 27 March 1826

Five pages, 12mo, a little grubby, with selltape securing the bifolium, text clear. P.4 docketing with details of contents. Text: He thanks Wilson for his letter but says he can't "render you any efficient Service in facilitating your arduous and most interesting remarks. | I certainly used my best Andeavours to obtain for you the Distinction which you conceived, and seem still to imagine could have been useful to you, I was not o fthat opinion.

[Louisa Stuart Costello, Anglo-Irish miniature painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('L. S Costello') to 'Miss de Witte', discussing 'Yankee' and Scandinavian poetry, and enclosing a 'trifle' to help a family the recipient is helping.

Louisa Stuart Costello (1799-1870), Anglo-Irish miniature painter, travel writer and author, friend of Sir Francis Burdett
Publication details: 
'Friday Evg'. No place or date.

4pp, 16mo. Bifolium on light-green paper. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter begins: 'My Dear Miss de Witte | Of course I found the Yankee Poems directly after You were Gone – too carefully put by. Do not put mine away too carefully – as I want You to really read them. (Poetry of France) The sad lines of Marguerite d'Ecosse (in the notes at the end) are original & perhaps will stroke You – as the mournful Subject did me.

[Sir Henry Holland of Knutsford, physician, travel writer and socialite.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Holland') [to Lovell Reeve?], giving detailed 'memoranda' of his life for inclusion in a 'biography of living men'.

Sir Henry Holland (1788-1873) of Knutsford, physician, travel writer and socialite [Lovell Reeve?]
Publication details: 
Brook Street [London]. 2 November 1856.

4pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to one edge. Seventy-four lines of closely and neatly written text. Although the date is somewhat early, the recipient may be Lovell Reeve, editor until 1865 of 'Portraits of Men of Eminence in Literature, Science, and Art, with Biographical Memoirs' (1863-1867). Having received the recipient's letter on his 'return from abroad', Holland states his 'general objection to the biography of living men'.

[ Richard F. Burton; Arabian Nights Edition de luxe; Grolier Society ] PROSPECTUS [to Arabian Nights Entertainments/ The Book of the Thousand Nights anda Night] With enclosures

[ Richard F. Burton; Arabian Nights Edition de luxe; Subscription Edition ]
Publication details: 
[ From enclosed printed letter] The Grolier Society, 50 Great Russell Street, London, WC, 1902.

Prospectus, [24]pp., cr. 8vo, decorative coloured wraps, arabic style, some gilt, rusted at staples, "Printed for Subscribers Only". [1] Hf-title; [2] Swinburne poem to Burton; [3] titlepage; [4-19] description of the book and various aspects; [[20-2]] Specimen pages; [23] Previous publication by Grolier (=Charles Lever); [24] blank. Two plates (ilustrations) loosely inserted. Other enclosures are: A Substantial printed letter signed G.

[ Richard Ford, English traveller in Spain. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd Ford') to Lord Colville, discussing Spanish wines (Manzanilla, Montilla, Amontillado).

Richard Ford (1796-1858), English author and traveller in Spain [ Lord Colville [ Charles John Colville, 1st Viscount Colville of Culross ] (1818-1903) ]
Publication details: 
123 Park Street, Grosvenor Square [ London ]. 10 January 1855.

Written on both sides of a 13 x 11 cm piece of paper. Cropped, resulting in loss of text from both sides, and with the front of the letter (i.e. the side not bearing the signature) bearing traces of glue from mount. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Ford begins by stating that Colville's 'letter of the 7th has been to Heavitree [his country house near Exeter] & back, & only reached me this morning'. He continues by explaining that 'The Manzanilla is to be had at Gormans 16.

[ James Forbes; India ] Autograph Letter Signed "Jam Forbes" to [ Claudius Rich ], traveller and antiquarian (Babylon etc).

James Forbes (1749–1819), author of ‘Oriental Memoirs’ (seventeen years residence in India); father-in-law of Marc Rene de Montalembert.
Publication details: 
Paris, 20 March 1817

Four pages, 12mo, very good condition. His correspondent's letter eventually reached him in Paris where he'd resided since the last August "in coinsequence of my son-in-law the Baron de Montalembert being appointed by the French Government Minister at the Court of Wurtemberg [...] but political reasons, and the difficulty of procuring a suitable house in that small capital have hitherto prevented our joining him." His daughter has to go through a "Municipal marriage" under the Napoleonic Code to establish her children's legitimacy.

[ Thomas Pennant, naturalist, traveller, and writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho. Pennant') to London solicitor 'Mr Shepherd', regarding 'the matter respecting Major Hughes'.

Thomas Pennant (1726-1798), naturalist, traveller, and writer, admired by Samuel Johnson
Publication details: 
Downing. 9 December 1781.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Mr Shepherd, Sollictor [sic] | Boswell court | near Lincolns inn | London.' In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The letter reads: 'Sir | I am obliged to Mr Middleton for recommending a Gentleman of yr worth & abilities; but yesterday the matter respecting Major Hughes is transferred to other hands for which I am thankful as it will be equally well pursued. I am Sir | Yr obedt Servt | Tho. Pennant. | Downing Decr 9th 1781 | I shall pay chearfully [sic] all past Charges'.

[ Freya Stark, explorer and travel writer. ] Three Autograph Cards Signed (all 'Freya Stark') to the crime writer Susan Gilruth, socialising and praising her books.

Freya Stark [ Dame Freya Madeline Stark; Mrs Stewart Perowne ] (1893-1993), British explorer and travel writer [ Susan Gilruth [ born Susannah Margaret Hornsby-Wright ], crime writer ]
Publication details: 
9 and 23 February, and 9 March. The first two from 30 Chester Street, SW1 [ London ], the last from Asolo [ Italy ].

Three plain postcards (no illustrations), with stamps and postmarks, all addressed to Gilruth (author of seven crime novels punlished between 1951 and 1963) at 7 Reston Place, Hyde Park, London. The three cards in fair condition, aged and worn, with staining to corners from mounting, and two of the signatures only half-legible through fading. In the first she says that she is in London until the end of February, and 'would like so much' to see her again: 'Could you come in for drinks with a few friends on Tuesday Feb 17th?' The second begins: 'Thank you ever so much.

[Annotated typescript; play] "Charlotte Corday" A Tragedy in One Act ("C'est le crime qui fait la honte, et non pas l'echafaud", titlepage motto)

Harry Graham [Jocelyn Henry Clive 'Harry' Graham (1874–1936)], writer, poet, humourist, journalist, soldier, traveller, " inventor of ruthless rhymes".
Publication details: 
Unpublished and Unrecorded, [c.1908?]

[50] leaves (rectos numbered only), 4to, stiff boards, good condition, typescript, annotated by the author, additions, corrections, excisions, who has inscribed the recto of the free endpaper "Harry Graham. || Royal Court. | Palace of Westminster. | London, S.W. | England". The scene is set in Charlotte Corday's prison cell, and the dramatis personae listed are Charlotte herself; Francois Chabot (Deputy for the Departement of Loir-et-Cher; Jean-Jacques Hauer, A Young Artist; Richard, Warder at the Conciergerie Prison; Charles-Henry Sanson, Public Executioner.

[ Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Duke de Penthièvre'), in English, expressing his condolences to an unnamed recipient. on his 'untimely loss'

Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre [ Pierre Philippe Jean Marie d'Orléans ] (1845-1919), member of the French and Brazilian royal families and traveller
Publication details: 
'<Peian?> - Ajaccio; Thursday 3 p.m.' [ no date ]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads: 'My dear Sir, | Only one Word to let you know how deeply I feel your untimely loss and to ask you to be by Mrs. Lewis, her daughter and all your people the interpreter of all my sincerest sentiments of regret. | Yrs. truly | Duke de Penthièvre'.

[ Joseph Freiherr von Hammer-Purgstall, Austrian orientalist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph von Hammer'), in English,

Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (1774-1856), Austrian orientalist
Publication details: 
Vienna. 14 January 1831.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with creases unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. A long letter, addressed to an unnamed English recipient (perhaps the editor of an literary journal) interested in news of Austrian literary culture. The letter contains references to: 'the polyglott Georgian', 'the new litterary [sic] gazette', 'Mr.

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