[Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited.] Printed booklet of ‘Rules and Bye-Laws’, with printed ‘Member’s Ticket, 1929’ made out to H. H. Rose and signed and dated by Bailey.

Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited, T. L. Bailey, Secretary [H. H. Rose; Staffordshire; the Potteries]
Publication details: 
Booklet printed: ‘BURSLEM / Warwick Savage, Printer and Lithographer, Wedgwood Place. / 1920’. Ticket dated by Bailey to 9 January 1929.

Two nice pieces of Potteries ephemera. No other copies have been traced. ONE: Booklet. In fair condition, on aged paper, in lightly worn and creased wraps. 36pp, 12mo, stitched into red wraps with title repeated on cover in black. Slips with printed emendations have been laid down over text on pp.8, 9 and 32 (the last slip, carrying rule 84, ‘Hours for Consumption’, is amended in manuscript). Eighty-four rules on the first 32pp, with fifteen bye-laws on pp.33-34. TWO: ‘MEMBERS TICKET, 1929.’ A nice item on card, roughly 7 x 9 cm, with central horizontal crease folding it down to 4 1/2 x 7 cm.

[Arts and Crafts architecture in the Potteries, 1908.] Blueprint of plans and elevations by the architect William Ford Slater for ‘3 HOUSES HIGH LANE BURSLEM / FOR MR: HARRY H. ROSE / 1/8th Scale’, for construction by John Henry Broadhurst and Son.

[Arts and Crafts achitecture in the Potteries.] William Ford Slater (1866-1951), architect and surveyor; J. H. Broadhurst and Son [John Henry Broadhurst], builder of Burslem, Staffordshire.
Publication details: 
J. H. Broadhurst & Son, Burlem, Staffordshire. 27 [June?] 1908. ‘John Henry Broadhurst / [June?] 27/08 / p pro J H Broadhurst & Son’.

In 1907 the ‘Builder’ describes ‘Mr. W. F. Slater, Overhouse-chambers, Burslem’ as a ‘Surveyor’, and in 1909 the ‘Electrical Review’ refers to him as an ‘architect’ at the same address. Five years later ‘Building News’ reports that Slater is ‘architect to the education committee’. In 1921 (‘The Surveyor’) he is the ‘surveyor, Urban Council Offices, Wolstanton, Staffs’, and in 1926 (‘Public Works Weekly Surveyor’) he is ‘architect to the corporation’.

[Sir Digby Wyatt, Slade Professor at Cambridge.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'M. Digby Wyatt') to Peter Le Neve Foster, Secretary, Society of Arts, the first two regarding his paper on the Staffordshire potter Herbert Minton.

Sir Digby Wyatt [Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt] (1820-1877), architect, Slade Professor of Fine Art at Cambridge [Peter Le Neve Foster (1809-1879), Secretary, Society of Arts, London; Herbert Minton]]
Publication details: 
First three from 54 Guildford Street, London: 'Saty.' [22 May 1858], 27 May 1858 and 19 June 1858. Fourth on letterhead of 37 Tavistock Place, Russell Square, W.C.: 5 December 1863. Fifth: 15 October 1871.

The influential potter Herbert Minton (1793-1858), of the Staffordshire firm Thomas Minton and Sons, had died on 1 April 1858. A couple of months later, on 26 May 1858, Wyatt read before the Society of Arts his paper 'On the Influence exercised on Ceramic Manufactures by the late Mr. Herbert Minton'. The first four letters carry the stamp of the Society of Arts. All five items in good condition, lightly aged. The first two 1p., 12mo; the third 2pp., 12mo. The fourt 3pp., 12mo. The fifth 1p, landscape 12mo. ONE ('Saty'): Reads: 'I have selected at Phillip's (Chamberlaine's) in Bond St.

[ Arnold Bennett, English author. ] Typed Note Signed to the ghost story writer Frederick I Cowles, declining to act.

Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), English author from the Staffordshire Potteries [ Frederick Ignatius Cowles (1900-1948), English author of supernatural fiction ]
Publication details: 
75 Cadogan Square, S.W.1. [ London ] 5 November 1930.

S1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount on reverse. Addressed to 'Frederick I. Cowles, Esq., F.R.S.L., F.R.S.A., F.S.A.' Reads: 'Dear Sir, | In reply to your letter, I should have liked to oblige you but it is impossible for me to do so. The matter would require much more time than I have to spare.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Harwood') to Messrs Cadell & Davies, London publishers of his 'History and Antiquities of Lichfield', regarding the price and sending of a presentation copy.

Thomas Harwood (1767-1842), clergyman, author and antiquary, perpetual curate of Hammerwich, near Lichfield, Staffordshire
Publication details: 
Lichfield, Staffordshire. 2 April 1816.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-agedl, with slip of paper from a Victorian book catalogue laid down beneath the signature. Addressed by Harwood on reverse of second leaf, with two postmarks, one of them from Lichfield, 2 August 1806, to 'Mess: Cadell & Davies | Strand | London'. The text reads: 'Gentlemen | I have just been informed, but have not my self seen it, that the History of Lichfield is advertised to be sold at thirty Shillings; lest there should be any mistake, it might be right to remind you, that the price of it is thirty five Shillings.

[Samuel White, Bailiff of the Honor of Tutbury, Staffordshire.] Signed manuscript certificate ('Sam White'), freeing a resident within the 'Honor of Tutbury parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster'. With red wax seal.

Samuel White, Bailiff of the Honor of Tutbury parcel of Duchy of Lancaster in the County of Staffordshire
Publication details: 
[Tutbury, Staffordshire.] 12 October 1759.

1p., landscape 8vo. (14.5 x 24 cm). A few notes on reverse. On aged and worn paper, with crumbling seal in red wax. Unobtrusive repairs to closed tears on reverse. The name of the subject appears to have been scratched away, although it may be that the document was intended to serve as a form.

[Charles Chetwynd-Talbot, 2nd Earl Talbot.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Talbot') to Rev. I. J. Cory of Blithfield

Charles Chetwynd Chetwynd-Talbot, 2nd Earl Talbot (1777-1849) of Ingestre Hall, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland from 1817 to 1821 [Rev. I. J. Cory of Blithfield, Staffordshire]
Publication details: 
Ingestre Hall [Staffordshire], 27 August 1825.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'The Revd Mr Cory | Blithfield'. In good condition, on aged paper, with small closed tear in top left-hand corner. He informs Cory that Lord Bagot and his family will be visiting him, and playfully reminds him: 'You will recollect you owe me a Visit, at least you said you wd. favor me with your Company some day or another - I think you will never find us so pleasant as when surrounded by your excellent Blithfield friends.' He concludes by urging him to 'come & try our Air, which is said to be good'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Solon') from the French potter Louis Marc Emmanuel Solon of Minton's, Stoke on Trent, thanking the unnamed recipient and his friend 'Mr Bailey' for a parcel of circulars, and discussing his library of works on ceramics.

Louis Marc Emmanuel Solon (1825-1913), French potter, first at the Sèvres, and then with Minton's, Stoke upon Trent
Publication details: 
1 The Villas, Stoke on Trent, 8 July 1893.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Solon has been informed by their common friend 'Mr Bailey' that the recipient has 'been kind enough to gather the parcel of circulars issued at various time [sic] by your firm, and which reaches me this morning.' He is sending 'a small pamphlet of mine [...] as an inadequate acknowledgement of the trouble I have caused you'. He continues: 'Mr Bailey must have told you that all printed matter having reference to ceramics has a special interest to me.

Albumen carte-de-visite by the London studio of the French photographer Disdéri, showing Lord Alfred Henry Paget, Member of Parliament for Lichfield, Staffordshire, smoking a pipe.

Disdéri (1819-1889), French photographer [Lord Alfred Henry Paget (1816-1888) of Beaudesert, Staffordshire, MP for Lichfield, Staffs, 1837-65, and Equerry to the Queen, 1837-41]
Publication details: 
4 Brook Street, Hanover Square, London. Undated [1860s?].

The image is 9 x 5.5 cm, mounted on brown card, 10.5 x 6.5 cm, printed on both sides in red, with large facsimile of Disdéri's signature on reverse. In fair condition, somewhat aged. Page is shown seated at a table with a sculpture of a stag on it, with legs cross and the sole of his left show showing, smoking a pipe. In addition to being an MP, Paget held several positions in the Royal Household, acting as Equerry to Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1841. The present image is not among the four representations of Paget in the National Portrait Gallery collection.

Autograph 'Register of Cases' by Dorothy J. Johnson, midwife, in 'Central Midwives Board' register, giving details of 250 births in the Stoke-on-Trent area between 1951 and 1953.

Dorothy J. Johnson, Certified Midwife, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire [England: Central Midwives Board; midwifry]
Publication details: 
Register by 'Messrs. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, London, E.C.4.' The births in Stoke-on-Trent occuring between 25 February 1951 to 13 February 1953.

The register proper consists of 50pp., foolscap 8vo, with ten births described over each of the 25 openings (total 250). It is preceded by a page carrying Johnson's details (her address is given as 9 Ashlands Crescent, Harpfield, Stoke-on-Trent, and her certificate number is 106889), facing the reverse of the front wrap, which carries a notice headed 'On no account must this Register be destroyed. It may be of importance for the defence of the Midwife herself.' In buff wraps, with 'Central Midwives Board. | Register of Cases' and the printing details on the front.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Victorian novelist Ethel Bourne [to Rupert Simms, author of the 'Bibliotheca Staffordiensis'] explaining her reasons for publishing under the pseudonym 'Evelyn Burne'.

Ethel Bourne, Victorian novelist under the pseudonym 'Evelyn Burne' [Rupert Simms (1853-1937), bookseller and author of the 'Bibliotheca Staffordiensis']
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hilderstone Hall, Stone, Staffordshire. 18 May 1892.

1p., 12mo. 10 lines. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She explains that her only publications up to that point are 'Stormbeaten and Weary' and 'Spectre Stricken' ('a Christmas Story'). 'I wish to remain unknown until I can write a book I consider sufficiently good to have my own name - for this reason I have called myself "Evelyn Burne".'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Newcastle') from Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham-Clinton (1811-1864), 5th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, declinging an invitation, and complaining of the effect of his public duties on his private affairs.

Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham-Clinton (1811-1864), 5th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne
Publication details: 
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire. 14 April 1855.

4pp., 12mo. 26 lines. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressing an unnamed male correspondent, he begins by declining his correspondent's 'kind invitation' to his visit his house, 'on the ground that has already compelled me to refuse similar hospitality on that occasion from Mr. Wright and others'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edward A Freeman') from the historian and politician Edward Augustus Freeman to the Staffordshire antiquary Rupert Simms, correcting his list of Freeman's books for Simms's 'Bibliotheca Staffordiensis'.

Edward Augustus Freeman (1823-1892), English historian and Liberal politician [Rupert Simms (1853-1937), bookseller and Staffordshire antiquary
Publication details: 
Somerlease, Wells. 23 February 1884.

Freeman's letter is on the last of five folio pages, each on a separate leaf, sent to him by Simms, giving, for correction, the proposed entry on Freeman in the future 'Bibliotheca Staffordiensis'. In fair condition, on aged paper. On the first page Simms has given a brief biographical description of Freeman; the middle three pages comprise a numbered list of twenty-three of Freeman's books, with dates, and the last page carries a rather optimistic request by Simms for information regarding 'Contribution to Periodicals, Magazines, &c. Giving Number a year of Serial - Pages occuppied - &c'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. Salt') from the antiquary and book collector William Salt to the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine John Bowyer Nichols, making editorial comments and enclosing a list of 'Buckler's Engravings'.

William Salt (1808-1863), antiquary whose book collection is now the William Salt Library in Stafford [John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), printer and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine]
Publication details: 
Sandgate, Kent; 11 August 1843.

Letter: 2pp., 4to. 28 lines of text. List: 1p., on a 12mo strip. Both letter and list in very good condition, neatly placed in windowpane mounts on the two leaves of a bifolium. Salt is 'just finishing the List of Manuscript Erdeswick's' and will bring it to Nichols when he returns to London. He wonders whether Nichols has 'nearly come to the end of the Book in your reprint? I do not think you will make your first sheet answer satisfactorily - without printing the whole or part of it over again - but of course you will be the best judge of that'.

Autograph of the Welsh bass baritone Bruce Dragavel, on 'Programme of Old Time Melody Concert' by the Burslem Orpheus Male Voice Choir.

Bruce Dargavel (1905-1985), Welsh bass baritone singer [Burslem Orpheus Male Voice Choir]
Autograph of the Welsh bass baritone Bruce Dragavel
Publication details: 
Programme for performance on 24 February 1946, at the Queen's Hall Burslem.
Autograph of the Welsh bass baritone Bruce Dragavel

Programme: 12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Printed in green on orange paper. Text clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper with slight wear to extremities. Dargavel's signature is in pencil in the top left-hand corner of the second page: 'Best Wishes, | Bruce Dargavel'.

[Manuscript] Account book of Charles Garnett of Bonehills, Tamworth,

[Charles Garnett]
Publication details: 
1839 to 1848

Manuscript account book containing a wealth of detail, helping to build up a picture of the household of an affluent member of the Victorian middle-class (see 'Garnett of Wyreside' in Burke's Landed Gentry). The son of an East India Company civil servant, Charles Garnett (1811-1899), of Bonehills, Tamworth, and latterly of the manor house, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, was a member of the Middle Temple, and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Stafford and Warwick.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R: B:') from Bromley to the Duke of Hamilton, with enclosed Autograph Letter Signed to Bromley from Yates ('Ham<t?>: Yates'), on the subject of 'the minstrell Court' at Sandon.

'R. Bromley'; H. Yates [James (1658-1712), 4th Duke of Hamilton; Sandon Hall, Staffordshire; Minstrels' Gallery]
Autograph Letter Signed R. Bromley to the Duke of Hamilton [Minstrel's Gallery]
Publication details: 
Bromley's letter to Hamilton: London, 7 June 1712. Yates's letter to Bromley: 4 June 1712.
Autograph Letter Signed R. Bromley to the Duke of Hamilton [Minstrel's Gallery]

Both items good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with both texts clear and complete. The Minstrels' Gallery referred to in the letter was held in the vicinity of Hamilton's estate Sandon Hall, Staffordshire. Written a few months before Hamilton's death in the celebrated duel with Lord Mohun. Bromley to Hamilton: Autograph Letter Signed, 8vo, 1 p. 23 lines of text. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To his Grace Duke Hamilton in St. James's Square | London.', and docketed 'Mr: Bromley 7:th June 1712 about the Minstrill court & that Holden the Attorney had with drawen'.

Typed Note Signed to Stanley Unwin.

Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), English novelist [Sir Stanley Unwin (1884-1968), publisher]
Publication details: 
9 December 1930; 97 Chiltern Court, Clarence Gate, NW1.

4to, 1 p. Four lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight staining from paperclip in top left-hand corner. He thanks him for his 'very interesting letter': 'The photograph shows an agreeable, and perhaps distinguished building. I return the picture thereof, and wish you every success therein.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Rupert Simms.

John Kinsman (born 1826), bookseller of Penzance, Cornwall [Rupert Simms (1854-1937), Staffordshire bookseller and bibliographer]
Publication details: 
21 January 1884; Penzance.

12mo (leaf dimensions 18 x 11 cm): 2 pp. Twenty-one lines of text, complete and legible. On aged paper with some wear at head. Casting interesting light on the workings of the provincial Victorian booktrade.

Autograph Note Signed ('Henry Newbolt') to unnamed female correspondent.

Sir Henry John Newbolt (1862-1938), English poet and novelist
Publication details: 
16 July 1907; on letterhead 'ST. GILES'S MOUNT, WINCHESTER.'

One page, 12mo. Neatly mounted on card. Nine-line biographical newspaper cutting neatly laid down at foot. Ten lines from another newspaper cutting, relating to Madame Patti, at head. Reads 'Dear madam | I thank you for your flattering letter and subscribe myself, as you wish, | Yours truly | Henry Newbolt'.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed clergyman, on the back of a printed handbill.

Sir Oswald Mosley (1848-1915), 4th Baronet [Victorian Temperance Movement; John Garrett, D.D.; Robert Whitworth]
Publication details: 
Letter: Rolleston Hall; 15 December 1866. Handbill: '43, Market Street, Manchester, December 12th, 1866.'

On a leaf roughly 17 x 12 cms. A small strip is missing from the foot, but this does not appear to affect the texts. Aged and ruckled, with a little staining from previous mount at head and foot of printed side. In the Letter Moseley opines that 'the closing of Public Houses during the whole of Sundays would be attended with great inconvenience to the public, and I cannot therefore agree to the object of Promoters of that scheme'. Docketed in the top left-hand corner 'Mark name on list as unfavourable'. The handbill, signed in type by John Garrett, D.D.

Two printed Advertisement forms, with copies of advertisements to be inserted, one by Gratton Hayes.

The Staffordshire Sentinel (established 1853) [Gratton Hayes; Challinors and Shaw; Pownall Stubbs]
Publication details: 

Both items very good and docketed on reverse. Both advertisements appear to have been placed by Challinors & Shaw, solicitors. ITEM ONE (printed on one side of a piece of paper roughly ten inches by eight wide) is headed 'CIRCULATION OVER 180,000 WEEKLY.' Describes the paper as 'The County Newspaper and Leading Journal for Staffordshire' and the 'largest Newspaper and the best and most influential Advertising Medium' in the county.

Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. T. A. <Bargham?>.

Rev. Francis Edward Paget [Elford Rectory, Staffordshire]
Publication details: 
Elford Rectory, | June 15.' [no year].

English divine, author and social reformer (1806-82). Two pages, 16mo. Good, though lightly foxed, and with second leaf of bifoliate carrying traces of glue from previous mounting. Black-bordered, and bearing Paget's remarkably modernistic letterhead, made up of a pattern of his initials. 'Dear Sir | I do not know whether our doings here at our Village Festival are of a kind to interest you, but I take the liberty of assuring you that we shd. be very happy to see you, & any friends you might like to bring over.' Signed 'F. E. Paget'.

Handbill resolution.

Arthur Nicholson, Chairman of Meeting of Silk Manufacturers and Representatives, Leek, Staffordshire
Publication details: 

One page. Roughly 13 inches by 8 inches. In good condition, although slightly discoloured, creased from folding and with one very small closed tear. Reports the resolution of a meeting held at the Town Hall in Leek on 30 December 1901, that beginning on 1 January 1902 'the operatives shall give up the five minutes grace now allowed on entering Mills at 6.30 and after dinner'. Also states the working hours for week-days and Saturdays.

Manuscript and typescript material relating to the estate of Ralph Birch, late of Taylor & Birch of Leek, Staffordshire.

Lintine & Co. of Birmingham, 'Patentees & Manufacturers of cycle components and accessories', et al.
Publication details: 

Four manuscript leaves ranging from 16mo to 4to, with covering typewritten letter, the whole held together by a pin. Somewhat discoloured, but in good condition overall. The letter, in purple ink on Lintine & Co.'s florid black-and-white letterhead, is dated 1 January 1903 and addressed to Messrs Challoner & Shaw, Solicitors, Leek. No more than a note, it requests a list of the creditors to Birch's estate. With the cyclostyled signature of 'David F. Lintine'. The other, manuscript, papers are all clearly from the Challoner archive.

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