[Norman Mailer [Nachem Malech Mailer], American novelist and journalist.] Typed Letter Signed to Rosalyn Sacks of the Mishkan Israel-Linas Hazedek, Jamaica, New York, with unsigned black and white publicity photograph by Molly Malone Cook.

Norman Mailer [Norman Kingsley Mailer, pen-name of Nachem Malech Mailer (1923-2007)], American novelist and journalist [Molly Malone Cook, Provincetown photographer]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 29 July 1975; no place. Photograph by Molly Malone Cook, Provincetown, copyrighted 1973.

See his entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Both items are in good condition, lightly aged. TLS: 1p, 4to. Addressed to 'Rosalyn Sacks / YMHA - YWHA / Congregation of Mishkan Israel-Linas Hazedek of Jamaica, Inc. / 153-14 90th Avenue / Jamaica, New York 11432'. Signed 'Norman Mailer'. Reads: 'Dear Rosalyn Sacks, / I don't have any pictures at the moment, but I'll try to get ahold of one and autograph it and send it to you and the members of the Congregation of Mishkan Israel-Linas Hazedek in Jamaica.

[Hugh McDermott, Scottish golfer and film actor.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph by John Vickers.

Hugh McDermott (1906-1972), Scottish golfer who became a successful British film actor, mostly playing Americans [John Vickers, photographer]
Publication details: 
[Hugh McDermott, Scottish golfer and film actor.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph by John Vickers.

10 x 13 cm glossy publicity photographic print, on 10.5 x 15.5 cm piece of card, with ‘PHOTO: JOHN VICKERS / COPYRIGHT’ in blank space beneath image. In good condition, lightly aged, with mounts at corners on blank reverse. Black and white head-and-shoulders portrait of McDermott in pub setting, looking sharply to his left in a double-breasted Royal Navy jacket, whiskey tumbler in hand. Scan on applicatioin

[Dorothy Ward, English actress who specialised in the part of principal boy in pantomimes.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph by S. George of London.

Dorothy Ward (1890-1987), English actress over five decades, who often played principal boy in pantomimes, opposite her husband Shaun Glenville [S. George, London photographer]
Publication details: 
1926. With stamp: ‘REPRO BY / S. GEORGES / [14] GREEN ST. / W.C.2.’

Glossy black and white publicity photograph on 8.5 x 13 cm postcard, embossed with studio details at bottom right. ‘MISS DOROTHY WARD’ in white print at foot. Autograph inscription across foot: ‘Best wishes / Dorothy Ward / 1926’. In good condition, lightly aged. A head-and-shoulders image of Ward with right shoulder slightly forwards, looking upwards, with a laurel wreath around her head and frizzy short hair, in pearls and a white sleeveless gown. With stamp and Liverpool postmark on reverse, which is addressed to ‘F. J. Clare / 5 Delamere Grove / Leacombe / Wallasey’. Scan on application

[Binnie Hale, English stage and screen star of the 20s and 30s.] Autograph Signature to publicity photo by Dorothy Wilding of London.

Binnie Hale [Beatrice Mary Hale-Monro] (1899-1984), English actress, singer and dancer, one of the most successful musical theatre stars in 20s and 30s London [Dorothy Wilding of London]
Publication details: 
No date [1930s.] ‘Portrait by Dorothy Wilding / 42 Old Bond Street, W.1.’ [London]

Hale is best-remembered for singing ‘Spread a Little Happiness’ in the musical ‘Mr. Cinders’ (1929), and for strarring in ‘No, No, Nanette’ (1925). 9 x 13 cm postcard, printed in light-brownish grey. In good condition. Nice signature ‘Binnie Hale’ running diagonally across lower right-hand corner. She looks wistfully at the camera, with a Marcel wave and pursed made-up lips. Not among the 32 images of Hale list on the National Portrait Gallery website. Scan on application.

[Bill Johnson, Hollywood and Broadway actor and singer.] Autograph Signature on publicity photo James J. Kriegsmann of New Jersey.

Bill Johnson [William Thomas Johnson] (1916-1957), Hollywood and Broadway actor and singer [James J. Kriegsmann of New Jersey]
Publication details: 
No date (1940s?). By James J. Kriegsmann of New Jersey.

Johnson’s career began with a job singing on an NBC radio show. His 1940s Hollywood films included “Keep Your Powder Dry”. He later returned to Broadway, where in 1956 he received a Tony nomination for his performance as ‘Doc’ in Rodgers and Hammerstein's last musical ‘Pipe Dream’. He died of a heart attack in 1957. 10.5 x 10 cm black and white glossy photographic print on shiny art paper. In good condition. Stylish signature 'Bill Johnson' in white at bottom left.

[Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed to Shirley Brooks, future editor of Punch, discussing his autograph and that of his wife the actress Helena Faucit, and portait photographs by Disderi and others.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author, husband of actress Helena Faucit [Shirley Brooks [Charles William Shirley Brooks], editor of Punch; Disdéri, Paris photographer]
Publication details: 
'31 Onslow Square [London] / 21 February 1864', embossed with his family crest.

See the two men's entries, with that of Helena Faucit, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Addressed to 'Shirley Brooks Esq' and signed 'Theodore Martin'. Brooks has evidently asked for autographs and photographs of Martin and his wife, the celebrated actres Helena Faucit (1817-1898). The letter begins: 'My dear Brooks / Here are the autographs you wish. There is not in all The Lady of Lyons one line to which any reasonable being could wish to attach his name. It is only the situations which are good for anything.

[‘Bill Nye’, pen name of E. W. Nye [Edgar Wilson Nye], humorist and editor of the Laramie Boomerang.] Two Autograph Letters Signed, the first [to Grant Reid] regarding a publicity photograph, the second to Henry Van der Weyde authorizing it.

‘Bill Nye’, pen name of the humorist E. W. Nye [Edgar Wilson Nye] (1850-1896), founder and editor of the Laramie Boomerang [Henry Van der Weyde (1838-1924), Dutch-born London portrait photograper]
Publication details: 
Both 25 November 1895. The first from Arden, North Carolina, USA, the second also from ‘America’.

The two items are in good condition, lightly aged, and both folded for postage. Both 1p, 12mo. ONE (evidently to Grant Reid, editor of the Northern Figaro, Aberdeen): Signed ‘E. W. Nye’. Recipient not named. ‘My dear Sir / Your favor of the 9- asking for a photograph to be used in your admirable publication is just received.

[Gisele Bündchen, Brazilian supermodel, and Michel Comte, Swiss fashion photographer.] Autograph Note Signed from Bündchen to Comte, accompanying sixty-three of his photographs of her, in groups of three or four similar images, from various shoots.

Gisele Bündchen (b.1980), Brazilian supermodel, and Michel Comte (b.1954), Swiss fashion photographer, artist and filmaker
Publication details: 
Note dated 16 May 1999. Some of the photographs taken in 'France, May [1999]' for Italian Vogue.

Bündchen’s career began in London in 1998. Since 2001, she has been one of the highest-paid fashion models in the world. In 2007, Forbes listed her as the sixteenth-richest woman in the entertainment industry. In 2019 Claudia Schiffer described her as the last of the supermodels. Comte’s fashion and portrait photography have appeared in a wide range of publications, primarily Italian Vogue. In 2000 he was named Photographer of the year by PHOTO magazine.

[Charles Dickens, Britain's best-loved novelist.] Albumen carte-de-visite by John Watkins, Photographer to the Queen, London.

Charles Dickens, Britain's best-loved novelist [John Watkins, Photographer to the Queen, London]
Publication details: 
[September 1863.] John Watkins, Photographer to the Queen The Prince of Wales and The Ex Royal Family of France, 34 Parliament Street, London, S.W.

The National Portrait Gallery copy of this item is NPG Ax17292, and the dating to September 1863 is theirs. A 5.8 x 8.8 cm photographic print, laid down on 6.2 x 10.3 cm piece of card. On the card beneath the portrait: 'JOHN WATKINS PHOT. / Copyright Secured'. On the reverse Watkins's full address, with crest. The image is faded and indistinct, compared with the NPG copy; otherwise the item is In fair condition lightly aged. A head and shoulders shot with a sepulchral Dickens turned almost to a left profile, eyes barely open, with a clenched right hand to the side of his face.

[Eve Arnold, the first female Magnum photographer, associated with Marilyn Monroe.] Black and white print of ‘Nancie Foster / Richmond’, in folder inscribed by her ‘To Ivan with best wishes from / Eve’.

Eve Arnold [née Eve Deborah Cohen] (1912-2012), American photojournalist who settled in England, first female Magnum photographer, famous for images of Marilyn Monroe [Nancie Foster, Richmond]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [1940s or 1950s. Richmond, Virginia?]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 14.5 x 10.5 cm black and white print on matte paper stock. In 24 x 29.5 cm folder with ‘Camera Portrait’ in fancy letters embossed on front cover, which is inscribed at bottom right: ‘To Ivan with best wishes from / Eve’. The work is attractively presented by the photographer by being laid down on a 17.5 x 15 cm rectangle of tissue paper in turn laid down on a 16.5 x 12.5 piece of black paper which shows through the tissue and is itself laid down on the recto of the second leaf of the folder.

[Mary Caroline Hughes, artist, photographer and amateur scientist, wife of the Welsh geologist Thomas McKenny Hughes.] Autograph ms. of an original study by her of the poetry of John Keats.

Mary Caroline Hughes [nee Weston] (1860-1916), artist, photographer and geologist, wife of the Welsh geologist Thomas McKenny Hughes (1832-1917) [John Keats]
Publication details: 
Undated, but written after her marriage in 1882.

The last paragraph of McKenny Hughes’s entry in the Oxford DNB deals with his marriage, noting that his wife was ‘a keen amateur archaeologist, a botanist, and a distinguished artist, and under his tuition she became a valuable geologist’, and that the couple ‘travelled together on field excursions’, being accompanied on a trip to the Balkans by an armed guard. Six boxes of her papers are among the rest of those of the Hughes family in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. The present item is 64pp, 4to, mostly on the rectos of a ruled ‘Universal Exercise Book.

[John Vickers, theatre photographer.] Duplicated Typed set of terms for ‘THEATRE PHOTOGRAPHY’, on his letterhead.

John Vickers, theatre photographer [W. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian and press agent for the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane]
Publication details: 
Dated September 1951. On his letterhead: ‘John Vickers / Photographer * 29B Belgrave Road, London, S.W.1 * Victoria 4915’.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) A nice piece of theatre and photographic ephemera. Vickers has five items in the National Portrait Gallery, which provides the following information: ‘John Vickers began his career by working as assistant to photographer Angus McBean in the 1930s. From 1939 until the time of his death, he ran his own studio. After the war he became well known as a theatre photographer working for theatres including the Old Vic.

[Angus McBean, Welsh photographer and set designer associated with surrealism.] Bromide print of photographic portrait of Moya Macqueen-Pope, daughter of theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope.

Angus McBean [Angus Rowland McBean] (1904-1990), Welsh photographer and set designer associated with surrealism [Moya Macqueen-Pope (b.1916), daughter of theatre historian Walter James Macqueen-Pope]
Publication details: 
Undated. Stamp on reverse of ‘Angus McBean / Photographer / Maskmaker / 29B Belgrave Road, / London, S.W.1. / Telephone: Victoria 1048.’

From the papers of W. Macqueen-Pope. See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The National Portrait Gallery holds McBean’s portrait of MP, but not the present item, of which no other copy has been traced. 17.5 x 25 cm. In fair condition, with two corners dogeared; the reverse, carrying McBean’s stamp, is rather discoloured. Also on the reverse, in pencil is ‘Moya Macqueen-Pope’. Plain background.

[Lieut-Col. John Stuart Bligh, 6th Earl Darnley, amateur cricketer.] Autograph Note Signed, giving ‘Mr. F. York’ permission to ‘take some photographic views’ of Cobham Hall, Gravesend. With stamped envelope, addressed in Autograph.

Lieut-Col. John Stuart Bligh, 6th Earl of Darnley [formerly Lord Clifton] (1827-1896), amateur cricketer, father of the England captain Ivo Bligh, 8th Earl of Darnley [F. York, London photographer]
Publication details: 
5 September 1868. On embossed letterhead of Cobham Hall, Gravesend.

See his son Ivo Bligh’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Sir: / You are welcome to take some photographic views of this place: - you will please to ask to see the Houseeeper when you come. / I remain / Yours faithy / Darnley’. In worn envelope, self-stamped with pink penny stamp and two postmarks, one from Gravesend. Addressed in Autograph by Darnley to ‘Mr. F. York / Alfred Villa / Lancaster Road / Notting Hill London W.’

[Hugh Welch Diamond, early psychiatrist] Autograph Letter Signed Hugh W. Diamond to Reid, on personal matters like a visit to Deal

Hugh W. Diamond [Hugh Welch Diamond (1809 ? 1886), early British psychiatrist and photographer who made a major contribution to the craft of psychiatric photography.]
Publication details: 
[Headed]Twickenham House, Middlesex, 1 Sept. 1884.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. Text: I fear you are like myself, & [burning?] into a state of mental debility or you would never imagine that such an old friend as you are could in any way have displeased one. I have not yet been to Brighton again but the invitation is in abeyance ---- I went last week to Deal & enjoyed the change much - Every body is out of Town & I fear we shall be very much alone next Sunday - but if under these circumstances you could venture to come, with Miss Reid & [stayed?] with us we should be very much pleased.

['Max O'Rell' [Léon Paul Blouet], French author and journalist.] Cabinet Card photographic portrait by Taber of San Francisco, signed 'Max O'Rell'; with Autograph Letter Signed to his lecture agent E. W. Appleton, regarding fees.

'Max O'Rell' [Léon Paul Blouet] (1847-1903), French author and journalist who wrote in English for British and American markets, crossed swords with Mark Twain [E. W. Appleton; Taber of San Francisco]
Publication details: 
Letter to Appleton: 14 December 1885; 2 Lime Grove, Uxbridge Road, W. [London] Cabinet Card by Taber, 8 Montgomery Street, 'opposite the Palace and Grand Hotels', San Francisco; undated.

ONE: Cabinet Card: 13.5 x 10 cm photographic head-and-shoulders portrait of Blouet, smartly-dressed with glasses and handlebar moustache, mounted on 16.5 x 10.5 cm card, with printed details of the photographers Taber's printed in gold below the image, and an elaborate advertisement for the firm printed in brown on the reverse. In fair condition, lightly aged. Inscribed on the base of the print: 'Yours Sincerely | Max O'Rell'. TWO: Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Appleton', i.e. E. W. Appleton. 1p, 12mo. On bifolium. 14 December 1885; 2 Lime Grove, Uxbridge Road, W.

[Richard Kearton, pioneer wildlife photographer; plus ANS] Printed advertisement w. list of works and fourteen photographs, carrying Autograph Note Signed ('R. Kearton'), directing the admittance of 'bearer and friend' to 'my lecture | Muswell Hill'.

Richard Kearton (1862-1928), naturalist and pioneer wildlife photographer with his brother Cherry Kearton (1871-1940)
Publication details: 
Advertisement undated. Kearton's note dated 15 January 1906.

Printed in black ink on both sides of a 26 x 30 cm piece of thick shiny art paper. Worn and folded twice. One side carries a priced list of eleven 'Natural History Works by R. KEARTON, F.Z.S.

[Cecil Beaton interviewed by John Freeman for BBC TV series 'Face to Face'.] Producer Hugh Burnett's copy of the typescript of the transcript of the interview, containing passages not present in the published version.

Cecil Beaton [Sir Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton] (1904-1980), photographer and diarist [John Freeman (1915-2014), Labour MP and broadcaster; Hugh Burnett (1924-2011), producer; BBC TV series 'Face to Face
Publication details: 
Transcript undated. BBC TV interview broadcast 18 February 1962.

The present item is the producer Hugh Burnett's own copy of the transcript of John Freeman's interview of Cecil Beaton, broadcast in the BBC series 'Face to Face' on 18 February 1962. Duplicated typescript. 4pp, foolscap 8vo. Numbered, and headed 'CECIL BEATON', otherwise consisting entirely of the transcript, with no other details. Aged and worn, with punch holes for binder. On four leaves which were originally stapled together, but with the first and last leaves now detached. Page references 1-10 (presumably to a shorthand transcript) in the outer margin.

[ Peter Le Neve Foster, mathematican, photographer, and Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts. ] Autograph Note Signed ('P. Le Neve Foster') to George Ranken at Hull.

Peter Le Neve Foster (1809-1879), mathematician, Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts, and photographer of the Calotype Club
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Society of Arts, Manufactures, & Commerce [ now the Royal Society of Arts ], John St, Adelphi, London. 11 March 1863.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. The note reads: 'Dear Sir, | All the Catalogues at my disposal have long since been distributed. | Yours faithfully | P. Le Neve Foster | Secy'.

[ Dieulafoy, archaeologist; Dornac, photographer ] Autograph Letter Signed "Dieulafoy" to ["Monsieur Dornac | Photographe | 34 Rue Gassendi | Paris" (address on envelope)., concerned at the terms of an agreement over photographs of his "appartement"

Marcel-Auguste Dieulafoy (1844-1920), French archaeologist
Publication details: 
2 Impasse de Conti, [7 July 1893]

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. With envelope. "En vous autorisant ce matin a prendre quelques photographies de mon appartement je n'ai entendu ni vous creez un droit a les reproduire ou a les venre a votre guise. Je vous [?] demande de m'envoyer des tirages pour les examiner, vous y refusez. Je me vois donc force de vous prevenir [...]" He proceeds in the same vein. Note: Dornac took photographs of both Marcel-Auguste and Jane Dieulafoy. He appears in Bernard Marbot, "After Daguerre: Masterworks of French Photography (1848-1900)".

[ Oxford Photographer; contemporary C.L. Dodgson ] Bill/Receipt [printed heading] Signed "E Bracher"

Edward Bracher, Photographer
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Oxford University Portrait Rooms, 26 High Street [MS "Biscoe Esqre Ch Ch"] To Edward Bracher, | Photographer [...], [MS 1858-59]."

Bill/Receipt, 16.5 x 13.5cm, fold marks, good condition. Bill for purchases between 2 June 1858 and Novr 15 1859, for prices given) Negative, 8 Portraits. Album, "1 of Gordon" [General?] Interest. Bracher has added (with some relief) "Paid March 6/62 | E Bracher". Notes: A. Bracher was a "pioneering photgrapher" working in Oxford at much the same time as "Lewis Carroll" and Henry Taunt (who worked for Bracher when 14); B. This receipt has been extracted from a substantial bundle of invoices and receipts with Oxford addresses, with related letters. The Christ Church student, Victor H.

[ Printed items. ] Steel engraving by 'R. O'Brien' of Bloodgood H. Cutter, 'The New York Farmer Poet', from a photograph by 'Beniczky'. With another leaf bearing a wood-engraving of Cutter, together with another portrait [ of Mark Twain ].

Robert O'Brien, engraver; K. W. Beniczky, New York photographer [ Bloodgood H. Cutter [ Bloodgood Haviland Cutter; Bloodgood Cutter ] (1817–1906), 'The Long Island Farmer Poet'; Mark Twain ]
Publication details: 
American. Circa 1860.

On two leaves. The illustrations on both are undamaged, but both leages are aged and worn, with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Fragile. ONE: Steel engraving: 'Photo. by Beniczky. | Engd by R. O'Brien.' Captioned with a facsimile of Cutter's signature, with 'THE LONG ISLAND FARMER POET' beneath it. 30 x 24 cm. On thickish wove paper. Head and shoulders image of a middle-aged Cutter, with goatee beard, smartly dressed with bow tie, waistcoat and jacket. TWO: Two small wood engravings on a 31 x 24 cm leaf of wove paper (thinner stock than Item One).

[Hoppé] Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Lynd.

Emil Otto Hoppé (1878-1972), photographer.
Publication details: 

ALS, on letterhead of Millais House, Cromwell Place, South Kensington; 22 June 1915, one page, 4to, He is glad he 'liked the parboils - it was a great pleasure to me to make them'. Asks him to accept two copies: 'I have a library of signed Author's Copies and if you can spare me a copy of one of your admirable books I should treasure its possession.' Brief note at top by Maire on identity of letter-writer.

[ Ern Shaw, British cartoonist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ern.') to 'Dear Marcus' [ the photographer Marcus Adams ]

Ern Shaw (1891-1986), cartoonist and illustrator from Hull, Yorkshire [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959)), children's photographer, patronised by the British Royal Family ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Hassall House, 29 West End Road, Cottingham, Hull. 4 January 1954.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. He is enclosing 'Squeaker Toys', which are 'a few of a large series which I designed for a toy Firm'. He thinks they may assist Adams 'to get interesting "expressions" on the faces of some of your less sophisticated sitters!' He concludes: 'They would be a variation of the old request to "Watch for the dickey bird."' Adams was Britain's foremost children's photographer, patronised by the Royal Family, and was famed for his Dover Street studio disguised as a children's playroom, complete with toys.

[ Connie Christie, writer and illustrator. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Connie Christie') to 'Mr. Adams' [ Royal children's photographer Marcus Adams ]

Connie Christie [ Constance Mary Charlotte Christie ] (1908-1989), Australian children's writer and illustrator [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959)), children's photographer patronised by British royalty ]
Publication details: 
9 Millah Road, Balwyn, Victoria, Australia, on her illustrated letterhead. Undated.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Letterhead in brown and black, with childlike self-portrait with dripping pallette. She is enclosing 'a few of my small picture books', thinking that they 'would be entertaining in a waiting room' Adams was Britain's foremost children's photographer, patronised by the Royal Family, and was famed for his Dover Street studio disguised as a children's playroom, complete with toys. From the Adams family archive.

[ Will Till, South African photographer. ] Long Autograph Letter Signed to English royal photographer Marcus Adams, discussing his work, methods and circumstances.

Will Till (c.1893-1971), photographer, 'the greatest South African pictorialist' [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959), English royal photographer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Will Till, Hon. F.R.P.S., "Bryro", 3 Grays Terrace, Kensington, Johannesburg, South Africa. 2 July 1956.

4pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Long closely-written letter, friendly and informative. Topics include the breaking of his right arm, the weather in Johannesburg ('I do not take my landscapes in winter - but our Transvaal summer is my time to operate with the camera to record the trees - the clouds & all the mood that goes with it'), Adams's support for 'the London Salon panel of prints'.

[ Will Day, British cinema pioneer. ] Typed Letter Signed ('W. Day | F.R.P.S. FRSA') to firm of royal photographer Marcus Adams, regarding his desire to end a 'film somewhat of a national character' with 'a short length of little Princess Elizabeth'.

Will Day [ Wilfred Ernest Lytton Day ] (1873-1936), cinema historian, showman and dealer in film equipment [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959), royal photographer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Will Day, Ltd, Wireless Apparatus, 19 Lisle Street, Wardour Street, W.C., London. 22 May 1928.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Ornate letterhead printed in red and black, with engraving of a rising sun ('The Mark of Excellence'). Addressed to 'Messrs. Marcus Adams Ltd. | Child Photographers, | 43, Dover Street, | W.1.' The letter begins: 'I have in hand the production of a film somewhat of a national character, including all the episodes in the reigns of our Royal Family, from Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee onwards, and I thought it would be a very nice idea to finish the film with a short length of little Princess Elizabeth.

[ John Loder, English stage and Hollywood actor. ] Black and white studio photograph by Cyril Leeston of London, showing Loder in costume of the film 'Java Head' (1934), with signed inscription by Loder to 'Mrs. Wright'.

John Loder [ William John Muir Lowe ] (1898-1988), English stage and Hollywood actor [ Cyril Leeston, London photographer ]
Publication details: 
Stamp on reverse of Cyril Leeston, London. Undated (1934).

A black and white print, 24 x 19 cm. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Shows Loder in top hat and nineteenth-century frock coat, with cane. Inscribed: 'To Mrs. Wright | With sincere good wishes | from | John Loder.' In pencil on reverse: 'Capt. William | Java Head | J. K. 67 | For Mrs Wright | Stills'. Stamped on reverse: 'CYRIL LEESTON | LONDON | TELEPHONE 3884 PADDINGTON'. This image is not in the National Portrait Gallery collection, nor is any other by Leeston.

[ Gracie Fields. ] Two black and white prints of photographic studio portraits of the singer and actress Gracie Fields, one promoting 'Sing As We Go' (1934) and the other 'Look Up And Laugh' (1935).

Gracie Fields [ stage name of Grace Stansfield ] (1898-1979), English singer and stage and screen actress [ Cyril Leeston, London photographer; A. T. P. Studios]
Publication details: 
The 'Sing As We Go' photograph has the stamp on the reverse of Cyril Leeston, London, and is captioned in pencil '1935 A.T.P. Studios'. The 'Look Up And Laugh' photograph is captioned on reverse 'A.T.P. Studio 1935'.

The two prints are in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. The 'Sing As We Go' (1934) photograph is 24 x 19.5 cm. In pencil on the reverse: 'Gracie Fields | S.G.P 4 | "Sing as we go" 1935 [sic] A.T.P. Studios' and is stamped 'CYRIL LEESTON | LONDON | TELEPHONE 3884 PADDINGTON'. It is a head and shoulders shot of Fields, leaning slightly forwards as she looks straight into the camera, smiling. The 'Look Up And Laugh' (1935) photograph is 25.5 x 19.5 cm. It has in pencil on reverse: 'LL | P.24 | Gracie Fields in "Look up & Laugh" | A.T.P. Studios 1935'.

[ 'Baron', London photographer. ] Twenty-four black and white photographs of his head printer and retoucher Mary Buchanan Owen, with an Autograph Reference by him, signed 'Baron & W Nahum', and genealogical notes by Owen's great-niece Kay Locker.

'Baron' [ Sterling [ Stirling ] Henry Nahum ] (1906-1956) ], London dance, film and celebrity photographer
Publication details: 
The reference on the letterhead of 'Baron | Camera Studies. 23 Grosvenor Street W.1. Mayfair 5069 [ London ]'. 2 August 1940. Some of the photographs are dated, between 1936 and 1947.

The collection of 26 items is in fair condition, aged and lightly worn. The 24 black and white photographic prints, of which there are 23 different images and one image duplicated in a smaller size, range in size from 29 x 24.5 cm to 8.5 x 11.5 cm. The pictures are tender and affectionate, in an informal style unusual for Baron. One picture, stamped 'UNRETOUCHED ROUGH PR<...>', shows Owen sitting on Baron's knee, on a wooden bench, the two smiling. The four largest are studies of Owen's smiling face, staring into the camera.

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