Irish troubles; Col. Albert Brassey, British Army Officer, rower, and Conservative Member of Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘B. Hobbie Esq’, regarding ‘the agricultural distress’, with reference to ‘the Irish troubles’.

Col. Albert Brassey (1844-1918), British Army officer, rower, and Conservative Member of Parliament for Banbury 1895-1906, brother of Earl Brassey and Lord Apethorpe
Publication details: 
17 May 1887; on letterhead of Heythrop [Hall], Chipping Norton.

See his brothers’ entries in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Folded once. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight rust spotting at head of last page. Erroneous attribution to Earl Brassey in small type at the head of the first page. Addressed to ‘B. Hobbie Esq’ and signed ‘Albert Brassey’. He doubts whether you will be able to attend the public meeting at Oxford on 28 May.

[Spenser Wilkinson, military historian, the first Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Bryan' regarding a meeting with 'Col. [A. G. A.] Durand'.

Spenser Wilkinson [Henry Spenser Wilkinson] (1853-1937), military historian, the first Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University [Colonel A. G. A. Durand of the Hunza-Nagar Campaign]
Publication details: 
2 January 1901; 99 Oakley St. S.W. [London] On letterhead of the Morning Post, 246 Strand, W.C. [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of brown paper mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Folded twice for postage. Signed ‘Spenser Wilkinson.’ Begins: ‘Dear Mr. Bryan, / I am glad to hear from you again, for you seemed lost. My wife went to Beauchamp Place long ago to call on Mr. Bryan but found that you had left & could not learn your address.’ He accepts with pleasure the invitation to lunch with him and Colonel Durand, ‘whose book I read with much interest’.

[General Sir Edward Stanton, British Army officer and Ambassador to Bavaria.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Cochrane’, regarding ‘the Nile map’ and his son’s ‘explorations of the Bahr-el-zara’.

General Sir Edward Stanton (1827-1907), British Army officer who served in the Crimean War, and diplomat who was British Ambassador to Bavaria [Col. Edward Alexander Stanton]
Publication details: 
8 December 1898; on letterhead of 19 Lansdowne Place, Cheltenham.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly worn. Folded once. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Cochrane’ and signed ‘Edwd. Stanton’. He thanks him for ‘sending me the Nile map, which is certainly more complete than any I had, though it does not give us much more information as to the rivers South of [Faolooda?], than is to be found in The Times atlas’. He hopes that when his son ‘returns from his explorations of the Bahr-el-zara’, he ‘will be able to extend our knowledge of that part of the Nile Valley’.

[Col. Charles Booth Brackenbury, R.A., military historian and Times correspondent.] Autograph Letter Signed to his editor J. T. Delane, on writing and reviewing after the Franco-Prussian war, with claim to have ‘started the Intelligence Department’.

Col. Charles Booth Brackenbury, R.A. [C. B. Brackenbury] (1831-1890), military historian and British Army officer in Crimea, and war correspondent [John Thadeus Delane (1817-79), editor of The Times]
Publication details: 
10 April 1874; from Hill Street [Woolwich], on letterhead of Hill House, Woolwich, S.E.

An excellent letter, casting light on the relationship between the editor of The Times and a senior correspondent. See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. Brackenbury’s states that ‘During the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 Brackenbury was the Times correspondent with the Austrian army, and was at the battle of Königgrätz (Sadowa) — riding with Benedek under fire at Chlum — and reported the naval battle of Lissa.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Faith and Fact. A Letter to the Rev. Henry M. Field, D.D. By Robert G. Ingersoll. Reprinted from the North American Review (November 1887).

Robert G. Ingersoll [ Col. R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ Rev. Henry Martyn Field (1822-1907) ; G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. [ Printed and Published by G. W. Foote, at 28 Stonecutter Street, London, E.C. ] 1890.

30pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged. The only copies of this edition on COPAC at Oxford and the Humanist Library.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] God and Man. Second Letter to The Rev. Henry M. Field, D.D. by Robert G. Ingersoll. Reprinted from the North American Review (January 1888).

Robert G. Ingersoll [ Col. R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ Rev. Henry Martyn Field (1822-1907) ; G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. [ Printed and Published by G. W. Foote, at 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. ] 1888.

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged. 'You do not exactly appreciate my feeling. I do not hate Presbyterians; I hate Presbyterianism. I hate with all my heart the creed of that Church, and I most heartily despise the God described in the Confession of Faith. But some of the best friends I have in the world are afflicted with the mental malady known as Presbyterianism.' Uncommon.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] The Three Philanthropists. By Robert. G. Ingersoll.

Robert G. Ingersoll [ Col. R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. 1892.

15 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, with light signs of age. Last page carries a list of 'Works by Colonel R. G. Ingersoll.' Scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at the Humanist Library and Oxford.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] True Religion. By Robert G. Ingersoll.

Robert G. Ingersoll [ Col. R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ Unitarian Club of New York; G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. [ Printed by G. W. Foote, at 28 Stonecutter Street, London, E.C. ] 1892.

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In fair condition, with light signs of age, and slight damage at margin of title-leaf from disbinding. The introduction reads: 'On Thursday evening, January 14, 1892, the Unitarian Club of New York, held its annual dinner at Sherry's.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Hereafter. By Colonel Ingersoll. The Great American Orator and Wit.

Colonel Ingersoll [ Colonel R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ]
Publication details: 
'Twelfth Edition.' London: R. Forder; Freethought Publishing Co.; Truelove. Bristol: W. H. Morrish. Leicester: The Bookstall. Hull: Witty. Southampton: The Bookstall. Manchester: S. Watts. Edinburgh: Alexander Orr. Glasgow: Robert Ferguson. [c.1890 ]

12pp., 12mo. Disbound. In detached grey printed wraps, with portrait of Ingesoll on cover. In good condition, on aged paper. Only one copy of this twelfth edition on COPAC, at the London School of Economics.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Colonel Ingersoll on the Great Mistake.

Colonel Ingersoll [ R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ]
Publication details: 
Printed and Published by G. W. Foote, at 28 Stonecutter Street, London, E.C. [ Circa 1890. ]

8pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged. Drophead title only. Scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford University.

[ Printed pamphlet, with introduction by G. W. Foote. ] Marriage and Divorce. An Agnostic's View. By Colonel R. G. Ingersoll.

Colonel R. G. Ingersoll [ Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28, Stonecutter Street, E.C. [ Printed and Published by G. W. Foote, 28 Stonecutter St., London, E.C. ] 1890.

15 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, with light signs of age. Last page carries a list of 'Works by Colonel Ingersoll.' Foote's introductory note reads: 'During November and December, 1889, the North American Review printed a number of articles by representative men on the subject of Divorce. The editor framed a series of four questions, which the various writers replied to. Colonel Ingersoll answered them seriatim and fully, without the least evasion and reserve, having a habit, not only of meaning what he says, but of saying what he means.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Social Salvation. A Lay Sermon by Colonel R. G. Ingersoll. (Delivered on Nov. 14th, 1886.

Colonel R. G. Ingersoll [ Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. [ London: Printed and Published by G. W. Foote, at 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. ] 1889.

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at the Humanist Library and Oxford University.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] The Clergy & Common Sense. By Colonel R. G. Ingersoll.

Colonel R. G. Ingersoll [ Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London; the Brooklyn Union ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. [ London: Printed and Published by G. W. Foote, at 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. ] Undated [ circa 1890 ].

31 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. Engraved portrait of Ingersoll on title-page,with facsimile signature. Last page carries a list of 'Colonel Ingersoll's Works.' The essay begins: 'The Brooklyn Union has interviewed Robert G. Ingersoll, who criticises the Union's recent interviews with clergymen.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Do I blaspheme? An Oration by Col. R. G. Ingersoll.

Col. R. G. Ingersoll [ Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. [London: Printed and published by G. W. Foote, at 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C.] 1889.

29pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, with light signs of and wear, and minor marking to title-leaf. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Love the Redeemer. With reference to Count Tolstoi's "Kreutzer Sonata," and his Views on Christianity, Love, the Family, and Civilisation. By Col. Robert G. Ingersoll. (From the "North American Review," September, 1890.)

Col. Robert G. Ingersoll [ Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910); G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. [ London: Printed and Published by G. W. Foote, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. ] 1890.

15 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged. 'I disagree with nearly every sentence in this book, regard the story as brutal and absurd, the view of life presented as cruel, vile, and false'. The last page carries a list of 'Works by Colonel R. G. Ingersoll.' Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Durham.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] "Breaking the Fetters." A powerful Discourse delivered to immense Audiences in America, by Colonel Ingersoll. The Great American Orator and Wit.

Colonel Ingersoll [ Colonel R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ]
Publication details: 
'Fifteenth Edition.' London: Robert Forder, 28, Stonecutter Street, Farringdon Street, E.C.

18pp., 12mo. Disbound. In grey printed wraps, with engraved portrait of Ingersoll on front cover. In good condition, lightly aged. An attack on religion, also taking in slavery and the theory of evolution. No copy of this fifteenth edition on COPAC, and only four copies of any edition, and none at the British Library.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Col. Ingersoll at Home. Biographical Notes, Occasional Utterances, Characteristics.

[ Col. Ingersoll; Colonel R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ]
Publication details: 
Trade supplied by John Heywood, Ridgefield, John Dalton Street, Manchester; 11 Paternoster Buildings, London. [ 1880s. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound, without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged. On reverse of title: 'This is not a reprint, and Publisher reserves right.' Scarce: the only copy on COPAC or WorldCat at Oxford Univesity, whose entry dates it to the 1880s..

[ Printed pamphlet. ] The Flight of the Shadows. A Discourse delivered by Colonel Ingersoll, the Great American Orator.

'Colonel Ingersoll, The Great American Orator' [ Colonel R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ Robinson's Opera House, Cincinnati ]
Publication details: 
'Sixth Edition.' Sold by R. Forder, 28, Stonecutter Street, London; Truelove, London; Morrish. Bristol; The Bookstall, Freethought Institute, Southampton; S. Watts, Manchester; Alexander Orr, Edinburgh; Robert Ferguson, Glasgow. No date [1890s?].

18pp., 8vo. Disbound. With pink front wrap, carrying an engraved portrait of 'Colonel Ingersoll. The Great American Orator and Wit.'. In good condition, lightly aged. A report of a speech at Robinson's Opera House, Cincinnati. A prefatory note, titled 'Eloquence of Ingersoll', quotes from Samuel P. Putnam's 'Golden Throne'. Scarce: the only copies of any edition traced at Oxford (second edition) and the London School of Economics (edition not stated).

[ Printed correspondence on 'East India Affairs'. ] Letters of Mr. John Hutchinson, Descriptive of the Perilous Situation of the Rajah and the Company's Settlements in the Travancore Country.'

[ John Hutchinson; East India Company; Rajah of Travancore; Lieut. Col. James Hartley; James Hutchinson; John Forbes; Bury Hutchinson ]
Publication details: 
John Mceson, Printer, St. Helen's Place, London. [ Circa 1795. ]
Upon request

2pp., folio. In a bifolium with title and printer's slug lengthwise on reverse of second leaf, the whole intended to be folded into a packet. First page headed: 'Travancore, 1790, 1794, & 1795. | Letters from Mr. John Hutchinson to the Rajah of Travancore, to Mr. Page, to the Chief of Tellicherry, to the Governor of Bombay, to Lieut. Col. James Hartley, to Mr. James Hutchinson, to Mr. John Forbes, and to Mr. Bury Hutchinson.' Transcripts of eight letters, dating from between 1786 and 1795. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[ Col. Sir William Owen Lanyon, KCMG, CB. ] Manuscript Letter signed by Sir Albert William Woods, informing him of his appointment to the Order of the Bath, with manuscript duplicate of letter, signed by Sir Charles Cox, regarding another appointment

Sir Albert William Woods (1816-1904), Garter King of Arms; Sir Charles Cox (c.1810-1892), Chancellor of the Order of St Michael and St George [ Col. Sir William Owen Lanyon (1842-1887), KCMG, CB ]
Publication details: 
Letter signed by Woods: from the College of Arms, 23 February 1880. Letter signed by Cox, from the Chancery of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (and on embossed letterhead), 8 April 1880.

Both items 2pp., folio. Each on a separate leaf, the two leaves attached to one another by small gummed labels. Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Signed by Woods. Announcing the appointment, and enclosing a warrant ('ordinary Member of the Military division of the Third Class, or Companions'. TWO: Signed by Cox. The word 'duplicate' in red ink at head of first page, but with Cox's genuine signature. Announcing the appointment, 'on the recommendation of Secretary Sir Michael Hicks Beach'.

[ Col. S. F. Cody, American aviator and showman. ] Black and white postcard photograph captioned, 'Col. S. F. Cody with Indian Chief in his Aeroplane.'

[ Colonel S. F. Cody [ Samuel Franklin Cody; Samuel Franklin Cowdery ] (1867-1913), American aviator and showman; Native American 'Indian Chief' ]
Publication details: 
Place, publication details and date not stated [circa 1910?].

9 x 14 cm black and white postcard. In frail condition, aged, worn and chipped, with near-vertical central crease repaired on reverse with archival tape. Removed from album, and with traces of newsprint adhering to the reverse. The caption scratched into the plate and appearing in small white capitals at the foot of the image. Shows Cody in near-profile, seated at the controls of a biplane which is pointing to the left of the image, with a Native American in robes and headdress seated to his right. The central part of the plane is shown, with woodland behind it.

Manuscript inventory of 'Select Books' of drawings by the army officer and artist Lieut-Col. Robert Batty, with part of printed auction catalogue, containing his collection of paintings, priced.

Lieut-Col. Robert Batty (1789-1848), English army officer and artist, son-in-law of John Barrow, Secretary of the Admiralty.
Publication details: 
Manuscript inventory: dated June 1919. Printed auction catalogue: Christie, Manson and Woods, London, 1887.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Item One: Pencil inventory of 'RB | Select Books' - i.e. volumes of drawings by Richard Batty, dated June 1919. 3pp., 8vo, with separate inventory on last page headed 'Book of Engravings | In Drawing Room'. Bifolium. The first item in the list of 'Select Books' reads 'no Cover 1817 April Lyons Genoa Florence Rome (May) to 24 June'. Last entry on p.3: '1832 IV, thick 26 Decr Dawlish & 23 Jany | Coaxden [sic] Hall May 23 | Chard Torquay (July) Plymouth Falmouth | Lands End St Michaels M[oun]t 15 July 1833'.

Autograph Letter Signed from C. E. E. Childers, British vice-consul in Pittsburgh, to his brother Col. E. S. E Childers, regarding the latter's biography of their father the Liberal politician Hugh Culling Eardley Childers.

Charles Edward Eardley Childers (1851-1931), British vice-consul in Pittsburgh; Liberal politician Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-96); Col. Edmund Spencer Eardley Childers (1854-1919)]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 708 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 21 April 1901.

2pp., 4to. 58 lines. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. E. S. E. Childers' biography of his father had appeared earlier in the year, and his brother writes to tell him that the American booksellers 'have not yet received the copies (3) of the "Life" which I ordered on first hearing it was published'. He is ordering a further six, and will send copies 'to some of the leading papers for review, including 1 each to Dean Hodges and Mr Robt Woods of Boston for review in the "Churchman" and Boston "Transcript"'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Cas. Wm. Powlett') from the Hon. Charles William Powlett, only son of the 3rd Baron Bayning, inviting Mrs Hamilton to dinner.

Hon. Charles William Powlett (1844-1864), only son of Henry William Powlett [born Henry Townshend] (1797-1866), 3rd Baron Bayning and his wife Emma [née Fellowes].
Publication details: 
Pulteney Street [London]. No date.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. With monogrammed 'CWP' letterhead in red. He was sorry not to have found her at home, 'but we always go out at the same time'. He invites her to dine with them on the Sunday: 'as Mrs. is with you to take care of Col. Hamilton', whom he is sorry to hear is 'so great an invalid'. Powlett died at the age of 19 in 1864; on his father's death two years later the barony became extinct.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John C Hamilton') from John Church Hamilton, son of founding father Alexander Hamilton, to the poet Col. George Pope Morris, regarding disputed points following the sale of his house [Undercliff, Bull Hill [Mt Taurus], NYS].

John C. Hamilton [John Church Hamilton] (1792-1882), fifth child of founding father Alexander Hamilton (1755 or 1757-1804) [George P. Morris [George Pope Morris] (1802-1864), American editor and poet]
Publication details: 
New York; 4 July 1835.

3pp., 4to. 74 lines of text. Originally a bifolium, but with the two leaves now separate. Good, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'George P Morris Esq. | Cold Spring.' The reference in the letter to Morris having 'cut down the wood' around his property is ironic, given that he is most famous for the poem/song 'Woodman! Spare that Tree!' Hamilton begins by stating that he has seen 'Mr. Robinson', who will see Morris on the subject of buying Morris's house. Hamilton considers Morris's price of $8000 for his house 'very cheap'.

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