[Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames.] Nine indentures, deeds, and other property documents, including one signed by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon and her son, another by her husband William Babbington Maxwell, and one by Sir Henry George Norris.

Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames, owned by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon [Mrs Maxwell] (1835-1915), Sir Henry George Norris (1865-1934), MP, Henry Lascelles (1690-1753), MP and slave owner
Publication details: 
[Relating to Lichfield House, Sheen Road, Richmond upon Thames.] London; between 1914 and 1933.
SKU: 26591

Lascelles bought Lichfield House in 1729, and committed suicide there in 1753. The enormous success of Braddon's novels 'Lady Audley's Secret' (1862) and 'Aurora Floyd' (1863) allowed her to buy Lichfield House, where she too died. It was demolished in the 1930s. ONE: Manuscript indenture on vellum. 'Mrs. M. E. Maxwell to G. M. Maxwell Esq | Conveyance of freehold property known as "The Homestead" Sheen Road Richmond Surrey'. 10 June 1914. 4pp., 8vo, with covering page. Laid out in usual fashion, bound with green ribbon with tax stamps, Land Registry stamp, and two seals in red wax. Small map coloured in pink on first page. 'Between Mary Elizabeth Maxwell of Lichfield House Richmond in the County of Surrey Widow of the one part and Gerald Melbourne Maxwell of 48 Church Road Richmond aforesaid Esquire (a son of the said Mary Elizabeth Maxwell) of the other part'. Signed by 'Mary E. Maxwell' and 'Gerald M. Maxwell', and by two witnesses. TWO: Typed draft document on paper. 'Abstract of the Title of William Babington Maxwell Esquier to Freehold Property at Richmond in the County of Surrey'. 1920. 15pp, 4to. With three coloured maps on cloth attached (the first dated '28 Octr. 1867'). Manuscript emendations throughout in pencil and ink. THREE: Manuscript indenture on paper. 'W. B. Maxwell Esqre to Colonel Sir H. G. Norris M.P. | Conveyance of "Lichfield House" Richmond in the County of Surrey'. 17 March 1921. 3pp., folio, with covering page. Tax stamp and Land Registry stamp. Signed by Maxwell and Norris, and two witnesses. FOUR: Manuscript indenture on paper. 'Col. Sir Henry G. Norris D.L. to Arthur Howitt Esqre | Conveyance of "Lichfield House" Richmond in the County of Surrey'. 30 September 1925. 4pp., folio, and covering page. Bound with green ribbon spine, with tax stamps and Land Registry stamp. Coloured map covering half of first page. Signed by both parties and witness. FIVE: Typed deed on paper. 'Arthur Howitt Esq. to Sir Henry George Norris D.L. | Deed altering rate of interest of Mortgage on Lichfield House Richmond in the County of Surrey dated 1st October 1928'. 29 September 1928; by Laytons, 29 Budge Row, EC4. 2pp., folio, with covering page. Bifolium. Tax stamp. Signed by Howitt and witness. SIX: Manuscript transfer of mortgage on paper. 'Sir H. G. Norris to P. W. Russell Esqre. and another | Transfer of Mortgage of Freehold property known as Lichfield House, Richmond, Surrey'. 3 November 1930. 3pp., folio, and covering page. Bifolium. Tax stamp and Land Registry stamp. Signed by both parties and two witnesses. SEVEN: Typed draft document on paper. 'Abstract of the Title of Arthur Howitt, Esq., to freehold premises at Richmond in the County of Surrey.' Undated. Setting out the nature of agreements between 28 November 1867 and 3 November 1930 (Item). 25pp., 4to. EIGHT: 'Private Dwelling House Fire Insurance Policy' by Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd, for 'A. Howitt & Others', Lichfield House, Sheen Road, Richmond, Surrey. Printed document completed by typewriter, and signed by London Director J. B. Meers, witnessed and dated 28 November 1930. 4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. With two typed memoranda (both 1p., landscape 12mo), both signed by London Manager R. C. Cole, 28 January 1931 and 15 November 1933. NINE: Manuscript indenture on paper. 'Arthur Howitt Esq to Sir Henry George Norris D.L. | Mortgage on Lichfield House Richmond in the County of Surry to secure repayment of the principal sum of £5000 with interest thereon at Six per cent reducible to 5 per cent on punctual payment' ('Statutory Receipt'). 1 November 1933. 5pp., folio, and covering page. Bound with green ribbon, with tax stamps and Land Registry Stamp. Signed by Howitt and two others.