[ Edward William Wyon, sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edward W Wyon') to R. Redpath, praising Sir Francis Chantrey as a 'great Master of Portrait Sculpture', and his statue of 'a Bishop kneeling' [ Reginald Heber. ].

Edward William Wyon (1811-1885), sculptor [ Sir Francis Chantrey (1781-1841); Reginald Heber (1783-1826), Bishop of Calcutta ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 19A Stanhope Street, Hampstead Road, N.W. London. 1 March 1867.

Wyon studied at the Royal Academy schools from 1829, and became a celebrated sculptor, exhibiting at the Royal Academy regularly from 1831 to 1876. Among his commissions were works intended for reproduction by Wedgwood as well as numerous portrait busts. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The subject of the letter is Chantrey's 1847 statue of Reginald Heber (1783-1826), Bishop of Calcutta, now in St Paul's Cathedral in that city.

[ Sir George King, Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G King'), regarding 'Mrs Parker's death'.

Sir George King (1840-1909), botanist, Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, and first Director of the Botanical Survey of India
Publication details: 
13 Kew Gardens Road [ London ]. 'Sunday' [ no date ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Written in a hurried, difficult hand. The recipient's name is indecipherable. King is returning a letter from the recipient's son, and is sorry to hear of 'Mrs Parker's death': 'It is very sad indeed as she was hoping to come to England after a very long absence'.

[ Sir George Nugent, Field Marshal and Governor of Jamaica. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Nugent'), congratulating the botanist Nathaniel Wallich on gaining financial independence through the post of Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta

Sir George Nugent, 1st Baronet (1757-1849), Field Marshal in the British Army and Governor of Jamaica [ Nathaniel Wallich [ born Nathanael Wulff Wallich ] (1785–1854), botanist of Danish extraction ]
Publication details: 
Westhorpe [ Westhorpe House, Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire ]. 23 June 1848.

3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, worn and creased. See both men's entries in the Oxford DNB.

[ Charles Webb Le Bas. ] Part of Autograph Letter regarding his biography of Thomas Fanshaw Middleton, Bishop of Calcutta.

Charles Webb Le Bas (1779-1861), ellow of Trinity College, Cambridge and principal of the East India Company College [ Thomas Fanshaw Middleton, Bishop of Calcutta; S. S. Ward
Publication details: 
East India College. 6 March 1831.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Two matching panels have been removed, one each from the foot of each leaf, removing the signature and some text from the first leaf. On aged paper, with closed tears along crease lines. Addressed by Le Bas on the reverse of the second leaf, with his seal in red wax and a postmark, to 'S. S. Ward Esqre. | Accountant General's office | London'. Le Bas writes to express 'the relief & gratitude which I have derived from the assurance of your satisfaction with my humble efforts to do justice to the memory of Bishop Middleton.

[Printed facsimile; Hymn] From Greenland's Icy Mountains [Twas when the Seas were roaring].

Reginald Heber, sometime Bishop of Calcutta.
From Greenland's Icy Mountains
Publication details: 
Published & Sold by Hughes & Son, Wrexham, [1899].
From Greenland's Icy Mountains

Four pages, 4to, bifolium, stains and small closed tears on fold marks, mainly good condition, comprising: Facsimile of Heber's words for the Hymn commencing "From Greenland's Icy Mountains" and concluding ([p.2]) "Redeemer, King, Creator, in bliss returns to reign" (Note at foot of p.[2] "The obliterations in the second and Fourth Verses are caused by the Printer's file"; p.[3] For the story of the writing of the hymn (see; p.[4] Typed Letter Signed "Ellis Lever", "coal contractor", Brooklawn, Southport, April 8th, 1899, explaining to the ad

Ammunition Factory Institute. Dum Dum. Grocery Department. Price List. Established January 1907.

Ammunition Factory Institute, Dum Dum, Calcutta
Publication details: 
Catholic Orphan Press. [Calcutta: Dum Dum Ammunition Factory Institute, 1907.]

4to, 12 pp. Stapled pamphlet. In original green printed wraps. Text clear and complete. On aged, creased and spotted paper, with rusted staples. Giving the prices ('Rs. As. P') of items ranging from 'Asparagus French tin' to 'Zymale tooth paste'. The last page lists prices for cigars, cigarettes and tobacco. Ownership signature of 'Mr. Lewis' at head of front wrap.

Business communication on partly printed form, regarding the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta.

Williams & Norgate, London booksellers [Sir John Philippart (1784-1875); The Asiatic Society of Calcutta]
Publication details: 
30 May 1870; on letterhead of 14, Henrietta-Street, Covent Garden ('Also at 20, South Frederick-Street, Edinburgh.').

12mo (21 x 13 cm), 1 p. On green paper. Clear and complete. On aged, creased and grubby paper. Reads (manuscript text in square brackets): Messrs. Williams & Norgate present their compliments to [Sir John Philippart] and beg to inform [him that the Asiatic Socy Calcutta send them the Journal, as it is published to be forwarded to him, if he does not require it, W & N will return the numbers to Calcutta'. Docketed in a contemporary hand at head: '10 packets returned 31st May 1870'.

Six documents including Signed Articles of Agreement for Johnson ('of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew') to perform Government 'service as Gardener in India'; with two testimonials and letters from Mary, Countess of Minto, and Cecil Allanson.

John Thomas Johnson, Assistant Curator of the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, India [Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Mary, Countess of Minto]
 Royal Botanic Gardens
Publication details: 
 Royal Botanic Gardens

The collection in good condition, with all but one of the six items carrying ring-binder punch holes. Item One, Articles of Agreement: Foolscap bifolium, 3 pp. Dated 16 September 1904. Printed seventeen-point agreement in the form of a manuscript facsimile. Signed by Johnson, Sir John Edge and Sir Stewart Colvin Bayley, and witnessed by 'W. Watson | R[oyal]. G[ardens] Kew' and 'Frank R. Marten | India Office'. Items Two and Three both with mourning border on letterhead of Minto House, Hawick. Item Two, Mary Countess of Minto ('M Minto') to Johnson. 4to: 1 p. 14 September 1914.

Autograph Letter Signed ('D. Calcutta') to 'The Revd Dr Jones, Bedfont, Staines, Midd[lese]x', together with an 'Address to the Lord Bishop of Calcutta', taken from the London Record newspaper, 24 July 1845.

Daniel Wilson (1778-1858), Bishop of Calcutta
Publication details: 
Letter dated 'Islington May 7 [1832]'.

LETTER: Two pages, 12mo. Very good. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifolium. Three postmarks (two in red and one in black ink) and red wax seal. Written after Wilson's appointment as Bishop, but before his departure from Islington, where he was Vicar of St Mary's. Addressing his 'dear friend' he excuses his silence, which is 'merely for the physical impossibility of answering a tenth part of the letters I receive'. His 'house has been over-full - IS now - I have not a bed free | At any time, however, I am to be found at Breakfast at 9 - & shall rejoice to see you'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. T. Calcutta.') to unnamed 'brother clergy[man] of the diocese'.

John Thomas James (1786-1828), Bishop of Calcutta
Publication details: 
Calcutta. Feb. 14. 1828'.

Two pages, quarto. Very good. 'It is great pleasure that I sit down to write to any one of my brother clergy of the diocese, as it seems an approach to that acquaintance with them which I hope before long to have an opportunity of making personally'. '[P]ressure of business' makes impossible 'any very specific answer' to the contents of his correspondent's letter, 'But they shall not be forgotten'. He will 'speak to the Military board as to the Bungalow appointed for public worship'. He laments that the 'situation with regard to the military' has not been adequately defined.

Portrait, 'Engraved by H. Meyer, from an original Drawing by J. Jackson'.

Thomas Fanshaw Middleton (1769-1822), D.D., F.R.S., Lord Bishop of Calcutta [Henry Hoppner Meyer; John Jackson]
Publication details: 
[London; 1815.]

Dimensions of paper approximately 36 x 25 cms. Good, though lightly foxed and with corners a little dog-eared. His Lordship, in full-sleeved clericals, is seated, and bare-headed, looking to his right with a piercing stare. Dated 1815 by the National Portrait Gallery.

Archive of papers relating to his employment.

George Hazlehurst (1867-1941); Millwall Dock Company; Manchester Ship Canal Company
Publication details: 

20 items. Various formats (see below). Showing signs of age, and with some foxing, fraying and creasing, but in very good condition overall. Collection indicates that Hazlehurst, who was born in Grappenhall, Lancashire, to an illiterate mother, was a capable individual entrusted with responsible positions. ITEMS 1 TO 5: Certified Copies of Hazlewood's birth and marriage certificates (birth certificate in poor condition, but with text entirely legible), his wife's birth and death certificates, and his parents' marriage certificate.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Matthews'.

Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta
Publication details: 
25 September 1848; 'Bp's Palace | Calcutta'.

English ecclesiastic (1778-1858). Two pages, octavo. Creased, and with one edge of verso adhering to leaf from autograph album. 'I hope you will excuse the great liberty I take in asking you to help me a little in finishing the Marbling, Enclosing, Ventilating &c of the Cathedral | I have been robbed of 20,000 by the Union Bank, so that I am compelled to solicit aid from the Congregation & kind friends in my extremity'. Signed 'D Calcutta'.

2 Autograph Letters Signed to unnamed male correspondents.

Thomas Fanshaw Middleton, Bishop of Calcutta
Publication details: 
The first letter, 17 December 1814, Calcutta; the second, 16 April 1822, <?>.

Middleton (1769-1822) was consecrated Bishop of Calcutta in 1814. Both letters are 8vo. The first is 1 page, 8vo, and the second, 2 pages, 8vo. Both are creased and with a few closed tears, but in good condition. Letter one is attached along one edge to the remains of a stub. In the first letter, signed 'T. F. Calcutta', he asks if his correspondent 'will give the Bearer of this, Captain Lockett, who is now about to sail for England, a neatly bound Copy of my Vol. on the Gr[eek]. Article'. The handwriting of the second letter, also signed 'T. F.

Printed form filled in in manuscript and with the Bishop's Autograph Signature, authorising the removal of the Rev John Gottlieb Lincke, Missionary Minister of Burdwan, to the Missionary Circuit of Calcutta; docketed with Signed Note by Fisher.

Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta, and Henry Fisher, Commissary
Publication details: 
The form, 9 May 1837; Fisher's note, 22 September 1838; place unstated in both.

Fifth Bishop of Calcutta (1778-1858). 2 pages, 8vo. In very good condition. Signed 'Daniel Calcutta'. Fisher's note reads 'I sanction the return of the Rev Mr Lincke back again to Burdwan his former station pending the confirmation of the Bishop on his return | Henry Fisher | Commissary | 22d. Sept. 1838'.

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