[John Baseley Tooke of Thompson, Norfolk.] Manuscript ‘Inventory and Valuation [by Samuel Elcock] of [...] the property [...] at his late Residence Southampton Row Bloomsbury Square London and at his late Chambers Mitre Court Buildings Temple.'

John Baseley Tooke (1779-1841), solicitor of the Inner Temple, Lord of the Manor of Thompson, Norfolk [Samuel Elcock, London appraiser]
Publication details: 
'taken December 3rd. 1841’

Biographical information relating to the deceased is to be found in Rev. George Crabbe, ‘Some Materials for a History of the Parish of Thompson in the County of Norfolk’ (Norwich, 1892): ‘John Baseley Tooke of Thompson, Esq., only son [of John Greene Basely [sic], sometime Mayor of Norwich’], an acting magistrate for Norf., assumed the additional surname of Tooke by royal lic. in Oct. 1802, pursuant to the will of Wm. Tooke, Esq., his great-uncle; b. 15th Mar. 1779; d. unmar. 12th Nov. 1841; bur.

[Jesse Collings, Liberal politician, advocate of free education and land reform.] Five Autograph Letters Signed to Bernard Piffard, regarding opposition to Lords of the Manor over enclosures, and 'Allotments and Small Holdings Associations'.

Jesse Collings (1831-1920) of Birmingham, Liberal and Liberal Unionist politician, advocate of free education and land reform [Bernard Piffard (1833-1916), entomologist]
Publication details: 
Between 27 July 1885 and 22 March 1886. All from Edgbaston, Birmingham (the second a letterhead).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the Piffard papers. A total of 9pp, 12mo. The recipient is 'B. Piffard Esq.' and the letters are all signed 'Jesse Collings'. ONE: 27 July 1885. 2pp, 12mo. He apologises for the delay in replying: 'I have been so over-pressed with Parliamentary and other work.' He will go into the matter of Piffard's letter at the 'Committee meeting of our Allotments & Small Holdings Association' that very day.

[George Nesse Hill, surgeon, Brunonian psychiatrist, asylum keeper.] Two Autograph Letters, one signed ('G N Hill | Secy'), one in the third person, to John Davy, military surgeon, brother of Sir Humphrey Davy, on the Medical Society of Chester.

George Nesse Hill (1766-1831) of Alcaston Manor, Chester, Cheshire, surgeon, champion of Brunonian psychaitry and asylum keeper [John Davy (1790-1868), army surgeon, brother of Sir Humphrey Davy]
Publication details: 
[Chester.] 30 August and 30 October 1827.

Bynum and Porter, in their 'Brunonianism in Britain and Europe' (1988), describe Hill – keeper at one point of two asylums – as a 'substantial figure [...] a champion of Brunonian psychiatry'. For the recipient John Davy (1790-1868), anatomist and physiologist, brother of Sir Humphrey Davy, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Two letters, both in good condition, attached to one another along one edge, with thin strip from mount adhering. Both letters are bifoliums, and both have had the second leaf, trimmed along the fore-edge, resulting in each case to slight loss to the address.

Two printed leaflets, lithographically printed and designed in a 'Wardour Street English' mock-antiquarian style. The first describing 'Ye Order of ye Revells' at 'Lockinge Mannor [sic][ | Wantage', the second an invitation with red wax seal.

Brigadier General Robert James Loyd-Lindsay, 1st Baron Wantage [ Lord Wantage ] (1832-1901) [ C. R. Iles, lithographic printer, Cheltenham ]
Publication details: 
Both leaflets relating to 'Revells' at Lockinge Manor, Wantage, 26 and 27 August 1885. One printed by C. R. Iles, Chelt. [i.e. Cheltenham ]'

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Headed: 'Rite Welcome be ye alle. | Lockinge Mannor | Wantage | Ye Order of ye Revells. | To be holden by grace of mye Lord & Ladye Wantage of Lockynge on ye XXVI 8 XXVII daies of August | MDCCCLXXXV.' Printed on one side of a 47.5 x 20.5 cm. piece of laid paper. Printer's slug at bottom left: 'C. R. ILES, CHELT.' With coat of arms and initial at head.

Manuscript account book of the estates of Sir Thomas Maryon Wilson of Charlton House, titled 'Account of Payments Allowances and Expenditures for the Charlton Woolwich and Leicester Estates | From Christmas 1797'.

[Sir Thomas Maryon Wilson (1774-1821), 7th Baronet, of Charlton House; Woolwich and Charlton in Kent; Leicestershire]
Publication details: 
[Woolwich and Charlton.] Covering the period between 1797 and 1804.

36pp., 12mo. In worn calf-bound account book. In good internal condition, on aged paper; detached from the worn leather binding, and with the front free endpaper (bearing the title) loose. Label pasted to front cover reads: 'Accounts | G. B. R. | Charlton | Woolwich | Leicestershire | 1797 to 1804'. The volume is the work of Wilson (who acquired the estates in 1798 on the death of his father) or of his land agent. Paginated by the writer to 64, and with the accounts for 'Land Tax paid and allowed' on pp.1-7, for 'Cash paid & allowed for' on pp.11-23, and 'Cash paid & allowed for.

[Jane Austen's family: library section of printed auction catalogue, annotated by London booksellers Maggs Brothers.] A Catalogue of the Contents of the Masion, Capel Manor, Horsmonden, Kent.

'By Order of the Trustees of John Francis Austen, Decd.' [ John-Francis Austen (1817-1893); Maggs Brothers, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
To be sold by Auction by Messrs. Knight, Frank & Rutley [...] in conjunction with Messrs. Richardson & Pierce, Ltd. on the premises [...] 17 August 1931 and three following days.

J. F. Austen was the son of John Austen VII. For his relation to the novelist see 'Jane Austen's Letters', ed. Le Faye (OUP, 2011). The present item is excessively scarce, with no copies traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. 4to, 18pp. on ten leaves, paginated [1-2], 17-24, 57-63, 79. In original brown printed wraps. Aged and worn, with rusted staples.

Manuscript volume of accounts of 'Hornchurch Rental 1732' and 'Hornchurch Rental 1785', apparently for the Manor of New Place, giving the names and itemised accounts of individual tenants.

New Place Manor, Hornchurch, Havering, Essex; Sir James Esdaile; Joseph Mayor]
Manuscript volume of accounts of 'Hornchurch Rental 1732'
Publication details: 
1732 and 1785.
Manuscript volume of accounts of 'Hornchurch Rental 1732'

A 4to volume, consisting of 224 pp, with the 1732 rentals occupying 89 pp (including a six-page thumb index) at one end, and the 1785 rentals in another hand on 24 pp at the other. Text clear and complete. On aged paper in worn vellum binding, with 'Hornchurch Rental 1732' and 'Hornchurch Rental 1785' in the two hands on cover. The 1732 rentals give details of the quarter-day payments and allowances of 51 tenants.

Six Typed Letters Signed, one Autograph Letter Signed, four Typed Notes Signed and one Autograph Note Signed from Compton Mackenzie to the military historian Antony Brett-James. With one letter by Mackenzie's wife, and a collection of press cuttings.

Sir Compton Mackenzie [Sir Edward Montague Compton Mackenzie] (1883-1972), Scottish writer [Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), 5th Indian Division Royal Signals, military historian, Sandhurst lecturer]
Publication details: 
Written between 1948 and 1955. Most on Mackenzie's letterhead, 'Denchworth Manor, by Wantage, Berkshire'.

All texts clear and complete. Autograph item with some creasing, otherwise in good condition on lightly-aged paper. Ten items signed 'Compton Mackenzie', and two ''. Eight of the items each one page of landscape 8vo; one 8vo, 1 p; another 12mo, 1 p; the autograph note 4to, 1 p; and the card 16mo, 1 p. The first item (4to, 1 p, in autograph) is dated 22 September 1948. Having met Brett-James he thanks him for sending the proofs of his war memoir 'Report My Signals' (London: Hennel Locke Ltd, 1948): 'I was much impressed by it, and supported it strongly for a Book Society Recommendation.

Autograph Note Signed ('E. V. Lucas') to an unnamed female correspondent.

E. V. Lucas [Edward Verrall Lucas] (1868-1938), English writer and Chairman of the London publishers Methuen & Co.
Publication details: 
23 June 1912; on letterhead of Kingston Manor, Lewes.

4to, 1 page. Good, on lightly-aged paper with dog-eared corners and small stain from mount on reverse. Reads 'Dear Madam some sort of a sequel to the Ingleside [Lucas's book 'Mr. Ingleside' (1910)] is being finished this day. | Yours faithfully | [signed] E. V. Lucas'.

Typed Letter Signed ('J B. Priestley') to 'My dear Minney'.

J. B. Priestley
Publication details: 
7 Dec. 1939; on letterhead of Billingham Manor, Isle of Wight.

12mo, 1 p. Very good. He hopes she will bring her paper out soon, 'as there is room' for it, 'especially if you are careful to steer clear of mere nonsense'. Asks her to ask her 'paper' to send the cheque to him, 'and not to Peters, as he had no hand in the transaction'. He 'travelled 2,500 miles doing those articles on our war-time effort', and is 'now very glad to be back home, picking up the threads of my own work again'. He has just finished 'a comedy', and hopes 'to start another soon'.

Signed legal agreement, docketed 'Mr. Richard Muskette agreem[en]t that <?> take the wholl benefitt of the Tenem[en]t - thermewoods -'.

Richard Muskett of 'Walpoole' [Walpole] in the County of Suffolk [Harleston Hall; Edward Winniffe of Brettenham]
Richard Muskett
Publication details: 
Richard Muskett

4to: 1 p. Good, though lightly stained and ruckled, and with seal removed from bottom right-hand corner. 18 lines of text. The document describes part of a previous agreement by 'Edward Wenyefe of Brottenham' to buy the Manor of Harleston Hall from 'Richard Muskett of Walpoole in the County of Suffc', and states a new agreement by Muskett that 'the sd Edward Wenyefe shall from the day & day hereof take the wholl proffitt of the sd Tenement [...]'. Signed 'Richard Muskett' and witnessed by 'Richard Walker', 'Tho: Sparrow' and Ed: '. J. J.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed clergyman, on the back of a printed handbill.

Sir Oswald Mosley (1848-1915), 4th Baronet [Victorian Temperance Movement; John Garrett, D.D.; Robert Whitworth]
Publication details: 
Letter: Rolleston Hall; 15 December 1866. Handbill: '43, Market Street, Manchester, December 12th, 1866.'

On a leaf roughly 17 x 12 cms. A small strip is missing from the foot, but this does not appear to affect the texts. Aged and ruckled, with a little staining from previous mount at head and foot of printed side. In the Letter Moseley opines that 'the closing of Public Houses during the whole of Sundays would be attended with great inconvenience to the public, and I cannot therefore agree to the object of Promoters of that scheme'. Docketed in the top left-hand corner 'Mark name on list as unfavourable'. The handbill, signed in type by John Garrett, D.D.

Engraved portrait by Vertue captioned 'RICHARDUS GRAVES | de Michleton in Com[itatis] Gloucestriae Armiger | Obiit: 1731, A[nn]o. Aetat[is]: 51.'

Richard Graves the elder ('the antiquary', 1677-1729), of Mickleton Manor, Gloucestershire [George Vertue]
Publication details: 
Extracted from Nash's 'History of Worcestershire' (London, 1781-2).

On good-quality thick wove paper, roughly fifteen inches by eleven wide. Dimensions of plate roughly eleven inches by six and a half wide. Good, clean impression, with blank borders a tad grubby. Attractive portrait of a handsomely dressed Graves, a bookcase behind him, leaning between two tables, on one of which is a manuscript and on the other another manuscript, coins and books. Graves's dates are corrected in the Dictionary of National Biography.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Sir William Henry] Maule.

Charles Bathurst [Lidney; Lydney Park, Gloucestershire]
Publication details: 
Lidney | 7 April 1847'.

Bathurst (1790-1863), an alumnus of Christ Church, Oxford, was Lord of the Manor of Lidney. One page, 12mo. Good, on creased, grubby and discoloured paper, with traces of mount adhering to reverse. Begins 'I send you a Pamphlet, which I dare say began in my brain in the cotyledonous or radicle state as early as when we bothered at Usk Sessions, one day or other you will perhaps read it'. Ends 'I am glad to find you are better than at the beginning of the Circuit'. There is no record of Bathurst's pamphlet in the BL.

Autograph fragment signed to an unnamed correspondent,

Sir Robert Peel, 3rd Baronet
Publication details: 
31 October 1862, Drayton Manor.

Politician (1822-95), son of the Tory prime minister Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850). A biofoliate letter which has been cut into an irregular shape by an autograph collector. The first leaf, 1½ inches by 4½: recto, "Drayton Manor / Oct. 31. 1862 <...>"; verso, "<...> to the stopping of his <...>. Second leaf, 4 inches by 4½: recto, "<...> by great convenience to me & I am extremely obliged. / I am yours most truly / Robert Peel". Paper ruckled, and with glue stains from mounting to the verso of the second leaf, which is docketted.

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