[Joseph Lancaster, Quaker educationalist.] Printed ephemera: Handbill titled ‘ROYAL BENEVOLENCE.’, appealing for subscription to ‘a Fund to enable Schools in the country, for TEN THOUSAND POOR CHILDREN’.

Joseph Lancaster (1778-1838), pioneering Quaker educationalist who advocated the monitorial system
Publication details: 
‘Free School, Borough Road, Southwark. / 19th of 3d Month, 1806.’

A scarce and fragile item: the only copy traced on WorldCat and Jisc is held by the Society Friends (Quakers). Lancaster’s entry in the Oxford DNB, which sums up his achievements: ‘his name was to survive in English educational history as one of the foremost pioneers of mass schooling and effective teacher training in the early industrial era’. The handbill is printed on one side of a 15 x 19.5 cm leaf of thin wove paper. A fragile survival: lightly aged and worn, with a small hole and closed tear, but text clear and entire.

[ Sylvia Pankhurst; suffragette and activist; Pamphlet ] The Execution of an East London Boy.

E. Sylvia Pankhurst [ Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (1882–1960), campaigner for the suffrage and suffragette movement, a socialist and later a communist , and so on.]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the WOMAN'S DREADNOUGHT, April 22nd, 1916, published by the Worker's Suffrage Foundation [...]

Leaflet, 4pp., sl. dusted, aged, one small closed tear, ow. good. Pankhurst prints selections from the letters of a Private on the Western Front who was court-martialled and executed. Apparently very scarce, two copies (USA) listed in WorldCat (and one of those might be microform).

[ Leaflet ] The Howard League for Penal Reform (Formerly the Howard Association and the Penal Reform League).. Enclosure: form to accompany donation, not yet filled in.

[ The Howard League for Penal Reform ]
Publication details: 

Leaflet, 4pp., 8vo, bifolium, unbound, minor staining, good condition. Presumably this was published just after The Howard Association and the Penal Reform League joined forces in 1921, The Officers are listed first, including Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck (Chairman) and Margery Fry (Hon. Sec., Principal of Somerville College, Oxford). The leaflet outlines the objectives of the Howard League with a page dedicated to I. The setting up of an organised system of Probation and the final two pages headed II. Classification of Prisoners. No other copy traced (yet).

[ Charterhouse; William Haig Brown; Printed ] Handbill Prologue to 'Helping Hands'. AND Programme for the performances

[ William Haig Brown (1823–1907), cleric and reforming headmaster of Charterhouse School.]
Publication details: 
Charterhouse, December, 1869.

Handbill/Leaflet, 26 x 13cm. laid down on part of page extracted from an Album created by Major Wellesley Paget, R.H.A., sl. wrinkled, fold mark, ow good. This Prologue to the School Play of 1869, Helping Hands was later printed in William Haig Brown's Carthusian Memories and Other Verses of Leisure, p.54. WITH: Programme, 4pp., 8vo, not bound, sl. water stained, small closed tear, ow. good condition for the performances on 9-11 December 1869 of Helping Hands. A Domestic Drama in II. Acts By Tom Taylor, Esq. and Whitebait at Greenwich. A Farce, By J.M. Morton with cast lists

[ Fox-hunting in Ireland; Printed Verse; Not recorded ] The Darrigle Day. | November 15th, 1880

H.P. [ Fox-hunting in Ireland; Verse ]
Publication details: 
Presumably Darrigle, nr Portlaw, Ireland, 15 November 1880.

[For Private Circulation only] Unpublished poem, four pages, 8vo, not bound, sl. water affected ow good condition, fourteen verses on three pages. First verse; You may boast of your spins over Aylesbury Vale; | You may brag of your gallops from Ranksboro' gorse; | Of your Greatwood or Waterloo tell a fine tale; | Of your deeds in the shires you may talk yourselves hoars: | They are well in their way: but we all of us say | There is nothing can equal our Darrigle Day.

[ Leaflet/Handbill; annotated ] Association for the Scientific Treatment of Criminals "The only way to stop us ..."(annotation described below).

[ Adler, Freud, Jung, Havelock Ellis and others Vice-Presidents]
Publication details: 
[ London, 1931? ]

Printed, 4pp., 8vo, fold mark, small closed tear, good condition, with removeable application for Associate/subscription intact and unused. The word "Criminal" in the title has been crossed out and"Deliquency & Crime" added in MS title. The list of members include Adler, Freud, Jung, Havelock Ellis, Ernest Jones, H.G. Wells and others. The name Dr Otto Rank has been added in MS, and other lesser names typed in (Cyril Burt etc). The leaflet outlines their Aims, with further sections entitled "Existing Anomalies" and "Society's Responsibility".

[The Cato Street Conspiracy, 1820; Arthur Thistlewood and Lord Liverpool.] Printed handbill: 'Conspiracy | A Particular Account of the Treasonable Plot formed, for the destruction of His Majesty's Ministers!!!'

The Cato Street Conspiracy, 1820; Arthur Thistlewood (1774-1820); Lord Liverpool, Prime Minister
Publication details: 
Pollock, Printer, North Shields. No date [March 1820].

For information regarding the conspiracy to murder Lord Liverpool and his entire cabinet, see Thistlewood's entry in the Oxford DNB. A rare item, with no other copy found either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC, and intended for distribution in the streets of the North-East of England as the sensational news of the Conspiracy broke. In small print apart from the heading (which is in the usual mixture for the period of typefaces and point sizes, with fancy rules), on one side of a 42 x 13 cm strip of laid paper.

[Commander Stephen King-Hall's propaganda battle with Joseph Goebbels.] Printed pamphlet, in German, a letter from King-Hall to 'Lieber deutschen Leser', ridiculing Hitler, Goebbels and the Nazis. With contemporary English translation.

Stephen King-Hall [William Stephen Richard King-Hall, Baron King-Hall] (1893-1966), writer, politician, naval officer, propagandist
Publication details: 
[London, 1939.] Letter dated from 162 Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W.1. Slug: 'L.C.P. - 5404'.

The present item is part of a propaganda battle between King-Hall and Goebbels. The only other copy of the item located is at the German National Library, King-Hall having 'contrived to infiltrate', as his Oxford DNB entry has it, this 'German version' of his 'King-Hall News Letter' to 'individuals in the Reich, provoking a vehement reaction from Goebbels and Hitler himself'. See also the article in Time magazine, 7 August 1939: 'Last week all Europe was excited about the propaganda battle between England's Commander Stephen King-Hall and Germany's Paul Joseph Goebbels (TIME, July 31).

[ 'The Livingstone Memorial. At Chitambo's, British Central Africa.' ] Leaflet carrying printed circular letter by Henry M. Stanley, 'soliciting a small subscription'.

Henry M. Stanley [ Sir Henry Morton Stanley; Doctor David Livingstone; The Livingstone Memorial at Chitambo's, British Central Africa ]
Publication details: 
Stanley's letter dated from 2 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, London. May 1899.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tear at head of both leaves. There are gaps to the document, for the insertion in manuscript of the recipient's name and for the completion of the date. First page headed 'The Livingstone Memorial. At Chitambo's, British Central Africa.' The first part of the leaflet reproduces a letter by 'HENRY M. STANLEY', dated from Richmond Terrace, May 1899. The second part, on the lower two-thirds of the last page, consists of an extract in small print, headed: 'The following is extracted from “Africa,” February, 1898.

[ National Federation of Women's Institutes. ] Two leaflets: 'Members, Committee, and Treasurer' (including contributions by Margaret Macnamara and G. Lampson) and 'Leaflet for Women's Institute Members'.

National Federation of Women's Institutes, London [ Margaret Macnamara; G. Lampson ]
Publication details: 
Both published by The National Federation of Women's Institutes, 26, Ecclestone Street, London, S.W.1. Neither dated [ both 1920s ].

Both items are 4pp., 8vo, on bifoliums. Both are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both are scarce: the only copy of the first on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC at the British Library, and no other copy of the second traced. ONE: Title: 'Members, Committee, and Treasurer.' Leaflet headed 'National Federation of Women's Institutes | (Established in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries).', and numbered 'N.F.W.I. - 17.' Price 1½d. Divided into: 'The Secret of Membership. | By Margaret Macnamara', 'Duties and Privileges of a Women's Institute Committee.

[ Robert Owen; Donation leaflet ] Robert Owen Statue Committee, Newtown. Robert Owen Statue Appeal.

[ Robert Owen, revolutionary; Gilbert Bayes, sculptor ]
Publication details: 
[Newtown, Montgomeryshire, 1956 ]

One page, 20 x 32.5cm (sm. fol.), minor creasing and wear, fold mark at centre. With biographical details, description of the proposed statue with photograph of the model to be transformed (Owen protecting child), officers of the Committee, and at bottom, blank form for a donation (concluding "Cooperative Union Ltd" - imprint presumably).

[ British Women on the Home Front in the First World War. ] Mimeographed Leaflet, on Government letterhead, of poem '"The Girls They Left Behind Them" | Air -: The Minstrel Boy.'[

[ British Women on the Home Front in the First World War; Sir Richard Harington, 12th Baronet, of Ridlington (1861-1931; Thomas Moore) ]
Publication details: 
Undated. Circa 1916.

The item derives from the papers of Sir Richard Harington, 12th Baronet of Ridlington (1861-1931), who volunteered for the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve on the outbreak of the First World War, and was promoted to the rank of Chief Petty Officer in the Anti-Aircraft Corps, serving in that capacity until 1916. 2pp., foolscap folio. On both sides of a leaf of paper with embossed Government crest. In fair condition, lightly-aged and worn, with a few short closed tears to edges. Mimeographed duplication of a manuscript poem parodying Thomas Moore's poem 'The Minstrel Boy'.

[ The Left Book Club, London. ] Subscription leaflet, including 'particulars of the very important new "C" membership'.

The Left Book Club, London [ Victor Gollancz Ltd; Harold Laski; John Strachey ]
Publication details: 
London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.2. [1938. ]

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. Headed: 'N.B. PLEASE use this leaflet to get a new member. On page 3 are particulars of the very important new "C" membership. | LEFT BOOK CLUB'. In double-column and small print. Headings: 'What Membership means', 'No subscription whatever' ('The Books are selected by Laski, Strachey, and Gollancz.'), 'But Membership is a Key . . .', 'Probable coming "Books of the Month"' ['Justice in England' by 'A Barrister', 'The Battle for Peace' by F. Elwyn Jones, 'A.R.P.' by Professor J. B. S.

To Defend and Promote Religious Education. Memorials Presented by the Church Schools' Emergency League to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Right Honourable H. A. L. Fisher, President of the Board of Education.

[The Church Schools' Emergency League, Manchester]
Publication details: 
The Church Schools' Emergency League [Manchester]. Emergency Leaflet, CLXII. July 1919.

8pp., 12mo, paginated 19-26. Stapled and unbound. With stamp, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Lambeth Palace.

[Printed handbill poem.] A la Garde Nationale de Honfleur. Choeur des Républicains. Air du Chœur des Girondins.

'Achille de Naguet Desportes, Propriétaire à Equemauville, près Honfleur' (d.1879) [La Garde Nationale de Honfleur; E. Dupray, printer]
Publication details: 
'Honfleur. Typographie ve E. Dupray.' Undated [1840s].

1p., 8vo. On wove paper. Lightly worn and aged. Text in two columns within ornate decorative border. Author's details at foot, above printer's slug. Thirty-five line poem, in five seven-line stanzas. First stanza: 'O! toi, ma France bien-aimée, | Pour toi, nous faison tous des voeux, | Oh! sois à jamais vénérée, | Élevons nos voix vers les cieux. | Oh! France, ma patrie!

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