[Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Mr. Cremer’ (Sir Randal Cremer, Liberal MP), the first regarding the lack of 'reforming direction' from the present government..

Randall Davidson [Randall Thomas Davidson, 1st Baron Davidson of Lambeth] (1848-1930), Archbishop of Canterbury from 1903 to 1928 [Sir Randal Cremer (1828-1908), winner of Nobel Peace Prize]
Publication details: 
ONE: 21 January 1891; on letterhead of the Deanery, Windsor Castle. TWO: 7 February 1893; Bishops House, Kennington, on letterhead of the Athenaeum club, London.

Davidson is the longest-serving Archbishop of Canterbury since the Reformation. See his entry, and that of Cremer, in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, and each with a postage fold. The first with glue to margin from mount. ONE (20 January 1891): 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Signed ‘Randall T. Davidson’. He thanks Cremer for his ‘letter about Mr Phillips’, and will bear in mind what he has said.

[William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury during the Second World War.] Typed Letter Signed to the ?Vice-Chancellor? [of Oxford University, Sir David Ross], regarding a visit and the possibility of ?dining in Hall?.

William Temple (1881-1944), Anglican cleric, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1942-1944 (previously Bishop of Manchester and Archbishop of York) [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher]
Publication details: 
2 June 1942; on letterhead of Lambeth Palace, S.E.1. [London]

2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight spotting and single punch hole centred above letterhead. Folded twice. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Vice-Chancellor' without further elaboration, but the item comes from the Ross papers. Temple explains that it has been ?difficult to foresee how this summer could be arranged: the planning of domestic life in two houses under present conditions of staffing is very complicated!? His wife will not be joining him in the visit, as she ?feels obliged to spend that week-end at Canterbury?.

[Cosmo Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury during the Abdication Crisis.] Typed Letter Signed ('Cosmo Cantuar:') to the Provost of Oriel [Sir David Ross], regarding his nomination of ‘Mr. Randall Cooper’ as a British Museum Assistant Cataloguer..

Cosmo Lang [William Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1st Baron Lang of Lambeth] (1864-1945), Archbishop of Canterbury during the Abdication Crisis [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher']
Cosmo Lang,
Publication details: 
22 November 1933; on letterhead of Lambeth Palace, S.E.1. [London]
Cosmo Lang,

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to 'The Provost of Oriel' and with sprawling signature 'Yours vy trly / Cosmo Cantuar:'. Reads: 'Dear Provost, / I have received your letter of November 20th about Mr. Randall Cooper. I am sorry to say that your letter came too late for the appointment of the first batch of Assistant Cataloguers. They have now been appointed but I am informed that there may be further appointments in the Spring.

[Cosmo Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury during the Abdication Crisis.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lang of Lambeth / Abp.') to the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford [Sir David Ross],

Cosmo Lang [William Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1st Baron Lang of Lambeth] (1864-1945), Archbishop of Canterbury during the Abdication Crisis [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971); Lord David Cecil]
Publication details: 
18 March 1944; on embossed letterhead of The King's Cottage, Kew Green, Richmond, Surrey.

See the entries for Lang and Ross in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo, on light-grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Begins 'Dear Vice Chancellor. / Some time ago I proposed Sir David Cecil for election to the Athenaeum. His name has produced a remarkable number of supporters, but no one has been put down as seconder to my proposal.' He asks Ross to second Cecil's nomination, before writing a sentence which is hard to decipher. He concludes by suggesting that he inform the club secretary accordingly, if Ross is willing.

[‘A Princess instead of a Queen’: Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury, as Dean of Windsor and Queen Victoria’s domestic chaplain.] Long Autograph Card Signed and Secretarial Letter Signed, both to Canon Jacob, the card regarding a royal visit.

Randall Davidson [Randall Thomas Davidson, Baron Davidson of Lambeth] (1848-1930), Archbishop of Canterbury [Philip Jacob (1804-1884), Archdeacon of Winchester]
Publication details: 
Secretarial Letter of 28 May 1887; Autograph Card of 18 July 1887. Both on letterhead of the Deanery, Windsor Castle.

In 1883 Queen Victoria appointed Davidson Dean of Windsor and her domestic chaplain. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged; the letter folded for postage. Both addressed to ‘My dear Jacob’ and both signed ‘Randall T Davidson’. ONE: Autograph Card Signed. Marked ‘Private’. Eighteen lines of text, covering both sides. Begins: ‘I talked the whole matter over so fully last night with Sir H.

[Henry Wace, ecclesiastical historian, Dean of Canterbury and Principal of King’s College, London.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Mr de Winton’, regarding ‘the meeting of the Representative Church Committee’.

Henry Wace (1836-1924), Dean of Canterbury and ecclesiastical historian, Principal of King's College, London [Wilfred Seymour De Winton of Haverfordwest]
Publication details: 
2 October 1905. On letterhead of Canford Manor, Wimborne.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Good firm signature: ‘Henry Wace.’ He thanks him for his letter of 23 September, ‘drawing my attention to the passage in the paper which you kindly enclosed’. He regrets that he was ‘in Ireland at the time of the meeting of the Representative Church Committee’, but he will be ‘glad to bear in mind what you say in reference to future meetings’. From the papers of Wilfred Seymour De Winton of Haverfordwest.

[Henry Alford, Dean of Canterbury and biblical scholar.] Autograph Letter Signed, declaring that he knows nothing about sailors.

Henry Alford (1810-1871), Dean of Canterbury and biblical scholar
Publication details: 
7 April 1866. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. The recipient is not named. In good condition, folded for postage. Amusingly succinct. Begins: ‘Dear Sir / You could not possibly have applied to a worse person than myself about sailors. I know nothing about them, & cannot conceive what can have caused the application. / I am / dear Sir / truly yours / Henry Alford’.

[Christopher Fry discusses Christopher Hassall.] Two-page Typescript, with extensive Autograph Emendations by Fry, of a (BBC radio?) 'programme' by Fry about Christopher Hassall, with a separate Typescript poem (by Hassall?) 'Pilgrim's Way'.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, a leading exponent of verse drama [Christopher Hassall [Christopher Vernon Hassall] (1912-1963), poet and dramatist, biographer of Rupert Brooke
Publication details: 
No place or date, but some time after Hassall's death in 1963, and probably written from Fry's house, The Toft.

3pp, 4to, each page on a separate leaf. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. There is no indication that either item was published, nor even that the poem is connected to the 'programme'. (If unpublished the poem may have found its way into Fry's papers from Hassall's.) The 'programme' - with no title or heading - is two pages long (with slight damage from a small staple to corners of both leaves) and complete, being divided into six numbered sections.

[William Thomas Manning, Episcopalian Bishop of New York.] Autograph Letter Signed, on his appointment, to Samuel Bickersteth, Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, which he considers 'the centre of our whole Communion and of our Mother Church of England'.

William T. Manning [William Thomas Manning] (1866-1949), Episcopalian Bishop of New York, 1921-1946 [Samuel Bickersteth, Canon of Canterbury Cathedral]
Publication details: 
20 April 1921. On letterhead of Four Washington Square.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and rather creased. Folded twice. Signed 'William T. Manning.' Addressed to 'The Revd. Samuel Bickersteth D.D. | Canon of Canterbury'. Writing after his appointment as Bishop of New York, Manning begins by stating that Bickersteth must be aware of 'the pressure' that he has been under 'during the past weeks', and this is the reason why his 'kind letter' has not been answered sooner. The appointment 'is a tremendous responsibility but with God's help I shall do my best.

[William Thomas Manning, Episcopalian Bishop of New York.] Autograph Letter Signed, on his appointment, to Samuel Bickersteth, Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, which he considers 'the centre of our whole Communion and of our Mother Church of England'.

William T. Manning [William Thomas Manning] (1866-1949), Episcopalian Bishop of New York, 1921-1946 [Samuel Bickersteth, Canon of Canterbury Cathedral]
Publication details: 
20 April 1921. On letterhead of Four Washington Square.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and rather creased. Folded twice. Signed 'William T. Manning.' Addressed to 'The Revd. Samuel Bickersteth D.D. | Canon of Canterbury'. Writing after his appointment as Bishop of New York, Manning begins by stating that Bickersteth must be aware of 'the pressure' that he has been under 'during the past weeks', and this is the reason why his 'kind letter' has not been answered sooner. The appointment 'is a tremendous responsibility but with God's help I shall do my best.

[Michael Ramsay, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Cardinal Heenan, Archbishop of Westminster.] Autograph Signatures ('+ Michael Canuar:' and '+ John Card. Heenan') on Vatican first day cover. With covering Typed Note Signed from Rev. Michael Moore.

Michael Ramsay [Arthur Michael Ramsay] (1904-1988), hundredth Archbishop of Canterbury; John Carmel Heenan [Cardinal Heenan] (1905-1975), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
The first day cover with Vatican postmark dated 8 December 1965. Moore's note: 26 February 1968, on Lambeth Palace letterhead of the Church of England Council on Foreign Relations.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. The first day cover, celebrating the end of the second Ecumenical Council, is printed in brown, red and green, illustrated with photographic portraits of Ramsay and Pope Paul VI. It carries two Vatican stamps and a Vatican postmark. Towards the right of the cover, one over the other, are the signatures of '+ Michael Canuar:' and '+ John Card. Heenan'. Moore's Typed Letter Signed is addressed to Umberto Giorgi of Vicenza, Italy, and reads: 'The Archbishop of Canterbury was grateful for your letter.

[Christopher Fry, dramatist and poet.] "Thor with Angels" Copy of the 'Acting Edition for the Festival of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral 1948', with anonymous manuscript copy letter, in two hands, of a rebuttal of a critical review in The Times.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright and poet, noted for his verse dramas, author of 'The Lady's Not for Burning'
Publication details: 
Copy Letter dated 21 June 1948; no place. Play: [Friends of Canterbury Cathedral.] Canterbury: H. J. Goulden, Ltd. [1948.]

From the Christopher Fry papers. PLAY: [1] + 47pp, 12mo. Stapled into buff wraps printed in red, including the statement that it is the 'Friends of Canterbury Cathedral Edition'. In fair condition, lightly aged, in worn wraps, with a trace of rust to staples. This edition of the play (the first?) is uncommon: the only copies on OCLC WorldCat at the British Library and University of British Columbia. COPY LETTER: 4pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Written out in two hands, Recipient not named. With salutation 'Dear Sir,' and valediction 'I am | Yrs truly,'.

[Charles Manners-Sutton [latterly 1st Viscount Canterbury], Speaker of the House of Commons.] Printed Circular, signed 'C. Manners Sutton', offering himself 'upon re-consideration' as a candidate to represent the University of Cambridge in Parliament

Charles Manners-Sutton (1780-1845), 1st Viscount Canterbury, Tory politician, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1817-1835, son of Archbishop of Canterbury [Trinity College; University of Cambridge]
Publication details: 
29 October 1822; Trinity College [Cambridge].

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with negligible traces from mount adhering to corners on blank reverse. A nice piece of Cambridge University ephemera. A crisply-printed circular, addressed to 'SIR', evidently sent to the electors for the University of Cambridge. Seventeen lines of text. He explains that when he first 'heard of the death of our late Representative, Mr.

[T.S.Eliot; Friends Canterbury Cathedral, publication arranged by Rev. H.R. Williamson.] Friends' Festival Day | Sat., 12th July, 1952. [Programme and 'The Drama of our Festival Years', with work by T. S. Eliot, Poet Laureate John Masefield et al.]

Rev. Hugh Ross Williamson; Robert Gittings; Friends of Canterbury Cathedral [John Masefield, Poet Laureate; Laurence Binyon; T. S. Eliot; Christopher Fry; Christopher Hassall; Dorothy L. Sayers]
Publication details: 
[Event for the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, held on 12 July 1952.] Printed by J. A. Jennings Ltd., Canterbury.

Unpaginated stapled pamphlet of 24pp, small 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight damage at head of spine. On the second page: 'The arrangement of this Programme has been the work of the Rev. Hugh Ross Williamson.' Programme for the day on front cover, including a talk by 'Mr Robert Speight: “Touring in Canada with Murder in the Cathedral”'. The final event, at 7pm in the Chapter House, is a performance entitled 'The Drama of our Festival years', and the text of this piece makes up 21pp of the pamphlet.

[John Callcott Horsley, RA, painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. C. Horsley.') to 'Archdeacon Farrar' [Frederic William Farrar], asking him to officiate at the wedding of his daughter Fanny to Dr Arthur Whitelegge.

John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903), RA, painter [Frederic William Farrar (1831-1903), Desn of Canterbury]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of High Row, Kensington, W. [London] 31 January 1885.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Robert Gittings, poet and literary biographer, to close friend playwright Christopher Fry.] Autograph Letter Sgined ('Robert'), largely concerning the writing of their plays 'Masters of Violence' (Gittings) and 'The Dark is Light Enough' (Fry).

Robert Gittings [Robert William Victor Gittings] (1911-1992), poet and literary biographer [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
West Broyle House, Chichester. 8 June 1952.

For the context of the letter see Pamela M. King's 2007 paper 'Twentieth-Century Medieval-Drama Revivals and the Universities', which states that at the time of the writing, there was in Canterbury 'to be a new play by Robert Gittings about St Alphege and the Danish invasion entitled Makers of Violence', and that at the Pilgrim Players in Norwich planned to put on, at the church of St Peter Mancroft, a production of Fry's 'Sleep of Prisoners'. 2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a little light damp spotting. Folded once.

[ Frederick Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury and Headmaster of Rugby School. ] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Major Macgregor' [ Robert Guthrie Macgregor ], acknowledging receipt of his 'Translations from the Greek Anthology'.

Frederick Temple (1821-1902), Archbishop of Canterbury and Headmaster of Rugby School [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]
Publication details: 
Rugby. 25 October 1864.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dr. Temple returns his thanks to Major Macgregor for the Greek Anthology received by Post which will be placed in the School Library. Dr Temple is much interested with the little he has been able to see of the Book.' Macgregor's 'Translations from the Greek Anthology' was published without date in London by Nissen and Parker.

[ The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Canterbury, Kent. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml. Webb.') from Samuel Webb to Manchester philanthropist John Fernley

Samuel Webb of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel [ St Peter's Methodist Church ], Canterbury, Kent [ John Fernley (1796-1873), Wesleyan Methodist and philanthropist of Manchester and Southport ]
Publication details: 
Canterbury [ Kent ]. 13 October 1838.

The Chapel was erected in 1811 and still stands, albeit with unsympathetic internal alterations dating from the 1990s. Kelly's Directory of 1889 describes it thus: 'The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (situated in St. Peter's Street) is a handsome building, with portico, erected in 1811, and provides accommodation for 960 persons. Ministers are elected at the Annual Wesleyan Conference.' 2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, 'To J. Fernley | Manchester | Care of the Rev. J.: Rigg, | Wesleyan Minister, | Oldham St. | Manchester'.

[ William Fuller Boteler, Recorder of Canterbury. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W F Boteler.'), regarding 'Mr Peels present Bills', the prison population, and the erection of new prisons in the 'corporate Towns' of Kent and elsewhere 'in the Kingdom'.

William Fuller Boteler (1777-1845), judge, Commissioner of Bankruptcy and Recorder of Canterbury, Kent [ Sir Robert Peel, Tory prime minister ]
Publication details: 
Lincolns Inn [ London ]. 25 March 1824.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. With a number of emendations, indicating that the letter is a draft. The recipient is not identified, but is presumably a senior Home Office official such as the Principal Private Secretary to Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel. Beginning: 'I find that the list which I sent you, of the number of Prisoners in the Gaol of the City of Canterbury, at the times of holding the General Sessions, for the last quarter years, did include the Debtors & Prisoners under the Mutiny Act.

[Printed periodical.] 'Special Norway Number' of 'Social Credit | A Journal of Economic Democracy | The Official Organ of the Social Credit Secretariat', with articles by Major C. H. Douglas, Maurice Colbourne and Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury.

The Social Credit Secretariat, London [ Major C. H. Douglas [ Major Clifford Hugh Douglas ] (1879-1952); Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury; Maurice Colbourne ]
Publication details: 
17 May 1935 (Vol. 2. No. 14.). The Social Credit Secretariat, 8-9 Essex Street, London, W.C.2. Printed by The Blackfriars Press, Ltd.

16pp., folio, paginated 217-232. In fair condition, on aged and lightly creased paper. The front page is devoted to the article National Dividends are Necessary Says The Very Rev. Dr. Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury'. Pp.221-222 carry the article (with photograph of author and graph) 'The Causes of War | Is Our Money System to Blame? | By Major C. H. Douglas; and the back page carries 'Kings and Kingship | By Maurice Colbourne | (Author of "Economic Nationalism.")'. There are several items of Scandinavian interest: 'A Norwegian Pioneer - By Eric S.

[ John Adolphus, historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed

John Adolphus (1768-1845), historian and barrister, of German-Jewish extraction [ Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges (1762-1837) ]
Publication details: 
Temple [ London ]. 8 January 1808.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condtion, lightly aged. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Saml. Egerton Brydges Esqr. | Denton | Canterbury'. Concerning his change of the plan he told 'Mr. Lodge' regarding his intention to visit Brydges at Denton: 'I go to Canterbury merely to attend the sessions, and am very lame'. If Brydges is in Canterbury, Adolphus would be happy to see him 'at the house of Mr. George Plomer (late Mr Warley's) in the High Street'.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] A Letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, by Richard, Lord Bishop of Landaff.

Richard, Lord Bishop of Landaff [ Richard Watson (1737-1816), Bishop of Landaff; Frederick Cornwallis (1713-1783), Archbishop of Canterbury ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for T. Evans, Paternoster-row, 1783.

[2] + 54 + [1], 4to. Disbound pamphlet with half-title and last page carrying an advertisement for the second edition of Watson's 'Chemical Essays'. . In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with remains of brown leather spine. The subject of the pamphlet is two proposals by Watson regarding 'the Revenues of the Bishops' and 'those of the inferior Clergy', both proposals 'tending to the same end; - not a parity of preferments, but a better apportioned distribution of what the State allows for the maintenance of the established clergy'.

[ John, Lord Belasyse. ] Extensive manuscript 'Abstract of the Will and Codicil of the Right Honble John Lord Belasyse from the Probate thereof granted the 7th. May 1690', mentioning estates in Yorkshire, London, Middlesex, Nottingham and Durham.

John Belasyse (1614-1689), Lord Belasyse, Royalist nobleman in the English Civil War, imprisoned during the Popish Plot
Publication details: 
Will of 22 April 1689. Probate granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 May 1690. Abstract dating from the eighteenth century. (watermark includes "GR")

13pp., large (41.5 x 33 cm) 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, on good Britannia paper. In worn wraps, with printed slip describing the item from a bookseller's catalogue (Henry Grey, 1901, 45s), and docketed at back. Neatly and closely written out in a clerk's hand. At end: 'The Abstract of this Will and Codicil is taken from the Probate thereof Granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury to Anne Lady Belasyse Relict of the said John Lord Belasyse and One of the Executors the 7th. of May 1690'. Belasyse's second wife was the daughter of the Marquess of Winchester.

[ The King's School, Canterbury. ] 18 items from scholar Antony W. Budgen, including 4 amateur dramatic programmes with some cast signatures, 4 family photographs, invitation card and 6 press photographs of Queen Mother's opening of Great Hall.

The King's School, Canterbury, Kent; Antony W. Budgen, son of Rev. H. W. Budgen, Rector of St Peter and St Paul, Charlton
Publication details: 
The King's School, Canterbury, Kent. Between 1955 and 1957.

The collection is in fair condition, with the photographs in good condition, and the other items showing some signs of age and wear. The four printed programmes are all bifoliums. ONE: Programme for a School House and Galpin's performance of R. F. Delderfield's 'Worm's Eye View', 12 March 1955. Signed by sixteen members of the cast, including Budgen. TWO: Programme for a King's School Players performance of Romeo and Juliet, 16 to 23 July 1955. Signed by five members of the cast.

[ John Edward Kempe, Rector of St James's, Piccadilly. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'John Edw Kempe'), the first regarding Archibald Campbell Tait, on his appointment as Bishop of London, both to 'Rev. S. Smith'.

John Edward Kempe (1810-1907), M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, Chaplain to Queen Victoria, and Rector of St James's, Piccadilly [ Archibald Campbell Tait (1811-1882), Archbishop of Canterbury ]
Publication details: 
Both from St James's Rectory, Piccadilly [London]. 22 September 1856 and 21 June 1858.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: 22 September 1856. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Docketted: 'Revd J. E. Kempe about Annie's XG. & Tait, new Bp of London | Sep 1856'. After discussing arrangements for meeting he turns to Tait, about to be consecrated Bishop of London. 'You ask about our new Bishop. I have reason to think it an excellent appointment.

[William Howley, Archbishop of Canterbury.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. London') as Bishop of London, to an unnamed male recipient, regarding possible action 'to prevent gross abuses at the Theatre' and 'profane amusement encroaching on the sabbath'

William Howley (1766-1848), successively Bishop of London (1813-1828) and Archbishop of Canterbury (1828-1848) [theatres in Georgian London; sabbatarianism; Sunday observance; censorship]
Publication details: 
London. 6 March 1828.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight loss at the head of the second leaf affecting a couple of words of text. The letter begins: My dear Sir, | I have on different occasions interfered to prevent gross abuses at the Theatre to which you call my attention, and have I believe to a certain degree procured their correction. But thhere is great reason to fear that by attempting too much more may be lost than gained.

To Defend and Promote Religious Education. Memorials Presented by the Church Schools' Emergency League to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Right Honourable H. A. L. Fisher, President of the Board of Education.

[The Church Schools' Emergency League, Manchester]
Publication details: 
The Church Schools' Emergency League [Manchester]. Emergency Leaflet, CLXII. July 1919.

8pp., 12mo, paginated 19-26. Stapled and unbound. With stamp, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Lambeth Palace.

[Esmé Cecil Wingfield-Stratford, historian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Esmé Wingfield-Stratford') to an unnamed recipient, giving a positive assessment of Archbishiop Laud.

Esmé Cecil Wingfield-Stratford (1882-1971), historian [William Laud (1573-1645), Archbishop of Canterbury]
Publication details: 
No place. 10 December 1947.

2pp., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Whit: Bulstrode') from Whitelocke Bulstrode in London to his son Richard Bulstrode in Littleton, Middlesex,

Whitelocke Bulstrode (1652-1724), alchemist, religious writer, Whig lawyer and administrator, anti-Jacobite author under the pseudonym 'Philalethes' [his son Richard Bulstrode]
Publication details: 
'Hatton Garden Monday Night | 16 Nov 1724'. London; 16 November 1724.

1p., 4to. 22 lines of text. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf: 'To Richard Bulstrode Esqr at Littelton near Sunbury in Midd[lese]x'. In good condition, on aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Son' from 'Yr most affectionate Father | Whit: Bulstrode'. Bulstrode writes that, on his 'comeing to Towne', he 'met wth a letter from one Mr James Norris, who writes himself Auditor, &, it is fro ye Chapr at Canterbury', sending for the rent 'Due last month'.

Autograph Letter in the third person from Charles Manner-Sutton, Speaker of the House of Commons, acknowledging receipt of Thomas Moulden Sherwood's 'A Treatise on the Proceedings to be adopted by Members'.

Charles Manners-Sutton, 1st Viscount Canterbury (1780-1845), Speaker of the House of Commons [Thomas Moulden Sherwood]
Publication details: 
Palace Yard. 6 February 1828.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with unobtrusive closed tear and evidence of previous mounting on reverse. The letter reads: 'The Speaker presents his Compts to Mr Sherwood, and begs to return his best thanks for the work he has just received - The Speaker feels assured that Mr Sherwoods experience in and attention to the Private business of the House will have enabled him to collect much useful information on this subject so important to the Public at large | Palace Yard | Feby. 6 | 1828'.

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