[Sir Charles Craufurd [Sir Charles Gregan Craufurd], gallant British soldier.] Autograph itemised financial statement: 'Major Craufurd's Account', with signed receipt, for costs including the Duke of York's 'Pellice' and 'Post Horses'.

Sir Charles Craufurd [Sir Charles Gregan Craufurd] (1761-1821), gallant British soldier, equerry to the Duke of York, and later a Tory Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
16 January 1794. No place [on active duty in the Netherlands].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In 1787 he had been appointed equerry to the Duke of York, and he accompanied him to the Netherlands as Aide-de-Camp. The present item was written a three months before the Battle of Villers-en-Cauchies, at which Craufurd, at the head of two squadrons, is said to have captured three guns and a thousand men. 1p, 12mo. On watermarked laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with creases from having been folded into a packet. Docketed on reverse. Reads: ‘Major Craufurd’s Account. / Paid to the Russian Minister at Brussels for a Pellice for the Duke ..

[General Sir David Dundas, Scottish soldier, British Army officer and military author, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces.] Manuscript Document regarding Alexander Adair and the clothing of his regiment, Signed by him with his seal.

General Sir David Dundas (c.1735-1820), Scottish soldier, British Army officer in the Seven Years' War and French Revolutionary Wars and military writer, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces
Publication details: 
23 June 1796. 'Entered in the Office for Auditing the Public Accounts the 9th of February 1797'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, folio. Text clear and entire, on worn and grubby paper, with chipping to edges and slight loss to one corner, with one closed tear repaired with archival tape. Embossed tax stamps at head. Good firm signature at bottom right ‘David Dundas.’, beside small seal in red wax, with crumbling impression. At bottom left: ‘Signed Sealed and Delivered (being first duly stampt) in the Presence of us / John Landon / M King’. Downwards in left-hand margin: 'Entered in the Office for Auditing the Public Accounts the 9th of February 1797 / Thos Gibbes’.

[American War of Independence: Tarleton’s Raiders (in fact Tarleton’s Legion).] Autograph text of newspaper advertisement by Sir Banastre Tarleton, for his ‘Southern Campaigns in America [...] by Major General Tarleton.'

American War of Independence: Tarleton’s Raiders [in fact Tarleton’s Legion]. Sir Banastre Tarleton (1754-1833), British soldier and Whig politician
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1787, when the work was published.

Tarleton has become a quasi-mythical figure in the early history of the United States, his actions misrepresented and his character traduced. See his entry in the Oxford DNB, and the magnificent portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the National Portrait Gallery, London. The present item is 1p, landscape 12mo, on one side of an 18 x 10.5 cm piece of gilt-edged watermarked laid paper. In fair condition, aged, worn and lightly creased, with central horizontal and vertical folds, and evidence of mount on the blank reverse.

[Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, 1800.] Printed Privy Council Order in Council, in the name of ‘W. Fawkener’, regarding ‘modes of Payment by Allotments, and other new Regulations respecting Tickets’.

Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, 1800 [William Augustus Henry Fawkener (c.1750-1811), Clerk to the Privy Council; the Royal Navy; King George III]
Publication details: 
‘At the Court at St. James’s, The 28th of May, 1800.’ Slug: ‘Printed by G. Roberts, Admiralty Office.’

1p, folio. On recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of watermarked laid paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight wear and spotting to the extremities. With ‘(L.S.)’ at top right and at the foot the slug ‘Printed by G. Roberts, Admiralty Office.’ Headed: ‘At the Court at St. James’s, / The 28th of May, 1800. / PRESENT, / The King’s Most Excellent Majesty / in Council.’ Thirty-four lines of text, including a twenty-three line transcription of an Admiralty memorandum, in smaller type.

[Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray, French novelist, playwright and journalist and Girondin during the French Revolution.] Autograph Manuscript of seven political memoranda, titled ‘un mot sur notre situation.’

Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray (1760-1797), French novelist, playwright and journalist and Girondin during the French Revolution
Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray,
Publication details: 
No date or place. [During the French Revoultion: 1780s or 1790s.]
Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray,

See his entry in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1p, 16mo. Twenty-two lines. On watermarked laid paper. Seven numbered memoranda, possibly an aide-mémoire for a speech. Begins: ‘1o. la loi égale pour tous.’ Later on: ‘1o Ce n’est point un droit que la loi accorde; c’est un devoir qu’elle impose. et pour imposer ce devoir, elle n’a vue que son interêt. / une fonction publique n’est pas le droit de tous; elle est le devoir de quelques uns.’ And later: ‘5o. Quoi le Pere est b[?] . . . . les Dieux de l’oncle sont confisqués.’ The seventh and last memorandum concerns ‘Les malheureux!

[Marie Descorches, French revolutionary diplomat, formerly Marquis d`Escorches de Sainte Croix.] Two communications as ‘Préfet du Département de la Drome’: a Secretarial Letter Signed by him to Mayor of ‘Commune de Propiac’, and printed decree.

Marie Descorches [Marie Louis Henri Descorches] (1749-1830; Marquis d`Escorches de Sainte Croix), French soldier and revolutionary diplomat, Ambassador to Poland and Ottoman Empire, Prefect of Drôme
Publication details: 
Both on revolutionary letterheads. Secretarial letter: ‘Valence, le 20 frimaire, an 12 de la République française. [i.e. 12 December 1803]’ Printed decree: ‘Valence, le 7 brumaire, an 12 de la République française. [i.e. 30 October 1803]’

The two items are on variations of the revolutionary letterhead of the Prefect of the Drôme Department, with oval medallion illustration of a seated liberty with a phrygian cap on a stick, forearm leaning on the fasces and the words ‘Libérté’ and ‘Égalité’. The printed decree is in good condition, lightly aged, with slight foxing and discoloration. The secretarial letter is in fair condition, with darker patches of discoloration.

[Admiral of the Fleet James Gambier, distinguished Royal Navy officer.] Navy Office document, signed by Gambier, John Henslow and Charles Hope, querying an account submitted by ‘Captain Stanhope / late of L’Achille’.

James Gambier [Lord Gambier] (1756-1833), Royal Navy Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty and First Naval Lord; John Henslow (1730-1815); Captain Charles Hope
Publication details: 
'Navy Office 20th March 1799.'

See Gambier’s entry in the Oxford DNB. He served during capture of Charleston during American Revolutionary War, at the Glorious First of June, and commanded at Battle of Copenhagen and Battle of the Basque Roads. He was First Naval Lord, three times: 1795-1801, 1804-6 and 1807-8. Henslow was Surveyor to the Navy, 1784-1806, and Hope was Deputy Comptroller of the Navy, 1795-1801.

[Admiral Sir Richard Rodney Bligh, Royal Navy officer in American War of Independence.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Admiralty, regarding ‘Her Majesty’s Sloop the Wasp under my Command’.

Admiral Sir Richard Rodney Bligh (1737-1821), GCB, Royal Navy officer who saw service in the American War of Independence and French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars [HMS Wasp]
Publication details: 
‘Wasp, Portsmouth 1st. Decr. 1775.’

Bligh’s entry in the Oxford DNB does not note his service on HMS Wasp, to which he was appointed in October 1774. According to one authority the ship ‘saw service out of Passage, County Cork, Ireland from [November 1774]. In October 1775 [Bligh] brought sixty volunteers from Ireland into Plymouth, and in June 1776 sailed from Portsmouth to Plymouth with money for the dockyard artificers.

[Martin Nadaud, French revolutionary in exile as Wimbledon teacher ‘Henri Geo. Martin’.] Autograph Letter Signed, as ‘Martin’, in French, telling ‘Mons Delabussière’ to seek assistance from his ‘bon ami’ the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow.

Martin Nadaud (1815-1898), French revolutionary who spent 18 years in exile in England after 1848, under the name ‘Henri Geo. Martin’ [John Malcolm Forbes Ludlow (1821-1911), Christian Socialist]
Publication details: 
‘18bre [sic] 1855’ [Wimbledon, London].

An interesting letter, indicating the networks of sympathisers who assisted those fleeing to England in the years following the revolutions of 1848. In the July 1895 edition of the Atlantic, the subject of this letter, the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow, in reviewing Nadaud’s memoirs, described him as ‘a friend of my own, of many years’ standing’. The present item was written in the seventh of the eighteen years of Nadaud’s English exile, part of which was spent as a teacher in Wimbledon under the name ‘Henri Geo. Nadaud’. The identity of the recipient is not known. 4pp, 16mo.

[Rear-Admiral Edward O’Bryen, Royal Navy officer prominent in the Nore Mutiny and Battle of Camperdown.] Four Autograph Signatures cut from the conclusion of four letters, with some surviving text, including part of a prayer.

Rear-Admiral Edward O’Bryen (c.1753-1808), Royal Navy officer who played a prominent part in the Nore Mutiny and Battle of Camperdown
Publication details: 
None with place or date.

For information about this brave and gallant man, who offered himself to be hanged in place of his fellow officers during the Nore Mutiny, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The presence of these four items together may indicate a Victorian autograph dealer as the source, or perhaps a family member wishing to distribute keepsakes. Some with tantalizing fragments of surviving text. All four in good condition, some with fold lines. ONE: 14.5 x 6.5 cm. On one side: ‘[...] Ever your truly obliged and / Affectionate Friend / Edward O’Bryen’.

[Dmitry Hilkoff/Kilkoff, Tolstoyan, etc] Autograph Letter Signed D Hilkoff to John Bellows | Dear Friend [Bellows, polymath, printer and lexicographer] about a Russian translation of Barclay's Apology. In English.

Dmitry Hilkoff [Kilkoff] [Prince Dmitry Aleksandrovich Khilkoff (Khilkov, or Hilkov or Hilkoff) (1858–1914), sometime officer in Czar's Army, & Tolstoyan (Pacifism) & a Socialist Revolutionary].
Publication details: 
Address given in text, 181 Grand-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland; 17 Aug.1901.

Two pages 8vo, bifolium, blank second leaf laid down on former album page, 22 x 14cm, good condition. Text: The last time I saw you I spoke to you about the necessity of translating and printing in russian [sic] 'Barclay's Apology'. I think that the sooner it will be printed the better, and ought to be printed in russian without any abriviations [sic]. But I have not the means of paying the translation and printing. | Do you think the Society of Friends would give the necessary money for the translation and printing?

[George Howard, 6th Earl of Carlisle, Whig statesman, and planned French invasion of England.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Morpeth'), applying [to member of government] for financial aid, in case his Troop of Yeomanry are 'called for to act'.

George Howard (1773-1848), 6th Earl of Carlisle [styled Viscount Morpeth until 1825], Whig statesman, Lord Privy Seal [Henry Belasyse (1742-1802), 2nd Earl Fauconberg, Tory politician]
Publication details: 
27 April 1798. Clarges Street [London].

1p, 4to. Aged and worn, with thin strip of mount adhering to one edge, and slight damage to one corner. The unnamed recipient is a member of William Pitt the Younger's Tory Ministry, and the letter is written at a time when the administration was preparing for a French invasion, the first French Army of England having gathered on the Channel coast.

[The Cato Street Conspiracy, 1820; Arthur Thistlewood and Lord Liverpool.] Printed handbill: 'Conspiracy | A Particular Account of the Treasonable Plot formed, for the destruction of His Majesty's Ministers!!!'

The Cato Street Conspiracy, 1820; Arthur Thistlewood (1774-1820); Lord Liverpool, Prime Minister
Publication details: 
Pollock, Printer, North Shields. No date [March 1820].

For information regarding the conspiracy to murder Lord Liverpool and his entire cabinet, see Thistlewood's entry in the Oxford DNB. A rare item, with no other copy found either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC, and intended for distribution in the streets of the North-East of England as the sensational news of the Conspiracy broke. In small print apart from the heading (which is in the usual mixture for the period of typefaces and point sizes, with fancy rules), on one side of a 42 x 13 cm strip of laid paper.

Handbill satirical spoof epitaph on William Pitt the Younger, printed in Sunderland, titled ''An Inscription for the Proposed Monument to the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt. Respectfully dedicated to the Subscribers to his Statue. De Mortuis nil nisi Verum.'

[William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), Prime Minister during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars] Summers & Young, Printers, Sunderland
Publication details: 
Summers & Young, Printers, Sunderland. No date [c.1806].

A savage and bitterly-sarcastic satirical spoof epitaph, the text of which, the Liverpool Mercury reported in 1822, had been 'repeatedly published before'. Some versions are said to have included a woodcut by George Cruikshank, but the only other publication found (with a few minor variations from the present version) is in the Irish Magazine, June 1809, pp.286-287, where the author is named as 'WILKS INR.', i.e. '[John] Wilkes [sic] Junior'. Printed on one side of a 26.5 x 10 cm piece of unwatermarked wove paper.

[Spencer Perceval, the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated.] Autograph Rough Notes, titled 'Parliamentary | Miscellaneous', for a House of Commons debate on Customs and Excise duties, with reference to 'the Brandy act of last year'.

Spencer Perceval (1762-1812), Tory Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer [William Pleydell-Bouverie, 3rd Earl of Radnor [Lord Folkestone] (1779-1869); Customs and Excise duties]
Publication details: 
[Houses of Parliament. 1808.]

On both sides of a 37 x 24 cm piece of paper (i.e. half a 'pinched post' folio leaf), with 1806 fleur-de-lys watermark. Folded twice, to make eight 24 x 9 cm panels (four on each side), in seven of which Perceval has written his notes in a close and neat hand. The eighth panel forms the outside of the folded paper, and on this Perceval has written 'Parliamentary | Miscellaneous'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Vice-Admiral Sir Roger Curtis, British naval hero. ] Autograph Signature ('Roger Curtis') cut from letter.

Vice-Admiral Sir Roger Curtis (1746-1816), officer of the Royal Navy, during the American Revolutionary War and the French Revolutionary Wars, who distinguished himself at the Great Siege of Gibraltar
Publication details: 
No date or place.

On a 1.75 x 4.25 cm rectangle of laid paper cut from letter. In fair condition, lightly aged, with paper from mount on reverse. A neat, firm signature, reading 'Roger Curtis'.

[Offprint of article attacking 'the ubiquitous apostles of revolutionary and Socialistic doctrines'.] The Ethics of Politics. II. (Reprinted from "The Liberty Review.")

The Liberty Review; Watts & Co., London publishers [ United Kingdom General Election, 1892 ]
Publication details: 
London: Watts & Co., 17, Johnson's Court, Fleet St. Undated [ late nineteenth century ].

8pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. Aged, and with central vertical fold. A call for 'political instructors who shall [...] impress the first principles of political morality on the minds of the newly-enfranchised masses'.

[ Guillaume Boichot, French sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Boichot | membre de l'institut national'), to a 'Citoyen Collegue', asking for seeds for the planting of a botanic garden.

Guillaume Boichot (1735-1814), French sculptor [ Christian de Launoy and Joseph PItton de Tornefort, botanists ]
Publication details: 
'Autun Ce 22 pluviose A. 7'. [ 10 February 1799 ]

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Written in a small hand over 22 lines. He begins by stating that he is writing on behalf of 'lécole Centrale du departement de Saone et Loire séant a Autun', 'particulierement le professeur d'histoire naturelle et moi professeur de dessein en la même école'. The recipient will render them a great service if he will send 'toutes les graines qui sont denommée sur une premiere liste que jai remis'. The rest of the letter asks the recipient, with the help of 'le Ci. l'aunoy' [i.e.

[ Claude Dejoux, French sculptor. ] Autograph Document Signed ('Dejoux') providing a series of accounts (for the tax authorities?).

Claude Dejoux (1732-1816), French sculptor
Publication details: 
'A Paris ce 19. 8bre. 1792. l'an 1er. de La République française'. [ 19 October 1792 ]

2pp., 8vo. In good condition, on a leaf of lightly-aged paper. With circular red stamp of the autograph collector P. Jul. Fontaine. Begins: 'Claude Dejoux sculpteur de L'académie demeure actuellement a paris rue de L'université, palais de Bourbon.' The document, which carries the signature of a witness, consists of an extract, presumably for the tax authorities, beginning 'Certificate de La Section Des Invalides en date du 19. 8bre. 1792 L'an 1er. de La Republique'.

[ Antoine Renou, French painter and playwright. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Renou'), 'Au Citoyen Monger', a secretary to the Institut National

Antoine Renou (1731-1806), French painter and playwright [ Monger of the Institut National; Pierre Bénézech (1749-1802), French Minister of the Interior ]
Publication details: 
'ce 4 Thermidor. An 5e.' [ 23 July 1797 ]

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Signed 'Salut et fraternité | Renou'. A long and interesting letter, regarding student unrest in the French revolution, and involving a descision taken by the 'Classe des Sciences et Artes de l'Institut, qui acorde un jour de prolongation aux Concurrens pour les prix de Peinture', and the attempts of the Institut National to impose discipline.

[ Antoine-Denis Chaudet, French sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chaudet') to a 'cher camarade' (the architect A.-L.-T. Vaudoyer?), with reference to the architect Julien-David Le Roy.

Antoine-Denis Chaudet (1763-1810), French neoclassical sculptor [ Antoine-Laurent-Thomas Vaudoyer (1756-1846), architect; Julien-David Le Roy (1724-1803), architect and archaeologist ]
Publication details: 
'ce 25 Mess[idor] - an 11'. [ 14 July 1803 ]

1p., 16mo. In good condition. He begins by thanking him for his concern over his health: 'je vais beaucoup mieux et avec des ménagements j'espere que cela n'auras pas de suite'. In the next paragraph he refers to the French architect Julien-David Le Roy, recently deceased: 'je savais le résultat de la tentative faites pour le respectable David le Roi il faut ce consoler avec les bonnes âmes de toute celle que l'on rencontre qui sont seche et aride'. A final paragraph describes his intentions towards 'souscripteurs'. In a postscript he presents his respects to 'Mme Vaudoyer'.

[ Louis-Philippe Mouchy, French sculptor. ] Part of request to 'Concitoyens Commissaires', signed 'Mouchy Sculpteur de l'academie de peinture de la Commission des monuments', regarding works of art in the 'Cy devant Seminaire de St. Louis' in Paris.

Louis-Philippe Mouchy (1734-1801), French sculptor [ La Commission des Monuments, Paris; French Revolution ]
Publication details: 
25 January 1793.

1p., 8vo. In good condition. The ancient Seminary of St Peter and St Lewis in Paris (now demolished) was being used as barracks at the time Mouchy was writing, having been suppressed the year before. The page begins: 'Au Cy devant Seminaire de St. Louis rue d'Enfer dans L'Eglise sont a distraire de la vente primo tous ce qui Compose le maitre autel en marbre bleux et blanc, et le grand Tableaux [sic] representant St. Pierre guerissant un paralitique, [sic] et autres Secondo les chapelles de cote aussy [sic] de même Couleur avec leurs tableaux bordures dorés, dont l'un est un St.

[ Victor Perrin, duc de Bellune, maréchal d'Empire. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Le Maréchal Victor'), addressed to 'Monseigneur', regarding the advancement of a member of the Duverger family in the service of the King of Westphalia.

Victor Perrin, duc de Bellune [ Claude-Victor Perrin, duc de Belluno ] (1764-1841), French maréchal d'Empire
Publication details: 
Berlin. 19 January 1808.

2pp., folio. In fair condition, on aged paper. He writes that two of his aides-de-camp belong to the 'famille distinguée' of Duverger, and asking for assistance in obtaining preferment for a third in the service of the King of Westphalia. The document is annotated by the recipient at the head of the first page.

[ Alessandro Gavazzi, chaplain in Garibaldi's army during the Risorgimento. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Alessandro Gavazzi') to 'John Ledgett Esq', in English, regarding a meeting.

Alessandro Gavazzi (1809-1899), Italian political and church reformer during the Risorgimento, a chaplain in Garibaldi's army
Publication details: 
88 Newman Street [ London ]. 4 February [ 1850s ].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I returned yesterday only from a long journey. I hope to see you in he present week in the City.' In 1850 Gavazzi began a course of political and religious sermons in London; first at the Princess's Court Rooms, Great Castle Street, Oxford Street, and then from 1854 in an open chapel at King's Cross. In 1859 he returned to Italy to take up a post as chaplain for Giuseppe Garibaldi, serving in that role during the Expedition of the Thousand to Sicily in 1860.

[American Student Protest material, 1970.] Ten leaflets from the aftermath of the Kent State shootings: Labor-Student Coalition for Peace; Militant Labor Forum; Afro-Americans for SWP; The Dominican Students' Revolutionary Front; Workers' League.

[Labor-Student Coalition for Peace; Militant Labor Forum; Afro-Americans for SWP; The Dominican Students' Revolutionary Front; Workers' League; Kent State shooting; Vietnam War Protests]
Publication details: 
New York. May 1970.

These ten items were produced at the height of the surge of outrage with which the American left greeted the killing of four students by National Guardsmen at Kent State University, Ohio, on 4 May 1970. (As an example of the incident's wider cultural significance, see the song 'Ohio' by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.) Originating from New York, six of the items are dated from the end of the same month, and the other undated items date from the same period. All ten items are single leaves. Eight of them are 8vo, one is 21 x 18cm, and the other 35 x 21cm.

[Thomas Brand Hollis, radical and dissenter.] Autograph inscription to the antiquary Charles Townley.

Thomas Brand Hollis (c.1719-1804) of The Hyde, near Ingatestone, Essex, English radical and dissenter [Charles Townley (1737-1805), antiquary]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On a cut-down piece of 4 x 15 cm paper. Laid down on part of leaf from album. In fair condition, on aged paper. Reads 'Mr Townley. | with Mr Brand Hollis | compliments'.

A collection of around 150 items relating to the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, and African revolutionary politics, including booklets, periodicals, newspapers, handbills and circulars, from the papers of South African activist Basil Stein.

Collection of papers relating to South Africa, apartheid and African revolutionary politics [Basil Stein (1928-2012), South African mathematician, human rights activist and anti-apartheid campaigner]
Publication details: 
Most of the items published in either South Africa or London, England. The majority dating from the 1960s, with a few from the 1950s and 1970s.

Upwards of 150 items, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In two parts, with Part One (around 100 items) relating directly to the anti-apartheid struggle, and Part Two (around 50 items) to broader African revolutionary politics. Part One includes 16 booklets from the 1950s and 1960s: 'Nelson Mandela versus the State'; 'The Unholy Alliance. Salazar, Verwoerd, Welensky'; S. Abdul, 'The Truth about South Africa'; 'Sing Free South Africa'; 'What can I do? A Guide to Action Against Apartheid'; I. B. Tabata, 'Education for Barbarism'; Leslie Rubin, 'This is Apartheid'; H. E.

[Printed pamphlet.] Empire "Socialism" By R. Palme Dutt.

R. Palme Dutt [with foreword by 'T. B.', i.e. Thomas Bell (1882-1944), representative of the Communist Party of Great Britain to the Comintern's Executive Committee]
Publication details: 
Published by the Communist Party of Great Britain, 16 King Street, Covent Garden, WC2. ['Printed by Centropress Limited (T.U. Throughout) 168, Camberwell Road, London S.E.5.'] February 1925.

20pp, 12mo. Stapled. In red printed wraps, with cartoon on cover showing giant worker sweeping away miniature capitalists. In fair condition: lightly-aged and with central vertical fold. Scarce: the only copies on COPAC at the British Library and Warwick University.

Engraving by John Tenniel, from 'Punch' for 1867, titled 'Check to King Mob'. With caption referring to 'the London mob of would-be conspirators and sympathisers with revolutionary plots' and the attempt by the Fenians to blow up Clerkenwell Prison.

Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914), illustrators [Punch, or the London Charivari; Fenians; revolutionary plots]
Check to King Mob
Publication details: 
From "Punch, or the London Charivari", November 30, 1867.
Check to King Mob

On paper roughly 33 x 25.5 cm. The illustration itself is clear and complete on lightly-aged paper. Creasing around extremities and to left of caption. Tenniel's monogram, with number 61, in bottom left-hand corner. Britannia grips King Mob by the throat, while a paper crown (with 'MOB LAW' written on it) falls from his head.

Original engraving by John Tenniel, for 'Punch, or the London Charivari', October 1867, titled 'The Order of the Day; or, Unions and Fenians.'

Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914), illustrators [Punch, or the London Charivari; Fenians; Trade Unions; revolutionary plots]
The Order of the Day; or, Unions and Fenians
Publication details: 
From 'Punch, or the London Charivari', 12 October 1867.
The Order of the Day; or, Unions and Fenians

On paper 52 x 33 cm. Tenniel's monogram, with number 58, in bottom left-hand corner. An giant female figure, with black mask, blazing torch and sash on which is written 'MURDER', directs an assemblage of Fenians and Sheffield trade unionists. The caption reads 'Fenian conspiracies and outrages in Ireland and Manchester - co-incident with the revelations of murderous Trade-unionism at Sheffield and elsewhere - agitated the public mind, and seemed like an evocation of the Spirit of Slaughter to trample on the Law.

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