[Francis Joseph Bigger, ed.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Legislative Union. A Protest by Dr. William Drennan.’ [‘Protest against a union with Great Britain’.]

Francis Joseph Bigger (1863-1926), editor; Dr William Drennan; R. Carswell & Son, Belfast printers [Robert Lynd]
Publication details: 
‘Reprinted. / Belfast: R. Carswell & Son, Ltd., Printers, Queen Street. / 1911.’

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. A scarce item: five copies on JISC. In NLI, but not in the British Library. Bigger, a notable antiquary and republican (see Dictionary of Irish Biography), is the friend to whom Sir Roger Casement entrusted the ‘black box’ of incriminating documents, which Bigger destroyed after Casement’s execution. 12pp, 16mo. Stapled. In good condition, lightly aged, with lightly-rusted staples.

[Michael McCartan, Irish nationalist MP in the British Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Burgess', looking forward to the freedom of Ireland, and attacking 'Toryism' in Norwich.

Michael McCartan (1851-1902), Irish nationalist, MP with the Irish Parliamentary Party in the British Parliament, anti-Parnellite
Publication details: 
23 August 1889. 5 Hopefield Terrace, Belfast [Ulster].

3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Forty-eight lines of text. Addressed to 'Miss Burgess[,] Norwich' and with smudged signature 'Michael McCartan'.

[Marcus Ward & Co., chromolithographic printers, London and Royal Ulster Works, Belfast.] 36 attractive chromolithographic prints of autumn leaves, each on a separate card, laid down in album by Marcus Ward & Co.

Marcus Ward & Co., chromolithographic printers, London and Royal Ulster Works, Belfast [chromolithographs]
Marcus Ward
Marcus Ward2
Publication details: 
No date [1870s?]. In album with printed title-page of ‘London: Marcus Ward & Co., / And / Royal Ulster Works, Belfast.’
Marcus Ward
Marcus Ward2

An attractive collection of chromolithographs, suited to display. The plates are all in good condition, laid down on the aged and sometimes damaged leaves of a small 4to (17 x 21 cm) album with good tight bevelled-edged binding in dark brown cloth, on which an embossed stylized pattern of foliage and two storks is printed in black with the word ‘ALBUM’ on the front cover and blind-stamped on the back cover. The album has an ornate title page, printed in red, with illustration of flowers, branches and a butterfly, together with the word ‘Album’ and publishers’ details.

[Printed] To the Whole People of Ireland. The Manifesto of the Dungannon Club Belfast ([c.1905]).

[Dungannon Club Publications, No.2]
Publication details: 
Belfast, c.1905.

Pamphlet, 8pp., 8vo, damage and staining but minimal loss to text. One copy on COPAC (Lambeth Palace), one on WorldCat (University College, Dublin).Note from TrinityCD, The Dungannon Clubs were founded in 1905 and absorbed into Sinn Fein between 1906 and 1908. This item is listed in my catalogue, Printed and Other Material From the Papers of Robert and Sylvia Lynd, all of Irish interest. Hard copy available.

[Emerson Tennent, politician, colonial administrator and Governor of Ceylon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Emerson Tennent') to John Lindsay and John Sinclair

Emerson Tennent [Sir James Emerson Tennent, 1st Baronet, born James Emerson] (1804-1869), Irish-born British politician, colonial administrator and traveller, who acted as Governor of Ceylon
Publication details: 
12 June 1844. London.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. He writes that he has 'received the memorial to the Postmaster General, which you have done me the honor to transmit for the joint transmission of Mr Ross & myself'. He will arrange with Ross to have the memorial 'presented on the earliest possible opportunity'.

[Emerson Tennent, politician and Governor of Ceylon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Emerson Tennent') to Alexander Dickey of Belfast, complaining of parliamentary procedure on petitions (Irish in particular), and discussing Church of Scotland reform.

Emerson Tennent [Sir James Emerson Tennent, 1st Baronet, born James Emerson] (1804-1869), Irish-born British politician and traveller, Governor of Ceylon [Alexander Dickey of Belfast]
Publication details: 
16 March 1840. 19 Pall Mall, London.

4pp, 4to. Bifolium. Panel, a little under one-sixth of total area, missing from bottom outside corner of second leaf, with attendant loss to text, otherwise in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. A good long letter in a neat and stylish hand, with a firm underlined signature. He begins by writing that he has that morning 'received the Petition from Belfast which I was pleased to expect from having seen in the Report of your meeting that you had done Mr Dunbar and myself the honor to entrust its presentation to us'.

Clara Novello [Clara Anastasia Novello; Countess Clara Anastasia Gigliucci], celebrated soprano.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Clara Novello'), giving details of her plans for a concert in Belfast.

Clara Novello [Clara Anastasia Novello; Countess Clara Anastasia Gigliucci] (1818-1908), celebrated soprano, daughter of music publisher Vincent Novello [Henry Bussell, Philharmonic Society, Dublin]
Publication details: 
'26 April 1854. Porchester Lodge, 8A Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park [London].

4pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. With embossed armorial letterhead. Good firm signature: 'Clara Novello.' An interesting letter, casting light on the practical arrangement of musical concerts in Victorian Britain and Ireland. The recipient is not named, and the letter begins: 'Dear Sir, | I have not heard from Mr. Bussell of your Concert, but on receipt of your favor of the 15th. consider myself engaged to Belfast for the 1st.

[George Hamilton Chichester, 3rd Marquess of Donegall.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Donegall') to a 'Friend', regarding his witnessing of a will, and remuneration for his 'moderate account'.

George Hamilton Chichester (1797-1883), 3rd Marquess of Donegall [Earl of Belfast, 1799-1844)], Vice-Chamberlain of the Household, Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, Lord Lieutenant of Antrim
Publication details: 
No place. 26 March 1870.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded once.

[Sir John Lavery, Irish artist, to Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, portraitist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Lavery'), regarding the Artists' General Benevolent Institution and a man who has 'pestered' him 'by his visits and letters'.

Sir John Lavery (1856-1941), RA, Irish painter [Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope (1857-1940), RA, portrait painter; Artists' General Benevolent Institution, London]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 5 Cromwell Place, S.W.7 [London]. 30 January 1918.

2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to 'My dear Cope'. After thanking him for his letter Lavery writes: 'Our “friend” [Braynard?] when he called to ask for my signature told me many things, amongst others that the A. G. B. I. had already given him a grant some time back and that [Charleton?], Brangwyn and I were his sponsors | I had a hazy recollection of him and made up my mind that I would sign his paper and let the Secretary of the A. G. B. I. know the circumstance, which I did do that same day.

[ Emerson Tennent, politician, colonial administrator and Governor of Ceylon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Emerson Tennent'), describing his family's connection with Methodism, and his desire to attend a Methodist meeting in London.

Emerson Tennent [ Sir James Emerson Tennent, 1st Baronet, born James Emerson ] (1804-1869), Irish-born British politician, colonial administrator and traveller, who acted as Governor of Ceylon
Publication details: 
Beech Park, Belfast. 25 April 1840.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He has asked his friend 'Mr Reilly' to assure the recipient that he will be with him on the arranged date. 'Independently of my personal interewst in Methodism from the fact of my family having been for 35 years < full?> in connexion with that body, I take as a Christian, an extended interest in the success of your mission, one of the most valuable, I believe, in existence'. After attending a public meeting in Belfast, he will travel 'the same night to Liverpool' and then to London.

[ Printed defence of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association. ] Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise [...] By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.

Rev. William Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D.; Rev. George Vance [ Robert Watts (1820-1895 of the Presbyterian College, Belfast); the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association ]
Publication details: 
Belfast: Phillips & Sons, Bridge Street. Dublin: J. Robertson & Co., Grafton Street. [ 1872 ] [ Allen, Johnston & Co., Book Printers, Up. Arthur St., Belfast. ]

The full title reads: 'Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise, entitled “Arminian Departures from Reformation Principles, as exhibited in the Writings of Watson and Wesley, and in the Publications of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association.” By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.' No copy at the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Manchester and Queen's University Belfast. 44pp., 8vo. No wraps. Disbound. Stabbed as issued. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ Sir Andrew Napier, Irish politician and father-in-law of Dame Nellie Melba. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Andw. Armstrong') to 'the Reporter of the Globe Newspaper', correcting an error regarding his voting in the House of Commons.

Sir Andrew Armstrong (1786-1863), Irish politician, MP for King's Country, and Receiver General of Stamps in Ireland, father-in-law of Dame Nellie Melba
Publication details: 
House of Commons [ London ]. 8 June 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To the Reporter of the Globe Newspaper'. He points out that in 'the Division which took place last night upon the Belfast and Cave-hill Railway Bill' his name 'was placed in the Majority whereas it should have been in the Minority', and he asks him to correct the error.

[ E. M. O'R. Dickey, Irish wood engraver. ] Two ALsS, two TLsS and an ANS (all 'E. M. O'R. Dickey'), to K. W. Luckhurst and W. Perry of the Royal Society of Arts, concerning the Sanderson 'Travelling Bursary for a teacher of art'.

E. M. O'R. Dickey [ Edward Montgomery O'Rorke Dickey ] (1894-1977), Irish wood engraver [ Harold Sanderson; William Perry and K. W. Luckhurst, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts; Board of Education ]
Publication details: 
Six items to Luckhurst on Board of Education letterheads; letter to Perry from Plas Dulas, Llanddulas, North Wales. The seven items dating from between 1936 and 1938.

The seven items in good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. With stamps of the Royal Society of Arts. The letter to Perry is a typed report of 2pp., folio, and more heavily worn than the rest of the correspondence. It is dated 11 August 1936, and discusses 'schemes similar to Sandersons [...] in which a firm offers work experience as part of a course taken by full-time students not previously employed in industry' and 'part-time release'.

[ John Fisher Murray ('Maire'), Irish poet and humorist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno Fisher Murray'), offering the London publisher Richard Bentley a 'humorous paper' and 'a series of Essays on LONDON'.

John Fisher Murray [ 'Maire' ] (1811-1865), Irish poet and humorist [ Richard Bentley (1794-1871), London publisher and proprietor of 'Bentley's Miscellany' ]
Publication details: 
11 Bark Place, Bayswater. 10 November 1843.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Richard Bentley Esqre'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph concerns a 'humorous paper' he is forwarding for Bentley's consideration (i.e. possible publication in Bentley's Miscellany). In the second paragraph he informs him that he has ready 'a series of Essays on LONDON, similar to those which attracted so much attention in Blackwood'.

[George Lillie Craik, Scottish literary critic.] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Geo. L. Craik') to 'the forgotten tenant of Craigcrook' John Hunter

George Lillie Craik (1798-1866), Scottish author and literary critic, Professor of English Literature and History at the Queen's College, Belfast [John Hunter (1801-1869) of Craigcrook]
Publication details: 
The first letter addressed from Holywood, Belfast; the other two in envelopes with Belfast postmarks. Three letters dated 25 July 1861 and 13 and 23 January 1862. The other letter undated.

Totalling 16pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With two envelopes (both initaled 'G. L. C.') with Penny Red postage stamps and Belfast postmarks (13 and 25 January 1862), both addressed by Craik to 'John Hunter, Esq: | Craigcrook | by Edinburgh', also a similar envelope, with Belfast postmark dated 27 August 1861, addressed to Hunter at 'Robertson's Lodgings | 24 St. Stephen's Green North | Dublin'. Chatty, friendly letters in a crabbed, difficult hand. On 13 January 1862 Craik writes: 'I am very glad you have spoken to Dr. John Brown.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Irish University Question. Meeting of the Royal University Graduates' Association. Address by Dr. M'Keown [William Alexander McKeown], President of the Association, and Member of the Senate of the Royal University, [...].

William Alexander McKeown (1844-1904), Senator of the Royal University in Ireland, Lecturer in Ophthalmology and Otology, Queen's College, Belfast [The Irish University Question]
Publication details: 
Belfast: Printed at the "Belfast News-Letter" Office, 55, 57, & 59, Donegall Street. 1900.

14pp., 12mo. Stapled. In cream printed wraps, with title and printing details on front cover, and p.1 carrying the drop-head title 'DR. M'KEOWN'S ADDRESS.' In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with rusted staples. Shelfmarks, stamps and red and white label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] University Training for Primary Teachers with Special Reference to the Position in Ulster.

R. M. Henry, Professor of Latin, and M. W. Robieson, Lecturer in Moral Philosophy and History of Philosophy in the Queen's University of Belfast
Publication details: 
Belfast: Maine, Boyd & Son, Limited, 2 Corporation Street. Printers to the Queen's University. 1918.

14pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rusted staples. Stamp, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce.

[Printed handbill reproducing two letters to the editor of the 'Belfast News-Letter'.] Primary Education.

Arabella Fennell [of Deramore Drive, Malone, Belfast]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from "Belfast News-Letter," February 27 and 28, 1906.

4pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Scarce.

[Printed pamphlet on Irish matters.] Letters on Primary Education.

Arabella Fennell [of Deramore Drive, Malone, Belfast; teaching in Ireland; Irish primary education and schools]
Publication details: 
Belfast: William W. Cleland, Limited, Falcon Electric Press. 1905.

34pp., 12mo. In light-green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn wraps with slight damage to front cover, and rusted staples. Shelfmarks, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Irish University Question. Second Annual Meeting of the Royal University Graduates' Association, held in the Museum, College Square North, Belfast, On Saturday, June 29th, 1901.

[The Royal University Graduates' Association, Belfast; the Irish University Question.]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the Northern Whig. [Belfast, 1901.]

14pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper with rusted staples, and slight wear and discoloration to front page, which carries the title. Shelfmarks, stamps and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Minor manuscript emendations to p.8. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

Three printed items relating to Stranmillis Training College, Belfast: 'Syllabus 1927-1928'; 'Prospectus'; and 'Government of Norther Ireland. Ministry of Education. Stranmillis Technical College. Programme. 1930-32-32'.

[Stranmillis Training College, Belfast; Government of Northern Ireland, Ministry of Education]
Publication details: 
Syllabus, printed by 'N. W. Ltd.', dated '5/28' [May 1928]; Prospectus, also printed by 'N. W. Ltd.', dated '7/28' [July 1928]; Programme, printed by 'W. & G. B. Ltd.', dated '11 30' [November 1930].

The three items attached to one another by ribbon through punch holes in top inner corners. All three items in fair condition, aged and worn, and carrying shelfmarks, stamps and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Syllabus: 9pp., 8vo. In cream card wraps with photograph of the College on front cover. Prospectus: 7pp., small 4to. Programme: 21pp., 8vo. With photographic frontispiece of the College. In blue printed wraps. Scarce.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] Irish Universities Act, 1908. Report of the Belfast Commissioners, and the Appendices thereto.

[Irish Universities Act, 1908; Report of the Belfast Commissioners]
Publication details: 
London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office. Printed by Cahill & Co., Ltd., 40 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin. 1911.

vi + 102 pp., crown 8vo. In blue printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Stamps, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Scarce.

[Printed pamphlet.] Association of Technical Institutions. Report of Proceedings at the Belfast Summer Meeting, July 12th and 13th, 1907, Including Papers [...] By Mr. G. Fletcher, [...] And [...] By Principal Forth.

[Association of Technical Institutions; Mr. G. Fletcher, Assistant Secretary for Technical Instruction in Ireland; Principal Forth]
Publication details: 
Knapp, Drewett & Sons, Ltd., Printers, 30, Victoria Street. S. W. [London, England.]

42pp., 12mo. In light-green printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rusted staples. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. The second part of the title reads, in full: 'Including Papers on The Organisation and Position of Technical Education in Ireland, By Mr. G. Fletcher, Assistant Secretary for Technical Instruction in Ireland; andn on The Evolution of the Technical Instruction Scheme in Belfast, By Principal Forth.' Scarce.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish engineer James Thomson to 'Miss Jaffé', regarding an introduction to Professor Carey Foster.

James Thomson (1822-1892), Scottish engineer [George Carey Foster (1835-1919), English chemist and physicist]
Publication details: 
Oakfield House, Hillhead, on letterhead of the University of Glasgow. 27 July 1879.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He regrets that 'too much time has elapsed' since her letter to 'our Mary': 'I wished to write sooner but I have missed doing so through great pressure of various urgent engagements'. He is enclosing (not present) 'an introduction to Prof. Carey Foster, which I hope may be useful unless you have already got the advice you wanted'. The recipient is probably a member of the family of Sir Otto Jaffe (1846-1929), Lord Mayor of Belfast.

Colour lithograph engraving, with illustration of two lovers, headed 'THE DECORATED ALBUM'

Marcus Ward & Co. [Baxter print]
Publication details: 
[circa 1870?] Undated. 'LONDON | MARCUS WARD & CO. | & ROYAL ULSTER WORKS. BELFAST. ['ENTD. STA. HALL.' (i.e. 'Entered at Stationers' Hall']

Landscape, on one side of a piece of thick paper 24 x 30.5 cm. The print itself is 22 x 27.5 cm. The print is clear and entire on lightly-aged paper, with wear to extremities and some repair to reverse, to which a tissue guard has been attached. Enclosed within a decorative border of birds and flowers printed in burgundy, brown and gold, is a delicate illustration (9 x 15 cm), somewhat akin to a Baxter print, showing a sylvan scene with two young lovers in seventeenth-century attire.

The Ulster Calendar of Persons and Events. By Alex. Riddell. 1911.

Alex. Riddell,
Publication details: 
N.p. 1911.

8vo, 76 + [i] + [iii]. Rebound in attractive green paper wraps, including surviving front wrap (back wrap missing), damaged but reinforced, staples rusty. Final page a Calendar for 1911, followed by three pages blank but for heading 'MEMORANDA'. Verso of front wrap carries an advertisement, with photograph of shop front, for James' Boys' Clothing, 10 Lombard St., Belfast. Scarce. No copy listed in National Library of Ireland online catalogue, and only one copy on COPAC (at the British Library).

The Orthodox Presbyterian.

Samuel MIller of Princeton; Norman M'Leod, Minister of Campsie; George Bellis, Secretary to the Presbyterian Missionary Society of Ireland [T. Mairs, printer Belfast, Ulster]
Publication details: 
Vol.V. No.L. Nov. 1833. Belfast: Published by William M'Comb, 1, High-street and Corn-market; [...] sold by W. Curry, Jun. & Co. and James Burnside, Dublin; M. Hempton, Derry; George Dugan, Ballymena. [T. Mairs, Printer, Joy's Entry, Belfast.]

12mo, 40 pp, paginated 37-76. Stitched and unbound, in original light-brown printed wraps (printed on both sides). Text clear and entire, but rather grubby and aged, and with a little light staining at head of first and last leaf. Wraps creased, particularly at rear. Includes an essay (37-49 pp.) on 'The Religious Education of Children' by Samuel Miller, 'Princeton, April, 1833.' and 'Synod of Ulster - Home Mission, to the Rev. George Bellis, Secretary to the Presbyterian Missionary Society for Ireland, Campsie Manse, 23 Oct. 1833' by Norman M'Leod, Minister of Campsie.

Autograph Letter Signed to [John] Lanyon.

William Ewart
Publication details: 
23 January 1888; on letterhead '9, Bedford Street, | Belfast.'

Mayor of Belfast, 1859-60, and founder of what was at one time the world's largest privately owned linen manufacturer (William Ewart & Son Ltd). Lanyon (1839-1900) was a surveyor, architect and engineer, partner in Lanyon, Lynn and Lanyon. One page, 12mo. In good condition, with small closed tear at head not affecting text, and remains of mount adhering to blank verso. Reads 'Dear Mr Lanyon | It will give me pleasure to support the boy Arthur Knox in whom you are interested at the first Election for the St Anne's Society | But about the Form that I must sign.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliza Hamilton') to Cecilia, wife of James Losh (1763-1833) of Jesmond.

Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton [Mrs. Eliza Hamilton] (1758-1816), Belfast-born miscellaneous writer
Publication details: 
26 August 1810; Whitburn.

Two pages, quarto. On aged paper, with several closed tears and loss at foot and remains of stub in margin, but with text clear and entire.

Autograph Letter Signed to Messrs. W. Ewart & Son, Belfast.

Sir James Emerson Tennent [the Board of Trade, Whitehall]
Publication details: 
Office of Committee of Privy Council for Trade, Whitehall, 20 June 1864.

Irish traveller, politician and author (1804-69; DNB). 1 page, 4to, on blue paper, with printed address for 'further communication' in top left-hand corner. Docketed with date of reply on verso of second leaf of bifoliate, with has remains of mounts in four corners. Creased with slight spotting, but in good condition overall. Ewart & Sons were linen manufacturers and the letter, in response to one of 18 June 1864, concerns the status of 'British Vessels and their Cargoes' in the 'Ports of the United States'. Signed 'J Emerson Tennent'.

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