[Lord Carnarvon: Henry Herbert, 3rd Earl of Carnarvon.] Autograph Letter in the Third Person, thanking Mrs Page for papers on the boundaries of Highclere, and commiserating with her on the death of Colonel Page.

Lord Carnarvon [Henry John George Herbert, 3rd Earl of Carnarvon (1800-1849)], English nobleman, Tory politician and traveller, owner of Highclere Castle, Hampshire [Colonel Page]
Publication details: 
‘43. Grosvenor Sq / July 2. 1835.’ [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded four times. Begins: ‘Lord Carnarvon presents his Compliments to Mrs. Page and is extremely obliged by her polite attention in sending him the Papers relating to the boundaries of Highclere - Burghclere, and Woodhay Parishes, which he has no doubt will prove extremely useful to him’. He has ‘many apologies to make for not sooner acknowledging the receipt of the Papers, but he has been for some time past incessantly occupied in attending the Committee on the Gt.

[Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts], poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’.] Autograph Signature on envelope elegantly addressed by him to ‘the Honble. Spencer Ponsonby’.

Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts] (1797-1864), poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’ [Sir Spencer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Fane (1824-1915), cricketer and civil servant]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On the front cover of a 12 x 7 cm envelope, from which the seal has been torn away on the reverse. Otherwise in very good condition. A pleasing piece of calligraphy, with the word ‘Private’ centred and underlined at the head, and the address to ‘The Honble. Spencer Ponsonby. / Foreign Office’ across the central band, with the signature at bottom left: ‘Alaric Watts.’ See Image.

[Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922.] Autographs of the eleven, including future England Captain Greville Stevens, the Australian R. H. Bettington, R. C. Robertson-Glasgow and R. L. Holdsworth.

Greville Stevens [Greville Thomas Scott Stevens; G. T. S. Stevens] (1901-1970), Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922; England captain [R. H. Bettington; R. L. Holdsworth; R. C. Robertson-Glasgow]
Publication details: 
No date or place, but the same eleven that played at Oxford in May 1922.

On a 16.5 x 20 cm piece of faded and lightly-worn light-green paper, with small diagonal cuts at corners where the item was mounted in an album. The players’ names are neatly presented in a column (there is no other text on either side): ‘OUCC | Greville Stevens | R. L. H. Holdsworth | J. D. Percival | V. R. Price | R C Robertson Glasgow | P E Lawrie | M Patten | R H Bettington | T B Raikes | L. P. Hedges | R R P Barbour’. This is the same eleven which won a match at Oxford against the Free Foresters on 20 May 1922.

[Gladstone and photography: ‘It is a process he particularly dislikes’.] Autograph Letter Signed from his private secretary Spencer Lyttelton [to A.G.L. Rogers, Secry, Liberal Publications Dept], conveying Gladstone's refusal to sit for a portrait.

Spencer Lyttelton [George William Spencer Lyttelton] (1847-1913), private secretary to Liberal prime minister William Ewart Gladstone, outstanding cricketer for Cambridge University [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
14 October 1893; on letterhead of 10 Downing Street, Whitehall.

Lyttelton was Gladstone’s private secretary during three of his terms as prime minister. The recipient Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944, son of the editor of the economist Thorold Rogers) is not named, but the item is from his papers, and was written while he was Secretary of the Liberal Publication Department, a position to which he was appointed in November 1891. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘Spencer Lyttleton.’ In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage.

[Ivo Bligh, 8th Earl of Darnley, England cricket captain in the first Ashes series against Australia.] 15 manuscript items of banking correspondence between Darnley (8 signed items), his attorneys Wadeson & Malleson (6) and bankers Coutts & Co (1).

Ivo Bligh (1859-1927), 8th Earl of Darnley, England cricket captain in the first ever Ashes series against Australia, 1882-3; his attorneys Wadeson & Malleson, London; his bankers Coutts & Co, London
Publication details: 
All items from 1901. The Earl of Darnley, Cobham Hall, Gravesend, Kent; Coutts & Co, 59 Strand, London, WC; Malleson & Co, 7 Devonshire Square, Bishopsgate Without, London, EC.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The correspondence dates from the year 1901, Bligh having acceded to the earldom on the death of his elder brother Edward on 31 October 1900, and the material consists of what is probably the first set of banking instructions, mainly relating to his ‘accession account’, with recipients of payments ranging from the Dowager Countess to Rochester Golf Club. 10pp, foolscap 8vo; 2pp, 4to; 10pp, 12mo. The fifteen items range in size from foolscap 8vo to 12mo. Four items (letters to Coutts from Wadeson & Malleson) are typed and the rest are in manuscript.

[‘The Ultimate All-Rounder’: C. B. Fry, one of the greatest of English cricketers.] Autograph Signature from Typed Letter written as Honorary Director of the training ship Mercury..

C. B. Fry [Charles Burgess Fry] (1872-1956), one of the greatest of English cricketers, sportsman, scholar, journalist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that he has ‘strong claims to be regarded as the greatest sporting all-rounder of his or any era since’. (Neville Cardus counted him ‘among the most fully developed and representative Englishmen of his period’.) It also seems that in 1920 he was offered the chance of becoming king of Albania. His grave at Repton is inscribed: ‘Cricketer, scholar, athlete, Author – The Ultimate All-rounder’.

[Rowland Edmund Prothero [Lord Ernle], author, politician and first-class cricketer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed, as President of the Board of Agriculture, reporting on the wartime situation to the Speaker of the House of Commons [James Lowther].

Rowland Edmund Prothero [latterly Lord Ernle] (1851-1937), author, agriculturalist, Conservative politician and first-class cricketer [James Lowther (1855-1940), Speaker of the House of Commons]
Publication details: 
1 July and 5 September 1918. Both on letterhead of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 4 Whitehall Place, S.W.1 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letters 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, but with the first bearing two tape stains. Both folded for postage. Each signed ‘R. E. Prothero’ and addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Speaker’. ONE (1 July 1918): He explains that ‘Agricultural labourers are specially excluded from the category of men to whom the War Office appeal to the V.T.C is addressed’, but that it was ‘only to be expected, as I had pointed out, that the appeal would still be made to them and that they would go in the middle of the harvest season. / The scheme is opposed by the Min.

[Augustus Austen Leigh, Provost of King’s College, Cambridge.] Autograph Signature and valediction cut from letter, with fragment of testimonial to unnamed individual.

Augustus Austen Leigh (1840-1905), Provost of King’s College, Cambridge, and President of Cambridge University Cricket Club
Publication details: 
Without date [but 1889 or after] or place [Cambridge?]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is a valediction cut from a letter, clearly provided for an autograph hunter. On small rectangle of paper. Neatly written and in good condition. Reads: ‘A Austen Leigh / Provost of King’s / College, Cambridge / July 13, 1890’. Text on reverse (part of testimonial) reads: ‘[...] degree in 1889, being placed in the first division of the Second class of the Classical Tripos. He has always borne a high character; and his abilities, morals & manners [...]’.

[Lieut-Col. John Stuart Bligh, 6th Earl Darnley, amateur cricketer.] Autograph Note Signed, giving ‘Mr. F. York’ permission to ‘take some photographic views’ of Cobham Hall, Gravesend. With stamped envelope, addressed in Autograph.

Lieut-Col. John Stuart Bligh, 6th Earl of Darnley [formerly Lord Clifton] (1827-1896), amateur cricketer, father of the England captain Ivo Bligh, 8th Earl of Darnley [F. York, London photographer]
Publication details: 
5 September 1868. On embossed letterhead of Cobham Hall, Gravesend.

See his son Ivo Bligh’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Sir: / You are welcome to take some photographic views of this place: - you will please to ask to see the Houseeeper when you come. / I remain / Yours faithy / Darnley’. In worn envelope, self-stamped with pink penny stamp and two postmarks, one from Gravesend. Addressed in Autograph by Darnley to ‘Mr. F. York / Alfred Villa / Lancaster Road / Notting Hill London W.’

[Lord Roberts [Field Marshal Earl Roberts of Kandahar], British Boer War commander.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Roberts.’), sending condolences to ‘Mrs. Tierney’, mentioning his time at 'Mills School' with Tierney and cricketer Alfred Torrens.

Lord Roberts [Frederick Sleigh Roberts; Field Marshal Earl Roberts of Kandahar, V.C.] (1832-1914), British Army commander during Second Boer War [Alfred Torrens (1831-1903), cricketer]
Publication details: 
18 March 1903; on letterhead of 47 Portland Place, W. [London]

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium, folded once. In good condition. 29 lines of text. He thanks her for her kindness, ‘in the midst of your great sorrow’, in writing to inform the Robertses of her husband’s death. ‘We have often talked of you both, and wondered where you were living.’ He had thought it was ‘somewhere in the valley of the Thames, at least I thought you told me so when last I met you both walking in Regent Street - some 10 years ago’. After a brief comment on Tierney’s ill health, he recalls how ‘He, Alfred Torrens, and I sat next to each other at Mills School.

[Patsy Hendren, prolific and popular Middlesex and England cricketer.] Autograph Signature, on scorecard of Middlesex and Surrey match in which he scored his last century in first-class cricket. With cutting of newspaper report.

Patsy Hendren [Elias Henry Hendren] (1889-1962), prolific and popular Middlesex and England cricketer, 1907-1937, whose records include second-highest number of first-class centuries after Jack Hobbs
Publication details: 
Printed scorecard for 'August 28, 30, 1937', i.e. the first two days of a three-day Middlesex v Surrey match at 'Lord's Ground' (MCC). With details of first day (28 August) printed up, and other details completed in manuscript.

A very nice item relating to one of the greatest and best-loved of all cricketers: his signature to a scorecard of his final innings in first-class cricket, in which he scored a hundred, accompanied by a newspaper cutting describing the event. Official scorecard with serial number, printed on both sides of a 24 x 12.5 cm piece of card. Priced at twopence, and headed: 'This card does not necessarily include the fall of the last wicket | 2d. Lords [MCC device] Ground | Middlesex v. Surrey | Saturday & Monday, August 28, 30, 1937. (Three-day Match.)'.

[Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford.] Autograph Letters Signed ('B. Jowett'), appealing to former college member E. M. Sneyd-Kynnersley for a subscription towards the establishment of a cricket ground.

Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893), Master of Balliol College, Oxford, influential tutor and administrator at the University [Edmund MacKenzie Sneyd-Kynnersley, Inspector of Schools]
Publication details: 
24 February 1890. Balliol College [Oxford].

The 1880 'Balliol Masque' indicates Jowett's standing, and the pronunciation of his name: 'First come I. My name is Jowett. | There's no knowledge but I know it. | I am Master of this College, | What I don't know isn't knowledge.' 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with fold lines. Addressing his letter to 'Edward [sic] M. S Kynnersley Esq', he asks him to 'kindly read the accompanying circular? It relates to a project which I believe to be very important to the College & useful in many other ways, as well as - the [promise?] of a Cricket Ground'.

[Forbes Winslow, nineteenth-century physician and psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Winslow'), postponing a conversation as a result of a tiring visit to a patient in Northamptonshire.

Forbes Winslow [Forbes Benignus Winslow] (1810-1874), nineteenth-century physician, psychiatrist, author and authority on lunacy
Publication details: 
Bushey, Hertfordshire. 'Sat.' [no date]

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with evidence of mount on reverse of second leaf, which is endorsed 'Dr. Forbes Winslow'. Two central folds, one vertical and one horizontal. The male recipient is unnamed. He is 'quite unfit to go up to London to-day', 'owing to the fatigue I underwent yesterday travelling a long distance into Northamptonshire to see a patient'.

[ Cholera; Charles Greville, celebrated diarist and first-class cricketer. ] Autograph Signature ('C Greville') to part of letter.

Charles Greville [ Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville ] (1794-1865), English diarist ('The Greville Memoirs') and first-class cricketer
Publication details: 
No place. 28 November 1831.

The Greville Memoirs caused an uproar on its publication in 1874. Queen Victoria described it as a 'dreadful and really scandalous book' which should be 'severely censored and discredited'. Disraeli characterised its author as 'the vainest being—I don't limit myself to man—that ever existed; and I don't forget Cicero and Lytton Bulwer […] when he was not scandalous, he was prolix and prosy—a clumsy, wordy writer […] a more verbose, indefinite, unwieldy affair, without a happy expression, never issued from the pen of a fagged subordinate of the daily press'.

[ Devon County Cricket Club and Dorset County Cricket Club. ] Autograph Signatures of the twenty-two cricketers taking part in the match 'Dorset v. Devon. Aug. 22 & 23 - 1924'.

Devon County Cricket Club, founded 1899; Dorset County Cricket Club, founded 1896
Publication details: 
[ Dorset v. Devon cricket match. ] 22 and 23 August 1924

On one side of a 16 x 20 cm leaf torn from an album. In fair condition, lightly aged. The signatures of the eleven Devon players in column along the left-hand edge, and those of the Dorset players in a column along the right-hand edge. Details of the match and players are hard to find. Here is a tentative reading of the Devon signatures: 'F H Canok | A R Strephardy | W F Light | S Blakeney | K G E<?> | E. G. Trench | J R Carter | C R Russell | <?> | G H H Sherlock | E A S<?>'. And a similarly-tentative reading of the Dorset signatures: 'E. C. Walby | W Harrison | W. J. Knight | M. B.

[ Edwyn Anthony, proprietor of the 'Hereford Times', author, inventor and chess player. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Richard Harington, asking for his legal opinion on behalf of the Weights and Measures Committee of Herefordshire County Council.

Edwyn Anthony (1843-1932), proprietor of the 'Hereford Times', author, inventor, mathematician and chess player [ Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Whitbourne Court, Worcestershire ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Westood, Hereford. [ Received 25 June 1902. ]

7pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition. A long and detailed letter, asking, '[i]n accordance with a resolution of the Wts. & Measures Committee', for Harington's opinion on a point of law, in relation to the charging of fees by inspectors, with reference to 'the provisions of the Acts of 1878 and 1889' and the 'decision in Rex v. Roberts'. Towards the conclusion Anthony states: 'The Wts.

[ Herbert Sutcliffe, Frank Woolley, Fred Root and William Astill, England cricketers. ] Autograph Signatures ('H Sutcliffe', 'F E Woolley', 'Fred Foot', 'W. E. Astill'), with the signature of 'B W Bullock'.

Herbert Sutcliffe (1894-1978); Frank Woolley [ Frank Edward Woolley ] (1887-1978); Fred Root [ Charles Frederick Root ] (1890-1954); William Ewart Astill (1888-1948); B. W. Bullock
Publication details: 
Given at the Yorkshire v. Rest of England match, the Oval [ London ], September 1923.

The signatures of Sutcliffe and Woolley are on a 16 x 18 cm. piece of grey paper, cut from an album, those of the other three men are crowded onto an L-shaped piece of paper, laid down on the same leaf. At head of page: 'Yorkshire v. Rest of England, The Oval, Sept. 1923.' The odd man out is B. W. Bullock [ Burnett Wedlake Bullock ] (1896-1954), who did not take part in the match. He played for Surrey, and was presumably around when his more illustrious colleagues were giving autographs. According to the report in The Times, the match ended in a draw.

[ A. J. Webbe, England cricketer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A J Webbe.') to 'My dear Crawfurd' [ the Irish cricketer John Crawfurd ], regarding rain at Lord's, an exciting match, and 'all the trouble' Crawfurd has had.

A. J. Webbe [ Alexander Josiah Webbe ] (1855-1941), English test cricketer and Middlesex captain [ John Crawfurd [ John William Frederick Arthur Crawfurd ] (1878-1939), Irish cricketer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 35 Eaton Square, S.W. [ London ] 16 July 1909.

2pp., 16mo. In good condition. He is 'due at Woolwich the moment the rain stops as we have a day's match there today & tomorrow, but I don't suppose that you will be at Lords the ground must be under water.' He 'couldn't come out of the boys' room on Friday, the cricket was too exciting for words & it was cruel that we could not win'.

[ C. Aubrey Smith, Hollywood actor and test cricketer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Aubrey . . S.') to 'George'

C. Aubrey Smith [ Sir Charles Aubrey Smith ] (1863-1948), English stage and film actor and test cricketer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'The Round Corner', 2881 Coldwater Canyon Drive, Beverly Hills. 22 July 1943.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He thanks him for thinking of his birthday, and taking the trouble 'to bring me that sherry'. He has not yet sampled it, as 'it's a bit too hot for anything but water, just at present'. He will telephone him, as he doesn't 'feel cocksure' about his address. He ends with regards to 'Mrs George'. In pencil in another hand at head: 'Here it is, George | C.A.S.'

[ Brian Aherne, British Hollywood actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Brian Aherne') to 'Mr. Cathrey', regarding an invitation to take part in a cricket match.

Brian Aherne [ William Brian de Lacy Aherne ] (1902-1986), British Hollywood actor
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 703 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, California. 27 May 1942.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He has 'not played cricket for twenty years, so you had better not count on me!' He will 'try to turn up as a spectator', and if Cathrey will send him a card, he will make 'a special effort to do so at Mesa, whichh I have visited several times'.

[ Harold Larwood, cricketer ] Autograph Signature on paper formerly tipped into an album

Harold Larwood, cricketer
Publication details: 
No place or date

Paper, 8.5 x 9cm, good condition. "Yours sincerely | Harold Larwood".

[ Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton, Viceroy of India. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lytton') to 'Mr Lee' (his agent?) regarding a cricket match at Knebworth, and lightning conductors to 'the 8 turrets' there.

Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton (1831-1891), 1st Earl of Lytton, Viceroy of India and poet
Publication details: 
Without place or date. On his monogrammed letterhead.

2pp., 12mo. On leaf with mourning border. He thanks him for his letters, and expresses disappointment that he 'could not come to the Cricket Match', which was 'not finished, but decided in favour of Knebworth according to the score of the first Innings'. He asks him to obtain 'estimates for lightening [sic] conductors to each of the 8 turrets at Knebworth'. He fears that 'these copper domes are themselves lightening conductors which are now cut offf from all communcation with the earth'.

[ The Club Cricket Conference, London, printed annual. ] Cricket Clubs' Annual, 1934 and English Secretarial Directory. The Official Annual Handbook of The Club Cricket Conference.

E. A. C. Thomson, editor [ The Club Cricket Conference, London ]
Publication details: 
Eighteenth Edition. 1934. Published by The Club Cricket Conference, At 12 Devas Road, London, S.W.20.

[ii] + 333 pp., 12mo. In yellow card covers, printed in green and red. A note on p.58 explains that the volume contains 'a large number of Advertisements of leading Houses, who cater for all kinds of Sport.

[ The Garrison Library, Gibraltar. ] Issue of 'The Prince Albert's Somerset Light Infantry. Weekly Budget and Light Bob Gazette', with illustrated front-page feature on the 'Centenary of the Garrison Library'. Also cricket report and scorecard.

The Garrison Library, Gibraltar, founded in 1801 [ The Prince Albert's Somerset Light Infantry. Weekly Budget and Light Bob Gazette. ]
Publication details: 
No. XXVIII. Gibraltar, 2 September 1893. [ 'Published at the Somerset Mimeograph Establishment, South Barracks, Gibraltar, every Saturday. C. P. NORTHAN, Manager.' ]

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Complete issue, paginated 115-118. In fair condition, worn and aged. An attractive production, printed in black, with the masthead featuring the regiment's badge in green ink. 14 x 19.5 cm lithographic illustration by 'RF' on the front page, showing the library building in its setting, with a simple charm. The accompanying article reports on the centenary celebrations. 'To Captain, afterwards Colonel Drinkwater the historian of the memorable siege of Gibraltar are we indebted for the origin of this excellent institution. Thanks to the generosity of H.R.H.

[ Richie Benaud, Australian cricket captain and broadcaster.] Typed Letter Signed ('Richie Benaud') to Ffiona Roberts of Nottingham, giving his opinion of the best cricketers, and the 'biggest influence on my cricket career'.

Richie Benaud (1930-2015), Australian cricket captain and broadcaster
Publication details: 
On his letterhead , 'Richie Benaud OBE | PO Box 30535 | London SW16 5FG'. 5 August 2003.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly creased. Although it is 'always difficult to nominate the best of anything' he would say that Bradman was the best batsman, Sobers the best allrounder and Warne the best legspinner. 'All the others would be "one of the best."' His biggest influence was his father, 'an outstanding club cricketer in Sydney, and then, when I played first class cricket, Keith Miller, Arthur Morris and Ray Lindwall'. His hobbies are 'work and golf'.

[ West Indies cricket team in England, 1963. ] Autograph Signatures of Sir Garfield Sobers, Sir Wesley Hall, Lance Gibbs, Rohan Kanhai, and 8 others in the touring side. With three printed souvenirs (programme, brochure and 'record of test matches').

[ West Indies cricket team, tour of England, 1963; Sir Garfield Sobers; Sir Wesley Hall; Lance Gibbs; Rohan Kanhai; Derryck Murray ]
Publication details: 
West Indian cricket team in England, 1963.

A nice collection of souvenirs of a very exciting and interesting tour. The West Indies did very well indeed, beating England in the test series 3-1. ONE: The signatures on four pieces of paper, laid down on green 8vo paper backing, with card carrying maroon and black logo of 'West Indies | 1963 | England'. All in good condition, lightly-aged. First, signature of 'G Sobers' written across 22.5 x 11.5 cm magazine photograph of Sobers at the crease. Second, signature of 'W Hall' across 8 x 5 cm magazine photograph of face of 'WESLEY HALL (Barbados), age 25.', with swollen left eye.

[Cyclostyled or similar periodical] Newsletter No. 19

[Irish Cricket Union]
Publication details: 
June, 1969

Eleven pages (one side of page only), folio, stapled one corner, fold mark down centre, good condition. Headings as follows: Matches 1969; The Guinness Cup 1968; Northern Cricket Union 1968; Leinster Senior Cricket; Donal Donovan, Report from Munster 1968. No other copy of this periodical has yet been traced (NLI, COPAC etc).

[Tonbridge Cricket Week, 1894-1909.] Manuscript 'Minute Book' of the Committee of Subscribers to the Tonbridge Cricket Week, with entries signed by Tom Pawley, H. A. L. Rudd, and others, and numerous newspaper cuttings inserted.

Tonbridge Cricket Week, 1894-1909 [Tom Pawley (1859-1923), Kent cricketer; G. A. Floyd; H. A. L. Rudd [Henry Aytone Lindesay Rudd] (1867-1935); W. G. Grace; Ben Greet]
Publication details: 
[Tonbridge, Kent.] 14 February 1894 to 29 January 1909.

285pp., 8vo, including newspaper cuttings laid down on 24pp., and one loose cutting. In contemporary black leather half-binding, with brown cloth covers, and 'MINUTE BOOK' in gilt on front. Marbled endpapers. Ticket on rear pastedown of 'W. BLAIR, | Stationer, | Post Office Buildings | TONBRIDGE'. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding with front hinge split. Manuscript title: 'Tonbridge Cricket Week. | 1894. | First Held 1890'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Victorian educationist and penal reformer Mary Carpenter to the cricketer William Henry Benthall, private secretary to Sir Stafford Northcote, confirming an appointment.

Mary Carpenter (1807-1877), English educationist and penal reformer [William Henry Benthall (1837-1909), cricketer and private secretary to Sir Stafford Northcote (1818-1887), Conservative politician]
Publication details: 
Red Lodge House, Bristol. 15 October 1867.

1p., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. She states that she will be 'happy to wait on Sir Stafford Northcote at 4 oclock on Wednesday the 30th instant as you mention'. Docketed by Benthall on reverse of second leaf of bifolium, 'Miss Carpenter | Oct: 15. 1867. | Will wait on you on Oct: 30. at 4 o'clock'. Benthall was described in Wisden as batting 'in an exceedingly pretty style, cutting beautifully to the off, and has made some capital scores in the best matches'.

Advertisement for royal caterer '"The Original" Mr. W. G. Sylvester [...] (Established 1878) The acknowledged old-established leading London royal fête, gala, and entertainment caterer (up-to-date)'. With two quotations by Sylvester, one signed.

[Mr. W. G. Sylvester, 271 Clapham Road, London, S.W., royal caterer; Sylvester's Royal Bioscope; Royal Crown Cricketers]
"The Original" Mr. W. G. Sylvester
Publication details: 
Quotations dated 23 and 26 May 1911; both on elaborate letterhead. Advertisement from around the same period.
"The Original" Mr. W. G. Sylvester

ADVERTISEMENT: 4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Printed in blue and red, in a variety of fonts and point sizes. Photograph of Sylvester on front page, which has a red border featuring illustrations of entertainments. Royal warrant at head: 'Under the distinguished patronage of his most gracious majesty the late King Edward the Seventh and Queen Alexandra, Sandringham, 1901 and 1902.' The centre pages begin 'W. G. S.

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