[Admiral Sir Richard Fortescue Phillimore, Royal Navy officer, Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth.] Autograph Signature (‘Richard F. Phillimore’) on a fly leaf removed from a book.

Admiral Sir Richard Fortescue Phillimore (1864-1940), Royal Navy officer who served with distinction in the First World War, Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth
Publication details: 
1920. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 8vo. Large bold signature - ‘Richard F. Phillimore / 1920.’, a third of the way down the page on what is clearly the fly leaf of a book. The rest of the leaf is blank. The side of the leaf with the signature is somewhat discoloured, the reverse not so much. In good condition otherwise.

[Hamo Thorneycroft, sculptor] Autograph Note Signed Hamo Thornycroft RA to The Secretary [V & A?] about his season ticket.

Hamo Thornycroft [Sir William Hamo Thornycroft (1850 – 1925), sculptor, responsible for some of London's best-known statues].
Publication details: 
[Headed] 21 Melbury Road, Kensington, W., 31 May 1897.

One page, 12mo, , small strip of tape from tipping in process remains on reverse, good condition. Text: F[ine] Art Section | [Printed address] | [V & A Exh.?] | Sir | I am an Exhibitor at the above (sculpture) but have not yet received my season ticket - to which I am entitled. Additional docketing in another hand, [?] 16.517 | Mr Gordon.

[King George V of Hanover.] Secretarial Letter Signed ('George R'), in English, to the dancing partner of his youth Lady Ann Cullum, giving news of his family and court. With two letters to Lady Cullum from Count Linsingen, and royal seal in red wax.

George V [Georg V] (1819-1878), last king of Hanover, cousin of Queen Victoria; Carl Baron von Linsingen (1822-1872) [Lady Ann Cullum, widow of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
King George V's letter: 28 November [1865]; Herrenhausen. Count Linsingen's two letters: 12 November and 18 December 1865; both from Hanover.

Four items, all in good condition, lightly aged, the three letters with stubs and labels used in mounting in an album. In addition to the pleasant picture they paint of the court gathered around the blind king in the last year of his kingdom's existence (with an interesting reference to the new palace he had built his wife at Marienburg), the three letters indicate a surprisingly cordial state in nineteenth-century Anglo-German relations.

[ Privately printed for internal distribution, with fifteen colour illustrations of regimental colours and company badges, in dustwrapper. ] First or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards. Review of the Regiment by His Majesty The King.

[ First or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards ] [ Buckingham Palace, London; the British Army ]
Publication details: 
[ Privately printed, London. ] 'Buckingham Palace, 29th June, 1910.'

39pp., 12mo, with an additional fifteen plates. In boards of white shiny paper, with the royal crest of King George V stamped in blue and gilt on the front cover, and with all edges (including the boards) gilt. White dustwrapper with the following printed on the front: 'Extra Copies of this Book may be had on application to the Regimental Orderly Room.' Inscribed three times (reverse of title and last leaf, and on back of a plate) by 'Col. Sergt C. Riches | 3d: Battn. Grenr Gds'.

[ Hamilton Cuffe, 5th Earl of Desart. ] Two Secretarial Letters both with autograph signature 'Desart', to Sir Richard Harington, re Regina v. Corbett.

Hamilton John Agmondesham Cuffe, 5th Earl of Desart (1848-1934), Irish peer, Director of Public Prosecutions and Treasury Secretary [ [ Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of the Treasury, Whitehall, S.W. 19 and 24 June 1902.

Each letter 1p., 12mo. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Each in a different secretarial hand, both headed 'R v Corbett'. The first letter reads: 'The accused has been sentenced to 7 years penal servitude. Mr. Lawrence mentioned to the Judge privately the question of postponing sentence but the latter would not adopt the course suggested.' The second reads: 'I will certainly instruct Lawrence as to the circumstance to which you refer so that your application may be made to the Court'. From the Harington papers.

[ Sir John Murray V, London publisher. ] Autograph Letter Signed to [ G. K. Menzies ] the Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts, discussing his deafness on declining an invitation to a discussion.

Sir John Murray V (1884-1967), London publisher [ G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of John Murray, 50 Albemarle Street, London W.1. 20 February 1939.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for the invitation to the Society's 'discussion on extended copyrights'. He must decline, not only because of a prior invitation, 'but also because I am unfortunately too deaf to take any satisfactory part in debate or discussion, as I miss so much that is said & get some of the rest wrong!' His infirmity is 'a bar to my pleasure on such occasions'.

[Sir George Frampton.] Autograph Letter in the third person to the Lord Chamberlain [Viscount Sandhurst]

Sir George Frampton [Sir George James Frampton], RA (1860-1928), sculptor [William Mansfield, 1st Viscount Sandhurst (1855-1921), Lord Chancellor to King George V]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 90 Carlton Hill, St John's Wood. 14 May 1919.

1p., 4to. The letter has been torn into 15 pieces (perhaps by a regal hand?), and has been pieced together and laid down on paper backing. Frampton expresses his regret that 'His Majesty's gracious command to attend the Private View fo the Pictures at Buckingham Palace has only just reached him on his return home', and that he 'feels the keenest disappointment that he was unable to be present'.

Typed list of 'Documents in connection with George V's long illness. in 1928' by Lord Dawson of Penn [Bertrand Dawson, 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn], who attended on the king in his last illness, and hastened his death with a lethal injection.

Bertrand Dawson (1864-1945), 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn [Lord Dawson of Penn], Physician-in-Ordinary to King George V, whose death he hastened while attending on him in his last illness [euthanasia]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London: c. 1929?]

1p., 4to. On piece of wove paper, watermarked 'Gray Valley | Parchment'. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Neatly folded, and inserted in a brown paper envelope, carrying the following typed note on its front: 'List of Contents of documents of illness of King George V in 1928 and death.' The list is from the papers of Lord Dawson of Penn. It contains fifteen numbered items, and is headed 'Documents in connection with George V's long illness. in 1928', without authorial attribution. Item 8 is 'Lord Dawson's notes on the King's illness | Also notes from Sir H. Rolleston and Sir R.

[Bert Thomas, cartoonist.] Print of Thomas's celebrated ' "Arf a mo' Kaiser!' First World War cartoon of an English Tommy lighting his pipe, on the front of a brown-paper envelope addressed by Thomas to Suffolk artist William Henry Booth.

Bert Thomas (1883-1966), Welsh cartoonist associated with 'Punch' [William Henry Booth (1861-1928), Suffolk artist]
Bert Thomas
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [1918.] Green halfpenny George V postage stamp, with postmark of 'S.W.' beneath the two uprights of a triangle (no base).
Bert Thomas

The envelope is 27.5 x 12.5 cm, and the cartoon is printed lengthwise (around 15cm long including caption) on the front in brown ink, with facsimile signature. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn, with the flap of the apparently-empty envelope gummed back into place. The stamp is attached in its customary place, with the address in Thomas's autograph beneath it: 'Wm. Booth Esq | The Rosery | Cambridge Rd. | Felixstowe'. Thomas's original cartoon had been drawn in ten minutes for the Weekly Dispatch 'Smokes for Tommy' campaign.

Printed leaflet advertising 'SEATS TO VIEW . . . | THE CORONATION PROCESSION' of King George V in 1911, with a pricing scale for the floors and roof of 41 King William Street, 'FINEST VIEWS ON THE ROUTE.'

Buzzacott & Co., London estate agents [1911 Coronation Procession of King George V]
Publication details: 
[Buzzacott & Co., 40, Praed Street, Paddington, London, W. 1911.]

2pp., 12mo; with the reverse folding out to make 1p., landscape 8vo, with the words 'CORONATION, 1911.' printed in red. The text begins on the first page beneath the firms letterhead: 'HOUSES LET OR SOLD. | RENTS COLLECTED IN ANY DISTRICT. | WEEKLY PROPERTIES MANAGED. | REPAIRS ECONOMICALLY EXECUTED. | DISTRAINTS LEVIED. | [...]'. The text of the announcement is headed, in red: 'SEATS TO VIEW . . . | THE CORONATION PROCESSION.' The first page reads: 'We have pleasure in submitting prices of Seats which we have To Let at | 41, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C., | to view the Procession on June 23rd.

An original blotting-paper impression ('George R I' in mirror image) of the signature of King George V of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

George V (1865-1936), King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Emperor of India
'George R I' in mirror image
Publication details: 
Caption gives date as 14 December 1910.
'George R I' in mirror image

On piece of blotting-paper, 13.5 cm square; folded horizontally to make a two rectangles, with the signature centred on the front leaf, and with the back leaf laid down neatly on a piece of cream card, 15 x 18 cm, with caption in ink at foot: 'ORIGINAL BLOTTING-PAPER IMPRESSION OF SIGNATURE OF GEORGE V DATED 14 . 12. 1910.' Being the result of blotting, the impression is a mirror image of the original, with the firm signature 4.5 cm long, with 6.5 cm underlining. On aged paper, with neat vertical fold line in centre, crossing the underlining half a centimetre from the right.

[Printed handbill] Metropolitian Borough of St. Pancras. Celebration in St. Pancras of the Coronation of their Majesties the King and Queen. [King George V and Queen Mary.]

C. H. F. Barrett [Town Clerk, Metropolitan Borough of St. Pancras, London] [King George V and Queen Mary]
Celebration in St. Pancras of the Coronation of their Majesties
Publication details: 
London: 1911.
Celebration in St. Pancras of the Coronation of their Majesties

4to, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Specifically addressed to the 'District Committee for Ward 6. Comprising the Oakley Square and Ossulston Districts'. Summoning the recipient to the town hall, to deal with an 'Agenda' of six numbered points. Facsimile of the signature of Barrett, who is styled 'Honorary Secretary to the Central Executive Committee.' No copy on COPAC or in the British Library.

Typed Note Signed ('A. C. Fox-Davies') to H. S. Vade Walpole.

Arthur Charles Fox-Davies (1871-1928), English writer on heraldry, and Gold Staff Officer at the Coronation of King George V
Publication details: 
8 June 1899; on letterhead of Hastings House, Norfolk Street, Strand, London.

4to: 1 p. Good, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Regarding 'certain verses concerning this street', Walpole will 'find an explanation of the whole circumstance in this week's Notes & Queries'.

Souvenir of the Visit of the King of Spain to England', printed as napkin or handkerchief on tissue paper, illustrated, and with coloured border.

Burgess, William & Co., London printers [King Alfonso XIII of Spain; King Edward VII of the United Kingdom; typography; typographical]
Publication details: 
[1905] 'Burgess William & Co., Printers, 12, Mansell Street, Aldgate, London City.'

An unusual, scarce and frail survival. Printed on one side of a piece of tissue paper, roughly 35 cm square. Surprisingly well preserved: heavily creased, with some wear to extremities, one small hole (not affecting text or image) and one closed tear of approximately 4 cm to coloured border.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank O. Salisbury') to 'Our most dear friends' [Mr and Mrs Holiday, perhaps Henry George Alexander Holiday?].

Frank Salisbury [Frank Owen Salisbury; Frank O. Salisbury; Francis Owen Salisbury] (1874-1962), English artist [Henry George Alexander Holiday (1839-1927), painter and stained-glass artist?; cenotaph]
Publication details: 
1 December 1920; on letterhead of 62 Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London N.W.

4to, 2 pp. Text clear and entire on lightly aged and creased paper. Explaining how disappointed he and his wife Maude were 'not to be able to get up to see the Windsor week end'. Salisbury was 'kept at home by people who wanted to see the Victoria Frescoes before they go to India'. He has been 'working on them night & day' as he received 'a cable message requesting four to be up in their positions for the Duke of Connaught's visit in January to the Memorial.

Signed uncashed bank cheque payable to J. H. Thorpe.

Edward Verrall Lucas
Publication details: 
Barclays Bank Limited | 366, STRAND, W.C.2.'; 12 July 1927.

English essayist and biographer (1868-1938). Attractive printed cheque in black and blue ink on light blue paper: dimensions roughly 7 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches. The cheque is for sixpence, and a pencil note (presumably by Thorpe) on the reverse explains how it results from a lost wager: 'Bet | Whether Geo A Birmingham wrote a Gen[era]l knowledge book. | He did.'

Autograph Note Signed to R. S. McMinn.

Edward Verrall Lucas
Publication details: 
41 Sloane St; no date, but postmarked 21 Sept 1920.

English essayist and biographer (1868-1938). Plain postcard, dimensions roughly 4 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches. Grubby and smudged, with central vertical crease. Deleted printed letterhead '176, VICTORIA STREET, | (CORNER OF BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD.) | S.W.1.' Reads '41 Sloane St | Many thanks | E. V. Lucas'. Addressed by Lucas to 'R. S. McMinn Esq | 35 Birdhurst Rd | S. Croydon'.

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