[Julian Herbage, musicologist and BBC broadcaster.] Typed Letter Signed to gamba player Ambrose Gauntlett, regarding broadcast titled ‘Foundations of Music’, in which Gauntlett is taking part.

Julian Herbage [Julian Livingstone Herbage] (1904-1976), English musicologist and BBC broadcaster [Ambrose Gauntlett (1889-1978), gamba player and continuo cellist]
Publication details: 
25 February 1935; on letterhead of The British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, London, W.1.

See the two men’s obituaries in The Times. 1p, 12mo. With thin mourning border. On aged and creased paper, with nicks and closed tears to edges, and slight loss at one corner. Folded twice. He is enclosing a programme for ‘Foundations of Music / Tuesday, March 26th’, ‘in which you are taking part’. He gives the time for ‘The rehearsal and balance test’. ‘Both transmission and rehearsal at Broadcasting House.’

[‘Good old-timers’: Naomi Jacob, writer and actress, to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope.] Seven Typed Letters Signed (three ‘Mickie’), with copies of two replies, discussing Marie Lloyd, Bernard Dillon, Julian Wylie, Ivor Novello, ENSA, BBC.

Naomi Jacob [Naomi Eleanor Clare Jacob, pseudonym ‘Ellington Gray’] (1884-1964), lesbian writer and actress [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Six of her letters, dating from between 1951 and 1956; all from Casa Micki, Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy. The seventh letter dated 24 June [1945]; from Italy, with ‘ENSA Entertainments. / C/o Welfare, 6th. Brit. Armde. Div. / C. M. F.’

An entertaining and characteristic correspondence. See both their entries in the Oxford DNB. The nine items (seven by Jacob and two by Macqueen-Pope) are in fair overall condition, with all text clear and complete, on lightly aged and creased paper, with slight rust-staining from paperclips, and minor wear to edges. All folded for envelopes. The first seven of the nine following entries are NJ’s letters (the last four of which are addressed to ‘My dear Popie’), the last two the copies of MP’s. ONE: 24 June [1945]. ‘ENSA Entertainments. / C/o Welfare, 6th. Brit. Armde. Div. / C. M.

[Julian Huxley, biologist, first director of UNESCO, as Secretary of Zoological Society of London.] Typed Note with cyclostyled signature, informing Dr Maurice Ernest that he does not consider the 'main thesis' of his book 'biologically justified'.

Julian Huxley [Sir Julian Sorell Huxley] (1887-1975), evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, first director of UNESCO, brother of Aldous Huxley, grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley [Dr Maurice Ernest]
Publication details: 
15 March 1941. On letterhead of the Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, London, N.W.8.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. Cyclostyled signature: 'Julian S. Huxley'. Addressed to 'Dr. Maurice Ernest, | New Court, | Esher, | Surrey.' He apologises for having been unable to read his book, adding: 'I am afraid I cannot feel that your main thesis is biologically justified'. It is obvious why Huxley did not look beyond the title, as the book he is clearly referring to is Ernest's 'Lives of 300 years and continual rejuvenation' (1942).

[Julian Huxley, biologist, first director of UNESCO, as Secretary of Zoological Society of London.] Typed Note with cyclostyled signature, informing Dr Maurice Ernest that he does not consider the 'main thesis' of his book 'biologically justified'.

Julian Huxley [Sir Julian Sorell Huxley] (1887-1975), evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, first director of UNESCO, brother of Aldous Huxley, grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley [Dr Maurice Ernest]
Publication details: 
15 March 1941. On letterhead of the Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, London, N.W.8.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. Cyclostyled signature: 'Julian S. Huxley'. Addressed to 'Dr. Maurice Ernest, | New Court, | Esher, | Surrey.' He apologises for having been unable to read his book, adding: 'I am afraid I cannot feel that your main thesis is biologically justified'. It is obvious why Huxley did not look beyond the title, as the book he is clearly referring to is Ernest's 'Lives of 300 years and continual rejuvenation' (1942).

[Hilgard Muller, South African Afrikaner National Party Foreign Minister.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hilgard Muller.') to 'Julian and Susanne' [du Parc Braham], sending personal news and congratulations on the birth of their son.

Hilgard Muller (1914-1985), South African Afrikaner politician of the National Party, Mayor of Pretoria, 1953–1955, and Foreign Minister, 1964-1977 [Julian du Parc Braham (1920-1990)]
Publication details: 
27 June 1966. On his letterhead as Minister of Foreign Affairs [South Africa].

3pp, 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. A personal letter, sending congratulations and news on the birth of the recipients' son. Begins: 'Dear Julian and Susanne, | Nita and I would like to offer our sincere congratulations on the birth of your son and heir.

[ George Julian Harney, Chartist and journalist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('G. J. Harney' and 'G. Julian Harney') to the bookseller Bertram Dobell, assessing the character of George Augustus Sala, and bemoaning the state of his health.

G. J. Harney [ George Julian Harney ] (1817-1897), Chartist and journalist [ Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), London bookseller and literary scholar; George Augustus Sala (1828-1895), journalist ]
Publication details: 
The first from 27 St Mary's Grove, Richmond-on-Thames, Surrey.,21 August 1895. The second with placve not stated, 12 September 1895.

Dobell is not named, but the second letter contains a reference to the recipient's wife 'Mrs. Dobell'. Both letters 2pp., 12mo, and both in good condition, on lightly aged paper. ONE: 21 August 1895. Signed 'G. J. Harney.' He makes an order of books from the library of George Augustus Sala, of whom he 'cannot profess to be an admirer': 'clever, versatile, a typical journalist; but not of the stuff of Cobbett, Wooler, Hone (before he became a melancholy mad religious crank) or Hetherington – or Hunt (John).

[ The Soakers' Club, a 'convivial club' in Covent Garden. ] Club rules and 'Promoter's Address' by Julian Sharman, printed by the Chiswick Press.

Julian Sharman, 'Promoter' of the Soakers' Club, Covent Garden, London [ The Chiswick Press, London ]
Publication details: 
'Printed at the Chiswick Press' [ Chiswick Press: - Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane ]. 1874. [ Sharman's address dated from 'Covent Garden, | May, 1874.'

[1] + 13pp., 12mo. Stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A tasteful production in grey printed wraps. Elaborate pseudo-seventeenth-century design to title-page replicated on front cover. Five-page 'Promoter's Address'' to 'My Friend and Pitcher', signed in type by Sharman, followed by a page listing the five members of the 'Committee, 1874-5' (Julian Sharman; Henry S. Leigh; Bourchier F. Hawksley; Jas. J. Railston; F. W. Robinson), and five pages carrying the club's fourteen rules.

British Army Boer War map of 'Melmonth [ i.e. Melmoth ]': 'Sheet No. 37' in 'Transvaal (Major Jackson's Series)'.

Major H. M. Jackson, Royal Engineers [ Field Intelligence Department, Pretoria; Boer War map: Melmoth, Transvaal ]
Publication details: 
[ British Army ] Field Intelligence Department, Pretoria, 1901. 'Photo-lithographed - Pretoria - June 1901 | Mapping Section - Field Intelligence Dept - Army Head Qrs.'

Photolithographically printed in black on one side of a 51 x 63 cm. piece of cloth, folding into a 16.5 x 11 cm. packet, in green printed cloth covers backed with card. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor signs of age and wear. Cover reads: 'Transvaal. | (Major Jackson's Series). | Sheet No. 37. | Melmonth. | Field Intelligence Department. | Pretoria, 1901.' Signed in pencil on front cover 'G S Scovell | Cam Hrs.' In top left-hand corner of map: 'No. 37'. In bottom left-hand corner: 'Compiled in Surveyor General's Office - Pretoria underdirection [sic] of MAJOR H. M. JACKSON R.E. Mch.

'1st. Battn. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. | Drill Programme.' [ Printed card with autograph note by Scovell stating authorship. ]

Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders [ Lieut-Col. G. J. S. Scovell [ George Julian Selwyn Scovell ] (1881-1948), deputy Director-General of Recruiting, 1918; General Secretary of National Liberal Party ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but dated by Scovell to 1910.

Printed on both sides of a 15 x 11 cm piece of card. In good condition, lightly-aged. Unsigned autograph note by Scovell on reverse: 'Drawn up by me when adjt.

[ H. H. L. Malcolm, as Lieutenant-Colonel, 2nd Cameron Highlanders. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Huntly Malcolm') to G. J. S. Scovell, discussing his desire for an exchange from the first battalion, and his own polo accident.

Brigadier-General H. H. L. Malcolm [ Brigadier General Henry Huntly Leith Malcolm ] (1860-1938) [ Lieut-Col. George Julian Selwyn Scovell (1881-1948), 1st Cameron Highlanders ]
Publication details: 
From Fort-Manoel [ Malta ], on letterhead of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders ('Egypt'). 22 December 1903.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. He begins by telling him that there is 'no chance of an exchange to this Battalion, all were asked lately and said they did not wish to exchange to the 1st Battn.' He suggests that Scovell's 'best chance' is to 'fill a vacancy caused by a Promotion', in which case he may be 'brought in instead of their gazetting a youngster to us'.

[ C. K. Jaeger ('Karel Jaeger'), fantasy writer. ] Unpublished typescripts of two fantasy novels, '"The Autobiography of a Flea" or A Kind of Memoir' and 'Letters from an Oyster Bed'.

C. K. Jaeger [ Cyril Karel Stuart Jaeger] (1912-2008), fantasy and children's writer under the name 'Karel Jaeger', friend and landlord of Fitzrovia writer Julian Maclaren-Ross (1912-1964)
Publication details: 
Both composed in Elmer, West Sussex, in 1955.

The colourful life of the 'deeply eccentric Bradford-born writer' Jaeger is the subject of a good obituary in the Scotsman, 2 October 2008. In his youth Jaeger was adopted by Lady Margaret Sackville, and moved in Edinburgh high society. While studying at Montpelier University he developed a close friendship with the Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore. While living in Bognor Regis he made the acquaintance of Julian Maclaren-Ross, with whom he sampled the wares of Fitzrovia.

[Captain G. Skeffington Smyth, Adjutant, The Motor Volunteer Corps.] Typed Letter Signed, a circular requesting that the recipient 'assist the Admiralty [...] by helping to drive the Officers of the French Fleet from London to Maidenhead'.

Captain G. Skeffington Smyth [Lt-Col. Geoffrey Henry Julian Skeffington Smyth [FitzPatrick] (1873-1939], DSO, Adjutant, The Motor Volunteer Corps [The Admiralty, London; the Entente Cordiale, 1904]
Publication details: 
29 Sackville Street, London, W. 25 July 1905.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An interesting document, from the period immediately following the signing of the Entente Cordiale.

[Christie, Manson & Woods auction catalogue.] Catalogue of the Highly Important Collection of Pictures formed by the Right Honourable Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart., P.C., M.P., deceased.

Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart., P.C., M.P. [Christie, Manson & Woods, London auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, At their Great Rooms, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, On Saturday, June 13, 1896. [London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.]

33pp., 8vo. In brown printed wraps. Disbound from a collection of pamphlets, and with library stitching on spine. Aged and worn, with stamp of the Free Public Library, Wigan, to damaged front cover. Covers and last leaf loose. 82 lots with unusually detailed descriptions. Mostly devoted to British artists, the collection included a Constable, couple of Turners, three Gainsboroughs and four by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Scarce: the only copy on COPAC or WorldCat at Oxford.

[Modernist magazine.] Six issues of 'Twentieth Century Verse' (10, 11, 12-13, 14, 17, 18), with cover by Wyndham Lewis and contributions by George Barker, Delmore Schwartz, John Berryman, Allen Tate.

Julian Symons, editor of the London modernist magazine 'Twentieth Century Verse' [Wyndham Lewis; George Barker; Roy Fuller; Robert Conquest; Allen Tate; Delmore Schwartz; John Berryman
Publication details: 
[The Editor, 45 St, George's Square, London, S.W.1.] Published between May 1938 (No. 10) and June/July 1939 (No. 18). [Diemer & Reynolds Ltd., printers, MIdland Road, Bedford.]

Each of the six issues in its original card wraps, the first four with cover design by Wyndham Lewis. Internally good, on lightly aged paper, in aged and worn wraps. A total of 176pp., 8vo. No.10 (May 1938), pp.29-54. No.11 ('Long poems by George Barker and Kenneth Allott', July 1938), pp.55-78. No.12-13 ('an attempt to get inside the covers of a small magazine a number of the best, and most representative, living poets born in America', October 1938), pp.79-118. No.14 (December 1938), pp.119-142. No.17 (April/May 1939), pp.1-26. No.18 ('A Special Number', June/July 1939), pp.27-62.

Autograph Letter Signed from Bartholomew Price, Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Oxford, proposing to Julian Yonge ('Yonge') that his sister Charlotte Yonge write a series of educational books for the Clarendon Press.

Bartholomew Price (1818-1891), Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy and Master of Pembroke College, Oxford, mathematician [Julian Yonge (1830-1892), brother of writer Charlotte Mary Yonge]
Publication details: 
Bude, Cornwall. 24 July 1865.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. With mourning border. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'My dear Yonge, | I dare say you remember my telling you of the proposed series of educational books to be issued from the Clarendon Press, Oxford, and asking whether your sister would be willing to undertake any English books, if the Delegates of the Press should make an offer to her.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Julian Pauncefote') from Sir Julian Pauncefote, Ambassador to the United States, to Lord Aberdeen, Governor General of Canada, regarding tours of Canada by Justice Harlan and French Ambassador Jules-Martin Cambon.

Julian Pauncefote (1828-1902), 1st Baron Pauncefote, the first British Ambassador to the United States, 1893-1902 [John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon (1847-1934), 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of the British Embassy, Washington, but with the location changed in manuscript in second letter to 'New London' [Prince Edward Island, Canada]. 21 June 1897 and 27 August 1898.

Both items 4pp., 12mo, and bifoliums. Both in fair condition, on aged paper; the first with slight wear to one corner. In the first letter Pauncefote informs Aberdeen that Justice John Marshall Harlan (1833-1911), who has just visited him, is planning a summer holiday 'at Murray Bay in your Dominion'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Eversley') from to 'Mr Yonge' [Julian Bargus Yonge of Otterbourne House?], the second with reference to the British Museum.

J.B. Yonge
J.B. Yonge
Publication details: 
20 March 1868 and May 24 1873, the first from 69 Eaton Place, London, and the second on the letterhead of the British Museum.
J.B. Yonge

Both 12mo, 2 pp. On bifoliums, the first with mourning border. Both texts clear and complete. Aged and lightly creased, with the first item bearing traces of being mounted in an album. Letter One: He hopes to be 'present at the next Sessions', and will be 'quite prepared after the County business is over, to attend the Committee of Subscribers to Sir William Heathcotes Portrait'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Julian B. Arnold') to Raffin, commenting on the state of the American book trade.

Julian Biddulph Arnold, author, and son and biographer of Sir Edwin Arnold (1832-1904) [Alain Raffin]
Publication details: 
20 September 1921; 5132 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, Illinois [on cancelled letterhead].

4to, 2 pp. Twenty-seven lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged and slightly creased paper. He cannot help Raffin find an American publisher for his book 'Mystery, Mirage and Miracle' (privately printed for the author in London in 1921), although he finds its style 'delightful', and its subject matter 'one which deeply interests me'. 'The book-market is in a very strained condition - a sort of transition period with all the publishers "sitting on the fence", and the public refusing to by any books except a few which have the luck to become fashionable'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Julian Pauncefote') to his subordinate at the Washington Legation, 'Barry'.

Julian Pauncefote (1828-1902), 1st Baron Pauncefote, British diplomat
Publication details: 
19 September 1891; on letterhead of the British Legation, Washington (with that city replaced in manuscript by 'Newport R.S.')

12mo, 4 pp. In bifolium. 42 lines. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He thanks him for the news of the 'progress of repairs &c at the Legation', and approves 'of your having ordered extra help to scrub the floors after all the mess which no doubt the workmen left behind them "more americano".' The former state of the 'kitchen flue [...] may account for the apparent inefficiency of the old Range'. He will return on the 'arrival of the next F.O. Bag on Monday'. Gives his travel plans.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J M Villasante.') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Professor J. M. Villasante [Julian Martinez-Villasante y Navarro] (1876-1945), Senior Lecturer, Department of Spanish Studies, University of London (1913-1936)
Publication details: 
19 January 1920, on letterhead of the Senior Common Room, King's College, London W.C.; 5 February 1921, 28 Home Park Road, Wimbledon Park, London S.W.19.

Both docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Letter One (12mo, 2 pp, good): Discussing the syllabus of the Royal Society's Spanish examinations. Ends: 'I think that there is need of arriving at some uniform standard of difficulty and of arrangement of the papers set.' Letter Two (4to, 4 pp, good, with top left-hand corner of first leaf torn away, though not affecting text): A long defence of an examination paper set by him against the criticisms of 'Mr Frank J. Allen', who has sat it. 'Mr. Allen, to me it seems as if he does not know his own language, he writes Castilian with two lls.

Typed Letter Signed ('Juliette') to 'Dick' [Frank Richard Cowell, b.1897], together with carbon of typed reply.

Juliette Huxley [Lady Marie Juliette Baillot] (1896-1994), wife of the English scientist Julian Huxley (1887-1975) [Frank Richard Cowell]
Publication details: 
Letter, 27 January 1966; on letterhead 31, Pond Street, Hampstead, N.W.3. Reply, 29 January 1966.

Juliette Huxley's letter is 4to: 2 pp. Good, though lightly creased and attached to the other items by a paperclip. The correspondence mainly concerns a book by Cowell's eventually published under the title 'The garden as a fine art: from antiquity to modern times' (1978). She begins by describing Mary Wellesley: 'quite a character [...] lives in a small house off St. James's Palace, and entertains by candlelight.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Miss J. Scott Rogers, | Acting Secretary, | Royal Society of Arts'.

Julian Mockford [SOUTH AFRICA]
Publication details: 
11 September 1943; on letterhead of the 'OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, | Trafalgar Square, | LONDON, W.C.2.'

South African author and journalist (1898-1950), Public Relations Officer at the South African High Commission. One page, octavo. Very good if somewhat grubby. Docketed and stamped. 'Herewith the translation by a colleague, as asked for in your letter dated September 9. I hope "Here are South Africans" does not bore you too much!'

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