
[Lord Sligo [Howe Peter Browne, 2nd Marquis of Sligo], Governor of Jamaica.] Autograph Letter Signed with regard to payment for a theatre box 'for the remainder of the season'.

Lord Sligo [Howe Peter Browne (1788-1845), 2nd Marquis of Sligo, previously Viscount Westport and Earl of Altamont], Anglo-Irish peer, Governor of Jamaica, abolitionist
Publication details: 
'Mansfield St [London] June 6th [1824?]'

Sligo was appointed Governor of Jamaica in 1834. His efforts on behalf of the recently-emancipated slaves (including the financing of two schools) caused him to become unpopular with the plantation owners, and he was effectively ousted in 1836. 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-one lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Small square of paper with engraving of the family crest laid down at the foot of the second page. Addressed to ‘My Dear Sir’ and signed ‘Sligo’. The Marquis’s handwriting is somewhat opaque.

[Lord Dunraven [Edwin Richard Wyndham-Quin, 3rd Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl], Irish peer, politician and archaeologist.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Harnwell’.

Lord Dunraven [Edwin Richard Wyndham-Quin, 3rd Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl (1812-1871), formerly Viscount Adare], Irish peer, Member of Parliament and archaeologist
Publication details: 
4 October 1869.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and with a thin strip of discoloration from glue for mount along one edge. Folded for postage. Signed ‘Dunraven’. Begins: ‘My dear Mr Harnwell / I have kept your very interesting drawings & plates a long time. The Bridge must be a very striking object. The proofs of the ancient dwellings I fear I shd not have kept so long.’ Dunraven is ‘longing to see’ Bradford and will ‘get some copies of the photos’. It may be better to ‘get it photd [sic] on a larger scale’.

[Lord Strabolgi, Labour Chief Whip in the House of Lords.] Typed reference, signed 'Strabolgi", for 'Mr. T. Avery Radford', his private secretary when 'Member for Hull'.

Lord Strabolgi [Joseph Montague Kenworthy, 10th Baron Strabolgi] (7 March 1886 – 8 October 1953), Scottish peer and Liberal and later Labour politician [T. Avery Radford]
Publication details: 
On House of Lords letterhehad. 16 August 1935.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. At top of page: 'From: Lord Strabolgi.' Headed beneath the letterhead: 'TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.' Reads: 'This is to certify that Mr. T. Avery Radford worked for me as my Private Secretary when I was Member for Hull, from 1919 to 1921. He performed his duties most efficiently, was entirely reliable and trustworthy, an a great help to me in my political work.

[The Earl of Dartmouth wishes to remain anonymous.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dartmouth') to an unnamed cleric, regarding his subscription to a forthcoming volume.

The Earl of Dartmouth [William Legge, 4th Earl of Dartmouth] (1784-1853), FRS, FSA, styled Viscount Lewisham between 1801 and 1810, peer and politician
Publication details: 
Sandwell. 2 May 1850.

1p., 12mo. Mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 'Dartmouth' neatly written in another hand at head. With reference to a forthcoming subscription appeal for a book by the recipient the letter reads: 'Revd. Sir, | With reference to your note of the 30th. April, I must beg to stipulate that you neither print mine, to which it refers, nor insert my name in any list of subscribers that you may circulate, my subscription may be entered, if you please, as that of a friend fo the Revd J. Hermby'.

[ Hamilton Cuffe, 5th Earl of Desart. ] Two Secretarial Letters both with autograph signature 'Desart', to Sir Richard Harington, re Regina v. Corbett.

Hamilton John Agmondesham Cuffe, 5th Earl of Desart (1848-1934), Irish peer, Director of Public Prosecutions and Treasury Secretary [ [ Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of the Treasury, Whitehall, S.W. 19 and 24 June 1902.

Each letter 1p., 12mo. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Each in a different secretarial hand, both headed 'R v Corbett'. The first letter reads: 'The accused has been sentenced to 7 years penal servitude. Mr. Lawrence mentioned to the Judge privately the question of postponing sentence but the latter would not adopt the course suggested.' The second reads: 'I will certainly instruct Lawrence as to the circumstance to which you refer so that your application may be made to the Court'. From the Harington papers.

[ Printed House of Lords publication. ] Case and Pedigree on behalf of Henry De Vere Vane, of 74, Eaton Place, In the County of London, claiming to be Baron Barnard of Barnard Castle, in the Peerage of England, on his claim to the said title, [...]

[ Henry De Vere Vane, 9th Baron Barnard of Barnard Castle (1854-1918); House of Lords, Lords Committee of Privileges ]
Publication details: 
In the House of Lords, Before the Lords Committee of Privileges. [ Trower, Freeling, & Parkin, Lincoln's Inn. ]

(The title ends: '[...] the said title, honour, and dignity.') 52pp., folio. With large fold-out 'Pedigree of the Barony of Barnard'. In brown printed paper covers with red ribbon spine. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, in worn and chipped wraps. Mainly consisting of 'Proofs to be adduced in support of the case of Henry De Vere Vane, claiming to be Baron Barnard of Barnard Castle, on his claim to the said peerage'. and an appendix in five parts. On the death in 1890 of the 4th Duke of Cleveland, the line of succession to the dukedom was left unclear.

[ Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort , Duc de Duras, Maréchal de France. ] Autograph Document Signed ('Le Duc de Duras'), undertaking to pay a sum of money.

Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort , Duc de Duras (1715-1789), Maréchal de France, French soldier and politician
Publication details: 
Paris. 31 May 1766.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged. Twelve lines of text in a close hand. The document has been signed and docketed: 'Douzieme et derniere Inventoire cette soixante seize', with the underlining of passages in which Duras undertakes to pay the sum as soon as possible, and with exactitude.

[ Bryan Guinness, Lord Moyne. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bryan') to 'Dear Hubert' [ Wimbledon bookseller J. H. Dingwall ], placing an order and making suggestions.

Bryan Walter Guinness, 2nd Baron Moyne [ Lord Moyne ] (1905-1992), poet, novelist and brewing heir [ J. H. Dingwall [ John Hubert Dingwall ] (c.1913-2001), Wimbledon bookseller ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Biddesden House, Andover [ Kent ]. 18 February 1960.

3pp., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with two punch holes for placement in album to margins of each of the three leaves. He congratulates him on his catalogue, states that he is attaching a wants list (not present) and that he is leaving it to the recipient 'to make out the account as I am not good at adding - & also dont know the postage. | The Librarian at the House of Lords showed great interest in your catalogue & is writing to you for one'. He suggests sending a copy to John Hayward, and gives his address.

[John Campbell, 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane.] Autograph Letter to him from John Wilson, on behalf of the estate of the London coachbuilder William Honeywell, offering terms for the settlement of the bill for the 'Job Chariot'.

[John Campbell (1796-1862), 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane, Lord Chamberlain, 1848-1852); William Honeywill of Berners Street and Oxford Street, London coachbuilder; John Wilson of 29 Oxford Street]
Publication details: 
London. 24 April 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmarks and red wax seal, to 'The Most Honble | The Marqss. of Breadalbane | Taymouth Castle | Perthshire'. Docketted: 'Honeywell coach | to be attended the beginning of May - 1846'. He writes that the trustees and executors of Honeywell's estate are handing in 'the remainder of their account for work done since the delivery of the last account to May 20th 1840, in which they have not included the amount of Interest due on purchase of the Job Chariot'.

Four Autograph Drafts by George Sholto Douglas, 17th Earl of Morton, of letters by him soliciting the votes of his fellow Scottish peers in elections of Scottish Representative Peers in the House of Lords in 1828, 1841 and 1852. Two signed 'Morton'.

George Sholto Douglas (1789-1858), 17th Earl of Morton [Representative Peers of Scotland in the House of Lords, Westminster]
Publication details: 
All three from Dalmahoy House, near Edinburgh. Dated 3 March 1828, June 1841 and June 1852.

1828: 2pp., 4to. 'Dalmahoy nr Edinburgh | March 3d 1828'. Signed 'Morton'. In fair condition, lightly-aged and with a short closed tear along one fold.

ALS ('Norwick') from the connoisseur John Rushout, 2nd Baron Northwick, offering to show his art collection to the recipient and his daughter.

John Rushout (1770-1859), 2nd Baron Northwick, English peer and connoisseur
Publication details: 
Connaught Place; 29 June 1832.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Having received the unnamed recipient's letter of the previous day, Northwick will be 'most happy to give effect to your wishes by granting free access to my Pictures to you, & your Daughter, whenever it may be convenient to you to call at Connaught Place'. If the recipient calls before noon Northwick will probably 'have the pleasure of shewing them to you', if he comes after noon, or Northwich 'shd. happen to be from home, my Servants shall receive directions to admit you to see the Paintings'.

Autograph Signature ('Clarendon')

Thomas Villiers (1709-1786), 1st Earl of Clarendon, British Whig politician and diplomat
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of laid paper, 1 x 3.5 cm. Fair, on aged paper, with traces of previous mount on reverse, which is docketed in a nineteenth-century hand '1776'.

ALS, 2pp, 16mo, to unnamed correspondent

Laurence Parsons, 4th Earl of Rosse (DNB), astronomer
Publication details: 
12 June 1890, on House of Lords paper, with blind stamp scored through and address given as 23 Hans Place, S.W.

Gives details of where he is to be found in the coming week ("from 4 to 5 on each of those days at the Athenaeum club, I think at any rate by appointment, or I could call on you at the Temple at 4-15 on one of those days"). With marks and remains of gummed paper on reverse of otherwise-blank second leaf.

one printed and manuscript legal document signed,

Edward Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby (died 1834)
Publication details: 

One page, 8vo. Giving licence to his tenant Richard Finlow of Liverpool to transfer the freehold of a property in Bootle to John Plumbe of Bootle, painter. The property is "on the marsh at Bootle [...] adjoining the new Road leading from Sand Hills to Bootle afsd. called Derby Road". Signed "Derby". Slight discolouration and with holes from pinning, but in good condition overall.

Autograph letter signed to J. Dixon Spain,

William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire (1808-1891)
Publication details: 
19 September 1885, with letterhead Holker Hall, Carke-in-Cartmel, Carnforth.

One page, 12mo, with mourning border. "Sir / I enclose a cheque for 3£ the amount which I have subscribed during the last 2 or 3 years to the Lichfield Diocesan Church of England Temperance Society. As however Derbyshire is no longer in the diocese of Lichfield I cannot undertake to subscribe to the Society in future. / Yr obedt Servt / Devonshire".

one autograph letter signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland, on the subject of Cambridge University
Publication details: 
13 October 1840, Alnwick Castle.

2 pp, 8vo. "I am induced by the partiality of my friends, to offer myself as Candidate for the important Office of Chancellor, which has become vacant by the decease of the venerable Marquis Camden, & I am induced to do so with more confidence in consequence of my close official connection with The University. Should you deem me worthy of your choice for an Office so honorable and so dignified, I can with sincerity assure you that my best exertions shall be devoted to maintain the true Interests of the University.

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