[François Guizot, Prime Minister of France, historian and statesman.] Autograph Letter in the third person, in French, to ‘Mesdemoiselles Berry’ [i.e. Horace Walpole’s friends Agnes and Mary Berry]

François Guizot [François Pierre Guillaume Guizot] (1787-1874), Prime Minister of France, historian and statesman [Agnes and Mary Berry]
Publication details: 
‘Vendredi 10 Avril’ [no year and no place].

See Mary Berry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. 1p, 16mo. Neatly written in his distinctive close hand: ‘M. Guizot regrette beaucoup qu’un engagement antérieur ne lui permette pas d’accepter, pour le 11 avril, l’aimable invitation de Mesdemoiselles Berry. Il a l’honneur de leur envoyer deux volumes qui les amuserons peut-être quelques momens, et de leur offrir ses hommages respectueux’. The item is from the papers of Lady Maria Theresa Lewis (1803-1865), to whom Mary Berry left her papers for publication.

[French science in the early nineteenth-century.] Substantial collection of manuscripts, in French, with illustrations, describing aspects of science: chemistry (from Fourcroy), botany, physics, hydrostatics, mechanics, pneumatics, optics.

French science of the early nineteenth century [Antoine François de Fourcroy; Jean-Antoine Nollet; Pierre Bulliard; Jean-Paul Marat; Hyacinthe Bonnet]
French Sciences
French Sciences2
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa the 1820s. [Paris, France.]
French Sciences
French Sciences2

The anonymous author of this material is evidently a well-educated individual, and well-versed in the sciences. He has taken great care over the material, and it can be presumed that his intention was either to try for publication, or use it while lecturing.

[François Guizot, historian and Prime Minister of France.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Guizot') to a lady, having procured a ticket for her to the following day's 'Séance Royale'.

François Guizot [François Pierre Guillaume Guizot], French historian and statesman, Prime Minister of France under Louis Philippe
Publication details: 
16 June [no year, 1830s or 1840s?] [Paris?]

On one side of a 12 x 13 cm piece of paper with the corners cut away to make a irregular octagon shape. In fair condition, lightly aged. Laid down on part of leaf from album. Reads: 'Madame | Voici un billet pour la Séance Royale de demain. Je suis charmé d'avoir pu me le procurer puisque vous le desiriez. | Agréez, je vous prie, Madame, l'hommage de mon respect | Guizot | Dime. Juin 16.' At bottom left, in a contemporary hand: '184'.

[Pierre Daru [Pierre Antoine Noël Bruno, Comte Daru], French soldier and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Cte Daru') to printer Firmin Didot, concerning the printing of 'la Copie des vers que j'ai lus à l'institut', with reference to 'M Raynouard'.

Pierre Daru [Pierre Antoine Noël Bruno, Comte Daru] (1767-1829), French soldier, statesman, historian, poet [Firmin Didot, printer; François Just Marie Raynouard (1761-1836), dramatist and linguist]
Publication details: 
26 April 1829. No place.

1p, 4to. On recto of first leaf of bifolium, the verso of the last leaf of which is addressed by Daru 'à monsieur | F. Didot père & fils | rue jacob No 24 | Paris'. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering. Sixteen lines of text. The text is in French, and concerns 'la Copie des vers que j'ai lus à l'institut pour imprimés avec les autres pièces lues a cette place', which he discussed with 'M Raynouard' (François Just Marie Raynouard) the night before.

[ François Guizot, French historian and statesman. ] Autograph Signature ('Guizot') and seal, franking letter to 'Monsieur le comte de Jarnac | Chargé d'affaires de France | à Londres'.

François Guizot [ François Pierre Guillaume Guizot ] (1787-1874), French historian and statesman [ Philippe-Ferdinand-Auguste de Rohan-Chabot (1815-1875), comte de Jarnac ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

The 19.5 x 27 cm front panel of an envelope, with the flap. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight discoloration to the cover from the three seals. In the top right-hand corner of the cover is written the word 'Particuliere'; at bottom left is the signature 'Guizot'; slightly to the left of centre is the address: 'Monsieur le comte de Jarnac | Chargé d'affaires de France | à Londres'. The three seals in black wax adhering to the flap. None has the full impression and only one is complete.

[ Textiles; French ]Collection of 105 items of correspondence, in French, 1815 and 1822 by various companies to Messrs Henry Pierre Delacroix et Fils, textile manufacturers of Elbeuf, Normandy, including accounts and political and social references.

Messrs Henry Pierre Delacroix et Fils, textile manufacturers of Elbeuf, Normandy
Publication details: 
Written between May 1815 and October 1822. Addressed to Messrs Henri Pierre Delacroix et Fils of Elbeuf, Normandy, from various French locations (principally Paris).

105 items of correspondence, in French, in various formats (mainly 8vo). In good condition on lightly-aged paper. Each text clear and complete. The whole contained in a grey paper folder with 'Juillet 1818' on the front wrap. Each item unobtrusively numbered in neat red pencil. Featuring a wide range of the correspondents, as few write more than once. Occasional letters docketed. Accompanied by a modern abstract by a French-speaker, reflecting the difficulty of the various hands contained in the collection.

[ Victor Jamaer, Belgian architect. ] Heavily-corrected draft manuscript proposal (by Jamaer?) to 'Monsieur le Bourgmestre', for adding statues of Albert and Isabelle to the facade of the Maison du Roi in the Grand Place.

Victor Jamaer [ Pierre Victor Jamaer ] (1825-1902), Belgian architect [ Maison du Roi, Brussels, Belgium ]
Publication details: 
[ Belgium. ] Undated [ circa 1868? ].

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged, worn and brittle paper. 66 lines of closely-written text, heavily revised with additions, deletions and emendations. The author describes his scheme as 'un projet qui contribuerait a l'embellissement de le grand plan de Bruxelles, sans qu'il coutait rien a la ville'. He describes the renovation of the facade of the Maison du Roi, and suggests the placing of 'Statuettes d'Albert et d'Isabelle' in a 'niche gothique'. Jamaer reconstructed the Maison du Roi in 1868.

[ Antoine Renou, French painter and playwright. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Renou'), 'Au Citoyen Monger', a secretary to the Institut National

Antoine Renou (1731-1806), French painter and playwright [ Monger of the Institut National; Pierre Bénézech (1749-1802), French Minister of the Interior ]
Publication details: 
'ce 4 Thermidor. An 5e.' [ 23 July 1797 ]

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Signed 'Salut et fraternité | Renou'. A long and interesting letter, regarding student unrest in the French revolution, and involving a descision taken by the 'Classe des Sciences et Artes de l'Institut, qui acorde un jour de prolongation aux Concurrens pour les prix de Peinture', and the attempts of the Institut National to impose discipline.

[ Louis-Philippe Mouchy, French sculptor. ] Part of request to 'Concitoyens Commissaires', signed 'Mouchy Sculpteur de l'academie de peinture de la Commission des monuments', regarding works of art in the 'Cy devant Seminaire de St. Louis' in Paris.

Louis-Philippe Mouchy (1734-1801), French sculptor [ La Commission des Monuments, Paris; French Revolution ]
Publication details: 
25 January 1793.

1p., 8vo. In good condition. The ancient Seminary of St Peter and St Lewis in Paris (now demolished) was being used as barracks at the time Mouchy was writing, having been suppressed the year before. The page begins: 'Au Cy devant Seminaire de St. Louis rue d'Enfer dans L'Eglise sont a distraire de la vente primo tous ce qui Compose le maitre autel en marbre bleux et blanc, et le grand Tableaux [sic] representant St. Pierre guerissant un paralitique, [sic] et autres Secondo les chapelles de cote aussy [sic] de même Couleur avec leurs tableaux bordures dorés, dont l'un est un St.

[ François Guizot, French politician and historian ] Autograph address, on cover of letter, to London bookseller Richard Bentley, with postmarks and seal in black wax.

François Guizot [ François Pierre Guillaume Guizot ] (1787-1874), French politician and historian [ Richard Bentley (1794-1871), London printer and publisher ]
Publication details: 
With three postmarks, one from Paris, 13 February 1852

Covering leaf of letter, 18 x 22.5 cm, folding into 7 x 15.5 cm packet. In fair condition, aged and worn. Addressed by Guizot to 'Mr. Bentley bookseller | 8 New Burlington Street | London | England.' Seal in black wax (without impression) and three postmarks, two circular French ones, including one from Paris, and an English one in red ink. Perhaps the cover of a communication relating to his book 'Corneille and his Times', published by Bentley in 1852.

[ Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Duke de Penthièvre'), in English, expressing his condolences to an unnamed recipient. on his 'untimely loss'

Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre [ Pierre Philippe Jean Marie d'Orléans ] (1845-1919), member of the French and Brazilian royal families and traveller
Publication details: 
'<Peian?> - Ajaccio; Thursday 3 p.m.' [ no date ]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads: 'My dear Sir, | Only one Word to let you know how deeply I feel your untimely loss and to ask you to be by Mrs. Lewis, her daughter and all your people the interpreter of all my sincerest sentiments of regret. | Yrs. truly | Duke de Penthièvre'.

[ Jules Baroche, French Statesman. ] Autograph Note Signed ('P J Baroche') to 'Monsieur De la Salle | avoué' ('Mon cher maitre').

Jules Baroche [ Pierre Jules Baroche ] (1802-1870), French statesman, minister under Napoleon III
Publication details: 
24 January 1845.

1p., 16mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Monsieur De la Salle | avoué'. Regarding a payment for his part 'dans l'aff. janvier'.

[ Pierre Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, French economist. ] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Paul Leroy-Beaulieu'), in French, letter to 'Monsieur Petit' (with signed autograph letter by Petit on reverse) and note to a 'confrère'.

Pierre Paul Leroy-Beaulieu (1843-1916), French economist
Publication details: 
Letter One: on letterhead of 27 Avenue du Bois de Boulogne, 17 March 1883. Letterr Two: Paris. 9 June 1886.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 1p., 8vo. Despite being unacquainted with 'M. Tirman', he offers to do his best to be of assistance to 'M. Emile Farrence'. Petit's letter, dated 19 May 1883 is on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. Writing to one of the individuals mentioned in Leroy Beaulieu's letter, he explains that he is forwarding that letter, and asks for it to be returned to him on his arrival. TWO: 1p., 16mo. He apologises for making him wait 'deux jours de plus'.

[Dr Pierre Magnin, French physician.] Inscribed copy of his printed thesis, 'De l'Action de la Quinine sur les Fibres Musculaires Lisses. Thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue a la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier le 13 août 1873.'

Pierre Magnin, 'Né a Laboisse (Ain) Docteur en Médecine | ancien Interne des Hopitaux de Lyon' [Frantz Glénard (1848-1920)]
Publication details: 
Montpellier: Imprimerie L. Cristin et Ce., rue Vieille Intendance, 5. 1875.

66 + [3] + [1] pp., 4to. The item has been disbound from a volume, and the title leaf is longer than the rest, in order to retain the ownership inscription in the top left-hand corner of the title-page, which carries a signed presentation inscription from Magnin to his colleague Frantz Glénard. The title leaf is creased and has a long vertical closed tear near the spine, which has been unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Pp.53/54 and 61/62 have had text trimmed away by the binder.

Secretarial Letter Signed ('C Vaublanc') from the French Minister of the Interior the Comte de Vaublanc [to the English Member of Parliament John Blackburne], enclosing a facsimile of Queen Marie Antoinette's last letter by Pierre Picquet.

Vincent-Marie Viénot, Comte de Vaublanc (1756-1845), French Minister of the Interior; Pierre Picquet, engraver; John Blackburne (1754-1833), MP for Lancashire, 1784-1830; Queen Marie Antoinette
Publication details: 
Vaublanc's letter from Paris, 13 April 1816. Picquet's engraving without date or place.

The two items are in very good condition, on lightly aged paper. Item One: Secretarial Letter, in French, by 'C Vaublanc', Vincent-Marie Viénot, Count of Vaublanc (1756-1845), 'Le Ministre Secretaire d'Etat de L'Intérieur' [French Minister of the Interior]. Paris, 13 April 1816. He is sending the 'fac simile De la Lettre de notre Infortunée Reine', and in order to dispel any doubts as to authenticity has initialled the foot of the third page.

Autograph Letter Signed from Jeremy Bentham's amanuensis Richard Doane to the French revolutionary Marc-Antoine Jullien at Paris, conveying information about Bentham, the Earl of Shelburne and E. Dumont; with list of works sent to Jullien by Bentham.

Richard Doane (1805-1848), barrister and amanuensis and editor of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832); Marc-Antoine Jullien (1775-1848), protégé of Robespierre; Pierre Étienne Louis Dumont (1759-1829)]
Publication details: 
Queen's Square Place, Westminster; 14 November 1825.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip from mount adhering to margin of verso of second leaf, which is addressed to 'Mr. M. A. Jullien de Paris.' Printed slip from nineteenth-centrury catalogue describing the item laid down on first leaf. Doane begins 'My dear Sir, | Through the medium of M. George (whom I have had the pleasure of seeing since I wrote you last) I send de la part de M. Bentham the following works'. A list of thirteen items follows, from 'Christomathia 2 vols' to 'European Magazine for April 1823'. 'Those which are marked thus * Mr. B. wd.

[Printed pamphlet.] Explication des Tableaux, Statues, Bustes, etc. composant les Galerie [sic] du Palais de la Chambre des Pairs de France.

[Pierre Didot, l'ainé, printer; Musée national du Luxembourg, France ]
 Explication des Tableaux, Statues, Bustes, etc.
Publication details: 
A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de P. Didot l'Ainé, Imprimeur de la Chambre des Pairs de France, rue du Pont de Lodi, no 6. 1814.
 Explication des Tableaux, Statues, Bustes, etc.

12mo, 72 pp. Stitched. In remains of original grey wraps, with front wrap present (though worn at extremities), but only a trace of rear wrap remaining. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with many dog-eared corners. An ephemeral item by one of the greatest of French printers: COPAC only lists three copies, at Oxford, University College London, and the Victoria and Albert Museum. None of these record the misprint in the title of 'les Galerie' for 'les Galeries', and it is not present in the Harvard copy either.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Le Directeur | de Puymaurin'), in French, from Baron de Puymaurin, Master of the Paris Mint, to Messieurs les [?secretaries?] de la Chambre des Deputés

Baron Jean Pierre Casimir de Marcassus de Puymaurin (1757-1841), Master of the Paris Mint, 1816-1830
Baron Jean Pierre Casimir de Marcassus de Puymaurin
Publication details: 
7 July 1825; Paris. On illustrated letterhead of 'Monnaie Royale des Medailles'.
Baron Jean Pierre Casimir de Marcassus de Puymaurin

Folio, 2 pp. 31 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, chipped at extremities. The elaborate letterhead features a circular engraving by Heuer of two classical female figures in front of a press.

Historical Account of the most celebrated Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries, from the Time of Columbus to the Present Period. [Vol. XV, including de Pagès' arctic and antarctic voyages, and Thunberg's 'Travels in Japan and other Countries'.]

William Mavor [Pierre Marie François de Pagès (1748-1793); Carl Peter Thunberg (1743-1828), Swedish naturalist and explorer; Texas; Japan; antarctic; arctic exploration]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for E. Newbery, St. Paul's Church-yard. 1797.

12mo: 284 pp. Frontispiece ('Humanity of an Indian to his Ass') and two plates: 'A Cape Planter attacked by a Lion' (facing p.174) and 'Seizure of the Dutch Governor of Formosa by the Japanese' (facing p.240). In original pink wraps, half-bound with cream spine. Good, on aged and lightly-foxed paper. Wraps stained and worn, with loss to spine. Slight foxing to plates. Contains five chapters: 'Travels round the World, performed by Sea and Land, in the Years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771, by M. de Pagès, Captain in the French Navy, &c.'; Voyage of M.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Guinnard'), in French, to an unnamed male correspondent.

Auguste Guinnard, French traveller, who wrote an account of his three-years' captivity in Patagonia [Jules Verne; Pierre Kalfon; Benard]
Publication details: 
7 January 1863. 4 rue St Louis en l'Ile [Paris].

8vo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Thirty-two lines of text. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. It is only now that he is able to thank him for the 'bon accueil que m'a fait Monsieur Benard grâce à votre Gracieuse recommendation'. Benard has lent him 'quelques ouvrages', including 'ceux que vous aviez bien voulu <?> sur la petite note'. He has not had time to look at them, 'pressé que j'etais tout d'abord de vous remettre ceux que vous m'avez bien voulu prêter'. He has not been able to 'les compulser', but has 'sommairement lu le contenu qui je l'espere me suffira'.

Apparently-unpublished manuscript poem, in French, entitled 'Aux Amis de Pierre Dupont'.

J. Dupuis [Pierre Dupont (1821-1870), French poet and song writer]
Publication details: 
Dated 'Lyon 7 Avril 1877 | [signed] J. Dupuis'.

On one side of a piece of laid paper roughly 27 x 21 cm. Text clear and entire on aged and lightly creased paper. Chipped, with slight loss and closed tears, to extremities. Thirty-lines in Alexandrine couplets, beginning 'L'Ame du chansonnier (si l'ame est immortelle) | Doit tressaillir pieuse à votre amour fidèle.' and ending 'Gravons sur sa mémoire un souvenir profond: | Son nom n'est pas de ceux que les siècles refont.' The date and signature are in the right-hand margin, towards the bottom right-hand corner.

Autograph Note Signed ('Favé | officier d'ordonnance de l'Empereur | 29 Rue de Bellechasse'), in French, to Pierre Magne (1806-1879), 'Ministre des travaux Publics'.

Général de brigade Ildephonse Favé (1812-1894), successively Chevalier, Officier, Commandeur and Grand Officier (1874), aide de camp to Napoléon III
Publication details: 
14 December 1852; Paris, on letterhead of the Maison de l'Empereur ('Service de l'aide de Camp.').

12mo, 1 p. Good. On grey laid-paper bifolium. Requesting an audience.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Sédillot, professeur d'histoire, Secrètaire du Collège de France') in French to 'Monsieur Le Maire' [of the XIe arrondissement of Paris].

Louis Pierre Eugène Amélie Sédillot (1808-1875), French orientalist
Publication details: 
12 January 1849; on letterhead of the Collège de France.

4to, 1 p. Good, on aged paper worn at extremities. Text clear and entire. Gives details of his placement in 1837 in the 'cadre de reforme de la Garde Nationale', and of the registration of the decision by the Mayor. 'Cette décision [...] m'est réclamée par le nouveau Sergent major de la compagnie, M. Alger, et je viens vous prier de m'en faire délivrer une copie dûment légalisée.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('I Begrez') to unnamed male correspondent.

Pierre Ignace Begrez (1787-1863), French singer, violinist and composer
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'I shall sing il "Soave e bel contento" [aria by Pacini] and will be happy to take a part in the quintetto[,] you must procure the parts of my song'. May possibly refer to the J. N. Hummel Benefit Concert in London on 29 April 1830, where Pacini's aria was played.

JOYEUX NOËL | HAPPY CHRISTMAS | La philosophie de Pierre Saville, traduite en langue anglaise par Robert Henriques.

Robert Henriques [Pierre Saville]
Publication details: 
La Bagarède, La Garde Freinet, Var. 1949. ['Printed by A. S. Atkinson, Ltd., 154, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.1.']

A Christmas keepsake. Eight pages, 12mo. Unbound. Grubby but in good condition. INSCRIBED at head of title 'Having got through the Valley - R. H.' The usual French cynicism: 'Nothing can be such a bore | As: a locked door; | Or a banquet, without the least appetite for food; | Or a woman whom you have already, and finally, understood.' and 'To your spouse you owe fidelity by contract. | But discretion in infidelity is a debt of honour.' From the archive of Mark Bonham Carter.

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