[The oldest regiment in the British Army: the Honourable Artillery Company.] Printed booklet: ‘List of the Chiefs, Officers, Court of Assistants, &c. &c. &c. of the Hon. Artillery-Company, For the Year 1845.’ With engraved cover and frontispiece.

The Honourable Artillery Company, London, the oldest regiment in the British Army, founded in 1537The Honourable Artillery Company, London, the oldest regiment in the British Army, founded in 1537
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Norris and Son, Blomfield-street, Finsbury-circus. 1845. [Honourable Artillery Company, London.]

Scarce: no other copy traced. The only similar material are the volumes for 1851, 1852 and 1853 in the Bishopsgate Institute. Stitched booklet. 16pp, 8vo. With card cover and frontispiece, both ornately engraved. Text and illustrations complete and undamaged, on aged paper worn at edges and with front cover detached. The cover carries the royal arms beneath the engraved words: ‘FIELD MARSHAL / His Royal Highness / The Prince Albert / K.G. K.T. G.C.B. K.P. G.C.M.G. &c. &c. &c. / Captain General and Colonel.’ At foot of page: ‘Honourable Artillery Company.

[The National Association for Freedom, London.] Publicity pamphlet and membership application form.

The National Association for Freedom, libertarian pressure group set up in London in 1975 by Viscount De L'Isle, Norris McWhirter, Ross McWhirter and John Gouriet; now called the Freedom Association
Publication details: 
The National Association for Freedom, 500 Chesham House 30/32 Warwick Street, London W1R 5RD. No date (dating from between 1975 and late 1978).

A scarce piece of political ephemera, from the turbulent days of 1970s Britain. The only other copy traced at the British Library, where it is tentatively dated to 1977.

[Barry Pain, Punch humorist and author of novels, poems and ghost stories.] Autograph Manuscript of long poem titled 'The Dream of Fine Editors | (after the dinner to J. N. Dunn. April 23rd. 1897)'.

Barry Pain [Barry Eric Odell Pain] (1864-1928), author, journalist, Punch humorist, author of ghost stories [Fleet Street; James Nicol Dunn; Charles Norris Williamson; Oswald Crawfurd]
Publication details: 
[London. 1897.]

4pp, 12mo. On four loose leaves. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with minor traces of grey paper mount along edges on blank reverses. The poem is titled 'The Dream of Fine Editors | (after the dinner to J. N. Dunn. April 23rd. 1897)'. (At the time of the dinner the Scottish journalist James Nicol Dunn (1856-1919) was on the verge of being appointed editor of the Morning Post, a position he would hold from May 1897 to January 1905.) There is no record of the poem having been published, and it is likely to have been written for after-dinner recitation only.

[Francis Crawford Burkitt, Norris Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C Burkitt') to 'Mr Bushell' [W. D. B ushell, Chaplain of Harrow], on his election as professor, regarding his theological position.

F. C. Burkitt [Francis Crawford Burkitt] (1864-1935), theologian and scholar, Norris Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge [William Done Bushell (1838-1917), Chaplain of Harrow School;
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St Keynes, Cambridge. 14 November 1905.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. A long and interesting letter, describing in detail his position on his election as Cambridge Professor of Divinity. He begins by thanking him for writing, adding: 'You can imagine that we are feeling just now quite beside ourselves.' He agrees with him that 'the Professorship is a great responsibility to a layman'. He continues: 'The Heads have elected me, knowing that their choice represents a definite endorsement of what may be called in newspapers “free, advanced criticism”.

Seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript Indenture, a Terrier of John Head's lease lands in West Hendred, Berkshire.

[John Head of Langley, Hampstead Norreys, High Sheriff of Berkshire, 1698-1699; terrier his lease lands in West Hendred]
Publication details: 
[West Hendred, Berkshire.] Late seventeenth-century.

On one side of a strip of vellum (circa 40 x 18 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. In English. Scan of part on application

[Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames.] Nine indentures, deeds, and other property documents, including one signed by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon and her son, another by her husband William Babbington Maxwell, and one by Sir Henry George Norris.

Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames, owned by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon [Mrs Maxwell] (1835-1915), Sir Henry George Norris (1865-1934), MP, Henry Lascelles (1690-1753), MP and slave owner
Publication details: 
[Relating to Lichfield House, Sheen Road, Richmond upon Thames.] London; between 1914 and 1933.

Lascelles bought Lichfield House in 1729, and committed suicide there in 1753. The enormous success of Braddon's novels 'Lady Audley's Secret' (1862) and 'Aurora Floyd' (1863) allowed her to buy Lichfield House, where she too died. It was demolished in the 1930s. ONE: Manuscript indenture on vellum. 'Mrs. M. E. Maxwell to G. M. Maxwell Esq | Conveyance of freehold property known as "The Homestead" Sheen Road Richmond Surrey'. 10 June 1914. 4pp., 8vo, with covering page. Laid out in usual fashion, bound with green ribbon with tax stamps, Land Registry stamp, and two seals in red wax.

[Norris Davidson, Irish radio producer.] Typed Letter Signed to Irish poet Sylvia Lynd, regarding his own book, and the latest productions of his friend Lennox Robinson.

Norris Davidson (1908-1998), Irish radio producer [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Irish poet, wife of the essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949); the Abbey Theatre, Dublin]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Donard, County Wicklow. 'Wednesday 27th. [1935]'

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Never having forgotten that you once asked me "What is the sense of knowing Mrs Lynd if you don't make use of her?" I am sending you a spare set of proofs of the new book. The publishers, having made me add thousands of words to it, now tell me that it is a bit too long'. The second part of the letter refers to a visit by 'Lennox [i.e. Lennox Robinson] and his wife [...] He has just been doing June in Belfast, he has Aodh de Blacam's translation, A Saint in a Hurry!

[Three printed Home Office pamphlets.] 'Education in Reformatory and Industrial Schools', 'Disposal of Reformatory and Industrial School Boys to Farm Service in England and Wales' and 'Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Working of Financial Scheme'

[S. W. Harris, Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall; Arthur H. Norris, Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools]
Publication details: 
All London. ONE: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Jas. Truscott & Son, Ltd., Suffolk Lane, EC. 1919. TWO: Printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1920. THREE: Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall. 1925.

All three with shelfmarks, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. ONE: Arthur H. Norris, 'Home Office. Education in Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Circular letter of H.M. Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools, to the Managers and Staff of the Schools.' 1919. [2] + 8pp., 8vo. Stitched. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. London. The only copy on COPAC at the London Schooll of Economics. TWO: Arthur H. Norris, 'Home Office. Disposal of Reformatory and Industrial School Boys to Farm Service in England and Wales. Circular letter to H.M.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New Hampshire almanac maker Dudley Leavitt ('Old Master Leavitt') to the bookseller Charles Norris of Exeter, New Hampshire, publisher of his 'Scholar's Review', discussing it and giving the text of an advertisement.

Dudley Leavitt (1772-1851), New Hampshire almanac maker for over half a century, known locally as 'Old Master Leavitt' [Charles Norris (1782?-1847), bookseller and publisher, Exeter, New Hampshire]
Publication details: 
Meredith [New Hampshire]. 3 September 1811.

2pp., folio. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Signed twice. In the body of the letter, consisting of twenty-two lines, Leavitt writes that he is forwarding to Norris 'the Register with such additions and corrections as appeared necessary'. He will insert any further information in a few weeks. Regarding 'the sitting of the Courts' he states: 'If the Legislature of this State altered none of the sitting last June, they are correct in your Register for 1811. I think there is no alteration.' As his 'local situation is such' that he cannot soon ascertain particulars, he suggests George Sullivan.

Autograph Letter Signed to Wheatley.

Edwin Norris (1795-1872), linguist and Assyriologist [Henry Benjamin Wheatley (1838-1917), bibliographer, editor and London topographer; Frederick James Furnivall]
Publication details: 
17 August 1865. Brompton.

12mo, 2 pp. Thirteen lines of text. Good. The letter possibly relates to Furnivall's Early English Text Society, founded in 1865. He is enclosing a Post Office Order for a guinea, but, as he 'said to Mr Furnivall last year', he does not consider himself a subscriber, 'wishing to reserve the right of withdrawal in case of finding it inconvenient to pay, which will certainly be the case when I give up my official position'. Nevertheless asks Wheatley to remind him 'when the time comes for collection'.

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