[Louis Peisse [Jean Louis Hippolyte Peisse] of the Ecole Impériale des Beaux-arts in Paris, French author.] Autograph Letter Signed, putting detailed questions regarding a proposal that he translate the lectures of Sir William Hamilton into French.

Louis Peisse [Jean Louis Hippolyte Peisse] (1803-1880), of the Ecole Impériale des Beaux-arts in Paris, medical author, translator of Sir William Hamilton (1788-1856), Scottish metaphysician
Publication details: 
‘Paris. 20 avril 1858’. [‘Louis Peisse, conservateur de l’ecole impériale des Beaux-arts. 2. Rue Boursault.’]

Peisse had already published his translation of ‘Fragments de Philosophie de M. William Hamilton’ (Paris, 1840), and had followed this with one from Dugald Stewart (1842-5). 2pp, 12mo. Forty-one lines of closely-written text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with chipping and closed tears to edges. Folded once. Signed ‘L. Peisse / Louis Peisse, conservateur de l’ecole impériale des Beaux-arts. 2. Rue Boursault.’ The British recipient (one of Hamilton’s executors?) is not named (in a postscript Peisse apologises for being unable to decipher his details, or those of his co-editors).

[‘Victoria Holt’, pseudonym of Eleanor Alice Hibbert [née Burford], prolific author of historical romances (also ‘Jean Plaidy’ and ‘Philippa Carr’).] Typed Letter Signed to Eileen Cond, sending a book plate and discussing Devon and Cornwall.

'Victoria Holt’, pseudonym of Eleanor Alice Hibbert [née Burford] (1906-1993), prolific author of historical romances (also 'Jean Plaidy' and 'Philippa Carr') [Eileen Margaret Cond (1911-1984)]
Publication details: 
8 June 1961; 'c/o Messrs. David Higham Associates Ltd. / 76 Dean Street, / Soho, / London, W. 1.'

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. She published around two hundred books under seven pseudonyms, and these are said to have sold a hundred million copies and been translated into twenty languages. The recipient Eileen Cond was an enthusiastic collector of autographs, and had the ability to draw a more than perfunctory response from her targets. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded for postage. Good bold signature: ‘Victoria Holt.’ Addressed to ‘Miss Cond, / Stream Cottage, / Sidbury, / Sidmouth, Devon.’ She has signed Cond’s bookplate and is sending it back.

[John Roget [Jean Roget], Geneva-born pastor in London, father of Peter Mark Roget (of the ‘Thesaurus’) and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly.] Autograph Notebook in French, with apparently-original compositions and extracts from other authors.

John Roget [Jean Roget] (1751-1783), Geneva-born pastor of two French protestant churches in London, father of Thesaurus compiler Peter Mark Roget and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly (1757-1818)
Publication details: 
Undated, but probably started after 1773, and in part written after his arrival in London from Geneva in 1775.

See the entries in the Oxford DNB for his brother-in-law Sir Samuel Romilly and his son Peter Mark Roget, as well as Joshua Kendall’s 2008 biography of the latter, ‘The Man Who Made Lists’. From the Roget family papers, and certainly of later date than the two schoolboy commonplace books by Jean Roget offered separately. Roget is not named as the author, but the handwriting is his, and the spine bears the remains of a blue paper label with the words ‘MSS of the Rev. J. Ro[get]’ on it the same nineteenth-century hand (P. M. Roget's?) as the two commonplace books.

[John Roget [Jean Roget], Geneva-born protestant pastor in London, father of Thesaurus compiler Peter Mark Roget and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly.] Two childhood Autograph Commonplace Books (‘Livres d'Extraits’ and ‘Fruits de mes Lectures’).

John Roget [Jean Roget] (1751-1783), Geneva-born pastor of two French protestant churches in London, father of Thesaurus compiler Peter Mark Roget and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly (1757-1818)
Publication details: 
1766-1767 [Geneva]. Vol. 1: 27 June to 16 December 1766. Vol.2: Begun 17 December 1766.

See the entries in the Oxford DNB for his brother-in-law Sir Samuel Romilly and his son Peter Mark Roget, as well as Joshua Kendall’s 2008 biography of the latter, ‘The Man Who Made Lists’. The two items were commenced while Roget was a fifteen-year-old schoolboy in Geneva, and nine years before his 1775 emigration to London. The two volumes of the same dimensions, but not uniform. Vol.1: 179pp, small 4to. Vol.2: 146pp, small 4to. Both tight and internally in good condition, lightly aged, in worn card wraps, each with a different stencilled design on the covers.

[Angela du Maurier, actress and novelist, sister of Daphne du Maurier.] Two chatty Autograph Letters Signed to Eileen Cond, autograph collector, discussing among other things her ‘Pekes’, and with reference to her sister ‘Jeanne’.

Angela du Maurier [Angela Busson du Maurier] (1904-2002), actress and novelist, sister of Daphne du Maurier, daughter of Sir Gerald du Maurier and grand-daughter of George du Maurier [Eileen Cond]
Publication details: 
5 March [no year] and 11 May [no year]. Both with letterhead of Ferryside, Bodinnick-by-Fowey, Cornwall.

For information about Angela and her sister Jean, one must turn to Michael Williams, ‘The Three du Maurier Sisters’ (2012), as neither are even named in their father’s and sister’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Eileen Margaret Cond (1911-1984), was an enthusiastic autograph collector. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged and creased. On light-blue paper with the same design of letterhead. Both addressed to ‘Dear Miss Cond’ and both signed ‘Angela du Maurier’. ONE (5 March): 2pp, 4to.

[Charles August, Crown Prince of Sweden.] Autograph Signature to document, as Danish prince Christian August of Augustenburg.

Charles August (1768-1810), for less than a year Crown Prince of Sweden, previously Danish prince Christian August of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
Publication details: 
1806. Friderichsteen.

Not, one would imagine, a particularly common signature. In good condition, lightly aged. On 20 x 16.5 piece of watermarked laid paper: the lower half of a document dated in another hand to 1806. Another (illegible) signature at top right. The Crown Prince’s signature as ‘Attester’ is an excellent one, good and clear, reading ‘Christian August [lel?] Holstein’. He would serve as Crown Prince of Sweden between 15 July 1809 and 28 May 1810. After his death the line of succession would pass to the Frenchman Jean Bernadotte. See image.

[Abbé Jean Nicholas Voyaux de Franous (1760-1840), founder of St Mary’s Church, Cadogan Street, ‘the father of Roman Catholicism in Chelsea'.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding 'a place in the Chapel' for 'Miss Harvey'.

Abbé Jean Nicholas Voyaux de Franous (1760-1840), founder of St Mary’s Church, Cadogan Street, ‘the father of Roman Catholicism in Chelsea'
Publication details: 
Dated 9 April 1837.

According to the Victoria County History, Jean Nicholas Voyaux de Franous (1760-1840), a Frenchman, is ‘traditionally seen as the father of Roman Catholicism in Chelsea’. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘Abbé Voyaux de Franous’ and addressed to 'Dear Madam'. Indisposition is the cause of his delayed response. He was without ‘the least idea that Miss Harvey was without a place in the Chapel and gave immediate orders to have her accommodated with one.

[Jean Louis Rieu, Commissioner in Sind.] Autograph Letter Signed, providing a reference for ‘Mr. Bhojraj M. Bhambhani’, son of his acquaintance ‘Mr. Mansing Ramsing’, Honorary Magistrate and ‘most loyal subject’.

Jean Louis Rieu (1872-1964), Commissioner in Sind between 1920 and 1925 [The Raj; British India; Bhojraj M. Bhambhani, son of Mansing Ramsing, and grandson of Diwan Ramsing]
Publication details: 
1 July 1922; on his letterhead as the Commissioner in Sind, Government House, Karachi.

Rieu was the son of Charles Pierre Henri Rieu (1820-1902) of Geneva, Keeper of Oriental Manuscripts at the British Museum, and elder brother of Emile Victor Rieu (1887-1972), both of whom have DNB entries. In 1947 he had privately printed (as’J. L. R.’) a ‘Chronicle of the Rieu Family now settled in England’. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. Signed ‘J. L Rieu / Commissioner in Sind’. An nice sidelight on the workings of the Raj. He has been asked for a letter by ‘Mr. Mansing Ramsing’, on behalf of his son ‘Mr. Bhojraj M.

[Charles Nodier, French Romantic supernatural author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles Nodier'), in French, explaining to an unnamed count that his friend and protégé 'M. Leharivel' is not eligible for membership of the Academie Française.

Charles Nodier [Jean Charles Emmanuel Nodier] (1780-1844), French Romantic author of fantastic and supernatural tales, Librarian of Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Member of the Académie Française
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p, 12mo. Seventeen lines of closely written text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, laid down on a leaf from an album. The recipient is not named, but is addressed as 'Monsieur le Comte'. The letter concerns the count's 'ami et protégé' 'M. Leharivel' [author of 'Grammaire Francaise Pasigraphique, Simplifiee Et Regularisee, Pour Servir de Base Fondamentale; Et Anecdotes, Et Contes Historiques (1839) ].

[Jean Cocteau] A small collection of material relating to the adaptation and production of Cocteau's Les Monstres Sacres [The Holy Terrors], including a Cocteau ALS en francais and Signed Agreement.

Jean Cocteau, dramatist [Edward O. Marsh, translator and adapter of French plays]
Publication details: 

Circa 20 items, two printed, others typescript and manuscript, various formats including: a. Autograph Letter en francais Signed Jean Cocteau, 19 Dec. 1952, one page, c.20 x 30cm, to [Edward O. Marsh, translator and adapter], presumably a response to e. below, partly about translation and translators; b. Agreement, one page, folio, signed on behalf of Cocteau on 7 November 1952, on share of revenue between Marsh and Cocteau on adaptation, SIGNED by Marsh and by a representative of the Union Financière Artistique on behalf of Cocteau, appointing Dr Jan van Loewen as exclusive agent; c.

[Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey [Jean H.S. Formey], contributor to Diderot's 'Encylopédie'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Formey | Conseiller intime du Roi | Secretaire perpetuel de l'Academie'), in French, declining present to the Berlin Academy.

Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey [Jean Henri Samuel Formey] (1711-1797), German churchman, of French descent, 'savant' and contributor to Diderot's 'Encylopédie', a founding member of the Berlin Academy
Publication details: 
'a Berlin le 9 Mars 1787'.

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. With stub from mount adhering along one edge. From the celebrated manuscript collection of Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton). In reply to the unnamed recipient's letter, he writes that he has presented to the Berlin Academy 'votre Prospectus que vous les avez deja fait parvenir par M le Directeur Merian [i.e. Johann Bernhard Merian (1723-1807)].' The Academy wishes Formey to thank the writer for his attentions, but as such works do not feature 'dans le plan de la Bibliotheque', the Academy will not be able to profit from the offer.

[ Artur Schnabel, Austrian pianist and composer; and Léon Goossens, oboist and member of a celebrated English family of musicians. ]

Artur Schnabel (1882-1951), Austrian pianist and composer; Léon Goossens [ Léon Jean Goossens ] (1897-1988), oboist and member of a celebrated English family of musicians
Publication details: 
Goossens' signature [ from Aberdeen ], 1934; Schnabel's signature without place, 19 October 1934.

The two signatories sign on separate sides of a 13.5 x 16.5 cm leaf of faded pink paper torn from an autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged. Schnabel's large firm signature is on the recto: 'Artur Schnabel | 19. X. 1934'. Goossens signs in a large bold hand on the reverse: 'Yours sincerely | Léon Goossens | 1934'. A small photographic portrait of Goossens, cut from a newspaper, has been tipped-in at bottom left, and another party (presumably the recipient) has written the word 'ABERDEEN.' at bottom right.

[ Evacuation of Queen Mary College, University of London, to King's Cambridge. ] Autograph Journal of Jean Kilgour Hart, undergraduate of Queen Mary College, in two volumes, kept over a year during its evacuation to King's College, Cambridge.

Jean Kilgour Hart (1921-2001), civil servant [ Queen Mary College, University of London; King's College, Cambridge; Girton College ]
Publication details: 
Cambridge [ Queen Mary College, University of London ]. First volume: 1 January 1942 to 9 May 1943. Second volume: 10 May 1942 to 29 April 1943.

The two volumes of diaries of Jean Kilgour Hart cast light on the interesting wartime crossover between the Universities of London and Cambridge. On the evacuation of Queen Mary College to Cambridge at the beginning of the Second World War, both the College administration and male staff and students were accommodated at King’s College. Women staff and students were initially provided with accommodation at Girton College, but from 1940 they were housed in two private houses in Hills Road.

[ Mona Inglesby and International Ballet. ] Autograph Signatures of Inglesby and 23 members of her International Ballet troupe, including Moira Shearer, Nina Tarakanova, Claudie Léonard Algeranova, Anna Marinova, Joyce Graeme, Rex Reid, Jean Harris.

Mona Inglesby (1918-2006), dancer, choreographer, founder of International Ballet [ Moira Shearer, Nina Tarakanova, Claudie Léonard Algeranova, Anna Marinova, Joyce Graeme, Rex Reid, Jean Harris ]
Publication details: 
No place. Dated 1942.

There has been a recent resurgence of interest in Mona Inglesby and her International Ballet (1942-1951). In 2008 Kay Hunter published a study of the troupe, titled 'Ballet in the Blitz'; then in 2012 BBC Radio 4 aired a documentary about Mona Inglesby and International Ballet, titled 'Black-Out Ballet: The Invisible Woman of British Ballet'. The writer of the documentary, Ismene Brown, gave the following explanation of her motives: 'In 2006 an elderly dancer died in Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. She was 88, and had once been one of Britain's most recognised ballerinas.

[Printed 'album', with programme. ] The exhibition Le Théatre de la Mode in London | Sponsored by the "Continental Daily Mail" | under the auspices of “L'Association Francaise d'Action artistique” | In aid of British and French charities.

Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, Théâtre de la Mode, 1945-1946 [ Gérard Bauër; Christian Bérard; Jean Saint-Martin; Eliane Bonabel; Rebull; Boris Kochno; Michel de Brunhoff ]
Publication details: 
[ Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, Paris. ] 'This album was compiled and produced by Aljanvic Publicité under the supervision of Boris Kochno and printed by l'Imprimerie de Bobigny. Paris, August 1945.'

Substantial unpaginated ring-bound 4to volume, with striking coloured cover illustration by Christian Bérard. Internally in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, in worn covers detaching from ring binding. A stylish volume, printed on both shiny art paper and thick rough grey stock. In three sections: 'The Story of this Exhibition'; 'Style in French Art by Gérard Bauër' and 'Twelve Scenes'. Profusely illustrated, including tipped-in plates. Several pages of advertisements for up-market Parisian shops at front and rear.

[ Printed item. ] Les Quatres Problèmes Sociaux par Jean Izoulet.

Jean Izoulet [ La Revue Bleue, Paris; Collège de France, Cours de Philosophie Sociale; Social Science in France ]
Publication details: 
Paris: Armand Colin et Cie, Éditeurs, 5, Rue de Mézières, 5. 1898. [ 'Extrait der la Revue Bleue du 8 janvier 1898.' ]

31pp., 8vo. Disbound pamphlet. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper, in worn wraps, with a few notes in light pencil. The title-page is headed: 'Collège de France | Cours de Philosophie Sociale | Leçon d'Ouverture | (16 décembre 1897)'. On p.6 Izoulet writes: 'cette leçon d'ouverture a pour but d'expliquer l'origine et le titre de la nouvelle chaire, la nature et l'esprit du nouveau cours'. Now scarce.

[ Jean Hyacinthe de Magellan, natural philosopher. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Magellan'), in English, to the Earl of Buchan, on topics including Adair Crawford's 'new theory of heat in general'.

Jean Hyacinthe de Magellan [João Jacinto de Magalhães] (1722-1790), Portuguese natural philosopher, latterly based in London [ David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of Buchan; Adair Crawford (1748-1795) ]
Publication details: 
London. 21 September 1780.

3pp., 4to. Addressed, with black wax seal, on reverse of second leaf to 'The Earl of Buchan at Kerkhill | by Edinburgh'. In fair condition, lightly aged. He is 'hardly relieved' from 'a very distressing ophthalmy withh great head-ackes [sic]', but thanks the Earl for 'sending the pamphlet of Dr. Homes on the Croup, for my friend Monsr. Le Roy, one of ye. Members of ye. Royal Acady. at Paris'. He is sending him the Philosophical Transactions, 'as regularly as they come out, by the indicated way of Mr. Donalson'. The 'Medal of ye late Captn. Cook [...] has not yet been distributed to ye.

[ Société des Artistes Français, Paris. ] Printed and illustrated certificate, giving 'Mention Honorable' to 'Monsieur [sic] INGLIS (Jean)' at the painting section of the Salon of 1928. Signed by president Paul Chabas and secretary 'A. Bréauté'.

Paul Chabas [ Paul Émile Chabas ] (1869-1937), French artist, President of the Société des Artistes Français [ Jean Inglis (1884-1959), English artist ]
Publication details: 
'Salon de 1928'. 'Paris - Imp. A. Salmon Porcabeuf Sr.'

Printed in black on one side of a 49.5 x 65 cm. piece of thick paper. In fair condition, aged and rolled into a tube. A tasteful design, featuring an engaving of a palm leaf. Signed at foot by 'Paul Chabas' and 'A. Bréauté'.

[ Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Duke de Penthièvre'), in English, expressing his condolences to an unnamed recipient. on his 'untimely loss'

Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre [ Pierre Philippe Jean Marie d'Orléans ] (1845-1919), member of the French and Brazilian royal families and traveller
Publication details: 
'<Peian?> - Ajaccio; Thursday 3 p.m.' [ no date ]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads: 'My dear Sir, | Only one Word to let you know how deeply I feel your untimely loss and to ask you to be by Mrs. Lewis, her daughter and all your people the interpreter of all my sincerest sentiments of regret. | Yrs. truly | Duke de Penthièvre'.

[ 'Carnival', 1946 British film. ] Autograph Signatures of director Stanley Haynes and actors Sally Gray, Michael Wilding, Stanley Holloway, Jean Kent, Catherine Lacey, Hazel Court, and two members of the crew.

Michael Wilding; Stanley Holloway; Sally Gray; Catherine Lacey; Stanley Haynes; Michael Clarke; Hazel Court, Jean Kent, Guy Green [ Twickenham Film Studios; 'Carnival', 1946 British film ]
Publication details: 
No place [ Twickenham Film Studios ]. 1945.

On 18 x 16 cm leaf removed from an album. In good condition, lightly-aged. Headed '"Carnival" July 1945' and with the following signatures: 'Stanley Haynes (Director) | Guy Green . (Camera) | Sally Gray | Stanley Holloway (actor) | Catherine Lacey | Michael Clarke | Hazel Court. | Michael Wilding | Jean Kent | <?> (stills)'. The recipient was the daughter of a cameraman at Twickenham Film Studios.

[Printed item.] Séance du Sénat du 22 Juin 1865. Opinion de M. Le Procurer Général Dupin Sénateur sur Le Luxe Effréné des Femmes a l'Occasion d'une Pétition contre la Prostitution. Rapportée Par M. de Goulhot de Saint-Germain, sénateur.

M. Le Procureur Général Dupin [André Marie Jean Jacques Dupin (1783-1865)] [prostitution in nineteenth-century France]
Publication details: 
Paris: Garnier Frères, Libraires-Éditeurs, 6, Rue des Saints-Peres, et Palais-Royal, 215. [1865.]

[1] + 11, 16mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound, with slight damage to spine. The only copy on COPAC at the British Library. There is a copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale.

'Ballade de la Geôle de Reading'. [Numbered copy of livre d'artiste': a French prose translation of Oscar Wilde's 'Ballad of Reading Gaol', with drypoint engravings by Robert Fonta.

Oscar Wilde; Robert Fonta (1922-1976), illustrator; Société des Bibliophiles et Graveurs d'Aujourd'hui, Paris [Jacques Le Désert; Jean Brisset; Fequet et Baudier; Georges Visat]
Publication details: 
[Paris.] Bibliophiles et Graveurs d'Aujourd'hui. 1950.

80 + [1]pp., 8vo. Unstitched signatures with brown paper wraps and grey boards, both with text in red. In plain black paper-covered slipcase. On reverse of half-title: 'Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage, imprimé sur Vélin de Rives, 110 exemplaires numérotés de 1 à 110, réservés aux Membres de la Société des Bibliophiles et Graveurs d'Aujourd'hui. | En outre, dix exemplaires numérotés de I à X ont été réservés à l'artiste et aux divers collaborateurs de l'édition. | Exemplaire No 35 imprimé pour M. Jacques Le Désert'.

[Joan Greenwood, actress.] Autograph Letter Signed to the translator Edward Marsh, regarding a 'most interesting and infuriating' 'Cocteau profile', and Henry Sherek's copy of the script of T. S. Eliot's 'Confidential Clerk'.

Joan Greenwood (1921-1987), English actress, best-known for her role as Sibella in the film Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) [Edward Marsh, translator; Henry Sherek (1900-1967), theatre manager]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 4 Wentworth Studios, Chelsea, SW3 [London]. 9 September 1953.

2pp., 12mo. Written lengthwise across the paper, so that the letterhead runs up the left-hand margin of the first page. She thanks him for his letter and 'the Cocteau profile (most interesting and infuriating - splendid misunderstanding - written down with such authority.)', as well as '"The Holy Terrors" notices'. She has been delayed in sending him the script of 'The Confidential Clerk' as she had to go to King's Lynn. She is sending the script now, and asks for it to be returned 'fairly soon, as it is Henry Sherek's and he may suddenly scream for it!' (Sherek was the play's producer.)

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, from Etienne Allègre to 'Cher Monsieur Manfield'

Etienne Allègre, French rugby player and Communist politician, Deputy for Toulon, 1935-1940, brother-in-law of Jean Bartolini (1899-1977), Mayor of Toulon from 1945 to 1947
Publication details: 
5 Chemin de Plaisance, Toulon. 12 July 1954.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with a few short closed tears along fold lines. He apologises for replying with 'un retard inqualifiable!' He apologises profoundly for 'ce contretemps' which has not allowed him to thank Mansfield properly 'pour l'Admiration que vous avez bien voulu me temoigner - sans doute à l'occasion de l'un des derniers Salons à Paris'. He is sending a photograph, with his autograph.

[Printed broadside, in French, relating to the estate of King Louis Philippe.] Faits à l'appui de la défense du droit de propriété Contre les décrets, du 22 janvier, 1852.

[André Dupin [André Marie Jean Jacques Dupin] (1783-1865); Duc de Montmorency; Comte de Montalivet; Laplagne-Barris; Scribe; Louis d'Orléans (Duc de Nemours); Prince de Joinville; Louis Philippe]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Paris, France? 1852.]

2pp., folio (approximately 41 x 21.5 cm), in double column. Fair, on aged paper, creased and with outer margin trimmed. Tipped-in onto leaf removed from album. The first column introduces the problem, and is followed by a 'Lettre de M. DUPIN ainé, au Prince Président de la République', dated 'Paris, ce 23 Janvier, 1852'. This is in turn followed by a letter 'Au Prince-Président de la République', Paris, 26 January 1852 by five 'Les executeurs testamentaires du feu Roi Louis Phillippe'. They are: Dupin, Duc de Montmorency, Comte de Montalivet, Laplagne-Barris, Scribe.

Five items, including a notebook, containing manuscript notes taken during the Second World War by a member of the First Quartermaster's Department, Royal Marines, Plymouth.

First Quartermaster's Department, Royal Marines, Plymouth [Jean B. Maclachlan, Mount House, Hartley, Plymouth.]
Publication details: 
Circa 1943. [First Quartermaster's Department, Royal Marines, Plymouth.]

Five manuscript items, all in the same pencil hand. The name and address of Jean B. Maclachlan written twice on Item One indicates the identity of the notetaker. All texts clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper (but see slight damage to Item Two). Item One: Manuscript notebook. 12mo, 61 pp. Stapled. In original blue wraps, 'SUPPLIED FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE'. Repeatedly and untidily stamped in red ink on front cover 'PLYMOUTH', with 'CAPTAIN, R.M. | ASSISTANT PAYMASTER' and 'ROYAL MARINES | PLYMOUTH'.

Signed album leaf with Autograph Musical Quotation, bars from his 'Ave Maria', initialled PBK [Percy B. Kahn, composer] with signature of Jean Vallier, French Bass, and overleaf that of Landon Ronald with images of him clipped from magazines

Percy B. Kahn, composer and pianist, composer of Ave Maria.
Percy B. Kahn, composer and pianist, composer of Ave Maria.
Publication details: 
Stoke-on-Trent, 21 Jan. 1921.
Percy B. Kahn, composer and pianist, composer of Ave Maria.

Page detached from album, stained but writing clear and complete. The plain signature of Jean Vallier, French Bass, is followed by the title Ave Maria followed by two or so bars from the song, with words (A-ve Ma-ri-a gra-ti-a ple-na), itself followed by Best wishes from | Percy B. Kahn Stoke Jan 21st 1921. Note: His most noted composition was the song Ave Maria with accompaniment by piano, and violin obbligato.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Le Directeur | de Puymaurin'), in French, from Baron de Puymaurin, Master of the Paris Mint, to Messieurs les [?secretaries?] de la Chambre des Deputés

Baron Jean Pierre Casimir de Marcassus de Puymaurin (1757-1841), Master of the Paris Mint, 1816-1830
Baron Jean Pierre Casimir de Marcassus de Puymaurin
Publication details: 
7 July 1825; Paris. On illustrated letterhead of 'Monnaie Royale des Medailles'.
Baron Jean Pierre Casimir de Marcassus de Puymaurin

Folio, 2 pp. 31 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, chipped at extremities. The elaborate letterhead features a circular engraving by Heuer of two classical female figures in front of a press.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Shakespearian actor Balliol Holloway to the artist Jean Inglis.

Balliol Holloway (1883-1967), English stage and screen actor, specialising in Shakespeare
Autograph Letter Signed from the Shakespearian actor Balliol Holloway
Publication details: 
24 June 1924; King's Theatre, Hammersmith.
Autograph Letter Signed from the Shakespearian actor Balliol Holloway

4to, 1 p. Fourteen lines, in pencil. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. In envelope addressed by Holloway to Inglis. He apologises for his 'rudeness' in not answering earlier: 'I plead rush of work'. He would be delighted to sit for her, but 'the trouble is that I may have to leave town on Monday to produce a play in the country and then on to S[tratford]-on-A[von] for the 7 weeks Festival'. Suggests a later meeting.

Autograph Letter Signed from English painter Henry Lamb, R.A., to fellow-artist Jean Inglis.

Henry Lamb (1883-1960), R.A. English artist of the Camden Town Group [Jean Inglis]
Autograph Letter Signed from English painter Henry Lamb
Publication details: 
4 July 1944; St John's Cottage, Cambridge.
Autograph Letter Signed from English painter Henry Lamb

Landscape 12mo. 12 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, in envelope addressed by Lamb to Inglis. On 'seeing the picture after that long interval' he was 'not ashamed of it', but 'when it was new my friends used to rag me about my "Morgue" pictures', there being 'a few others of similar gruesome import'. Now that he is 'far past youth' he is 'painting mostly scenes of sweetness & serenity'. He is sorry that she is 'denied the priviledge [sic] I have enjoyed all these sinister times', that of being able to paint.

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