[Watts Phillips, playwright and novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed from Paris to the actor Frederick Vining, discussing plans for writing his play ?The Huguenot Captain?, which will be ?my best piece?, and in which their interests ?are identical'.

Watts Phillips (1825-1874), playwright and novelist whose play ?The Dead Heart? inspired Dickens? ?A Tale of Two Cities? [Frederick Vining, actor]
Publication details: 
18 August 1863; 29 Rue de Penthi?vre.

See his entry, and that of the Vining family, in the Oxford DNB, as well as well as his sister Emma?s memoir. 3pp, 12mo, with the last page written lengthwise. Bifolium. Text clear and entire, but in fair condition only, on aged and worn paper, with strip of tape from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf, and short closed tears at foot of both leaves and tape repair. Folded once. Written in feverish style: one word is underlined seven times. Addressed to ?My dear Vining? and signed ?Watts Phillips?.

[Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, composer.] Autograph Note Signed to W. Watts, enquiring with regard to ‘the Principal Instrumental Solo performers for the Philharmonic Concert of Monday next’

Sir Henry Rowley Bishop (1786-1855), composer [William Watts (d.1850), Secretary of the Philharmonic Society of London]
Publication details: 
1 March 1827. 26 Charlotte Street, Bloomsbury [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. To ‘W Watts Esqre / &c &c &c’. With good firm signature, with flourish. Reads: ‘Dr Sir / Pray let me know who are the Principal Instrumental Solo performers for the Philharmonic Concert of Monday next? - / Yours truly / Henry R Bishop’.

[Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts], poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’.] Autograph Letter Signed, requesting the Hon. Spencer Ponsonby to place a letter to Lord Clarendon, applying for a post at the London Library.

Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts] (1797-1864), poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’
Publication details: 
'12 Bridge Road | St. John's Wood / March 11th. 1857'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, with slight wear at top left-hand corner of second leaf (not affecting text). Biographical details added in small type at head of first page. Addressed to ‘The Honbl Spencer Ponsonby’ and signed ‘Alaric A. Watts.’ Begins: ‘Dear Sir / May I trespass so far upon your kindness as to ask you to place the enclosed letter [not present] to Lord Clarendon. It is on the subject of the London Library of which his Lordship is the President’.

[Dreadnought designer: Sir Philip Watts, naval architect.] Offprint with presentation inscription by author: ‘Ships of the British Navy on August 4, 1914, and some matters of interest in connection with their production.’ With four fold-out plates.

Sir Philip Watts (1846-1926), British naval architect who designed the revolutionary battleship HMS Dreadnought, and several Elswick cruisers [Institution of Naval Architects, London]
Publication details: 
Read at the Spring Meeting of the Sixtieth Session of the Institution of Naval Architects, April 9, 1919’. London. [Printed by Unwin Brothers, Limited, Woking and London.]

This offprint is scarce. The only copy on WorldCat at the Caird Library of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. See Watt's entry in the Oxford DNB, which underlines his pre-eminence: 'At the battle of Jutland (31 May 1916) twenty-nine of the thirty-four British battleships and battle cruisers engaged were of Watts's design.' The item is an offprint from the Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects, vol. 61 (1919). 65 + [1]pp, 4to. Side-stapled, with no covers.

[Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts], poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Wauchope', assistant to the Bond Street bookseller John Andrews

Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts] (1797-1864), poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. (BBTI has John Andrews with bookshop and circulating library at 167 New Bond Street from before 1831 to 1857.) 1p, 12mo. Addressed on reverse of second leaf for delivery by hand ('wait') to 'Mr Wauchope / at Mr Andrews' / 167. New Bond St.'. In good condition, lightly aged, with unobtrusive central spike hole (for business correspondence) through both leaves. Reads: 'Dear Sir / Be so good as send me the vouchers of the Scrivener for 1827 agreeably with your promise, is there particular occasion for them today'.

[Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts], poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’.] Autograph Signature on envelope elegantly addressed by him to ‘the Honble. Spencer Ponsonby’.

Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts] (1797-1864), poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’ [Sir Spencer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Fane (1824-1915), cricketer and civil servant]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On the front cover of a 12 x 7 cm envelope, from which the seal has been torn away on the reverse. Otherwise in very good condition. A pleasing piece of calligraphy, with the word ‘Private’ centred and underlined at the head, and the address to ‘The Honble. Spencer Ponsonby. / Foreign Office’ across the central band, with the signature at bottom left: ‘Alaric Watts.’ See Image.

[Sir Malcolm Sargent, composer and conductor.] Large sprawling stylized Autograph Signature in blue pencil on front of printed programme for a Royal Albert Hall performance of Berlioz’s ‘Grande Messe des Morts’.

Sir Malcolm Sargent [Sir Harold Malcolm Watts Sargent] (1895-1967), composer, organist and conductor of choral works, especially at the Henry Wood Promenade Concerts (‘The Proms’)
Publication details: 
Programme for performance at the Royal Albert Hall, London, 8 April 1954. ‘Published by The British Broadcasting Corporation, 35 Marylebone High Street, London, W.1.’

Stapled pamphlet. 20pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Sargent’s unusual bold stylized signature, in blue pencil, almost occupies a 5 cm square. All but the top centimeter which touches the printed date at points, is written on blank space on the cover. See image.

[Isaac Watts.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The End of Time. / An Extract from Dr. Isaac Watts.’

Isaac Watts (1674-1748), English Congregational minister, hymnologist (‘Godfather of English Hymnody’), theologian, and logician
Publication details: 
No date. ‘No. 4.’ The Religious Tract Society, instituted 1799, 56, Paternoster Row; and 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard. Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Duke street, Lambeth.

Four copies on JISC (only one in a deposit library, NLS); now scarce. 12pp, 12mo. Disbound. Worn and discoloured. After the end of the prose work are two poems (pp.11-12): ‘Hymn. / Frail Life and Succeeding Eternity’ and ‘The Danger of Delay.’ In addition to being the ‘Godfather of English Hymnody’, Watts was a noted logician, producing a successful work on the subject, and despite the repetition of the phrase ‘Time shall end!’ throughout, the present extract treats the subject of ‘The End of Time’ in an unusually thoughtful way for a work of theology.

[Sir John Mills, Oscar-winning actor.] Typed Letter Signed ('John Mills') to Mrs Richard Eyre, daughter of Charles Royds, First Lieutenant to Scott of the Antarctic, regarding research on the film, in which Mills starred as Scott.

Sir John Mills [born Lewis Ernest Watts Mills] (1908-2005), Oscar-winning English film actor [Richard Eyre; Scott of the Antarctic]
Publication details: 
24 November 1947; Fernacres, Fulmer, Bucks.

2pp, 12mo. On grey paper with letterhead of his name. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight staining tape staining to two corners from mount. Addressed to 'Mrs Richard Eyre, | Bullsmead, | Maiden Newton, | Dorset.' The subject of the letter is the preparation for the 1948 British film 'Scott of the Antarctic', in which Mills starred in the title role. The recipient is the mother of the noted English director Sir Richard Eyre (b. 1943), whose father Charles Royds was Scott’s First Lieutenant.

[ Printed defence of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association. ] Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise [...] By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.

Rev. William Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D.; Rev. George Vance [ Robert Watts (1820-1895 of the Presbyterian College, Belfast); the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association ]
Publication details: 
Belfast: Phillips & Sons, Bridge Street. Dublin: J. Robertson & Co., Grafton Street. [ 1872 ] [ Allen, Johnston & Co., Book Printers, Up. Arthur St., Belfast. ]

The full title reads: 'Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise, entitled “Arminian Departures from Reformation Principles, as exhibited in the Writings of Watson and Wesley, and in the Publications of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association.” By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.' No copy at the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Manchester and Queen's University Belfast. 44pp., 8vo. No wraps. Disbound. Stabbed as issued. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ Alaric A. Watts, poet and journalist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Alac. Watts') to the father of 'Miss V.', whose 'comfort and happiness' Watts and his wife wish to promote, with offers of assistance, including a meeting in Trafalgar Square.

Alaric A. Watts [ Alaric Alexander Watts ] (1797-1864), poet and journalist, editor of the 'Literary Souvenir' [ Daniel Maclise (1806-1870), Irish artist ]
Publication details: 
'Waterloo Pl[ace, London] | Tuesday'. On paper watermarked 1837.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with discoloration from tape at head of second leaf. Watts's handwriting is not easily legible. The male recipient of the letter is not named. In reply to a letter received the previous Friday, Watts assures him that 'the earnest desire of Mrs.

[ Maria M. Grant, novelist and proprietor of the magazine 'Piccadilly'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Maria M Grant') to Planche.

Maria M. Grant, Victorian novelist and proprietor of the magazine 'Piccadilly', edited by Theodore Watts Dunton [ James Robinson Planché (1796-1880), dramatist, antiquary and herald ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 9 Wilton Place, S.W. [ London ] 'Friday' [ no date ].

Grant published six novels between 1870 and 1882, four of them published by Chapman & Hall, and two by Bentley. 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. She is enclosing (not present) 'Piccadilly's cheque for "Hilda"' The poem he has submitted 'is really too deep and sad for my frivolous paper - in which we want something to brighten us up'. She hopes that when he feels better he will 'do some little thing in this line - Something Short [last word underlined] & humorous'.

[ Henry Huntingford, classical scholar, praises the work of Richard Watts, former Printer to the University of Cambridge. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Huntingford') [ to Richard Watts ], praising the work on his edition of Pindar,.

Henry Huntingford (1787-1867), classical scholar [ Richard Watts (d.1844), Printer to the University of Cambridge; Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London booksellers and publishers ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Circa 1814. ]

The subject of this letter is Huntingford's 'Pindari Carmina', 'excudit R. Watts sumptibus T. Cadell et W. Davies', published in London in 1814. Watts had been made Printer to the University of Cambridge in 1802, resigning in 1809 because, as Stokes notes in his 'Cambridge Stationers, Printers, Bookbiinders, &c' (1919), 'the Press did not prosper under his rule, although, when he left Cambridge, he did good work as a printer of Oriental volumes'. Between around 1812 and 1815 he was working in Broxbourne. In 1816 he moved to London, where he established the Oriental Type-Foundry, Temple Bar.

[Offprint of article attacking 'the ubiquitous apostles of revolutionary and Socialistic doctrines'.] The Ethics of Politics. II. (Reprinted from "The Liberty Review.")

The Liberty Review; Watts & Co., London publishers [ United Kingdom General Election, 1892 ]
Publication details: 
London: Watts & Co., 17, Johnson's Court, Fleet St. Undated [ late nineteenth century ].

8pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. Aged, and with central vertical fold. A call for 'political instructors who shall [...] impress the first principles of political morality on the minds of the newly-enfranchised masses'.

[ Macleod Yearsley and the Thinker's Library. ] Copy of Yearsley's book 'The Folklore of Fairy-Tale' with extensive autograph emendations (two notes initialled 'M. Y.') and two proof specimens for intended republication in the Thinker's Library.

Macleod Yearsley [ Percival Macleod Yearsley ] (1867-1951), surgeon, author, folklorist and eugenicist [ The Thinker's Library, published by Watts & Co. for the Rationalist Press Association, London ]
Publication details: 
Book: London: Watts & Co., Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, E.C.4. 1924. Specimen proofs by Richard Clay & Sons, Bungay, Suffolk: June and July 1936.

The item provides an interesting insight into the editing process of the Thinker's Library, 140 volumes of which Watts & Co. published for the Rationalist Association between 1929 and 1951. The book is xiii + 240pp., 8vo, in red cloth binding, gilt. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight wear to one corner. A couple of leaves have been neatly torn out, evidently in the process of revision. Stamp of the Rationalist Press Association Ltd on reverse of title.

[ Pamphlet. ] Memoir of William Roscoe, by Dr. Thomas Stewart Traill, F.R.S.E., &c. [ With coloured plate illustrating 'Roscoe's Birthplace'. ]

Dr Thomas Stewart Traill [ William Roscoe (1753-1831), Liverpool connoisseur, historian and abolitionist; George Smith, Watts and Co., Liverpool printers ]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: Geo. Smith, Watts and Co. [ 19 Titherbarn Street. ] 1853.

48pp., 12mo. Disbound with free endpapers.In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Nicely printed, with all edges gilt. Dedication 'To the Friends and Admirers of William Roscoe, assembled to commemorate theh Centenary of his Birth, this Edition of the Memoir, by Dr.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Horrors of The French Revolution: Their Causes.

Charles Watts, Editor of 'Secular Thought' [ Toronto, Canada ]
Publication details: 
Toronto: "Secular Thought" Office, 31 Adelaide St. East. Undated.

24pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Divided into five sections: 'Atheism and Social Order', 'Indications of a Great Struggle', 'Orthodox Misrepresentation', 'The Horrors of the French Revolution' and 'The Causes of the Excesses'. Scarce: only two copies on WorldCat and no copies on COPAC.

[ By Frederick Lankester, printer of Bury St. Edmunds. ] Watts' Divine Songs, attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children.

Isaac Watts [ Frederick Lankester of Bury St. Edmunds, publisher; Henry Mozley and Sons, Printers, Derby. ]
Publication details: 
Published by F. Lankester, Abbey Gate Street, Bury St. Edmunds. No date. [ 'Henry Mozley and Sons Printers, Derby.' ]

31pp., 64mo., i.e. 10 x 6.5 cm. Stitched, in green printed wraps. Heavily aged and worn. Penny pamphlet with three illustrations. Contemporary inscription on p.30: 'Thomas Richard Woollard his Book | Given him by Ann Wright 1840'. The signature of Sarah Wollard is also present. BBTI has Frederick Lankester active in Bury St. Edmunds between 1821 and 1864, but this may reflect a confusion between Frederick and Francis Lankester. COPAC holds items by published by Frederick Lankester between 1824 and 1837. No other copy of this particular edition traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ Watts Phillips, artist and playwright. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Chatterton' [ the actor-manager F. B. Chatterton ], urgently pushing a 'first-rate piece' he feels 'may fill up the gap till Black Mail is completed'.

Watts Phillips (1825-1874), British illustrator, novelist and playwright [ Frederick Balsir Chatterton (1834-1886), actor and theatre manager ]
Publication details: 
45 Redclifffe Road, West Brompton. 28 June [1872].

1p., 12mo. On aged and ruckled paper, with closed tear unobtrusively repaired. In the author's distinctive, heavily-inked hand. He writes to inform him that he has 'the MS of the piece I wrote about', and that if it meets with his approval 'it may fill up the gap till Black Mail is completed'. He continues: 'I repeat it is a most powerful drama as strong as the Dead Hearts | Will you and Churchill come and hear me read it? [last two words underlined three times] | If so - when? | Will you drive over tomorrow???? | If so - at what hour? - Telegram back and I will be in Price and condition.

[Thomas Haynes Bayly, English poet.] Holograph Poem (signed 'Thomas Haynes Bayly') titled 'A ditty!', with note explaining that it has been 'written in the shortest minute of the longest day'.

Thomas Haynes Bayly (1797-1839), English poet and dramatist [Isaac Watts]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 22 June 1835.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper. An unpublished jeux d'esprit on the well-known poem by Isaac Watts (also parodied by Lewis Carroll), the poem consists of twenty-four lines arranged in six four-line stanzas, followed by: 'written in the shortest minute of the longest day by | Thomas Haynes Bayly | June 22nd. 1835.' The first two stanzas read: 'As "doth the little busy Bee | "Improve each shining hour, | "And gather honey all the day | "From every opening flower." | So doth the busy T. H. B.

[Alaric Alexander Watts, poet and journalist.] Holograph poem ('Alaric A. Watts') titled 'To Octavia | The Eighth daughter of John Larking Esq late of Clare Hall Kent, on the completion of her sixth year.'

Alaric A. Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts] (1797-1864), English poet and journalist [John Larking of Clare Hall, Kent]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. Dated October 1817.

4pp., 4to. On a bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with stub from mount still adhering. The poem consists of 84 lines, arranged in seven twelve-line stanzas. It begins: 'Full many a gloomy month had past, | On flagging wing, regardless by - | Unremarked by aught - save grief since last | I gazed upon thy bright blue eye, | And bade my Lyre pour forth for thee | Its strains of wildest minstrelsy!' The fourth line in the fourth stanza, 'For blessings on thy future years', has been deleted and replaced with 'To save thee from affliction's tears'.

[Nathaniel Thomas Haynes Bayly, poet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Haynes Bayly') to Alaric Watts, expressing a desire to have work in the Literary Souvenir, 'either as a Poet or a Proser'.

Nathaniel Thomas Haynes Bayly (1797-1839), poet and playwright [Alaric Alexander Watts (1797-1864), poet and editor of the Literary Souvenir, 1825-1835]
Publication details: 
'5 Wyndham Place [London] | Tuesday -' [no date]

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He would have called on him 'had weather permitted', as he wished to show him the item he is enclosing now (not present) before 'leaving Town next Monday week'. 'I wish to be sure of my footing in the Souvenir, either as a Poet or a Proser. [...] Do you like the enclosed? Shall you print my prose tale do you wish it altered? or do you reject it altogether, if the latter pray let me have it again as soon as convenient'. He concludes with 'best compliments to Mrs. Watts in which Mrs. Bayly unites'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from J. P. S. Bicknell of Hoxton, as 'amanuensis' to the widow of the London bookseller Robert Greaves Ibbett, offering the Liberal MP Samuel Morley a manuscript and painting said to be of Dr Isaac Watts.

J. P. S. Bicknell of Hoxton [Samuel Morley (1809-1886), businessman and Liberal MP for Bristol, 1868-1885; Robert Greaves Ibbett, London bookseller and picture dealer; Dr Isaac Watts (1674-1748)]
Publication details: 
Both letters from 24 Northport-street, St. John's Road, Hoxton [Hackney, London]. 8 July and 4 September 1874.

Both items in good condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Both written in a close and somewhat shaky hand, and addressed to 'Respected Sir'. Letter One: 8 July 1874. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Bicknell explains that the 'widow of a bookseller, (R. G. Ibbett, who, for many years, dealt in original and rare works, in the City of London,) has in her possession the Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Isaac Watts, in his own handwriting (bound). This MS. was shown (together with a well-executed oil-painting of the Doctor,) to the late Dr.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed (all three 'H A L Fisher') to 'Ronnie' [Ronald Chapman], and one Autograph Letter Signed ('Herbert Fisher') to the latter's mother, Mrs Chapman, concerning his education.

H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher] (1865-1940), British historian, Liberal politician and Warden of New College, Oxford [Ronald Chapman; Limnerslease, Compton; G. F. Watts]
Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed  'H A L Fisher'
Publication details: 
1938 and 1939. Three on letterheads of New College, Oxford (one from the Warden's Lodgings), and one from Thursley, Godalming, Surrey.
Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed  'H A L Fisher'

Each of the four items has text clear and complete. The four are in fair condition, on aged paper, with minor staining from the paperclip used to attach them, and a small closed tear at the foot of the first letter. Letter One to 'Dear Mrs Chapman'; the other three to 'Dear Ronnie'. Letter One (4to, 2 pp): 19 November 1938. Chapman (referred to throughout as 'Ronnie') has not been well, and Fisher makes a suggestion to his mother regarding his 'future': 'Cecil Rhodes spent seven years on this process and never regretted it.

Modern Morality and Modern Toleration.

E. S. P. Haynes [Edmund Sidney Pollock Haynes (1877-1949)]
Publication details: 
London: Watts & Co., 17 Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, E.C. 1912.

8vo, 24 pp. In original grey printed card wraps. Disbound. Text clear and complete on aged paper. Wraps with some damage at spine caused by disbinding. Compliments slip loosely inserted, bearing a simple pencil sketch of a face in profile. A few light pencil annotations.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alaric Watts') [to Mr Limbird?].

Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts] (1797-1864), English journalist and poet [keepsakes; The Literary Souvenir]
Publication details: 
28 November 1828; 58 Torrington Square, London.

4to, 1 p. On aged, creased apper, but with text clear and entire. A small piece of paper from a bottom corner has been torn away in opening the letter, and is still present on the reverse, under a red wax seal bearing a clear impression of a lyre and the words 'Addolcire ed Maturare'. Brief communication apologising for the fact that the Literary Souvenir has not reached him sooner. 'The omission is the sin of my booksellers and not mine'. He is sending a copy with the letter, and asks him to accept his thanks, 'for your courtesy'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('P Watts') to Archibald Hurd, 5 Downshire Hill, Hampstead, London N.W.

Sir Philip Watts (1846-1926), English naval architect [Sir Archibald Hurd (1869-1959)]
Publication details: 
20 [corrected from 18] October 1909; on embossed Admiralty letterhead.

4to, 2 pp, 25 lines. Good, on slightly discoloured and grubby paper. Watts takes issue with 'The statement of British Shipbuilding Programmes since 1889' which Hurd has forwarded. 'It was found more convenient to draw up the table again', and Watts is sending 'the result of the investigations which have been made' (table not present). He is in 'complete agreement' with the 'statements under the headings of Battleships, Armoured Cruisers and 1st. class Cruisers', but 'Under the headings of 2nd. and 3rd.

Autograph Letter Signed to the poet, journalist and editor Alaric A[lexander]. Watts (1797-1864).

Thomas Haynes Bayly (1797-1839), English poet and song writer.
Publication details: 
Friday [no date]; 5 Wyndham Place, London.

Two pages, quarto. Very good, on lightly aged and creased paper. He is sorry that he has not been able to 'become personally acquainted with' Watts since coming to town, but will 'very soon make another attempt', hoping to find him at home.

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