[Jacob Schwartz, American-born proprietor of the Ulysses Bookshop in London, dealer in James Joyce and the Modernists.] Autograph Letter Signed

Jacob Schwartz [Jake Schwartz] (b. 1899, fl. 1960), New York dentist who turned to bookselling and founded the Ulysses bookshop in London, dealing largely in James Joyce and the Modernists
Publication details: 
23 October [no year]. On letterhead of the Ulysses Bookshop, 20 Bury Street, London WC1.

Several James Joyce scholars have turned their attention to Schwartz, an early dealer in his books and manuscripts, as well as publisher of a couple of pirated editions. See William S. Brockman, 'Jacob Schwartz - The Fly in the Honey' in Joyce Studies Annual, Summer 1998. 1p, 4to. On the Ulysses Bookshop letterhead, printed on green paper. Addressed to 'Dear Sir:' and with valediction 'Au Revoir / Dr J Schwartz / prop / Ulysses Books'.

[Robert Lynd, Irish journalist and essayist at whose house James Joyce held his wedding reception.] Typescript, with Autograph Emendations in pencil, of the commencement of Chapter 7, ‘Kinsale’, of his 1912 book ‘Rambles in Ireland’.

Robert Lynd [Robert Wilson Lynd] (1879-1949), Irish journalist and essayist, husband of the poet Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), at whose house James Joyce held his wedding reception
Publication details: 
Circa 1912.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. ‘Rambles in Ireland’ was published in 1912, with illustrations by Jack B. Yeats. On one side each of four 4to leaves of aged and worn paper. The first leaf carries a covering page on which is the typed word ‘KINSALE’; above this Lynd has written in pencil: ‘26 / Rambles in Ireland / (By Robert Lynd) / Chapter VII’. The three pages which follow carry the text: title and 21 lines on the first, and twenty-five lines apiece on the second and third.

[Robert Lynd, Irish journalist and essayist at whose house James Joyce held his wedding reception.] Part of Corrected Autograph Draft of essay on ‘the Irish comic spirit’and ‘the Irish tradition’ in literature.

Robert Lynd [Robert Wilson Lynd] (1879-1949), Irish journalist and essayist, husband of the poet Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), at whose house James Joyce held his wedding reception
Publication details: 
No date, but published in the Irish Book Lover (London and Dublin), vol. 13, 1922.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Unsigned, but in Lynd’s hand and from the Lynd family papers. 6pp, 4to, on six leaves of ruled paper, twenty-six lines to a page. In fair condition, lightly aged, with dog-eared corners. Lynd’s handwriting is execrable, and he employs a number of abbreviations of common words, such as ‘and’, ‘the’, ‘of’. Begins: ‘[...] found expression in literature. / As I have suggested, however, it is in the art of conversation rather than the art of literature that the Irish comic spirit has found its fullest expression.

[Joyce Grenfell, comedian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joyce Grenfell') to 'Mr Chipp', gracefully explaining her reasons for having to refuse for a second time his 'kind invitation'.

Joyce Grenfell [Joyce Irene Grenfell, née Phipps] (1910-1979), comedian, monologist, actress and singer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Flat 8, 34 Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea, SW10 [London]. 27 May 1960.

1p, 16mo. In fair condition, folded once, with two punch holes at margin, one affecting a word of text. She states that it is kind of him to ask her again, and she feels 'very churlish in having to say NO a second time', but her 'autumn-winter plans are complicated by a big concert tour & a lot of other [pro]bable dates', so she must reluctantly refuse his invitation.

[Joyce Grenfell, comedian.] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Joyce Grenfell' and 'Joyce') to Sheridan Russell, one regarding the Bermondsey 'settlement' Time and Talent, the other from New York, on the city, her audiences and the reception of her show.

Joyce Grenfell [Joyce Irene Grenfell, née Phipps] (1910-1979), comedian, monologist, actress and singer [Sheridan Russell (1900-1991), husband of social worker Kit Russell [Kit Stewart] (1909-1998)]
Publication details: 
ONE: 149 King's Road, S.W.3. [London] 9 April 1949. TWO: Laurelton Hotel, West 55th St., New York City. 29 November 1955.

For information on Russell see the Oxford DNB entry on his wife from 1957, the social worker Kit Russell [Katherine Frances Russell, née Stewart] (1909-1998). Both letters are in fair condition, lightly aged and creased. ONE: Signed 'Joyce Grenfell'. 2pp, 12mo. She begins the letter with a question: 'Dear Sheridan Russell. | What is Time and Talents?

[Sir Robert Stawell Ball, Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge and Royal Astronomer of Ireland.] Autograph Signature ('Robert S Ball') cut from letter.

Sir Robert Stawell Ball (1840-1913), Irish astronomer who proposed the screw theory, Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge, Royal Astronomer of Ireland, Andrews Professor of Astronomy, Dublin
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [With letterhead of the Observatory, Cambridge.]

The signature ('Robert S Ball') is on a 3.5 x 11 cm slip of paper, laid down on a piece of light-grey paper cut from an album, with the letterhead 'OBSERVATORY, | CAMBRIDGE' on a second slip laid down on the same piece. In good condition, lightly-aged.

Pomes Penyeach

James Joyce [Shakespeare and Company, Paris; Herbert Clarke, printer]
Publication details: 
Paris: Shakespeare and Company, 1927. ('Copyright by James Joyce | 1927'.)

16mo, twelve leaves (last leaf blank). Unpaginated: a total of twenty printed pages, comprising four prelims, fifteen pages of poems, colophon. Stitched into light brown boards, with 'POMES PENYEACH | by | JAMES JOYCE' printed in green on front board, and 'PRICE ONE SHILLING | Herbert Clarke, Paris' likewise on rear board. Errata slip at rear. First trade edition, following a limited edition of, according to the colophon, 'thirteen copies [...] been printed on Dutch hand-made paper and numbered 1 to 13'.

[ Mona Inglesby and International Ballet. ] Autograph Signatures of Inglesby and 23 members of her International Ballet troupe, including Moira Shearer, Nina Tarakanova, Claudie Léonard Algeranova, Anna Marinova, Joyce Graeme, Rex Reid, Jean Harris.

Mona Inglesby (1918-2006), dancer, choreographer, founder of International Ballet [ Moira Shearer, Nina Tarakanova, Claudie Léonard Algeranova, Anna Marinova, Joyce Graeme, Rex Reid, Jean Harris ]
Publication details: 
No place. Dated 1942.

There has been a recent resurgence of interest in Mona Inglesby and her International Ballet (1942-1951). In 2008 Kay Hunter published a study of the troupe, titled 'Ballet in the Blitz'; then in 2012 BBC Radio 4 aired a documentary about Mona Inglesby and International Ballet, titled 'Black-Out Ballet: The Invisible Woman of British Ballet'. The writer of the documentary, Ismene Brown, gave the following explanation of her motives: 'In 2006 an elderly dancer died in Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. She was 88, and had once been one of Britain's most recognised ballerinas.

[ Thomas Arnold the Younger. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Arnold') to Rev. R. Hutchinson, regarding the views of St Augustine on 'Perseverance and Predestination' and 'the good works of the heathen'.

Thomas Arnold the Younger [ Tom Arnold ] (1823-1900), Professor at University College, Dublin, son of the headmaster of Rugby School and brother of the poet Matthew Arnold, literary scholar (Wikipedia
Publication details: 
Laleham, The Parks. 22 December 1872. [ Laleham on Thames, Middlesex (now Surrey). ]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Arnold, whose conversion to Roman Catholicism hindered his academic dvancement in England, was grandfather of the writer Aldous Huxley, and taught James Joyce at Dublin. At the time of writing he was running a private tutoring establishment at Oxford. He begins the letter by explaining that it has hardly been possible to reply to Hutchinson 'during term time [...] I had so much work on my hands'.

[ Desmond Harmsworth, publisher. ] Two printed catalogues: 'A First List' and 'Spring Books | Nineteen Thirty-Two'.

Desmond Harmsworth [ Cecil Desmond Bernard Harmsworth (1903-1990) ], publisher, 44 Great Russell Street, London, WC1 [ Ezra Pound; James Joyce; Mary Butts ]
Publication details: 
Desmond Harmsworth, 44 Great Russell Street, London WC1. 1931 and 1932. [ The first 'Printed by George W. Jones, At the Sign of The Dolphin, Gough Square, London, EC4. ]

Two stitched pamphlets of uniform design. 15pp., 12mo, and 19pp., 12mo. Tastefully printed, with covers in red and black. Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. The first volume - 'A First List' - has a full-page 'Advertisement' by 'D. H.', in which he aspires to 'offer a fair proportion of what is alive in modern writing - a hope which is my raison d'etre as a publisher [...] nothing, if not lack of sense, or lack of the desire, need stop one from printing whatever is available, and has intrinsic vitality or permanence'.

[Presentation copy from the author.] Selected Verses by Virginia Graham 1939-1945.

Virginia Graham [best friend of the comedienne Joyce Grenfell]
Publication details: 
Printed by the Broadwater Press Ltd, Welwyn Garden City, Herefordshire. [1945.]

[2] + 44pp., 8vo. In lilac paper wraps with title in silver on front cover. Internally in good condition on lightly-aged paper; in worn wraps with creased corner at rear and small square of staining from label on front cover. Inscribed on front pastedown: 'With best wishes | from | Virginia Graham. | 1946.' A charming collection in Grenfell mode, with poems including 'Café Triste' (beginning: 'Miss Tomkinson, do you suppose | That you and I | On this same day next year | Will still be sitting here, | Eating this vegetable pie | Covered white glucose?') and 'V J Day' (beginning: 'Hurray!

[Printed report in 'The Social Survey'.] Children Out of School. An inquiry into the leisure interests and activities of children out of school hours carried out for the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) in November-December 1947.

Joy C. Ward [The Social Survey, Central Office of Information, London; Central Advisory Council for Education (England)]
Publication details: 
N.S.110. Central Office of Information [London]. ('Crown Copyright Reserved'.) June 1948.

76pp., foolscap 8vo. Includes one fold-out leaf. Internally in good condition, on aged paper. In worn and chipped orange card wraps. With shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Divided into the main headings: The Problem of Children's Play; How Much Spare Time?; Clubs and Organisations; Games and Sports; The Cinema and the Radio; Reading and Other Hobbies; What Do Children Like Doing Best? A smaller (and earlier?) version of a 90-page item published with the same title and date, but with the author's name given as 'Joyce Ward'.

[Printed report in 'The Social Survey'.] Children Out of School. An inquiry into the leisure interests and activities of children out of school hours carried out for the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) in November-December 1947.

Joyce Ward [The Social Survey, Central Office of Information, London; Central Advisory Council for Education (England)]
Publication details: 
New Series110. Central Office of Information [London]. ('Crown Copyright Reserved'.) June 1948.

90pp., foolscap 8vo. Includes extra leaf stapled in to make a fold-out. Internally in good condition, on aged paper. Author's 'Introduction' printed on inside front cover. In worn and chipped orange card wraps with damaged spine. With shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Divided into the main headings: The Problem of Children's Play; How Much Spare Time?; Clubs and Organisations; Games and Sports; The Cinema and the Radio; Reading and Other Hobbies; What Do Children Like Doing Best?

Autograph Letter Signed from the writer Robert Innes-Smith, friend of British Union of Fascists leader Sir Oswald Mosley, to James Royston Clark, tried for treason at end of war as 'Number Two' broadcaster in Berlin to 'Lord Haw Haw' [William Joyce].

Robert Innes-Smith, friend of Sir Oswald Mosley [British Union of Fascists; James Royston Clark (b.1923), son of Dorothy Eckersley, 'Number Two' to Nazi collaborator 'Lord Haw Haw', William Joyce]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Old Vicarage, Swinburne Street, Derby. 20 March 2000.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by enquiring whether the recipient is 'the J. R. Clark who appeared recently on TV', whom he 'would love to meet'. 'In 1934 my two aunts were in Germany and wrote letters home. They were keen Nazis and my older aunt met Goering & Goebbles. My grandparents and younger aunt were given luncheon by the Mussolinis when in Rome.' He was 'rivetted' by the television programme, as he was 'transcribing the letters sent to their mother by my aunts when the programme was broadcast'.

Eleven Autograph Letters Signed from the diplomat Sir William Alexander Smart to Ernest Frederick Gye of the Foreign Office, from New York, Saloncia, Beirut, Damascus, and five from Paris, with references to James Joyce, Sylvia Beach and Proust.

Sir William Alexander Smart (1883-1962), British diplomat in the Levant and Egypt [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat; Sylvia Beach; James Joyce; Marcel Proust]
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1917 and 1926. One from New York (1917); one from Salonica (1919); five from Paris (one undated, the other four 1922); one from Beirut (1923); three from Damascus (1924, 1925 and 1926).

Totalling 68 pp, comprising 50 pp, 12mo; 18 pp, 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Two signed 'W. A. Smart' and the others 'WAS.' All addressed to 'My dear Ernest'. Written in a spirited, chatty, and (for a diplomat) surprisingly indiscreet style, of which the beginning of the second letter (Salonica; 19 August 1919), concerning the appointment of Victor Vincent Cusden (1893-1980), gives a good example: 'Were you not content with condemning me to physical and financial ruin in this death-trap? Why, to add to my afflictions, did you send me this pathetic shop-boy?

"Hommage a Thomas Hardy", La Revue Nouvelle

Thomas Hardy
Publication details: 
Paris, Jan/Feb 1928

Special Number. In French. cr.8vo, original printed wraps, partly unopened spine partly frayed and damaged, pages yellowing (cheap paper used), including "Textes Inedits de Thomas Hardy", a letter from James Joyce," etcBiographie - Bibliographie."

BRICRIU'S FEAST | A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS | WITH AN EPILOGUE, with typewritten letter to the author's daughter Ita O'Duffy.

Eimar O'Duffy
Publication details: 
Martin Lester, Ltd, 44 Dawson Street, Dublin; [1919?].

52 pages, 8vo. In original blue printed wraps, which are folded around endpapers, the rear of which bears publisher's advertisements. In poor condition: paper browning and spotting with age, binding loose and wraps frayed and worn, especially at spine. The front wrap has a long closed tear at head, and the indentation of a paper-clip, which attaches the typewritten letter (1 page, 8vo, discoloured and worn at extremities), headed 'Room 102, | Surrey Street. | 7.4.52', from 'Christine' to 'Ita'.

Autograph Signatures ('Gertrude Lawrence.', 'Ivy St. Helier' and 'Joyce Carey').

Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952), Ivy St Helier (1886-1971); Joyce Carey (1898-1993); English actresses associated with Noel Coward
Publication details: 
Dates and places not stated.

On a leaf of cream paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, part of a bifolium taken from an autograph album. Very good. All three signatures are bold and clear. The signatures of Lawrence and St Helier are on one side of the leaf, and that of Carey is on the other. Lawrence's signature is in ink, and the other two in pencil. Three signatures,

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