[Edmond Holmes, educationalist and poet; and Admiral Sir Reginald Neville Custance.] Autograph Letters Signed from both men to Lt-Col. John Glas Sandeman, regarding Holmes’s pamphets on education.

E. G. A. Holmes [Edmond Gore Alexander Holmes] (1850-1936), educationalist and poet; Admiral Sir Reginald Neville Custance (1847-1935), Royal Navy officer; Lt-Col. John Glas Sandeman (d.1922)
Publication details: 
ONE (Custance to Sandeman): 8 August 1911; on letterhead of 42 Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, W. [London] TWO (Holmes to Sandeman): 19 August [1911]; 'c/o Messrs Constable & Co / 10 Orange Street / Leicester Square / W. C. [London]'.

See the entries for Custance and Holmes in the Oxford DNB. According to the latter: ‘On his retirement in November 1910, Holmes published What is and What Might Be (1911), a condemnation of the existing education system, which stressed competition rather than co-operation, emphasized visible results, and demanded the mechanical obedience of the child. The book attracted wide public attention. [...] Shortly before his retirement, he became involved in the furore over the so-called 'Holmes–Morant circular', a highly confidential memorandum which he had issued in January 1910 to inspectors’.

[Edmond Xavier Kapp, artist and caricaturist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Holbrook Jackson, complaining about payment for work for the magazine 'To-day', and 'contributor's copies'. With carbon copies of Jackson's forthright replies.

Edmond X. Kapp [Edmond Xavier Kapp] (1890-1978), British artist and caricaturist, of German-Jewish extraction [George Holbrook Jackson (1874-1948), author, journalists, publisher and bibliophile]
Publication details: 
Kapp's two letters: 20 and 25 January 1920; each on letterhead of The Studio, 32A Queen's Road, St. John's Wood, N.W.8 [London]. Holbrook Jackson's replies: 22 and 28 January 1920; neither with place.

A splendidly intemperate correspondent between contributor and publisher, almost worthy of one of Jackson's own bibliophile volumes. The four items are in fair condition, on aged and worn paper, one with paperclip stain, another with brass stud, and a third with staple holes; creasing to carbon copies. Kapp's handwriting is 'artistic', and his letterheads are unusually long 8vos. ONE: Kapp to Jackson, 20 January 1920. Signed 'E X Kapp'. 1p, 8vo. Begins: 'My dear Holbrook-Jackson, | Don't you feel you'd like to send me a copy or two of "To-Day" each time? I buy one or two as well, you know!

[Edmond Brock, painter.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (four signed 'Edmond Brock' and one 'E. Brock') to Colonel F. H. L. Oldham, regarding a commission to paint his wife Christabel Josephine Oldham.

Edmond Brock [Charles Edmond Brock] (1882-1952), painter [Colonel Frederick Hugh Langston Oldham Overley Hall, Shropshire]
Publication details: 
Four from 1920, the other undated but from the same period. Four from 2 St John's Wood Studios, Queens Terrace, [London] N.W.8., three of them on letterheads; the other from Merrieweathers House, Mayfield, Sussex.

An interesting correspondence, casting light on the practicalities of early twentieth-century English portrait-painting. The recipient is Colonel Frederick Hugh Langston Oldham, D.S.O., D.L., of Overley Hall, near Wellington, Shropshire, eldest son of the Archdeacon of Ludlow, and the letter concerns Brock's portrait of Oldham's wife Christabel Josephine Oldham. The five letters in good condition, lightly aged. The four dated letters are dated between 25 February and 13 July 1920. The total 9pp (seven in 8vo and two in 12mo).

[George IV, King of Great Britain.] Warrant, signed 'George R.', and also signed by the Treasury Commissioners Berkeley Paget, Lord Granville Somerset and E. A. MacNaghten, regarding pensions to servants of younger princes, out of West Indian duties.

George IV (1762-1830), King of Great Britain and Ireland; Lord Granville Somerset (1792-1848); Berkeley Paget (1780-1842); Edmond Alexander MacNaghten (1762-1832) [Barbados; Leeward Islands]
Publication details: 
'Given at our Court at Carlton House this 30th. day of July 1825 In the Sixth Year of our Reign'.

2pp, folio. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Excellent bold signature by the king ('George R.') in the customary position at the head of the first page. Signed at the end of the document by three of the six Lords Commissioners of the Treasury: 'B Paget | G C H Somerset | E A McNaghten'. Embossed tax stamp in left-hand margin of first page, together with remains of red wafer.

[ Joseph von Linden, senior minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph Linden') to his 'sister' ['the Baroness de Linden'), regarding a visit by 'Edmond and Eugenie'.

Joseph von Linden [ Joseph Franz Peter Freiherr von Linden ] (1804-1895), senior minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg
Publication details: 
No place. 'Friday' [ dated in another hand 'July 1864' ].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. In a close, disciplined hand. Reads: 'My dear Sister | Edmond and Eugenie will pass this evening by us. If the preparations of your travel do not trouble you too much, we should be extremely glad to see you also in our house with your dear children - at half past 6 o'clock'. Note in a contemporary hand at foot: 'July 1864 | To the Baroness de Linden | from the Minister her Brother in law'.

[ Edmond Warre, Head Master of Eton College. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Hugh' (a former pupil?), sending 'the usual Certificate', discussing his father's ill health, and with mention of 'Cyril' and the Hampton Court Tapestry.

Edmond Warre (1837-1920), successively Provost and Head Master of Eton College, and outstanding rower
Publication details: 
Eton (on his monogrammed letterhead); 8 October 1882.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. He is sending 'the usual Certificate', and is sorry to hear of the recipient's father's accident. 'How did he do it? I hope he will have no ill effects from it.' He asks to be remembered to his mother. 'Cyril is staying out with a Cold to day but not much the matter.' He concludes: 'I hope you will get through the Exam all right at Balliol. Come & see us on yr way down'. A postscript refers to 'the Hampton Court Tapestry "The Fates" 3 pieces', and ends with a Latin quotation.

[ Richard Finch [ Richard ffinch ] of St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark. ] Autograph Signature ('Rich: ffinch') on Excise receipt on behalf of 'St. Thomas Hospitall in Southwark'.

St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, Surrey: Richard Finch [ Richard ffinch ] [ Sir Edmund Turner [ Sir Edmond Turnor ] ]
Publication details: 
[ Tally Court, Court of Excise, London ('His Majesties Hereditary Revenue of Excize'). ] 24 May 1682.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with slight chipping to edges, and some light damp damage. The usual printed document, completed in manuscript. Begins (manuscript text in square brackets): 'Received of the Officers of the Tally-Court, one Tally levied on His Majesties Hereditary Revenue of Excize [...] due unto [St. Thomas Hospitall in Southwark] for one quarter of a Year ended at [Lady Day 1681] [...] granted unto [them] by Assignment from [Sr. Edmond Turnor Knt.] out of the Yearly Rent, or Sum of [-275lb 11s] payable unto the said [Sr. Edmond Turnor] [...]'.

[ Edmond-Frédéric Le Blant, archaeologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edmond Le Blant'), in French, to an unnamed recipient, discussing the practice of cremation, and listing periodicals to which he contributes.

Edmond Le Blant [ Edmond-Frédéric Le Blant ] (1818-1897), French archaeologist and historian
Publication details: 
'Paris, rue Leroux, no 7'. 14 May 1874.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with some wear at bottom edge. Addressed 'Monsieur'. After a reference to a newspaper article by the recipient and 'les journalistes Français', he communicates, on the subject of cremation, 'un fait que j'ai appris hier du rédacteur en chef d'un grand journal Suisse et qui n'a pas été rendu public par les gazettes', concerning an attack on those attempting a cremation in Berne.

[Edmond de Sélys Longchamps, Belgian scientist and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edm. de Selys Longchamps'), in French, to 'Monsieur Stevens', regarding a collection of specimens he has offered him.

Baron Michel Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1813-1900), Belgian liberal politician and scientist, a great authority on dragonflies
Publication details: 
Liege. 26 March 1866.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He writes that he has received the collection of specimens safely, and that there are several that are new to him. He would like to make a selection, but pressure of work makes that impossible, so he is taking the lot at £8 18s 0d. He concludes by expressing pleasure at the news that 'Monsieur Dale' still enjoys good health.

[Printed handbill poem.] Part Song. | "The Torpedo and the Whale" | From Comic Opera "Olivette" | By Audran.

Edmond Audran (1840-1901), French composer of operettas [Henry Brougham Farnie (1836-1889), Scottish librettist]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p., 16mo. On a piece of watermarked laid paper, 17 x 10.5 cm. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with a manuscript correction ('tracts' to 'tracks'). In three numbered stanzas, Farnie's version being in effect an entirely new poem: 'This Fish was indeed Oh! | A Woolwich Torpedo, | But Oh! But Oh! | The big whale did not know.' 'Les noces d'Olivette' was first performed in Paris in 1879; Farnie's English language adaptation starring Florence St. John was performed at the Strand Theatre in London from 1880 to 1881.

Typed Letter Signed ('James Bryce') from the historian and Liberal politician James Bryce, Viscount Bryce, to E. Byrne Hackett of Yale University Press, discussing the American Booksellers Association banquet.

James Bryce (1838-1922), Viscount Bryce, jurist, historian and Liberal politician [Edmond Byrne Hackett (1879-1953), Director of Yale University Press; American Booksellers Association]
Publication details: 
The British Embassy, Washington; 14 April 1911.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Bryce writes that he has not forgotten Hackett's 'invitation to the American Booksellers Association's banquet' in New York, but that it is unlikely that he will be able to attend 'seems to be extremely small, so that I must ask you not to announce me as being present.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Boaden') from the playwright and biographer James Boaden to William Hayley, regarding an edition of Randolph's works 'honour'd by the handwriting of Pope'.

James Boaden (1762-1839), biographer and playwright [William Hayley (1745-1820), poet and biographer, friend of William Cowper and patron of William Blake; Alexander Pope; Thomas Randolph]
Publication details: 
Warren Street, London; 30 April 1804.

1 p, 4to. Bifolium. Sixteen lines, neatly written. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'W. Hayley Esqre.' He begins by thanking him for 'the kind memorial' (a volume of music?); the gift expresses Hayley's 'sense of common civility' and acquaints Boaden 'with a composer of great merit'. 'I tried the effect of his divine art yesterday, Sunday, and could not but wish to hear it from the organ at Chichester'. The rest of the letter concerns 'the subject of Randolph, and the copy of his works honour'd by the hand-writing of Pope'.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mr. Wilson' [the bookseller John Gideon Wilson of Bumpus?].

Edmond Xavier Kapp
Publication details: 
1 April 1930; on letterhead '2 Steele's Studios | Haverstock Hill N W. 3'.

English artist (1890-1978). His wife, Yvonne Kapp, published four novels under the pseudonym Yvonne Cloud. One page, octavo. Very good, though a little creased and with dogeared corners. Reads 'Dear Mr. Wilson, | It is good of you to have taken so much trouble - I am greatly obliged to you. The lists have gone off to Berlin to-day. | All my thanks - & good wishes for a restful holiday'. Signed 'Edmond X. Kapp'.

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