[Wisley Opening; Royal Horticultural Society; Printed] Invitation Ticket of Sir William Thistelton-Dyer to the Opening of the Laboratory and Experiment & Research Station at Wisley.

[Wisley Opening; Royal Horticultural Society]
Publication details: 
19 July 1907

Ticket, 18 x 13cm, very good condition, remnants of laying down on reverse, commencing The President and Council of the Royal Horticultural Society request the pleasure [...] See Image. Sir William Thiselton-Dyer was a leading British botanist, and the third director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

[ Printed periodical. ] The first number of 'The Gardening World'.

[ Brian Wynne, FRHS, publisher of 'The Gardening World', London ]
Publication details: 
'No. I. - 1884.' London: 'Printed by Thomas Harper Meredith, and Published by Brian Wynne, at the Office [ of the Gardening World ], 17, Catherine Street, Covent Garden, in the Parish of St. Paul's, County of Middlesex. Saturday, September 6, 1884.'

16pp., large 8vo (36 x 26.5 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn, and on rag paper rather than newsprint. Illustrations throughout. Advertisements at front and back. An editorial gives the aims of the paper, and includes the following: 'Who can doubt but that in the United Kingdom there are at the present moment fully one million of adult persons deeply imbued with a love for gardening. [...] Who, twenty years ago, would have believed that over 100,000 readers of gardening papers were possible?

Autograph Signature of the English botanist and horticulturist John Lindley.

John Lindley (1799-1865), English botanist and horticulturist, Professor of Botany, University College, London
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On strip cut from letter. Dimensions: In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Reads 'have complied with my suggestion | Yours Trly | [signed] John Lindley'. The signature has been cut close, and the downward loop of the final letter of the signature is lacking.

Six documents including Signed Articles of Agreement for Johnson ('of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew') to perform Government 'service as Gardener in India'; with two testimonials and letters from Mary, Countess of Minto, and Cecil Allanson.

John Thomas Johnson, Assistant Curator of the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, India [Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Mary, Countess of Minto]
 Royal Botanic Gardens
Publication details: 
 Royal Botanic Gardens

The collection in good condition, with all but one of the six items carrying ring-binder punch holes. Item One, Articles of Agreement: Foolscap bifolium, 3 pp. Dated 16 September 1904. Printed seventeen-point agreement in the form of a manuscript facsimile. Signed by Johnson, Sir John Edge and Sir Stewart Colvin Bayley, and witnessed by 'W. Watson | R[oyal]. G[ardens] Kew' and 'Frank R. Marten | India Office'. Items Two and Three both with mourning border on letterhead of Minto House, Hawick. Item Two, Mary Countess of Minto ('M Minto') to Johnson. 4to: 1 p. 14 September 1914.

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