[Sir Frederick Joseph Bramwell, mechanical engineer.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr Lanyon’

Sir Frederick Joseph Bramwell (1818-1903), mechanical engineer, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, associated with the Stockton and Darlington Railway
Publication details: 
8 April 1888. On letterhead of 1A Hyde Park Gate, S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small strip of discoloration at head of first page and traces of previous mount on discoloured blank reverse of second leaf. He thanks Lanyon for his ‘renewed kindness’ durimg his ‘recent visit to Belfast’, and extends an invitation to ‘a party of a few friends we are about to have on the 5th of May’. With respect to Lanyon’s visit, ‘and to the earlier call I hope you will make on my wife (who is generally not in from her drive till 5.0)’, he makes him a street plan (on lower part of second page).

[Colonel F. E. G. Skey of the Royal Engineers.] Offprint of his obituary by ‘C. F. A.-C.’, with full-page portrait, from the Royal Engineers Journal; together with manuscript map of ‘SKEY TRENCH / near PONT FIXE’ (Battle of Loos, First World War).

Colonel F. E. G. Skey [Frederic Edward Guthrie Skey] (1864-1944), first secretary and Treasurer of Institution of Royal Engineers, editor of Royal Engineers Journal [Battle of Loos, First World War]
Publication details: 
Offprint ‘Reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal - March, 1945’ (London). Undated pencil sketch of Skey Trench, Battle of Loos, 1915.

Scarce: no copies on WorldCat or JISC. 2pp, 8vo, paginated 1-2, with photographic portrait of ‘Colonel F. E. G. SKEY’ on art paper facing the first page. In grey wraps with printed title on front cover ‘Memoir / OF / COLONEL F. E. G. SKEY.’ In fair condition, lightly worn and aged, with two vertical creases. Describing Skey’s active career, the obituarist begins by noting that ‘It is not given to everyone to work as late in life as Skey did.’ Skey had been ‘promoted Colonel in 1912 and retirned in March, 1914, having been offered the Secretaryship of the R. E.

[Major-General Abraham D’Aubant, who played a leading role in the 1794 invasion of Corsica, frustrating Nelson with his caution.] Autograph Note in the third person to ‘Mr Brown’.

Major-General Abraham D’Aubant (d.1805), Colonel of His Majesty's Corps of Royal Engineers, who played a leading role the 1794 invasion of Corsica [Horatio Nelson; Lord Nelson]
Publication details: 
8 July [no year]; Devonshire Place [London].

An uncommon signature. During the 1794 invasion of Corsica, D’Aubant took over as Lord Hood’s second-in-command after Hood forced Major-General David Dundas to resign, but proved even more cautious, to the frustration of Nelson and others. 1p, landscape 8vo. Laid down on part of leaf from autograph album, captioned in Victorian hand, ‘General D’Aubant’. On discoloured paper, with deeper discoloration from glue from mount. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Genl D’Aubant presents his compliments to Mr Brown, and will call upon him at 12. next Thursday 8th July / Devonshe. place.’ See image.

[General Sir Charles Warren] Autograph Letter Signed Charles Warren to Major Coates, presumably Edward Coates, stockbroker and politician, giving a reference.

General Sir Charles Warren, (1840 -1927) officer in the Royal Engineers, archaeologist (Holy Land), and police chief (Metropolitan Police) during the Jack the Ripper murders.
Publication details: 
[Embossed] 10 Wellington Crescent, Ramsgate, 13 April 1920.

One page, 12mo, bifolium, fold mark, good condition. He has been asked ot gibe a reference for someone who is seeking employment wit you. A subaltern in the Ramsgate Company Church Lads Brigade which I commanded. Warren knew his family, but he has met him with his brother on many occasions and think that he is a respectable & presentable young man. See image.

[ A. E. Watson & Co. of London, civil engineers (steel). ] Typewritten account by Tamkin, titled 'The Way We Came', describing the progress of the firm over three decades, with much work for London Underground, and on the Home Front in World War Two.

A. E. Watson & Co. of London, consulting, civil and constructional engineers specialising in steel (C. Tamkin, director) [ London Transport; the Home Front, World War Two ]
Publication details: 
The time of writing dated in the text to September 1957.

157pp., 4to. Carbon typescript, with a few manuscript corrections. Each page paginated in type, and on a separate leaf. The leaves punch-holed and attached in a buff folder. Aged and worn, with the first few leaves a little ragged, but intact and legible. The author is not named, but is referred to in the text as 'Tam', and is therefore clearly the 'C. Tamkin' who is named in 1946 as one of the directors of A. E. Watson & Co, 21 Tothill Street, London, 'Consulting, civil and constructional engineers, etc.'. Title at head of first page: 'THE WAY WE CAME'.

[ Major-General Sir Henry James of the Royal Engineers, Director General of the Ordnance Survey. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry James.') to Sir John Fox Burgoyne, regarding Sir Emerson Tennent and 'abstracts from Meteorological observations'.

Major-General Sir Henry James (1803-1877) of the Royal Engineers, British army officer, Director General of the Ordnance Survey, 1854-1875 [ Sir Emerson Tennent (1804-1869); Sir John Fox Burgoyne]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Ordnance Map Office, Southampton. 20 November 1856.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Sir John F. Burgoyne. | Bart:'. He is sending 'a copy of the Abstracts from Meteorological observations taken at our Foreign stations, in which Sir Emerson Tennent will find the abstract from the observations taken at Columbo in the year 1853-4'. He is also sending abstracts from subsequent years which 'have not yet been printed'.

[ Sir Andrew Noble, Scottish physicist. ] Offprint of paper titled 'A Sketch of the History of Propellants'. [ With account of discussion featuring H. A. Greer, Herbert B. Rowell, Professor Archibald Barr and Sir James Williamson. ]

Sir Andrew Noble, Bart., K.C.B., F.R.S., D.Sc., Sc.D., D.C.L. [ Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland; H. A. Greer; Herbert B. Rowell; Professor Archibald Barr; Sir James Williamson ]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland (incorporated). Glasgow: Fraser, Asher & Co. Ltd., Printers and Publishers, 164 Howard Street. 1909.

20pp., 12mo. Stapled in grey printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged, in worn wraps. The paper was 'Read 4th August, 1909.' Containing five tables.

Printed 'Clarion Pamphlet, No. 11.': 'Lecture on Agriculture. Read before the Balloon Society of London on February 3rd, 1893.'

Sir A. Cotton, Madras Engineers [ Sir Arthur Thomas Cotton (1803-1899); The Clarion Newspaper Company, London ]
Publication details: 
Third Edition, with Appendices. Pubnlished by the "Clarion" Newspaper Company, Limited, 72, Fleet Street, E.C. 1896.

32pp., 12mo. In faded green printed wraps with full title and advertisements. Disbound. In good condition, on aged high-acidity paper in brittle slightly-chipped wraps. The first edition was published in 1893 in Dorking by R. J. Clark. This third edition includes new material in seven appendices, pp.19-32, beginning with 'Results in 1893 - A year of drought.' Now scarce.

[ Sir A. D. Campbell, Chief Engineer, 9 Corps. ] Copy of 'SECRET' report titled 'C.E.'s Notes on 9 Corps Operations in TUNISIA April-May 1943'. With maps.

Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell (1899-1980), Chief Engineer, 9 Corps [ British First Army, Tunisia Campaign [ Battle of Tunisia; Run for Tunis ] 1942-1943, in the Second World War; North Africa ]
Publication details: 
'COPY No. 8'. 'FIELD. | 18 May 43'. [ 1943 ]

[2] + 28pp., 8vo. In buff card folder. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear, and slight rust staining from the metal tips of the ties used to attach the pages to the covers. Both the folder and title-page number the copy '8' in blue pencil. With five fold-out maps, the first three picked out in colours, titled: 'Battle of Fondouk', 'Battles of Goubellat Plain & Tunis', 'Later Phase of Battle of Tunis', 'Trace showing principal German Minefields Bou Arada - Medjez el Bab - Tunis' and 'Trace showing typical German Minefield encountered'.

[ General Sir Charles Grey, Private Secretary to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Grey'), on behalf of Prince Albert, to unnamed individual, regarding gifts of a photograph of Folkestone Harbour, and a book on Malta.

General Sir Charles Grey (1804-1870), Private Secretary to Albert, Prince of Wales, and Queen Victoria
Publication details: 
Buckingham Palace [London]. 20 February 1858.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Thanking him for 'the Photograph of Folkestone harbour, & the volumes you have sent on the subjects of Malta, & the Order of St. John. [by Major-General Whitworth Porter (1827-1892) of the Royal Engineers]'. Prince Albert had intended to buy the book, but will take pleasure in accepting the copy the recipient of the letter has 'had so handsomely bound'.

[Pamphlet.] The Education of Engineers in America, Germany, and Switzerland. Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Meeting of the Institutution of Mechanical Engineers, in London, 24th April 1903.

Professor W. E. Dalby [William Ernest Dalby], M.I.Mech.E. [J. Hartley Wicksteed, President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers]
Publication details: 
Published by the Institution, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park, Westminster, S.W. [1903.]

69pp., 8vo, paginated 281 to 349. In brown printed card covers. With shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, otherwise in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

[Lieutenant General Archibald Robertson of Lawers.] Manuscript 'Extract from Decree Arbitral by Adam Rolland Esq | In the Submission between Mrs. Catherine Austen or Robertson and The Trustee of Lieut General Archd. Robertson of Lawer'.

Lieutenant-General Archibald Robertson (1745-1813) of Lawers, Perthshire [Adam Rolland]
Publication details: 
[Scotland.] Made 19 December 1814; recorded 1833.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Docketted on reverse of second leaf, including the information that this is the second recording (the first being made at the time of the document in 1814). The extract ('Sexto') concerns the payment of an 'Annuity of Eleven hundred pounds Sterling bequeathed to he said Mrs. Catherine Robertson by the said Lieut. General Archibald Robertson'. Robertson is the subject of a portrait by George Romney, now in the Museum of Fine Art, St Petersburg, Florida.

[Mimeographed typescript.] I.E.E.T.E. London Meeting. Future Developments in Television.

F. C. McLean, C.B.E., B.Sc., M.I.E.E., Director of Engineering, British Broadcasting Corporation [The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers Limited; BBC]
Publication details: 
[The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers Limited] I.E.E. Lecture Theatre, Savoy Place, London, W.C.2. 1966.

[1] + 14 pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with last leaf loose. '16 DEC 1965' stamped on title and first page. Discussing such issues as 'colour service', 'improvements in performance of receivers' and 'Recording of television signals'. From the archive of Pat Hawker, and marked up by him. No other copy traced

[Printed paper.] The 1988 Mountbatten Memorial Lecture. A Revolution in Communications.

Sir William Barlow, F.Eng [The 1988 Mountbatten Memorial Lecture; Institution of Electrical Engineers; National Electronics Council, London;
Publication details: 
'Lecture to be presented at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London on Wednesday 2nd November at 6.00pm. Sponsored by the National Electronics Council.'

8pp., foolscap 8vo. Nine photographic illustrations in text. Stapled into printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight spotting to front cover. Scare: no copy on COPAC and the only copy on OCLC WorldCat at New York Public Library. From the Pat Hawker archive.

Printed handbill headed 'Tradesmen wanted. Join the Royal Engineers of the Territorial Army Field Force and make use of your technical knowledge.' With 'Rates of Pay during Training or on Service' for twenty-one trades.

[The Royal Engineers of the Territorial Army Field Force; London Divisional Engineers, Duke of York's Headquarters, King's Road, Chelsea, London; British Army]
Publication details: 
The Headquarters, London Divisional Engineers, Duke of York's Headquarters, King's Road, Chelsea. [1940s.] Printed by 'W. W. S. & CO., LTD.'

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight wear and few short closed tears. An interesting artefact, reflecting the postwar British manpower shortage. The heading is all in block capitals, with 'TRADESMEN WANTED' across the top.

[Printed Second World War pamphlet.] Homeward Bound. Issued by the Quartermaster General's Branch (Movements Directorate) G.H.Q. (India). Cover and sketches by Capt. A. S. Morris, R.E.

The Quartermaster General's Branch (Movements Directorate) G.H.Q. (India) [Brigadier V. Boucher; Captain A. S. Morris, Royal Engineers]
Publication details: 
'GIPD - M 2079 Army - 12-12-44 - 5,000.' 12 December 1944.

[6] + 28pp., 12mo. In coloured illustrative wraps. Morris's illustrations are light and fresh, the first being a caricature of 'the enemy': a sour-looking bespectacled Japanese army officer. The first section, which it illustrates, is on 'Security' and concludes: 'Remember that in disposing of household effects, releasing servants from employment, etc., you may easily give away too much information.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Training of the Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Spotter. By Major L. E. C. M. Perowne, R.E. (Revised Edition.)

Major L. E. C. M. Perowne, R.E. [Major-General Lancelot Edgar Connop Mervyn Perowne (1902-1982), Royal Engineers, Commander, 17th Gurkha Division]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated. [A revised reprint from The Royal Engineers Journal, September 1938.]

24pp., 8vo, with one extra plate on art paper, and five full pages of diagrams in text. Stapled, in blue printed wraps. With two ownership inscriptions on the wraps, both of Royal Artillery personnel: the first of S. M. Dawes, and the second of '483 S/L Batt RA', i.e. Jack Lynden Batt (b.1922), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery. This offprint is excessively scare, with no copies listed on COPAC or WorldCat.

Typewritten draft ('Provisional Specification') by George William Dennistoun Scott of his patent application for 'Improvements in or relative to variable speed reducing gears', with manuscript descriptions of the invention, initialed by him.

George William Dennistoun Scott, engineer and inventor [Patents Office; inventions;motor car bicycles; bicycling]
George William Dennistoun Scott, engineer and inventor
Publication details: 
Draft dated 26 May 1905. [London.]
George William Dennistoun Scott, engineer and inventor

A native of Derby, Scott is a notable figure in the history of the development of the bicycle. In 1878, together with George Henry Phillott, he seems to have received the first practicable patent (No. 860 of 1878) for an epicyclic change-speed gear for cycles. All items clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The typewritten draft, in blue ink, with a few manuscript corrections, covers two folio pages.

[Inscribed pamphlet.] The Society of Engineers. Inaugural Address of the President, Arthur Thomas Walmisley, Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers; Fellow of King's College, London. Delivered at the Town Hall, Westminster, 6th February, 1888.

Arthur Thomas Walmisley, President of the Society of Engineers [College for Civil Engineers and of General Scientific and Practical Education]
Arthur Thomas Walmisley,
Publication details: 
1888. E. & F. N. Spon, 125, Strand, London. [London: Printed by Wm. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.]
Arthur Thomas Walmisley,

8vo, 40 pp. In original grey printed wraps. Unopened. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight wear to wraps and negligible worming to margins. Presentation copy from the author.

Manuscript Memorandum, in English, docketed 'General Bernard's information respecting ettiquette [sic] of the french Court'.

Baron Simon Bernard (1779-1839), French general of engineers, who did much military work for the United States government
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

Written in a neat, close hand (not Bernard's) on one page (the recto of the first leaf of a 12mo bifolium). Twenty-one lines. Text clear and complete. On aged, grubby and lightly-creased paper.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Lennox" (Sir Wilbraham Oates Lennox, Royal Engineers (see DNB)). WITH related material.

C.W. Wilson and some important papers [CHARLES WILLIAM WILSON], Major-General.
Publication details: 
War Office, 12 May 1873.

Director of the Topographical Department at the War Office (1836-1905)(see DNB). Two pages, 8vo, fold marks but good condition. "I send you today the remainder of the plans you left with me; and a translation of the letter press on those of the environs of Vienna. The plans of the defences of Vienna during the war of /66 are very interesting and I should be glad to have them for the Topo: if you will present them to the Dept: after you have finished with them.

The Institution of Junior Engineers. Founded 1884. [...] Presidential Address delivered by Archibald Denny, Esq. M.Inst.N.A. At the Inaugural Meeting of the Fifteenth Session, Held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, London, on [...] 1st November, 1895.

Sir Archibald Denny (1860-1936), Scottish shipbuilder who chaired the British enquiry into the sinking of the Titanic [The Institution of Junior Engineers]
Publication details: 
Record of Transactions. Part I. Volume 6. Published by the Institution, 47 Fentiman Road, London, S.W. [1895].

8vo: 16 pp. Stapled and unbound, in original blue printed wraps. Good, with light spotting, in stained, spotted wraps. Rust stains from staples. Ownership inscription of H. J. Young, dated November 1895, on front wrap. Advises his audience on 'the education proper for a budding Engineer', 'a lad who intends to tread the higher walks of theh profession'. Moves from apprenticeship to the positions of chief draughtsman and manager, before ending with observations on the 'combination of qualities' required by the 'successful business man'.

Twelve Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed to George Kenneth Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts; two Typed Letters Signed by Menzies with manuscript reply by Denny; one initialed Autograph Note by Denny; one R.S.A. circular.

Sir Archibald Denny
Publication details: 
1917 to 1926; the first three letters on William Denny & Brothers, Dumbarton, letterhead; the last ten letters on letterheads of Spencer House, Park Side, Wimbledon, S.W.19.

Scottish naval architect (1860-1936) and shipbuilder, President of the Institute of Marine Engineers. Seventeen items, various formats. In good condition though dusty and creased. Several items docketed and bearing the R.S.A. stamp. Correspondence indicates Denny's involvement in the R.S.A. matters (lecturing, serving on council, etc). LETTER ONE (30 January 1917): Asks for a dozen copies of the R.S.A. Journal. 'We have in our Works here Committees of Workmen collecting money for war charities and I am anxious to let them read Mr.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed (all three 'A. W. Pimm') on 'loco matters' to King.

Arthur Watson Pimm [A. W. Pimm] (b.1881), locomotive engineer and inventor [H. G. King of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers; Sir W G Armstrong Whitworth & Co Ltd; Vickers; LNER; LMS Railways]
Publication details: 
Autograph Letters: 14 October and 18 December 1942. Typed Letter: 4 November 1942. All three from 5 Oakhill Road, Orpington, Kent.

Text of all three letters clear and entire. A well-written and well-informed correspondence relating to 'locomotive matters'. Letter One (14 October 1942): Manuscript. Foolscap, 4 pp. Good, on aged high-acidity paper. 'Knowing, and to some extent, at least, sharing' King's 'interest in loco matters', Pimm informs him that the Ministry of Supply 'have ordered 360 L.M.S. mixed traffics generally like the 227 that AW's [Armstrong Whitworth] bill as their last order'.

Watt and the Measurement of Power. Being the Watt Anniversary Lecture delivered before The Greenock Philosophical Society, 5 February, 1897.

Sir William Henry Preece (1834-1913), 'Engineer-in-Chief and Electrician, General Post Office, London; Vice-President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.'
Publication details: 
London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 1897.

8vo: 13 pp. Stitched. In original cream printed wraps. On aged, spotted paper, in heavily worn wraps. Facsimile of handwriting at head of front wrap reads 'With the Author's Compliments'. Two diagrams in text.

Collection of six items, including publicity material, invoice and receipt, some relating to an order for a house in East Sheen, Surrey.

J. W. Gray & Son, Limited. 'Lightning Conductor Experts. Electrical Engineers. Steeplejacks. Chimney Shaft Builders & Repairers. Church Steeple Restorers. Flagstaff Makers & Erectors.'
Publication details: 

The collection of six items, with an envelope, is in good condition. An interesting sidelight into 1930s business practice, and an insight into an unusual business concern. First, copy of letter, 14 November 1930 (4to: 1 p), to the firm from Percy L. Young of Messrs H. Young & Co. Constructional Engineers, confirming a verbal order 'for the installation and supply of lightning conductors' to 2 Orchard Rise, Sheen Common Drive, East Sheen.

Offprint of article entitled 'Protection Against Lightning. What is a lightning conductor? How does it protect against lightning? And how should it be applied to be effective?'

Alfred Hands [J. W. Gray & Son, Lightning Conductor Experts]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from "The Field" newspaper, May 16th, 1914.'

8vo: ii + 14 pp. Unbound. Stapled and in original brown printed wraps. Very good on art paper. Six photographic illustrations, including 'Clothing of a man struck by lightning' and 'Farm-house at Whaddon, near Stamford, struck and practically wrecked by lightning.' Hands is described as 'Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, Member of the Astronomical Society of France, Senior Partner of J. W.

Inauguration du Nouvel Hotel de la Societe; le 14 Janvier 1897.

M. A. Mallet; M. F. Delmas; Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France [Civil Engineering]
Publication details: 
Paris: Aulanier et Cie, Editeurs; 13, Rue Bonaparte, 13. [Imprimerie de la Construction Moderne.] 1897.

Octavo: 27 pages. A rather nice production, with nine double-page plates, frontispiece and double-page table. Unbound. In original grey printed wraps, with gold foil seal of the society laid down as part of cover design. Good, in lightly aged wraps. Some tissue guards. Two essays: 'La Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France de 1848 a 1896' by M. A. Mallet, and 'Le Nouvel Hotel de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France' by M. F. Delmas ('Architecte de la Societe').

On the Drawing Office. Received 13th March, 1895; Read 26th March, 1895.

Sir Archibald Denny (1860-1936), Scottish shipbuilder who chaired a 1912 British committee to investigate the Titanic sinking [Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland (Incorporated)]
Publication details: 
Offprint 'Reprinted from the Transactions of the Institution.'; Glasgow: Wm. Asher, Central Printing Works, 80 Gordon St. 1895.

Thirteen pages, octavo, and fold-out 'PLATE XXI' (eight and a half inches by twenty-two and a half wide), with nine illustrations, headed 'THE DRAWING OFFICE BY MR. ARCHIBALD DENNY.', by Robert Gardner & Co., Engineering Lithographers, Glasgow. Unbound and stapled. Good, on aged and lightly foxed paper. Original pink printed wraps detached, chipped and with minor loss. PRESENTATION COPY, with front wrap (which has minor offsetting in ink) headed in pencil 'With the Authors Compts'. Ownership inscription of 'H. J. Young | Nov: '95' at head of first page.

Typed Note Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

William Henry Patchell
Publication details: 
12 August 1922; on letterhead '64, Victoria Street, | Westminster, | London, S.W.1.'

British engineer (1862-1932), President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and for thirteen years 'Engineer-in-Chief, Charing Cross, West End, and City Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd'. One page, quarto. Very good. Thanks Menzies for a copy of the Society's journal, 'including Dr. Crowley's Paper with my contribution'. Signed 'W. H. Patchell'.

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