[ Aslett Baldwin; Arctic exploration ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Aslett') to his mother, on a sermon by Campbell Morgan on the death of Edward VII, and a lecture by 'Commander Peary [...] on his discovery of the North Pole'., and Scott's capacities.

Aslett Baldwin (1860-1945), FRCS, proctologist [ Commander Robert Edwin Peary (1856-1920), supposed discoverer of the North Pole ]
Publication details: 
6 Manchester Square, London. 8 May 1910.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He 'went this a.m. to hear Dr Campbell Morgan, there was a huge audience extending into the 2nd. gallery. He did not preach the sermon he had prepared, but said what came into his mind in connection with the death of the King'. He 'passed the Palace & saw the Royal Standard of England flyig at 1/2 mast'. He regrets the king's death, finding him 'such a good sort & such a power for good politically'.

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