[Admiral Albert Hastings Markham; Navy. China, Arctic] Autograph Letter Signed with his usual squiggled Initials to Dear Mr Hart, anticipating a visit by an artist and printer with reference to the poster depicting a line of battle ships.

Admiral Albert Hastings Markham [Admiral Sir Albert Hastings Markham KCB (1841 – 1918) British explorer, author, and officer in the Royal Navy.]
Admiral Albert Hastings Markham b
Publication details: 
[Embossed] 73 Cromwell Road, S.W., 10 December 1904.
Admiral Albert Hastings Markham b

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. Docketed top left corner (see Image of first page). As the Artist & Printer are coming to see me here [underlined] on Monday forenoon next, with reference to tthe poster depicting a line of battle ships &c, will you kindly send me 'Nelson's' signal [England Expects] (which I sent to my Hartley) so as to be here at the same time? I received your letter last night, and at once wrote off to Admiral Fremantle, but he would only receive my letter this morning. I see his [underlined] is in today's Times.

[Street Ballads: ‘T. BROOKS, Song Publisher’ of Bath.] Handbill with three street ballads (the first two with crude woodcut vignettes): ‘Could you lend my Mother a Saucepan. / Silver Threads among the Gold / Death of Nelson.’

Street Ballads: ‘T. BROOKS, Song Publisher’ of Bath, nineteenth-century seller of handbills [Eben Eugene Rexford and Herbert Peas Danks]
Street Ballads
Publication details: 
No date [1870s or 1880s]. ‘T. BROOKS, Song Publisher, 4, Kingsmead Square, Bath.’
Street Ballads

The second of these ballads, 'Silver Threads Among the Gold', by the American Eben Eugene Rextord (1848-1916), was immensely popular on its release in 1873 with music by Hart Peas Danks (1834-1903). The earliest reference to the first ballad, 'Could you lend my mother a saucepan?' is in an 1885 number of 'All the Year Round'. The song is an absolute hoot, but its text is not to be found anywhere on the internet.

[Rt Hon. Robert Gambier Middleton, Scottish Royal Navy officer who served under Nelson as Captain of HMS Flora.] Three Letters Signed, giving instructions to his midshipman on the Flora John Hawkins, one from Gibraltar.

Rt Hon. Robert Gambier Middleton (1774-1837), Scottish Royal Navy officer who served under Nelson as Captain of HMS Flora, nephew of Admiral Lord Barham
Publication details: 
All three written from HMS Flora. ONE: ‘at Sea the 26 of June 1798’. TWO: ‘in Gibraltar Bay the 18th. July 1798’. THREE: ‘as Sea, the 28th. March 1800’.

Providing a good view of the day-to-day practicalities of Nelson's navy. Middleton was the nephew of Admiral Lord Barham. In 1795 he removed from the Lowestoffe to the Flora, serving under the Nelson off Genoa in support of the Austrian Army, and during July 1796 at the occupation of Porto Ferrajo. All three 1p, foolscap, and somewhat discoloured and worn, the first and last with chipping at head, but all with text entire.

[Napoleonic Wars: the arming of six British merchant ships, c.1807.] Manuscript ‘Account of Sundry Stores received from the Pilot Boates [sic]’, ‘Respecting Arming Pilot Boates / Account of Stores’.

Napoleonic Wars: the arming of six British merchant ships, c.1807 [Brittania, Stephen Brown; Sloop Neptune, John Hurry; Syren, William Jackson; Fox, Thomas Lundie; Rover, Robert Jackson]
Publication details: 
Entries dated between May 1805 and June 1809. On paper watermarked ‘J WHATMAN / 1807’.

None of the boats and captains named in the present item are present in contemporary Navy Lists, so they would appear to be merchant ships. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. Aged and worn, with slight loss along edges and faded to a small portion of text. Folded four times into a packet, named (on the reverse): ‘Respecting Arming Pilot Boates / Account of Stores’. The whole of the recto is filled with text, divided into six rectangles in two columns of three rectangles each, under the heading ‘Account of Sundry Stores received from the Pilot Boates’.

[Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, British naval hero.] Collection of contemporaneous material relating to him, including a range of related illustrations and magazine accounts, as well as manuscript poems and other matter.

Lord Nelson [Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson; Admiral Lord Nelson], British naval hero whose victories include the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805, in which he died
Publication details: 
Earliest item from 1799; several items from 1805. Mostly printed in London.

A nice collection, which both by its content and arrangement indicates the huge esteem in which Nelson was held. The material is in good condition, lightly aged, most items laid down on leaves of gilt-edged paper extracted from an album. Mostly 12mo. This description is arranged under fifteen numbered entries. The manuscript material is at No. 14. ONE: Engraving. ‘Plan of a MANSION HOUSE, proposed for Lord NELSON.’ ‘Gent[leman’s]. Mag[azine]. Feb. 1799. Pt. I. p.97’. Engraved by Longmate from Arthur Brown.

[Lord Nelson [Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson], British naval hero.] Collection of contemporaneous material relating to him, including a range of related illustrations and magazine accounts, as well as manuscript poems and other matter.

Lord Nelson [Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson; Admiral Lord Nelson], British naval hero whose victories include the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805, in which he died
Publication details: 
Earliest item from 1799; several items from 1805. Mostly printed in London.

A nice collection, which both by its content and arrangement indicates the huge esteem in which Nelson was held. The material is in good condition, lightly aged, most items laid down on leaves of gilt-edged paper extracted from an album. Mostly 12mo. This description is arranged under fifteen numbered entries. The manuscript material is at No. 14. ONE: Engraving. ‘Plan of a MANSION HOUSE, proposed for Lord NELSON.’ ‘Gent[leman’s]. Mag[azine]. Feb. 1799. Pt. I. p.97’. Engraved by Longmate from Arthur Brown.

[Sir Digby Dent, Rear Admiral of the Royal Navy.] Autograph certification to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty that ‘Mr. George Ross’, who ‘serv’d as Midshipman on Board His Majesty’s Ship Princess Amelia’ is ‘fitly Qualified for Preferment’.

Sir Digby Dent (1739-1817), Rear Admiral of the Royal Navy, under whom Nelson served as a midshipman on HMS Seahorse, and whose son acted as the best man at Nelson’s wedding
Publication details: 
‘on board the said Ship [Princess Amelia] at Spithead this 27th Day of June 1778’.

1p, foolscap 8vo. On an aged and worn piece of watermarked laid paper with some closed tears. Folded twice. Reads: ‘These are to Certify the Right Honble. the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. or whom else it may Concern that Mr. George Ross serv’d as Midshipman on Board His Majesty’s Ship Princess Amelia under my Command from the Twenty Seventh day of May 1778 to the Day of the Date hereof - During which Time he behaved with Diligence & Soberiety [sic] and always obedient to Command.

[Sir John Gielgud, distinguished English actor.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Doubleday', wife of the publisher.

Sir John Gielgud [Arthur John Gielgud] (1904-2000), distinguished English actor [Florence Van Wyck Doubleday, wife of New York publisher Frank Nelson Doubleday]
Publication details: 
27 October [1936]. 59 East 56th Street, New York City.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once for postage. The year is given in pencil, and a note in the same hand identifies the recipient as ‘Mrs Florence Doubleday (wife of publisher) in Oyster Bay’. Ten lines of text, in a close hand, with larger, firm signature ‘John Gielgud.’ A somewhat pompous missive. He thanks her for giving him ‘so delightful an opportunity of meeting you, and to ask me to stay in your charming house and meet your friends, who were all so nice to me’.

[‘The Reefer’s pain’: Royal Navy, 1806.] Unpublished Autograph Poem ‘The Cockpit’, Signed by ‘J H Grose Assistant Surgeon’, HMS Captain, describing a midshipman's life, with reference to Rear-Admiral Robert Carthew Reynolds and Thomas John Dibdin.

J. H. Grose, Royal Navy Assistant Surgeon of His Majesty’s Ship Captain, 1806 [Rear-Admiral Robert Carthew Reynolds; Thomas John Dibdin; Lord Nelson]
Publication details: 
3 February 1806. On board HMS Captain.

An interesting and well-written poem, unpublished, casting light on the life of a midshipman in the Royal Navy in the year after Trafalgar. The author of this poem is frustratingly elusive (he was perhaps a member of the family of the antiquary Francis Grose, 1731-1791), but the 1787 Captain was a 74-gun third rater of some renown, having been captained by Nelson at the 1797 Battle of St Vincent. In the year following this poem she would act as one of the escorts for the expedition that left Falmouth and eventually attacked Buenos Aires.

[Prize Ships; Royal Navy: Admiralty; Napoleonic War.] Manuscript Letter from Edmund Hurry & Co to the London marine Charles Cox, offering to ‘take charge of the disposal of the Ships and their Cargoes’ in Gosport.

[Prize Ships; Royal Navy; Admiralty; Napoleonic War.] Edmund Hurry [Edmund Cobb Hurry (1762-1808)] of Gosport [Charles Cox and Co., London marine agents]
Publication details: 
‘Gosport May 30th 1803.’

An interesting piece of Royal Navy and Napoleonic War ephemera, casting light on the implementation of Admiralty Prize Law. See the reference to the writer of this letter in the 1926 ‘Memorials of the family of Hurry of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, and of America, Australia, and South Africa’: ‘Edmund Cobb [Hurry], born at Great Yarmouth, in 1762, admitted a freeman by birthright, 23rd of August, 1782. He settled as a merchant and banker, at Gosport, where he married a Miss Liddell.

[James Gambier; William Young and another, Admirals] Printed Document Signed by three Commissioners, one signature undeciphered (see image), other signatures of J Gambier and W Young, Commissioners, about marking barrels of gunpowder.

[James Gambier, Admiral; William Young, Admiral; signature of third unidentified but all Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain and Ireland]
Publication details: 
Date added in manuscript, 31 January 1799 (Watermark 'GR 1794').

One page, folio, good condition. In the form of an instruction/letter addressed to The respective Captains, Commanders, and Commanding Officers of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels and Concludes By the Command of their Lordships [Autograph] W Marsden. Marsden (Wikipedia): William Marsden FRS FSA (16 November 1754 – 6 October 1836) was an Irish orientalist, numismatist, and linguist who served as Second, then First Secretary to the Admiralty during years of conflict with France. James, Lord Gambier and Sir William Young, both Admirals, also feature strongly in Wikipedia.

[Edward Hubert Fitchew, artist & editor; Nelson] Autograph Letter Signed to Herbert Wrigley Wilson, discussing the printing of a book (‘Nelson and His Times’ by Beresford and Wilson, 1898). With two pages covered in notes in another hand (Wilson’s?).

Edward Hubert Fitchew (1851-1934), artist and editor [Herbert Wrigley Wilson (1866-1940), journalist and naval historian; Her Majesty’s Printing Office, London]
Publication details: 
10 January 1898. On letterhead of Her Majesty’s Printing Office, 6 Middle New Street, Fetter Lane, E.C. [London].

An interesting item, providing a sidelight into the process of Victorian scholarly editing and publication. Fitchew’s letter is 2pp, 4to, on the outer pages of a bifolium; the inner pages being filled with notes (citations?) in a minuscule hand, possibly the recipient’s. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, and folded for postage. Addressed to ‘H. W. Wilson’ and signed ‘E. H. Fitchew’. The letter begins: ‘Dear Mr. Wilson / I think it is possible we may want a little more letterpress, but probably not much. Up to end of pt. 7 we have used 82 slips.

[ Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood. ] Contemporary manuscript official copy letter to Vice Admiral Duckworth, regarding Royal Navy ships in the Mediterranean respecting the neutrality of Portuguese ships. With manuscript extract from treaty.

Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood (1748-1810), 1st Baron Collingwood, commander at Trafalgar after Nelson's death [Sir William Richard Cosway; Sir John Thomas Duckworth (1748-1817), 1st Baronet]
Publication details: 
'Given on board the Ocean off Cadiz |12th. August 1806'.

Both items in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Copy letter. 2pp., folio. On paper with watermark 'JOHN HOWARD | 1804'. Ends: 'To | Sir J. T. Duckworth K.B. | Vice Admiral of the White | &ca. &ca. &ca. | Given on board the Ocean off Cadiz | 12th. August 1806 | (signed) Collingwood | By Command of the Vice Admiral | (signed) W R Cosway | A Copy'.

[Henry Gastineau, landscape painter and engraver.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Miss Nelson’, regarding arrangements for giving her lessons in painting.

Henry Gastineau (1791-1876), English landscape painter and engraver
Publication details: 
2 June 1853; Camberwell.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Eighteen lines of text. Begins: ‘Mr H Gastineau presents his compliments to Miss Nelson and in consequence of having received her address from Miss Stringer relative to a wish to receive some instruction from him, he writes’, giving details of when he would be able ‘to give a lesson at Windham Place’, were he to ‘receive a line to say that such an arrangement’ was desirable, after which ‘future appointments can be made’.

[Major-General Abraham D’Aubant, who played a leading role in the 1794 invasion of Corsica, frustrating Nelson with his caution.] Autograph Note in the third person to ‘Mr Brown’.

Major-General Abraham D’Aubant (d.1805), Colonel of His Majesty's Corps of Royal Engineers, who played a leading role the 1794 invasion of Corsica [Horatio Nelson; Lord Nelson]
Publication details: 
8 July [no year]; Devonshire Place [London].

An uncommon signature. During the 1794 invasion of Corsica, D’Aubant took over as Lord Hood’s second-in-command after Hood forced Major-General David Dundas to resign, but proved even more cautious, to the frustration of Nelson and others. 1p, landscape 8vo. Laid down on part of leaf from autograph album, captioned in Victorian hand, ‘General D’Aubant’. On discoloured paper, with deeper discoloration from glue from mount. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Genl D’Aubant presents his compliments to Mr Brown, and will call upon him at 12. next Thursday 8th July / Devonshe. place.’ See image.

[‘One of the very best comedians of the generation.’] Autograph Note Signed by Nelson Keys, with holograph poem by ‘G. L.’ and Signed Note by ‘Gordon’ for actress playing ‘Spirit of Spring’ in Arthur Wimperis revue at C. B. Cochran's London Pavilion.

Nelson Keys [Nelson Waite Keys, ‘Bunch’] (1887-1939), actor and comedian, father of the film-maker John Paddy Carstairs (1910-1970) [Arthur Wimperis; C. B. Cochran; London Pavilion]
Publication details: 
Poem by ‘G[ordon]. L.’ dated 20 June 1921. [London Pavilion.]

Keys features in his son’s entry in the Oxford DNB. (John Paddy Carstairs was christened Nelson John Keys.) Three theatrical autographs - Nelson Keys, ‘G. L.’ and ‘Gordon’ - on one side of a 25 x 20.5 cm piece of card. Apparently a gift from fellow cast-members to the actress playing the ‘Spirit of Spring’ in the Arthur Wimperis sketch ‘The Queen of Hearts’, in the C. B. Cochran London Pavilion revue ‘London, Paris and New York’, which ran for 366 performances between 1920 and 1921. J. P.

[Henry Westmacott, sculptor, brother of Sir Richard Westmacott.] Signature to Autograph Receipt for payment for ‘Monument to the Memory of Col[one]l. Campbell - including cases - Inscriptions - &c’.

Henry Westmacott (1784-1861), sculptor who worked on Nelson’s tomb in St Paul’s Cathedral, brother of Sir Richard Westmacott (1775-1856), and member of British sculpting dynasty
Publication details: 
Dated 18 February 1814. No place.

On one side of slip of laid paper, with watermark date ‘1811’. Dimensions: 18.5 x 7.5 cm. In good condition, folded three times. Good firm signature. Reads: ‘Received Feby: 18th: 1814. of Mrs. Campbell One Hundred & fifty Pounds for a Monument to the Memory of Coll. Campbell - including cases - Inscriptions - &c | £150 | Henry Westmacott.’ For Westmacott's work on Nelson's tomb, see the Archaeological Journal, 1894, vol. 51 (2nd series no. 1), p.161..

[Lady Londonderry [Castlereagh; Lord Nelson; Trafalgar]] COPY (just contemporary) Letter on the death of Lord Nelson. From Lady Londonderry to her Son, Lord Castlereagh November 13th 1805.

Lady Londonderry [Castlereagh; Lord Nelson; Trafalgar]
Publication details: 
Original letter, 13 Nov. 1805. Watermark on this copy, Bally & Co Bath, 1808.

Two Pages, 4to, bifolium, remnants of tipping in process, good condition. A variant text, differing from the text thrown up by Googlebooks(no doubt itself a variant!). (Original letter appears to be in the BL, Add MSS 31022, f.14- not consulted). It omits Lady Castlereagh's initial sentence (in the version found (on Google) in The Naval Battles of Great Britain (it appears standard): I thank you a thousand times for your interesting letter. Then minor changes.

[ George Rose; Royal Navy ] Autograph Note Signed G Rose (docketed Mr Rose's Note to Mr Baynes in a contemporary hand)

George Rose [ (1744–1818), politician, sometime Treasurer of The Navy, friend of Horatio Nelson.
Publication details: 
Old [Postern?] Yard, 25 July 1811.

One page, cr. 8vo, grubby, fold marks, but text clear, as follows: I am very sorry it will not be in my power to be present at the quarterly General Board of the Royal Naval Asylum, as an Appointment has for some Time past been made for a Court of the Trinity Corporation to swear me in as an Elder Brother , on that day.

[Handbill announcing Nelson's victory at the Battle of the Nile, 1798, headed: 'Adm. NELSON's Victory over the French.'

Horatio Nelson [Admiral Lord Nelson; Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, 1st Duke of Bronté] (1758-1805) Battle of the Nile, 1798
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [October 1798.]

Presumably distributed in the streets (of London?) on the news of Nelson's victory. No other copy of the title has been traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. Printed on one side of a 34 x 19.5 cm piece of paper, with cropped margins (text area 33 x 17.5 cm). The reverse of the leaf would appear to be blank, the leaf being laid down on a piece of grey paper removed from an album. Printed in double column, with a wavy vertical dividing rule down the middle, beneath the title 'Adm.

[Captain George Richards, Royal Marines.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. Richards'), sending his likeness and describing his service: '23 Actions' including 'the death of Nelson and Abercrombie', serving under Wellington in Peninsular War.

Captain George Richards (d.1866), Royal Marines, meritorious British Army officer [Solihull, Warwickshire]
Publication details: 
16 September 1863. Solihull [Warwickshire].

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, aged and creased. Folded twice. Written in a shaky hand, as explained by the text: 'My dear Sir / | Agreeable to promise I send my Likeness, I wish it was something worthy of your acceptance - suffice it to say the original saw the death of Nelson and Abercrombie. Served under Wellington in the Spanish peninsular War, attended his funeral, and from 1797 to 1814 was by Sea and Land in 23 Actions[.] I am well in health but cannot see what I write - My sincere love to Mrs. Macwey - God bless you'.

[ Earl St Vincent; Duke of York C in C ] Valediction only of Autograph Letter Signed "St. Vincent" to HRH Field-Marshal The Duke of York. reporting a promotion (Nelson?)

Earl St Vincent [ Admiral of the Fleet John Jervis, 1st Earl of St Vincent (1735–1823) ]
Publication details: 
Admiralty, 17 May1803.

Valediction only, 15.5 x 7.5cm, cut from letter, as follows: "to give him the command of -| I have the honor to be with very high respect | Your Royal Highness | Dutiful | and Obedt. Servant | St Vincent". Note that Nelson had been given the command of the Mediterranen Fleet three days earlier (14 May 1803). Docketed by HRH or secretary "The late Earl St Vincent" and from a large collection of similar valedictions, so often to the Duke of York ("Royal Highness" etc) that they may reveal the fate of his incoming correspondence, or part of it..

[Francis Wharton, American educationalist and professor of criminal law.] Autograph Letter Signed to John N. Purviance, Auditor General, Harrisburg,

Francis Wharton (1820-1889) of Philadelphia, American legal writer, historian, educationalist and professor of criminal law [General John Nelson Purviance (1810-1885), Auditor General, Harrisburg]
Publication details: 
[Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.] 11 July 1850.

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with fold lines and small hole made by breaking of the wafer. Addressed by Wharton on reverse to 'Hon. Jno. N. Purviance | Auditor Gen. | Harrisburg.' Endorsed: 'Francis Whatron, Esq. | Phila. | Ansd. 12 July 1850.' Wharton writes in a neat hand: 'Dear Sir | I enclose a note I have just received from Messrs Thomas and Rumsey - which please return. | Truly yrs | Francis Wharton'. Postscript reads: 'Let us know from you at your early convenience, as we are unable to advance a step till we know your views'.

[Lady Louisa Hardy, wife of Sir Thomas Hardy, Captain of HMS Victory at Battle of Trafalgar.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr Lahee' (the auctioneer Samuel Lahee), concerning Hardy's consent to requirements in a new house

Lady Louisa Emily Anna Hardy (1788-1877), wife of Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy (1769-1839)], Royal Navy officer, Captain of HMS Victory at Battle of Trafalgar [Samuel Lahee]
Publication details: 
9 Queen Street, Mayfair [London]. 15 October [no year].

Hardy is immortalised in Nelson's dying request 'Kiss me, Hardy.' Lady Hardy was the daughter of Admiral Sir George Cranfield Berkeley (1753-1818). 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with parts of red wax seal and traces of glue from mount on reverse of second leaf, which is addressed 'To | Mr Lahee | 65. New Bond Street'. Folded once.

[Nelson describes his victory at the Battle of Copenhagen.] 'Extraordinary' number of 'The London Gazette', containing accounts of the engagement by Nelson and his commanding officer Sir Hyde Parker.

Admiral Lord Nelson [Horatio Nelson] (1758-1805); Sir Hyde Parker (1739-1807), Royal Navy admiral, Nelson's superior at the Battle of Copenhagen, 1801
Publication details: 
Number 15454. 'Printed by ANDREW STRAHAN, Printers Street, Gough Square. [London]' 15 April 1801.

4pp, 8vo, paginated 401-404. Originally a bifolium, but with the leaves separated. In fair condition, lightly aged, with each leaf carrying in a margin a strip of paper from the mount. Several fold lines. Page one carries the half-penny tax stamp. In small print and double column. The entire number concerns the battle. Begins: 'Admiralty-Office, April 15, 1801.

[Apartheid in South Africa and British Foreign Office] Foreign Office briefing document titled 'The measures which have been taken to establish the policy of APARTHEID in South Africa and its effect on the European, Indian and African communities'.

Apartheid in South Africa and the British Foreign Office [Information Research Department; Special Intelligence Service]
Publication details: 
[United Kingdom Foreign Office, Whitehall, London. Circa 1953.]

From a batch of Foreign Office documents, including material from the Information Research Department (for whose activities, financed from the budget of the Special Intelligence Service, otherwise MI6, see The Times, 17 August 1995; and also Michael Cullis's obituary of Sir John Peck in the Independent, 20 January 1995). Duplicated typescript. Headed: '(g) The measures which have been taken to establish the policy of APARTHEID in South Africa and its effect on the European, Indian and African communities.' 10pp, foolscap 8vo. Pagination on pp.2-10 preceded by '(g)'.

[ Thomas Nelson Page, U.S. Ambassador to Italy under President Woodrow Wilson during World War I. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Nelson Page'), addressed to 'My dear Ladies', an amusing letter regarding his lack of a 'favorite recipe'.

Thomas Nelson Page (1853-1922), American author and lawyer, U.S. Ambassador to Italy under President Woodrow Wilson during World War I
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 1759 R Street, Corner, New Hampshire Avenue [ Washington D.C. ]. 20 December 1897.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He explains that if he had 'a favorite recipe' he would 'with pleasure impart it', but that he has none. He prefers to 'follow St Paul's advice and eat what is set before me asking no questions. I may say that I believe that I get better results in this way than if I were to interfere.'

[ Earl St Vincent, British naval hero and patron of Horatio Nelson. ] Autograph Signature ('S. Vincent'[) on autograph frank addressed by him to Edward Hawke Locker.

[ Earl St Vincent ] Admiral of the Fleet John Jervis, 1st Earl of St Vincent (1735-1823), British naval hero and patron of Horatio Nelson
Publication details: 
Dated from Brentwood, 5 May 1811.

In good condition, lightly aged. Front panel (9.5 x 13.5 cm) of envelope neatly placed in a thin windowpane mount, bearing frank, with two postmarks, one the red frank and the other in black from 'BRENTWOOD | 18', addressed in the prescribed fashion by St Vincent: 'Brentwood fifth May 1811 | Edward Hawke Locker Esq | 47 Davies Street | Berkeley Square | London'. Signature at bottom left: 'S. Vincent'.

[ Lord Hawke; Royal Navy ] Autograph Letter Signed "Hawke" to "Captain Locker", Nelson's mentor.

Lord Hawke [ Admiral of the Fleet Edward Hawke, 1st Baron Hawke, KB, PC (1705–1781), Royal Navy officer
Publication details: 
Sunbury, 28 October 1779

Two pages, 4to, window pane mount, one chip not affecting text, one hole caused by his pen[?] with no loss, tear along fold mark, partially repaired.

[ Thomas Hardy, RN ] Autograph Note, third person, to Joseph Glynn, Civil Engineer, thanking him for a Print by the latter..

Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy [ Thomas Masterman Hardy, sometime Captain of the "Victory" under Nelson ], Governor, Greenwich Hospital.
Publication details: 
Greenwich Hospital, 27 November 1834.

One page, 12mo, fold marks, signs on being tipped into an album, good conition. "Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy presents his Compliments to Mr. Glynn and begs to return his best thanks for a Print of a Bridge over the River Aire."

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