[‘English church music is in dire need of reform’: Sir Herbert Oakeley, Professor of Music at Edinburgh University.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘H. S. Oakeley’) to Sir Lovelace Stamer, attacking the ‘degraded’ standard of English hymn tunes.

Sir Herbert Oakeley [Sir Herbert Stanley Oakeley; H. S. Oakeley] (1830-1903), English composer and organist, Professor of Music at University of Edinburgh [Sir Lovelace Tomlinson Stamer (1829-1908)]
Publication details: 
10 June 1875; Bristol Hotel, Brighton.

A splendidly-forthright missive on a subject close to Oakeley's heart. See both men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The two were near-contemporaries at Rugby School, and Stamer, at the time of writing a Prebendary at Lichfield, would go on to become the Bishop of Shrewsbury. 8pp, 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged, with the two bifoliums folded twice and unobtrusively attached with tape. From the context it appears that Oakeley has been invited through Stamer to give a paper on church music to the Church Congress.

[ Maurice O'Connell, Irish politician. ] Two Autograph Letters, the first signed and the second in the third person, to the Postmaster General the Earl of Lichfield, recommending individuals for employment in the Post Office.

Maurice O'Connell (c.1801-1853), Irish politician, Member of Parliament for Tralee 1832-1837 and 1838-1853, son of Daniel O'Connell ('The Liberator') [ Thomas Anson, 1st Earl of Lichfield (1795-1854)]
Publication details: 
Both from 16 Pall Mall, London. June 1838 and June 1840.

The two letters are in fair condition, lightly aged and soiled. ONE: 'Friday' (docketed date June 1838). 2pp., 12mo. Applying for 'the Post of Guard to Any of the Roads', on behalf of 'James Poyntz of Tralee'. On the reverse Lichfield has written 'sorry cannot'. TWO: 'Friday' (docketed date 19 June 1840). 2pp., 12mo. 'Mr Maurice O'Connell presents his Compliments to Lord Lichfield and begs to recommend bearer John Keating for employment as a Letter Carrier - Mr M O'C will feel much obliged by Keating's appointment'. Docketed by Lichfield on reverse: 'a test - but negligible chance'.

[ Morgan John O'Connell, Member of Parliament for Kerry. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. J: O'Connell') to the Postmaster General the Earl of Lichfield

Morgan John O'Connell (1811-1875), Irish politician, Member of Parliament for Kerry, 1835-1852, half-brother of Daniel O'Connell ('The Liberator') [ Thomas Anson, 1st Earl of Lichfield (1795-1854) ]
Publication details: 
14 Manchester Buildings, Westminster. 15 May 1840.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Recommending for employment in the Post Office 'Mr. Paul Scollard, who is a young man of most respectable connexions, but whose circumstances are such as to render a very humble situation an object to him - If a vacancy should soon occur in the Letter Carrying Department, I would respectfully solicit the appointment from Your Lordship for him'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Harwood') to Messrs Cadell & Davies, London publishers of his 'History and Antiquities of Lichfield', regarding the price and sending of a presentation copy.

Thomas Harwood (1767-1842), clergyman, author and antiquary, perpetual curate of Hammerwich, near Lichfield, Staffordshire
Publication details: 
Lichfield, Staffordshire. 2 April 1816.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-agedl, with slip of paper from a Victorian book catalogue laid down beneath the signature. Addressed by Harwood on reverse of second leaf, with two postmarks, one of them from Lichfield, 2 August 1806, to 'Mess: Cadell & Davies | Strand | London'. The text reads: 'Gentlemen | I have just been informed, but have not my self seen it, that the History of Lichfield is advertised to be sold at thirty Shillings; lest there should be any mistake, it might be right to remind you, that the price of it is thirty five Shillings.

[Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames.] Nine indentures, deeds, and other property documents, including one signed by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon and her son, another by her husband William Babbington Maxwell, and one by Sir Henry George Norris.

Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames, owned by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon [Mrs Maxwell] (1835-1915), Sir Henry George Norris (1865-1934), MP, Henry Lascelles (1690-1753), MP and slave owner
Publication details: 
[Relating to Lichfield House, Sheen Road, Richmond upon Thames.] London; between 1914 and 1933.

Lascelles bought Lichfield House in 1729, and committed suicide there in 1753. The enormous success of Braddon's novels 'Lady Audley's Secret' (1862) and 'Aurora Floyd' (1863) allowed her to buy Lichfield House, where she too died. It was demolished in the 1930s. ONE: Manuscript indenture on vellum. 'Mrs. M. E. Maxwell to G. M. Maxwell Esq | Conveyance of freehold property known as "The Homestead" Sheen Road Richmond Surrey'. 10 June 1914. 4pp., 8vo, with covering page. Laid out in usual fashion, bound with green ribbon with tax stamps, Land Registry stamp, and two seals in red wax.

Manuscript Fair Copy, in an eighteenth-century hand, transcribing two poems: 'Prize Monody on the Death of David Garrick Esqr. ffor the Vase at Bath-Easton, By Miss [Anna] Seward.' and 'To Miss Seward | Impromptu' by 'W[illiam] H[ayley].'

Anna Seward (1742-1809), poet known as 'The Swan of Lichfield'; William Hayley (1745-1820), poet and patron of William Blake [David Garrick (1717-1779); Bath Easton, villa of Sir John Riggs Miller]
Publication details: 
Seward's poem dated 'Bath-Easton (the Villa of Sir John Miller,) near Bath | ffeb. 11. 1779.' Hayley's poem without place or date.

Totalling 5pp., 4to, with Seward's poem on the first 3pp., and Hayley's on the following 2pp. Disbound from a notebook. In good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper which has been cropped at the foot, resulting in the loss of two lines of text from Hayley's poem, and with the strip with the trimmed line from the foot of the first page of Seward's poem laid down at the head of the second page.

Albumen carte-de-visite by the London studio of the French photographer Disdéri, showing Lord Alfred Henry Paget, Member of Parliament for Lichfield, Staffordshire, smoking a pipe.

Disdéri (1819-1889), French photographer [Lord Alfred Henry Paget (1816-1888) of Beaudesert, Staffordshire, MP for Lichfield, Staffs, 1837-65, and Equerry to the Queen, 1837-41]
Publication details: 
4 Brook Street, Hanover Square, London. Undated [1860s?].

The image is 9 x 5.5 cm, mounted on brown card, 10.5 x 6.5 cm, printed on both sides in red, with large facsimile of Disdéri's signature on reverse. In fair condition, somewhat aged. Page is shown seated at a table with a sculpture of a stag on it, with legs cross and the sole of his left show showing, smoking a pipe. In addition to being an MP, Paget held several positions in the Royal Household, acting as Equerry to Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1841. The present image is not among the four representations of Paget in the National Portrait Gallery collection.

Signed, sealed and witnessed vellum indenture for the apprenticeship of 'Robert Shaw Son of Robert Shaw of the City of Lichfield Book Seller'.

Robert Shaw , eighteenth-century Lichfield bookseller
Robert Shaw , eighteenth-century Lichfield bookseller
Publication details: 
10 September 1736.
Robert Shaw , eighteenth-century Lichfield bookseller

Landscape 8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Fair on aged vellum. Engraving of royal crest in top left-hand corner. Printed in small type and completed in manuscript. Three witnesses, including 'Rich. Robinson' and 'Walt: Robins'. Red wax seal of head, and government stamp on blue. Brief modern notes accompanying the item state that the elder Shaw was born in 1685, the son of the headmaster of Lichfield Grammar School (Johnson's old school), who died in 1704. There is no record of anything published by the Shaws, who do not feature in BBTI.

Address. Delivered at St. Clement Danes on 13th December, 1926 [Samuel Johnson Anniversary]

R. W. Chapman [Cecil Harmsworth, 1st Baron Harmsworth; Samuel Johnson; Johnsoniana]
Publication details: 
London. 1927.

4to bifolium. The text, in small print, covers the final three pages. On aged and foxed paper. Inscribed, at the head of the title, 'from R. W. C.' The recipient was Cecil Harmsworth, who has written in pencil, beneath the inscription: 'C H | 26/ii/ 1927'. (Harmsworth was the proprietor of the Johnson house, which he had bought in 1911.) Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

William Dalrymple Maclagan, Archbishop of York
Publication details: 
26 April [no year]; on black-bordered letterhead 'THE VICARAGE, | KENSINGTON, W.'

Successively Bishop of Lichfield and Archbishop of York (1826-1910). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition despite minor discolouration. 'Please send me a post card if you can the name of a book which your son had with him - with short accounts of some of the great <?> of the world's history'. Signed 'W D Maclagan'.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent [Burney?]

Samuel Butler
Publication details: 
Shrewsbury, 12 Dec. 1823.

Classical scholar, headmaster of Shrewsbury, Bishop of Lichfield (1774-1839). One page, 4to, good condition. He has seen than his correspondent is a subsciber to "the adult orphan scheme" and solicits his vote for the sister of a pupil of his of whom he gives details including that she is one of twelve children of a deceased vicar, none of whom have yet been provoded for. He suggests places they might meet. In a postscript he mentions that his correspondent will receive a book of his.

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