Archive of papers relating to his employment.
20 items. Various formats (see below). Showing signs of age, and with some foxing, fraying and creasing, but in very good condition overall. Collection indicates that Hazlehurst, who was born in Grappenhall, Lancashire, to an illiterate mother, was a capable individual entrusted with responsible positions. ITEMS 1 TO 5: Certified Copies of Hazlewood's birth and marriage certificates (birth certificate in poor condition, but with text entirely legible), his wife's birth and death certificates, and his parents' marriage certificate. ITEM 6 (three pages, octavo): carbon of Typed Letter from John Trotter, Chairman, Millwall Docks, [to George Hazlehurst], 1 November 1899: 'My enquiries have satisfied me that you are capable of undertaking a position of responsibility and I am prepared to recommend your name, and your name only, to my colleagues on the Millwall Dock Board'. ITEM 7 (seven pages, octavo): carbon of Typed Report from 'Superintendent's Office, Docks. 2nd March, 1900', entitled 'PRESENT and PROPOSED SYSTEMS of recording the ISSUE & PAYMENT of BILLS at DOCKS and DOCK-HOUSE.' ITEM 8 (seven pages, octavo): carbon of Typed Report, with manuscript corrections, entitled 'MILLWALL DOCK Co. Preliminary notes on the proposed new system of Book-keeping [1900]' by Leake & Co. Chartered Accountants. Begins 'Mr. Hazlehurst's proposed method of recording the issue and payment of bills at Docks and Dock-House, is I think, the proper one'. ITEM 9 (21 pages, octavo, stitched): printed copy of 'A bill for the amalgamation of the undertaking of the Millwall Dock Company with that of the London and India Docks Company and for other purposes' (1906). ITEM 10 (three pages, octavo): carbon of Typed Letter, 7 July 1908, from Hazlehurst to the Right Honourable Winston Churchill, M.P., President of the Board of Trade. 'The unification and re-organization of the various systems of Docks etc. will call for initiative, organizing and administrative ability, tact and experience of the best type, and I beg to place my services at the disposal of the new Port Authority, feeling confident I could serve it well in the General or Technical management of the Docks.' ITEM 11 (five pages, octavo): carbon of Typed Letter, 24 March 1909, [from Hazlehurst] to Sir Hudson Kearley, Bart, M.P., Chairman, Port of London Authority. 'I beg to submit below the facts of my case. | My age is 42 years, and I have had 22 years experience in Dock work, 12½ years with the Manchester Ship Canal Co., and the last 9½ years at Millwall. […] I left Manchester to take up a higher position at Millwall after the crisis here ten years ago; the condition of things, both as regards the system and the staff then being "altogether bad", to quote from the Chairman's letter to me prior to my engagement. | I took up the work of reorganization […] My work at Millwall has been favourably referred to by my Chairman (John Trotter Esq.) several times at the Shareholders Half-yearly Meetings - please see extracts attached [last two pages of letter], which speak for themselves.' ITEM 12 (two pages, octavo): carbon of Typed Letter from Trotter to Hazlehurst, 24 December 1909. 'I have to-day said good-bye to several of the old Members of the Staff of the Millwall Dock Co. I cannot allow the occasion to pass without also sending you my warm thanks for the valuable services you have rendered to me during the past ten years, […] | It seems but the other day when I selected you from a large number of applicants, to fill the important post of Superintendent at Millwall. | […] you succeeded so well in rapidly establishing complete order, that I had no hesitation, after a little over a year's experience of your work, in recommending the Board to place the whole of the Staff at the Docks, in addition to the Office employees, under your control.' ITEMS 13 AND 14 (TWO COPIES, both two pages, octavo, and one with fraying to extremities, but text clear and complete): carbon of Typed Letter from Trotter to the General Manager, Port of London Authority, 17 February 1911: 'I can with confidence recommend Mr G. Hazlehurst as a suitable candidate for the appointment of Chief Superintendent of the Docks and Warehouses of the Port of London Authority.' ITEM 15 (two pages, octavo): Printed Contract, with Manuscript insertions, 28 September 1923, appointing Hazlehurst as Dock Traffic Superintendent for the Manchester Ship Canal Company, with a yearly salary of £1700. With government stamp and bearing the embossed seal of the company. Signed by Hazlehurst and two of the Company's directors, as well as the Company's secretary and a witness. ITEM 16 (one page, octavo): Typed Letter, 13 January 1916, on Institute of Chartered Accountants letterhead, from George to B Hazlehurst (son?). 'In the recent Intermediate Examination you were placed 16th | 61 Candidates passed.' ITEM 17 (one page, 12mo): Typed Circular, on Manchester Ship Canal Company letterhead, 8 June 1917, from F. A. Eyre, Secretary. '[T]he Directors have appointed Mr. George Hazlehurst, formerly Chief Assistant to the Dock Traffic Superintendent, to be Dock Traffic Superintendent in the place of Mr. F. G. H. Morton, deceased'.ITEM 18 (two pages, octavo): Typed 'Instructions [1917] for dis-embarking troops ex S.S. "City of Calcutta' [corrected from 'City of Exeter']' by 'Commander Acheson R.N.' With typed and manuscript corrections and additions. With compliments slip from Acheson to Hazlehurst. In OHMS envelope addressed to Hazlehurst as MSCC Dock Traffic Superintendent, docketed in pencil 'Instructions for Landing the first American Troops 1914-18 War'. ITEM 19 (three pages, 12mo): Autograph Letter Signed from Eyre to Hazlehurst, 14 September 1926, on MSCC letterhead. Reports the Board's decision to retire Hazlehurst on a pension of £500 p.a. 'It may be that your eyesight will improve sufficiently for you to be able to perform some service in the future not requiring perfect Eye vision.' ITEM 20 (one page, 12mo): Signed Manuscript Copy of Letter from Hazlehurst to Eyre, acknowledging the receipt of ITEM 19 and expressing thanks to various parties.