[Philip Cunliffe Owen [Sir Francis Philip Cunliffe-Owen], Director of the South Kensington Museum.] Autograph Letter Signed to the zoologist W. S. Dallas, about a forthcoming event from which women will be barred, Dr Bredermann and German translation

Philip Cunliffe Owen [Sir Francis Philip Cunliffe-Owen] (1828–1894), Director of the South Kensington Museum [William Sweetland Dallas (1824-1890), zoologist]
Publication details: 
2 May 1876. On embossed letterhead of the Council on Education, Kensington Museum.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Addressed to ‘W. S. Dallas Esq’ and signed ‘P. Cunliffe Owen’ [sic, no hyphen]. Begins: ‘There will be no Ladies on the 13th. Inst & the card I will send you will be personal. I am sorry, that this rule exists, but it affects my own family as well as all the Gentler Sex.’ He concludes with brief details of the plans for the evening. In a postscript which he has initalled he asks Dallas to ‘do some more translation from German’.

[Dannie Abse, Welsh Jewish poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to Paul Furness, recalling poets like Paul Potts and George Barker in the Soho pub the French House, and John Conway and Alun Owen in pubs in Cardiff, and Jews and pubs.

Dannie Abse [Daniel Abse] (1923-2014), Welsh Jewish poet, brother of politician Leo Abse and psychologist Wilfrid Abse [Gaston Berlemont (1914-1999), landlord of the French House, Soho, London]
Publication details: 
November 1982; 85 Hodford Road, London NW11. On embossed government letterhead.

A good informative letter. See Abse's entry in the Oxford DNB, along with that of Gaston Berlemont, proprietor of the French House (the nickname of the York Minster), Soho. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded one for postage. On a leaf of light-grey paper, in matching stamped envelope with postmark, addressed to Furness in Battersea. One of a number of letters from British poets in response to enquiries from Furness with regard to their pub memories.

[Charles Owen Waterhouse, entomologist, godson of Charles Darwin and Richard Owen.] Autograph Letter Signed to Bernard Piffard, micrscopist, regarding ‘British examples’ of the ‘cicada haematodes’.

Charles Owen Waterhouse (1843-1917), entomologist, son of George Robert Waterhouse, godson of Charles Darwin and Richard Owen [Bernard Piffard (1833-1916), entomologist]
Publication details: 
20 June 1881. On embossed letterhead of the British Museum [London].

Waterhouse and his two younger brothers were all entomologists. He was named after his godfathers, Charles Darwin and Richard Owen. See his father’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From the Piffard papers. 2pp, 12mo. Addressed to ‘B. Giffard Esq’ and signed ‘ Chas. O. Waterhouse’. Begins: ‘Dear Sir, / Of Cicada haematodes we have several British examples in the Stephensian Cabinet. [i.e. [i.e. Robert Stephenson's cabinet of microscopic specimens] I have no doubt these specimens are British, and we have also two examples taken in the New Forest.

[Margaret Lloyd George, wife of Liberal Prime Minister David Lloyd George.] Typed Letter with cyclostyled signature, asking Rev. A. H. Sayers of Monmouth to arrange for a collection in his church for the British and Foreign Sailors? Society.

Margaret Lloyd George [nee Owen] (1866-1941), Welsh wife of the Liberal Prime Minister David Lloyd George [Rev. A. H. Sayers of Monmouth; British and Foreign Sailors? Society]
Publication details: 
7 December 1916. On letterhead of 11 Downing Street, London, S.W.

See her entry, and those of her husband and their two daughters, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Although Sayers? name and address are given as recipient at the beginning, the letter is clearly a circular, and the signature is cylcostyled.

[Wilfred Owen, war poet.] Printed ‘Order of Service for the dedication of a memorial to Wilfred Owen 1893-1918’. [with readers including Ted Hughes, Geoffrey Hill, D. J. Enright, Jon Stallworthy, Jill Balcon]

[Wilfred Owen (1893-1918), war poet; Rev. Norman Print, Vicar of Dunsden; Catherine Winkworth; John Stallworthy; D. J. Enright; Robert Gittings; Geoffrey Hill; Ted Hughes; Reynolds Stone; Jill Balcon]
Publication details: 
‘All Saints Church Dunsden at 2.30 p.m. on 12 November 1978 Remembrance Sunday’.

A nice association with a man widely regarded as the greatest English poet of the First World War, and a scarce item of which not many copies can have been printed, and no other copy has been traced. 4pp, 8vo. Bifolium on laid paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight creasing at head. Explanatory note on final page begins: ‘The memorial to Wilfred Owen is cut on Portland stone by Michael Harvey from lettering drawn by Reynolds Stone, CBE, RDI. / The graves of Tom and Susan Owen, the poet’s father and mother, and of his sister Mary are in the south-east corner of the churchyard.

[‘Compo’ in ‘Last of the Summer Wine’.] Typed Letter Signed from the actor Bill Owen to the theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, asking for advice on a script he wishes to write about Dan Leno.

Bill Owen [William John Owen Rowbotham (1914-1999)], English actor and songwriter, best-known for playing ‘Compo’ in the BBC TV series ‘Last of the Summer Wine’ [W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
15 April 1953; on letterhead of Lavender Lodge, Maidenhead Court, Maidenhead.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) 1p, 16mo. Signed ‘Bill Owen’. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Hailing him as ‘the greatest living authority on British Theatre’, he asks for advice. ‘My job is acting, and it has always been an ambition of mine to portray the life of Dan Leno, either on film or TV.

[Sir Richard Owen, palaeontologist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Cullum, enclosing a long translation by Samuel Birch of inscriptions on an Egyptian statue in the British Museum, annotated by Owen and with transcription of letter to him by Birch.

Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892), palaeontologist, first Director of Natural History Museum, opponent of the theory of evolution [Samuel Birch (1813-1885), Egyptologist; Lady Ann Cullum of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
Owen's letter to Lady Cullum dated from Sheen Lodge, Richmond Park, 5 May 1867. Transcription of Birch's letter to Owen dated from British Museum [London], 9 July 1860.

An interesting item in the field of Victorian Egyptology. The subject is what Owen describes here as 'one of the oldest Statues of an Egyptian Notable in the British Museum'. Its current Museum Number is EA103, and it has been in the Museum since 1835, but the details of its acquisition are unclear. In his translation Birch calls the sitter 'the Royal Scribe, Amenhelp', but the current BM description begins: 'Scribal statue of Amenhotep son of Hapu: of black grano-diorite. Hieroglyphic texts are inscribed on the papyrus unrolled on his lap and on the statue plinth.

[First World War commemoration.] Printed pamphlet with fold-out plan: 'The Empire's War Memorial and a Project for a British Imperial University of Commerce by Ernest H. Taylor and J. B. Black, M.A., B.A.'

Ernest H. Taylor; J. B. Black [Isambard Owen, W. H. Hadow, H. F. Wilson, Angus Watson, T. J. Lennard, A. K. Wright] ['The Empire's War Memorial'; First World War commemoration]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: Macniven & Wallace, 138 Princes Street, 1920.

56pp, 8vo. With fold-out 'Chart indicating the suggested arrangement of buildings etc:' at rear, 29.5 x 53.5 cm. In grey printed wraps. Internally in good condition, lightly aged, in worn and torn wraps which are becoming detached. With label, stamp and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Reference Library. Black's preface (pp.5-6) begins by explaining that 'The ideas embodied in the following pages are the product of some eight months incarceration in Germany.

[Lord Brougham, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Lovejoy', regarding a 'proposed Institution' and any assistance he can give by means of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.

Lord Brougham [Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)], Lord Chancellor [Owen Lovejoy (1811-1864), American abolitionist; Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge]
Publication details: 
Calehill, Charing, Kent; 29 October 1840.

At the time of writing Brougham was recuperating from a serious illness, and trying to dodge the Chartists, who were reorganising under new leadership. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. The letter begins: 'Lord Brougham presents his compliments to Mr Lovejoy and assures him that it would give him very great satisfaction if he could be of any service to the proposed Insttitution – to which he heartily wishes every success.

[Sir William Lawrence, President of the Royal College of Surgeons and Serjeant Surgeon to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wlm. Lawrence') to 'Professor Owen' [Sir Richard Owen], asking him to amend a document.

Sir William Lawrence (1783-1867), President of the Royal College of Surgeons of London and Serjeant Surgeon to Queen Victoria [Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892)]
Publication details: 
Whitehall Pla[ce] [London]. 25 July 1848.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damage at head repaired with archival tape, and thin strip from stub of mount adhering to one edge. He asks Owen to 'alter or add to the paper sent herewith in any way you please, so that it may harmonize with the report you have drawn up, & represent the meaning you may intend to convey'. He will 'call at the College in the course of the day & affix my signature to the completed document'.

[ Will Owen, illustrator of W. W. Jacobs. ] Two unpublished autograph volumes by Owen, the first and last of a three-volume work described by him as 'a more or less humorous account of a ramble round the Kentish Coast by two men'.

Will Owen (1859-1957), English book illustrator associated with W. W. Jacobs, cartoonist, caricaturist and commercial artist making posters for London Underground, creator of the 'Bisto Kids'
Publication details: 
'A Corner of Kent | by Will Owen | Flat 90. Charterhouse Square | E.C.1 [ London ]'. Undated [ late 1940s? ].

The two volumes constitute the first and last volumes (the middle volume is missing) of a three-volume work described by its author as 'a more or less humorous account of a ramble round the Kentish Coast by two men'. This unpublished work constitutes a topographical and social narrative, written by the well-known artist and illustrator when in his eighties. Stylistically indebted to Jerome K.

[ Robert Owen; Donation leaflet ] Robert Owen Statue Committee, Newtown. Robert Owen Statue Appeal.

[ Robert Owen, revolutionary; Gilbert Bayes, sculptor ]
Publication details: 
[Newtown, Montgomeryshire, 1956 ]

One page, 20 x 32.5cm (sm. fol.), minor creasing and wear, fold mark at centre. With biographical details, description of the proposed statue with photograph of the model to be transformed (Owen protecting child), officers of the Committee, and at bottom, blank form for a donation (concluding "Cooperative Union Ltd" - imprint presumably).

[ William Sweetland Dallas, zoologist, 'collaborateur to Darwin'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. S. Dallas') to 'G. Masters', agreeing under duress to allow a visit to the Geological Society collection, the scope of which he discusses.

W. S. Dallas [ William Sweetland Dallas ] (1824-1890) of the Geological Society, zoologist, friend and 'collaborateur' to Charles Darwin, as also Huxley, Owen and Lyell
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Geological Society, Burlington House, W. [ London ] 19 May 1882.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by conveying his irritation that Masters had arranged 'a visit to the Society's Museum' without consulting 'the authorities'. However, as the notices have been distributed, and 'the party will be a very small one, we must do the best we can'. He asks to be informed, 'by return of post, what you think will interest your friends, in order that the drawers may be got out & prepared for their inspection'.

[ Sir Cecil Harcourt Smith, archaeologist and Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Cecil H. Smith.') to Sir Henry Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, describing arrangements for the judging of the Owen Jones prizes

Sir Cecil Harcourt Smith (1859-1944), archaeologist and Director and Secretary of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1909-1924 [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. 24 October 1916.reg

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. With the Society's oval date stamp. He is sending as promised 'a note of the arrangements agreed upon between us at our interview to-day'. Undertaking to provide space at the Museum 'for the purpose of receiving, arranging for judgment, and re-despatching the designs submitted for the Owen Jones prizes for industrial design. The judging will be done by your nominees, and all correspondence in connection with the matter will be in your hands'.

[ Rev. Robert Whiston, the inspiration for Trollope's 'The Warden'. ] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Robert Whiston') to Richard Prall, Rochester solicitor

Robert Whiston (1808-1895), Headmaster of Rochester Cathedral Grammar School [ King's School ], 1842 -1877, inspiration for Anthony Trollope's 'The Warden' [ Richard Prall (1802-67), solicitor ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Rochester [ Kent ]; 28 September 1872. Note from St. Margarets; 20 April 1877.

Both items in fair condition, aged and worn. ONE: ALS. 28 September 1872. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He is 'taking somewhat of a liberty', but having heard 'that you are parting with one of your Clerks', says 'a word in favour of a person in whom for many reasons I take a great interest, & of whom you & your Brothers may know something. | I mean Mr. Prothero for many years an Inmate of my House, & an Assistant Master in the School'. Prothero was 'for some years a Clerk in the County Court', but 'is obliged from paucity of business to leave it, & is now out of employment'.

Statements of account of the sales of books by 'Owen Meredith' [Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton], by the London publishers Messrs. Macmillan & Co., Ltd., and Longmans, Green & Co.

Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton (1831-1891), Viceroy of India and poet under the pseudonym Owen Meredith
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1890 and 1916. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, London, EC. June 1893 to June 1916. Messrs. Macmillan & Co., 29 & 30 Bedford Street, Covent Garden [later St. Martin's Street], London. April 1890 to June 1900.

On forms printed in red and black, totalling 1p., folio; 40pp., landscape 8vo; 6pp. (of which four in landscape), 12mo. The seven accounts from Messrs. Macmillan & Co., all relating to 'The Ring of Amasis', are on seven sheets, landscape 8vo, dating from between 1889 and 1900.

[ Pamphlet. ] Public Control of the Liquor Traffic. The Aberdeen Scheme. Memorandum by the Aberdeen Association for Promoting the Public Control of the Liquor Traffic.

Professor J. Dove Wilson, LL.D., Chairman, and T. Owen Snow, Honorary Secretary, Aberdeen Association for Promoting the Public Control of the Liquor Traffic
Publication details: 
[ Aberdeen Association for Promoting the Public Control of the Liquor Traffic. ] 1895.

4pp., 12mo. Disbound bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. Subtitles: 'Heads of Scheme' and 'Expalantory Notes'. At end of last page are 'Some Opinions of Public Control' (by 'Mr. Gladstone', 'Mr. Chamberlain' and 'The Times'). Scarce: no copies on COPAC.

[ Pamphlet. ] Five Dead Men whom I knew when Living: Robert Owen, Joseph Mazzini, Charles Sumner, J. S. Mill, & Ledru Rollin.

Charles Bradlaugh [ Robert Owen; Joseph Mazzini; Charles Sumner; John Stuart Mill; Ledru Rollin ]
Publication details: 
London: Freethough Publishing Company, 28, Stonecutter Street, E.C. Undated [ 1880s ].

30pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on aged paper. The Freethought Publishing Company was Bradlaugh's own vehicle. Preceded in publication by an edition by C. Watts, London, circa 1877. Scarce.

[ Col. Sir William Owen Lanyon, KCMG, CB. ] Manuscript Letter signed by Sir Albert William Woods, informing him of his appointment to the Order of the Bath, with manuscript duplicate of letter, signed by Sir Charles Cox, regarding another appointment

Sir Albert William Woods (1816-1904), Garter King of Arms; Sir Charles Cox (c.1810-1892), Chancellor of the Order of St Michael and St George [ Col. Sir William Owen Lanyon (1842-1887), KCMG, CB ]
Publication details: 
Letter signed by Woods: from the College of Arms, 23 February 1880. Letter signed by Cox, from the Chancery of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (and on embossed letterhead), 8 April 1880.

Both items 2pp., folio. Each on a separate leaf, the two leaves attached to one another by small gummed labels. Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Signed by Woods. Announcing the appointment, and enclosing a warrant ('ordinary Member of the Military division of the Third Class, or Companions'. TWO: Signed by Cox. The word 'duplicate' in red ink at head of first page, but with Cox's genuine signature. Announcing the appointment, 'on the recommendation of Secretary Sir Michael Hicks Beach'.

[Robert Owen, Welsh utopian socialist.] Manuscript List of newspapers, addressed to 'Robert Owen, Esqr.' [by his publishers Cadell & Davies], with note stating that they are 'The Papers Mr Owens Pamphlet [probably 'A New View of Society'] is to go'.

[Robert Owen (1771-1858), Welsh social reformer and utopian socialist; Cadell & Davies, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. On paper watermarked 'H WILLMOTT | 1812'.

1p., small 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper, with spike hole (not affecting text). Listing seventeen newspapers, from 'The Times' to 'Drakard's paper', with note running up the right-hand margin: 'The Papers Mr Owens Pamphlet is to go'. Addressed on reverse to 'Robert Owen, Esqr.' From the archives of Cadell & Davies, publishers in 1813 of Owen's 'New View of Society'.

[Charles Edward Fewster of Hull.] Scrapbook containing chromolithograph leaves from the Sermon on the Mount, 'Illuminated by Owen Jones', and other material including a long manuscript letter on 'Japanesque stationery' by Charles Goodall & Son.

Charles Edward Fewster (1847-1896), Hull paint maker; Owen Jones; Henry Warren; Chas. Goodall & Son [Charles Goodall & Son] of Camden, printers; Marcus Ward & Co., of Belfast; Albrecht Dürer [Durer]
Publication details: 
In album by Marcus Ward & Co. of London and the Royal Ulster Works, Belfast. Owen Jones item: London: Longman & Co., 1844. Charles Goodall & Son letter: London: 1 February 1877.

A cultured man (an authority on numismatics), Fewster worked for the family firm of Thomas Fewster of Hull, paint, colour and varnish manufacturers. The present item is an attractive example of his professional interest in the developments in late nineteenth-century design (another is his collection of the designs of Christopher Dresser, in two albums, is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London). It is a small 4to (21 x 17 cm) album of green cloth, with embossed design of birds and foliage around the words 'Scrap Album' on front cover, and printed illustrated title by Marcus Ward & Co.

[Pamphlet.] An Article on the proposals for a Welsh Educational Compromise. By the Right Rev. J. Owen, D.D. Late Bishop of St. Davids.

Right Rev. J. Owen [John Owen (1854-1926)], D.D., Late Bishop of St Davids [Welsh education]
Publication details: 
Printed by W. Spurrell & Son, Carmarthen, For the Welsh Church Press and Printing Company, Limited, Lampeter.

19pp., 8vo. Stapled, in printed wraps. With the stamp and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library. In good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper, with lightly-rusted staples. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Cardiff, Oxford and Lambeth Palace.

Autographh Letter Signed from the illustrator Will Owen, thanking T. Hellier Denselow for saying 'nice things' about his work, which he himself likes 'occasionally - not often'.

Will Owen (1869-1957), English book illustrator and poster artist [T. Hellier Denselow]
Publication details: 
4 Richmond Avenue, Richmond, Surrey. 7 July 1901.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is addressed to 'T. Hellier Denselow Esq.', but the accompanying envelope (with stamp and postmark) is addressed by him to 'D. [sic] Hellier Denselow Esqre | 137 Hurlingham Road | London S.W.' Owen thanks Denselow 'for all the nice things in your letter', adding that he is 'glad you like the sketches. I do myself occasionally - not often.' Denselow would himself appear to have been a commercial artist, with a studio in Gunnersbury Lane in west London.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H: B: Fielding') from Henry Borron Fielding, inviting the recipient to join the Earl of Burlington, Earl Stanhope and Professor Owen as trustees on presentation of his herbarium and library to London Royal Botanical Society.

Henry Borron Fielding (1805-1851), botanist [Fielding Herbarium, University of Oxford; London Royal Botanical Society; Earl of Burlington; Earl Stanhope; Sir Richard Owen; James De Carl Sowerby]
Publication details: 
Bolton Lodge, Lancaster. 6 January 1842.

2pp., 12mo. 29 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of previous mounting, and the annotation '13/19' in a contemporary hand. A significant letter relating to an important collection. Fielding bequeathed his herbarium and botanical library to the University of Oxford where, as the Oxford DNB explains, they formed for many years 'one of the key resources for the study of botany'.

Six Typed Letters and Notes Signed 'Cecil Harcourt Smith' (Director, V & A) to Sir Henry Truman, Royal Society of Arts. With additional copy letter from Somers Clarke.

Cecil Harcourt Smith, sometime Director and Secretary of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Six Typed Letters and Notes Signed 'Cecil Harcourt Smith'
Publication details: 
Victoria and Albert Museum, 1917-1919.
Six Typed Letters and Notes Signed 'Cecil Harcourt Smith'

Total (Smith letters) 7pp., 8vo, RSA stamp on all, good condition. Subjects: (1917) letter from a Mr. W. Foxton; a word with a Mr. Kendrick about judging; reception of parcels for the Owen Jones Competition; (1918) measures taken because of possible increase of risk from attack by hostile aircraft; need for the RSA to take back some works deposited by them to make room in the basement for withdrawals from exhibition (pencil note attached about the deposit); arrangements for Mr.

Autograph Signature ('Waddington') and address in frank to Fritz Cunliffe Owen, and with an Autograph Note Signed by Owen to 'friend Leckie'.

William Henry Waddington (1826-1894), Prime Minister of France in 1879 [Fritz Cunliffe Owen]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of paper, an irregular rectangle cut from the front of a letter (10 cm x 13 cm at head and 16 cm at foot). On aged paper with pinholes from mounting. Small signature boxed in to the bottom left-hand corner by Waddington. Addressed to 'Fritz Cunliffe Owen Esqre | 4 Grafton Street | Piccadilly'. Owen's note, above the address, reads 'Dr. friend Leckie. Your sister may like to have this autogr. of the French ambassador Mr. Waddington as you know, a great French statesman - au revoir a Bologna on Sunday morning. Yours affect. [signed] Fritz Cunliffe Owen'.

Autograph Signatures of seven leading figures in Victorian horseracing: 'Mornington Cannon', 'Thomas Cannon', 'Sam Darling', 'C. Morton', 'Roderic Owen', 'Leopold de Rothschild' and 'C Tattersall'.

Herbert Mornington Cannon (1873-1962); Thomas Cannon Snr (1846-1917); Samuel Darling (1852-1921); Charles Morton (1855-1936); Roderic Owen (1856-1896); Leopold de Rothschild (1845-1917); C. Tattersall
Publication details: 
Undated [1890s?]

The seven signatures are each cut from a letter. They are mounted in two columns on a page of grey paper, roughly 22.5 x 27.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with occasional light spotting. At the head of the page is the word 'Horseman', with each individuals occupation in the same hand on the mount beneath his autograph. One (2.5 x 11 cm): '<...> delivery? | Yrs truly | Roderic Owen' ['Gentleman rider']. Two (5.5 x 11.5 cm): '<...> Yrs truly | Sam Darling' ['trainer']. Three (3.5 x 12 cm): '<...> Yours very sincerely | C. Morton' ['Trainer'].

"The true hero" and other poems.

Publication details: 
Without date [circa 1918?] or place ['Western Mail, Ltd., Cardiff.']

64 pages, 16mo. In original printed wraps. In poor condition. Ownership inscription at head of front wrap. The two binding staples rusted, and the wraps in particular grubby, torn and worn. Photograph of 'Private JENKIN THOMAS' in what appears to be World War I uniform on front wrap. Illustration of the 'SINKING OF THE "TITANIC." ' on page 9; photograph of 'WILLIAM HERBERT HARRIS, A.L.C.M.' on page 47.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Stanley Buckmaster') to [F.] Meade[, Secretary, Official Press Bureau].

Stanley Owen Buckmaster, 1st Viscount Buckmaster (1861-1934), Liberal politician and Lord Chancellor [the Official Press Bureau; Great War; censorship]
Publication details: 
12 April 1915; on embossed government letterhead of the Official Press Bureau, Whitehall.

12mo, 3 pp, 26 lines. Good, with tiny pin holes at head and foot of both leaves of the bifolium, and one corner roughened by removal of mount. Buckmaster has learnt that Meade is 'contemplating leaving [his] work in this Office', and would 'greatly regret any such step' as Meade's work is 'of great assistance and is much appreciated by all of us in this room'. While Buckmaster realises that there is little opportunity for advancement, he feels that 'we all do render considerable service to the state'.

Handbill, listing the Association's officers, describing its aims, and appealing for funds.

The Hausa Association [George Taubman-Goldie; John Owen Murray]
Publication details: 
London, 20th May, 1897.'

Quarto: 4 pp. Bifolium. Unbound. Creased and grubby. Half-page map ('Sketch to show position of Hausa-land'). Headed in red ink 'Funds are urgently needed both to secure the results already obtained and to carry forward the work.' 'The Hausa Association, For Promoting the Study of the Hausa Language and People' is said here to have been founded in 1891 in memory of the Rev. John Alfred Robinson.

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