[Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, Liberal statesman and diplomat.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Belgian ambassador Henri Solvyns, regarding ?a temporary unpopularity of the late King of the Belgians?.

Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville (1815-1891), Liberal statesman and diplomat [Henri Solvyns, Belgian ambassador to the United Kingdom]
Publication details: 
19 February 1879. 'C. H. T.' (i.e. Carlton House Terrace).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Signed ?Granville?. Begins: ?My dear Solvyns. / Lady G. sends no invitations, but she is at home every Monday Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.? He next asks for ?the date and the cause of a temporary unpopularity of the late King of the Belgians, which he so signally checkmated (excuse talking shop) by an offer to go away?.

[Sir William Rothenstein, artist and writer on art.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Morel’ [Mary Florence Yonge Morel], regarding his painting of her ‘noble husband’ [the campaigning journalist E. D. Morel].

Sir William Rothenstein (1872-1945), artist and writer on art, Principal of Royal College of Art [Mary Florence Yonge Morel [née Richardson], wife of Edmund Dene Morel (1873-1924), journalist]
Publication details: 
31 May 1911; on letterhead of 11 Oak Hill Park, Frognal, Hampstead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, along with that of E. D. Morel, a campaigner like Roger Casement against abuses in the Belgian Congo. (Morel had been given a 'testimonial luncheon' two days before the writing of this letter.) 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, creased and worn. Folded for postage. Ten lines of stylishly-written text. Signed ‘W. Rothenstein’. After thanking her for writing he states: ‘Nothing could please me more than to feel that you care for something I have put into the painting of your noble husband.

[Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvain Van de Weyer, Belgian Ambassador, regarding a 'charming appeal' of ' M. Derôme to the Times', and his latest paper in the Quarterly Review.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author, husband of actress Helena Faucit [Sylvain Van de Weyer (1802-1874), Prime Minister of Belgium, Belgian Minister at the Court of St. James’s
Publication details: 
'31 Onslow Square [London] / 31st Decemr 1871'. With letterhead of his family crest.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Fifty-eight lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Begins: Dear M. Van de Weyer / Altho' I had been prudent enough to preserve the appeal of M. Derôme to the Times in its original form, not the less welcome was the glorified text which I found on my table yesterday on our return from a short visit to Brighton. That charming appeal acted as a mental Conserve alimentaire to me, when it first appeared, and it shall be placed with certain other valued opuscules, where I can offen turn it to the like account.

[World War One: ‘The Guns of August’, 1914.] Silver gelatin negative photostatic print of typed British Government ‘Aide Mémoire’ on the German Army and Belgian neutrality, including copy of note by German Foreign Minister Gottlieb von Jagow.

[World War One: 'The Guns of August', 1914] Sir Edward Goschen (1847-1924), British Ambassador in Berlin [Gottlieb von Jagow (1863-1935), German Foreign Minister]
Aide Mémoire
Publication details: 
A photographic copy (made in the 1920s or contemporary?) of: ONE: Goschen's 'Aide Mémoire' dated 'BERLIN, August 4, 1914.' TWO: Von Jagow's manuscript note, 'Berlin, den 5. 8 1914.' [5 August 1914]
Aide Mémoire

Silver gelatin negative photostatic print of two documents: 3pp, 4to (i.e. each of the three pages on 19.5 x 24 cm. leaf). The first page of Goschen’s two-page ‘Aide Mémoire’ on a separate leaf, and the second page and von Jagow’s note on different leaves of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. N.B. The entire item is a photostatic copy. Reproduced at the head and down the left margin of the first page of Goschen’s text are manuscript notes in German (including at top left: A15930 pr. 4. August 1914 pm. / Von Sir E.

[Paul-Henri Spaak, Prime Minister of Belgium and ‘Mr Europe’.] Typed Letter Signed (‘P. H. Spaak’), in French, as Belgian Foreign Minister, to Sir George Rendell, regarding the success of a mission to Singapore and a paper on a mysterious subject.

Paul-Henri Spaak (1899-1972), Prime Minister of Belgium, nicknamed ‘Mr Europe’ because of his work towards European integration [Sir George Rendell (1889-1979), British diplomat]
Publication details: 
26 May 1954. On letterhead of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brussells.

Rendell had served as Ambassador to Belgium between 1947 and 1950. At the time of writing he was heading the Commission which resulted in the 1955 Constitution of Singapore. 1p, long 8vo. Folded twice. In fair condition, lightly aged. Endorsed with action taken in red ink. Twenty lines of text, addressed to ‘Sir Georges [sic] RENDELL’ in London as ‘Mon cher ami’. Having once again ‘repris mon job avec plaisir et intérêt’, he has not spent much times in the Belgian capital, instead ‘faisant la navette entre Genève, Strasbourg et Bruxelles’.

[Belgian resistance documents.] Typed document titled 'ARMEE SECRETE | C?G?48 bis | Historique de la Section 802 depuis ses debuts'. With typewritten list regarding feeding and lodging of 'refractaires' and manuscript table of agents headed 'Combat'.

[The Belgian resistance movement, Maquis; Froidmont, Tournai, Belgium; World War Two]
Publication details: 
The 'Historique' document dated 'Froidmont, le 25 septembre 1944' [Tournai, Belgium]; the other two items without place or date.

A scarce survival, providing a mass of valuable information, written during wartime, with nothing else about this section of the Belgian resistance having been discovered. All three documents in fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. ONE: 'Historique de la Section 802 depuis ses debuts.' Typed document. 3pp., 4to. Rust staining from paperclip at head of first page. Type indentation indicates that this is an original document, not a mimeograph. Giving an account of Section 802 from September 1941 to 9 September 1944.

[Great War ep'mera: Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges, Brussels, Belgium; Edith Cavell] Nicely-printed notebook intended for correspondence filled with illustrations of German and Allied proclamations & illustrations of devastation by Léon Huygens.

Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges [Brussels, Belgium] [Henri de Schoonen, Président] Léon Huygens (1876-1919), Belgian artist [First World War; the Great War; World War One]
First World War
Publication details: 
[Brussels, Belgium.] Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges. Circa 1917 or 1918.
First World War

An unusual piece of First World War ephemera, a nicely-printed notebook intended for correspondence produced to raise funds for the charity. 48pp, 12mo, each page printed on its own leaf of wove paper. The leaves are perfect bound at the head, notebook-style, into grey card printed wraps, but with the glue now brittle and with the leaves now detached from the wraps, and with some leaves now loose.

[Luigi Agnesi [Louis Ferdinand Leopold Agniez], Belgian operatic bass-baritone.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Agnesi'), in French, regarding charitable work, and declaring, 'Les malheureux sont mes Amis'.

Luigi Agnesi [Louis Ferdinand Leopold Agniez] (1833-1875), Belgian operatic bass-baritone, conductor and composer who performed in London at the Royal Opera House and Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
Publication details: 
London. September 1874.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, folded twice. An elegantly-expressed sentiment: 'Mademoiselle, | Les malheureux sont mes Amis, et l'oeuvre à la quelle vous vous interressez à [sic] toutes mes sympathies; malheureusement je suis si peu de choses que je ne puis vous témoigner que mon bon vouloir a l'oeuvre à la quelle vous vous interressez [sic]si vivement.'

[ Sir Henry Morton Stanley, African explorer associated with Dr David Livingstone. ] Magazine article titled 'Captain Salusbury's Congo "Revelations."'

Sir Henry Morton Stanley [ born John Rowlands ] (1841-1904), Welsh journalist and African explorer associated with Dr David Livingstone [ Captain Philip H. B. Salusbury ]
Publication details: 
Extracted from 'The United Service Magazine', London, September 1896. Reproducing a letter dated from 'Grayshott, Hants. | August 15th, 1896.'

8pp., 8vo. Paginated 645-652. In good condition, lightly aged. Extracted from the magazine and with traces of stitching. Reproducing a letter dated from 'Grayshott, Hants. | August 15th, 1896.' Stanley takes offence to 'the many ridiculous calumnies found in amost every sentence of [Salusbury's] article in your magazine'. He begins: 'I greatly regret being compelled to reply to an article in the June number of your magazine called "The Congo State: a Revelation;" but I am sure Captain Salusbury, the writer of it, must have expected me to do so.'

[ The Earl of Albemarle, as Lord Bury. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bury') to 'Major Richardson', regarding the arrangements [ by the National Rifle Association ] for the visit of the 'Belgians' [ Belgian Volunteers ] to Wimbledon.

[ Lord Bury ] William Coutts Keppel, 7th Earl of Albemarle (1832-1894), styled Viscount Bury between 1851 and 1891, British soldier and politician [ National Rifle Association ]
Publication details: 
8 St Martin's Lane [ London ]. 10 July 1867.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. On behalf of 'the Executive Committee', he thanks him and 'the Sub Committee' for the letter 'reporting the conclusion of the arrangements for Reception of the Belgians at Wimbledon', and declares the arrangements satisfactory. The letter concludes with a resolution of the Executive Committee, requesting the Sub Committee 'to continue their labours in this department until after the Departure of the Belgians from Wimbledon'.

[ Félicien Rops, Belgian Symbolist engraver. ] Aquatint engraving of a fashionable couple chatting while serenaded by a lutanist, with a Spanish ball behind them around a plinth on which a sphinx sits while being kissed by the winged head Hypnos.

[ Félicien Rops (1833-1898), Belgian Symbolist engraver ]
Publication details: 
[ Without place. ] 1876.

Printed in black ink on one side of a piece of 26.5 x 19 cm paper wove paper. Unsigned and without caption or text, but unmistakably the work of Rops, and with his name written in light pencil in the margin. Apparently a proof. Dimensions of plate 16 x 9 cm, and of the illustration itself 11 x 6.5 cm. Aged and creased, with spotting at head.

[ British Expeditionary Force, Flanders. ] Galley proofs of article for the First World War National Guard titled 'A Visit to Flanders | Notes from the Diary of Captain Leigh Wood, C.M.G.', relating to the Belgian Field Hospital in Hoogstade.

Lt Col. Sir James Leigh-Wood KBE, CB, CMG (1870-1949) [ British Expeditionary Force, Flanders; Belgian Field Hospital, Hoogstadt [ Hoogstade ]; National Guard in the Great War; Sir Richard Harington ]
Publication details: 
[ The National Guard, England. ] Describing events over 10 to 15 May [ 1916 ], and published around that time].

Three strips of paper, each with a single column of text in small print: 47 + 55 + 30 cm. Complete article, paginated to 3. The second strip has the running title 'National Guard - A Visit to Flanders - 2'. Aged and creased, and with a corner torn away from the third strip, resulting in loss of text to six lines and the running title, Two minor manuscript corrections.

[ Victor Jamaer, Belgian architect. ] Heavily-corrected draft manuscript proposal (by Jamaer?) to 'Monsieur le Bourgmestre', for adding statues of Albert and Isabelle to the facade of the Maison du Roi in the Grand Place.

Victor Jamaer [ Pierre Victor Jamaer ] (1825-1902), Belgian architect [ Maison du Roi, Brussels, Belgium ]
Publication details: 
[ Belgium. ] Undated [ circa 1868? ].

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged, worn and brittle paper. 66 lines of closely-written text, heavily revised with additions, deletions and emendations. The author describes his scheme as 'un projet qui contribuerait a l'embellissement de le grand plan de Bruxelles, sans qu'il coutait rien a la ville'. He describes the renovation of the facade of the Maison du Roi, and suggests the placing of 'Statuettes d'Albert et d'Isabelle' in a 'niche gothique'. Jamaer reconstructed the Maison du Roi in 1868.

[ Sylvain Van de Weyer, Belgian diplomat and book collector. ] Autograph Signature ('S. Van De Weyer').

Sylvain Van de Weyer [Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer ] (1802-1874), Belgian minister and ambassador to London, a noted book collector
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 1.5 x 4.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Cut from letter with mourning border.

[ Louis Haghe, lithographer and watercolourist. ] Autograph Signature.

Louis Haghe (1806-1865), Belgian lithographer and watercolour artist, based in England
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

The signature 'Louis Haghe' on 0.8 x 5 cm. piece of grey paper, evidently cut from a letter. In good condition, close cropped and lightly aged.

[First World War poetry pamphlet in French.] 1914 1918 Nos Angoisses par J. Droit.

J. Droit, Belgian poet of the First World War [poetry of the Great War in French]
Publication details: 
[S. LEDOUX, Imprimeur-Editeur, Avenue des Viaducs, 39. CHARLEROI'.

24pp., 12mo. Stapled. Lacking title-leaf (publication details quoted from another copy) and with damage to last leaf, on aged and lightly-creased cheap paper stock. Ten poems, five of them dated: 'Aux Affamés' (8 January 1917), 'Le Bon Fermier' (15 January 1917), 'Le Crime', La Grève Judiciaire' (September 1918), 'Le Retour du Soldat' (10 October 1918), 'Les Pauvres Gens sont comme les Pavés', 'Assez!', 'L'Abdication' (15 October 1918, regarding the Kaiser's abdication), 'Ce que demande le Peuple!', 'La Plainte du Soldat'. The item featured in the 1919 'Belgische Bibliografie'.

[Louis Haghe, artist and engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Haghe') to an unnamed correspondent, regarding the contribution of two paintings to a conversazione, and his brother Charles Haghe.

Louis Haghe (1806-1885), British lithographer and watercolour painter of Belgian descent [his brother Charles Haghe (d.1888), also an engraver]
Publication details: 
6 Upper Belmont Place, Wandsworth Road [London]. 28 May 1860.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with 'Conversazione' in a contemporary hand at head of first page. Addressing his letter to 'Dear Sir', Haghe begins by acknowledging the receipt of 'a card for the conversasione [sic] of the 5th. of June next', adding that he will be pleased 'to send you a couple of pictures at the appointed time'. He gives the dimensions of the two pictures. He ends by reminding the recipient that 'my brother Charles has not yet received the card you have usualy [sic] been kind enough to send him'.

[Edmond de Sélys Longchamps, Belgian scientist and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edm. de Selys Longchamps'), in French, to 'Monsieur Stevens', regarding a collection of specimens he has offered him.

Baron Michel Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1813-1900), Belgian liberal politician and scientist, a great authority on dragonflies
Publication details: 
Liege. 26 March 1866.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He writes that he has received the collection of specimens safely, and that there are several that are new to him. He would like to make a selection, but pressure of work makes that impossible, so he is taking the lot at £8 18s 0d. He concludes by expressing pleasure at the news that 'Monsieur Dale' still enjoys good health.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Arthur Helps') from the Dean of the Privy Council Sir Arthur Helps to Sir Theodore Martin, praising an article by him on Baron Stockmar.

Sir Arthur Helps (1813-1875), English author and Dean of the Privy Council [Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish lawyer and author; Christian Friedrich (1787-1863), Baron Stockmar]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Privy Council Office. 19 September 1872.

6pp., 12mo. In very good condition, adhering to leaves removed from an album. Helps begins: 'My dear Martin, | This is one of the things you excel in - the giving, in a comparatively short memoir, the real aim and end of a life: so that after reading your "In memoriam", one does not care to hear any more details.' Helps 'really cannot find any fault' in Martin's piece. 'H[er]. M[ajesty] [i.e. Queen Victoria] must, I think, be exceedingly pleased with the book - I mean your work.

[Printed handbill poem.] "La Belgique Martyre." Poème du maître belge Emile Verhaeren, dont la publication a été autorisée par l'auteur comme contribution a l'oeuvre "Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges."

Emile Verhaeren [Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges; German war crimes in Belgium; the First World War]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Circa 1918.]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The poem, of 60 irregular lines, is placed (with a facsimile of Verhaeren's signature at the foot) within a thick floral border, reminiscent of the Arts and Crafts movement. It begins: 'Ce n'est qu'un bout de sol dans l'infini du monde. | Le Nord | Y déchaîne le vent qui mord. | Ce n'est qu'un peu de terre avec sa mer au bord | Et le déroulement de sa dune inféconde.' Scarce: no copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, on COPAC or in the Imperial War Museum.

Contract signed by Sir Polydore De Keyser, in which he undertakes to give a copy of the 'Stranger's guide to London and its environs' to 'every one of the travellers who are living, every day, in my hotel [De Keyser's Royal Hotel, London]'.

Sir Polydore de Keyser (1832-1918), Belgium-born proprietor of De Keyser's Royal Hotel, the first Roman Catholic since the Reformation to be elected Lord Mayor of London (1887-1888)
Publication details: 
With stamp of the Royal Hotel, London. 12 March 1859. The contract printed by 'Imp. Hervey, 20, rue Cades, Paris.'

The contract is a form (1p., 12mo) printed in English in Paris by Imprimerie Hervey, and completed in autograph by De Keyser, with his stamp. It is in good condition, on aged paper, laid down on a larger sheet on which the words 'Royal Hotel, | 26, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars' are written in red ink in a large hand. In the same hand, on the form itself, is written: 'Published separately in English, French, German and Spanish'.

Engraved portraits of the Flemish artists David Teniers the Elder (by Van Leysebetten from a painting by Van Mol) and his son David Teniers the Younger (by Meyssens from a self-portrait), both from Cornelis de Bie's 'Gulden Cabinet'

[David Teniers the Elder (1582-1649); his son David Teniers the Younger (1610-1690), Flemish painters from Antwerp; Cornelis de Bie (1627-1715); Pieter van Mol (1559-1650); Jan Meyssens (1612-1670)]
Publication details: 
[Antwerp: Juliaen van Montfort, 1662]

Both prints in very good condition. David Teniers the Elder: Dimensions of paper 22 x 17.5; dimensions of plate 18 x 14 cm. Captioned 'DAVID TENIERS SENIOR' and numbered 26. Brief biography in French beneath image, and 'P. V. Mol pinxit P. V. Leysebetten sculp'. David Teniers the Younger: Dimensions of page 20.5 x 15.5 cm; dimensions of plate 16.5 x 11.5 cm. Captioned 'DAVID TENIERS' and numbered 58. Short biography in French, followed by: 'Dav. Teniers pinxit Pet. de Iode sculpsit Io. Meyssens excudie.'

Coloured drawing by F. Afchain-Vanpoulle of Liège of a design for the processional banner of the Jupille section of the feminist wing of the Belgian Labour Party ('P.O.B. Action Feminine Section de Jupille'), with pencil annotations.

F. Afchain-Vanpoulle, 106, rue Cathédrale, Liège [Action Feminine (founded 1921), Parti Ouvrier Belge; Belgian Labour Party; feminism; women's rights]
Publication details: 
Undated [1920s]. Stamp of 'F. Afchain-Vanpoulle, 106, rue Cathédrale, Liège'.

On one side of piece of thick wove paper, 36 x 28 cm. The design is clearly and neatly drawn, coloured in orange, gold, red, blue, brown, black, grey and pink. The banner, casting a grey shadow, is shown tied by ribbon with black, yellow and red stripes onto a spearheaded flagpole, with carved horizontal branch. The banner has a bright red ground, and is of irregular rectangular shape (curved outer lower corner), with gold tassels along the lower edge.

Two Typed Letters Signed ('Ernest Hatch') from Sir Ernest Hatch to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Ernest Hatch [Sir Ernest Frederic George Hatch] (1859-1927), British Conservative politician
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Ernest Hatch') from Sir Ernest Hatch
Publication details: 
Both 1915, and both on letterhead of the Government Commissioner for Belgian Refugees, London.
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Ernest Hatch') from Sir Ernest Hatch

Both good, on aged paper. Both docketed and with the Society's stamp. ONE: 14 October 1915. Folio, 1 p. Regarding a 'special examination in English, for Belgian refugees'. TWO: 21 October 1915. 4to, 1 p. Headed 'Examination for Belgians in the English Language'.

Large printed 'Prix-Courant' advertisement, in French, for a dealer in fireworks, headed 'Fabrique de Feux d'Artifices | Cornesse-Pepinster [Belgium] | M. Dresse, artificier de la ville de Liége. | Jacques Dresse, Succcesseur.'

Jacques Dresse, Artificier, à Cornesse-Pepinster [fireworks; firework displays; pyrotechnics]
Advertisement, in French, for a dealer in fireworks
Publication details: 
[Belgium. Circa 1910.]
Advertisement, in French, for a dealer in fireworks

4to, 2 pp. Bifolium, with first page on verso of second leaf, and second on recto of first. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged semi-opaque paper. The 'Prix et Programme de quelques Feux d'Artifices' follow a short introduction by Dresse. Prices range from 'Feux de 100 francs' to 'Feux de 500 francs', the latter including 'Moulin de Don Quichotte' and 'Chutes de Niagara, en feux au magnésium, 6 forts jets donnant une clarté ébloussante avec une pluie blanche merveilleuse.' Final sections headed 'Articles divers' and 'Conditions et Observations Generales'.

[printed Belgian numismatic auction catalogue] Catalogue des Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, etc. formant les Collections delaissées par feu M. le Major A. Daufresne de la Chevalerie et provenant de divers autres amateurs.

[Major Auguste Daufresne de la Chevalerie (1818-1881); H. Cordemans-de Bruyne; Charles Dupriez; Belgium; printed Belgian numismatic auction catalogue]
Catalogue des Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, etc.
Publication details: 
Malines: Imprimerie L. & A. Godenne, Editeurs, 28, Grand' Place, 28. 1896. [To be sold 26 May 1896, 'sous la direction de H. Cordemans-de Bruyne & Ch. Dupriez, Experts, à la Salle Bluff, 10, Rue du Gentilhomme, 10, Bruxelles'.
Catalogue des Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, etc.

12mo, [ii] + 28 pp. In original pink printed wraps. Card frontispiece in three panels, folding out to 18.5 x 37.5 cm., carrying facsimiles of 48 numbered coins in collotype. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor damp staining at foot, in chipped and faded wraps. 893 lots, beginning with 'Monnaies Grecques et Gauloises', and ending with 'Jetons' and 'Médailles'. Excessively scarce: no copy on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat in the Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, Collections Jacques Doucet, Paris.

[printed art exhibition catalogue] Société des Beaux-Arts. Notice des ouvrages d'Arts exécutés par des Artistes vivants et exposés aux salles de l'Hôtel-de-ville de Malines le 25 septembre 1814,

Société des Beaux-Arts, Malines [Mechelen; Mechlen; Belgium; P. J. Hanicq; art catalogue; Belgian painting]
Catalogue. Société des Beaux-Arts, Malines
Publication details: 
[1814.] A Malines, De l'imprimerie de P. J. Hanicq.
Catalogue. Société des Beaux-Arts, Malines

12mo, 22 pp (followed by final blank leaf). Stitched pamphlet. Text clear and complete. On discoloured and worn paper. 152 'ouvrages d'arts' arranged in alphabetical order under the names of the artists, from 'François Alewaters, peintre à Malines' and 'Henri Adams, à Malines' to 'G. P. Wuyts, de Lierre' and 'L. Zwitzer, de Malines'. Preliminary notice headed 'Police du Salon'. Scarce: no copy on WorldCat or COPAC.

Inventaire des documents provenant de la mission Frantz Cornet au Congo (1948-49) et conservés au Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale a Tervuren.

Marcel Luwel [Frantz Cornet; the Belgian Congo; Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale; Belgium]
Publication details: 
1960: Académie royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer. Classe des sciences morales et politiques. Mémoires in-8o. Nouvelle série. Tome XXIV, fasc. 1. (Histoire). Rue de Livourne, 80A, Bruxelles 5. [Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale.]

8vo: 87 pp. In original light-green printed wraps. Internally very good. Front wrap with minor spotting and slight damage to one corner. Presentation copy, signed on title 'To Mrs. H. Stanley from M. Luwel | 14. XI. 1960.' Inventory divided into ten sections, beginning with 'Baptist Missionary Society' and 'Missions protestantes au Katanga', and ending with 'Uele'. Uncommon: copies at the British Library, Oxford, Cambridge, University of London and SOAS.

Autograph Note Signed to the Rev. E. J. A. Davies.

Alfred Sutro, British dramatist and translator (1863-1933)
Publication details: 
13 August 1930; on letterhead of Gurdons, Witley, Surrey.

One page, small octavo. Very good, though with a little offsetting of ink from folding of letter, and a small closed tear at head. A reply to a request for an autograph - in a close, neat, hand - reading 'Dear Sir | With much pleasure as I assure you that I am | Sincerely yours | Alfred Sutro'.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Miss Rowland Grey' [pseudonym of Lilian Kate Rowland-Brown, 1863-1959].

Emile Cammaerts
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Belgian writer (1878-1953), author of the fairy-tale 'The two hunchbacks', set to music by Frank Bridge. One page, quarto. Poor, on discoloured, creased paper with several closed tears. He thanks her for her letter and has 'written to Miss Sands to ask her if she could not possibly alter the date as I have another lecture on the same day, at night. But if impossible, I will come all the same.' Signed 'Em Cammaerts'. Docked in pencil, by 'HSJ', 'Dec: 4. 1915. I heard M.

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