[Suez Canal.] Autograph Letter Signed from Sir Emerson Tennent to Charles Manby, Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers, ?Asking for McClean?s Presidential Address & any other information about Suez Canal?.

Suez Canal; Sir Emerson Tennent (1804-1869), Irish politician; Charles Manby, Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers; John Robinson McLean
Publication details: 
Dated by Manby to London, 28 October 1868. Letter head of 66 Warwick Square, Pimlico.

See the three men?s entries in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with tape from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which is docketted by Manby. Signed ?J Emerson Tennent?. Folded once. He explains that a friend of his, ?who is much interested about the Suez Canal, is going to Egypt next week?, and that he has that day promised, if he can, ?to obtain for him, a copy of an Address which you once gave me, (but which I have put away so carefully that I cannot find it now) delivered by J. M.

[Sir Henry Lucy, political journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley (?Broadley Pasha?), English agent to the former Khedive of Egypt, Ismail (leading promoter of the Suez Canal), boasting of his influence and offering his services.

Sir Henry Lucy (1842-1924), Victorian political journalist [A. M. Broadley (?Broadley Pasha?), journalist and autograph collector; Ismail, Khedive of Egypt, leading promoter of the Suez Canal]
Publication details: 
16 July 1883; 158 Brixton Road, on cancelled House of Commons letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient A. M. Broadley was widely-regarded as an expert on the middle east. The year before the present letter, he had represented Ahmed Urabi after an uprising in Egypt, earning himself 10,000 guineas and the nickname ?Broadley Pasha?. At the time of writing he was acting as English agent and legal adviser of the ex-Khedive Ismail, who had been deposed in 1879 and was living near Naples (although at the time of writing he was clearly in London). 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to second leaf.

[Richard Cobden, Radical Liberal politician who led the fight to abolish the Corn Laws.] Three Autograph Items, including part of draft manuscript of account of his 1837 meeting in Egypt with Mehmet Ali.

Richard Cobden (1804-1865), English Radical Liberal politician and author, a leading figure in the fight to abolish the Corn Laws [Mehmet Ali [Muhammad Ali] (1769-1849), Ottoman governor of Egypt]
Publication details: 
The draft of the meeting with Mehmet Ali after his return from his travels in April 1837, and published in November of that year. One of the other items dated 18 April 1841, from 103 Westbourne Terrace [London]. Another from Midhurst, 20 June 1856.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. ONE: Autograph draft of conclusion of description of his meeting with Mehmet Ali (‘Mehemet Ali’). The ODNB states that in July 1836 Cobden produced a pamphlet ‘which analysed the Russo-Turkish dispute [...] attempting to play down the Turcophilia that was rife in Britain in the 1830s.

[Pyramids of Egypt.] Substantial Conclusion of Autograph Letter Signed from ‘William Lydiard - / Master’s Mate of HM Prison Ship San Ysidro’ to the Earl of Leicester, suggesting, after the fall of Alexandria, that ‘these mysterious piles’ be opened.

[Pyramids of Egypt: William Lydiard, Master’s Mate of HM Prison Ship San Ysidro, Plymouth Dock [Earl of Leicester, President of the Society of Antiquaries; Egyptology; fall of Alexandria]
Publication details: 
Undated, but on Britannia paper watermarked 1805; and the San Ysidro was a prison ship at Plymouth between May 1805 and September 1814.

Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign, 1798-1801, inspired a period of ‘Egyptomania’ culminating in Champollion’s decipherment of the Rossetta Stone. The contribution of the author of this letter to this outpouring of scholarly activity is an offer to the President of the Society of Antiquaries of London to blow up one of the pyramids, in order to extract their contents. See the recipient’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 8vo. Bifolium of laid Britannia paper, watermarked 1805. Fifty-five lines, well laid out and written in a neat and stylish hand.

[George Ebers, German Egyptologist and novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed, in German, with reference to Graf's arrival with antiquities from Venice, dinner with Winnels, and his fairy tale.

Georg Ebers [Georg Moritz Ebers] (1837-1898), German Egyptologist and novelist [Theodor von Graf, Austrian dealer in antiquities]
Publication details: 
15 September 1883. Tutzing [Bavaria].

2pp, 16mo. Twenty-eight lines of text, in purple ink. With contemporary English translation on both sides of a separate 16mo leaf. Both items in fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damage to corners from mounts. Trust the translation, the letter is addressed to a 'Dear friend', and begins: 'My friend Graf [i.e. the antiquities dealer Theodor von Graf] arrived yesterday from Venice and brought many most interesting antiquities - His visit prevented my writing to you - but then I hope to show you some of his treasures, next time we meet. He came early and stayed late.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Credibility of Herodotus' Account of Egypt in the Light of the Egyptian Monuments / Being a Lecture delivered at the Fifty-fifth Congress of the German Philologists and Schoolmasters at Erlangen'.

Wilhelm Spiegelberg; Aylward M. Blackman, translator
Publication details: 
Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1927.

[6] + 40pp, 8vo. Two plates and five figures in text. Stitched into brown printed wraps with attractive representation of Horus. Ownership signature 'E. B. Fry.' In good condition, lightly aged, in worn and lightly-creased wraps.

[Sir Edward Malet, diplomat.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Robert Head, regarding a dinner engagement at ‘Countess Brockdorff’s’.

Sir Edward Malet [Sir Edward Baldwin Malet, 4th baronet] (1837-1908), British diplomat, Consul-General in Egypt, 1879-1883 [Sir Robert Garnett Head (1845-1907), 3rd Baronet, of Rochester]
Publication details: 
14 January 1893; on letterhead of the British Embassy, Berlin.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once for postage. With the item’s worn envelope, with ‘British Embassy, / Berlin.’ printed on the damaged flap, addressed by Malet to ‘Sir Robert Head Bt. / 97 Zimmer Strasse’, and initialed by him at bottom-left, ‘R B Malet’. The letter, which is signed ‘Edward B Malet’, begins: ‘Dear Sir Robert Head, / My wife will be very happy to take you and Lady Head to Countess Brockdorff’s on Monday at 3 1/2.

[John Cooke of Hendon, English cartographer.] Engraved map of Cairo, Egypt, titled 'Plan du Kaire et des Environs', including plan of the 'Chateau du Kaire' and key to 'Ghize'.

John Cooke of Hendon (c.1765-1845), English cartographer, successively of Mill Hill, Hendon, Middlesex, and (from 1799) Howland Street, London [Cairo ('Kaire'), Egypt; Pierre Didot, Paris publisher]
Publication details: 
[Paris: Pierre Didot, 1802.] Engraved at bottom right: 'John Cooke, sc. 50 Howland St' (London).

Thirty-six works by Cooke are listed between 1790 and 1843. The present item, along with its companion piece ‘Carte de la basse Egypte: dressée d'après les observations astronomiques de C. Nouet, et les reconnaissances des ingénieurs et officiers employés à l'Armée d'Orient’, appeared in ‘Planches du Voyage dans la Basse et la haute Egypte, par Vivant Denon’, published in Paris by P. Didot in 1802. Both have the engraved signature ‘John Cooke, sc, 50 Howland St.’ The dimensions of the map are approximately 31.5 x 23.5 cm.

[A trip up the Nile by a gentleman-artist, 1864.] Manuscript agreement between Thomas Kennet Were and Fairman & Co. of Alexandria, to charter a dehabeah for a four-month trip up the Nile, signed by him, certified by the consul's clerk, with receipts.

Thomas Kennet Were (1838-1916) of Sidmouth, traveller and gentleman-artist [Fairman & Co. (latterly Kelson, Hankey & Cie.), Alexandria, Egypt]
Publication details: 
Agreement and certification dated from Alexandria, Egypt, 9 December 1864; receipt for balance dated 17 April 1865. Separate receipt for payment in account, 9 December 1864.

The University of Wyoming American Heritage Center has mounted a ‘traveling exhibit’ of watercolours and diaries from Kennet Were’s 1868-9 journey across the United States, a long account of which he published in the Gazette (‘Nine Months in the United States’) on his return. Were’s obituary in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association, vol. 48, (1916), p. 54, describes him as one of Sidmouth’s ‘most respected inhabitants’ and ‘the prime mover in movements for the improvement of the resort and a supporter of all good causes’, but does not refer to his artistic activities.

[Sir Edward Malet, British diplomat.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Vaughan Williams’, explaining why he cannot accept her invitation, and sending tickets to ‘some tableaux vivants’ at the house of the Princesse Caraman-chimay.

Sir Edward Malet [Sir Edward Baldwin Malet] (1837-1908), diplomat, successively Consul-General in Egypt, and British Ambassador to Belgium and Germany
Publication details: 
2 April 1884, on letterhead of the ‘Legation d’Angleterre’ (British Embassy in Brussels).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. An area torn away at the head of the first leaf (with the loss of one word of text) has been skilfully repaired with archival paper; otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. He apologizes for being unable to ‘come to your at home tomorrow as I can not go to any parties till after the funeral of the Duke of Albany’. He asks her to ‘accept and make use of’ tickets ‘for some tableaux vivants which are to take place tomorrow night at the house of the Princesse de Caraman-chimay.

[General Sir Edward Stanton, British Army officer and Ambassador to Bavaria.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Cochrane’, regarding ‘the Nile map’ and his son’s ‘explorations of the Bahr-el-zara’.

General Sir Edward Stanton (1827-1907), British Army officer who served in the Crimean War, and diplomat who was British Ambassador to Bavaria [Col. Edward Alexander Stanton]
Publication details: 
8 December 1898; on letterhead of 19 Lansdowne Place, Cheltenham.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly worn. Folded once. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Cochrane’ and signed ‘Edwd. Stanton’. He thanks him for ‘sending me the Nile map, which is certainly more complete than any I had, though it does not give us much more information as to the rivers South of [Faolooda?], than is to be found in The Times atlas’. He hopes that when his son ‘returns from his explorations of the Bahr-el-zara’, he ‘will be able to extend our knowledge of that part of the Nile Valley’.

[John Antes, Egypt and Osman Bey.] Printed pamphlet: ‘Anecdotes in the Life of John Antes: Giving an Account of his Residence in Egypt, and his Sufferings from the Inhumanity of Osman Bey.’ With illustration.

[John Antes (1740-1811), American composer and instrument-maker, tortured by Osman Bey’s followers while a Moravian Missionary in Egypt]
Publication details: 
No date. 'No. 1553.' London: / The Religious Tract Society / Instituted 1799. / Sold at the Depository, 56, Paternoster Row, and 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard.

See the articles on Antes by Donald M. McCorkle in the Musical Quarterly, 1956, and Richard D. Claypool, in the Moravian Music Foundation Bulletin, 1978. Seven copies listed on JISC (only three in deposit libraries); now scarce. 8pp, 12mo. Disbound. In fair condition, worn and discoloured. Vignette on cover shows Osman Bey sitting cross-legged while two of his followers whip the unfortunate Antes, while a third looks on. Drophead title, p.2: ‘Anecdotes in the Life of John Antes, A Moravian Missionary.’

[Field-Marshal Grenfell; Sirdar] Autograph Note Signed (or scrawled) F Grenfell to the Duchess of Cleveland, saying he'd like to make the acquaitance of a Mr Powlett.

Field Marshal Francis Wallace Grenfell, 1st Baron Grenfell, (1841-1925), Army officer.
Publication details: 
[Headed] Maison, Ali, Pacha Fehmy, Cairo, 12 Feb. [no year; c.1888]. See image.

One page, 12mo, minor foxing, mainly good condition. Pray [? something like tell] Mr Powlett I am most anxious to make his acquaintance truly yrs [...].Note: Field Marshal Francis Wallace Grenfell, 1st Baron Grenfell, 1841-1925 was a British Army officer. After serving as aide-de-camp to the Commander-in-Chief, South Africa, he fought in the 9th Xhosa War, the Anglo-Zulu War and then the Anglo-Egyptian War.

[‘Slatin Pasha’: Sir Rudolf von Slatin, Inspector-General of the Sudan.] Autograph Signature and part of Autograph Letter (vertical half- see image) to ‘Jackson’.[Jackson Pasha?]

‘Slatin Pasha’ [Major-General Sir Rudolf Anton Carl Freiherr von Slatin (1857-1932), Inspector-General of the Sudan]
Publication details: 
29 October 1907. On ‘Khartoum’ [Sudan] letterhead.

The entry for Slatin in the Oxford DNB gives a good outline of the life of this adventurer. The present item forms half of a 4to leaf, torn down the middle vertically, no doubt in order to provide an autograph. In good condition, lightly aged. Written lengthwise on the reverse, in a large bold hand, is the valediction: ‘Hoping that you are fit & well / Yours ever / R Slatin’.

[Earl of Cromer; Egypt; Cattle Plague] Part only of an Autograph Letter Signed Cromer, with reference to cattle plague (rinderpest) as affecting Egypt and to the Southern Ports (eg Suez). Recipient unknown.

Lord Cromer [Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer (1841 – 1917), statesman, diplomat and colonial administrator. Created Baron Cromer in 1892.
Publication details: 
Place and date presumably in missing half of the letter. [Post 1892?].

Text on both sides of the bottom half of an Autograph Letter Signed, 12 x 9cm, a sprawling hurried handwriting. Text; [p.1] [...] due to the death of the [Princess?]. | The cattle plague is a serious business - I do not think we shall be able to do [p.2] bottom half only] about the [occupation?] of the Southern ports [Suez, Port Said?]. There need to be no hurry. The matter can [stand over?] for a while.

[Richard Lambart, 7th Earl of Cavan, head of the British Army in Egypt.] Autograph Signature ('Cavan') to part of manuscript document addressed to the Duke of York, Commander in Chief of the British Army.

Earl of Cavan [Richard Ford William Lambart, 7th Earl of Cavan; in youth Viscount Kilcoursie] (1763-1837), Irish peer, Napoleonic era military commander, head of the British Army in Egypt
Publication details: 
1 March 1804; Cowes [Isle of Wight].

On one side of 8 x 19 cm piece of paper, torn from the end of a document. In fair condition, lightly aged, with strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse. Two folds. The signature 'Cavan' is between two horizontal lines. The rest of the document would appear to be in a secretarial hand, but the matter is not quite certain. It reads: '[...] | I have the Honor | to be | Sir | Your Royal Highness's | Most Obedt. Faithful | & Much Obliged | Humble Servt. | Cavan'. It is dated 'Cowes. | March 1st 1804' and addressed to 'His Royal Highness | The Duke of York'.

[Terence Tiller, poet and radio producer.] Heavily-revised Autograph Draft ['Work-sheet'] of his poem 'Camels', with signed inscription; together with a typescript of the poem, also signed (both signatures 'Terence Rogers Tiller').

Terence Rogers Tiller (1916-1987), poet and BBC radio producer, born in Cornwall, educated at Cambridge
Publication details: 
Both items dated May 1965.

Tiller's entry in the Oxford DNB explains the background to this poem. In 1939 he 'went to Cairo to teach English literature and history at Fuad I University. During the Second World War he became closely associated with the group surrounding Personal Landscape, a review in the Middle East that had been founded and was edited by Lawrence Durrell, Robin Fedden, and Bernard Spencer'. Two items, both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Autograph Draft of the poem, in pencil, with numerous deletions, emendations and rubbings-out. 1p, folio.

[Sir Richard Owen, palaeontologist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Cullum, enclosing a long translation by Samuel Birch of inscriptions on an Egyptian statue in the British Museum, annotated by Owen and with transcription of letter to him by Birch.

Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892), palaeontologist, first Director of Natural History Museum, opponent of the theory of evolution [Samuel Birch (1813-1885), Egyptologist; Lady Ann Cullum of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
Owen's letter to Lady Cullum dated from Sheen Lodge, Richmond Park, 5 May 1867. Transcription of Birch's letter to Owen dated from British Museum [London], 9 July 1860.

An interesting item in the field of Victorian Egyptology. The subject is what Owen describes here as 'one of the oldest Statues of an Egyptian Notable in the British Museum'. Its current Museum Number is EA103, and it has been in the Museum since 1835, but the details of its acquisition are unclear. In his translation Birch calls the sitter 'the Royal Scribe, Amenhelp', but the current BM description begins: 'Scribal statue of Amenhotep son of Hapu: of black grano-diorite. Hieroglyphic texts are inscribed on the papyrus unrolled on his lap and on the statue plinth.

[Louisa, Duchess of Buccleuch, regarding charity work for the Mahdist War.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Christison', asking on behalf of the Princess of Wales for her assistance in relation to a charity for British troops in Egypt and the Sudan.

Louisa, Duchess of Buccleuch [Louisa Montagu Douglas Scott; previously Lady Louisa Jane Hamilton] (1836-1912), wife of William Scott, 6th Duke of Buccleuch and 8th Duke of Queensberry (1831-1914)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Dalkeith House, Dalkeith [Scotland]. 6 April 1885.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Writing with regard to the Mahdist War, she has been asked by the Princess of Wales to 'start a Sub-Committee to H. R. H's. Branch of the National Aid Society (Soudan & Egypt)', and is 'anxious to know' whether the recipient can help her 'by allowing your name to be placed on the General Committee the object of which is to collect funds to secure some further provisions for the health & comfort of the British Troops, more especially the Sick & Wounded, in that trying climate'.

[ A 'rapid survey of the British Spheres of Africa' [ by H. M. Stanley? ]] Printed pamphlet: 'Our Future Relations with Africa. Speech at Newtown, N. Wales. July 23rd, 1897.

Sir Henry Morton Stanley [ born John Rowlands ] (1841-1904), Welsh journalist and African explorer associated with Dr David Livingstone
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Speech delivered at Newtown, Powys, Wales. 23 July 1897. ]

13pp., 8vo. Stapled. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight rust to staples. Consisting of a title leaf and 9pp. of text in small print, paginated [2] 3-11. The author is not named, and no other copy of the title has been traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC, but the item comes from a collection of papers by Stanley - and Africa is his specailist subject.

[ Dame Adelaide Anderson, civil servant and campaigner against child labour. ] Typed Letter in the third person, with addition in autograph, to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding a lecture by Laurence Binyon.

Dame Adelaide Anderson [ Dame Adelaide Mary Anderson ] (1863-1936), Australian-born Briitish campaigner against child labour, Principal Lady Inspector of Factories, 1897-1921
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 36 Gloucester Court, Kew Road, Kew, Surrey. 8 November 1930.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Docketed in manuscript above text of letter. The typed portion reads: 'Dame Adelaide Anderson presents her compliments and is very glad to receive the card of invitation to the Lecture by Laurence Binyon LL.D. on Persian Painting, to which she looks forward to [sic] on Wednesday, 19th November, at 8.30 p.m.' Autograph addition: 'Her address is now as above (not as hitherton, 21 Allen House, Allen Street, Kensington)'.

[ The British Army in Egypt (Suez Canal), First World War. ] Three typed duplicated documents, including a typed four-page 'Disposition of Troops in the Canal Defences, 15th January, 1915.', and a list of 'British Force in Egypt in August, 1914.'

[ The British Army in Egypt and at the Suez Canal during the First World War; Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener [ Lord Kitchener ]; General Sir John Grenfell Maxwell [ General Maxwell ]]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but the quoted documents dating from 1914 and 1915. ]

Three documents, all in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, each of the total of six leaves with three (later?) punch holes to the inner margins of the leaves. On the same browned thin wove paper. The source of these items is uncertain, but they appear to date from the first decades of the twentieth century. ONE: 'Disposition of Troops in the Canal Defences, 15th January, 1915.' 4pp., folio. Beginning with: 'G.O.C., Canal Defences. - Major-General A. Wilson. | Chief Staff Officer, Canal Defences. - Br.-General A. H.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain. ] Duplicated Typescript headed 'Discussion Statement prepared by Middle East Committee', and titled 'Imperialism and Economic Background of Egypt'.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain, International Department (Middle East Committee)] [ Egypt; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ Communist Party of Great Britain, London. ] International Committee, 16, King Street, London, W.C.2. 26th March 1946.

5pp., 8vo. On five foolscap leaves, with duplicate copy of p.4 present. In good condition, lightly aged.

[ Inscribed copy of printed work. ] Three Letters on the Policy of England towards the Porte and Mohammed Ali.

[ Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (1797-1879); Muhammad[a] Ali Pasha al-Mas'ud ibn Agha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt and the Sudan ]
Publication details: 
London: John Murray, Albermarle [ sic, for 'Albemarle' ] Street. 1840. [ London: Printed by Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey. ]

63 + [1]pp., 8vo. Erratum slip after title-leaf. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and lightly worn paper. Withdrawal stamp of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society at foot of title-page, with shelf-marks at top-right of same page. Cropped inscription at head of page: 'With Sir Gardner Wiklkinson's | Compliments, to Gordon Gyle Esqr.' Beneath the title, in another hand: 'by Sir Gardiner [sic] Wilkinson Knt'. Scarce.

[ Melton Prior, Special Artist of the Illustrated London News. ] Engraved illustrated invitation card to an 'Exhibition of Original Burmese War & Nile Expedition Sketches' at the St James's Gallery of 'Mr Mendozza'.

Melton Prior (1845-1910), Special Artist of the Illustrated London News [the St. James's Gallery, London, of I. P. Mendoza; Burma, Burmese; the Nile Expedition, Egypt ]
Publication details: 
St. James's Gallery, 4A King Street, St James's. 20 June 1891.

Printed on one side of a piece of 12.5 x 20 cm green card. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with central vertical crease line unobtrusively strengthened with archival tape. To the left of the page is an illustration of a British soldier officer a Burmese temple. The text is written out in a range of lettering characteristic of the period, and reads: 'Exhibition of Original Burmese War & Nile Expedition Sketches by Melton Prior Special Artist of the Illustrated London News. Under the Patronage of His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught.

[Dame Freya Stark and Peggy Drower.] 15 items from the papers of Stark's assistant Peggy Drower, including two letters to her from Stark's biographer Jane F. Geniesse, with a copy the book, an Autograph Card Signed from Caroline Moorhead.

Peggy Drower [Mrs Margaret Hackforth Jones] (1911-2012), Egyptologist and Dame Freya Stark's last assistant at the Ikwan-al-Hurriayah in Cairo [Jane Fletcher Geniesse; Caroline Moorhead]
Publication details: 
Material from London and Washington. Dating from between 1993 and 2001.

The material is loosely inserted in a copy of 'Passionate Nomad. The Life of Freya Stark' by Jane Fletcher Geniesse (New York: Random House, 1999). xxvi + 402 + [2]pp., 8vo. Very good, in like price-clipped dustwrapper, and inscribed to Drower by her daughter. Drower is described on p.296 as 'daughter of Freya's old Baghdad friend Lady Drower, [who] followed Pam Hore-Ruthven as her assistant and spent two years trying to get repaid for the cost, not to mention the enormous effort, of packing up Freya's belongings and sending them to Asolo after the war'.

[George Bilainkin, English journalist.] Typescripts of three articles, two in the form of diary entries (one on an Egyptian Embassy reception and the other on an international conference on crime); the third a dialogue between monks and journalists.

George Bilainkin (1903-1981), English journalist and expert on foreign affairs [Ernest Bevin; Lev Nikolaevich Smirnov; Admiral Sir Dudley Pound; Egyptian Embassy; Laurence Cadbury; Tom Bairstow]
Publication details: 
Two dated entries: 23 July and 18 August 1960. The third entry ('Monastery') undated.

The three items derive from the Bilainkin papers. Each is separately paginated and stapled, with the text on one side only of the leaves. All three in good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with rusty staples. Item One: Titled 'ADD 1960 DIARY. Saturday, July 23.' 7pp., foolscap 8vo. With carbon copy of the same.

[Alec Clifton-Taylor, architectural historian.] Corrected Signed Typescript titled 'Tour of Naval Establishments in the Mediterranean with Mr. John Dugdale, January, 1946'. [A tour of 'about 7,000 miles, almost all by air'.]

Alec Clifton-Taylor, architectural historian [John Dugdale (1905-1963), Labour politician, Parliamentary and Financial Secretary to the Admiralty under Clement Attlee, 1945-1950; Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Undated, but with covering signed page, on British Government letterhead, with alternate title: 'Mediterannean Tour | January, 1946'.

[1] + 26pp., foolscap 8vo. On twenty-seven leaves held together with a brass stud. In good condition, on aged and worn paper. The covering page is headed with the embossed government letterhead (lion and unicorn in oval) and has the words 'Mediterannean Tour | January, 1946' in the centre, with the signature 'Alec Clifton-Taylor' in blue ink in the bottom right-hand corner. The twenty-six pages of text, carrying a few minor autograph corrections by Clifton-Taylor, are headed with the full title.

[Franco-Tunisian Protocol.] Seven duplicated typed documents, in French, starting with 'Note | Protocole Franco-Tunisien signe a Paris le 21 Avril 1955 entre le Gouvernement Francais et le Gouvernment Tunisien sur l'Autonomie interne de la Tunisie'.

Salah Ben Youssef (1907-1961), Secretaire General du Neo-Destour [Tunisia; Franco-Tunisian Protocol, 1955; the Maghreb]
Publication details: 
'Le Caire, le 16 Mai 1955.' [Cairo, Egypt. 16 May 1955.]

The Encylopaedia Britannica gives the background to these items: 'The Neo-Destour was formed in 1934 by discontented young members of the more conservative Destour. After a bitter struggle with the parent organization, it became the predominant party under the leadership of Habib Bourguiba in 1937. It was harassed by French authorities throughout the 1940s and began an armed rebellion in 1953 that led to Tunisian independence in 1956. | A Neo-Destour government was then formed. In 1958 Bourguiba was appointed the first premier of Tunisia, and in 1959 he was overwhelmingly voted president.

The book of the Proverbs of Solomon in the Dialect of Upper Egypt

G.P.G. Sobhy, editor, Professor of Coptic & Demotic Languages Egyptian University.
Publication details: 
University of Egypt, Printi[n]g Office El Shams Gairo [sic], [1927]

pp. 5, 259, 4 p., [2] leaves of plates : facsims. 8vo, stifish card covers, sl. grubby, spine worn, contents good. Numerous typos (e.g. Puplisned by the University of Egypt). INSCRIBED by the ditor With the respects of GPG Sobhy | Oct.20th 1928, who has added M.D. to his printed name. Three copies listed on COPAC (Glasgow, Oxford, UCL), and a number on WorldCat/OCLC (12 USA, 2 German, 2 Dutch).

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