
[Patrick Moore [Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore], British astronomer, broadcaster and celebrity.] Typed Postcard Signed (‘P. M.’) to John Graham, complaining of being ‘a broken reed’ with regard to future plans.

Patrick Moore [Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore] (1923-2012], English astronomer, broadcaster and celebrity
Publication details: 
Postmark dated 15 April 1972 from Chichester, Sussex. Letterhead ‘From Patrick Moore, Farthings, 39 West Street, Selsey, Chichester, Sussex, PO20 9AB’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Plain postcard. Lightly aged. Addressed to John [Graham, obscured by postmark], The Willows, Church Road, Lowfield Heath, Crawley, Sussex. Reads: ‘Many thanks. I am terribly sorry to say that I am a broken reed at the moment, because there are various conference dates I haven’t got. I’ll write when the situation clarifies. / Best wishes / [in autograph] P. M. / PS Last Wed. of each month is no good: BAA [i.e. British Astronomical Association monthly meeting] day!’ Image on application.

[Sir George Biddell Airy, Astronomer Royal who established the Greenwich Meridian.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Francis Baily Esqre’, announcing a meeting of the 'Standard Commission'.

Sir George Biddell Airy (1801-1892), mathematician and Astronomer Royal who established the Greenwich Meridian
Publication details: 
‘Royal Observatory Greenwich / 1851 Feb 8 [amended from ‘Jan 27’]’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage and with an unobtrusive crease to one corner (not near signature). Reads: ‘Sir / A meeting of the Standard Commission will be held at Sir John Lubbock’s Bank, St. Mildred’s Court, Mansion house Street, on Thursday Feb 11, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, when your attendance is particularly requested. / I am, Sir, / Your obedient servant / G B Airy’.

[Anthony Shepherd, Plumian Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge, after whom his friend Captain Cook named a group of islands.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking the recipient to consult ‘the Arundelian Mss’ with regard to Burnham Rectory in Norfolk.

Anthony Shepherd (c.1721-1796), Plumian Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge, after whom his friend Captain Cook named a group of islands
Publication details: 
1 May 1767. Maddox Street [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which notes his unpopularity at his college Christ’s, which terminated his fellowship in 1783. According to Fanny Burney he was ‘dullness itself’. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged and browned paper. Folded for postage. Signed ‘A. Shephard Plume’s Profr. / Camb.’ The recipient is not named.

[Oscar Alfred Le Beau, Headmaster of the Lower School of John Lyon, Harrow on the Hill.] Inscribed copy of offprint ‘Halley’s Comet. / By / O. A. Le Beau, B.Sc.’

O. A. Le Beau, B.Sc. [Oscar Alfred Le Beau (1885-1975), headmaster of the Lower School of John Lyon, Harrow on the Hill, 1926-1951; Halley’s Comet]
Publication details: 
‘Reprinted from the “Beds. Times and Independent,” April 8th, 1910.’

Scarce: no copy on ViaLibri, OCLC WorldCat and JISC LHD. Stapled pamphlet. 7pp, 12mo. Unpaginated. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light spotting and slightly rusted staples. Inscribed at head of cover: ‘With the author’s compliments / O. A. LeBeau’. Drophead title on third page: ‘HALLEY’S COMET. / BY O. A. LE BEAU, B.Sc. / [Mr. Le Beau is an O. B. of the Grammar School, whose Astronomical Notes in our columns some years ago many of our readers will no doubt remember. - ED.]’

[Norman Lockyer, scientist and astronomer] Autograph Note Sign J Norman Lockyer to unnamed correspondent (conduit to The President and Vice-President of the Royal College of Surgeons).

J. Norman Lockyer [Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer (1836 – 1920), scientist and astronomer].
Publication details: 
[Heading] Athenaeum Club, 14 March [no year given]

One page, 12mo, fold mark, corner torn without loss of txt, minor staininggood condition. I beg you to thank the President and Vice President of the R Coll: of Surgeons for the honour they did me in asking me to dine with thenm on Feb./ 14, & to state that as I have only just returned from Egypt I was unable to accept the invitation [that?] awaited my arrival.

[Isaac Roberts, Welsh geologist and astronomer.] Autograph Note Signed, a presentation inscription of a book to the mathematician and geologist A. H. Green.

Isaac Roberts (1829-1904), Welsh geologist and astronomer, pioneer of astrophotography of nebulae, winner of Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal [Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), mathematician]
Publication details: 
June 1894; on letterhead of Starfield, Crowborough, Sussex.

1p, 12mo. On aged and creased leaf, folded once and with traces of mount on the blank reverse. Reads: 'Presented to Prof. Alexr. H. Green M.A. F.R.S. With the compliments of the author | Isaac Roberts | June 1894'. The work presented was presumably the first (1893) volume of Roberts' pioneering 'Selection of Photographs of Stars, Star-Clusters and Nebulae', the second appearing in 1899. The two volumes contained 125 reproductions of photographs which he had exhibited at the Royal Astronomical Society. See both men's entries in the Oxford DNB.

[ Printed; Samuel Crompton, M.D.; Tycho Brahe, astronomer ] Tycho Brahe: Description of a Portrait of him belonging to Samuel Crompton, M.D.

Samuel Crompton (1817-1891), M.D. grandson of Samuel Crompton, inventor of the spinning jenny
Publication details: 
Manchester: 1876.

Pamphlet, 6pp., 8vo, title leaf, portrait of Brahe (plate), text pp.3-6, disbound,conents loose, edges frayed , tile and back cover grubby, blind stamp of Wigan Public Library in bottom left corner of each page. Scarce, but held by several libraries.

[John Lee, astronomer and mathematician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Lee.') to George Ransome of Ipswich, urging him or 'some delegate' to attend 'our peaceful congress', 'the Hartwell Peace Festival'.

John Lee [born John Fiott] (1783-1866), astronomer and philanthropist [George Ransome (1811-1876), Secretary of the Ipswich Museum; Hartwell Festival of Peace and Temperance]
Publication details: 
'Hartwell [i.e. Hartwell House] near Aylesbury'. 4 August 1851.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Lee and his wife held regular festivals of 'Peace and Temperance' in the grounds at Hartwell, and he writes that he hopes Ransome has received the prospectus of the festival which he sent him. He and his wife would be pleased were Ransome to attend, and he offers him 'a Bed in our house, or to secure one for you in Aylesbury'. In a postscript he states: 'If you cannot come or your Brother; I hope that you will send some delegate, or MP. to represent Ipswich at our peaceful Congress'.

[John Lee, astronomer and mathematician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Lee.') to 'Miss May' [daughter of astronomer Charles May], regarding the procurement of lodgings for a meeting of the British Association of Science at Ipswich.

John Lee [born John Fiott] (1783-1866), astronomer, mathematician, antiquarian, barrister, numismatist and physicist [Charles May (1800-1860) of Ipswich, astronomer]
Publication details: 
On embossed letterhead of Totteridge Park School, Hertfordshire. No date. [1840s?]

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Neatly and closely written. At the end of the letter Lee names the recipient as 'Miss May | Carr Street | Ipswich'. (She was the daughter of Quaker astronomer Charles May, a partner in the firm of civil engineers Ransomes and May.) Lee begins by stating that he and his wife 'are anxious to come to Ipswich on tuesday the first of July in order to attend the meeting of the British Association of Science'.

[Diane Ackerman, poet, to the playwright Christopher Fry, with a presentation copy of her first book.] Typed Letter Signed praising his work, accompanying an inscribed copy of her poetry collection 'The Planets | A Cosmic Pastoral'.

Diane Ackerman (born 1948), American poet, essayist, and naturalist [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), English playwright]
Publication details: 
Letter from 126 Texas Lane, Ithaca, NY, USA. 20 September 1976. Book published in New York by William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1976.

ONE: TLS. Ithaca, NY; 20 September 1976. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter begins: 'Dear Christopher Fry, | I so relish climbing the castellations of your wit, to where I feel energized and deliriously long-sighted, or running higgledy-piggledy with your thoughts, at times as if with the bulls of Pamplona, I simply cannot resist telling you so any longer.' According to her 'internal calculations' she owes him 'at least a galaxy for the delight your plays have given me; perhaps you'd accept these few planets instead'.

[Sir Robert Stawell Ball, Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge and Royal Astronomer of Ireland.] Autograph Signature ('Robert S Ball') cut from letter.

Sir Robert Stawell Ball (1840-1913), Irish astronomer who proposed the screw theory, Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge, Royal Astronomer of Ireland, Andrews Professor of Astronomy, Dublin
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [With letterhead of the Observatory, Cambridge.]

The signature ('Robert S Ball') is on a 3.5 x 11 cm slip of paper, laid down on a piece of light-grey paper cut from an album, with the letterhead 'OBSERVATORY, | CAMBRIDGE' on a second slip laid down on the same piece. In good condition, lightly-aged.

[Arthur Cowper Ranyard, astrophysicist and mathematician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Cowper Ranyard') to 'Mr. Herbert', regarding 'the card with Shelley's philosophic verse', 'the loss of friends', and 'pleasure in useful work'.

A. Cowper Ranyard [Arthur Cowper Ranyard] (1845-1894), astrophysicist and mathematician
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 25 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. [London] 22 December 1883.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded twice. After thanking him for sending 'the card with Shelley's philosophic verse', he continues: 'I am sorry that you have so sad a memory connected with 1883 - the year gets with me sadder for the loss of friends and with hopes dashed too'. Nevertheless he looks forward, and hopes 'for pleasure in useful work for both of us'.

[Francis G. Pease's photographs of space, used by Edwin Hubble to identify new galaxies.] Five framed photographic astronomical prints of images by Pease, taken from Mount Vernon. Owned by Charles Chilton ('Journey into Space').

Francis G. Pease [Francis Gladheim Pease] (1881-1938), American astronomer at the Mount Wilson Observatory, California [Edwin Hubble [Edwin Powell Hubble] (1889-1953); Charles Chilton (1917-2013)]
Publication details: 
Mount Wilson Observatory, Los Angeles County, California, USA. None of the prints dated (1940s?). Two of the five photographic images dated 1919.

Five black and white prints, all laid down on mount and in glass frame. Later prints (1940s) rather than the early silver gelatin ones. Each with manuscript caption at foot of mount, and Negative Number written in manuscript on reverse of frame. Each print in excellent condition. All five behind glass in worn plain black frames. From the papers of Charles Chilton, the creator and producer of the influential BBC Radio series 'Journey into Space' (1953-1958), which numbered among its admirers Stephen Hawking and Colin Pillinger.

[ Herbert Hall Turner, Savilian Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Radcliffe Observatory at Oxford University. ] Autograph Note Signed ('H H Turner') to 'Mrs. Green', declining a dinner invitation due to a plans to see an eclipse in Japan.

H. H. Turner [ Herbert Hall Turner ] (1861-1930), British astronomer and seismologist, from 1893 Savilian Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Radcliffe Observatory at Oxford University
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the University Observatory, Oxford. 22 May 1896.

From the papers of the family of the second wife of the geologist Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), previously Miss Wilhelmina Maria Armstrong of Clifton. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight creasing to bottom corners. Reads: 'Dear Mrs. Green | I fear I shall be on the way to Japan to see the Eclipse. Very sorry to miss your dinner party | Yours sincerely | H H Turner'.

[ Agnes Giberne, British astronomer. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Agnes Giberne'), sending her autograph to 'Mr Case'.

Agnes Giberne (1845-1939), prolific British author and astronomer, who helped set up the British Astronomical Association
Publication details: 
Worton House, Eastbourne. 11 June 1902.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: 'Dear Mr Case, | You are most welcome to my Autograph, which I send in signing myself - | Yours faithfully | Agnes Giberne'.

[ Sir William Huggins, astronomer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William Huggins') [ to Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ], regarding 'one small correction' necessary in 'the spare proof'.

Sir William Huggins (1824-1910), pioneer, with his wife Margaret Lindsay Huggins, in the field of astronomical spectroscopy [ Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 90 Upper Tulse Hill, S.W. [ London ] 22 May 1892.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins: 'On taking up the spare proof I find one small correction which should have been made'. He describes the correction that needs to be made on 'page 5 of th proof 13th line from bottom'. Ramsay is not named, but the item is from his papers.

[ Agnes Giberne, author and astronomer. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Ranks'

Agnes Giberne (1845-1939), prolific British author and astronomer, who helped set up the British Astronomical Association
Publication details: 
Abergeldie, Eastbourne. 1 September 1880.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Abergeldie, Eastbourne, 'is at present my permanent address. We are not likely to return to Clifton, but shall probably settle down in Eastbourne, - though not in this house.' She thanks her for her invitation to Dalston: 'If I find it possible, when in London, to get there, I will write to let you know.'

[ Sir Frank Watson Dyson (1868-1939), Astronomer Royal. ] Autograph Note Signed ('F. W. Dyson') to 'Prof. Adams'

Sir Frank Watson Dyson (1868-1939), Astronomer Royal who introduced Greenwich time signals ('pips') and helped prove Einstein's theory of general relativity
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Greenwich Observatory. 1 July 1919.

1p., 16mo. In good condition. Reads: 'Dear Prof. Adams, | Will you give us the pleasure of your company at lunch at the Royal Observatory on July 8 at 1 o'clock?'

[ William J. S. Lockyer, astronomer. ] Offprint, with presentation signature, of '"The Solar Activity 1833-1900." By William J. S. Lockyer, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.A.S., Assistant Director, Solar Physics Observatory, Kensington.'

William J. S. Lockyer [ William James Stewart Lockyer ] (1868-1936), astronomer, son of Sir Norman Lockyer (1836-1920)
Publication details: 
'From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. 68.' [ London, 1901 ] [ Harrison & Sons, Printers in Ordinary to Her late Majesty, St. Martin's Lane. ]

[16]pp., 8vo, paginated 285-300. Stitched into grey printed wraps. On aged and chipped high-acidity paper. Inscribed at head of front wrap: 'With the Compliments of | William J. S. Lockyer | 28.VI.01'. See Lockyer's obituary in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol.97 (1937), pp.275-277. The only copies on OCLC WorldCat at the British Library and Observatoire de Paris.

[ Sir George Biddell Airy, Astronomer Royal. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G B Airy') to Robert C. Ransome, of the Ipswich manufacturers of agricultural machinery, regarding a planned visit.

Sir George Biddell Airy (1801-1892), mathematician and astronomer, Astronomer Royal
Publication details: 
Playford [ Suffolk ]. 6 January 1874.

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and stained paper. In the light of an invitation from Ransome's wife, he proposes to 'drive to Stoke' in the early afternoon of the following day with his daughter Annet ('who has now relieved Hilda'), hoping that it 'will suit Mrs. Ransome's and your convenience'.

[ George Tomline, Liberal MP, known as 'Colonel Tomline'. ] Autograph Letter Signed to R. C. Ransome, Ipswich manufacturer of agricultural machinery.

George Tomline [ 'Colonel Tomline' ] (1813-1889), Liberal MP and amateur astronomer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 1 Carlton House Terrace, S.W. [ London ] 13 June 1874.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and ruckled paper. He invites him to pay him a four-day visit at Brock Park, 'to meet many of your Liberal friends'. Note: Tomline had his observatory at Orwell Park, hence a neighbour of Ransome's (Orwell House).

[ Thomas William Webb, astronomer. ] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('T. W. Webb.') to Rev. Dr Thomas Dick, on William West's Clifton Observatory, the rings of saturn, and other scientific matters.

Thomas William Webb (1806-1885), English astronomer and clergyman [ Rev. Dr Thomas Dick (1774-1857), Scottish science writer; William West (1801-1861), artist and builder of the Clifton Observatory ]
Publication details: 
Tretire [ Herefordshire ]. 5 March 1840.

For more information on Webb see his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age. Around ninety lines of closely and neatly written text. Addressed (with postmark and red wax seal of smith at forge) on reverse of second leaf to 'Thomas Dick, Esq. L.L.D., | Broughty Ferry | near Dundee, | Scotland.' A highly interesting and informative letter.

[ Robert Simson, Scottish mathematician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rob: Simson') to unnamed recipient, regarding the shipping of 'Fifty four English Euclids Small paper', and the transit of Venus.

Robert Simson (1687-1768), Scottish mathematician, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Glasgow [ John Bevis (1695-1771); James Short (1710-1798); James Bradley (1693-1762), Astronomer Royal]
Publication details: 
Glasgow, 1 July 1761.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper discoloured at the corners, neatly placed in a paper windowpane mount. He asked 'Mr Foulis to pack up Fifty four English Euclids Small paper, for as they had been put up in three bundles of 18 books in each, he thought it should be left to pack up these bundles as they were rather than break one of them to take out four books'. The books have been sent to 'Borroustonness', i.e. Bo'ness (Burrowstounness), Falkirk, and Foulis has given him a receipt from 'Richard G the Master of the Neptune aboard which Ship they are <?> directed to you'.

[ Jérôme De la Lande, French astronomer and freemason. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('De la Lande | de l'accad. des Sciences'), in French, with engraved portrait.

Jérôme De la Lande [ Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de Lalande ] (1732-1807), French astronomer and freemason
Publication details: 
'Au College royal le 13 dec. 1783'.

Both items in good condition, with light signs of age, and both tipped in to a paper folder, on the front of which is written the entry from the1833 bookseller's catalogue from which they were purchased: 'La Lande Member of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, a very interesting Letter to some Magistrate soliciting relief for the purpose of his labouring usefully, having expended much money on his pursuits, without reserving any indemnity. It exhibits his delicacy in soliciting this assistance, and expresses a hope that his asseverations will obtain credit.

[ John Hellins, astronomer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Hellins') to unnamed rercipient, regarding 'the silver medal for me from Mr. Glendinning, in Hatton Gardens', and the sending of books.

John Hellins (d.1827), English mathematician and astronomer
Publication details: 
'Potter's-Pury' [ Potterspury, Northamptonshire ], 23 June 1803.

1p., 4to. On aged paper, with some discoloration and chipping to extremities. He has been hindered by an 'unexpected interruption' from sending, via 'Richd. Scrivener', 'Stewarts Quadrature of Curves', but Scrivener will bring it 'the next time he goes to London'. The middle paragraph concerns 'Langhorne's sermons', which he asks to be sent 'by Coach'. He ends by asking the recipient - if he has received 'the silver medal for me from Mr. Glendinning, in Hatton Garden', to 'wrap it up, & put it into one of the Books'.

[ César-François Cassini de Thury, French astronomer. ] Signed ('Cassini de Thury') Autograph Copy of Letter, in French, sent to 'M. Bayeux', regarding the Sieur du Tremblay.

César-François Cassini de Thury (1714-1784), French astronomer and cartographer [ Daniel-Charles Trudaine (1703-1769), civil engineer ]
Publication details: 
Paris. 3 June 1751.

1p., 4to. In very good condition, on lightly aged paper. Tipped into a paper wallet, on the front of which is written in a contemporary hand the entry from the1833 bookseller's catalogue from which it was purchased, indicating that the item was considered uncommon even at that time: 'Cassini, the Astronomer, relative to a Memoir of the Sieur du Tremblay. | A choice specimen of a scarce Autograph. | No 176 Thorpe's Catalogue 1833'. Cassini's copy letter, with nine lines of text, is written over the unsigned letter to which it is the reply..

[ Sir Patrick Moore. ] Typescript of 13 scripts for South African radio (series title 'Into Space'), with covering note from the South African Broadcasting Corporation and copy of letter from Rhodesia Broadcasting Corporation.

Sir Patrick Moore [Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore] (1923-2012), English astronomer and writer and populariser of astronomy
Publication details: 
Moore's typescript without date or place. [Selsey, England, 1972.] The note and letter dating from 1972.

ONE: Typescripts of 13 radio talks. 65pp., 4to. On loose leaves. Titles: 1, 'Our Earth in Space'; 2, 'Dreams of other Worlds'; 3, 'Rockets into Space'; 4, 'Man-made Moons'; 5, 'Man in Space'; 6, 'Space Research and Ourselves'; 7, 'Contact with the Moon'; 8, '"One small Step . . . ."'; 9, 'Space Stations and Lunar Bases'; 10, 'Mariners to Mars'; 11, 'Into the Hot Regions'; 12, 'The Grand Tour'; 13, 'Flight to the Stars'. TWO: Typed Note, signed on behalf of T. Van Heerden, Head of External Services, SABC. 16 March 1972.

[ Sir Patrick Moore. ] Typescript, with Autograph corrections, of 13 scripts for South African radio (series title 'Into Space'), with version rewritten for publication, and four Autograph Letters Signed, and Autograph Card Signed to H. David Lloyd.

Sir Patrick Moore [Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore] (1923-2012), English astronomer and writer and populariser of astronomy [ H. David Lloyd of South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) ]
Publication details: 
Moore's correspondence on his letterhead, Farthings, 39 West Street, Selsey, Sussex. Dated between 11 November 1972 and 5 February 1973. The talks undated, but from shortly before this.

Collection of eleven items. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Typescripts of 13 radio talks. 65pp., 4to. On loose leaves. Titles: 1, 'Our Earth in Space'; 2, 'Dreams of other Worlds'; 3, 'Rockets into Space'; 4, 'Man-made Moons'; 5, 'Man in Space'; 6, 'Space Research and Ourselves'; 7, 'Contact with the Moon'; 8, '"One small Step . . . ."'; 9, 'Space Stations and Lunar Bases'; 10, 'Mariners to Mars'; 11, 'Into the Hot Regions'; 12, 'The Grand Tour'; 13, 'Flight to the Stars'. With a few manuscript emendations by Moore in black felt-tip pen, and other editorial emendations.

[ Andrew Ainslie Common, English astronomer and astronomical photographer. ] Typed Letter Signed ('A. A. Common') to the Sandwich bankers Messrs Emmerson & Co., with receipt, regarding golf balls purchased from Ramsay Hunter of St. George's Golf Club

A. A. Common [ Andrew Ainslie Common ] (1841-1903), astronomer and astronomical photographer [ Ramsay Hunter, Scottish greenkeeper and 'architect' of the [Royal] St George's Golf Club, Sandwich, Kent]
Publication details: 
Both letter and receipt from Eaton Rise, Ealing. W. [London] 31 March and 12 May 1900.

For more information on Common, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items on aged and worn paper. ONE: Typed Letter Signed. 31 March 1900. 1p., 4to. 'I bought a gross of balls of Hunter and paid for them on the understanding that I should take them as I wanted them'. He has a rough idea how many he has had, and will be 'able to say exactly when I look in my locker'. He ends by asking the firm to refer to Hunter's books regarding the matter. TWO: Typed Receipt, signed by Common over two red Inland Revenue penny stamps. 12 May 1900. 1p., 4to. 'Received of Messrs Emmerson & Co.

[Sir John Goodricke.] Engraved calling card of 'Sr. John Goodricke', depicting the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome. With address in contemporary hand on reverse.

Sir John Goodricke (1708-1789) of Bramham Park, Yorkshire, diplomat and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
Undated (late eighteenth century). London address on reverse.

The card is 6 x 8 cm, with the engraved image of the Basilica 5 x 7 cm, within a ruled border, with 'Sr. John Goodricke' in copperplate in a cartouche at the foot. In fair condition, aged and lightly ruckled and spotted. In a contemporary hand, on the reverse: 'No 9, Somerset Street. | Portman Square'. An attractive and unusual item. Goodricke's connection with St Peter's is unclear, but a common feature shared with Bramham Park is the presence of an obelisk. Goodricke's son was the noted 'deaf astronomer' John Goodricke (1764-1786).

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