
[Lauren R. Stevens.] Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Letter Signed (both 'Lauren') to English literary critic A. Alvarez ('Al'), discussing his decision to leave Harvard and his first novel, 'The Double Axe', an inscribed copy of which is included.

Lauren R. Stevens (b.1938) [A. Alvarez [Al Alvarez] (b.1929), English literary critic; H. C. Baker [Herschel Clay Baker] (1914-1990), Professor of English Literature at Harvard University]
Publication details: 
TLS: 430 W. Allen's Lane, Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania. 5 October 1960. ALS: on his (cancelled) letterhead 1717 Cambridge Street, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts. 31 January 1961. Book: New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961.

TLS: 2pp., 12mo. In good condition. The letter begins: 'Dear Al: | Last Thursday morning, while sitting in a barbar chair, I asked myself a question which a number of people have been asking me recently, namely, What are you doing at Harvard? I couldn't come up with a very satisfactory answer, so I went to a friend's house on Cape Cod for the weekend. Monday I saw the head of the English Department at Harvard, H. C. Baker. He said, "Follow your star," which seemed to me a little romantic, but all the same good advice.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John S. Hart') from the American author and educator John Seely Hart, Principal of the Central High School, Philadelphia, to 'G. Harry Davis', accepting his election as an honorary member of the Irving Literary Institute.

John Seely Hart (1810-1877), American author and educator, Professor of Languages at Princeton, Principal of Central High School, Philadelphia [G. Henry Davis, Secretary, Irving Literary Institute]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Central High School, Philadelphia; 15 May 1856.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper. The letterhead features a steel engraving of the monolithic Central High School. Hart has received Davis' letter informing him that he has been 'elected an Honorary Member of the "Irving Literary Institute".' He asks Davis to 'communicate to the members of the Institute my thanks for the honor conferred, & say that I accept it with sincere pleasure.' Hart writes 'Mr. G. Harry Davis, | Secretary &c -', but the middle name is given as 'Henry' in printed texts.

Two autograph letters signed and one typed letter signed, to Mrs Roscoe, secretary of the Society of Women Journalists

Ursula Bloom
Publication details: 
ALSs undated, TLS 18 April 1932

Novelist. 4pp., 8vo and 4to, edges sl. fire and water damaged, no significant loss. She responds to an invitation to give a talk. She likes the suggested theme of Mistakes many of us Novelists make". She then gives thanks for hospitality at talk. Three items,

Autograph Letter Signed to [L. Williams](an artist).

Barbara Hofland.
Publication details: 
Holborn, Postmark [1833?]

Novelist (1770-1844)(DNB). One page, 4to, bifoliate (blank except for Williams' name and address), some marking but text clear and complete. "I am much pleased with the design inclosed but have to observe that I think the tall boy a little too tall and that his trousers have more the look of a young sailor than those of e gentleman - the farmer boy is excellent - the lake scene very prettty and the whole satisfactory. I had great pleasure in naming you as an artist of great promise to Mr Newman who does a great deal of business & is a very worthy man and good judge of art . . . N.B.

Autograph letter signed to Daniel George, author and editor

Catherine Carswell
Publication details: 
7 Sept. 1944

Novelist. Two pages, 4to, chatting about personal matters and a MS. by a Mr Bligh which Rosamund Lehmann and C. Day Lewis wish to recommend for publication. [A note added to the letter in Goerge's [?] hand says that the book was published by Secker & Warburg.] She looks forward to the end of the War, concluding with impromtu verse: "I want to climb a steeple/ I want to ring the bell,/So I can tell the people/I love them all so well".

Autograph letters signed (x 6) to Ralph Lewis, author of "Scene in Sussex: a fresh look at the county" and others

Esther Meynell
Publication details: 

Author. She discusses work in progress (the County Book Sussex), past work (on Lincoln), Lewis's writings and activities, the effects of the War, and life in Ditchling, especially her "new-old cottage". In the final letter there is a postscript: "Yes, Edward Johnston is a loss - he wrote the best book there is on Lettering & was a real master-craftsman in his own line". [Johnston had followed his pupil , Eric Gill, to Ditchling.] Six items,

Autograph note signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Flora Annie Steel
Publication details: 
no date

Novelist (1847-1929). She is obviously writing to an editor of a periodical saying: "The terms are lower than I get elsewhere, but as you ask me to write on a subject for which I am desirous of the widest possible audience I will write you an essay of 4,000 to 4,200 words for your October number; that is, you shall have it on Sept.6." Her postscript: "I seldom find it necessary to type my manuscript".

The Orthodox Presbyterian.

Samuel MIller of Princeton; Norman M'Leod, Minister of Campsie; George Bellis, Secretary to the Presbyterian Missionary Society of Ireland [T. Mairs, printer Belfast, Ulster]
Publication details: 
Vol.V. No.L. Nov. 1833. Belfast: Published by William M'Comb, 1, High-street and Corn-market; [...] sold by W. Curry, Jun. & Co. and James Burnside, Dublin; M. Hempton, Derry; George Dugan, Ballymena. [T. Mairs, Printer, Joy's Entry, Belfast.]

12mo, 40 pp, paginated 37-76. Stitched and unbound, in original light-brown printed wraps (printed on both sides). Text clear and entire, but rather grubby and aged, and with a little light staining at head of first and last leaf. Wraps creased, particularly at rear. Includes an essay (37-49 pp.) on 'The Religious Education of Children' by Samuel Miller, 'Princeton, April, 1833.' and 'Synod of Ulster - Home Mission, to the Rev. George Bellis, Secretary to the Presbyterian Missionary Society for Ireland, Campsie Manse, 23 Oct. 1833' by Norman M'Leod, Minister of Campsie.

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