[Marshal Petain [Marechal Philippe Petain], French general, 'the lion of Verdun' in WW1 and head of the collaborationist Vichy regime in WW2.] Calling card of 'LE MARECHAL PETAIN / Ministre de la Guerre', with autograph inscription by him.

Marshal Petain [Marechal Philippe Petain; Henri Philippe Benoni Omer Petain; Petain] (1856-1951), French general, 'the lion of Verdun' in WW1 and head of the collaborationist Vichy regime in WW2
Publication details: 
No date or place (but in 1934, while Petain was Minister of War).

There can be few greater falls from grace than Petain's in the whole of human history. A 10 x 6.25 calling card. In good condition, lightly aged and ruckled, with glue and traces of paper mount on the blank reverse. The engraved text ('LE MARECHAL PETAIN / Ministre de la Guerre') is centred, with the top line in shaded block capitals and the bottom in copperplate. Beneath this Petain writes: 'avec ses remer'. See Image.

[Poisoned on the orders of the French government? François-Antoine Chevrier, satirist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dom Ambroise Pelletier, praising his recent work, and attacking the powerful and the church.

François-Antoine Chevrier [François-Antoine de Chevrier] (1721-1762), satirical French author, who fled to Holland [Dom Ambroise Pelletier (1703-1757), curate of Senones, genealogist and illustrator]
Publication details: 
‘Pais le 7. Xbre. [October] 1756.’

An excellent letter, exhibiting precisely the sort of indignation one would wish for from such a renowned satirist. As a result of the furore caused by the publication in 1762 of his best-known work, ‘Le Colporteur’, Chevrier fled to Holland. The French government attempted to have him extradited, and his death that same year was rumoured to have been caused by poisoning. 3pp, 4to. On bifolium. Thirty-nine lines of text. In good condtion, lightly aged. The item has been expertly mounted, and the thin white-paper mount still adheres to reverse of the final leaf.

[Alphonse Daudet, distinguished French author.] Affectionate Autograph Letter Signed (‘Alph Daudet’), in French, to ‘notre cher Mérédith’ [George Meredith], ‘grand romancier Anglais’, after visiting him at Box Hill.

Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897), distinguished French author, noted for ‘Le Petit Chose’ and ‘Lettres de mon Moulin’ [Georges Meredith, Victorian novelist and poet]
Publication details: 
[1896.] ‘31 Rue de Bellechasse à Paris’.

An excellent letter, linking leading nineteenth-century writers of the French and English nations. See Daudet's entry in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Meredith’s in the Oxford DNB. Daudet’s association with Meredith during his ‘first and only visit to England’ is described on pp.122-124 of the 1911 edition of J. A. Hammerton’s ‘George Meredith, his Life and Art’, which also quotes extensively from Madame Daudet’s account of the Englishman, referred to in the letter. 2pp, 16mo. Twenty-one lines of closely- and neatly-written text. On the rectos of the leaves of a bifolium.

[Five First World War Royal Navy Admirals.] Autograph Signatures of Bethell, Egerton, Hedworth Meux [Lambton], Berkeley Milne, Doveton Sturdee, cut from various documents.

Five First World War Royal Navy Admirals: Bethell, Egerton, Hedworth Meux [Lambton], Berkeley Milne, Doveton Sturdee
Publication details: 
One dated 1912, the others undated.

On slips of paper ranging in size from 6.5 x 2 cm to 9 x 4.5 cm. Laid down, three/two , on one side each of two 16 x 12 cm leaves, one white and the other grey, removed from an autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged. They are as follows (autograph text in square brackets). ONE: Sir Alexander Edward Bethell (1855-1932). ?[A E Bethell] / VICE-ADMIRAL COMMANDING / CHANNEL FLEET.? TWO: Sir George Le Clerc Egerton (1852-1940). ?spared. / [G le C Egerton] / ADMIRAL.? THREE: Sir Hedworth Meux [n? Lambton] (1856-1929).

[Royal General Annuity Society, London, S. J. Aldrich, Secretary.] Printed ‘Lady’s Ticket’ to the ‘Anniversary Festival’ with impressions of ten wax seals of eminent Victorians, with names and dates in contemporary manuscript, laid down on reverse.

Royal General Annuity Society, London, S. J. Aldrich, Secretary; Sir Denis Le Marchant; Sir Edward Crofton; Sir Stratford Canning; Sir John Cunningham; Sir Edward Kerrision; Sir James Graham
Publication details: 
Ticket to ‘Anniversary Festival’ of the Royal General Annuity Society, at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street (‘George Hudson, Esq., M.P. in the Chair’) dated 16 February 1848. Seals variously dated to 1847, 1848 and 1850.

Not only an interesting item of sigillography, but also a nice item relating to Victorian philanthropy. Eight red wax seals and two black, of varying sizes. Laid down in three rows on reverse of 15 x 11 cm card, tastefully printed in blue, red and gold, with facsimile of the signature of the Secretary, S. J. Aldrich. Originally ten seals were present, those that remain in good condition, most with good impressions of crests.

[Oscar Alfred Le Beau, Headmaster of the Lower School of John Lyon, Harrow on the Hill.] Inscribed copy of offprint ‘Halley’s Comet. / By / O. A. Le Beau, B.Sc.’

O. A. Le Beau, B.Sc. [Oscar Alfred Le Beau (1885-1975), headmaster of the Lower School of John Lyon, Harrow on the Hill, 1926-1951; Halley’s Comet]
Publication details: 
‘Reprinted from the “Beds. Times and Independent,” April 8th, 1910.’

Scarce: no copy on ViaLibri, OCLC WorldCat and JISC LHD. Stapled pamphlet. 7pp, 12mo. Unpaginated. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light spotting and slightly rusted staples. Inscribed at head of cover: ‘With the author’s compliments / O. A. LeBeau’. Drophead title on third page: ‘HALLEY’S COMET. / BY O. A. LE BEAU, B.Sc. / [Mr. Le Beau is an O. B. of the Grammar School, whose Astronomical Notes in our columns some years ago many of our readers will no doubt remember. - ED.]’

[King Louis XVIII of France and Chateaubriand.] Secretarial Letter Signed by ‘Louis’, and with the signature of ‘Chateaubriand’, addressed to ‘Mon Cousin’ and expressing cordial sentiments, with reference to ‘le sacré collège’.

King Louis XVIII of France and Chateaubriand [François-René, Vicomte de Chateaubriand]
Publication details: 
'Ecrit à Paris, le 25 Mars 1823.’

See image. A nice item, linking two important figures in French history. 1p, foolscap 8vo, on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of unwatermarked gilt-edged wove paper. Aged and lightly creased, with short closed tears and wear at the head. The ten lines of neatly written text are neatly and clearly signed ‘Louis’, and there is a wavy and almost vertical line from the king’s signature to that of ‘Chateaubriand’ at bottom right of the page.

[Hannen Swaffer, Fleet Street journalist and spiritualist.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, with carbon of the reply, regarding the music hall artiste Belle Bilton, who became Lady Dunlo.

Hannen Swaffer [Frederic Charles Hannen Swaffer] (1879-1962), Fleet Street journalist and spiritualist [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian; Belle Bilton, music hall artiste [Lady Dunlo]]
Publication details: 
Swaffer’s letter: 9 May 1951; 8 St Martin’s Place, Trafalgar Square, WC2 [London]. Carbon of Macqueen-Pope’s letter: 11 May 1951; 359 Strand, WC2 [London].

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. From the Macqueen-Pope papers. Each item in good condition, lightly aged, with creasing and rust staining to one corner from a paperclip. ONE: Swaffer to MP. TLS, signed ‘Swaff’. 1p, 4to. ‘Dear Popey, / Do you know anything about this woman? [From the context he is sending MP an enquiry he has received from ‘Mr. Le Poer Trench’] I presume she was a legitimate actress.

[André Deutsch, Hungarian-born British publisher, the original of John Le Carré’s ‘Toby Esterhase’.] Typed Letter Signed to Louis B. Frewer, Keeper of Rhodes House Library, Oxford, commenting on an ‘amusing’ postcard featuring Herr von Papen.

André Deutsch (1917-2000), Hungarian-born British publisher, the original of John Le Carré’s ‘Toby Esterhase’
Publication details: 
3 July 1952; on letterhead of Andre [sic] Deutsch Limited Publishers, 12 Thayer Street, Manchester Square, London W1.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Folded twice. Signed ‘André Deutsch’ (but note that there is no accent to the name on the letterhead). He thanks him for his letter, and hope that ‘the enclosed postcard [not present] will be of some help. It is rather an amusing one, as Herr von Papen gives a literal translation of the German expression for the appendix’. Here Deutsch adds in autograph: ‘(Physical).’ He ends by stating that he is enclosing ‘a copy of our list for your information’ (also not present).

[Tobacco in Orléanist France.] Poster-size manuscript ‘Tableau des communes qui ont cessé d’être autorisées à planter du tabac’, signed by ‘Le Directeur du Dépt du Pas-de-Calais’.

[Tobacco in Orléanist France.] Le Directeur du Déptartement du Pas-de-Calais, 1834
Publication details: 
Dated ‘Arras, le 21 Juillet 1834’. [Pas-de-Calais, France.]

On one side of a 42 x 52 cm piece of laid paper. Folded three times. In very good condition, lightly aged. A striking item in its austere way: very neatly written out, and perhaps suitable for framing. At head: ‘No. 2. Tableau des communes qui ont cessé d’être autorisées à planter du tabac.’ At foot: ‘Toutes les communes des arrondissements de Bethune et de St. Omer qui ont cessé d’être autorisées à planter, avaient volontairement renoncé à la culture. | Arras, le 21 Juillet 1834 | Le Directeur du Dépt du Pas-de-Calais, | [signature (‘Borrage?’, ‘Barrois?’)].

[Henry Le Jeune, Victorian artist, Curator of the Royal Academy Painting School.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘H. Le Jeune’) to his client ‘L. Colles Esqr.’, seeking to make arrangements for a viewing of ‘The Bather’.

Henry Le Jeune (1819-1904), ARA, Victorian artist noted for his historical and genre paintings, Curator of the Royal Academy Painting School
Publication details: 
6 September 1861; 27 Oakley Villas [Adelaide Road, London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Le Jeune’s handwriting is strangely childlike. The recipient is not named. He begins: ‘Dear Sir / Your little picture of “The Bather” has been finished some time, & I should be glad to shew it you at your earliest convenience.’ He briefly suggests arrangements for a showing.

[Pigault-Lebrun [Charles-Antoine-Guillaume Pigault de l'Espinoy], French novelist and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Pigault'), a warm letter to 'Monsieur Mathias', with an engraved portrait of 'Pigault le Brun'.

Pigault-Lebrun [Charles-Antoine-Guillaume Pigault de l'Espinoy] (1753-1835), French novelist and playwright
Publication details: 
Letter: Saint Quentin [Aisne, Upper Picardy]. 21 January 1816. Engraving without place or date.

LETTER: 3pp, 4to. Bifolium addressed on reverse of second leaf, with Saint Quentin postmark, 'A Monsieur | Monsieur Mathias | pour inspecteur des Douanes.' in good condition, neatly written, with repair to corner cut off in breaking of the wafer, and with stub from mount adhering. 43 lines of closely-written text. A warm letter of good length, addressed to 'mon cher Camarade'. The handwriting is difficult.

[Alphonse Karr, French critic, novelist and editor of Le Figaro.] Autograph Note Signed ('Alphonse Karr'), renewing a request for a meeting with 'Monsieur le ministre de la marine'.

Alphonse Karr [Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr] (1808-1890), French critic, journalist, novelist and floriculturalist, editor of Le Figaro
Publication details: 
No date. Rue de Clichy 5 [Paris].

On one side of an irregular piece of thin paper, roughly 12.5 x 13.5 cm. From the celebrated autograph collection of Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton), and neatly mounted on a leaf extracted from an album. He writes that a few days previously he wrote to ask 'Monsieur le ministre de la marine' for 'une audience de q[uel]ques instants'. He fears that the letter did not reach him, and so renews his request. Signed 'salut et paternité | Alphonse Karr'.

[Lord Palmerston, Prime Minister at the height of Britain's imperial power.] Autograph Note in French in the third person to 'Monsr le Harivel', suggesting a time for his reception at the Foreign Office.

Lord Palmerston [Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston] (1784-1865), statesman, twice Liberal Party Prime Minister
Publication details: 
'F. O. [Foreign Office] July 20 [1835]'.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, margins cropped, laid down on leaf removed from album. Annotated in ink with year. Reads 'Lord Palmerston presente ses Complimens a Monsr de Harivel et se fera l'honneur de le recevoir au “Foreign Office” Vendredi prochain a trois heures'.

[Jane Cornwell, second wife of spy writer 'f John le Carré' (David Cornwell).] Two Autograph Cards Signed ('Jane Cornwell.' and 'Jane C.') to Ian McPherson, regarding getting her husband to inscribe one of his books for him.

Jane Cornwell [born Valérie Jane Eustace], second wife of John le Carré, pen name of David Cornwell (born 1931), spy writer
Publication details: 
Both cards with letterhead 'From Mrs. David Cornwell', at their London address. 25 April and 25 May 1983.

The two cards are accompanied by the envelope in which the first card was sent, with stamp and postmark. All three items in good condition, lightly aged. Envelope addressed to 'Ian McPherson, Esq.' at his house on the Isles of Scilly. Both cards written in blue ink on side with letterhead, the other side being blank. ONE: 25 April 1983. She thanks him for his letter and cheque, adding: 'I have no signed copies at present, and in any case we must wait for my husband's return from a research trip during the next week before I can get him to inscribe it specifically for Andrew'.

[Marshal d'Albret, French soldier and court gallant during the reign of Louis XIV.] Autograph Signature ('Le Ma[resch]al d'Albret') on part of document.

Marshal d'Albret [César Phoebus d'Albret, comte de Miossens] (1614-1676), French soldier, a Marshal of France under Louis XIV, and court gallant
Publication details: 
Dated 1671.

2.5 x 11.5 cm slip of paper, laid down on part of leaf from album, with d'Albret's autograph dating ('i67i') on 1.5 x 6 cm slip laid down below it. In good condition, lightly aged. The valediction of a letter, written in an undisciplined hand.

[Sir Digby Wyatt, Slade Professor at Cambridge.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'M. Digby Wyatt') to Peter Le Neve Foster, Secretary, Society of Arts, the first two regarding his paper on the Staffordshire potter Herbert Minton.

Sir Digby Wyatt [Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt] (1820-1877), architect, Slade Professor of Fine Art at Cambridge [Peter Le Neve Foster (1809-1879), Secretary, Society of Arts, London; Herbert Minton]]
Publication details: 
First three from 54 Guildford Street, London: 'Saty.' [22 May 1858], 27 May 1858 and 19 June 1858. Fourth on letterhead of 37 Tavistock Place, Russell Square, W.C.: 5 December 1863. Fifth: 15 October 1871.

The influential potter Herbert Minton (1793-1858), of the Staffordshire firm Thomas Minton and Sons, had died on 1 April 1858. A couple of months later, on 26 May 1858, Wyatt read before the Society of Arts his paper 'On the Influence exercised on Ceramic Manufactures by the late Mr. Herbert Minton'. The first four letters carry the stamp of the Society of Arts. All five items in good condition, lightly aged. The first two 1p., 12mo; the third 2pp., 12mo. The fourt 3pp., 12mo. The fifth 1p, landscape 12mo. ONE ('Saty'): Reads: 'I have selected at Phillip's (Chamberlaine's) in Bond St.

[ Sir Frederick Ouseley, Heather Professor of Music at Oxford University. ] Autograph Signature ('Frederick A Gore Ouseley | Prof. Mus. Oxon.') to secretarial letter to Rev. P. A. Le Tenore, describing the requirements for a batchelor's degree.

Sir Frederick Ouseley [ Rev. Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley ] (1825-1889), composer, organist, musicologist, and Heather Professor of Music at Oxford University [ Rev. P. A. Le Tenore, Jersey ]
Publication details: 
St Michaels College, Tenbury [ Worcestershire ]. 'Tuesday. March 17. [ no year, but between 1855 and 1889 ]'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on monogrammed letterhead. In fair condition, lightly aged. The body of the letter is written by a secretary. A useful communication, laying out the requirements for a batchelor's degree in music during Ouseley's tenure as Heather Professor, between 1855 and 1889. Ouseley writes in reply to Le Tenore's letter, setting out what is 'required of Candidates for the degree of Mus. Bac.', beginning with the composition of 'an exercise in 5 real parts, with accompaniments for a quintett [sic] band.

[ Sir Denis Le Marchant, as Joint Secretary to the Treasury. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Denis Le Marchant') to J. Blackburn, requesting him to insert an 'Address & the reply of Her Majesty' in the Globe newspaper.

Sir Denis Le Marchant (1795-1874), Clerk of the House of Commons; Liberal MP for Worcester; Under Secretary of State for the Home Department [ Samuel Blackburn, editor of The Globe newspaper, London
Publication details: 
'Treasury | 9 August [ circa 1841 ]'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'J. [sic] Blackburn Esq'. Reads: 'My dear Sir, | If this Address & the reply of Her Majesty has not already appeared in the Globe, perhaps you will insert it.' Le Marchant was Clerk of the House of Commons from 1850 to 1871.

[ Peter Le Neve Foster, mathematican, photographer, and Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts. ] Autograph Note Signed ('P. Le Neve Foster') to George Ranken at Hull.

Peter Le Neve Foster (1809-1879), mathematician, Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts, and photographer of the Calotype Club
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Society of Arts, Manufactures, & Commerce [ now the Royal Society of Arts ], John St, Adelphi, London. 11 March 1863.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. The note reads: 'Dear Sir, | All the Catalogues at my disposal have long since been distributed. | Yours faithfully | P. Le Neve Foster | Secy'.

[ Rhoda Power, children's author and BBC broadcaster, ] Two Autograph Cards Signed and Typed Letter Signed to B. I. Magraw, regarding scripts for children on BBC radio, and a piece on the capitulation of France.

Rhoda Power [ Rhoda Dolores le Poer Power ] (1890-1957), children's writer and pioneering BBC broadcaster [ Beatrice Irene Magraw [ B. I. Magraw, born Beatrice Irene May ] (c.1888-1970), author ]
Publication details: 
TLS on letterhead of the British Broadcasting Corporation, Bristol. 24 June 1940.

ONE: ACS ('R Power'). 29 Devonshire Street, London. No date. In pencil (as Item Two). Addressed to 'Mrs B. I Magraw | Ash | Canterbury'. In fair condition (as Item Two), lightly aged and worn. Begins, on the subject of a proposed children's script for BBC radio: 'Will you go ahead with Akbar? I am in a nursing Home pro. Tem – small sudden operation – septic tonsils & will be incapacitated for a fortnight.' She reassures her about the script: 'I know you'll do a good job.

[ Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor. ] Typed Letter Signed, as Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, to Mrs. B. Le Cras, defending Sir Eyre Crowe against the charge of being too soft on the Germans.

Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor (1879-1952), American-born English politician and newspaper proprietor [ Sir Eyre Crowe (1864-1925), diplomat ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W.1. 23 January 1919.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. His reply to her letter has been delayed by his 'absence in Paris on official business'. He is 'satisfied that the attacks upon Sir Eyre Crowe are based upon entire ignorance of the facts'. Crowe 'has always held strongly anti-German views and expressed himself officially in this sense as long ago as 1908'. Astor understands 'that the Kaiser personally requested his removal from the Foreign Office for this reason on more than one occasion'.

[ Le Comité de Montagnards d'Ecosse. ] Manuscript 'Chopy' [Copy] of communication in French to 'Le Premier Gentilhomme de la Chambre du Roi', regarding the presentation of a volume of Ossian's poems 'en langue celtique' to the King of France.

[ Comité de Montagnards d'Ecosse, 1815 [ Committee of the Mountaineers of Scotland; ]; nineteenth century Scottish mountain climbing ]
Publication details: 
'Paris le 27 December 1815'.

1p., 8vo. Headed 'Copy' and with a Britannia watermark implying an official origin. On aged and worn paper with chipping and loss at head and tail. Reads: 'Monsieur | Le Comité de Montagnards d'Ecosse ayant deputé My Lord , Les Colls. Macdonall et Mackenham et Mr James Hamilton pour faire l'hommage a Sa M. Le Roi de France d'un exemplaire original des Poesies d'Ossian en langue celtique L'Ambassadeur d'Angleterre profitte de l'intervention de Mr. Le Premier Gentilhomme de la Chambre pour faire connaitre cette intention a Sa Majesté et prier S. Exce.

[ Charles Webb Le Bas. ] Part of Autograph Letter regarding his biography of Thomas Fanshaw Middleton, Bishop of Calcutta.

Charles Webb Le Bas (1779-1861), ellow of Trinity College, Cambridge and principal of the East India Company College [ Thomas Fanshaw Middleton, Bishop of Calcutta; S. S. Ward
Publication details: 
East India College. 6 March 1831.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Two matching panels have been removed, one each from the foot of each leaf, removing the signature and some text from the first leaf. On aged paper, with closed tears along crease lines. Addressed by Le Bas on the reverse of the second leaf, with his seal in red wax and a postmark, to 'S. S. Ward Esqre. | Accountant General's office | London'. Le Bas writes to express 'the relief & gratitude which I have derived from the assurance of your satisfaction with my humble efforts to do justice to the memory of Bishop Middleton.

[ Edmond-Frédéric Le Blant, archaeologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edmond Le Blant'), in French, to an unnamed recipient, discussing the practice of cremation, and listing periodicals to which he contributes.

Edmond Le Blant [ Edmond-Frédéric Le Blant ] (1818-1897), French archaeologist and historian
Publication details: 
'Paris, rue Leroux, no 7'. 14 May 1874.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with some wear at bottom edge. Addressed 'Monsieur'. After a reference to a newspaper article by the recipient and 'les journalistes Français', he communicates, on the subject of cremation, 'un fait que j'ai appris hier du rédacteur en chef d'un grand journal Suisse et qui n'a pas été rendu public par les gazettes', concerning an attack on those attempting a cremation in Berne.

[ Antoine-Denis Chaudet, French sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chaudet') to a 'cher camarade' (the architect A.-L.-T. Vaudoyer?), with reference to the architect Julien-David Le Roy.

Antoine-Denis Chaudet (1763-1810), French neoclassical sculptor [ Antoine-Laurent-Thomas Vaudoyer (1756-1846), architect; Julien-David Le Roy (1724-1803), architect and archaeologist ]
Publication details: 
'ce 25 Mess[idor] - an 11'. [ 14 July 1803 ]

1p., 16mo. In good condition. He begins by thanking him for his concern over his health: 'je vais beaucoup mieux et avec des ménagements j'espere que cela n'auras pas de suite'. In the next paragraph he refers to the French architect Julien-David Le Roy, recently deceased: 'je savais le résultat de la tentative faites pour le respectable David le Roi il faut ce consoler avec les bonnes âmes de toute celle que l'on rencontre qui sont seche et aride'. A final paragraph describes his intentions towards 'souscripteurs'. In a postscript he presents his respects to 'Mme Vaudoyer'.

[ Sir Philip Grey Egerton, soldier. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Philip') to 'Colonel Barker', inviting him to 'a table at the Sudan dinner' he is trying to organise.

Sir Philip Grey Egerton [ Sir Philip Reginald le Belward Grey Egerton, 14th Baronet ] (1885-1962), British Army officer
Publication details: 
On his letterheada, Oulton Park, Tarporley. 21 June 1949.

Stamped and postmarked, and addressed to 'Colonel Barker | Bourchins Lodge | Tolleshunt D'Arcy | Essex'. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'I am trying to get some of the old firm together for a table at the Sudan dinner. I have got Kennedy Cook & wife, Griselda Maurice & myself. Would you & your wife join us | Yrs ever | Philip'. Egerton was with the Sudan Civil Service; and with the 3rd battalion of Shropshire Light Infantry won a 4th clasp of the Order of the Nile.

[ Peter le Neve Foster, Secretary to the Society of Arts. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('P. le Neve Foster') to W. H. Teulon, expressing great distress at the news of the death of an old friend.

Peter le Neve Foster (1809-1879), Secretary to the Society of Arts [ William Hensman Teulon (1809-1899), London hop merchant ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Society of Arts, Adelphi, London. 11 December 1876.

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He is 'shocked as well as surprised' at the sad news of the death of his 'old friend', who had told Foster's assistant the previous Tuesday that he had had 'a fainting fit which he understood came from any of the heart'. Foster is 'truly grieved at the loss', 'a more excellent worthy character it was not my lot to have met with and my experience has now run over many years. He was truly a friend and at my time of life there is little chance of my being able to fill the vacancy his death creates'.

[ The Baron de Breteuil, as Minister of the King's Household. ] Order from King Louis XVI, in the hand of a secretary, signed 'Le Bon. de Breteüil'.

[ Louis Charles Auguste le Tonnelier, Baron de Breteuil, Baron de Preuilly ] (1730-1807), last Prime MInister of France before the Revolution
Publication details: 
Versailles. 10 September 1786.

1p., folio. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He is sending 'de nouveaux ordres du Roy pour retenir à Bicêtre le Ne. Esprit Prosper', and refers to a 'Pension de Deux cent livres qui serez payee par son pere'.

[ 'Le Docteur Revel' and Doctor Hugues Cléry of Marseilles, printed pamphlet in French on asthma. ] L'Asthme et La Poudre du Docteur H. Cléry, Antiasthmatique du Tigré. Par le Docteur Revel.

'Le Docteur Revel' [ Doctor Hugues Cléry of Marseilles, France ]
Publication details: 
Paris, 1893. [Imprimerie Wattier Frères, 4 rue des Déchargeurs, Paris.]

31 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. No copy of the present item traced, either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat, or in the Bibliothèque Nationale, but WorldCat does record one copy of ''La Vérité sur le remède d'Abyssinie poudre antiasthmatique' by Hugues Clery (Marseilles, 1874).

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