[Ruby Dunn, widow of Sussex poet Peter Dunn, writes to Christopher Fry.] Autograph Letter Signed to Fry from Ruby Dunn, discussing the effect on her of editing her husband's work, with duplicated copies of his poems.

Peter Dunn (1918-c.1998), Sussex poet, naturalist and printer (Poet and Printer, Hatch End), and his widow Ruby Dunn [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, leading exponent of dramatic verse]
Publication details: 
Letter with printed label of 84 Eldred Avenue, Withdean, E. Sussex; 17 October 1998.

Dunn was a teacher (presumably at Dulwich College), Sussex naturalist and poet. Around 1984 he published his own poem 'Death of a Scarecrow' at his Poet and Printer press, Hatch End. The present collection, from the Christopher Fry papers, is in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed ('Ruby Dunn') to Christopher Fry. 1p, 12mo. She begins by asking him to accept a 'small token' of her thanks 'for a memorable occasion', presumably a memorial reading of Dunn's poems in which Fry was involved. She continues: 'I can think of no greater pleasure for me, Peter's widow.

[Sir Norton Knatchbull, parliamentarian and biblical scholar.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Norton Knatchbull') [to Sir Anthony St Leger?], repeating financial undertakings made regarding 'a covenant for securing of the land from Sr William Parkhurst'.

Sir Norton Knatchbull (1602-1685) of Mersham Hatch, Kent, parliamentarian, Hebraist and biblical scholar [Sir William Parkhurst (d.1667), Warden of the Royal Mint; Sir Anthony St Leger (c.1605-1680)]
Publication details: 
'Munday night | Dec. 12. 1659'.

This item appears to relate to the efforts of Sir William Parkhurst to raise money in order to pay fines and other demands made on him as a royalist by the Commonwealth. Parkhurst had served as Warden of the Royal Mint from 1623 until its seizure by Parliament in 1642, being deprived of his post the following year. By the time of the present letter his circumstances become so straitened that he was obliged to sell his family’s Kent estates, to which he had retired after the fall of Oxford in 1646.

[Printed programme.] 'Mr. George Riddle will give a course of six afternoon readings' [at the Brooklyn homes of Mrs N.W.T. Hatch, Mrs S.B. Chittenden, Mrs J.S.T. Stranahan, Mrs D.C. Robbins, Mrs John Buckingham and Miss Gilbert].

George Riddle [George Peabody Riddle] (1851-1910), American elocutionist and actor [Mrs N.W.T. Hatch, Mrs S.B. Chittenden, Mrs J.S.T. Stranahan, Mrs D.C. Robbins, Mrs John Buckingham, Miss Gilbert]
Publication details: 
'A. S. SEER'S Engraving and Printing Establishment, 26 & 28 Union Sq., N. Y.' [Between 5 and 29 March [c.1891]].

3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper with fold lines. The front page carries the printer's slug, and gives the price of $6 for 'Course Tickets', 'For sale at the houses where the readings are to be given, on and after FEBRUARY 19th.' The middle two pages give the addresses, with owner's names, of the houses at which the six readings are to take place.

Two Typed Letters Signed ('Ernest Hatch') from Sir Ernest Hatch to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Ernest Hatch [Sir Ernest Frederic George Hatch] (1859-1927), British Conservative politician
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Ernest Hatch') from Sir Ernest Hatch
Publication details: 
Both 1915, and both on letterhead of the Government Commissioner for Belgian Refugees, London.
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Ernest Hatch') from Sir Ernest Hatch

Both good, on aged paper. Both docketed and with the Society's stamp. ONE: 14 October 1915. Folio, 1 p. Regarding a 'special examination in English, for Belgian refugees'. TWO: 21 October 1915. 4to, 1 p. Headed 'Examination for Belgians in the English Language'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Knatchbull') to the Mayor of Canterbury.

Sir Edward Knatchbull (1781-1849) of Mersham Hatch, Kent, 9th Baronet, English ultra-Tory politician [the Mayor of Canterbury]
Publication details: 
17 September 1841; Mersham Hatch.

4to, 3 pp. Very good, on aged paper. Small punch hole through top left-hand corner of both leaves of the bifolium (not affecting text, which is clear and entire). Knatchbull claims that it has been 'intimated' to him 'that the Removal of the Troops from Canterbury in consequence of the Election for the County, which is to take place on Monday next, will cause much Inconvenience, especially to the Trade of the City'. He does not think that the Secretary of State 'would like to interfere, unless in Concurrence with the desire & opinion of the Authorities of the City of Canterbury'.

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