[John Baldwin Buckstone, comic actor and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Manby, regarding the arrangements surrounding a bill and an insurance policy for ?300.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), dramatist and actor-manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London [Charles Manby (1804-84), Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]
Publication details: 
'T[heatre]. R[oyal]. Haymarket, [London] / 10 February 1854'.

See his entry, and Manby?s, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, on first leaf of bifolium, with the blank second leaf carrying traces of tape from the mount. Neatly folded for postage. Addressed to ?My dear Manby? and signed ?Jno. B Buckstone?. In addition to his work as an engineer Manby was for many years involved in the management of the Adelphi and Haymarket theatres.

[‘She is not so really great as we hoped’: Charles Manby, civil engineer, involved in managing Adelphi and Haymarket theatres, London.] Copy Letter to Frederick Hodgson, criticising Fanny Kemble and discussing arrangement with Frederick Henry Yates.

Charles Manby (1804-84), civil engineer [Fanny Kemble (1809-93), actress; Frederick Henry Yates (1797-1842), actor; Frederick Hodgson (1795-1854), politician; Adelphi and Haymarket theatres, London]
Publication details: 
Great George Street [London]. 8 November 1841.

Manby’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that ‘His interests ranged beyond the engineering world, and for many years he was involved in the management of the Adelphi and Haymarket theatres.’ Manuscript copy letter. 2pp, 4to. Thirty-three lines of neat text. Addressed to ‘Frederick Hodgson Esqre. M.P.’ Ends: ‘I am Dear Sir / Your very faithfully / Charles Manby’.On first leaf of bifolium. Reverse of second leaf docketted: ‘Copy C Manby to F Hodgson Esqr / Scarbro - Novr 8. 1841’ (the letter does not contain any reference to Scarborough). In fair condition, creased and lightly aged. Folded once.

[Donovan Maule, English actor and theatre director.] Autograph Letter Signed to W. Macqueen-Pope, describing difficulties in establishing ‘the first professional theatre’ in Kenya, and discussing MP’s book on the Haymarket. With carbon of reply.

Donovan Maule (1899-1982), British actor and theatre director, husband of actress Mollie Shiells [Donovan Maule Theatre, Nairobi, Kenya; W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Maule’s letter: 10 September 1949; from ‘Kenya Colony, / British East Africa’, on letterhead of The Donovan Maule Players, Nairobi. Carbon of Macqueen-Pope’s reply: 15 September 1949; 359 Strand, WC2 [London].

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Pinned together. ONE: DM to MP. Signed ‘Mollie and Donovan Maule. / (Mollie Shiells)’, but the husband is clearly the author. 1p, 4to. Folded twice for postage. He thanks him for his ‘inspiring book’ on the Haymarket Theatre. ‘My wife and I (both ex-Haymarket artists) feel inseminated ith fresh optimism and jope while battling with the municipal authorities and Kenya Government to establish the first professional theatre ever known here.

[‘I am persuaded you have talent for Farce writing’: ‘Henry Compton’ (Charles Mackenzie), actor noted for his Shakespearian comic roles.] Autograph Letter Signed to J. Hollingshead, giving his ‘honest opinion’ of the farce he has sent him.

‘Henry Compton’ [stage name of Charles Mackenzie (1805-1877)], English actor noted for his Shakespearian comic roles [John Hollingshead (1827-1904), manager of Alhambra and Gaiety theatres in London]
Publication details: 
‘16 Charing X [i.e. Charing Cross, London.] / April 3rd 1854’.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. An interesting letter, linking two significant figures in the London theatre. Around the time of writing Hollingshead had given up his career in the clothing business to write full time, early on for Dickens at ‘Household Words’, then later for Thackeray at the ‘Cornhill’. The farce that is the subject of the present letter is possibly ‘Birth Place of Podgers’, the only one known to have been published by Hollingshead, a New York edition of which appeared around 1858. 2pp, 16mo.

[George Colman the Younger, playwright and theatre manager.] Autograph Signature with date and address for autograph collector.

George Colman the Younger (1762-1836), playwright and theatre-manager at the Haymarket, London
Publication details: 
21 July 1828; Brompton Square [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On watermarked wove paper. In good condition, folded once. Centred on the page, and clearly written for an autograph hunter. Reads: ‘with kind regards from / G. Colman / 21st. July. 1828. / Brompton Square.’

[Julia Neilson, actress and manager with her husband Fred Terry.] Autograph Letter Signed and four Typed Letters Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope (?Popie?), one inviting him to a meeting, others thanking him for his attentions.

Julia Neilson [Julia Emilie Neilson] (1868-1957), actress and manager with husband Fred Terry, associated with W. S. Gilbert, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Haymarket [W. J. MacQueen-Pope, theatre historiian]
Publication details: 
ALS: 1 March 1949. TLsS: 19 June 1949, 20 June 1950, 26 June 1951 and 28 June 1955. All five from 4 Primrose Hill Road, NW3 [London].

See her entry and that of her husband Fred Terry (1863-1933), brother of Dame Ellen Terry, and of the recipient of these letters W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), the foremost British theatre historian of the twentieth century, in the Oxford DNB. The seven items (Neilson?s five letters and carbon copies of two typed letters to her from Macqueen-Pope) are in good condition, lightly aged and creased. The first letter is signed ?Julia Neilson-Terry? and the other four ?Julia?. The first is addressed to ?Mr Macqueen Pope? and the others to ?Popie?. ONE: ALS, 1 March 1949. 3pp, landscape 12mo.

[John Baldwin Buckstone, comedic actor and playwright.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Jno B Buckstone') to M. H. Simpson, lessee of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham, regarding arrangements, benefits, and Mrs Fitzwilliam.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), dramatist and actor-manager of Haymarket Theatre, London [Mercer Hampson Simpson (1801-1877), actor-manager, Theatre Royal, Birmingham; Mrs Fitzwilliam (1801-1854)]
Publication details: 
From the Adelphi and Haymarket in London, and the Theatre Royal in Liverpool. 20 August August 1839, [November 1839], 29 April [1840], 29 November 1842, and undated.

See the appreciative entry on Buckstone by Donald Roy in the Dictionary of National Biography. Interesting and informative letters, shedding vivid light on the day-to-day workings of early-Victorian theatre, written by a leading London actor-manager and dramatist and sent to a provincial actor-manager, regarding the arrangement of engagements, benefits, and plays. Of particular interest is the fourth letter, which refers to Mrs Fitzwilliam [Fanny [Frances Elizabeth] Fitzwilliam, née Copeland] (1801-1854), with whom Buckstone toured New Orleans and the South, c. 1840-1841. Five items.

[ Georgian theatre in Cheltenham. ] Autograph Letter Signed from the actress Cecilia Crisp to actor-manager Benjamin Webster, offering to buy, for performance at her benefit, the rights to his interlude 'Pay for Peeping''.

Cecilia Crisp [ Cecilia Charlotte Crisp, later Carey ] (b.1811), actress, daughter of actor-manager, Charles Sherwin Crisp (c.1790-1832) [Benjamin Webster [ Benjamin Nottingham Webster ] (1797-1882) ]
Publication details: 
34 Gydes Terrace, Cheltenham. 27 October 1832.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with seal of a harp in green wax, 'To | - Webster Esqre. | Theatre Royal Haymarket'. Writing two days before her father's death, she explains that she commissioned a friend to offer a guinea for his 'Interlude of "Pay for Peeping"', but finds that 'in return you expect one pound eleven for it'. She points out that she was 'the original (at the Strand Theatre) in the piece', and that she is offering the same terms accepted from her by 'Mr Selby for his "Day in Paris"'.

[ Cyril Maude, actor-manager, and his wife the actress Winifred Emery. ] Five Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed by him, and two Autograph Letters Signed by her, all to the journalist 'Mrs. Whitley'

Cyril Maude [ Cyril Francis Maude ] (1862-1951), English actor-manager; his wife 'Winifred Emery' [ stage name of actress Maud Isabel Emery; later Maud Isabel Maude ] (1861-1924)
Publication details: 
On following letterheads: four from 26 Cleveland Gardens, Lancaster Gate, W. [ London ]; two from 33 Egerton Crescent, S.W. [ London ]; one from the Playhouse, Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross (from 1907); one from the Haymarket Theatre, London.

The eight items are in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Maude's six letters (all signed 'Cyril Maude') total 8pp., and his wife's two (both signed 'Winifred Emery') total 3pp. In the typed letter the recipient is named as 'Mrs. Whitley, | 78 Alexandra Rd., | St. John's Wood, | N.W.' All eight items deal with interviews conducted by her with the couple. On 20 December Maude writes, 'as I told you I fear there will be nothing in particular for me to tell you, as it is very necessary for me to avoid telling anyone anything just yet awhile.

[ Cyril Maude, actor-manager. ] Typed Letter Signed naming 'the finest part I ever played', with copy of his printed Funeral Servivce.

Cyril Maude [ Cyril Francis Maude ] (1862-1951), English actor-manager of the London theatres the Haymarket and Playhouse
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of 60 South Audley Street, W. [ London ]. 19 October [ no year ]. Funeral Service [ by Vacher & Sons, Westminster ] for 28 February 1951, at.St Margarets, Westminster.

Letter: 1p., 8vo. With mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with small pin-hole to one corner. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I suppose the finest part I ever played and one I am always hoping to play again someday [sic] was Sir Peter Teazle. Grumpy was a fine part too though. | Yours truly | Cyril Maude'. Funeral Service: 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and with one vertical fold. Slug: 'Vacher - 32959'. Cover reads: 'St.

[ John Baldwin Buckstone, actor-manager and playwright. ] Autograph Signature ('Jno. B Buckstone').

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), English actor-manager and playwright, associated with the London theatres the Adelphi and Haymarket
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 4 x 9.5 strip of paper. In good condition, with light signs of age. Reads 'Truly Yours | Jno. B Buckstone | T. Q. H'. Presumably cut from a letter in response to a request for an autograph.

[ Mark Hambourg, classical pianist. ] Autograph Card Signed to 'Cyril' [ English actor Cyril Maude ], regarding arrangements for his performance at Maude's 'grand benefit'.

Mark Hambourg (1879-1960), Russian-born English pianist [ Cyril Maude [ Cyril Francis Maude ] (1862-1951), English actor-manager
Publication details: 
Card with letterhead 5 Langford Close, Langford Place, NW8 [ London ]. 24 February [ 1942 ].

In good condition, lightly aged, with one vertical crease. Stamped and postmarked, and addressed to 'Cyril Maude Esqre. | Redlap | Dartmouth. | Devon'. For more about Hambourg, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. He writes: 'My dear Cyril | I'm afraid the Chappell Piano is necessary for me, as however good a theatre piano, it would not be good enough for a performance at your "Grand Benefit." | Yours with best wishes | Mark Hambourg'. Maude's 'Birthday Benefit Matinée' took place for charity at the Haymarket Theatre, 24 April 1942.

Four engraved caricatures on a single sheet, published by the Regency publisher and printseller Thomas McLean, whose London shop was next to the Haymarket Theatre, and possibly depicting theatrical characters.

Thomas McLean (1788-1875), publisher and printseller, 26 Haymarket (next door to the Haymarket Theatre), established 1811
Publication details: 
London: Thomas McLean, 26 Haymarket. 1824

The sheet is 38 x 27.5cm; and the dimensions of the plate are34 x 25cm. At foot of plate: 'London, Published by Thos. Mc.Lean, 26 Haymarket, 1824.' The engravings, each 11 x 8cm., are arranged in two rows of two. In good condition, lightly-aged and with a torn pin hole at head, presumably where the print was torn from its string. Moving clockwise from top left, the prints are as follows.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. R. Planché') from the dramatist and herald James Robinson Planché, thanking 'Mr. Barnett' for procuring the freedom of Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket, for him,with reference to its manager Benjamin Lumley.

James Robinson Planché [J. R. Planché] (1796-1880), dramatist, antiquary and Somerset Herald [Benjamin Lumley (1811-1875), manager of Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket]
Publication details: 
Garrick Club. 24 April [no year].

1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper and worn paper. He is 'exceedingly obliged' to Barnett for 'procuring for me the freedom of Her Majesty's Theatre'. He asks if he will 'receive an official commemoration from Mr. Lumley', or whether he should write and thank Lumley on the strength of Barnett's note.

Initialled corrected Autograph Copy by George Colman the Younger for his brother-in-law David Morris, of a letter [to S. J. Arnold?], written during Colman's chancery dispute with Morris, his business partner at the Haymarket Theatre, London.

George Colman the Younger (1762-1836), English dramatist, joint-manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London, with Thomas Harris
Publication details: 
'7 March 1815 | Melina Place Westr Road'.

1p., 4to. 31 lines. Fair, on aged paper. On paper with watermarked date of 1814. Initialled 'G. C.'; with the words 'Copy to Morris' in the top left-hand corner. Docketed on reverse 'Copy to Morris March 1815'. Colman writes that is is now his intention, 'as it ever has been, to use every effort in my power for the interest of the Theatre, by carrying on the business in the best manner that the continual obstacles opposed to my plans will permit'. He states that he is 'in treaty with various Performers for the approaching Summer'.

Printed programme of a concert by Albert Sammons, 'Assisted by Olive Goff (Soprano) | Gerald Moore (Pianist)', with cover photograph of Sammons signed by him, and containing an advertisement for Columbia New Process Records.

Albert Sammons [Albert Edward Sammons] (1886-1957), English violinist and composer [L. G. Sharpe, Haymarket; Olive Goff, soprano; Gerald Moore, pianist; Columbia New Process Records]
Publication details: 
'Programme and Book of Words SIXPENCE. L. G. SHARPE, 25, Haymarket, S.W.1.' Undated.

8pp., 12mo. On shiny art paper. On aged paper, with the two staples rusted. Sammons has signed over the cover portrait of him by 'Haile, Bognor', 'Sincerely Yrs | Albert Sammons'. Including texts by Mary E. Coleridge, Lord Lytton and Sir Rabindranath Tagore. Central opening carries an advertisement stating that 'ALBERT SAMMONS Records ONLY for COLUMBIA Records', with list of eight 'Recent ALBERT SAMMONS Records'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Colman') from the playwright George Colman the Younger, defending his imposition of a financial penalty on the recipient [apparently an actress] for non-attendance [at a performance at the Haymarket Theatre].

George Colman the younger (1762-1836), playwright and manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London [James Winston (1773?-1843), acting manager at the Haymarket Theatre]
Publication details: 
Melina Place, London; 21 July 1814.

1p., 4to. On aged and grubby paper. The letter provides an interesting insight into the niceties of Regency theatrical practice. Colman peremptorily addresses it to 'Madam', before expressing his displeasure and defending his imposition of a penalty, as a result of the non-attendance of the recipient (apparently an actress) at a performance at the Haymarket.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jn B Buckstone') from the actor John Baldwin Buckstone [to the playwright Thomas John Dibdin] regarding a meeting 'of all the dramatic authors' to make arrangements following 'the new act' [Bulwer Lytton's copyright reforms.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), actor, playwright, and manager of the Haymarket Theatre [Thomas John Dibdin (1771-1841), playwright and actor]
Publication details: 
29 Walcot Place, Kennington; 14 June 1833.

1p., 4to. 15 lines. On aged and worn paper. The letter reads 'Dear Sir/ | A general meeting of all the Dramatic Authors will take place at the Garricks head in Bow Street on Monday nexxt at One o'Clock.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. A. Sothern') to 'Davis'.

Edward Askew Sothern (1826-1881), English actor
Publication details: 
Undated. On letterhead of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket.

12mo, 2 pp. On bifolium. 12 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Part of the leaf to which the item was attached in an autograph album adhering to blank part of reverse of second leaf. 'Miss Cross' has written to him again, 'desiring me to use my influence in obtaining an engagement for her. - She states she is "quite disengaged now" '. Sothern states that when she made a similar request on a previous occasion 'there was some little misunderstanding', so he considers it best to 'drop you a line'.

Scrapbook containing a hundred tickets from twenty-seven London theatres of the 1920s, with illustrations of actors.

R. J. Olive [London theatres of the 1920s; theatrical ephemera]
Publication details: 
London: for performances dating from between 1922 and 1927.

On fifty-seven pages, in a notebook of forty leaves (eighty pages). Dimensions: 20 x 16 cm. In red card covers with 'THEATRES' in manuscript on front. Pages aged and ruckled, with a little damp staining at rear (not affecting any of the ephemera) and a small amount of loss to a corner of the rear cover, but in fair condition overall. The first page, signed 'R. J. Olive', with title 'London Theatres'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Herbert Trench', twice) to unnamed female correspondent.

Frederic Herbert Trench (1865-1923), Irish poet
Publication details: 
Undated; on letterhead of the United University Club, Pall Mall East, S.W. [London].

Octavo, one page. Good, with stains from paperclip at head. Large bold signature on top half of leaf, and body of note, with signature on bottom half. 'I have pleasure in sending my signature. Yes I am the author of "Deirdre Wedded" & "New Poems" (including Apollo & the Seaman) which Methuen published.'

Autograph Note Signed to J. Winston.

Daniel Terry
Publication details: 
12 August 1825; 13 Alfred Place.

English actor and playwright (1780?-1829). 1 page, 16mo, on bifoliate with address ('J. Winston Esqr | 3 Church Street | Cov Garden') on reverse of second leaf. Paper discoloured, otherwise in good condition. 'Dear Winston | Will you be kind enough to give the bearer an order for Two to the H Mkt [Haymarket] for the Evening. I am Dr Sir | Yrs very truly | Danl Terry'. Wrapped in 4to piece of paper on which are transcribed in a neat contemporary hand two quotations regarding Terry from the European Magazine.

typed letter signed to M[ary]. Tennyson, with stamped addressed envelope addressed in autograph,

Herbert Trench
Publication details: 
27 September 1909, with the letterhead of the Haymarket Theatre ("Director Mr. HERBERT TRENCH").

One page, 4to. He thanks her for her "criticisms as to the hands and the lighting [...] Your appreciation was of the kind that I specially value. / On re-reading your One Act play, I think it needs alteration. The first ten or twelver [sic] pages are very good, but I am not at all sure that the last part will go down. Is it not a little over-sentimental?" But I will consider this further and let you have some suggestions later. I suppose you would not mind altering it to a certain extent if necessary?"

typed note signed and autograph note signed,

Frederick Harrison
Publication details: 
1906 and 1916.

Theatre manager (died 1926). The first, typewritten, to John Cabourn, 1 February 1906, on letterhead of Haymarket Theatre, one page, 8vo. "I would see you with pleasure, but I am sorry to say that I am too busy to do so at present." The second, in autograph, to [?] Pryce, 21 June 1916, on the letterhead of the Haymarket Theatre ("LESSEE & MANAGER MR. FREDERICK HARRISON"), 1 page, 12mo. He says he has been thinking about his correspondent, and hoping that he would come. "I enclose with pleasure two stalls" (not present). Traces of mount glued to reverse. Two items,

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