[Humphrey Lyttelton, jazz musician, author and broadcaster, presenter of the BBC radio panel show ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue’.] Autograph Signature written on flap of envelope.

Humphrey Lyttelton [Humphrey Richard Adeane Lyttelton, nicknamed ‘Humph’] (1921-2008), jazz musician, author and broadcaster, presenter of the BBC radio panel show ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue'
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the biography of this much-beloved figure in the Oxford DNB. Stylish signature ‘Humphrey Lyttelton’, on irregularly-shaped piece of paper, roughly 7.5 x 4.5 cm, torn from an envelope flap. Somewhat worn and a little creased.

[Bruce Bairnsfather [Captain Charles Bruce Bairnsfather], cartoonist who created the First World War Fragments from France characters Old Bill, Bert and Alf.] Autograph Signature, with that of the baritone Kennerley Rumford (Clara Butt's husband).

Bruce Bairnsfather [Captain Charles Bruce Bairnsfather] (1887-1959), cartoonist who created the First World War Fragments from France characters Old Bill, Bert and Alf, published in 'The Bystander'
Bruce Bairnsfather
Publication details: 
Without date or place [circa 1920].
Bruce Bairnsfather

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A bold, untidy and yet stylish signature, in exactly the state one would hope to find Bairnfather moniker. It gives the impression of having been sent post-haste from the trenches, scrawled in pencil on a piece of vertically-ruled paper torn out of a notebook, ruckled and grubby, and laid down on an unruckled and clean 15.5 x 9.5 cm leaf with rounded edges, torn from an autograph album. The signature ‘Bruce / Bairnsfather’ is across the head of the landscape page, with a jagged line (intended for the flourish?) by Bairnsfather across the foot.

[David Low, English cartoonist, born in New Zealand.] Printed christmas card ‘from Mr. and Mrs. David Low’, illustrated with a cartoon by him of a dog caught ripping up a christmas card.

David Low [Sir David Alexander Cecil Low] (1891-1963), English political cartoonist, born in New Zealand
Publication details: 
No date. ‘25, Helenslea Avenue, / N. W. 11. [London]’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is a nice piece of printed ephemera relating to the man described in his Guardian obituary as ‘the dominant cartoonist of the western world’. In 1937 Goebbels had told Lord Halifax that Low’s cartoons were harming Anglo-German relations, and after the war it was revealed that his name was in the ‘black book’ of individuals to be ‘liquidated’ on German conquest of Britain. In good condition, lightly aged.Small 4to bifolium printed in brown ink on thick wove paper.

[‘The Cartoonist’, short-lived British periodical, founded by Steve Way and Sir John Sorrell.] The first number, published on April Fool’s Day.

‘The Cartoonist’, short-lived British periodical, founded by Steve Way and Sir John Sorrell; Newell and Sorrell; Ed McLachlan; David Austin; Lowry; David Haldane; Kipper Williams; Chris Riddle
Publication details: 
‘1 April, 1993, No. 1. Published by The Cartoonist Ltd, 14 Utopia Village, Chalcot Road, London, NW1 8LH.

Fortnightly publication, founded after the closure of Punch by Sir John Sorrell and the Punch cartoon editor Steve Way. It only lasted for eight months, and this and the second number are said to be scarce. (The only copies listed on JISC are at the deposit libraries.) A 28-page broadsheet. Folded twice. In good condition, on lightly-discoloured and worn paper. Whole of the front page taken up with striking image by Chris Riddle of Boris Yeltsin holding up a piece of paper on which he orders democracy, while dwarfed by a menacing Soviet bear.

[George Cruikshank, ‘the modern Hogarth’, nineteenth-century caricaturist and illustrator, associated with Charles Dickens.] Six original engravings, including illustrations of raucous scenes of life in London.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), 'the modern Hogarth', nineteenth-century British caricaturist and illustrator, associated with Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
All six from Cruikshank’s ‘Comic Almanac’, 1845.

The six items - all from Cruikshank’s ‘Comic Almanac’ for 1845 - are in fair condition, lightly aged, and have all been trimmed, with diagonals cut from the corners resulting in minor loss. The last has a small amount of loss to the bottom left-hand corner from removal from a mount. All six are signed in type by Cruikshank at bottom left. They are captioned: ‘Flying Artillery’ (gentlemen on bended knee, declaring their love to ladies, while Cupids shoot arrows from overhead), ‘The Day After - “St.

[E. Winnie Burnand, one of the earliest female cartoonists.] Two amusing original caricatures of herself, one posting a letter, the other carrying a cricket bat, in an effusive letter to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope.

E. Winnie Burnand [Edith Winifred Burnand, latterly Parsons] (b.1881), one of the earliest female cartoonists, daughter of Sir Francis Cowley Burnand, editor of ‘Punch’ [W. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960)]
Publication details: 
23 August 1957. On letterhead of Crossway Green, Chepstow, Mon. SEE IMAGE.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry and that of her father in the Oxford DNB.) 6pp, the first four on two 4to leaves, the last two on a 12mo leaf. Signed ‘E. Winnie Parsons / nee / Winnie Burnand’. In fair condition, lightly aged and with some creasing, particularly to the last (12mo) leaf. Slight rust staining from paperclip. A delightful letter, written in a strong and energetic hand, with various words underlined in red pencil for emphasis. She is staying with Desmond Lysart, ‘who in his lovely study has all your delightful books’, and they are both great admirers of MP.

[George du Maurier, novelist and Punch cartoonist, creator of ‘Svengali’.] Autograph Signature and valediction cut from letter.

George du Maurier [George Louis Palmella Busson du Maurier] (1834-1896), novelist and Punch cartoonist, creator of the character ‘Svengali’ in his novel ‘Trilby’; grandfather of Daphne du Maurier
Geo du Maurier
Publication details: 
26 April 1886. No place.
Geo du Maurier

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On rectangular slip of paper, roughly 11 x 3 cm, cut from the end of a letter. In fair condition, lightly aged, slightly spotted and laid down along one edge on thicker piece of paper. In an elegant calligraphic hand he writes: ‘Believe me / Yours truly / Geo du Maurier / Apr. 26, 83’. The ‘eo’ of the ‘Geo’ of the signature is presented as a stylish squiggle, looking a little like a ‘W’. See image.

['Bert Thomas', British political cartoonist.] Copy of his book 'Close-ups Through a childs eyes / by Bert Thomas', with label bearing autograph inscription.

‘Bert Thomas’ [Herbert Samuel Thomas MBE (1883-1966)], British political cartoonist who contributed to Punch magazine and created British propaganda posters during the two world wars
'Bert Thomas'
Publication details: 
No date (circa 1943). 'A Tuck Book / Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd / Copyright Printed in England'.
'Bert Thomas'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A scarce item: no copy in the British Library and the only copies on COPAC at Cambridge and the V & A. In fair condition, lightly aged and with slight creasing to outer edge of front cover, on which a label has been laid down, carrying an inscription (repaired at one corner with archival tape) by Thomas: ‘From one child to another - Love and I cant thank you enough for everything - I’ll look forward to Janiuary - Muh love I’ll writer later’. A stapled pamphlet in brown card wraps. 16pp, landscape 8vo.

[Edward Tennyson Reed, Punch political cartoonist.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘E: T: Reed.’) to ‘Mr. Denselow’, joking with him on sending an autograph (of no interest to anyone, ‘except my tailor (who seldom sees it!)’.

E. T. Reed [Edward Tennyson Reed] (1860-1933), political cartoonist and illustrator, associated with Punch Magazine
Publication details: 
9 September [no year]; on letterhead of 3 St Paul’s Studios, West Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry by E. V. Knox in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with dog-eared corner. Folded once. Reads: ‘Dear Mr. Denselow, / If my erratic and unenviable handwriting has any interest for anyone - except my tailor (who seldom sees it!) you are very welcome to a fragmentary example of it, at its word’. The signature is no doubt deliberately emphatic, with colons to the initials, and a period on each side of the end of the final flourish. In a postscript Reed expresses gratification to hear ‘that my work “touches the spot” occasionally, that’s what it’s “for!”’

Sir Francis Carruthers Gould ('FCG'), caricaturist and political cartoonist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould'), declining (as assistant editor of the Westminster Gazette), with much regret, an article by F. W. Sherwood.

F. Carruthers Gould [Sir Francis Carruthers Gould] (1844-1925), caricaturist and political cartoonist, who signed his work 'FCG'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Westminster Gazette, Tudor Street, Blackfriars, E.C. [London] 22 September 1896.

1p, 12mo. Aged and worn. Reads: 'I should very much like to use your article, but we are so crowded with matter that I am afraid there is little chance of finding space for a considerable time and I therefore return the MS with much regret.'

['George' Strube, Daily Express political cartoonist.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both '”George” STRUBE') to journalist Collin Brooks, regarding the the photographic reproduction of a picture. With copy of a letter from Brooks.

'George' Strube [Sidney Conrad Strube] (1891-1956), Daily Express political cartoonist, receiving the highest salary in Fleet Street Collin Brooks (1893-1959), journalist, editor of Sunday Dispatch]
Publication details: 
On (different) letterheads of the Daily Express, Fleet Street, London. 18 April and 9 May 1947.

Both 1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with paperclip stain to first letter. Unusual signature, in block capitals. Both addressed to Brooks at the Savage Club, with both salutations to 'Collin'. ONE: 18 April 1947. Begins: 'My dear Collin, | I consulted my firend in the Process Department here and he said that a half-tone block would not be very successful, as there is a dash of colour in the picture and the half-tone would not bring it out very well. He thought that a photograph on a piece of Matt bromide paper would look much better and not spoil the detail of the drawing.

[ David Low, cartoonist. ] Typed Letter Signed ('David Low') to 'Mr. Armstrong' of the Golders Green Literary Society, decling to become a vice-president.

David Low [ Sir David Alexander Cecil Low ] (1891-1963), English cartoonist, born in New Zealand
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 3 Rodborough Road, Golders Green, N.W.11 [ London ] 18 May 1934.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by acknowledging Armstrong's letter: 'I assure your Committee that I appreciate the honour they do me by asking me to become a Vice-President of the Golders Green Literary Society.' He has for some time felt that in the interest of his health he must 'enter no fresh engagements for a while', and therefore does not feel 'able to accept even this one, which I am sure would be pleasanter than most'. He ends by offering his 'sincere regrets'.

[ E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and caricaturist. ] Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart' of a page of portraits of seven legal figures from the Midland Circuit

E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and cartoonist [ The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet; the Midland Circuit; Assize Courts ]
Publication details: 
Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart': lithographed illustrations by E. C. Osborne & Son, New Street, Birmingham; theh page dated 19 March 1897. Facing page dated 16 March 1897.

2pp., 4to. Printed in black on the inner two pages of a bifolium. The left-hand page (i.e. verso of the first leaf) carries text, in two columns of small print, of a prospectus for a share flotation for 'Hanman's Cycle and Needle Co.', dated 16 March 1897. The facing right-hand page (i.e. the recto of the second leaf) is headed 'Twenty-first Year | No. 1,065.] The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart. [Friday, March 19th, 1897'. It carries Mountfort's lithographed illustrations, with a facsimile of his signature at bottom right, printed by 'E. C. OSBORNE & SON. LITHO. NEW ST.

[ Ern Shaw, British cartoonist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ern.') to 'Dear Marcus' [ the photographer Marcus Adams ]

Ern Shaw (1891-1986), cartoonist and illustrator from Hull, Yorkshire [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959)), children's photographer, patronised by the British Royal Family ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Hassall House, 29 West End Road, Cottingham, Hull. 4 January 1954.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. He is enclosing 'Squeaker Toys', which are 'a few of a large series which I designed for a toy Firm'. He thinks they may assist Adams 'to get interesting "expressions" on the faces of some of your less sophisticated sitters!' He concludes: 'They would be a variation of the old request to "Watch for the dickey bird."' Adams was Britain's foremost children's photographer, patronised by the Royal Family, and was famed for his Dover Street studio disguised as a children's playroom, complete with toys.

[ George Cruikshank, English caricaturist. ] Cabinet card photographic portrait of 'Mr George Cruikshank' by the London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English caricaturist and illustrator [ The London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company ]
Publication details: 
The London Stereoscopic Company, 110 & 108 Regent Street and 54 Cheapside [ London ]. Undated [ circa 1873? ].

Albumen print photograph, dimensions 15 x 10 cm. Mounted on 16.5 x 10.5 cm card. Printed in red ink on the reverse of the card are the firm's illustrated details ('Photoraphers to the Queen the Prince of Wales and other members of the Royal Family' and 'Prize Medal For Portraiture Vienna Exibitiion 1873.' In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The National Portrait Gallery lists four versions of this image, but not within an oval, as here.

[ Charles Cole, cartoonist. ] Signed photograph, accompanied by Typed Note Signed to 'Mr. Wakefield'.

Charles Cole, British cartoonist
Publication details: 
Note on letterhead of 'Charles Cole | Cartoonist', 1 Montrose Court NW11 [ London ]; 28 September 1945. Cole's inscription on photograph dated 1945.

ONE: TNS. 1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged with nick to corner. Letterhead features two small cartoons: a caricature of himself and a lion. Covering letter sending 'herewith my autograph for your collection'. TWO: Signed black and white portrait photograph of Cole. 8 x 5.5 cm. In good condition. Signed at bottom right: 'Sincerely | Charles Cole | 1945'. Cole has rather disappeared under the radar.

[ Printed item, with sixteen illustrations of 'Gibson Heads'. ] Proofs of Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson. (Size 15 to 20 Inches.) Hand printed on Japanese tissue paper, mounted on boards ready for framing.

[ Charles Dana Gibson, American illustrator, known for his illustrations of 'Gibson Girls' ] James Henderson & Sons, Victorian publishers
Publication details: 
James Henderson & Sons, Red Lion House, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C. Undated [ Edwardian ].

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium on shiny paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. The front cover carries a reproduction of the print 'Wireless Telegraphy.' Pp.3-4 carry reproductions of the 'Gibson Heads': 'NOW READY. - A Series of Sixteen Gibson Heads, of which the accompanying illustrations are miniatures. | Each subject is Hand-Printed on Japanese Hand-Made Tissue Paper, mounted ready for framing. Price 5s. 6d. each, post free.' Scarce: no copies on WorldCat, or on COPAC.

[ Linley Sambourne. ] Large printed 'Memorial Card', carrying engraving of 'the Liberal Monument to Mr. Gladstone erected within the Palace of Westminster'.

Linley Sambourne [ Edward Linley Sambourne ] (1844-1910), English cartoonist and illustrator who worked with Punch [ William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. 'Linley Sambourne invt et delt V & C'.

Printed in black on one side of a 19 x 29 cm piece of stiff card, with rounded corners. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with 4cm vertical closed tear at head. The memorial to a stern-faced Gladstone is depicted - a setting sun blazing behind it - between two mythical seated women, Justice on the right, and a hooded woman with a hand mirror on the left. In the background are the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. The card is made out in manuscript to 'Edward C Young' (with '186357' at foot), and the caption at the foot reads: 'This Memorial Card was issued to [ Edward C Young.

[ Walt Disney, animator. ] Full-page colour cartoon strips from the English edition of 'Mickey Mouse Weekly', including 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Cinderella'.

[ Walt Disney, animator ] [ Alice in Wonderland ]
Publication details: 
Printed for the proprietors Willbank Publications, Ltd, by Odhams Press, Ltd, London. From the issues of 29 July 1950 and 21 July, 1951.

Six leaves extracted from the two issues, carrying six pages of coloured cartoon strips, with black and white text and illustrations on their reverses. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ The Royal National Lifeboat Institution. ] Transparencies of two charming illustrations, one a ragamuffin boy fisherman, and the other his sweetheart waving goodbye to him.

[The Royal National Lifeboat Institution; RNLI ]
Publication details: 
'Sold in aid of the R.N.L.I.' Without publishing details or date. [England. 1920s?]

Both transparencies negatives on plastic sheets. The two images attached by a thin vertical strip of Scotch tape. On the right (22 x 14.5 cm) the image of the ragamuffin boy fisherman, with net and rod, looking to the left. On the left (22 x 16.5 cm) his young sweetheart, with fishing nets aand lace apron, waving a lace handkerchief. His image with caption (old Breton poem): 'Dear God be good to me | The sea is so wide | And my boat is so small | Sold in aid of the R.N.L.I.' Her image with the same caption, but with the word 'his' replacing 'my'.

[Six folio coloured prints by Italian cartoonist Ugo Marontonio, each signed and numbered by him.] Così va el Mondo. 6 proverbi veneti scelti da Giovanni Vicentini. Illustrati con 6 litografie originali di Marantonio.

Ugo Marantonio (1915-2006), Italian cartoonist [with letterpress by Giovanni Vicentini]
Publication details: 
No. 164 of 250 copies. Curata da Tamari Editori in Bologna per la Gemmo Impianti S.p.A. Undated [1970s?].

Folio folder of red card, with title printed on cover in black, containing the six prints, each on a separate piece of thick wove paper (almost card), with a bifolium of the same paper carrying the title leaf and limitation (164), as well as a page of letterpress by Vicentini. Internally in good condition, with one corner bumped; in worn and aged card folder. Each cartoon is signed in pencil by Marantonio in the bottom-right corner, with the limitation '162 [sic] / 250' in the bottom-left corner. Six crisp and elegant designs.

[David Low (1891-1963), cartoonist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Anglo-Irish poet Sylvia Lynd, a letter of condolence on the death of her husband Robert Lynd.

David Low [Sir David Alexander Cecil Low] (1891-1963), New Zealand-born British cartoonist [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of the essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 3 Rodborough Road, Golders Green. 9 October 1949

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. On behalf of himself and his wife Madeline he writes: 'Like everybody that knew Robert we shall miss him keenly - For me the world will be a poorer place. Words don't come easily to me to express my sorrow.'

[Joseph Simpson, English artist and cartoonist.] Signed proofs of six prints, caricaturing George Bernard Shaw; Maxim Gorky; Hall Caine; Thomas Hardy; Algernon Charles Swinburne and J. Pierpont Morgan' ['London Opinion' and 'Lions'].

Joseph Simpson (1879-1939), English artist, engraver and cartoonist [George Bernard Shaw; Maxim Gorky; Gabriele D'Annunzio; Thomas Hardy; Algernon Charles Swinburne]
Publication details: 
[First published in the weekly magazine 'London Opinion'. Reprinted in the book 'Lions', published in New York and San Francisco by Morgan Shepard Co., [1906].]

Simpson was a native of Carlisle in Cumbria, and came to London in the early years of the twentieth century, where he was encouraged by Frank Brangwyn to take up etching. In 1918 he was made official artist with the new Royal Air Force. The National Portrait Gallery has eight of Simpson's works, but none of the present six, which are all in the style of the artist's portrait ('ink, irregular') of the Earl of Halsbury, present in the Gallery's collection.Each of the six caricatures is printed in black within a 17 x 12 cm border.

[Bert Thomas, cartoonist.] Print of Thomas's celebrated ' "Arf a mo' Kaiser!' First World War cartoon of an English Tommy lighting his pipe, on the front of a brown-paper envelope addressed by Thomas to Suffolk artist William Henry Booth.

Bert Thomas (1883-1966), Welsh cartoonist associated with 'Punch' [William Henry Booth (1861-1928), Suffolk artist]
Bert Thomas
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [1918.] Green halfpenny George V postage stamp, with postmark of 'S.W.' beneath the two uprights of a triangle (no base).
Bert Thomas

The envelope is 27.5 x 12.5 cm, and the cartoon is printed lengthwise (around 15cm long including caption) on the front in brown ink, with facsimile signature. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn, with the flap of the apparently-empty envelope gummed back into place. The stamp is attached in its customary place, with the address in Thomas's autograph beneath it: 'Wm. Booth Esq | The Rosery | Cambridge Rd. | Felixstowe'. Thomas's original cartoon had been drawn in ten minutes for the Weekly Dispatch 'Smokes for Tommy' campaign.

'A Picture Book for Country Voters. Being No. 5 of a Special General Election Issue of Picture Politics.' [Satirical supplement to the Westminster Gazette, with numerous cartoons by F. Carruthers Gould.]

F. Carruthers Gould [Francis Carruthers Gould] (1844-1925), English caricaturist and political cartoonist [Picture Politics, supplement to the Westminster Gazette]
Publication details: 
No. 21. '15/7/95 [15 July 1895] Printed and Published for the Proprietor by John Marshall, at the Offices of The Westminster Gazette, Tudor-street, Whitefriars, London, E.C.'

16pp., folio. In fair condition, on aged and worn newsprint with short closed tear at spine. Spoof articles ('The Secrecy of the Ballot', 'What the Villagers might make of the Parish Councils. By A Villager', 'What the Bishops tried to make of the Parish Councils', 'The Great Liberal Budget and the Wail of the Landlords', and others), with caricatures by Gould featuring Rosebery, Gladstone, Salisbury, the Archbishop of Canterbury and others. Also two full-page cartoons by Gould, titled 'The Tory Village.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L Raven HIll') from the illustrator and Punch cartoonist Leonard Raven-Hill to J. P. Brodhurst [J. Penderel Brodhurst], regarding 'the entire copyright of all my drawings that appeared in the Pall Mall Budget'.

Leonard Raven-Hill (1867-1942), English painter, illustrator, printmaker and Punch cartoonist [Pall Mall Budget; J. Penderel Brodhurst]
Publication details: 
20 North Side, Clapham Common, SW [London]. 19 December 1898.

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, with small hole through both leaves at top inner corner. Beneath the signature the faint stamp of the St. James's Budget, 15 Dorset Street, EC. Raven-Hill points out that the Pall Mall Budget had only the right to use his drawings 'in that paper', and that he holds 'the entire copyright of all my drawings that appeared' in that magazine. 'If you want any of mine you could of course get the blocks from them & we could come to some arrangement about using them'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. H Townsend') from the Art Editor of Punch F. H. Townsend [Frederick Henry Townsend] to J. Penderel Brodhurst, regarding 'the Copyright of my late drawings in the Pall Mall Budget'.

F. H. Townsend [Frederick Henry Townsend] (1868-1920), artist, illustrator and cartoonist, the first Art Editor of Punch [Pall Mall Budget; J. Penderel Brodhurst]
Publication details: 
61 Glebe Place, Chelsea, SW, on cancelled letterhead of the Chelsea Arts Club, 181 Kings Road, SW [London]. 28 December 1895.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, with small hole through both leaves at top inner corner. The letter begins: 'As far as I can remember I keep the Copyright of my late drawings in the Pall Mall Budget'. He refers Brodhurst to the magazine's editors, and apologises for his alte response.

Hand-coloured watercolour and ink original cartoon artwork published in the 'Solicitor's Journal', with accompanying note.

Patrick Blower (born 1959), English cartoonist, the London Evening Standard's political cartoonist, 1997-2003 [Solicitor's Journal; City of London; Freshfields; Linklaters; original cartoon artwork]
Publication details: 
Unsigned and undated [c.1991].

On piece of paper 35 x 22 cm. Dimensions of illustration 32 x 19 cm. Striking illustration, predominantly in dark-blue, purple and grey, showing three City office blocks, topped with the names 'FRESHFIELDS', 'LINKLATERS' and 'CLIFFORD CHANCE', dwarfing a two storey Victorian house. Anonymous businessmen trudging zombie-like towards the blocks, and a smiling figure with his hand in his pocket walking towards the Victorian house, which is cheerily-lit in orange. A note (by Blower?), stapled to the margin in the top left-hand corner (not affecting the image) reads 'Colour match.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould') to 'Mrs Whyte'.

Francis Carruthers Gould (1844-1925), English caricaturist, politician, and assistant editor of 'The Westminster Gazette'; temperance; the Liberal Publication Department]
Publication details: 
23 April 1908. On letterhead of The Westminster Gazette.

12mo: 2 pp. On the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium. Good, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Her letter has been handed to him by 'Mr Spender'. He would be 'very pleased to have the temperance cartoons circulated as post cards', and has asked 'the manager here' for a costing. 'Some of the cartoons I believe are being produced as posters by the Liberal Publication Department and by Temperance organisations.'

Original black and white pen and ink cartoon artwork for the Solicitor's Journal.

Patrick Blower (born 1959), English cartoonist, the London Evening Standard's political cartoonist, 1997-2003 [Solicitor's Journal; City of London; original cartoon artwork]
Publication details: 
Signed 'Blower '91' [1991].

Dimensions of image 20 x 13.5 cm. On piece of paper 29 x 21 cm. Very good, with four unobtrusive marks and pencil numbering in margin. Taped to backing board and with paper cover. Depicts a suited individual trudging down a corridor festooned with gadgets, including two small beeping television sets attached to his head, a mobile phone in a holster, with bullet belt marked 'BATTERIES', a large camera on his belly, a fax machine draped around his neck, and a suitcase marked 'PC'. Bemused individual looks on from doorway.

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