[Sir Aston Webb, RA, Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch.] Autograph Letter Signed Aston Webb .

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), President of the Royal Academy and Royal Institute of British Architects, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch
Publication details: 
8 October 1922. On letterhead of 1 Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with small and slightly rusted staple holes to one corner. Folded once. Addressed to ‘My dear [Gern?] King / A. G. B. I’ (i.e. the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution) and signed ‘Aston Webb / Presd. A G B I -’. He is writing at the request of ‘the Council’, ‘to express to you on their behalf & my own our sincere regret at your resignation from our Council’.

[Sir Aston Webb, RA, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch.] Two responses to congratulations: one an Autograph Note Signed to Walter Spiers, the other an Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Baldwin’.

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), RA, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch
Publication details: 
ONE (ANS to Spiers): 27 March 1899; 1 Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square. TWO (ALS to Baldwin): 20 June 1903; on Hanover Square letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, on grey paper, with central horizontal fold. Each signed ‘Aston Webb’. ONE: ANS to ‘Dear Walter Spiers’, 27 March 1899. 1p, 16mo. Thanking him for his congratulations on his election. TWO: ALS to ‘Dear Mr Baldwin’, 20 June 1903. 1p, 12mo. After thanking him for his congratulation he continues: ‘We had a most delightful dinner with you the other evening.’

[Sir John Gilbert, RA, painter and illustrator.] Autograph Letter Signed to the composer and antiquary Doyne Courtenay Bell, providing information regarding a painting of 'the Queen holding a drawing Room at St James's Palace'.

Sir John Gilbert (1817-1897), RA, painter and illustrator [Doyne Courtenay Bell (c.1830-1888), court official, omposer and antiquary]
Sir John Gilbert
Publication details: 
'Blackheath 4th April' [no year].
Sir John Gilbert

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A protege of Prince Albert, Bell worked for the Privy Purse from the time of the Great Exhibition, and served as Permanent Secretary to the Keeper of the Privy Purse from 1876 to his death. Signed ‘John Gilbert’ and addressed to ‘Doyne C. Bell Esquire / &c &c.’ 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Sir, / I remember the small picture painted in 1851. H M The Queen holding a drawing Room at St James’s Palace. / I did not intend to paint a larger picture and never did’. See Image.

[William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury during the Second World War.] Typed Letter Signed to the ?Vice-Chancellor? [of Oxford University, Sir David Ross], regarding a visit and the possibility of ?dining in Hall?.

William Temple (1881-1944), Anglican cleric, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1942-1944 (previously Bishop of Manchester and Archbishop of York) [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher]
Publication details: 
2 June 1942; on letterhead of Lambeth Palace, S.E.1. [London]

2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight spotting and single punch hole centred above letterhead. Folded twice. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Vice-Chancellor' without further elaboration, but the item comes from the Ross papers. Temple explains that it has been ?difficult to foresee how this summer could be arranged: the planning of domestic life in two houses under present conditions of staffing is very complicated!? His wife will not be joining him in the visit, as she ?feels obliged to spend that week-end at Canterbury?.

[Sir August Manns, German conductor in England, Director of Music at the Crystal Palace, London.] Autograph Signature to photographic portrait on cabinet card by Negretti & Zambra, Crystal Palace.

Sir August Manns [Sir August Friedrich Manns] (1825-1907), German conductor who made his career in England, Director of Music at the Crystal Palace, London [Negretti & Zambra, Crystal Palace]
Sir August Manns,
Publication details: 
Dated by Manns to 1894. Cabinet card by Negretti & Zambra, Crystal Palace.
Sir August Manns,

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The National Portrait Gallery possesses a carte-de-visite another portrait of Manns by Negretti & Zambra, which it dates to 1898, but does not hold the present item, which is a head and shoulders shot showing a white-haired Manns, bald on top, with bushy eyebrows and walrus moustache looking to one side in dark jacket and white shirt and tie. A 10 x 14.5 cm albumen print, presented in the customary style on a grey cabinet card, with the firm?s details embossed in white at foot, and the usual photographers? details printed on the reverse.

[A.E.F. Horniman; Abbey Theatre, Dublin, etc.] Autograph Letter Signed to unknown correspondent (Madam. See note below), about her past, the great fire in the Crystal Palace and the historical lack of orchestral concerts.

A.E.F. Horniman [Annie Elizabeth Fredericka Horniman CH (1860 ? 1937), English theatre patron and manager. She established the Abbey Theatre in Dublin, etc.]
Publication details: 
I [H?] Montagu Mansions, W.1., 12 June,1932.

One page, cr. 8vo, fold marks, faint foxing, good condition. See Image. Text: It is delightful to read that August Manns [conductor - see Wiki] is still remembered. I was born within sight of the Crystal Palace and can even remember the great fire on one Sunday afternoon when part of the 'Tropical End' was burned to the ground. Those Courts [with?] the fine casts of statues of all periods taught me how to look at their originals in many places.

[[Act of Parliament; establishment of the Science Museum, etc.] [Printed] An Act for releasing the Lands of the Commissions for the Exhibition of 1851, upon Repayment of Monies granted in aid of their Funds. [12th July 1858]

[Act of Parliament; establishment of the Science Museum, etc.]
Publication details: 
Eyre and Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, 1858.

Four pages, sm. fol., bifolium. damaged at join not affecting text, removed from bound volume. Whereas the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851 have purchased Lands at Kensington Gore with a view to secure adequate space in the Metropolis for Institutions connected with Science and Art [...].

[[Act of Parliament; establishment of the Science Museum, etc.] [Printed] An Act for releasing the Lands of the Commissions for the Exhibition of 1851, upon Repayment of Monies granted in aid of their Funds. [12th July 1858]

[Act of Parliament; establishment of the Science Museum, etc.]
Publication details: 
Eyre and Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, 1858.

Four pages, sm. fol., bifolium. damaged at join not affecting text, removed from bound volume. Whereas the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851 have purchased Lands at Kensington Gore with a view to secure adequate space in the Metropolis for Institutions connected with Science and Art [...].

[Alfred Emden, First Superintendent of Alexandra Palace] Autograph Note Signed Alfred Emden to Greenwood [T.L. Greenwood, playwright] asking for the Pantomime Manuscript.

Alfred Emden, First Superintendent of Alexandra Palace (opened 1873).
Publication details: 
[Printed address] Alexandra Palace Company Limited | Muswell Hill | London | N., 13 September 1876 [It opened in 1873].

One page, 12mo, sl. worn and stained but text clear and complete. Dear Sir | I hope you would be able to let me have the Pantomime Manuscript within this week.. WITH: [on verson] Copy of answer, as follows: Dear Sir, | The work is now in the Blanchards hands - I saw him yesterday when he told me it would be ready by the end of this month. | Yours truly | T.L. G[reenwood].

[‘It is never desirable to say any thing on the subject’: Charles Greville, diarist.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding the desirability of allowing ‘poor Douglas’ (i.e. John Douglas of Newmarket Palace) to rest in peace.

Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville (1794-1865), diarist [John Douglas (1774-1838) of Newmarket Palace]
Publication details: 
31 March 1839. Newmarket [Cambridgeshire].

See Greville’s entry in the Oxford DNB, and Douglas’s in the History of Parliament, which explains the context: ‘Gambling losses, largely accruing from his turf accounting activities at Newmarket - Douglas laid the blame on ‘Peel and Huskisson ... tampering with the currency’, problems raising capital from his property and ‘keeping too large establishment of servants’ - had reduced his fortune’. 4pp, 4to. Bifolium. 44 lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged, with negligible remains of windowpane mount neatly adhering to reverse of second leaf. Folded three times for postage.

[1909 Handel-Mendelssohn Festival Crystal Palace, 1909.] Printed ‘Book of Words & Programme for the Rehearsal Day’.

The Great Handel Festival and Mendelssohn Centenary at the Crystal Palace, London,1909 [Dr Frederic Cowan, conductor; Walter W. Hedgcock, organist]
Crystal Palace
Publication details: 
Sydenham: The Crystal Palace Company, 1909.
Crystal Palace

A scarce item: the only other copy located is at the Foundling Hospital, London. 30pp, 4to, with a further 7pp of advertisements at the back. Stapled into grey wraps printed in red. A delicate survival, on browing high-acidity paper, in worn wraps chipped around the edges. On the front cover the item is described as ‘Book of Words & Programme for the Rehearsal Day’.At top right-hand corner of the title-page are the pleasing ownership initials of ‘A. G.

[Sir Emile Littler, theatrical impressario.] Two Typed Letters Signed, asking theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope whether he did more London pantomimes than Julian Wylie. With carbon of reply.

Sir Emile Littler [born Emile Richeux] (1903-1985), theatrical impresario based at the Palace Theatre, London, producer of over two hundred British pantomimes [W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian;]
Publication details: 
15 and 19 November 1957. Both on his letterhead. Carbon of Macqueen-Pope’s reply, 18 November 1957, from Coventry House, 5/6 Coventry Street, W.1.

For information on Littler see the entry in the Oxford DNB of his brother Prince Frank Littler (1901-1973), who did not share Emile’s ‘affection for plays or players individually’. Also see Macqueen-Pope’s entry in the same work. The three items in fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Both signed ‘Emile’. ONE: TLS of 15 November 1957. 1p, 4to. Reads: ‘My dear Popie, / You know about everything in the Theatre, and I am wondering if you could tell me how many London pantomimes Julian Wylie did, either by himself or as the Wylie-Tate organisation.

[Sir Aston Webb, architect of the facade of Buckingham Palace.] Typed Letter Signed to Rev. A. R. F. Hyslop of Glenalmond College, clarifying the position of the Board of Architectural Education on the question of ‘geometrical drawing’.

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), architect of Buckingham Palace and the Victoria and Albert Museum, President of the Royal Academy
Publication details: 
29 March 1909; on letterhead of the Board of Architectural Education.

See Webb's entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, aged and worn with traces of glue from mount at head. Folded twice. Addressed to ‘Rev. A. R. F. Hyslop, M.A. / Warden, / Glenalmond College, PERTHSHIRE.’ Following on from previous correspondence, Webb is ‘desired to explain’ that ‘the Board feels strongly the advantage of a training in freehand drawing as a preliminary to architectural training’, and that they do not consider ‘the geometrical drawing of architecture more particularly from plates’ ‘generally helpful’.

[Karl Gustav Vollmöller, German symbolist playwright.] Typescript of English text of 'The Version that was banned' of 'A Venetian Night. | A Pantomime in 13 Tableux, by Carl Vollmoeller', with variants required by the Lord Chamberlain's office.

'Carl Vollmoeller' [Karl Gustav Vollmöller] (1878-1948), German playwright and polymath, screenwriter of Marlene Dietrich's 1930 film 'The Blue Angel' [Lord Chamberlain's office; W. J. MacQueen-Pope]
Publication details: 
[London. 1912.]

A nice artefact of the censorship of pre-First World War British theatre. The London production of Vollmoeller's wordless drama 'Eine Venezianische Nacht' was censored by the Lord Chamberlain's office, and the production at the Palace Theatre, London, in November 1912 was panned by the critics. 15pp, folio, on fifteen leaves gathered together with green ribbon, interleaved with six typed slips of variant text, and with one leaf a composite made up of several sections glued together. Mimeographed typescript. In fair condition, on aged, worn and creased paper, with final leaf detached.

[Sir Fleetwood Edwards, Keeper of the Privy Purse, and an executor of Queen Victoria's will.] Autograph Note in the third person, as 'Lieut: Colonel Sir Fleetwood Edwards', informing 'Miss Hogarth' that the Queen has instructed him to return a letter

Sir Fleetwood Edwards [Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Fleetwood Isham Edwards] (1842-1910), Keeper of the Privy Purse, Extra Equerry, and an executor of Queen Victoria's will
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Privy Purse Office, Buckingham Palace, S.W. [London] 25 February 1898.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to one edge. Reads: 'Lieut: Colonel Sir Fleetwood Edwards begs to thank Miss Hogarth for her letter of the 22nd. Inst. and to return the enclosed letter, which The Queen did not desire to keep, as Her Majesty has the one which she intended to retain.'

[Frances Anne Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough, grandmother of Winston Churchill.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr. Adam', regarding the Duke's attendance at a parliamentary 'Committee on the Vane Estate Bill'.

Frances Anne Spencer-Churchill [Lady Frances Anne Emily Vane] (1822-1899), Duchess of Marlborough, wife of the seventh Duke, John Spencer-Churchill (1822-1883), and grandmother of Winston Churchill
Publication details: 
On embossed letterhead of Blenheim Palace, Oxon. 26 July 1861.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. She asks Adams to inform her 'what day has been fixed for the Committee in the Vane Estate Bill' (in which she clearly has a family interest), continuing: 'When the Duke of Marlborough saw Mr Adam with Lord Redesdale last night he understood that Tuesday next was the day on which he was to be present in order to give his consent to the Bill; he has since heard from Mr. Wagstaff to say that Friday or the following Monday will be the earliest day on which the Bill can be committed.

[Louise Creighton, author and suffragist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Louise Creighton') regarding her availability for a public meeting.

Louise Creighton [Louise Hume Creighton, née von Glehn] (1850-1936) author, suffragist and social reformer [Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hampton Court Palace. 15 December [1916].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The male recipient is not named. The year has been added in another hand at the head of the first page. She will be 'pleased to speak at your proposed meeting if possible'. She a question regarding the timing of the meeting, which would have to be in 'the week beginning Jan. 29 to suit me'. She gives a number of dates and times when she has 'engagements in London', concluding: 'If you can fix the meeting so as to make it possible for me to keep these engagements I will come'.

[ Herman Finck, composer and musical director of the Palace Theatre. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'J. McG.', regarding the Folies Bergère in Paris, music by Delormel, Desormes and Gannes, and a humorous remark by Cuvier.

Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer and conductor [ RMS Titanic ]
Publication details: 
8 Haycroft Road, Brixton Hill [ London ]. 30 April 1899.

3pp., 12mo. In poor condition, aged and worn, with the two leaves of the bifolium separated. The letter begins: 'My dear J. McG. | Pardon me, but M. Delormel did not write “The Boulanger” March (“En Revenat de la revue”) nor did he write “Père la Victoire” but I dont say he didn't publish them.' Finck attributes the first to 'M.

[ Sir Walter Besant, novellist and historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Besant.'), headed 'Mem. for Mr Henry Gray' (genealogical bookseller), ordering five books from his catalogue.

Sir Walter Besant (1836-1901), novellist and historian largely responsible for the creation of the People's Palace in East London [ Henry Gray of Acton, genealogical bookseller ]
Publication details: 
12 Gayton Crescent, Hampstead. No date.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'Mem. for Mr Henry Gray | I have received your Catalogue dated April 25th. | Will you send me, if still in hand, […]'. A list of five works follows, the last four French, including Sarah Scott's Utopian "Millenium Hall", following which Besant writes: 'for wh. I will remit by return post – on receipt.'

[ Privately printed for internal distribution, with fifteen colour illustrations of regimental colours and company badges, in dustwrapper. ] First or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards. Review of the Regiment by His Majesty The King.

[ First or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards ] [ Buckingham Palace, London; the British Army ]
Publication details: 
[ Privately printed, London. ] 'Buckingham Palace, 29th June, 1910.'

39pp., 12mo, with an additional fifteen plates. In boards of white shiny paper, with the royal crest of King George V stamped in blue and gilt on the front cover, and with all edges (including the boards) gilt. White dustwrapper with the following printed on the front: 'Extra Copies of this Book may be had on application to the Regimental Orderly Room.' Inscribed three times (reverse of title and last leaf, and on back of a plate) by 'Col. Sergt C. Riches | 3d: Battn. Grenr Gds'.

[ Edward Bennett Marks, New Yorks music publisher. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Edward B Marks'), a letter of condolence to the widow of the English composer Herman Finck

Edward B. Marks Music Corporation, New York City [ Edward Bennett Marks (1865-1945) ] [ Herman Finck [born Hermann Van Der Vinck] (1872-1939), composer, conductor, musical director of Palace Theatre ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead fo the Edward B. Marks Music Corporation, Publishers and Importers of Music, RCA Building, Radio City, New York. 11 May 1939.

1p., 4to. On aged and worn paper, with chipping along one edge. He begins: 'Word of the loss of your dear husband reached us some time ago, but I was not able to write you until just now when I received your address from Ralph Hawkes.' He offers his condolences 'on behalf of our whole organisation'. According to Hawkes 'the funeral service was a most impressive one' and 'Mr. Finck was a great figure in the musical world and that he shall be missed a great deal.

[ Albert Cazabon, violinist, composer and head of the Albert Cazabon Orchestra. ] Long letter of condolence to the widow of the conductor Herman Finck, containing personal reminiscences.

Albert Cazabon (1883-1970), violinist, composer and head of the Albert Cazabon Orchestra [ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor ]
Publication details: 
32 Aberdeen Place, N.W.8. [ London ] 24 April 1939.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and worn. He informs her that Finck was 'a very old friend of mine & my father's. I knew Herman when I was a boy, & had always held his loyal friendship as something to be treasured as a great privilege. When I left for Australia in 1927 a radiogram of good wishes from him came to me at sea, & when I returned two years ago he received me in the same old warm-hearted way, & was the first friend to try to help to get me re-established in London.' He continues in the same vein, describing Finck as 'a great & well-beloved man'.

[ Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt (1820-1877), architect and writer on art. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. Digby Wyatt') to the herald and playwright J. R. Planché, regarding C. R. Cockerell's theory on 'the Wells & other sculptures' at the Crystal Palace.

Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt (1820-1877), architect and writer on art [ James Robinson Planché [ J. R. Planché ] (1796-1880), playwright and herald; John Burley Waring; Charles Robert Cockerell ]
Publication details: 
54 Guildford Street [ London ]. 9 May 1857.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The name of the addressee has been amended from 'J. B. Waring' to 'J. R. Planché Eqr.' In 1854 Wyatt and Waring had collaborated on four architectural guidebooks to the courts of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, and the present item relates to sculptures present there. The letter beings iwth Wyatt thanking Planché for 'a copy of your interesting comments on Professor Cockerell's views with respect to the Wells & other sculptures', which he has read 'with care and interest'.

[ Sir George Grove, music administrator and writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Grove') thanking 'Mrs. Bartholomew' for correcting a score.

Sir George Grove (1820-1900), writer on music, founding editor of 'Grove's Dictionary', first director of Royal College of Music, organiser of Crystal Palace concerts
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lower Sydenham, S.E. [ London ] 2 September [ 1878 ].

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The year has been added in another hand in pencil. Reads: 'Most grateful to you dear Mrs Bartholomew for all your kind care & thought. I have yet to go finally through the sheets and correct all it [sic] stopping &c. so that your corrections will be of great use – I am just off to America for a good long holiday. | Good bye | Yours very truly | & obliged | G. Grove'.

[ The Savage Club, London. ] 53 signatures of members, including those of James Agate, C. R. W. Nevinson, Aubrey Hammond, Reginald Arkell and John Ansell, sent to the composer Herman Finck in his final illness. ]

[ The Savage Club, London; James Agate; C. R. W. Nevinson; Aubrey Hammond, John Ansell; Reginald Arkell; Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Savage Club, 1 Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W.1. April 1939.

4pp., 12mo. On bifolium of grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 53 signatures over four pages, written after the following: 'April 1939 | Dear Herman: Keep up your Heart & Get well soon. We need your kingly, cheery presence'. One signatory has written a bar of music, another has drawn a face, another has written after his name 'now then – up beat!' The first signature is that of the Punch cartoonist Bert Thomas (1883-1966), after which he has written '(BLIMEY)'. Among the other signatories are the theatre critic James Agate (1877-1947), the artists C. R. W.

[ Herman Finck, composer and conductor, musical director of the Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue. ] Nine items from his personal papers, including an ACS from him to his wife, book contract, autograph notes for a memoir.

Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor, musical director of the Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, London
Publication details: 
London and Eastbourne: between 1918 and 1937.

Finck was a well-respected and much-loved figure on the London musical and theatrical scene. His 'In the Shadows' was among the last tunes played as RMS Titanic went down. This miscellaneous collection of nine items in fair overall condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. ONE: Autograph Manuscript by Finck, contained names and outlines of anecdotes for inclusion in his memoirs. 2pp., 12mo. On letterhead of 212 Finchley Road, London. As an example, here is the text at the foot of one page: 'Include A. C. M. Club in Club stories. | R. A. Roberts – Colisseum | “By God!

[ Herman Finck, composer and conductor. ] Autograph Letter Signed, as musical director of the Palace Theatre, 'To The Gentlemen of the Orchestra', informing them of the abolitiion of 'the system of sending deputies'.

Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor [ The Palace Theatre, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Palace Theatre Limited, Shaftesbury Avenue, London. 15 January 1912.

1p., 4to. On aged and worn paper. Reads:'To The Gentlemen of the Orchestra | Commencing with February 17 '12 the system of sending deputies will be entirely abolished in this orchestra. To those members who are not desirous of continuing their engagement under this new rule, I would ask that they gave their names to Mr Honrig before friday evening next, in order that they may receive notice of the termination of their engagement four weeks from that date - 19th inst: | Herman Finck | Musical director'. Finck's 'In the Shadows' was one of the last tunes played as the Titanic went down.

[ Oscar Barrett, musical director. ] Autograph Letter Signed, a letter of condolence to the widow of composer Herman Finck

Oscar Barrett (1846-1941), musical director of Augustus Harris, producer of pantomimes at the Crystal Palace and the Olympic Theatre, London [ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 2 Coleherne Mansions, 226 Old Brompton Road, S.W.5. [ London ] 22 April 1939.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He writes that 'The passing on of such a dear man as Herman leaves a blank in many many peoples lives & those who had the priviledge [sic] of his friendship can the better realise all you must be suffering at the present time.' He concludes by telling her that her 'grief is shared' by Finck's 'countless friends', and that she must have a 'sweet solace' in the memory of 'the many joyous times spent in his company'. The word 'Answered' is written at the head.

[ Sir Alfred Butt, theatre impressario. ] Five Typed Letters Signed (all 'Alfred Butt') to the composer Herman Finck, on a variety of topics

Sir Alfred Butt (1878-1962), theatre impressario, Managing Director, Theatre Royal Drury Lane and Palace Theatre, London [ Herman Finck [ Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer ]
Publication details: 
All five on London letterheads. First, The Palace Theatre Ld., Shaftesbury Avenue, 1912; second, Garrick House, Lisle Street, 1921; third and fourth Theatre Royal Drury Lane, Ltd., 1926 and 1931; fifth, Seymour House, 17 Waterloo Place, 1931.

Five letters, each 1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and creased. ONE: Palace Theatre, 4 July 1912. In capitals. Conveying the thanks of the King and Queen to the members of the orchestra for their work at the previous night's royal performance, and adding, for Finck: 'I have already told you how much I appreciate what you did on Monday night and the splendid manner in which you conducted. The success of the performance would have been impossible without your invaluable assistance.' TWO: Garrick House, 23 March 1921.

[ Printed item. ] Souvenir of The Hundredth Performance of Bric-a-Brac. [ With tipped-in photographs of seven actors including Gertie Millar; Teddie Gerrard; Arthur Playfair; Nelson Keys.

Sir Alfred Butt, Managing Director, The Palace Theatre, London [ Norman Keene; Herman Finck; Arthur Wimperis; Basil Hood; Lionel Monckton; Gertie Millar; Teddie Gerrard; Arthur Playfair; Nelson Keys ]
Publication details: 
The Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, W. [ London ] Wednesday, December 15th, 1915.

Ten unpaginated 26 x 22 cm. leaves, comprising three leaves of letterpress (cover, title and back cover), and seven leaves each with a 17 x 14 cm black-and-white photograph laid down. A frail survival, with the photographic portraits in good condition, but the brittle leaves chipped and discoloured. One bifolium intact (with remains of string binding), all the other leaves detached and loose, making it difficult to ascertain whether the item is or is not complete. (The entry for the only copy traced on OCLC WorldCat, at the Universitätsbibliothek Bayreuth, describes it as ' 6 Bl.

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