[Ted Noffs [Theodore Delwin Noffs], ‘Uniting Church’ minister and social activist.] Typed Letter Signed, informing the editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ Sally Emerson that the Charles Prince of Wales described it as ‘the best magazine in the world’.

Ted Noffs [Theodore Delwin Noffs] (1926-1995), Christian minister, laterly with the ‘Uniting Church’, founder of the Wayside Chapel in Kings Cross, Sydney, and campaigner for aboriginal rights
Publication details: 
29 March 1979. On letterhead of The Wayside Chapel, Kings Cross [Sydney, Australia].

See his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography. Despite the Prince of Wales’s endorsement, the novelist Sally Emerson (b. 1954) proved to be the last editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, which followed the suicide of the proprietor Philip Dosse of Hansom Books. (See her article ‘Death of a Bookman’, in Standpoint magazine, October 2018.) 2pp, 4to. On two leaves stapled together, the first with letterhead in blue ink with biblical quotation and illustration of a cross and a crown of thorns. Signed ‘T Noffs’.

[William Morley Punshon, Wesleyan methodist minister and public lecturer.] Autograph Signature and part of letter.

William Morley Punshon (1824-1881), Wesleyan Methodist minister and public lecturer
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 12 x 5 cm piece of paper, cut from letter for an autograph hunter. In good condition, lightly aged. On one side: ‘With much esteem, / Believe me, my dear Sir / Yours ever Sincerely / W Morley Punshon’. On the other side: ‘[...] desire, of every part of the service but the Sermon & while we would not on [...]’ Annotated in pencil: ‘An eminent Wesleyan minister not long dead’. Scan on application.

[John Philip Newman, Chaplain of the United States Senate.] Autograph Signature of ‘John P. Newman / Chaplain of the Senate.’

John P. Newman [John Philip Newman] (1826-1899), Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church of America, Chaplain of the United States Senate
Publication details: 
17 August 1869. [Washington, D.C.]

In addition to his pastoral duties, Newman was a noted orator and lecturer. In 1870 eleven thousand people crammed into the Salt Lake City Tabernacle, to hear him debate the question of polygamy with Orson Pratt, and transcripts of the debate were carried throughout the American papers. On a 14 x 7 cm slip of wove paper. The reverse bears traces of glue from its display in an album, and there is slight loss and a short closed tear at the foot from its removal. The signature and text are firm and clear: ‘John P. Newman / Chaplain of the Senate. / Aug 17 - / 69.’

[Emerson Tennent, politician and Governor of Ceylon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Emerson Tennent') to Alexander Dickey of Belfast, complaining of parliamentary procedure on petitions (Irish in particular), and discussing Church of Scotland reform.

Emerson Tennent [Sir James Emerson Tennent, 1st Baronet, born James Emerson] (1804-1869), Irish-born British politician and traveller, Governor of Ceylon [Alexander Dickey of Belfast]
Publication details: 
16 March 1840. 19 Pall Mall, London.

4pp, 4to. Bifolium. Panel, a little under one-sixth of total area, missing from bottom outside corner of second leaf, with attendant loss to text, otherwise in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. A good long letter in a neat and stylish hand, with a firm underlined signature. He begins by writing that he has that morning 'received the Petition from Belfast which I was pleased to expect from having seen in the Report of your meeting that you had done Mr Dunbar and myself the honor to entrust its presentation to us'.

[ Samoa in the nineteen-twenties. ] Eight letters, Typed and in Autograph, from a Methodist missionary ('Will') to his father in England, describing his impressions on arrival at his post in Western Samoa.

Samoa [ Gagaemalae, Savaii Western Samoa] [ Methodist missionary work; Christianity ]
Publication details: 
The six complete letters dated from Gagaemalae, Savaii, Western Samoa, between May and October 1925.

An interesting and informative correspondence, giving the initial impressions of an unnamed nineteen-twenties Methodist minister in Samoa, describing local customs, the state of Christianity in the region (including a denunciation of the Mormons), his view of his duties and the nature of his work, his heavy workload, and other topics including the importance of the coconut and the necessity for every Samoan male to 'destroy fifteen beetles a week'. Eight letters (two incomplete), of which three are in autograph and the other five typed. Totalling 46pp., 4to. (23pp. autograph; 23pp. typed).

[ 'Promise to pay to Ignorance, Hypocrisy & Fanaticism, Methodist Preachers'. ] Satirical engraving of a bank note, undertaking to pay five farthings 'when Methodism shall have been done away'.

John Luffman, London printseller [ Georgian methodism ]
Publication details: 
'Sold by Luffman, 377, Strand'.. Dated from London, 1 September 1810.

Printed in black ink on a 9 x 16.5 cm. piece of paper. A scarce piece of ephemera. Grubby, aged and worn. Laid down on part of a page from an album. A pastiche of a Georgian banknote, the main body of the text reading: 'No. 24 . . . . | Promise to pay to Ignorance, Hypocrisy & Fanaticism, Methodist Preachers, or Bearer FIVE Farthings, when Methodism shall have been done away with by the Pious exertions of the established Clergy, and when Iohn Bull's Family shall be no longer scared by the tale of the Devil let loose. | London the 1st. day of Septr 1810.

[ Emerson Tennent, politician, colonial administrator and Governor of Ceylon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Emerson Tennent'), describing his family's connection with Methodism, and his desire to attend a Methodist meeting in London.

Emerson Tennent [ Sir James Emerson Tennent, 1st Baronet, born James Emerson ] (1804-1869), Irish-born British politician, colonial administrator and traveller, who acted as Governor of Ceylon
Publication details: 
Beech Park, Belfast. 25 April 1840.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He has asked his friend 'Mr Reilly' to assure the recipient that he will be with him on the arranged date. 'Independently of my personal interewst in Methodism from the fact of my family having been for 35 years < full?> in connexion with that body, I take as a Christian, an extended interest in the success of your mission, one of the most valuable, I believe, in existence'. After attending a public meeting in Belfast, he will travel 'the same night to Liverpool' and then to London.

[ Printed defence of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association. ] Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise [...] By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.

Rev. William Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D.; Rev. George Vance [ Robert Watts (1820-1895 of the Presbyterian College, Belfast); the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association ]
Publication details: 
Belfast: Phillips & Sons, Bridge Street. Dublin: J. Robertson & Co., Grafton Street. [ 1872 ] [ Allen, Johnston & Co., Book Printers, Up. Arthur St., Belfast. ]

The full title reads: 'Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise, entitled “Arminian Departures from Reformation Principles, as exhibited in the Writings of Watson and Wesley, and in the Publications of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association.” By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.' No copy at the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Manchester and Queen's University Belfast. 44pp., 8vo. No wraps. Disbound. Stabbed as issued. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ James Parsons of York, Congregational minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. James Everett

James Parsons (1799-1877) of Salem Chapel, York, Congregational minister [ James Everett (1784-1872), Methodist minister ]
Publication details: 
23 St Saviourgate [ York ]. 31 August 1839.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of tape adhering to one edge from mount. He is 'requested by the Committee of our Auxiliary in aid of the London Missionary Society to ask for your presence and assistance at our approaching anniversary in aid of that Institution'. He gives the date and details of the event, to be held at Salem Chapel, including 'a public breakfast in the school room in the morning, and a meeting in the evening'. He names two individuals from whom help is expected, with mention of 'two of the native refugees from Madagascar'.

[ James Parsons of York, Congregational minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. T. <Greenway?>, regarding his preaching twice in Salem Chapel, with one 'Collection for the Port of Hull Society'.

James Parsons (1799-1877) of Salem Chapel, York, Congregational minister
Publication details: 
York. 27 February 1866.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He reminds him that when he was in York, he stated his 'willingness to preach twice in Salem Chapel, and have one Collection for the Port of Hull Society, during the present year', adding that 'the Deacons of our Church concur in such arrangement'. He proposes a date, and asks for a reply.

[ Samuel Coley (1825-1880), Professor at Headingley Theological College, 'the Illustrative Preacher'. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Bro [i.e. 'Brother Minister'], regarding a 'Missionary Meeting for New Radford'.

Samuel Coley (1825-1880), 'the Illustrative Preacher', Methodist Professor at Headingley Theological College, Leeds
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [ Headingley Theological College, Leeds ]

1p., 12mo. In good condition. Reads: 'My dear Bro [meaning in this case 'Brother Minister'] | Our own Missionary Meeting for New Radford will be on that same evening. I should not wonder if Mr Taylor will not rather want to borrow you than lend me. You will see that I cannot accede to your wish or it would please me to do it.'

[ Macclesfield District Wesleyan Methodists. ] Autograph Letter by John Meek, signed by him and Samuel Wood as 'Circuit Stewards', asking Rev. Samuel Walker of Nottingham to work on the circuit after the next conference. With autograph copy of reply.

John Meek and Samuel Wood, Wesleyan Methodists of Macclesfield, Cheshire[ Rev. Samuel Walker of Nottingham ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Macclesfield [ Cheshire ], December 1851. Reply [ from Nottingham ], 20 December 1851.

4to bifolium, with the letter of Meek and Wood on the recto of the first leaf, and the autograph copy of Walker's reply on the recto of the second. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'The Rev Saml Walker | Wesleyan Clergyman | Nottingham'.

[ Eliza Weaver Bradburn, children's author and daughter of Rev. Samuel Bradburn, 'the Methodist Demosthenes'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliza W. Bradburn') [ to Rev. S. Walker ] regarding the sale of her 'little books', and her 'Missionary capes'.

Eliza Weaver Bradburn, children's author and biographer of her father Rev. Samuel Bradburn (1751-1816), 'the Methodist Demosthenes' [ Rev. Samuel Walker of Nottingham ]
Publication details: 
'At G. Laishley's Esq. | 71 Finchley New Road | St. John's Wood | London'. 5 December 1856.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter indicates that Bradburn was deriving some sort of income from the sale of her books, and was making 'Missionary capes', possibly for charity. She writes that she is concerned that 'the two notes written to Mrs. Walker and the one to yourself, were not received', and asks whether ''the Missionary Books' and magazines were sent to him as ordered, 'I trust Mr. Thomas Walker had the dozen for which he kindly prepaid me.' She has 'an affectionate respect for Mr. and Mrs.

[ Richard Slate of Preston, Congregational minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Slate') to Samuel Walker Alliot, regarding collecting and exchanging of nonconformist letters, with printed notice listing wanted 'Wesleyan Presidents'.

Richard Slate (1787-1867) of Preston, Congregational minister, biographical writer and temperance campaigner
Publication details: 
Autograph Letter: Preston [ Lancashire ], 25 November 1863. Printed text undated.

For information on Slate, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is a 12mo bifolium, with the two-page autograph letter to Alliot on the first leaf, and the printed notice on the recto of the second. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks Alliot and names the authors of three letters he would like, adding: 'I take it for granted they are letters similar to Dr. Buntings, which I have enclosed and not mere autographs. Walter Griffith's letter (which I will send when I hear from you) is quite equal to Dr. Bunting's but longer.

[ The Wesleyan Conference, Sheffield, 1875. ] Autograph Letter Signed from Stephen P. Harvard to 'Mr. Walker', reporting on doings at the Conference.

Stephen P. Harvard (d.1905), Wesleyan Methodist minister and author [ The Wesleyan Conference, Sheffield, 1875; Rev. Walker of Liverpool ]
Publication details: 
Carver Street, Sheffield. 12 August 1875.

Regarding the Sheffield Wesleyan Conference of 1875 see the article in the Spectator, 14 August 1875, 'The Wesleyan Ultramontanes', and the long review of the conference minutes in the London Quarterly, no.45, vol.89. The present item is 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. An interesting gossipy letter from a committee member at the conference, satirising two of the others present as 'Mr. Pepys in Conference' and 'Those who approve'. 2pp., 12mo.

[ Richard Slate of Preston, Congregational minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Slate') to Samuel Walker Alliot, regarding collecting and exchanging of nonconformist letters, with printed notice listing wanted 'Wesleyan Presidents'.

Richard Slate (1787-1867) of Preston, Congregational minister, biographical writer and temperance campaigner
Publication details: 
Autograph Letter: Preston [ Lancashire ], 25 November 1863. Printed text undated.

For information on Slate, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is a 12mo bifolium, with the two-page autograph letter to Alliot on the first leaf, and the printed notice on the recto of the second. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks Alliot and names the authors of three letters he would like, adding: 'I take it for granted they are letters similar to Dr. Buntings, which I have enclosed and not mere autographs. Walter Griffith's letter (which I will send when I hear from you) is quite equal to Dr. Bunting's but longer.

[ The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Canterbury, Kent. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml. Webb.') from Samuel Webb to Manchester philanthropist John Fernley

Samuel Webb of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel [ St Peter's Methodist Church ], Canterbury, Kent [ John Fernley (1796-1873), Wesleyan Methodist and philanthropist of Manchester and Southport ]
Publication details: 
Canterbury [ Kent ]. 13 October 1838.

The Chapel was erected in 1811 and still stands, albeit with unsympathetic internal alterations dating from the 1990s. Kelly's Directory of 1889 describes it thus: 'The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (situated in St. Peter's Street) is a handsome building, with portico, erected in 1811, and provides accommodation for 960 persons. Ministers are elected at the Annual Wesleyan Conference.' 2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, 'To J. Fernley | Manchester | Care of the Rev. J.: Rigg, | Wesleyan Minister, | Oldham St. | Manchester'.

[ Oldham Street Methodist Chapel, Manchester. ] Forms of application for permission to 'erect a chapel' and 'sell trust property', signed by the trustees, with Autograph Letter Signed from John Bedford and copies of letters from Edwin H. Tindall.

[ Oldham Street Methodist Chapel, Manchester; Edwin H. Tindall; John Bedford (1810-1879) of Charlton, President of the Methodist Conference, 1867]
Publication details: 
[ Oldham Street Methodist Chapel, Manchester, Lancashire. ] 1875 (letters) and 1879 (forms of application). Tindall's second letter from 18 Acomb Street, Manchester. Bedford's letter from 2 George Street, Carlisle.

See S. Taylor and J. Holder, 'Manchester's Northern Quarter' (English Heritage, 2008), which refers to 'the construction in 1781 of a Methodist Chapel, in a grand Georgian-Gothic style on Oldham Street, which replaced the earlier chapel on Birchin Lane'. This is said by Taylor and Holder to have been replaced, 1855-1856, by the Methodist Central Hall, which still stands. The dramatic changes being proposed in the present collection would appear to have been contemplated in the face of a new and large working class congregation.

[ Humphry Sandwith III, physician and Methodist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Rev Mr Walker', asking him to promote a public meeting [ in Doncaster ], with reference to 'Mr. Greathead' and 'Revd. Mr. Macguire of Clerkenwell'.

Humphry Sandwith III (1792-1874), physician. and first editor of the Methodist journal 'The Watchman'
Publication details: 
[ Doncaster, Yorkshire. ] 'Sunday p.m. | Feby 14 1864'.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He explains that his 'first object' in calling on Walker was to ask him 'to say a few emphatic words on the subject of the Notice you are requested to read this evening at Waltham Street. I refer to the Public Meeting to be held in the Public Rooms in Jarratt Street on Friday evening next at 7 o'clock.' He complains that 'Mr. Greathead simply read [last two words underlined] the Notice this morning; and unluckily he did this while the boxes were being circulated for the Chapel Fund Collection', and that 'the reading of it would, if heard at all, make little impression'.

[ John McOwan, Wesleyan Methodist minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J McOwan') [ to Rev. Walker ] and discussing a number of topics, in particular 'Bro. S Dunn' and 'the Division Question'

John McOwan, Wesleyan Methodist minister, superintendent of the Huddersfield Buxton Road circuit
Publication details: 
Halifax [ Yorkshire ]. 19 February 1847.

6pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The recipient is not identified, but is a 'Brother' minister, husband of the 'Mrs Walker' and father of the 'young Sam' named at the end.

[ John Wesley and Methodism. ] Three items from the papers of Rev. Richard Bartelot: Autograph Letters Signed from J. S. Simon of Wesley Historical Society and J. Crosland of Sutton Bridge; printed programme of Liverpool bi-centenary celebrations.

[ John Wesley and Methodism ] Rev. John Smith Simon (1843-1933), President of the Wesley Historical Society; J. Crosland of Sutton Bridge, Wisbech [ Rev. Richard Bartelot (1868-1947), local historian
Publication details: 
Crosland's letter on letterhead of Sutton Bridge, Wisbech, 16 June 1903. Simon's letter on Wesley Historical Society letterhead, 22 April 1914. Programme from Liverpool Wesleyan Methodist Council, for celebration on 17 June 1903.

The three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: ALS [to Bartelot] from 'J. Crosland'. (There are postcards printed by 'J. Crosland and Son, Post Office, Sutton Bridge Wisbech.') 3pp., 12mo.

[ Pamphlet; Methodist Hymns ] Hymns to be sung at the Methodist Chapel , Oldham-Street On Sunday, December 24th, 1845 when Two Sermons will be preached [title continued below]

Rev. Adam Clarke and Rev. Richard Watson
Publication details: 
Manchester. Printed by Russell and Allen. No date [1845].

[Title continued] for the support of the Sunday Schools of Children of all denominations," 8pp., inc. title, 16mo, sewn, no wraps or binding, text complete, but pp.[1] and eight grubby. several closed tears, some chipping, overall poor condition. Some information added to p.[2] - lessons and other points of order, and the name "Mrs Swallow No 2 New Market Lane" perhaps the original possessor of the item. No other copy traced.

[ Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book-Room, London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Blanshard') to Rev. George Johnstone in Jamaica, giving details and itemised account of 'Sums of Money due to the Book Room from Jamaica'.

Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book Room, City Road, London [ Rev. George Johnstone (c.1765-1821), Methodist missionary in the West Indies ]
Publication details: 
[ Methodist Book Room, City Road ] London. 3 January 1820.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight loss to text from breaking open of seal, and some repair with archival tape, and a square of paper neatly cut away from second leaf. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Revd G Johnstone | Methodist Chapel | Kingstone | Jamaica'. Letter on one page and 'Mr G Johnstone Dr in account with T Blanshard'. Writing to his 'Dear Bro[th]er', he hopes that Johnstone will be able to settle the annexed account 'at your ensuing District Meeting'.

[Printed pamphlet.] All are Living: A Discourse in proof of the Doctrine, That the Soul while separated from the Body is consciously alive. Preached at Liverpool-Road Chapel, Islington, [...] On [...] the Death of Anne, Wife of the Rev. Dr. Beecham.

William Arthur, A.M., Author of "A Mission to the Mysore," "The Successful Merchant," &c. [John Beecham (1787-1856), Wesleyan Methodist minister]
Publication details: 
Second edition. London: Published by Hamilton, Adams, and Co., and John Mason. 1853. [Printed by William Nichols, 32 London-Wall.]

24pp., 12mo. Without wraps and disbound. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with first and last page rather dusty. The word 'Methodist' written in pencil at head of title-page. Full title reads: 'All are Living: A Discourse in proof of the Doctrine, That the Soul while separated from the Body is consciously alive. Preached at Liverpool-Road Chapel, Islington, on Sunday, February 20th, 1853, On occasion of the Death of Anne, Wife of the Rev. Dr.

Calendar, printed on India paper, of the 'Primitive Methodist Church. Plan of Religious Services. Manea [Cambridgeshire] Circuit, 1906.'

Primitive Methodist Church [Manea, Cambridgeshire]
Calendar, printed on India paper, of the 'Primitive Methodist Church
Publication details: 
1906. Harvey & Son, Printers, Watton, Norfolk.
Calendar, printed on India paper, of the 'Primitive Methodist Church

Crisply printed, within a decorative border, and in a number of fonts and point sizes, on one side of a piece of India paper, 33.5 x 42.5 cm. Text clear and complete. In fair condition, creased and lightly-aged. Calendar surrounded by text in small type in a number of columns. To left of calendar is column of eighty-eight 'PREACHERS' NAMES, &c.', including 'exhorter', 'prayer leaders' and 'helpers'. There is also a circuit calendar, an advertisement for the 'Primitive Methodist World', a financial circuit report, and a list of circuit officers and organisations.

[pamphlet, one of fifteen, with manuscript list of recipients] Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times. Being an Article offered to the St. Louis Republican for Thanksgiving Day, and printed now in a few copies for private communication.

James F. Mallinckrodt ['Unity'] [Ira David Sankey, Methodist evangelical gospel singer and composer; Dwight Lyman Moody]
 Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times
Publication details: 
January 1, 1876. St Louis, Missouri: No. 2816 North 12th Street.
 Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times

12mo, iv + 8 pp. Stitched. In original blue printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor foxing. In original worn blue wraps, with closed tear to the spinal crease. Title leaf followed by printed limitation leaf: 'No. 4a | This Copy is Inscribed to Prof John Tyndall'. On the inside of the back wrap is a manuscript list headed 'Memo from Mailing account Book', numbered 1 ('Mr Carlyle') to 12 ('Rev H. W. Beecher'). Included are 'R W Emerson', 'H W Longfellow', and at 4, 'Prof Tyndall, Huxley, Proctor, & Mr Spencer' (the last three being 4b, 4c and 4d).

Dr. Brindley and his Abettors. To the Inhabitants of Northampton. [a defence of Swedenborgianism against a Methodist critic]

Rev. Woodville Woodman of Stoneclough, near Manchester (Swedenborgian, Minister of the New Jerusalem Church, Kearsley, Lancashire, 1839-1872) [John Brindley, Methodist; Northampton New Church]
Dr. Brindley and his Abettors. To the Inhabitants of Northampton
Publication details: 
Second Edition, with Postscript. [1861.] Taylor and Son, Steam Printers, Northampton.
Dr. Brindley and his Abettors. To the Inhabitants of Northampton

8vo, 11 + [i] pp. Disbound. Good, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Signed in type at end (p.11) 'WOODVILLE WOODMAN. | Stoneclough, near Manchester, | March 5th, 1861.' The final page is headed 'PUBLIC NOTICE.', and advertises services and a 'Reading & Tract Society' at Northampton New Church, Corn Exchange Buildings, ending 'The Library comprises the works of Swedenborg, and general New Church Literature. A passionate retort, in defence of Swedenborgianism, to the Brindley's Methodist interpretation of 'Swedenborg's doctrine of marriage', as set out in a lecture. 'The insinuation of Dr.

The Annual Address of the Conference to the Methodist Societies in Great Britain, in the Connexion established by the Late Rev. John Wesley, A.M. August, 1852.

John Scott, President; John Farrar, Secretary, Conference to the Methodist Societies in Great Britain, Sheffield, 1852.
Publication details: 
London: Published by John Mason, 14, City-Road; sold at 66, Paternoster Row. 1852. [Thoms, Printer, 12, Warwick Square.]

12mo, 12 pp. Unbound. Stitched as issued. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper. Ownership signature at head of title: 'Mr. Whittaker'. Ends: 'Signed on behalf and by order of the Conference, | John Scott, President, | John Farrar, Secretary. | Sheffield, August, 17th, 1852.' Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and none on COPAC.

A Selection of Psalms and Hymns, for the Use of the Congregation at Portland Chapel, St. Mary-la-Bonne.

[the Portland Chapel, St. Mary-la-bonne [Marylebone], London; hymnology]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by W. Flint, Old Bailey; and may be had at the Chapel. 1804.

12mo, 30 pages. In contemporary nonce-binding of brown boards tied with twine. Presumably incomplete, as sequential translations of only thirty psalms are present, ending with the hundred-and-fourth. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and none on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. Hartley') to 'G. Woolcott Esqre'.

Reverend George Hartley (Methodist preacher?) [George Woolcott (English architect?); acoustic; acoustics]
Publication details: 
17 March 1825; 19 Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London.

4to, 4 pp. Very good on lightly aged paper. Hartley has 'attentively considered' Woolcott's 'plans for your New Church with reference to an opinion of their merits as being calculated to assist the Human Voice in Rhetorical delivery'. He is 'so little of an Architect as to be unable to assist my observations with the technical terms which would facilitate the meaning of my observations', but he will give them as clearly as he can, speaking from his 'long experience in Public Delivery in (I may say) almost all kinds of enclosed spaces'.

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