[Philip Webb [Philip Speakman Webb], Arts and Crafts architect and Pre-Raphaelite.] Autograph Letter Signed (or draft?) to J. R. Holliday, discussing the difficulties of bookplate design.

Philip Webb [Philip Speakman Webb] (1831-1915), Arts and Crafts architect, Pre-Raphaelite, associate of William Morris [James Richardson Holliday (1840-1927), art collector; Sir Sydney Cockerell]
Publication details: 
31 August 1901. Caxtons [at Worth, near Crawley, Sussex].

An interesting letter, in which Webb sets out his approach to bookplate design. According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, ‘By 1899 Webb was in poor health and losing money. His meagre savings were insufficient to build a cottage, so he accepted Caxtons, a four-bedroom sixteenth-century yeoman's house at Worth, near Crawley, Sussex, offered at a selflessly low rental by his friend William Scawen Blunt.’ For the context of the present letter, see the letter from Webb to Sydney Cockerell, 1 September 1902, in volume 3 of John Apin’s edition of Webb’s letters.

[Lord Nuffield [William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffield], motor manufacturer and philanthropist.] Typed Letter Signed, thanking the Provost of Oriel College, Oxford [Sir David Ross], for his co-operation with regard to Nuffield's trusts.

Lord Nuffield [William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffield] (1877-1963), motor manufacturer and philanthropist, proprietor of Morris Motors [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross], Vice-Chancellor of Oxford]
Publication details: 
16 October 1944. On letterhead of Cowley, Oxford.

See his entry, and that of Ross, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. On blue paper. Folded twice for postage. Ross is not named, the letter being addressed to him as ‘The Provost, / Oriel College, / Oxford.’ Bold signature: ‘Nuffield’.

[‘The Darling of the Halls’: George Robey [Sir George Edward Wade], comedian, singer and music-hall performer.] Autograph Inscription, with Signature, to an Autograph Portrait Cartoon, as a red-nosed clown. With Autograph Signature of Lily Morris.

George Robey [Sir George Edward Wade] (1869-1954), ‘The Darling of the Halls’, comedian, singer and music hall performer [Lily Morris [Lilles Mary Crosby] (1882-1952), music hall artiste]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

A very nice piece of musichall ephemera: a signed self-caricature by one of its leading lights. See Robey’s entry in the Oxford DNB. On a 7 x 8.75 cm piece of card, cut from a plain printed postcard. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of the four paper label mounts on reverse. On the front, which is entirely plain apart from Robey’s writing, is his Autograph Inscription, in a close hand with stylized signature: ‘Good luck. Geo Robey.’ This is at the foot of the page, beneath a well-executed self-caricature in blue and red ink.

[Jack Rosenthal, playwright and television dramatist (including eight years on ‘Coronation Street’.] Two photographs of Rosenthal while teaching the residential writer course at Fen Farm, Suffolk, each with signed caption by organizer Sally Worboyes

Jack Rosenthal [Jack Morris Rosenthal] (1931-2004), playwright and television dramatist (including eight years on ‘Coronation Street’), husband of actress Maureen Lipman [Sally Worboyes, Fen Farm]
Publication details: 
1992. Fen Farm, Suffolk.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The two items are from the papers of Sally Worboyes, organiser of the residential arts courses at her home, Fen Farm in Suffolk, who has provided a signed caption on the reverse of both of the prints. Both colour prints. ONE: 23 x 16 cm photograph, in Landscape. Slightly creased at corners. A relaxed Rosenthal, in plaid shirt, jeans and trainers, seated on the steps of a farm outhouse, with five students and Warboyes grouped around him. On the reverse: ‘Jack Rosenthal / with his students / Sally Worboyes’.

[Anne Cobden-Sanderson; suffragette; Hammersmith Publishing Company] Pro Forma Invoice [Printed Heading] Bought of the Hammersmith Publishing Company sent to anarchist Ambrose Barker.

[Anne Cobden-Sanderson; suffragette; Hammersmith Publishing Company]
Publication details: 
River House Hammersmith [handwritten]; printed 7 Hammersmith Terrace, W. excised. See image

Obl.12mo, 20 x 13cm, foxing but text legible. Dated 6 Oct 1903 with details in Anne Cobden-Sanderson's hand (as other handwritten detail) of two items purchased by Barker, both by J.W. Mackail and printed at the Chiswick Press: Socialism & Politics and Parting of the Ways. I've found no substantial discussion of the Hammersmith Publishing Company. See image for full text.

[Sir Edward Morris [as Lord Morris], Prime Minister of Newfoundland.] Typed Letter Signed ('Morris') to Mrs Eustace Hills, accepting her invitation to 'say a few words in connection with the work ahead for women in Empire Citizenship'.

Sir Edward Morris [Edward Patrick Morris, 1st Baron Morris] (1859-1935), Prime Minister of Newfoundland, 1909-1917 [Mrs Eustace Hills, Vice President, Lend-a-Hand Club, London]
Publication details: 
17 October 1924; 3 Heath Drive, Hampstead, N.W.3 [London].

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Bold signature in light-blue ink. He has not forgotten the 'very pleasant meeting' he had with Hills and her husband when she was on a trip to Newfoundland, and will be 'very pleased to accept your kind invitation for luncheon on the 5th November, and say a few words in connection with the work ahead for women in Empire Citizenship'. He assumes that the invitation extends to his wife.

[ Arthur Caddick; poet; pamphlet ] The Speech of Phantoms. Crescendo Poetry Series No 1

Arthur Caddick
Publication details: 
Sept 1 1951. Printed and Published at The Latin Press, St Ives, the Private Press of Guido Morris.

Pamphlet, [16]pp. (inc.wraps). 8vo. beige wraps, sl. grubby, mainly v.g.

[Vertès, Hungarian-French costume designer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vertès') to 'Cher M. Ede', accompanying a Typed Signed Article on his oscar-winning collaboration with John Huston on the 1952 film 'Moulin Rouge'. Both documents in French.

Vertès [Marcel Vertès] (1895-1961), Hungarian-French costume designer and illustrator, winner of two Academy Awards [John Huston (1906-1987), American film director; Eliot Elisofon; Oswald Morris]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 4 January 1954. No place. Typed account without date or place.

Vertès won two Oscars for his work on John Huston's 1952 biography of Toulouse-Lautrec, 'Moulin Rouge': Best Art Direction (with Paul Sheriff) and Best Costume Design. The second of the present two items is an article Ede had invited Vertès to write on his role in the film; the first is the covering letter with which it was sent. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed to 'Cher M. Ede'. 4 January 1954. 2pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He is enclosing 'le petit texte', which he hopes will be to Ede's taste.

[ Cuthbert Kelly and the New English Singers. ] Autograph Signatures of the six members of the ensemble, including Dorothy Silk, Nellie Carson Mary Morris and Kelly himself.

Cuthbert Kelly, Director, The New English Singers; Dorothy Silk (1883-1942); Nellie Carson; Mary Morris
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 2 March 1934.

On one side of an 11.5 x 17.5 cm page removed from an album, dated 2 March 1934 and headed 'THE NEW ENGLISH SINGERS'. In good condition, lightly aged. To the right of the page are the signatures of 'Dorothy Silk' and 'Nellie Carson' (sopranos), and 'Martin ' and 'Mary Morris'; to the left are those of 'Vernon and 'Cuthbert Kelly' (bass). According to Chapter One of 'The Travel Diaries of Peter Pears, 1936-1978' (1999), titled 'American Tour with the New English Singers (1936)', the ensemble was 'a vocal sextet specializing in Elizabethan madrigals and English folksongs.

[ Edward Morris Erskine, diplomat. ] 'Private' Autograph Letter Signed ('E. M. Erskine') to the Hon. George Elliot, regarding the death of his father the Earl of Minto, his 'grievance' against Lord John Russell, and the Risorgimento.

Edward Morris Erskine (1817-1883), diplomat [ George Elliot [ George Francis Stewart Elliot ] (1822-1901), son of Gilbert Elliot (1782-1859), 2nd Earl of Minto ]
Publication details: 
Stockholm; 3 September 1859.

7pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition, on aged paper. First page headed 'Private'. Docketed by Elliot 'My Father's death'. An excellent letter casting interesting light on the machinations of the Liberal government. Erskine is attempting something requiring all of his diplomatic tact: sending appropriate condolences to Elliot on his father's death before turning to his 'own concerns': the putting of his case to Elliot as the brother-in-law of the Foreign Secretary Lord John Russell, on the question of his 'grievance' against Russell and the Foreign Office.

[ A. G. Morris & G. F.Norton. ] Typescript of their play 'King's Freedom', with covering letter to film maker Percy Nash, regarding censorship following the Abdication of Edward VIII, and Compton Mackenzie.

A. G. Morris [ Arthur Morris ] and G. F. Norton [ Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), pioneering British film director; King Edward VIII; Abdication, 1936; Compton Mackenzie, novelist ]
Publication details: 
The play undated, and 'the property of A. G. MORRIS Eastquantoxhead, near Bridgwater, Somerset'. Morris's letter on letterhead of East Quantoxhead Rectory, 21 March 1939.

PLAY: 108pp., 4to. On rectos only. Attached with green ribbon in card folder. Information about characters given in manuscript. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn folder. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Signed 'Arthur Morris'. On aged and creased paper. Presumably referring to his collaborator, he begins the letter: 'Fred writes to say that you have a friend, who might be interested in our Play. It is kind of you to bother. I still believe in the poor old play, but we had a nasty shock when Edward abdicated!

[ Colin Morris, playwright. ] Typescript of his play 'Reluctant Heroes'.

Colin Morris (1916-1996), English playwright and actor
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London? Circa 1951. ]

108pp., 4to. On rectos only. In brown card covers. In fair condition, lightly aged, with bottom of front cover (probably pr`eviously carrying agent's details) cut away. 'RELUCTANT HEROES' is typed onto the cover, with 'by | Colin Morris' added in manuscript (probably by Morris himself). The play, Morris's most famous farce, was acted in London in 1950 (published version by the English Theatre Guild in the following year), and turned into a film, with a script by the playwright in 1951.

The Defence of Guenevere and other Poems by William Morris. Illustrated by Jessie M. King.

William Morris and Jessie M. King [ Isabel Bonus ]
Publication details: 
London and New York: John Lane The Bodley Head. 1904.

8vo. 310pp. Red cloth, gilt extra, with ornate design to front board and spine. First edition with King's illustrations. A good copy of an extremely attractive book, in binding with light fading in parts, but gilt still bright, and with the merest wear at head of spine. Bookplate by Isabel Bonus for Annie C. Dolamore. Collated and complete. All of King's ninety-five illustrations are present, with twenty-four of them, including the frontispiece, on shiny art paper. A sumptuous item, produced at the high point of King's Art Nouveau period.

[ Printed pamphlet with signed inscription by the author. ] "Gilds and their Functions." A Paper read before the Society of Arts, January 29th, 1873. Thos. Webster, Q.C., F.R.S., in the chair.

John Yeats, LL.D. [ The Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
A Paper read before the Society of Arts, January 29th, 1873. Thos. Webster, Q.C., F.R.S., in the chair.

34pp., 12mo. Drophead title, with subtitle: 'A Paper read before the Society of Arts, January 29th, 1873. Thos. Webster, Q.C., F.R.S., in the chair. For details of the discussion, &c., see Journal of the Society, No. 1054, Vol. xxi.' Disbound and without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Inscription at head of first page reads: 'With kind regards to Mr Cooper, | from | John Yeats'. The only copy on COPAC at Oxford University, and now excessively scarce.

[ Alfred John Hewins, Barmouth artist. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'A. J. Hewins') to the Arts and Crafts patron Laurence William Hodson, discussing the Welsh landscape, the Second Boer War, and the renovation of a house.

Alfred John Hewins of Barmouth (Gwynned, Wales), artist and art teacher [ Laurence William Hodson of Compton Hall, patron of the Arts and Crafts movement and friend of William Morris]
Publication details: 
14 September and 27 December 1899, and 3 May 1906. The first two from Barmouth [Gwynned, North Wales], the last from 1 Victoria Place, Barmouth.

Totalling 10pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. ONE: 14 September 1899. 4pp., 12mo. He was pleased to receive Hodson's letter from Southwold, and reports on the 'Abraham sale', and 'talk of a tram line being made to Mochras' ('all fudge & nonsense').

[Printed volume, with autograph poem from Meyerstein presenting the volume to Mrs Margaret Scott-Snell.] Wade's Boat. By E. H. W. Meyerstein.

E. H. W. Meyerstein [Edward Harry William Meyerstein] (1889-1952), scholar and poet [Mrs. Margaret Scott-Snell, mother of the author and illustrator Edward Scott-Snell (latterly Edward Godwin)]
Publication details: 
London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, W. [London] 1921. ['Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury, England.']

[2] + 77pp., small 4to. A good tight copy, on lightly-aged paper, with foxing to pp.40-41. In original lightly-worn grey paper boards, with white printed labels on cover and spine. Autograph correction by Meyerstein on p.72. Meyerstein's autograph presentation poem is on the front free endpaper, and is dated by him, in decorative style, to 1949.

[Catholic Revival; L.W. Hodson, patron of Arts and Crafts movement.] Corrected Autograph copy of substantial Letter by him to P. L.Gell, on subject of 'the appeal to churchmen to uphold the principles of the Reformation'. With two press cuttings.

Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934) of Compton Hall, near Wolverhampton, brewer, connoisseur and patron of the Arts and Crafts movement [Lt Col. Philip Lyttleton Gell (1852-1926)]
Publication details: 
Hodson's letter on letterhead of Bradbourne Hall, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. 10 November 1923.

The three items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is 6pp., 4to, with emendations and deletions, and marked by Hodson 'Copy' at the head of the first page. In envelope annotated by Hodson: 'Copy of a letter to Lt. Col. P. Lyttleton Gell, J.P. | The Catholic Revival. In order to make his point of view clear, he begins by stating: 'I may say that I was born in London & my mother took me to such churches as S. Alban's Holborn, S. Michael's Shoreditch, All Saints, Margaret St.

Autograph Signature of the Scottish critic and translator William Archer, on a receipt from the Authors' Syndicate.

William Archer (1856-1924), Scottish critic and translator of Henrik Ibsen [William Morris Colles (1865-1926), literary agent, founder in 1890 of the Authors' Syndicate]
Publication details: 
[The Authors' Syndicate, Ltd., 3-7 Southampton Street, Strand, London.] 6 December 1906.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and dusty paper. The receipt, for £19 5s 4d, is printed, and completed in manuscript in another hand. Archer has signed over a red tax stamp: 'William Archer | 7/12/06'. Stamped, and numbered '2801' in blue pencil. In top right-hand corner, in the same hand as the receipt: 'C. B. 215'.

Original 45rpm record of 'South African Freedom Songs', sung by Pete Seeger, Robert Harter, Garrett Morris, Guy Carawan, Ned Wright, with booklet of words and music, with 'Notes by Peter Seeger'.

Peter Seeger; Folkways Records, New York [South African; Pete Seeger, Robert Harter, Garrett Morris, Guy Carawan, Ned Wright]
Publication details: 
Folways Records and Service Corp., 117W. 46th St. NYC USA. [1960.]

In black 19.5 cm square sleeve, with striking cover design showing the aftermath of Sharpeville, and notice 'The American Committee on Africa receives royalties from the sale of this record.' The four songs are Tina Sizwe (We, The Brown Nation); Nkosi Waqcine (God Save the Volunteers); Asikatali (We Do Not Care If We Go To Prison); Liyashizwa (Pass-Burning Song). Very good, lightly-aged, with the record itself (in brown paper sleeve) seemingly unplayed. The twelve-page booklet is stapled, with illustrated cover and three photographs of the Sharpville Massacre.

Six printed promotional items for 'The Collected Works of William Morris, to be issued in twenty-four volumes under the editorship of Miss May Morris' by Longmans, Green & Co, comprising prospectuses, specimen pages and engravings, and an order form.

[William Morris; May Morris; Kelmscott Press; Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Longmans, Green & Company; fine printing; typography]
Publication details: 
London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910.

An interesting collection of typographical ephemera. ONE: Landscape 8vo wood engraving, captioned 'This illustration, entitled "Psyche in Charon's Boat," was engraved on wood by William Morris from a design by Edward Burne-Jones and forms one of a series in illustration of the story of Cupid and Psyche in "The Earthly Paradise." It is proposed to issue one or two of these designs, which have never been published, though one of them formed the frontispiece to the "Note on the Kelmscott Press" by Mr. S. C. Cockerell.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Five documents relating to the application of Lord Chorley for the lectureship in Evidence, Procedure and Criminal Law at the Inns of Court School of Law, including letters of recommendation from Lord Wright and Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders.

Robert Alderson Wright (1869-1964), Baron Wright [Lord Wright, Master of the Rolls, 1935-37]; Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders (1886-1966) [Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley (1895-1978), 1st Baron Chorley]
Publication details: 
London. 1952.

The five items are in good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Items One and Two: Typed drafts of a 'Statement of Qualifications', headed 'Lord Chorley's application for appointment to the lectureship in Evidence, Procedure and Criminal Law.' Both 2pp., 4to. Slightly different in layout, and with few (if any) textual differences. After describing his career Chorley writes: 'Although my chief legal study has been commercial law I had experience of teaching Evidence, Procedure and Criminal Law at the Law Society's School.

[Printed Second World War pamphlet.] Homeward Bound. Issued by the Quartermaster General's Branch (Movements Directorate) G.H.Q. (India). Cover and sketches by Capt. A. S. Morris, R.E.

The Quartermaster General's Branch (Movements Directorate) G.H.Q. (India) [Brigadier V. Boucher; Captain A. S. Morris, Royal Engineers]
Publication details: 
'GIPD - M 2079 Army - 12-12-44 - 5,000.' 12 December 1944.

[6] + 28pp., 12mo. In coloured illustrative wraps. Morris's illustrations are light and fresh, the first being a caricature of 'the enemy': a sour-looking bespectacled Japanese army officer. The first section, which it illustrates, is on 'Security' and concludes: 'Remember that in disposing of household effects, releasing servants from employment, etc., you may easily give away too much information.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd. Morris') from the philologist Rev. Richard Morris, Headmaster of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, to J. T. Baron of Blackburn, giving publication details of two of his works.

Rev. Richard Morris (1833-1894), English philologist, Headmaster of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, 1875-1888
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, Wood Green, London. 10 June 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed by Morris to Baron at 18 Griffin Street, Witton, Blackburn. Morris begins by giving details of the availability of his 'Etymology of Local Names' and 'Historical Outlines', before informing Baron (a brazen autograph hunter) that he does not know 'Wm. Morris' Address, but a letter addressed to him & sent to his publisher would be forwarded'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Phil. R. Morris') from the marine artist Philip R. Morris [to S. C. Hall], discussing his difficulty in finding someone to propose him for the Royal Academy.

Philip R. Morris [Philip Richard Morris] (1836-1902), English genre and marine artist [S. C. Hall [Samuel Carter Hall] (1800-1889), Anglo-Irish editor of the Art Journal; Royal Academy of Arts]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Junior Athenaeum Club, Piccadilly. 30 January 1874.

4pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He gives his 'best thanks' for his correspondent's 'watchful kindness'. As his 'acquaintance with Academicians is very limited', he has 'not yet solicited any one to propose me at the R.A.', and he 'would gladly accept Mr. E. M. Ward's obliging offer - and think Mr. G. D. Leslie or Mr Dobson would second me'. He made 'such a mistake' the previous evening, by going to the Vestry Hall, Chelsea. He found, 'on reading the circular again how I had erred'.

Initialled corrected Autograph Copy by George Colman the Younger for his brother-in-law David Morris, of a letter [to S. J. Arnold?], written during Colman's chancery dispute with Morris, his business partner at the Haymarket Theatre, London.

George Colman the Younger (1762-1836), English dramatist, joint-manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London, with Thomas Harris
Publication details: 
'7 March 1815 | Melina Place Westr Road'.

1p., 4to. 31 lines. Fair, on aged paper. On paper with watermarked date of 1814. Initialled 'G. C.'; with the words 'Copy to Morris' in the top left-hand corner. Docketed on reverse 'Copy to Morris March 1815'. Colman writes that is is now his intention, 'as it ever has been, to use every effort in my power for the interest of the Theatre, by carrying on the business in the best manner that the continual obstacles opposed to my plans will permit'. He states that he is 'in treaty with various Performers for the approaching Summer'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John C Hamilton') from John Church Hamilton, son of founding father Alexander Hamilton, to the poet Col. George Pope Morris, regarding disputed points following the sale of his house [Undercliff, Bull Hill [Mt Taurus], NYS].

John C. Hamilton [John Church Hamilton] (1792-1882), fifth child of founding father Alexander Hamilton (1755 or 1757-1804) [George P. Morris [George Pope Morris] (1802-1864), American editor and poet]
Publication details: 
New York; 4 July 1835.

3pp., 4to. 74 lines of text. Originally a bifolium, but with the two leaves now separate. Good, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'George P Morris Esq. | Cold Spring.' The reference in the letter to Morris having 'cut down the wood' around his property is ironic, given that he is most famous for the poem/song 'Woodman! Spare that Tree!' Hamilton begins by stating that he has seen 'Mr. Robinson', who will see Morris on the subject of buying Morris's house. Hamilton considers Morris's price of $8000 for his house 'very cheap'.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'Chas. Hamilton', informing Henry Dundas that 'Doctor Morris of Parliament Street' has cured three men 'labouring under the same disorder which now afflicts our gracious Sovereign [King George III].

Charles Hamilton (1753-1828), 8th Earl of Haddington [Michael Morris (d.1791) MD; Henry Dundas (1742-1811), 1st Viscount Melville; the madness of King George III; John Sheldon (1752-1808), anatomist]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but written during the King's first attack, 1788-1789.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Text complete, on aged paper with a number of closed tears repaired with archival tape. The second leaf of the bifolium, lacking a strip at the top, is docketed 'Dr. Morris of Parliament Street's Success in curing Persons afflicted with Complaints similar to that which His Majesty labours under'. Considering the political content at the end of the letter, the author is probably Charles Hamilton, at the time of writing known by his courtesy title of Lord Binning.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Terlizzick') from William Morris Terlizzick, Devonport hairdresser and fishing tackle maker, inviting 'Captn. Devon' to try out his 'good made peal [sic] Flys and firm Tied ones'. With one of the flies, on a gut line.

William Morris Terlizzick (b.1817), hairdresser and fishing tackle maker, Devonport and Plymouth [Victorian angling; fly fishing]
William Morris Terlizzick (b.1817), hairdresser and fishing tackle maker
Publication details: 
9 July 1862; 'Golden Perch | Devonport'.
William Morris Terlizzick (b.1817), hairdresser and fishing tackle maker

12mo, 1 p. On bifolium. Thirteen lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged and creased paper, with slight rust marking from hooks. Semi-literate, and redolent of the area and period. He asks Devon (not Captain Thomas Barker Devon, RN, who had died in 1846) to 'pardon the Liberty I have taken in writen [sic]' to him. He knows 'the Great difficulty that Gentlemen have in Getting good made peal [sic] Flys and firm Tied ones', and is enclosing 'a few of my Own Making & you will Greatly Oblidge me by your Trying of them'.

[Printed illustrated handbill advertisement] A Graunde Fantesie Fayre schal be holden in a Marketynge Plaice in Ye Halles of Assemblie, or Jarratt Streete Roomes, situate in ye pleasaunte toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull.

[Christopher Sykes; Kingston-upon-Hull; M. C. Peck and Son; George Falkner and Sons, Manchester
Publication details: 
1881. 'Imprynted for Maister M. C. Peck and hys Sonne, in ye Market Gate, Number 10, in ye antiente toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull, by Maister George Falkner and hys Sonnes, of Manchester.'

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Printed in brown on watermarked laid paper. Fair, on aged paper. An exercise in Wardour Street English, foreshadowing in some respects the Leadenhall Press with its mish-mash of fonts and point sizes, and its antiquated decorative rules. The fair will be opened by 'Maister Christophere Sykes, Member of Parlymente for ye East Ryding of ye Countie of Yorkshire'. Names of the great and good expected to attend. Vignettes of a tudor fair, three medieval women, two jousting knights, a posy, chairmen, two men in eighteenth-century garb, a dinner table.

[Printed illustrated handbill advertisement] A Graunde Fantesie Fayre schal be holden in a Marketynge Plaice in Ye Halles of Assemblie, or Jarratt Streete Roomes, situate in ye pleasaunte toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull.

[Christopher Sykes; Kingston-upon-Hull; M. C. Peck and Son; George Falkner and Sons, Manchester
Hull: A Graunde Fantesie Fayre
Publication details: 
1881. 'Imprynted for Maister M. C. Peck and hys Sonne, in ye Market Gate, Number 10, in ye antiente toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull, by Maister George Falkner and hys Sonnes, of Manchester.'
Hull: A Graunde Fantesie Fayre

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Printed in brown on watermarked laid paper. Fair, on aged paper. An exercise in Wardour Street English, foreshadowing in some respects the Leadenhall Press with its mish-mash of fonts and point sizes, and its antiquated decorative rules. The fair will be opened by 'Maister Christophere Sykes, Member of Parlymente for ye East Ryding of ye Countie of Yorkshire'. Names of the great and good expected to attend. Vignettes of a tudor fair, three medieval women, two jousting knights, a posy, chairmen, two men in eighteenth-century garb, a dinner table.

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