[John Baldwin Buckstone, comic actor and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Manby, regarding the arrangements surrounding a bill and an insurance policy for ?300.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), dramatist and actor-manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London [Charles Manby (1804-84), Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]
Publication details: 
'T[heatre]. R[oyal]. Haymarket, [London] / 10 February 1854'.

See his entry, and Manby?s, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, on first leaf of bifolium, with the blank second leaf carrying traces of tape from the mount. Neatly folded for postage. Addressed to ?My dear Manby? and signed ?Jno. B Buckstone?. In addition to his work as an engineer Manby was for many years involved in the management of the Adelphi and Haymarket theatres.

[Sir Edward Malet, diplomat.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Robert Head, regarding a dinner engagement at ‘Countess Brockdorff’s’.

Sir Edward Malet [Sir Edward Baldwin Malet, 4th baronet] (1837-1908), British diplomat, Consul-General in Egypt, 1879-1883 [Sir Robert Garnett Head (1845-1907), 3rd Baronet, of Rochester]
Publication details: 
14 January 1893; on letterhead of the British Embassy, Berlin.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once for postage. With the item’s worn envelope, with ‘British Embassy, / Berlin.’ printed on the damaged flap, addressed by Malet to ‘Sir Robert Head Bt. / 97 Zimmer Strasse’, and initialed by him at bottom-left, ‘R B Malet’. The letter, which is signed ‘Edward B Malet’, begins: ‘Dear Sir Robert Head, / My wife will be very happy to take you and Lady Head to Countess Brockdorff’s on Monday at 3 1/2.

[Sir Edward Malet, British diplomat.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Vaughan Williams’, explaining why he cannot accept her invitation, and sending tickets to ‘some tableaux vivants’ at the house of the Princesse Caraman-chimay.

Sir Edward Malet [Sir Edward Baldwin Malet] (1837-1908), diplomat, successively Consul-General in Egypt, and British Ambassador to Belgium and Germany
Publication details: 
2 April 1884, on letterhead of the ‘Legation d’Angleterre’ (British Embassy in Brussels).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. An area torn away at the head of the first leaf (with the loss of one word of text) has been skilfully repaired with archival paper; otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. He apologizes for being unable to ‘come to your at home tomorrow as I can not go to any parties till after the funeral of the Duke of Albany’. He asks her to ‘accept and make use of’ tickets ‘for some tableaux vivants which are to take place tomorrow night at the house of the Princesse de Caraman-chimay.

[John Baldwin Buckstone, comedic actor and playwright.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Jno B Buckstone') to M. H. Simpson, lessee of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham, regarding arrangements, benefits, and Mrs Fitzwilliam.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), dramatist and actor-manager of Haymarket Theatre, London [Mercer Hampson Simpson (1801-1877), actor-manager, Theatre Royal, Birmingham; Mrs Fitzwilliam (1801-1854)]
Publication details: 
From the Adelphi and Haymarket in London, and the Theatre Royal in Liverpool. 20 August August 1839, [November 1839], 29 April [1840], 29 November 1842, and undated.

See the appreciative entry on Buckstone by Donald Roy in the Dictionary of National Biography. Interesting and informative letters, shedding vivid light on the day-to-day workings of early-Victorian theatre, written by a leading London actor-manager and dramatist and sent to a provincial actor-manager, regarding the arrangement of engagements, benefits, and plays. Of particular interest is the fourth letter, which refers to Mrs Fitzwilliam [Fanny [Frances Elizabeth] Fitzwilliam, née Copeland] (1801-1854), with whom Buckstone toured New Orleans and the South, c. 1840-1841. Five items.

[Robert Ranulph Marett, Oxford ethnologist and archaeologist, on 'Women anthropologists' and Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. R. Marett') to 'Mr. Westlake' [Ernest Westlake], regarding his daughter's desire to study anthropology at Oxford.

R. R. Marett [Robert Ranulph Marett] (1866-1943), Oxford ethnologist and archaeologist, exponent of the British Evolutionary School of cultural anthropology [Ernest Westlake (1855-1922)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of La Haule Manor, Jersey. 11 August 1915.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with rust-spotting at foot and to one margin. An interesting document relating to the early days of women's admission to British universities. The recipient is the geologist Ernest Westlake (1855-1922), and the subject is his daughter Margaret Agnes Westlake, who would become a diploma student at St Hugh's. Westlake's papers are held at the Museum of Natural History, Oxford. Marett thinks it is 'a bother about your daughter not being able to enter Somerville, but Somerville is not Oxford'.

[ James Baldwin Brown, Congregational minister and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Baldwin Brown'), regarding the sending of a volume on his son's return.

James Baldwin Brown (1820-1884), Congregational minister and author, noted for his liberal views
Publication details: 
5 The Paragon, Streatham Hill. 16 April [ no year ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The male recipient is unnamed. He does not wish him to think that he is indifferent to his application for 'the Volume of <?> life which you have written for'. He continues: 'My Son has got it, and he is away from home. But he is returning shortly and I shall be able to send it to you'. Brown was Minister in Derby, in 1843; at Claylands Chapel, Clapham Road, in 1846; and at Brixton Independent Chapel, Brixton Road, from 1870 until his death.

[ Aslett Baldwin; Arctic exploration ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Aslett') to his mother, on a sermon by Campbell Morgan on the death of Edward VII, and a lecture by 'Commander Peary [...] on his discovery of the North Pole'., and Scott's capacities.

Aslett Baldwin (1860-1945), FRCS, proctologist [ Commander Robert Edwin Peary (1856-1920), supposed discoverer of the North Pole ]
Publication details: 
6 Manchester Square, London. 8 May 1910.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He 'went this a.m. to hear Dr Campbell Morgan, there was a huge audience extending into the 2nd. gallery. He did not preach the sermon he had prepared, but said what came into his mind in connection with the death of the King'. He 'passed the Palace & saw the Royal Standard of England flyig at 1/2 mast'. He regrets the king's death, finding him 'such a good sort & such a power for good politically'.

[ John Baldwin Buckstone, actor-manager and playwright. ] Autograph Signature ('Jno. B Buckstone').

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), English actor-manager and playwright, associated with the London theatres the Adelphi and Haymarket
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 4 x 9.5 strip of paper. In good condition, with light signs of age. Reads 'Truly Yours | Jno. B Buckstone | T. Q. H'. Presumably cut from a letter in response to a request for an autograph.

Autograph Signature ('Bernard Partridge') of the 'Punch' cartoonist Sir John Bernard Partridge.

Bernard Partridge [Sir John Bernard Partridge] (1861-1945), cartoonist and illustrator, best-known for his work with 'Punch'
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of a 4.5 x 13 cm strip of paper, cut from the bottom of a letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All in Partridge's hand. Reads: '[...]ment of time occupied. | With many regrets, | I am truly yours, | Bernard Partridge.'

Printed handbill by Thomas Gibbons & Co, Bishopsgate St, headed '(Important) Accommodation', offering 'good Mercantile Bills of Exchange' for 'needy Manufacturers and Tradesmen', with manuscript letter to James Baldwin, Birmingham copperplate printer

Thomas Gibbons & Co., 6 Great St Helens, Bishopsgate St, City of London, 'General Merchants, Agents, and Factors' [James Baldwin, copperplate printer, Birmingham and Sheffield; Freemasonry; Masonic]
Publication details: 
Addressed in manuscript from 6 Great St Helens, Bishopsgate St [City of London]. 8 October 1831.

2pp., 4to. Printed in small type, with manuscript additions on both sides of the first leaf; addressed on the recto of the second leaf, with broken red wax seal: 'P. P. 9d | Mr Baldwin | Copper plate printer & | Birmingham | Sheffield | Oct 8th.' Great St Helens was a centre for firms concerned with bankruptcy and liquidation, and this interesting document offers banking services for 'needy Manufacturers and Tradesmen', with a use of Masonic imagery which is designed to reassure.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jn B Buckstone') from the actor John Baldwin Buckstone [to the playwright Thomas John Dibdin] regarding a meeting 'of all the dramatic authors' to make arrangements following 'the new act' [Bulwer Lytton's copyright reforms.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), actor, playwright, and manager of the Haymarket Theatre [Thomas John Dibdin (1771-1841), playwright and actor]
Publication details: 
29 Walcot Place, Kennington; 14 June 1833.

1p., 4to. 15 lines. On aged and worn paper. The letter reads 'Dear Sir/ | A general meeting of all the Dramatic Authors will take place at the Garricks head in Bow Street on Monday nexxt at One o'Clock.

Small archive of 22 Typed Letters Signed ('Frank Baines') and one Autograph Letter Signed, to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with documents including a draft speech by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, with Baldwin's emendations.

Sir Frank Baines (1877-1933), British architect, Director of Works, Her Majesty's Office of Works [Stanley Baldwin]
Publication details: 
1927 to 1928; on letterheads of the Director of Works, H.M. Office of Works, and 34, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. [London].

The collection is in very good condition, on slightly aged and dusty paper. Several items bear the Society's stamp. An interesting and significant correspondence. The letters, in a variety of formats from 12mo to foolscap, are often long, and are written in an informal tone. Indicating Baines's deep involvement in the Society's affairs, they most significantly concern an appeal, organised by Baines on behalf of the Society, 'for the preservation of the cottage architecture of Great Britain', with the backing and involvement of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.

Detailed Signed Autograph Manuscript Account, entitled 'Valuation of Smithies Bridge Estate belonging to Major A. H. Baldwin'.

William S. Airey, Land Agent, Whalley [Smithies Bridge Estate belonging to Major A. H. Baldwin, Ribble Valley, Lancashire; Whalley; Grindleton; Clitheroe]
Publication details: 
15 April 1904; Whalley [Lancashire]. [Waterlow & Sons, Limited, Wholesale & Export Stationers, Great Winchester Street, London Wall, and Parliament Street, London.]

8vo: 12 pp. Very good, in original blue cloth account book of twelve leaves, with title on label on front board. Label of Waterlow & Sons inside front cover. The entries spread across six sets of two facing pages, all ruled with red printed lines and in boxes and with the following seven categories printed at the head: 'No. on Plan'; 'DESCRIPTION.'; 'State of Cul[ivatio]n.'; 'Value per Acre'; 'Statute | A. R. P. [i.e. acreage]'; 'Value. | £ s.

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