
[Edinburgh Festival, 1953.] Festival Letterhead with autographs of Sir Malcolm Sargent, Sir Michael Hordern, Alda Noni and two others.

Sir Malcolm Sargent (1895-1967), conductor; Sir Michael Hordern (1911-1994), actor and the original voice of Paddington Bear; Alda Noni (1916-2011), soprano; Edinburgh International Festival, 1953
Publication details: 
1953. On letterhead of The Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Dance.

2pp, 12mo. The five signatures in pencil on a single Festival letterhead. In good condition, slightly discoloured, with two unobtrusive dabs of glue from mount at head of reverse. The three signatures on the recto are headed by Noni’s large bold one: ‘Alda Noni / Edinburgh 1953’. Beneath this is that of ‘[Raul Herrman?] / (beardless) / Aug. 28, ’53’. At the foot is an indecipherable Easter European signature, with small pencil illustration: ‘[Woftniltuntz?]’. On the reverse: ‘Malcolm Sargent’ above ‘Michael Hordern’. Image on request.

[Sir Louis Blom-Cooper, barrister and campaigner for law reform.] Autograph Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, explaining his reservations with regards to writing a review.

Sir Louis Blom-Cooper (1926-2018), barrister and campaigner for law reform, a founder of Amnesty International who played a prominent part in the Hanratty murder case [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
17 January 1975; on letterhead of Goldsmith Building, Temple, EC4 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Dosse was the proprietor of Hansom Books, publishers of ‘Books and Bookmen’ and six other arts magazines. 1 p, 8vo. In good condition, folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Mr. Dossé’ (Dosse did not spell his name with an accent) and signed ‘Louis Blom-Cooper’ (the hyphen, if hyphen it is, consisting of a tiny dot). He is flattered by the request that he ‘contribute occasionally to Books & Bookmen’, and ‘in principle’ he is ‘very willing to review appropriate books’, having written ‘one or two reviews way back in the 1950s’.

[Miron Grindea, editor of the long-lived London literary magazine ‘ADAM International Review’.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Adam’), advising Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’ on the question of applying to Jean-Paul Sartre for a review.

Miron Grindea [born Mondi-Miron Grimberg] (1909-1995), Romanian-born founder and editor of the London literary magazine ‘ADAM International Review’, published 1941-1995 [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
‘Saturday’ [no year]. On letterhead of 1 Palmeira Square, Hove, Sussex.

An interesting item, linking the editors of two prominent literary magazines. See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states, without giving a date, that ‘Chaotic working conditions led to desperation: Grindea sold the title to Frank Cass and retreated to Hove hoping to write his memoirs, but quickly decided he didn't want to and “in agonies of self-flagellation begged Cass to sell back the magazine”’. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players.

['By consent of the Police? NO.': E. V. Knox, editor of 'Punch'.] Typed Card Signed from Cyril Clemens of the Internation Mark Twain Society, asking for Knox's 'definition of democracy', with carbon copy of Knox's reply.

Cyril Coniston Clemens (1902-1999), founder of the International Mark Twain Society, the writer’s third cousin twice removed; E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox, ‘Evoe’] (1881-1971), 'Punch' editor
Publication details: 
Clemens' TCS: 10 January 1969, with his stamp as president of the Internation Mark Twain Society, Webster Groves, Missouri. Carpon of Knox's reply, 1 March 1949.

See Knox’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in fair condition, lightly aged and creased, each with a couple of lightly-rusted pin holes. Clemens’s plain card, with stamps and postmarks, is addressed to ‘E. V. Knox Esq / c/o Punch / London, England.’, and is signed ‘faithfully / C C Clemens’. The message reads: ‘Dear E.V. Knox / We hope the life of President Truman reached you safely? / The Society is arranging a symposium on democracy You may care to send your definition of democracy and a few comments.

['The Rockville Rocket': Gene Pitney, American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s.] Signed Autograph Inscription.

Gene Pitney [Gene Francis Alan Pitney] (1940-2006), 'The Rockville Rocket', American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his obituary in the Guardian, 5 April 2006. On irregularly-shaped trapezoid of ruled paper, roughly 8 cm wide at top, with one vertical side also 8cm, and the other 4cm, giving it a guillotine shape. Lightly aged and ruckled. Blank on the reverse. Reads: ?Best / always / Gene Pitney?.

['The Rockville Rocket': Gene Pitney, American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s.] Signed Autograph Inscription.

Gene Pitney [Gene Francis Alan Pitney] (1940-2006), 'The Rockville Rocket', American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Upon request

See his obituary in the Guardian, 5 April 2006. On irregularly-shaped trapezoid of ruled paper, roughly 8 cm wide at top, with one vertical side also 8cm, and the other 4cm, giving it a guillotine shape. Lightly aged and ruckled. Blank on the reverse. Reads: ‘Best / always / Gene Pitney’.

[Miron Grindea, editor of the literary magazine ‘Adam’.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’, regarding the rudeness (‘to the point of sheer impertinence’) of a member of his staff, and the ‘exchange of ads’.

Miron Grindea [formerly Mondi-Miron Grimberg] (1909-1995), editor of the literary magazine ‘Adam’ [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
1 May 1974; 1 Palmeira Square, Brighton.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The present item is 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice for postage. Signed ‘Miron Grindea’.

[‘Our Government will stand in a sad position amongst the nations’: Sir Edward Fry on non-ratification of the London Declaration concerning the Laws of Naval War.] Autograph Letter Signed to W. H. Dickinson, on the ‘disgrace’ that would result.

Sir Edward Fry (1827-1918), judge and zoologist, Lord Justice of Appeal [Sir Willoughby Hyett Dickinson [latterly Lord Dickinson] (1859-1943), Liberal and then Labour politician]
Publication details: 
25 February 1911. On letterhead of Failand House, Failand, near Bristol.

See Fry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Dickinson was an influential proponent of the League of Nations. The present item concerns the London Declaration concerning the Laws of Naval War, an international code of maritime law, following on from the second Hague Conference. Great Britain, as the world’s chief naval power, had felt that such a court should be governed by defined principles, and had convened an international concerence in London in 1908. The Declaration that was issued three years later comprised 71 articles. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once.

[Printed British Parliamentary paper.] Report of the British Delegates to the International Opium Conference held at the Hague, December 1911-January 1912. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. November 1912.

[1912 Report to the British Parliament of the British Delegates to the International Opium Confer.ence, the Hague, 1911-1912] [HMSO]
Publication details: 
'Miscellaneous. No. 11 (1912).' London: Printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office.

Folio, [ii] + 39 + [i]. Stitched. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight staining to fore-edge. Title-page bearing stamp and withdrawal stamp of the University of Hull.

[Printed British Parliamentary paper.] Report of the British Delegates to the International Opium Conference held at the Hague, December 1911-January 1912. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. November 1912.

[1912 Report to the British Parliament of the British Delegates to the International Opium Confer.ence, the Hague, 1911-1912] [HMSO]
Publication details: 
'Miscellaneous. No. 11 (1912).' London: Printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office.

Folio, [ii] + 39 + [i]. Stitched. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight staining to fore-edge. Title-page bearing stamp and withdrawal stamp of the University of Hull.

[Hilgard Muller, South African Afrikaner National Party Foreign Minister.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hilgard Muller.') to 'Julian and Susanne' [du Parc Braham], sending personal news and congratulations on the birth of their son.

Hilgard Muller (1914-1985), South African Afrikaner politician of the National Party, Mayor of Pretoria, 1953–1955, and Foreign Minister, 1964-1977 [Julian du Parc Braham (1920-1990)]
Publication details: 
27 June 1966. On his letterhead as Minister of Foreign Affairs [South Africa].

3pp, 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. A personal letter, sending congratulations and news on the birth of the recipients' son. Begins: 'Dear Julian and Susanne, | Nita and I would like to offer our sincere congratulations on the birth of your son and heir.

[Minnie Maddern Fiske, American actress.] Autograph Letter Signed, as Vice-President of the International Humane Association, to Edward G. Fairholme of the RSPCA, regarding an 'Anti-Bull-Fight' article by 'Senor de Toledo'.

Minnie Maddern Fiske [born Marie Augusta Davey] (1865-1932), American actress noted for her roles in Ibsen plays [The International Humane Association, New York]
Publication details: 
From New Orleans, Louisiana, 25 November 1910. On letterhead of the International Humane Association, New York.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, aged and worn, folded three times, with labels from mount on blank reverse. With RSPCA date stamp. Singular signature, with all three parts of Fiske's name running into one another, and the middle name elongated. Addressed to Fairholme at the RSPCA, London. 'I regret that the article by Senor de Toledo [i.e. J. Garcia de Toledo of Malaga, Honorary President of the IHA] d[i]d not reach me in time to make it possible for me to send it with our other Anti-Bull-Fight MSS, to the Humane Conference.

[Moral Education League of London (John Stuart Mackenzie, President).] Seventeen pieces of ephemera relating to the MEL, including pamphlets, leaflets, subscription forms, circular letters. With three related documents.

Moral Education League of London, founded 1897 [John Stuart Mackenzie (1860-1935), Scottish philosopher; Alexander Farquharson (1864-1951); W. R. Macpherson]
Publication details: 
The Moral Education League, 6, York Buildings, Adelphi, London, W.C. Circa 1914.

An interesting archive of material relating to a movement whose influence extended beyond the British Empire. In 1906 the MEL had induced the Board of Education to make provision for moral instruction in the education code for England and Wales, and two years later the first in a series of International Moral Education Congresses was held at the University of London, with Michael Sadler in the chair (the sixth and last would take place in Krakow, Poland, in 1934). The twenty items present here are in good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Mona Inglesby and International Ballet. ] Autograph Signatures of Inglesby and 23 members of her International Ballet troupe, including Moira Shearer, Nina Tarakanova, Claudie Léonard Algeranova, Anna Marinova, Joyce Graeme, Rex Reid, Jean Harris.

Mona Inglesby (1918-2006), dancer, choreographer, founder of International Ballet [ Moira Shearer, Nina Tarakanova, Claudie Léonard Algeranova, Anna Marinova, Joyce Graeme, Rex Reid, Jean Harris ]
Publication details: 
No place. Dated 1942.

There has been a recent resurgence of interest in Mona Inglesby and her International Ballet (1942-1951). In 2008 Kay Hunter published a study of the troupe, titled 'Ballet in the Blitz'; then in 2012 BBC Radio 4 aired a documentary about Mona Inglesby and International Ballet, titled 'Black-Out Ballet: The Invisible Woman of British Ballet'. The writer of the documentary, Ismene Brown, gave the following explanation of her motives: 'In 2006 an elderly dancer died in Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. She was 88, and had once been one of Britain's most recognised ballerinas.

[ International Arbitration Association, Bristol. ] Album containing material relating to the Association, assembled by honorary secretary E. T. Wedmore: announcements, notices, and cuttings from provincial newspapers.

West of England and South Wales International Arbitration Association, Bristol [ Edmund Tolson Wedmore (1847-1920), Quaker pacifist; Walter Sturge; Allen Greenwell; Rev. Henry Richard; Peace Society ]
Publication details: 
West of England and South Wales International Arbitration Association. 'Offices: 21 College Green, Bristol.'

Around 70 items laid down on 36pp. of an 8vo. exercise book with ruled grey-paper pages, in quarter-binding with marbled boards with green cloth spine. With around eight more items loosely inserted. In good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Sir Travers Twiss, jurist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Travers Twiss') to C. S. A. Abbott [ the future Lord Tenterden ] regarding 'the United States Courts having limited the criminal consequences of violating neutrality to the Cruise'.

Sir Travers Twiss (1809-1897), jurist who drew up the constitution of the Congo Free State [ Charles Stuart Aubrey Abbott, 3rd Baron Tenterden (1834-1882), diplomat ]
Publication details: 
Temple [ London ]. 21 May 1867.

2pp., 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. When Twiss 'suggested the circumstance', Sir R. Palmer 'had some doubts about the United States Courts having limited the criminal consequences of violating neutrality to the cruise [last word underlined]'. There was also 'some doubt about the effect of a sale by a <?> of a Prize Court to a third party. Twiss thinks 'it might be desirable to print & circulate the enclosed observations bearing upon those two points'.

[ Cecil Lawson, landscape painter. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Cecil Lawson') to London art dealer C. W. Deschamps, regarding the Melbourne International Exhibition.

Cecil Lawson [ Cecil Gordon Lawson ] (1849-1882), English landscape painter [ Charles William Deschamps (1848-1908), London art dealer ]
Publication details: 
Bolton Bridge, Skipton, Yorkshire. 21 July 1880.

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, on aged paper with traces of mount adhering to reverse. Reads: 'Dear Sir | Will you kindly let me know the latest date for sending pictures to the Melbourne International Exhibition and Oblige | Yours very sincerely | Cecil Lawson.'

[ Thomas Spring Rice, Lord Monteagle, Whig politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Monteagle.') to the anonyumous author of a book on decimal coinage, discussing the question and that of 'a common system of international coinage'.

Thomas Spring Rice, 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon (1790-1866), Irish-born British Whig politician,
Publication details: 
Putney Lawn; 2 July 1859.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with traces of grey paper mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Thirty-seven lines of text. The letter is written to the anonymous author of 'Decimal coinage. The plan of the mathematicians rejected by commercial and practical men' (London: Ridgway, 1858), who has sent his work to Monteagle.

[Cecil Harmsworth King, newspaper proprietor.] 103 Autograph Letters Signed and 22 Autograph Cards Signed to Philip Dossé, editor of 'Books and Bookmen', regarding his reviewing and other subjects. With a batch of letters from King's wife Ruth King.

Cecil King [Cecil Harmsworth King] (1901-1987), chairman of Daily Mirror Newspapers and International Publishing Corporation; Dame Ruth Railton (1915–2001) [Philip Dossé, editor of Books and Bookmen]
Publication details: 
All but one of the 115 letters either from The Pavilion, Hampton Court, East Molesey, Surrey, or The Pavilion, Greenfield Park, Dublin. A few of the letters dated from between 1971 and 1979; the others from the same period.

King's letters total 135pp., 12mo; 10pp., 4to. The earlier letters (mainly from East Molesey) all addressed to 'Mr Dossé'; 37 of the later letters (all from Dublin) addressed to 'Dear Philip'. The collection also contains the holograph of King's review of Graham Cleverley's 1976 book 'The Fleet Street Disaster' (6pp, foolscap 8vo), and 11 Autograph Letters Signed and three Autograph Cards Signed to Dossé from King's wife Ruth (neé Railton), dating from between 1971 and 1979. These are written in a chatty style, the letters totalling 25pp., 12mo; 2pp., 4to.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain. ] Duplicated Typescript headed 'Discussion Statement prepared by Middle East Committee', and titled 'Imperialism and Economic Background of Egypt'.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain, International Department (Middle East Committee)] [ Egypt; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ Communist Party of Great Britain, London. ] International Committee, 16, King Street, London, W.C.2. 26th March 1946.

5pp., 8vo. On five foolscap leaves, with duplicate copy of p.4 present. In good condition, lightly aged.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain. ] Duplicated Typescript headed 'Information Document prepared by Africa Committee' on 'The West African Cocoa Industry' (Gold Coast, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and French Cameroons).

[ Communist Party of Great Britain, International Department ] [ West African Cocoa Industry; Gold Coast; Nigeria; Ivory Coast; French Cameroons; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ Communist Party of Great Britain, London. ] International Department, 16, King Street, London, W.C.2. May, 1946.

5pp., 8vo. On five foolscap leaves. In good condition, lightly aged. The report is single-spaced, and factual rather than polemical, describing the 'network of buying stations' (run by 'non-European intermediaries (African or Syrian)') maintained by the 'European firms that buy and export practically the whole crop', and the recommendations of the 1938 Nowell Report.

[ Printed First World War handbill on the Russian Revolution and Reichstag Peace Resolution. ] Peace Negotiations To-Morrow

[ The Women's International League, London; the National Labour Press Ltd., London ] [ Russian Revolution; Reichstag Peace Resolution, 1917 ]
Publication details: 
'Published by the Women's International League, 12 Little College St., S.W.1; Printed by the National Labour Press Ltd., 8 & 9 Johnson's Court, E.C.4. [ 1917 ]

2pp., 12mo. On single leaf. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Headings: 'Support Russia!', 'No Annexations and No Indemnities and the Right of Peoples to determine their own Government', 'Russia demands our practical sympathy, shall she have it?' and 'The Peace Negotiations could begin to-morrow'. The document begins: 'The British people have acclaimed the Russian Revolution.

'The Spanish Civil War', Catalogue 55 by Hammersmith Books (Ronald Gray), with 'Over 4,000 books, pamphlets, documents, photo's, newspapers & other material'. Foreword ('Collecting Material on the Spanish Civil War') by Herbert Rutledge Southworth.

[ Hammersmith Books (Ronald Gray), Barnes, London ] [The International Brigades, Spain 1936-1939; the Spanish Civil War; Herbert Rutledge Southworth ]
Publication details: 
Hammersmith Books, High Street, Barnes, London, SW13. [1972.]

68pp., folio. Stapled. In printed card wraps in red and black, with Robert Capa photograph on cover. In fair condition, worn and aged. Markings, mainly in pencil, throughout. In manuscript at head of p.1: 'Reference copy - prices no longer apply'. Loosely inserted is a typed page carrying a list of books, headed 'SPAIN. FICTION. Spanish Civil War and after.' Southworth's foreword (2pp., in small type) is titled 'Collecting Material on the Spanish Civil War by Herbert Rutledge Southworth (Author of "El Mito de la Cruzada de Franco," "Antifalange" & numerous articles on the Spanish Civil War)'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Workmen's International Exhibition, 1870. Report of the General Conference of Delegates, held at the Theatre of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, on Monday, January 10, 1870.

[ Conference of Delegates, Workmen's International Exhibition, 1870; Theatre of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London; A. J. Mundella; T. H. Huxley; Auberon Herbert; Samuel Morley ]
Publication details: 
London: Published at the Offices of the Workmen's International Exibition, 150, Strand, W.C. [1870.] [Dunlop & Co., Printers, King's-head Court, Shoe Lane, E.C.]

40pp., 12mo. In small print. In good condition, in brown paper wraps with manuscript label. Giving the text of speeches by delegates including the MPs Samuel Morley, Thomas Hughes, W. H. Smith, and A. J. Mundella; Auberon Herbert; and the chairman T. H. Huxley. Stamp and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library on title-page, and stamp on front wrap.

[Offprint of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London.] Franco-American and Franco-British Relations. (Paper read on June 15th, 1926.)

M. André Siegfried [The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from "Journal of Royal Institute of International Affairs," September 1926.'

14pp., 8vo, paginated 225-238. Stitched pamphlet in grey printed wraps. Somewhat worn and aged, with pin hole passing through the pamphlet at head. Siegried's aim is to 'study as frankly as possible the spirit of Franco-American relations. Then - and this might look bold, as I am speaking to a British audience - I will try to analyse what I think is the spirit of Anglo-American relations.

[Horatio Bottomley, MP and fraudster.] Ten legal documents (three signed by Bottomley) relating to his purchase, from the receiver Charles Fox, of the assets of his 'Sol Syndicate', set up for the acquisition of The Sun newspaper.

Horatio Bottomley (1860-1933), Liberal MP, fraudster and proprietor of the London newspapers The Sun, John Bull and Sunday Illustrated [Charles Fox, receiver; Harry Weber]
Publication details: 
London. Between 1902 and 1907.

From the papers of The Sun's receiver, Charles Fox of 11 Old Jewry, London. The ten items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. According to Bottomley's entry in the Oxford DNB, ' In 1902 he bought a moribund evening newspaper, The Sun.

[Sir John Fischer Williams, international lawyer.] Typed Letter Signed ('John Fischer Williams') to R. F. Harrod, Hon. Sec., Oxford University Liberal Association, expounding at length on Professor Gilbert Murray and proportional representation.

Sir John Fischer Williams (1870-1947), English international lawyer and authority on proportional representation [Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), classical scholar and internationalist; electoral reform]
Publication details: 
British Delegation, Reparation Commission, 7 Rue de Tilsitt, Paris XVII. 19 March 1929.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On two leaves, with the second attached at the head of the blank reverse to a piece of grey card. In fair condition, on aged paper. He writes that he will be 'very glad to sign the memorandum enclosed with your letter of the 14th instant in support of Professor Gilbert Murray'. He proceeds to remark at length on a 'statement in the last paragraph of the memorandum as to the working of Proportional Representation'.

[BBC TV International Balloon Race, May 1965.] BBC Press Service press pack with two maps (one of the 'Revised Route'), plan with text of 'The Free Balloon', biography of producer Brian Branston, 'Who's Who', 'Topographical Background' and 'History'.

BBC TV International Balloon Race, May 1965 [Brian Branston (1914-1993); Jacques Demenint; Charles Dollfus; ballooning]
Publication details: 
One item on BBC Press Service (London) letterhead, dated 'May 1965 | CMG'

Eight items, in good condition on aged paper, with the three photographic illustrations darkened. In blue card folder. ONE: Mimeographed typed biography of 'Ronald Victor Brian Branston'. On BBC Press Service letterhead; May 1965. 1p., 4to. TWO: Mimeographed typed 'Who's Who'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo. With entries on nine balloonists (from Albert van den Bemden to Anthony Smith, and including Charles Dollfus, 'curator of France's air museum') and two passengers. THREE: Mimeographed typed 'Topographical Background'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo.

[Booklet; Ballantyne Press] Edinburgh Exhibitiuon 1886 | Printing as in the Olden Time at the Ballantyne Press Olde Streete | CATALOGUE

[Ballantyne Press; Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
The Ballantyne Press | Ballantyne & Hanson, Edinburgh London, [1886]

Booklet, [16pp., 16mo, inc. paper covers. foxing, mainly good condition. Two copies listed on COPAC, Edinburgh and the National Library of Scotland.

[William Strang, Scottish painter and etcher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm Strang') to 'Daffarn', regarding an engagement with him and his 'friend Watson'.

William Strang (1859-1921), Scottish painter and etcher, President of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 7 Hamilton Terrace, NW [London]. 2 April 1907.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Daffarn | I will be in any time in the afternoon after 2.30 on Friday, & will be pleased to see you and your friend Watson. | The work goes on slowly but I think I will finish in time.'

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